How do geological processes and climate change affect evolution?

How do geological processes and climate change affect evolution?

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Page 1: How do geological processes and climate change affect evolution?

How do geological processes and climate change affect evolution?

Page 2: How do geological processes and climate change affect evolution?

It is by the ff.- Tectonic plates movements

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• Volcanic Eruption

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• Earthquake

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• Climate Change

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Geologic Processes Affects Natural Selection

• The tectonic plates have drifted slowly on the planets mantle.

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• The location of continents and oceanic basins have greatly influenced the earth’s climate and thus helped to determined where animals and plants can live.

• Species has allowed to move , adapt a new environment and form new species to natural selection.

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Climate change and Catastrophes affect natural selection

• Cooled • Covered with ice

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• Warm • Melted ice and raised the sea level

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How do speciation , extinction and human activities affects biodiversity?

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• It can decrease biodiversity by causing premature extinction of species and by destroying or degrading habitats needed for the development of new species

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How do new species evolve• It is by NATURAL SELECTION and also called as


• SPECIATION- it is a process where a specie splits into 2 or more different kinds of species.

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2 Kinds of Speciation

• 1. Geographic Isolation- a specie become physically isolated from one another for a long period of time.

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• 2. Reproductive Isolation• - mutation and change by natural selection

operate independently in the gene pools of geographically isolated populations.

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Extinction is forever

• Extinction- a process in which an entire specie ceases to exist or a population of a specie becomes extinct or gone over a large region but not globally.

• Ex. Endemic specie- specie that found only in one area.

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2 kinds of extinction

• 1. Background extinction- species have disappeared at a low rate (1 to 5 species extinct)

• 2. Mass extinction.- species have disappeared at a high rate (a large group of specie extinct)

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What is species diversity and why is it important?

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• Species diversity is a major component of biodiversity and tends to increase the sustainability of some ecosystems.

• Species diversity includes the variety and abundance of specie in a particular place.

• - species richness• - species evenness

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What roles do species play in an ecosystem?

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• Each species plays an ecological role called NICHE.

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Page 24: How do geological processes and climate change affect evolution?

• It is the natures ultimate survivors lived around 350 million years.

• They survived because they can eat anything that they see.

• 3500 different kinds of cockroaches• They also have 2000 lenses in their eyes• And did you know that Asian cockroaches can

offspring a 10 million eggs in their entire life.

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Niches can be occupied by native and nonnative species.

• Native species -species that are normally live and thrive in a

particular ecosystem.• Nonnative species -species that migrating or accidentally

introduced into an ecosystem

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Indicator Species serve as biological smoke alarms

• Birds are also excellent as biological indicators because they are found almost everywhere and they are affected quickly by environmental changes.

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Revisiting amphibians species

• Frogs- sensitive and vulnerable to environmental disruption at various points in their life cycle.

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Keystone and foundation species play important roles in their ecosystem.

• Keystone species- whose roles have a large effect on the types and abundance of the other specie in an ecosystem.

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• Foundation Species- a major role in shaping community by creating and enhancing their habitats in ways that benefit other species.