HOW DO PROJECTS ARISE? passion project people’s need/problem project financing project

HOW DO PROJECTS ARISE? passion project people’s need/problem project financing project

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Page 1: HOW DO PROJECTS ARISE? passion project people’s need/problem project financing project


passion project

people’s need/problem project

financing project

Page 2: HOW DO PROJECTS ARISE? passion project people’s need/problem project financing project




PROJECT actions undertaken to achieve the assumed results

actions towards a given target group actions in a defined, finite timespan actions pertaining to a given area


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LEITMOTIF– what is the central theme, thought, maybe even a quote or a piece of poetry, which describes our idea?

MEDIUM/FORM – in what way, by means of what methods and which medium (words, sound, picture…) are we going to are we going to carry out our leitmotif, is the medium appropriate for our group?

PEOPLE – for whom and with whom are we carrying out our project?

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DICTIONARY OF DIFFICULT TERMSNGO (nongovernmental organization)– an association,

foundation, trade union, sports club, in some cases even religious association (registered in the appropriate records)

Informal group– non-registered groups, e.g. amateur theatres, amateur sports teams etc.

Subsidy/grant – funds given by public or private entity towards a given goal, on the basis of an agreement– you have to account for the money spent.

Donation – funds or items given towards a specified goal, by a public or private entity (may be regulated by an agreement, but not necessarily) – usually accounting for the expenses is not required

Sponsorship – trade agreement for a barter of services (usually promotional) between a company or an individual and an organization (or an individual)

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Analiza SWOT

S - Strenght

W – Weaknesses

O – Opportunities

T – Threats

S & W pertain to the internal structure of the institution and the status quo. O & T pertain more to the external factors (though are not limited to them), but also to the status quo and the future.

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PEST Analysis also known as the general segmentation of factors. It divides factors into legal and political, economic, social, technological and international.

P – political (legal and political)

E – economic

S – social (sociocultural)

T – technological

1.Distinguishing factors pertaining to the particular elements of the macro environment

2.Establishing the influence f each of the factors on the functioning of the institution/organization/project

3.Determining the relationship between the subject under examination and the environment

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What am I planning to do? – particular actions

Who are the actions for?

Which forms of action do I choose?

Are the forms of action I choose and are they appropriate for their recipients/consumers?

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Why do I want to do this in particular?

What is my personal motivation?Why do I believe it is worth to carry

out my undertaking?

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WHERE/GDZIEWhat city/town/village am I planning to carry

out my actions? Why there? In what place am I going to conduct the

planned actions? Where are we going to meet?

Where are we going to present our actions?Is the space I selected attractive to the

participants?Forget about culture houses, boring

classrooms, ugly community spaces – where can my group be meeting? Is there an unusual space, an interesting space I can use in the city (etc.) I am going to work?

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When do I want to conduct my actions?

What days/time/months do I choose and why?

Is the time I choose going to be appropriate/good/interesting for the participants/recipients of my actions?

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What do I want to achieve? What is the goal of my actions? – is it some sort of

a change, if yes, then what?What do I want to achieve? What am I afraid of? What will be the factor that will show my project

is successful/unsuccessful? How will I document my actions?What will happen once my project finishes? Am I

going to continue my actions?

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Why am I carrying out this idea? (the reason)What for am I doing this? (the outcome)What/who/where do I want to change?What is the sustainable, realistic effect that I

may have on the problem?Am I able to find a solution to this

problem?What is my personal motivation?Why is it worth it to carry out my

undertaking?Does my action have an indirect effect on

a given situation? How influential is it


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SIMPLE – the goal should be to the point, understandable, and not leaving place for interpretationMEASURABLE - it should be formulated in such a way that the level of its achievement can be stated in figures, or at least so that there are clear criteria of its attainment ACHIEVABLE - realistic; one that is too ambitious undermines your faith in achieving it, and at the same time it destroys your motivation RELEVANT – the goal should be an important step forwards, as well as it should be important for the person striving to achieve itTIMELY DEFINED – the timespan/deadline of attaining the goal should be well defined

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• Short-term:

• - achieved during or just after the implementation of the project

• - temporary

• - the effects are not stable

• Long-term:

• - long-lasting or constant

• - achieved, or lasting long after the project has been implemented

• - the effects are long-lasting

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What are the particular actions by means of which I will achieve my goals?

What activities are necessary to conduct my project? What are the future actions going to be?What are the future stages/elements of my actions? What are the goals of each element of my actions? What types of action do I choose?Are the forms chosen by me appropriate for my


Is a theatrical play a goal or is it an action?

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What is the target group of my actions (age, social group, sex, interests, place of residence…)

How big is the group going to be?Why is this my target group?Are the actions I have chosen going to be

attractive/interesting to them?


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Target Groups

• A well defined group of the project’s recipient, defined according to e.g. age, sex, interests, place of residence…

• Participants of the project – people taking active part

• Beneficiaries of the project – recipients of the effects, they benefit from the project

• Direct recipients (e.g. participants of workshops) – involved in the implementation, benefit from the effects

• Indirect recipients (e.g. local authorities, recipients of the promotional activities, teachers…) – passive recipients

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Who is going to implement the project?How am I going to divide the

responsibility?What qualifications do the implementers

of the project and its subsequent elements need?


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Who will help me to implement my project?What partners do I need?What will they be responsible for?In what way will I utilize their support? What do I expect from them?

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Effects vs GoalsGoal – what do I want to achieve?e.g. broadening of knowledge, dissemination of an idea etc.Effect – a specific result of a project e.g. number of people who have taken the course, the

number of events, the number of publications What is it that I want to achieve? If my goal is to change something, what is it that I

want to change? Is my project going to change something: In my beneficiaries lives My organization Or is it going to play a role in a bigger social change? What am I afraid of? What is going to be the indicator of the effects of my

actions – how will I measure them? What will happen once my project is implemented?


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Indicators – the calculable effects of the project, owing to which we cam measure the rate/scale of the project’s goals achievement e.g.

•The number of people trained, •The number of events,•The number of publications•The number of participants•The number of people who benefited from the effects of the proect•The number of notes in the media

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e.g. PHOTOVILLAGE –photography workshop for children

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Why are we promoting the project? What are the goals of the promotion?Are the promotional actions effective and appropriately chosen to suit the target group?Do the promotional actions overshadow the project?How much will a professional promotion cost?

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SCHEDULE OF PROJECT REALIZATION – what, where, when, who?


Promotion of the project Foundation WSAD 1-15 AUGUST 2014

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Timeline |-----------|----|---------|----------|-------|---------|-----> - 8 week -6 week -5 -3 week -2 week - 1 week event

Gantt's Matrix


1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week





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What generates the costs?

Activity 1:

• Fees/salaries

• Costs of journey

• Office materials

• Telephone costs

Activity 2:

• Equipment rent

• Equipment operating

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Estimating of the costs

1. asking about a price/pricing

2. internet search:

• price comparision websites

• eBay

• product calalogs

• hotel booking websites, flight searches

3. catalogs, offers, price-lists

4. official (or legal) rates and indicators (as minimum salary, per-diem, ect.)

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expenditures unit x unit price TOTAL Seeking grant

Proper funds

Photo materials 10 sets x 100 EUR 1000 1000 0

Lector salaries 12 hours x 50 EUR 600 400 200

Posters 100 pieces x 0,35 EUR 35 35 0

Train tickets to the event 15 tickets x 34 EUR 510 510 0

Phone calls costs 5 months x 100 EUR 500 500 0

TOTAL 2645 2445200