1 HOW ‘CULT OF CHRIST’ BLOTS OUT THE TRUTH OF PROPHET JESUS By Dr. P.R.Palodhi Before trying to understand Prophet Jesus from the ‘cult of Christ’ in Christianity, let us pay heed to what God has revealed in the Qur’an: ‘Likewise We have appointed unto every Prophet an adversary – devils among men and Jinns, inspiring each other with flowery discourses by way of deceptions. If thy Lord willed, they would not do so; so leave them alone with their devising. That the heart of those who believe not in the Hereafter may incline thereto, and that they may take pleasure therein. And that they may earn what they are earning.’ (Qur’an, 112-113) Christian teachings in the New Testament have been dispatched after the departure of Prophet Jesus. The earliest documents of the New Testament are the epistles of Paul, allegedly written in 55-64 CE. As recorded in the Acts of Bible, amongst Jesus’ two contemporary leading personages, Barnabas was the direct disciples of Jesus while Paul was not. Barnabas was a Jew born in Cyprus, his name was Joses; and due to his devotion to cause of Jesus, the apostles had given him the surname ‘Barnabas’. Paul also came from a Jewish family, acquired Roman citizenship through his father who paid a high price for it; this permitted him to change his original Jewish name ‘Saul’ to Paul (Paulus). After disappearance of Jesus, Barnabas was a prominent member of small group of disciples in Jerusalem who had gathered together; they observed the Law of Prophet with which Jesus had come. Paul only co-operated with them for some time, but finally fell out. James, the brother of Jesus, managed to get Paul out of Israel because he was not on their side (Michael Baigent, p. 77) [1]. Paul never relied on direct teaching of Jesus, nor did he tell a single parable of Jesus. As we turn to the Sermon of Jesus on the Mount: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Mathew 5:17) - Paul rather took a quite opposite stand. On the issues of pagan converts (the Gentiles), Paul began to dominate Christianity by giving up Moses’ Commandments about prescribed things to eat and the Divine decree with regard to Abraham’s legacy of circumcision. Thus a new era began in world’s history by ending the tradition of Hebrew Prophets and interpreting Christ more like pagans than that of the esoteric Jewish. Instead of fulfilling the law of Prophetic tradition, Paul gave rise to a heretical ‘cult of Christ’: ■ Deification of Jesus: ‘And straight away he (Paul) preached Christ in Synagogues: that he is the son of God’ (Acts, 9:20). The very idea of ‘son of God’ is pagan – and never complies with Prophetic religion. ■ Idea of Trinity worship: introduction of such paganism was given final shape by Athanasius in about 325 AD. ■ A twist to Abrahamic tradition of circumcision in his letter to Romans (Rom, 2:29): ‘Circumcision of the heart not of the flesh’ (when God’s command on circumcision encompasses both flesh and soul).

How 'Cult of Christ' Blots Out the Truths of Prophet Jesus

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The ‘Cult of Christ’ in Christianity stands in sharp contrast to tradition of the chosen Prophets of God. Here we try to understand the obscured truths of Prophet Jesus.

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Page 1: How 'Cult of Christ' Blots Out the Truths of Prophet Jesus



By Dr. P.R.Palodhi

Before trying to understand Prophet Jesus from the ‘cult of Christ’ in Christianity, let us pay heed to what God has revealed in the Qur’an:‘Likewise We have appointed unto every Prophet an adversary – devils among men and Jinns, inspiring each other with flowery discourses by way of deceptions. If thy Lord willed, they would not do so; so leave them alone with their devising. That the heart of those who believe not in the Hereafter may incline thereto, and that they may take pleasure therein. And that they may earn what they are earning.’ (Qur’an, 112-113) Christian teachings in the New Testament have been dispatched after the departure of Prophet Jesus. The earliest documents of the New Testament are the epistles of Paul, allegedly written in 55-64 CE. As recorded in the Acts of Bible, amongst Jesus’ two contemporary leading personages, Barnabas was the direct disciples of Jesus while Paul was not. Barnabas was a Jew born in Cyprus, his name was Joses; and due to his devotion to cause of Jesus, the apostles had given him the surname ‘Barnabas’. Paul also came from a Jewish family, acquired Roman citizenship through his father who paid a high price for it; this permitted him to change his original Jewish name ‘Saul’ to Paul (Paulus). After disappearance of Jesus, Barnabas was a prominent member of small group of disciples in Jerusalem who had gathered together; they observed the Law of Prophet with which Jesus had come. Paul only co-operated with them for some time, but finally fell out. James, the brother of Jesus, managed to get Paul out of Israel because he was not on their side (Michael Baigent, p. 77) [1]. Paul never relied on direct teaching of Jesus, nor did he tell a single parable of Jesus. As we turn to the Sermon of Jesus on the Mount: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (Mathew 5:17) - Paul rather took a quite opposite stand. On the issues of pagan converts (the Gentiles), Paul began to dominate Christianity by giving up Moses’ Commandments about prescribed things to eat and the Divine decree with regard to Abraham’s legacy of circumcision. Thus a new era began in world’s history by ending the tradition of Hebrew Prophets and interpreting Christ more like pagans than that of the esoteric Jewish. Instead of fulfilling the law of Prophetic tradition, Paul gave rise to a heretical ‘cult of Christ’:

■ Deification of Jesus: ‘And straight away he (Paul) preached Christ in Synagogues: that he is the son of God’ (Acts, 9:20). The very idea of ‘son of God’ is pagan – and never complies with Prophetic religion. ■ Idea of Trinity worship: introduction of such paganism was given final shape by Athanasius in about 325 AD. ■ A twist to Abrahamic tradition of circumcision in his letter to Romans (Rom, 2:29): ‘Circumcision of the heart not of the flesh’ (when God’s command on circumcision encompasses both flesh and soul).■ Denial of ‘Virgin birth of Jesus’: In his letters to the Romans (1:3), he states that Jesus “was made of the seed of David according to the flesh” (But virgin birth was prophesied in Hebrew Bible when Isaiah, 7:14 mentioned that a woman, ‘alma’ in Hebrew; which in later Greek translation is ‘perthenos’, would bear a son). ■ Idea of redemption from sin (which cause suffering in the world) by sacrificial death of Jesus – was only a child of Paul’s brain, and never taught by Jesus. Bible (Deuteronomy, 24:16; Ezekiel 18:20; Jeremiah 31:30) rejects the doctrine of such ‘atonement’.


Because of Paul’s compromise with pagan beliefs of contemporary Romans, Pauline Christians began to grow both in number and strength. Barnabas and other personal disciples of Jesus disagreed and rift between them was obvious: ‘When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question’ (Acts 14:1 &2). After this rift, there was parting of Jews. The followers of Paul had more free hands in writing the Acts of the Apostles and Barnabas disappears from scene. Systematic effort was made to destroy and obliterate their traces; but it was not easy to pick them one by one because they lacked organizational identity. There were always some who actually

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knew their God personally; their hearts set on the inward Kingdom of Christ and a future Kingdom of Messiah on this earth. Despite Christian Churches’ antagonism the message of Barnabas has managed to survive, where we find: ‘For certain evil man, pretending to be disciple, preached that Jesus died and rose not again. Others preached, and yet preach that Jesus is the son of God, among whom is Paul deceived. But we, as much as I have written, that preach we to those who fear God, that they may be saved in the last day of God’s Judgment. Amen.’ (The Gospel of Barnabas, Verse 222, p. 229) [2]. Likewise, there is no evidence that Paul had written 1 and 2 Timothy. Second Timothy 4:3-4 declares, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” We come across repeated warnings against the wiles of this evil generation (race) of vipers (John 8:33-44), who are so evil that God even refuses to try to convert them (Matt. 13:13-15). In Jesus’ letter to the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation we find that: ‘…say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.’ (Rev, 2:9). Historical background: The destruction of Jerusalem occurred in 70 CE, and copies of the Torah were destroyed by the Romans. The Pauline epistles were circulating, perhaps in collected forms, by the end of the 1st century AD and ‘memoirs of the apostles’ as being read on Sunday alongside the ‘writings of the Prophets’ (cf. Justin Martyr, First Apology 67.3.). The first Christian Church to have its own sacred scripture could be traced from obsessive Paulinism of Marcion around 140 CE [3]. Formulating an official list of text was first put into form by Iranaeus (130-200), bishop of Lyons, the capital of Roman Gaul. A four Gospel canon (the Tetramorph) was asserted by Irenaeus (c. 180), who refers to it directly (cf. Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses 3.11.8). The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted till 325 CE as a canonical Gospel by the Church of Alexandria. It was in circulation in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE because Iranaeus had quoted extensively from this Gospel in opposing Paul for injecting untoward doctrines. Lonsdale and Laura Ragg [2] further elucidated this early perspective. Up to 4th century CE there was a sect called Hypisistarians who refused to accept Trinity worship of God as Father instead they believed in One All mighty Ruler – comparable to none. Voices against Paulinism had always been there, one such was Lucion, bishop of Antioch, a well reputed scholar, who deleted all mentions of Trinity from Bible since it was a later interpolation not found in the earlier Gospels. But he was martyred in 312 CE. Foundation of Pauline Church had to meet another violent shock by the teachings of Arius (250-336 CE), disciple of Lucian, who preached that Jesus may surpass other created beings in terms of bestowed Divine bliss, yet he is a man and not equal with the God. Then Nicaea was certainly the turning point and the taking of the low road. Christian Church knew the advantage of centralized power, and their opportunity came during the reign of Constantine who was wavering between conflicts of Arius and the bishop Alexander. The emperor anxious to maintain peace in the newly unified Europe under his rule began to support Christians without accepting Christianity. At this juncture two significant events took place. In 325 CE, the Nicene Council was held where emperor took side of Athanasius (deputy of the bishop Alexander) and banished Arius from the realm. It was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. The Pauline Church destroyed the Scriptures of the Nazarenes which contained the original sayings of Jesus, because it contradicted the pagan trinity. An Edict was issued that anyone in possession of these Gospels will be put to death. Thus belief in Trinity became the official religion of the empire, and massacre of Christians against Trinity was continued. Some estimates informed that as many as 270 different versions of Bible were burnt. In this juncture, perhaps the queen mother was inclined to Paul but emperor’s sister princess Constantina was a disciple of Arius. She persuaded emperor to accept Arius faith (Constantine was baptized in his deathbed by a member of Arian Church). Arius was called back in 346, but on the day of his visit in triumph he was found dead. Emperor knew it was murder, but Church called it miracle. Almost three centuries after Jesus, the canon of the New Testaments was finally settled at the Council of Hippo in 393 CE and the Council of Carthage in 397 CE – allowing pagan heresies to continue.

History of Pagan intrusion of Christianity goes back to the past when Greece and Rome were the superpowers in the west. Mithraism was a religion in the Roman Empire in the 1st through 5th centuries CE and was possibly the religion of several Roman emperors. In addition, the Buddhist monks (‘dharma-bhanakas’) from the east were traipsing across Asia; travelling the Silk and Spice Routes they spread

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their doctrines all the way from Khotan in central Asia to Antioch and Alexandria in the west. Many pagan priests came over to Christianity at Nicaea who did not know the God of the Bible - but were in the Church leadership by exploiting the ignorant Christian laity. Constantine and his successors gave their support to the bishop of Rome as the supreme ruler of the Church (the papacy). When the Catholic Church absorbed Roman paganism, it simply replaced the pantheon of gods with the saints of the Catholic Church. Just as many Roman cities had a god specific to the city, so the Catholic Church provided “patron saints” for the cities. While Mithraism was never given “official” status in the Roman Empire, it was the de facto official religion until Constantine and succeeding Roman emperors replaced Mithraism with Christianity. One of the key features of Mithraism was a sacrificial meal, which involved eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a bull. Constantine and his successors found an easy substitute for the sacrificial meal of Mithraism in the concept of the Lord’s Supper/Christian communion. The Romanization of the Lord’s Supper made the transition to a sacrificial consumption of Jesus Christ, now known as the Catholic Mass/Eucharist, complete. The Cult of Isis, an Egyptian mother-goddess religion, was absorbed into Christianity by replacing Isis with Mary. Many of the titles that were used for Isis, such as “Queen of Heaven,” “Mother of God,” and “theotokos” (God-bearer) were attached to Mary. Mary was given an exalted role in the Christian faith, far beyond what the Bible ascribes to her. The dogma of the Incarnation was taken into Christianity from pagan worships like ancient Hindu heroes, Rama and Krishna, as incarnations of Vishnu, the second deity of the Hindu Trinity. The early Christians of Egypt were accused of sun worship; it is no wonder that Jesus was their Sun of God, and not the ‘Son of God’, yet both of these titles are pagan, ascribed to Jesus after his departure. Jesus rejected the title ‘Son of God’ (Luke 4:41) and the Holy Quran rejects the sonship of Jesus, because it is entirely pagan. The spiriting away of the Holy Scriptures at Nicaea was a terrible loss. Due to the power and influence of the Roman emperors, the Roman bishops rose to supremacy and the Catholic Church became the supreme religion in the “Roman world” for centuries by disguising its pagan beliefs under layers of complicated theology and recognizing that many beliefs and practices that are utterly foreign to Scripture. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the popes took on the title that had previously belonged to the Roman emperors – Pontificus Maximus.

Roman orthodoxy now rests essentially on the books of the New Testament; unfortunately only few snatches of original Jesus’ words have been recorded in the New Testament in Aramaic words or phrases (viz. Matt, 27:33, 46; Mark, 5:41, 15: 22, 34; and John, 19:17). The document of New Testament was not settled until the Council of Hippo and Carthage in CE 393 and 397 – i.e. over 360 years after the ‘Events’ they refer to. Nonetheless, full dogmatic articulations of the canon were not made until the Canon of Trent of 1546 for Roman Catholicism. Following all these historical antecedents, the most dominant form of Christianity has no true Gospel of Jesus Christ and the true proclamation of God’s Word. The sacred Word of God was cloistered away in the monasteries, imprisoned in the Latin, for one thousand years, and thereafter the gnostic twist had cloaked the real meaning and intent of God’s Word. The Hebrews had the Torah and after around 650 CE the Muslims had their Qur’an – as the Guidance of God. But the European masses are largely disposed to the paganized Christian brilliance that is no more heedful to God.


The writing of New Testament has come from two sources: one from the “adherents of Prophet” and other from the “secret adversaries of Prophets”; hence contradictions are obvious which become especially exposed when we see them in the light of Torah. Biblical tradition drifted by Paulinism has persistently propagated the stories of death of Jesus by crucifixion and then the ghostly resurrection, eschewing the implicit sense in Bible itself that Jesus will rise and go towards Galilee (and not to the heaven) in Matthew (26: 32: ‘But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.’). The ancient Hebrew word for resurrection was in fact Chiza meaning ‘curing from ailment’. It is unacceptable to any true believer that Jesus died in crucifixion as wanted by the Devil. Man is left with Devil’s choice only if he turns away from God and God rejects him. Jesus could not have been the Messiah if he dies in crucifixion, because OT informed that the crucified Prophet is under God’s curse: His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance (Deuteronomy 21:23).

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Amazingly, in Paul’s Acts of Bible we find that Jesus was crucified on a tree: The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. (Acts 5:30 &10:39). Paul goes to introduce Paganism in Christianity by asserting the ‘atonement’ doctrine: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: (Galatians 3:13). While the Bible (OT) rejects the doctrine of such ‘atonement’; we are responsible for our own sins: The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. (Deuteronomy 24:16). Paul is found to relaying an entirely different story of resurrection which the Gospels recorded many decades later. Paul fails to mention any details about this event which would later be recorded in the Gospels. Paul recorded a spiritual resurrection whereas the Gospels say it was ‘physical’. Paul contradicts the Gospels on a simple event which is supposed to be the foundation of Christian religion. We have five conflicting versions of the resurrection in the New Testament.

Let us take a note of how Iranaeus says: “through ignorance and error” the Jews misapprehended, and crucified the wrong person.” (The Church Father Iranaeus, Against Heresies, Chapter XXIV, Doctrines of Saturninus and Basilides). Many early Christian sects did not believe Jesus was crucified: wherefore he did not himself suffer death, but Simon, a certain man of Cyrene, being compelled, bore the cross in his stead; so that this latter being transfigured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus, was crucified, through ignorance and error, while Jesus himself received the form of Simon, and, standing by, laughed at them. The 1945 discovery of Gnostic texts at Nag Hammadi, Egypt unearthed a book called The Second Treatise of the Great Seth, where Jesus states: I did not succumb to them as they had planned. But I was not afflicted at all. Those who were there punished me. And I did not die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kinsfolk. I removed the shame from me and I did not become fainthearted in the face of what happened to me at their hands. I was about to succumb to fear, and I suffered according to their sight and thought, in order that they may never find any word to speak about them. For my death, which they think happened, (happened) to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their man unto their death. For their Ennoias did not see me, for they were deaf and blind. But in doing these things, they condemn themselves. Yes, they saw me; they punished me. It was another, their father, who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. It was another upon whom they placed the crown of thorns. But I was rejoicing in the height over all the wealth of the archons and the offspring of their error, of their empty glory. And I was laughing at their ignorance. (‘The Treatise of the Great Seth’).

The chosen Prophets of God are divinely protected: The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed. (Psalms 28:8). Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed. (Psalms 84:9)


God reveals in succession; thus newer Messages come to rectify the accrued deformities in older tradition. With clear prophesy about the second coming of Jesus (Q, 43:61); and condemning the Biblical Church’s false stories about Jesus, in Qur’an God has revealed: ‘That they said in boast, “we have killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of God” – but they killed him not, nor crucified him. Only a likeness of that was shown to them. And those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no certain knowledge. But only conjecture to follow, for a surety they killed him not.’ (Q, 4: 157)‘And We made the son of Mary and his mother as a Sign: We gave them both shelters on high grounds, affording rest and security and furnished with springs.’ (Q, 23: 50) ‘… God has set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy and little is it they believe. That they rejected faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge.’ (Q, 4: 155-156)

A chosen Prophet of God, Jesus can depart only by the will of God after completing the very mission he was sent for. Prophetic tradition of Islam never accepted the Biblical stories of Jesus’ death by crucifixion.

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According to Sahih Hadith, Jesus lived for 125 years and travelled extensively in different places of the world. Islamic tradition informs: ‘Allah instructed Jesus; “Oh Jesus you travel from one country to another so that people cannot recognize and trouble you” (Rakimul Hadith - 5955). Different traditions recorded how Jesus after being rescued from Crucifixion, travelled through Egypt, Damascus, Persia and finally came to Afghanistan and Himalayan Kashmir in order to recover the lost tribes of Israel.

Huge volumes of account come from scholarly investigations to attest the legendary voyages of Jesus in Kashmir/Afghanistan etc; it is almost impossible now to remain willfully blind about how Jesus lived after the event of crucifixion. Old Persian legends and historical accounts (Firung-i-Asphia, Jami-ul-Tawarik etc) inform us that Jesus did not die by crucifixion; rather escaped and later travelled to Egypt and Persia. During this period his name was Yuj Asf. It has been said that Yuj stood for Yusu (Jesus) and Asf in Hebrew means gatherer. In a famous Persian book (Ketab-ul-Rawjatu Safa, Vol. 1: 135-136) it has been mentioned that Jesus was called as ‘Mashiha’ because of his extensive travel with a stick and woolen clothes. Jesus was carrying on his journey the rod (Assa-i-Issa) and used to sleep on the ground with a stone under his head. From several scholarly accounts we come to know that Jesus came to Nasibeen (150 miles east from Persian border) and then to Heart or Hazarah of Afghanistan. From there via Punjab he travelled to Kashmir and Tibet. The famous painter Nicholas Roerich [4] investigated the documents and people of Ladakh and learned how legends of Issa survived in various forms, he also mentioned about a grave of some “Mary who was among Jesus’ following” -- in north Ladakh of neighboring Turkistan, about 10 km from Kashgar. He lived in Afghanistan for some period; a tribe perhaps emerged from this time who calls themselves “Isa-Khael”. A coin of that period (of Punjab origin) has been recovered with name of Jesus in Pali script and a picture of a Jewish man. This indicates that he received a royal recognition in that period. Tabacati Nasiri - an Islamic book, reminds us citing from Prophet Edris: “Ten tribes of Israel escaped from captivity and took shelter in place called Arsareth.” This place is now called Hazrah (in Afghanistan), one part of which is Ghore. This book then informs that Bani Israeli tribes used to live in this place during Shansabi Dynasty, and from Jesus they were duly aware about coming of the last Prophet. During 622 AD, when Prophet Muhammad was preaching messages of Islam, they with their leader Kish (or Kais) joined the Arab leader Khaled-bin-Walid and fought bravely to support his cause. After that they were converted to Muslim. Till today there exist sects in Afghanistan and Kashmir who claim themselves as descendants of Bani Israelis (viz. hilly tribes of Hazarah and Kaldhaka, Pire Panjale area between Chales and Kabul, Istrain people of Gujar in Kashmir. Various explorers investigated and reported about their identical Jewish traits with respect to body features, customs, and linguistic roots which are remarkably different from neighboring Persian, Tartar, and Indian lineages. Prominent early authors in this field are: G. Foster (1808), G.T.Vine (1840), Rev, J. Wolff (1845), Francois Bernier (1891), J. Brice (1856), G. Moore (1861), G.B.Malson (1878), E.Belfour (1885), Francois Bernier (1891), Sir A. Burnes, Ferrier, and many others.


Except for his birth and a singular account of Jesus as a twelve-year old in Jerusalem, the Biblical tradition is completely silent on where Jesus spent 18 years of his life between the ages of 12 and 30. The biblical silence about Jesus' lost years is one of the strangest hiatuses in history. Why did not Jesus' twelve disciples and his thousands of followers not comment on his life for twenty-nine of his thirty-two years? Surely they did comment. Hundreds, even thousands, of accounts were written in the form of prayers, sermons, letters, or what became disparaged as the "apocrypha." By the second century CE, the church of Christ was destroying every piece of evidence of the life of Christ that did not support its doctrines. Different church authorities destroyed documents at the Himmis Monastery and later documents at the Tun-huang caves in central Asia [5]. The activity continued at the turn of the twentieth century when the very question of Jesus' travels as a young man was raised first by Notovitch indicating that "lost years" of Jesus' youth had been spent in India. Nicholas Notovitch [6], Russian journalist discovered the existence of certain ancient scriptures in the monastery of Hemis in Ladakh about the mysterious Prophet Issa, whose life appeared to be similar to the stories of Jesus the Nazarene. According to these scriptures, at the age of 14, Issa, who was born in Israel, came to Sindh in India and

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from there he travelled through the Punjab, stays briefly with the erring Jains, and proceeds to Jagannath, Rajagriha, and Benares where he met with the Brahmins and learnt the Vedas for six years. But by then while teaching the Sudras of lower caste, he incurred displeasure of the Brahmins; and he was compelled to flee the Brahmins who were outraged by his teaching that it is not the will of God that the worth of human beings should be judged by their castes. Later he travelled via Nepal to Ladakh, where he studied Buddhist scriptures. Thus from its page we learn that Jesus came to India at the age of thirteen. The original book at Marbur is written in Pali; whereas the book of Himis Temple is the Tibetan translation. Swami Avedananda of the Shree Ramakrishna Vedanta society has himself seen the book and has translated a portion of it. Based upon some basic truths as one after another versions came in Pali, Tibetan and then translated into other languages, and various pagan twists became rampant (like Jesus is a Hindu or Buddhist etc). If Jesus had studied Vedas or Buddhist scriptures surely that is not for following them. Because never he has advocated deva-centric Vedic, Jain or Buddhist doctrines, instead God-centric messages of Jesus condemn their like pagan stands against God. ‘And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man’ (Luke, 2:52).

Corroborating Notovitch’s finding another testimony comes from the ‘Natha Namavali’, an old Hindu Sutra of the Saivite Nath priests, which tells of the great Saint Isha Nath, who is said to have come to India at the age of 14. After that he returned to his home country and started to spread his teachings there, he fell victim to a conspiracy and was crucified. By means of the yogic powers he was able to survive execution, and finally -- with the help of Chetan Nath, a Nath Guru -- he came once more to India, where he is said to have founded an ashram in the Himalayan foothills. Nath priests’ tradition was quite different from that of the Brahminical Hinduism; they were monotheists of early Saivism, hence it is no wonder that Jesus had an accord with them. It is not possible to understand this remotely ancient Nath tradition from present Hindu scholars who explain any religious matter with pagan mindset heedless of Prophetic tradition of God. But before advent of Brahminical Vedism, Buddhism and Jainism, India had a brief spell of religious past when Prophetic monotheism entered via east bound descendants of Prophet Abraham (like early Saivism and then Zoroastrianism). Present Hinduism tries to hide early religious conflicts between Saivism and Vedism by promoting Rabelaisian Siva myths and inventing one after another abstract paganism. But from Nath muni (10th century), his successor Ramanuja (1017-1137) and his follower Venkatanathana (b. 1268), we come to know about Sanatan Dharmic Prapatti (submitting to Will of God) that never complies with religion of pagan gods, goddesses and willy-nilly gurus. Saivite Nath-priests’ origin is lost in the twilight of history.

Again we find mention of Jesus (Isa Masih) in Bhavishya Maha Purana in Sanskrit and is said to have been written in 3191 Laukika era (115 CE). This book was printed, for the first time, in Bombay in 1967 Bikrami era (1910 CE) under orders of H.H. Maharaja Sir Partap Singh of Kashmir. In it we read:The Sakas came to Aryadesh (Northern India) after crossing the Indus and some came through other routes in the Himalayas, and started plundering the place. Sometime after Raja Shalivahana succeeded to the throne. He in a very short time defeated the Sakas, Chinese, Tartars, Walhiks (Bokharis), Kamrups (Parthians) and Khurasanis and punished them. Then he put the mlecchas (whom Brahmins used to brand as low caste/non-Brahmins) and Aryas in separate countries. The mlecchas were kept up to (beyond) the Indus river and the Aryas on this side (of the river). One day he went to a country in the Himalayas. There he saw a man fair in colour and wore white clothes. Shalivahana asked (him) who he was. His reply was: he was Yusashaphat (Yuj Asf), born of a virgin mother (Sans: kumari-mata), and he said that he spoke the truth and he had to purify the religion. The Raja asked him what his religion was. He replied: “O Raja! When truth had disappeared and there was no limit to the evil practices, I appeared there and through my work the guilty and the wicked suffered, and also suffered at their hands.” The Raja asked him (again) what his religion was. He replied: “It is (to establish) love, truth and purity of heart and for this I am called Isa Masih.” The Raja returned after making his obeisance to him. [Bhavishya Maha Purana, page 282, Parva (Ch) 3: Adhyaya (Section) 2, Slokas (verses) 9- 31. Adopted from translation by Vidyavaridi Dr. Shiv Fath Shastri]. However, there are variant versions of Bhavishya Maha Purana.

According to Bhavishya Maha Purana Jesus had met Shalivahana at Wien, near Srinagar. To determine this date we must go back and trace certain facts of history. Kadephsis- I made himself master of Northern India in about 60 CE [7], Kanishka was his Viceroy at Purushpura (Peshawar). He completed the subjugation of Kashmir, and some time later (73 CE) the Kings of Kashgar also submitted to him.

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Neither Kadephsis- I nor Kanishka deposed the ruling monarchs in those countries. Payment of tributes and homage satisfied them, because they looked upon Central Asia, and not India, as their homeland. It was about this time that Shalivahana appeared as champion of the Brahmans against the Sakas, [8] and turned them out of Northern India, including Kashmir. He left Kashmir in or about 78 CE [9] He commemorated his victory by intro-ducing a new era and called it after his own name: the Shalivahana era. It commences on 1st Baisakh 3179 Kalyugi era, corresponding to 14th March 78 CE [10]. The non-Kashmiris call it the Saka era and by this name it is also known to Southern India. Shalivahana did not stay for long in Kashmir for he had to go immediately to the Deccan (S. India) to put down a rebellion there. It must, therefore, have been about 78 CE that Jesus had met him at Wien, near Srinagar. [see: http://www.muslim.org/bookspdf/jihoe/jihoe24-27.pdf#page=3&zoom=auto,0,138]

Evidence in Persian Sulus Script: During reign of Emperor Jahangir, Khwaja Hassan Malik in his Tarikh-i-Kashmir wrote that during the reign of king Gopadatta, one Persian architect constructed Solomon’s temple in Srinagar (Kashmir), and inscribed in Persian Sulus script on the monument, two of which are still legible. After the conquest of Kashmir by the Sikhs, these last two inscriptions were mutilated. They are still visible but cannot be read intelligibly [Pirzada Ghulam Hasan, Tarikh-i-Kashmir, MSS. Vol. 3 f. 25 (b), Research Library, Srinagar].

[The inscriptions are in khat-i-sulus and not in present nastaleeq script. The Sulus script was in use from ancient times in Persia and continued to be so used in India and Afghanistan till the time of Taimur. He invaded India in 1398 CE, when one of his contemporaries, Mir Ali Tabrezi, introduced the present Persian script known as nastaleeq.]

“Maimar een satoon Raj Bihishti Zargar. Sal panjah wa chahar” (The mason of this pillar is the suppliant Bihishti Zargar, year fifty and four)“Een satoon bardast Khwaja Rukun bin Murjan” (Khawaja Rukun, son of Murjan, erected this pillar)“Dar een wagat Yuj Asf dawa-i-paighambar imikunad. Sal panjah wa chahar” (At this time, Yuj Asf announced his prophetic mission. In the year fifty and four)“Aishan Yuju paighambar-i-bani israil ast” (This Yuj Asf is – the Prophet of the Bani-Israelis)

[Concerning the year 54, mentioned in the inscriptions cited above, Professor Fida Hassain writes: “Note that since Islam did not exist during the reign of Gopadatta (79-109 AD), connecting the year 54 with the Muslim Hijra Era is absurd. During that period, the Laukika era was exclusively used in Kashmir. As this era started in 3076 BC, the 54th year mentioned in the inscription would come to either 22 BC or 78 AD (since Laukika Year 1 is 3076 BC, 3054 would be 22 BC, and 3154 would be 78 AD). As it was not possible for Jesus Christ to have traveled to Kashmir in 22 BC, I take the year 78 AD to be the correct date of his arrival.”]

The first Muslim historian of Kashmir (in Persian) is attributed to Mulla Nadiri. The author dealing with the reign of Gopadatta (f. 69) writes: after him his son Raja Akh (whose name was Ach), came to the throne, heruled for sixty years. It is said that he founded the village (of) Achabaal in Kothar district. After him his son, Gopananda, took (the reigns of) Government and ruled the country under the name of Gopadatta. During his reign many temples were built and on top of Mount Solomon the dome (of the temple) became cracked. He deputed one of his ministers named Sulaiman, who had come from Persia to repair it. Hindus objected that he (the Minister) was an in fidel of (and belonged to) another religion. During this time Hazrat Yuj Asf having come (marfu: elevated) from (Bait-ul-Muqaddas) the Holy Land to this holy valley (Wadi-e-Aqdas) proclaimed his Prophethood. He devoted himself, day and night, in prayers to God, and having attained the heights of piety and virtue, he declared himself to be a Messenger of God for the

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people of Kashmir. He invited people to his religion. Because the people of the valley had faith in this Prophet, Raja Gopadatta referred the objection of Hindus to him for a decision. It was because of this Prophet’s orders that Sulaiman, whom Hindus called Sandeman, completed the repairs of the dome. (Year) Fifty and four. Further, on one of the stones of the flankwalls encasing the stairs he (Sulaiman) inscribed: In these times Yuj Asf proclaimed his Prophethood (Dar een waqt Yuj Asf da’wa-i-paighambari mikunad), and on the other stone of the stairs he also inscribed that he (Yuj Asf) was Yusu, Prophet of Children of Israel (Aishan Yusu Paighambar-i-Bani Israel ast).

Legendary voyages of Jesus:Mir Muhammad bin Khawand Shah Ibn-i-Muhammad wrote his famous book, Rauza-tus-Safafi Sirat-ul-Ambia wal Muluk wal Khulafa (The Gardens of Purity concerning the biography of the Prophets and Kings and Caliphs), in seven volumes in 836 AH (1417 CE). It was later printed in Bombay in 1271 A H (1852 CE). He deals with the travels of Jesus under two heads: Migration of Jesus from Jerusalem and The Journey of Jesus to Nasibain (six days journey from Mosul). In Jami-ut-Tawarikh we are told that during these travels Mary, the mother of Jesus, was with him. The author then tells us that Jesus went to the King of Nasibain (Nisibis) and preached to him. From there he went to the land of Mashaq, for there is situated the tomb of Sam, son of Noah (Vol. 2: 81). Since the people of Nisibis were out to kill Jesus, and he could not go far in a few days, Jesus travelled incognito under the name of Yuj Asf, and the books and local traditions of the countries he visited or passed through after Nisibis speak of him as Yuj Asf. We next hear of Jesus in Iran. The sayings of Yuj Asf are recorded in Iranian traditions (Agha Mustafai, Ahwali Ahalian-i-Paras, 219). We can then trace Jesus in Afghanistan: In Ghazni (Western Afghanistan) and in Jalalabad (in the extreme south-east of Afghanistan) there are two platforms which bear the name of Yuj Asf: for he sat and preached there. One of the Amirs of Afghanistan appointed a caretaker for this Ziarat at Jalalabad and also made a grant for its upkeep. We can almost with certainty trace the entry of Jesus into Kashmir through a valley called Yusu Margh, which is really named after him and where the race of Yadu (Jews) is still to be found [11]. Then Yuj Asf, after roaming about in many cities, reached that country which is called Kashmir. He travelled in it far and wide and stayed there and spent his (remaining) life there, until death overtook him. But before his death he sent for a disciple of his, Ba’bad (Thomas) by name, who used to serve him and was well-versed in all matters. He (Yuj Asaf) expressed his last will to him and said: “My time for departing from this world has come. Carry on your duties properly and turn not back from truth, and say your prayers regularly. He then directed Ba’bad (Thomas) to prepare a tomb over him (at the very place he died). He then stretched his legs towards the West and head towards the East and died. May God bless him” [12]. The best proof of the presence of Jesus in Kashmir is the existence of his tomb in Mohalla Khaniyar in a remote corner of old Srinagar (in Kashmir); there still exist a desolate Mosque ‘Rosa Bal’ where lies two burial tombs. Local people traditionally know that one belong to famous medieval Sufi preacher Syeed Nasiruddin and the other belongs to Yuj Asf (engraved over his tomb: “He came to Kashmir long years ago”). Surprisingly this tomb is in East-West direction like Jewish tradition of Jerusalem/Jericho; but the Muslim tombs are lying in usual North-South direction. Archaeological Department of the Kashmir State indicated that it is the Tomb of Yuj Asf Nabi (Prophet) who came to the Vale of Kashmir many centuries ago and spent his time in prayers and preaching the truth. The tomb of Yuj Asf in Srinagar has allied age-old place called Gilgit. The local meaning of ‘Sri’ is ‘head of the dead’ and the meaning of ‘nagar’ is ‘place’. We find in John (19: 17): ‘And he (Jesus) bearing his cross went forth into a place called ‘Place of the skull’, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha.’ This gives us reason to believe that the name Gilgit of Kashmir has come as a memorial of ‘Crucifixion’. And it intrigues us: had there been people behind such strange coincidence (Gilgit & Golgatha) - who were aware of the facts rather than the fibs of Jesus’ crucifixion?

References:1. Michael Baigent., 2006. The Jesus Papers. London, Harper Painter; also see: John (2005). Just James: The Brother of Jesus in History and Tradition, ISBN 0-567-04191-3.2. Lansdale and Laura Ragg, (2005). ‘The Gospel of Barnabas’ (with a facsimile notes and commentary by M.A. Yusseff), Islamic Book Service, N. Delhi. ISBN: 81-7231-576-73. Koester, Helmut, 1990. Ancient Christian Gospels, p. 36, London

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4. Nicholas Roerich., (1929). Altai-Himalaya, A Travel Diary, New York.5. Serrano, The Serpent of Paradise, p. 2666. Nicholas Notovitch, La Vie inconnue de Jésus-Christ (Paris: M. Paul Ollendorf, 1894).7. Sir Vincent Smith, The Early History of India, 2358. Professor E. J. Rapson, The Cambridge History of India, Vol. 1: 582.9. James Prinsep, Essay on Indian Antiquities, Vol. 2: 154.10. J. H. Wheeler, History of India, 23911. Sir Walter Lawrence, Valley of Kashmir, p. 1912.Shaikh Al-Said-us-Sadiq, Kamal-ud-Din, p.359 (also Ibn-i-Muhammad Hadi Muhammad Ismail, Ain-ul-Hayat, Vol. 2, Ch. 2: 177-178.)[Image of Sulus Script: http://www.arifkhan.co.uk/TOJ/core/historical_sources/docs/takhat_sulaiman_clip_image002.jpg]