How aquatic insects live in cold climates H.V. Danks Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6P4 (e-mail: [email protected]) AbstractIn cold climates most aquatic habitats are frozen for many months. Nevertheless, even in such regions the conditions in different types of habitat, in different parts of one habitat, and from one year to the next can vary considerably; some water bodies even allow winter growth. Winter cold and ice provide challenges for aquatic insects, but so do high spring flows, short, cool summers, and unpredictable conditions. General adaptations to cope with these con- straints, depending on species and habitat, include the use of widely available foods, increased food range, prolonged development (including development lasting more than one year per gen- eration), programmed life cycles with diapause and other responses to environmental cues (often enforcing strict univoltinism), and staggered development. Winter conditions may be anticipated not only by diapause and related responses but also by movement for the winter to terrestrial habitats, to less severe aquatic habitats, or to different parts of the same habitat, and by construc- tion of shelters. Winter itself is met by various types of cold hardiness, including tolerance of freezing in at least some species, especially chironomid midges, and supercooling even when sur- rounded by ice in others. Special cocoons provide protection in some species. A few species move during winter or resist anoxia beneath ice. Spring challenges of high flows and ice scour may be withstood or avoided by wintering in less severe habitats, penetrating the substrate, or de- laying activity until after peak flow. However, where possible species emerge early in the spring to compensate for the shortness of the summer season, a trait enhanced (at least in some lentic habitats) by choosing overwintering sites that warm up first in spring. Relatively low summer temperatures are offset by development at low temperatures, by selection of warm habitats and microhabitats, and in adults by thermoregulation and modified mating activity. Notwithstanding the many abiotic constraints in cold climates, aquatic communities are relatively diverse, though dominated by taxa that combine traits such as cold adaptation with use of the habitats and foods that are most widely available and most favourable. Consequently, except in the most severe hab- itats, food chains and community structure are complex even at high latitudes and elevations, in- cluding many links between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Despite the complex involvement of aquatic insects in these cold-climate ecosystems, we know relatively little about the physiological and biochemical basis of their cold hardiness and its relationship to habitat conditions, especially compared with information about terrestrial species from the same regions. 471 RésuméDans les climats froids, la plupart des habitats aquatiques sont recouverts de glace pendant plusieurs mois. Néanmoins, dans ces régions, la gamme des conditions dans les divers types d’habitats, dans les diverses parties d’un même habitat et d’une année à l’autre peut varier considérablement; certains milieux aquatiques permettent même de la croissance pendant l’hiver. Le froid et la glace de l’hiver posent des problèmes aux insectes aquatiques, mais c’est le cas aussi des forts débits du printemps, des étés courts et frais et des conditions imprévisibles. Les adaptations générales pour faire face à ces contraintes comprennent, selon l’espèce et l’habitat, l’utilisation de nourriture largement disponible, l’accroissement de l’éventail alimentaire, la pro- longation du développement et en particulier, la durée de plus d’un an par génération, les cycles biologiques programmés avec présence de diapause ou d’autre réaction aux signaux environne- mentaux (maintenant souvent un univoltinisme strict) et un développement étalé. Les conditions hivernales peuvent être anticipées non seulement par la diapause et les autres réactions de même type, mais aussi par un déplacement vers les habitats terrestres pour l’hiver, vers des habitats aquatiques moins extrêmes ou vers des sections différentes du même habitat et par la construc- tion de refuges. L’hiver lui-même est contré par divers types de résistance au froid, y compris la tolérance au gel au moins chez certaines espèces — particulièrement chez les moucherons chironomidés — et, chez d’autres, la surfusion même lorsqu’elles sont entourées de glace. Des 443 Can. Entomol. 139: 443–471 (2007) © 2007 Entomological Society of Canada Received 6 December 2006. Accepted 20 February 2007.

How aquatic insects live in cold climatesHow aquatic insects live in cold climates H.V. Danks Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Canadian Museum of Nature, ... L’hiver

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Page 1: How aquatic insects live in cold climatesHow aquatic insects live in cold climates H.V. Danks Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Canadian Museum of Nature, ... L’hiver

How aquatic insects live in cold climatesH.V. Danks

Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Canadian Museum of Nature,P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6P4

(e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract—In cold climates most aquatic habitats are frozen for many months. Nevertheless,even in such regions the conditions in different types of habitat, in different parts of one habitat,and from one year to the next can vary considerably; some water bodies even allow wintergrowth. Winter cold and ice provide challenges for aquatic insects, but so do high spring flows,short, cool summers, and unpredictable conditions. General adaptations to cope with these con-straints, depending on species and habitat, include the use of widely available foods, increasedfood range, prolonged development (including development lasting more than one year per gen-eration), programmed life cycles with diapause and other responses to environmental cues (oftenenforcing strict univoltinism), and staggered development. Winter conditions may be anticipatednot only by diapause and related responses but also by movement for the winter to terrestrialhabitats, to less severe aquatic habitats, or to different parts of the same habitat, and by construc-tion of shelters. Winter itself is met by various types of cold hardiness, including tolerance offreezing in at least some species, especially chironomid midges, and supercooling even when sur-rounded by ice in others. Special cocoons provide protection in some species. A few speciesmove during winter or resist anoxia beneath ice. Spring challenges of high flows and ice scourmay be withstood or avoided by wintering in less severe habitats, penetrating the substrate, or de-laying activity until after peak flow. However, where possible species emerge early in the springto compensate for the shortness of the summer season, a trait enhanced (at least in some lentichabitats) by choosing overwintering sites that warm up first in spring. Relatively low summertemperatures are offset by development at low temperatures, by selection of warm habitats andmicrohabitats, and in adults by thermoregulation and modified mating activity. Notwithstandingthe many abiotic constraints in cold climates, aquatic communities are relatively diverse, thoughdominated by taxa that combine traits such as cold adaptation with use of the habitats and foodsthat are most widely available and most favourable. Consequently, except in the most severe hab-itats, food chains and community structure are complex even at high latitudes and elevations, in-cluding many links between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Despite the complex involvement ofaquatic insects in these cold-climate ecosystems, we know relatively little about the physiologicaland biochemical basis of their cold hardiness and its relationship to habitat conditions, especiallycompared with information about terrestrial species from the same regions.


Résumé—Dans les climats froids, la plupart des habitats aquatiques sont recouverts de glacependant plusieurs mois. Néanmoins, dans ces régions, la gamme des conditions dans les diverstypes d’habitats, dans les diverses parties d’un même habitat et d’une année à l’autre peut varierconsidérablement; certains milieux aquatiques permettent même de la croissance pendant l’hiver.Le froid et la glace de l’hiver posent des problèmes aux insectes aquatiques, mais c’est le casaussi des forts débits du printemps, des étés courts et frais et des conditions imprévisibles. Lesadaptations générales pour faire face à ces contraintes comprennent, selon l’espèce et l’habitat,l’utilisation de nourriture largement disponible, l’accroissement de l’éventail alimentaire, la pro-longation du développement et en particulier, la durée de plus d’un an par génération, les cyclesbiologiques programmés avec présence de diapause ou d’autre réaction aux signaux environne-mentaux (maintenant souvent un univoltinisme strict) et un développement étalé. Les conditionshivernales peuvent être anticipées non seulement par la diapause et les autres réactions de mêmetype, mais aussi par un déplacement vers les habitats terrestres pour l’hiver, vers des habitatsaquatiques moins extrêmes ou vers des sections différentes du même habitat et par la construc-tion de refuges. L’hiver lui-même est contré par divers types de résistance au froid, y compris latolérance au gel au moins chez certaines espèces — particulièrement chez les moucheronschironomidés — et, chez d’autres, la surfusion même lorsqu’elles sont entourées de glace. Des


Can. Entomol. 139: 443–471 (2007) © 2007 Entomological Society of Canada

Received 6 December 2006. Accepted 20 February 2007.

Page 2: How aquatic insects live in cold climatesHow aquatic insects live in cold climates H.V. Danks Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Canadian Museum of Nature, ... L’hiver

cocons spéciaux fournissent une protection à certaines espèces. Quelques espèces se déplacentdurant l’hiver ou résistent à l’anoxie sous la glace. Les problèmes du printemps, les forts débitset l’affouillement par la glace, peuvent être endurés ou évités par le passage de l’hiver dans deshabitats moins rigoureux, l’enfouissement dans le substrat ou le report des activités après le débitmaximal. Cependant, lorsque c’est possible, les espèces émergent tôt au printemps pour compen-ser la brièveté de la saison estivale, une caractéristique qui est favorisée (au moins dans certainshabitats lénitiques) par le choix d’habitats d’hivernage qui se réchauffent les premiers au prin-temps. Les températures relativement basses de l’été sont compensées par un développement àbasse température, par la sélection comportementale d’habitats et de microhabitats chauds et,chez les adultes, par la thermorégulation et la modification des activités reproductrices. En dépitdes nombreuses contraintes abiotiques des climats froids, les communautés aquatiques y sontrelativement diversifiées, bien que dominées par des taxons qui possèdent des combinaisons decaractères, tels que l’adaptation au froid et l’utilisation des habitats et des nourritures qui sont lesplus disponibles et les plus avantageux. En conséquence, à l’exception des habitats les plusrigoureux, les chaînes alimentaires et la structure des communautés sont complexes même auxlatitudes et aux altitudes élevées et elles comprennent de nombreux liens entre les habitats aqua-tiques et terrestres. Malgré le rôle complexe des insectes aquatiques dans ces écosystèmes declimat froid, on connaît relativement peu de choses sur les bases physiologiques et biochimiquesde leur résistance au froid et de ses relations avec les conditions de l’habitat; cela est d’autantplus vrai si on fait des comparaisons avec ce qu’on sait des espèces terrestres des mêmes régions.

[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Danks Table of contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444Cold habitats for aquatic insects. . . . . 445Food resources . . . . . . . . . . . 446Seasonality and insect life cycles . . . . 447Variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449Preparations for winter . . . . . . . . 450Surviving the winter . . . . . . . . . 451Spring challenges . . . . . . . . . . 456Summer activity . . . . . . . . . . . 458Aquatic communities in cold climates . . 460Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461References . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462


Cold and seasonal climates have very coldwinters with ice and snow, cold summers withlimited resources of food and heat for develop-ment, and other constraints on aquatic life.Nevertheless, many species of aquatic insectslive in such regions. Climates have been for-mally classified in different ways, such as cold,Arctic, boreal, sub-Arctic, cool-temperate, humid-continental, and so on, but for the purpose of thisreview I regard climates as “cold” if mean airtemperatures are below 0 °C for at least severalmonths and most aquatic habitats remain frozenfor a similar period. Thus included are variousArctic, Antarctic, boreal, cold-temperate, andalpine regions. However, relatively few aquaticspecies live in such climates in the Antarctic

region: the only insect species in the most se-vere Antarctic sites is the chironomid Belgicaantarctica Jacobs, which lives in terrestrial hab-itats (Convey and Block 1996); the less severehabitats of the sub-Antarctic, although cool allsummer, are not especially cold in winter(Danks 1999).

Although large areas of the earth’s surfacehave cold climates, there is much more infor-mation on terrestrial species than on aquaticones from these regions. Biological studies ofaquatic insects in boreal and polar regions arelimited too, compared with the amount of lim-nological and hydrological information, andeven when insect communities have been char-acterized there may be little information aboutmodes of adaptation to the cold. Recent workhas emphasized only a few kinds of habitat, no-tably alpine streams, and only a few featuressuch as river-ice breakup in spring. Moreover,many recent studies have focused on diversity,functional groups, or specific hypotheses, oftenat the expense of detailed biological informa-tion. Therefore, I cite not only recent paperswhen available but also a variety of older stud-ies that have not been superseded. Part of theshortfall of information also stems from the dif-ficulty of work in cold aquatic habitats, whichmay be remote at high latitudes, challenging tosample because they are deeply frozen or snow-covered in winter, or dangerous, like largerivers during ice breakup and high spring flows.Consequently, detailed information on how

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aquatic insects live in these habitats is rela-tively sparse and scattered. To fully exploit thematerial that is available, I synthesize informa-tion here from a broader perspective than mostearlier reviews (e.g., Harper 1981; Oswood etal. 1991; Irons et al. 1993; Frisbie and Lee1997; Lencioni 2004) and include many ele-ments in addition to the effects of ice.

Cold habitats for aquatic insects

Aquatic insects live in a very wide range ofhabitats, which are affected in different ways incold climates. The main differences depend onwhether habitats are lentic or lotic, on their sizeand permanence, on the stability of the channel(e.g., Milner et al. 2006), on how water is sup-plied to them, and on other features includingthe chemical characteristics of the substrate(e.g., Füreder et al. 2006), pH (Heino 2005), sa-linity, and modification by external influencessuch as beavers (for a sample classification seeMilner et al. 1997). In general, large, perma-nent habitats are less affected by cold thansmall or temporary ones because the volume ofwater buffers temperature changes and water isretained even during seasonal low levels orfreezing. However, major seasonal stresses inlotic waters are caused by spates (see Springchallenges below), and hydrological variablesare especially important for understanding thesehabitats and their seasonal changes and stabil-ity. Hydrological features in both lotic andlentic habitats are influenced by such character-istics as vegetation type (e.g., Snyder et al.2002), relief of the catchment, and lake mor-phology (Blenckner 2005).

Unlike large, permanent habitats, small ortemporary water bodies may lose water orfreeze entirely and then have temperature pro-files that are similar to those of terrestrial habi-tats. For example, typical temporary pools arefrozen solid in winter, whether or not they holdwater before freeze-up (e.g., Wiggins et al.1980; Winchester et al. 1993).

Alpine regions differ from high-latitude onesin having a greater supply of wind-borneallochthonous food and greater and more evenannual insolation. Alpine streams have beenstudied in some detail (e.g., Milner and Petts1994; Ward 1994; Füreder 1999; Gíslason et al.2001; Brittain and Milner 2001; Füreder et al.2001, 2005; Lods-Crozet et al. 2001; Robinsonet al. 2001; Hieber et al. 2003, 2005; Brown etal. 2003, 2006; Milner et al. 2006). They differ

most strikingly according to the water sourceand such features as altitude, slope, suspendedsediment load, and so on, but there are also dif-ferences among habitats in many other factorssuch as bed stability (Friberg et al. 2001) orfungi that break down leaves (Robinson et al.1998).

Alpine streams derived from glacial meltwa-ter usually have high turbidity (from glacial rockflour), low temperatures, and high flow in sum-mer rather than in spring. Key species of theheadwaters, Diamesa midges, cope with thesesummer disturbances; most other species de-velop in winter lower in the channel and soavoid the disturbances of summer (Schütz et al.2001). Alpine streams fed by snowmelt andrainfall are warmer and much less turbid thanthose fed by glaciers, with peak flows in spring.They contain diverse insect species according tothe distance downstream, although the manytemporary streams in alpine areas are less wellcharacterized. Streams fed or influenced bygroundwater tend to have more constant tem-perature and flow, and chemical characteristicsthat depend on the water sources (e.g., Gíslasonet al. 2000). Alpine streams that serve as lakeoutlets are another distinct set of habitats, withdifferent regimes of temperature and other fac-tors and a different fauna (Hieber et al. 2002).

At high latitudes, differences among waterbodies, even those of the same general type, areequally striking. For example, permafrost influ-ences both the catchment and the individualwater body (and thus the macroinvertebrates)through its effects on hydrology, water tempera-ture, and surrounding vegetation (Smidt andOswood 2002). Steep-sided ponds warm up inspring much more slowly than shallow saucer-shaped ones (Oliver and Corbet 1966). Thetemperature of sun-warmed shallow ponds canexceed 20 °C all summer even in the high Arc-tic (e.g., DeBruyn and Ring 1999), while deeplakes there sometimes remain ice-covered allyear (Oliver 1964). Different streams and dif-ferent habitats within streams differ in hydrol-ogy, especially the major spring peak frommelting ice and snow, but they also differ inwarming and cooling rates as well as heat accu-mulations (Irons and Oswood 1992). Tundrastreams tend to be warmer than boreal ones be-cause they are not shaded from solar heating byvegetation and because daylight is continuousabove the Arctic Circle in summer.

In cold-climate habitats, key climatic elementsinfluencing the fauna stem from seasonality and

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variability. Food supply is also important. In-sect responses to these factors are outlined inTable 1 and considered in the next three sec-tions.

Food resources

Overall productivity is reduced in cold re-gions; this is one of the major themes in aquatichabitats, according to Oswood (1997). Indeed,all of the normal sources of food for aquatic in-sects tend to be reduced. First, terrestrial vege-tation surrounding aquatic habitats is less richand diverse in cold climates, limiting alloch-thonous inputs of litter. In particular, trees areabsent in Arctic and alpine zones, reducing theautumn pulse of deciduous leaves that is char-acteristic of many temperate habitats and sup-plies the coarse particulate organic matter(CPOM) on which many lotic communities de-pend. Boreal regions are dominated by conifer-ous trees, which have needles that decay slowlyand are unpalatable to many aquatic insects.Second, other organisms that serve as prey forconsumers are reduced in cold and unproduc-tive habitats. Third, cold conditions slow thegrowth of periphyton in streams, thereby limit-ing autochthonous food (cf. Oswood 1997).Seasonally variable flow further lowers produc-tion (Aagaard et al. 1997). Plankton growth inmany lakes is likewise inhibited by low temper-atures and low nutrient levels. Indeed, Hersheyet al. (2006) showed that benthic metha-notrophic bacteria and dissolved organic carbon(rather than primary productivity in the pelagiczone) are important food sources for benthicchironomids in northern oligotrophic lakes.Adding nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers toArctic streams may increase periphyton produc-tion (and also habitat complexity by stimulatingmoss growth, for example), which changes in-sect communities and increases species abun-dance (e.g., Hershey et al. 1988; Peterson et al.1993; Harvey et al. 1998; Lee and Hershey2000; Benstead et al. 2005), but similar effectsare known from more southern habitats. Never-theless, nutrient supply is one element dictatinghabitat type in Arctic streams (Huryn et al.2005). Moreover, food and temperature interactin governing insect growth and development,especially as temperatures become limiting innorthern habitats (cf. Giberson and Rosenberg1992a).

The limitation of certain kinds of food doesreduce several taxa in cold climates, and

aquatic insects that persist typically use the re-sources that are available. Many aquatic as wellas terrestrial species are broadly saprophagousin the Arctic (Danks 1990) and depend on detri-tus, although its patchy and temporally limitedsupply influences faunal patterns (Cowan andOswood 1984). Many of the species from anArctic river use fine rather than coarse particu-late organic matter (Hershey et al. 1995, 1997).Most species are not narrowly specialized (Ulf-strand 1967) and some species eat a widerrange of foods than is typical elsewhere. Forexample, some northern caddisflies can eatleaves that have not been conditioned by themicroflora (Irons 1988 for Hydatophylax varia-bilis (Martynov)). Larvae of the black fly Pro-simulium ursinum (Edwards) are partlypredaceous when other food is limited (Currieand Craig 1988).

Not all aquatic habitats in cold regions areoligotrophic. Shallow ponds not only are warmin summer (and see below) but also even in tun-dra areas are well supplied with detritus sweptin from surrounding areas by snowmelt, so theycontain species feeding on that detritus and themicroflora it supports. For example, many spe-cies of chironomids are found in shallow pools,mosquitoes are characteristic of snowmelt poolseven in the high Arctic (e.g., Corbet and Danks1973), dytiscid beetles are very well repre-sented in the vernal pools of northern habitats(e.g., Larson 1997), and limnephilid caddisfliesare relatively well represented in tundra pools(Wiggins and Parker 1997).

A second reflection of low productivity incold climates is lower availability of the foodused by adult biting flies for egg development,which has led to the prevalence of autogeny inArctic biting flies. These species do not feed onblood as adults, unlike many of their temperaterelatives, but instead develop eggs from re-serves carried through from the aquatic larvalstage. This trait is correlated with the scarcityof vertebrate hosts available to provide bloodmeals in the Arctic. Most tundra black flies areautogenous (Danks 1981). Fully one quarter ofYukon black flies are obligately autogenous,compared with only 2.4% of black flies as awhole (Currie 1997). High-Arctic mosquitoesshow finely tuned responses to the unreliabilityof potential hosts, with both obligate and facul-tative autogeny in the first gonotrophic cycle(Corbet 1964, 1967). In Aedes impiger(Walker), for example, some females developeggs immediately after emergence without

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feeding (obligate autogeny); others delay eggdevelopment for a period and then either de-velop eggs from host blood if they feed suc-cessfully (anautogeny) or develop far fewereggs if they fail to find a host (delayed faculta-tive autogeny). As might be expected, thesespecies accept a relatively wide range of hosts,including both birds and mammals (Corbet andDowne 1966).

Seasonality and insect life cycles

Cold climates are characterized by seasonal-ity, with periods of the year that are too cold foractivity by most species in most aquatic habi-tats. Other elements of cold climates that influ-ence insect habitats (Danks 1999) includeseverity (persistent conditions that limit life, in-cluding low summer temperatures as well ascold winters), unpredictability (short-term per-turbations that, especially where temperaturesare cool to start with, may limit activity on adaily time frame), and variability (changes fromyear to year in summer temperatures and otherfeatures).

The larger aquatic habitats, as well as habi-tats fed by ground waters, are buffered againstthe worst conditions. Deep lakes do not freezeto the bottom, even in the Arctic. Rivers withadequate flow remain unfrozen beneath the ice.Also, some geothermally influenced habitats arerelatively warm in winter as well as summer.Nevertheless, the life cycles of most insects,even in buffered or protected aquatic habitats,have to take account of local seasonality be-cause most adults emerge into the much moreseasonal terrestrial environment to carry out re-productive activities that tend to be especiallysensitive to ambient conditions. Successful lifecycles therefore accord with adaptive annualprogrammes that optimize the use of seasonalwindows of opportunity. As might be expected,such seasonal regulation is prominent in aquaticinsects at high latitudes.

Relevant variables in these seasonal life cyclesare voltinism (duration of a generation), the tim-ing of active stages including seasonal positionsof immature development, the timing of dor-mancy in immature stages, and emergence ofadults and reproductive activity. Dormant stages

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Constraint or threat Sample response

Food limitationLarval foods reduced Use generally available detritus

Use dissolved organic carbon (DOC) or fine particulateorganic matter (FPOM) rather than coarse particulateorganic matter (CPOM)

Use wider food rangeAdult foods reduced Autogeny, increased range of hosts for feeding on blood

Seasonality (see also Tables 2–5)Low water temperatures More than one year per generation, or univoltine

Voltinism different according to temperatureDevelopment at low temperatures

Cold terrestrial conditions Univoltinism, spring emergenceSummer disturbance but less disturbed winters Winter growth in some alpine habitats and larger lakes

and riversLong, cold winters DiapauseDifferences from year to year Different voltinism, cohort splitting, photoperiodic

control of growth, ongoing adjustment of dormancy ordiapause

VariabilityUnpredictable seasons Staggered development, skewed hatch or emergence,

deferred emergence at low temperaturesYear-to-year variations Prolonged diapause, parthenogenesis, reduced mating

exposure (and see Table 5)

Table 1. Sample responses of aquatic insects to food limitation, seasonality, and variability in cold climates(for examples and references see text).

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may be especially resistant to adverse conditions(see later sections) but here I focus on temporalaspects of the response.

Where climates are cold, rapid developmentis difficult and species with several generationsper year are unusual. Indeed, many Arctic andalpine species have life cycles lasting more thanone year. Sample durations are 2 years indytiscids (Dolmen and Solem 2002) and somecaddisflies (Solem 1985), 2 or 3 years in tany-tarsine chironomids (Butler et al. 1981; Butler2000), 3 years in a caddisfly (Hershey et al.1997), up to 3 or 4 years in some other chirono-mids (Hershey 1985a), 5 years in somestoneflies (Townsend and Pritchard 1998;Zwick and Teslenko 2002) and dragonflies(Cannings and Cannings 1997), and as many as7 years in two Chironomus species from Arctictundra ponds (Butler et al. 1981; Butler 1982a).For many other specific examples see Danks(1981, p. 281; 1992, Tables 2 and 3). The lon-gest life cycles tend to belong to the largestspecies (Danks 1992). Nevertheless, in alpinehabitats ameliorated and stabilized by ground-water flow, multivoltine life cycles are possiblein cool-adapted species such as the chironomidDiamesa incallida (Walker) (Nolte and Hoff-mann 1992).

In several species with wide geographicalranges, life-cycle duration varies with latitudeor elevation, for example from 1 year or less inwarmer zones to 2 years or more in colder re-gions, or from 1 or 2 years in the southern partof the range to 3 or 4 years farther north. Dataof this sort are available for alpine stoneflies,caddisflies, mayflies, and chironomids as wellas for boreal and Arctic chironomids and drag-onflies (for specific references see Danks 1981,1992). A few species even have 1-year and 2-year life cycles within a single cohort in thesame place (e.g., Ulfstrand 1968; and see be-low).

Notwithstanding the existence of multi-yearlife cycles, many cold-climate aquatic speciesare univoltine except in extreme habitats. Mostchironomid species in an Arctic Alaskan river(Hershey et al. 1997), caddisflies from Alaskanrivers and streams (Irons 1988), many Yukonblack flies (Currie 1997), mayflies from higherlatitudes (Arnekleiv 1996), Arctic mosquitoes(see below), and an alpine blepharicerid(Frutiger and Buergisser 2002) always haveonly one generation per year. The fact that somany species are univoltine suggests that lifecycles are constrained by strictly seasonal

programs of development (cf. Danks 1987,1991b), and such an expectation is consistentwith the annual need of most species to repro-duce in terrestrial environments. Nevertheless,univoltine and semivoltine species have severaldifferent kinds of life cycle, depending espe-cially on the roles of dormancy in structuringthe patterns of development.

Life cycles in which development is slow butmore or less continuous are possible in stablehabitats such as deep lakes and some species evengrow during winter. Winter-developing speciesare known from alpine zones as well as north-ern areas. They include some caddisflies (e.g.,Ulfstrand 1968), winter stoneflies (Ulfstrand1968; Brittain 1983), and mayflies (Brittain1980). Some of the species active in winter aredormant in summer. Conversely, typical speciesare dormant during the coldest part of the year,but many of them start or continue this dor-mancy during unsuitable conditions other thanthe winter, a program that again tends to en-force a strictly 1- or 2-year development. Forexample, northern Aedes mosquitoes overwinteras drying- and freezing-resistant eggs and evenin the high Arctic complete a generation eachyear (Corbet and Danks 1973). Depending onspecies, northern black flies emerge in springfrom dormant eggs or larvae (e.g., Currie 1997).Egg diapause in an alpine blepharicerid lasts4 months, from late summer through winter(Frutiger and Buergisser 2002). The semivoltinealpine stonefly Megarcys signata (Hagen) hasan egg diapause lasting almost a full year innatural habitats (Taylor et al. 1999). Otherstoneflies such as Pteronarcys dorsata (Say)spend 10–11 months in diapause in the eggstage and take 3 or 4 years to develop (e.g.,Barton 1980).

There is less information for aquatic speciesthan for terrestrial species about how such winterdormancies are controlled. Although eggs of thestonefly Dinocras cephalotes (Curtis) remain in asimple temperature-controlled quiescence for upto a year (Lillehammer 1987), many general ob-servations confirm the existence of diapause inother species. Diapause programmes arrest de-velopment and not only anticipate the adverseseason, ensuring that appropriate preparationsare made in advance, but also require a period ofdiapause development: particular photoperiod ortemperature exposures are required before indi-viduals are competent to resume developmentwhen conditions become favourable again,thereby preventing inappropriate responses to

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short-term ameliorations in fall. Many aquaticspecies from cold climates have a true diapauseinduced by photoperiod and temperature (seeDanks 1987 for a general review; Goddeeris2004). For example, cold exposure (e.g., –2 °C)of some duration is needed for hatch of eggs ofthe mayfly Ephoron album (Say) (Giberson andGalloway 1985), suggesting temperature-controlled diapause development. Diapause eggsof the mayfly Hexagenia limbata (Serville)hatch only after exposure to cold (Giberson andRosenberg 1992b). Diapause development ineggs of the stonefly Isoperla obscura(Zetterstedt) is fastest at 0–1 °C (Økland 1991).Preliminary results for the midge Diamesamendotae Muttkowski hint at increased pupationrates in larvae exposed to temperatures belowthe supercooling point, as opposed to above it(Bouchard et al. 2006b). Diapause in eggs of thestonefly Arcynopteryx compacta (McLachland)is completed more rapidly when they are dehy-drated in ice (Gehrken and Sømme 1987;Lillehammer 1987; Gehrken 1989). Species ofchironomids from high-Arctic ponds have aclear-cut diapause so that only species fully fedby winter will emerge the following year (Danksand Oliver 1972a), and thus those that are al-most but not quite fully fed remain in diapausefor nearly the whole of the subsequent summer(see Spring challenges below). Such diapause re-sponses assist the synchrony of spring emer-gence (e.g., Sawchyn and Gillott 1974b).

Control of development can also be achievedthrough adjustments of growth rate, not just bythe complete cessation of development throughdiapause. In the dragonfly Lestes congenerHagen, larvae respond to seasonal “time stress”(as indicated by short photoperiods, for exam-ple) by accelerating activity and developmentalrate (Johansson and Rowe 1999; Johansson etal. 2001). Similar responses to photoperiod areshown by alpine caddisflies (Shama and Robin-son 2006).

In northern dragonflies such as Coenagrionhastulatum (Charpentier), Leucorrhinia dubia(Vander Linden), and Aeshna juncea (Linn.)(Norling 1976, 1984a, 1984b, 1984c), adiapause induced by long days in summer —which prevents emergence before the adverseseason — is followed by a winter diapause in-duced by short days. This diapause is followedin turn by rapid development induced by longdays in larvae large enough to emerge the sameyear, accelerating and synchronizing emergencein summer. These arrests and adjustments of

development (which are modified also by tem-perature thresholds, direct temperature effects,and differences among instars in the occurrenceand intensity of the responses) permit severaldifferent developmental options, such as 3-yearor 4-year development.

In effect, development can be directed intoalternative life-cycle pathways according toregional climates and their year-to-year varia-tions, ensuring safe overwintering and appropri-ate seasonal coincidence of adults (Norling1984c; Danks 1991b). A common annual pat-tern is rapid development in summer and longdormancy at other times, a typical response toseasonality. An added pattern as just noted isadjustment of seasonal timing through growthrate. Many other species vary the occurrence orduration of diapause, as discussed in the follow-ing section. Finally, life cycles may include notonly timed adult emergence into terrestrial hab-itats but also timed movements among larvalhabitats, as discussed in later sections.


Because conditions in cold climates may beclose to the limits for insect life, unpredictabil-ity and variability are especially significant. Forexample, in high-Arctic regions summer tem-peratures are so low that the air temperature ona cold day is likely to fall below 0 °C: in a sam-ple high-Arctic site there is a 90% chance thatsubfreezing temperatures will occur during July(Danks 1993a). A summer that is only a fewdegrees colder than usual may delay or preventthe thawing of ice on lakes, hindering insectemergence.

Although species from many zones show pat-terns of variation that seem designed to copewith unpredictability and variability (Danks1983), alpine and northern aquatic insects pro-vide some particularly clear examples. Onshorter time frames, many species have stag-gered development that prevents the whole pop-ulation from being synchronized in a vulnerablestage. The dormant eggs of many species areresistant to adverse temperatures and, unlike thelarvae that hatch from them, do not dependupon the availability of food; staggered hatch ofsuch eggs is relatively common in cold andvariable habitats, though not confined to them(e.g., Zwick 1996). For example, extendedasynchronous hatch is characteristic of the al-pine stonefly Pteronarcys californica (Newport)(Townsend and Pritchard 2000) as well as

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northern Isogenoides species (Sandberg andStewart 2004) and some alpine mayflies(Knispel et al. 2006). In Hexagenia mayfliesfrom northern habitats, half of the eggs hatchreadily, but the rest enter diapause (Gibersonand Rosenberg 1992b). Staggered hatch hasbeen suggested, albeit for a temperate region, asa way to compensate for mortality from slushice or spates (Wise 1980). Other potential adap-tations to risk in aquatic insects from cold cli-mates include scattered emergence, especiallyof females, after the main emergence period(Ulfstrand 1969).

On a longer time frame, high-Arctic chirono-mids defer pupation when a particular season isespecially cold and thus likely not suitable forreproduction even if it allows larval develop-ment; they emerge instead only in the followingyear (Oliver 1968; Danks and Oliver 1972a).Likewise, diapause for more than one adverseseason (“prolonged diapause”) characterizesvariable or unpredictable habitats. In most suchcases a small proportion of individuals spend anextra year or more in diapause even thoughmost of their siblings emerge (for discussionand references see Danks 2006b). Few exam-ples are known in aquatic insects from cold cli-mates, but this almost certainly reflects a lackof investigation, because there are many terres-trial examples (Chernov 1978; Danks 1981).

On a still longer time frame, the evolutionaryrole of parthenogenesis in buffering risk hasbeen explored (e.g., Downes 1962, 1965; Danks1981). In variable environments, species that re-spond too rapidly to changing circumstances,such as an unusually warm polar summer, willbe at a disadvantage when typical cool sum-mers return. Such responses are constrained byobligate or predominant parthenogenesis, whichprevents recombination and thus the rapid se-lection of variants in response to change. Par-thenogenetic species of insects are indeed muchmore prevalent in the Arctic (and Antarctic)than in more equable climates. Parthenogeneticspecies among aquatic groups from cold cli-mates include chironomids, caddisflies, mayflies,and black flies, including Prosimulium ursinumand species of the genus Gymnopais (review byDanks 1981, pp. 291–292; Currie 1997; Lang-ton 1998). Of course, parthenogenetic specieshave the advantage too of not requiring matingactivities that are difficult in cold aerial habitats(see Summer activity).

Preparations for winter

As winter approaches, organisms must antici-pate and prepare for its onset. The patterns ofonset differ among aquatic habitats, but in thezones occupied by insects nearly all water bod-ies cool more slowly than terrestrial habitats inthe same area because the high specific heat ofwater and the latent heat of freezing slow therate at which temperatures fall. However, smallwater bodies cool more quickly than large ones.Except for spring-fed streams, watershedsfreeze from the small, upper creeks to the large,high-order channels because of the much highersurface area to volume ratio of the former. Thisdifference can be as much as one month insome regions. Also, alpine streams originate atelevations that are colder than the lowlandrivers they supply. Shallow pools freeze beforedeeper ponds, which in turn freeze before largelakes.

A second relevant factor is the relationship ofseasonal precipitation to the onset of coldweather. In many climates, ponds increase indepth following their summer minimum as tem-peratures cool, lowering evaporation, and as au-tumn rains begin. The result may be that muchof the marginal area most susceptible to winterfreezing is dry in summer and may not havebeen colonized by benthic organisms after theautumn rains (Danks 1971a).

In preparation for winter, insects may stay intheir summer habitat, which may or may notfreeze, or move to a different habitat with lesssevere conditions for the winter, either outsidethe summer water body or elsewhere within it.All of these strategies are used by one or an-other species in cold climates (Table 2).

In large lakes at any latitude, characteristicspecies remain in central bottom sediments thatdo not freeze. Bottom temperature during thewinter is 4 °C in typical temperate dimicticlakes but Arctic lakes cool below this tempera-ture and may even remain below 4 °C all year,at least in some years (Oliver 1964; Milner etal. 1997). In the somewhat less severe climatesof the cold-temperate zone, alternative habitatsare available to insects moving from small bod-ies of water that may freeze. For example,gerrids and most other semi-aquatic bugs leavethe summer habitat in the autumn and over-winter beneath litter and snow on land (Spenceand Andersen 1994). Also overwintering onland are some northern caddisflies (Ellis 1978;

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Berté and Pritchard 1983), culicine mosquitoes(Danks 1981), and beetles such as dytiscids.

The aquatic stages of most stream speciesmove within the habitat, colonizing central ar-eas that will not freeze. Such species includesome corixids, mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies,and chironomids (Olsson 1982, 1983; Barton etal. 1987; Irons et al. 1993). Some lentic may-flies and caddisflies also move to deeper waterin the autumn (e.g., Wodsedalek 1912; Gibbs1979; Tozer et al. 1981). Another set of speciespenetrates the substrate. For example, some ofthe species of chironomids in a shallow pondmove deeper into the sediment in winter (Danks1971b), although such movement may reflectonly the seeking of additional protection duringimmobile dormancy, because penetration intosediments occurs in the same habitat in re-sponse to high water temperatures and anoxiain summer. Likewise, chironomid larvae occu-pying vegetation that dies back during winterleave it in fall to overwinter in the sediments(Danks and Jones 1978 for Endochironomusnigricans (Johannsen)). Nevertheless, deep pen-etration into the substrate, notably into thehyporheic zone of streams, is certainly one ad-aptation favouring the survival of stoneflies innorthern regions (Stewart and Ricker 1997).

Finally, a small number of species remain insites likely to freeze. Those known to do soinclude chironomids and empidids and a fewmosquitoes, stoneflies, caddisflies, and dragon-flies (see Surviving the winter).

The timing of preparations for winter there-fore depends on habitat and life cycle, but atleast some species make early preparations fordiapause, especially those overwintering onland as adults. Culex mosquitoes that overwinteras adults enter diapause and then go into their

overwintering habitats relatively early in theyear, well before any likelihood of freezingtemperatures (e.g., Madder et al. 1983). Prepa-rations for winter include the storage of energyin the form of fat that supports metabolism, al-beit at a reduced rate, during the fall, winter,and spring, although in some species the trendsare relatively weak (cf. Meier et al. 2000).However, Arctic gyrinid beetles, for example,like temperate ones, accumulate substantial fatreserves (Svensson 2005).

Surviving the winter

Winter conditions in cold climates includelow temperatures, ice formation, snow accumu-lation, and chemical changes in water sealed offbeneath ice and overlying snow. Temperaturesvary from 4 °C to about 0 °C in unfrozen habi-tats and from 0 °C to much colder in frozenones. Moreover, conditions can differ amongdifferent zones of one habitat and also from oneyear to the next in the same habitat. Tempera-tures in the high-Arctic lake studied by An-drews and Rigler (1985) fell to –18 °C at 0.5 mdepth but only –7.5 °C at 1.75 m. Irons et al.(1989) recorded bottom temperatures of –0.1 °Cin one year and –12.8 °C in another year in anAlaskan stream. Sediments of a shallow pond inAlberta reached –8 °C during winter (Dabornand Clifford 1974). Freezing depends on tem-perature and snowfall but also on water supply.Ponds and streams in cold regions freeze to agreater depth whenever there is less snow forinsulation and in dry years when winter waterlevels and flows are lower (Clifford 1969; Ironset al. 1989). Water levels may continue to fallin northern rivers throughout the winter (Olsson1981).

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Constraint or threat Sample response

Increased water depth before winter Avoidance of movement to newly submerged edges more likely tofreeze

Likelihood of winter ice or freezing Movement to terrestrial habitats, especially as adultsLikelihood of winter freezing Movement to more central habitats

Movement to deeper layers in substrateConstruction of burrows or cocoonsDevelopment of cold hardiness (see Table 3)

Early onset of winter Preparations for and entry into diapause well in advance of winter,at least for terrestrial adults

Long period of inactivity Sequestering of energy supplies as fat

Table 2. Sample responses of aquatic insects that anticipate winter conditions in cold climates (for examplesand references see text).

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Ice formation in the aquatic habitat can dam-age organisms mechanically and encouragefreezing of their body fluids, but ice forms dif-ferently in different kinds of habitat. Lentichabitats, especially smaller ones that are notturbulent from wind action, typically are cov-ered quite early in the winter by surface orsheet ice that overlies unfrozen water. Once allof the overlying water is frozen the substratemay freeze, the nature of the resulting winterhabitat depending on the water content and par-ticle size of the sediments. If air temperaturescontinue to fall these frozen substrates experi-ence temperatures below –20 °C in Arctic habi-tats (Scholander et al. 1953). Surface ice alsogrows out from shore in sheltered areas overflowing water, but in turbulent flows surface iceformation is prevented. Instead, frazil ice formswhere there is too much water movement to al-low ice to consolidate, comprising suspendedice crystals that customarily lead to aggrega-tions of ice or slush (review by Shen 2003).These crystals and aggregations may then co-alesce and adhere to the bottom to form anchorice. Anchor ice may even serve to seal off thestreambed from further disturbances (Beltaos etal. 1993), although its subsequent release maythen scour the bed downstream.

Snowfall influences habitat temperatures be-cause air between the snow flakes makes snowa very good insulator, so that sediments beneathice and snow are buffered from air tempera-tures. Therefore, these sediments reach equilib-rium between the warm earth below them andthe cold air above the snow. Consequently,aquatic habitats adjacent to the warm earth canwarm up in midwinter when air temperaturesameliorate even though the air is still very cold(Danks 1971a). In the Arctic, however, habitatsunderlain by permafrost continue to cool (An-drews and Rigler 1985). The depth of snow thataccumulates depends on weather and also onlocal distribution according to depressions, veg-etation, wind, and so on, creating potentiallylarge differences among habitats and sub-habitats (Danks 1991a). Snowfall is relativelylimited in the Arctic (although the strong windsthere move it into substantial drifts) but rela-tively heavy in most alpine and boreal regions.Heavy snow may crack ice, releasing water thatfreezes as opaque ice below the snow and abovethe original clear ice.

At least in ponds, surface ice formation con-centrates solutes in the unfrozen water below acontinuous layer of surface ice. Surface ice also

hinders oxygen exchange with the air. Althoughphytoplankton photosynthesis can occur in coldwater, only a few centimetres of snow reducethe light penetrating lake ice to near zero, elim-inating this source of oxygen (Schindler 1972;Reid et al. 1975; Sahlberg 1988). Cut off fromthe air by ice and shielded by snow, small andmedium-sized lentic habitats regularly becomevirtually free of oxygen during winter, espe-cially when sediments have a high biologicaloxygen demand, leading to winter kills of fishand even invertebrates (Danks 1971a; Nagelland Brittain 1977). Oxygen can also be reducedby surface ice even in rivers because of de-clines in turbulence and photosynthesis (Poweret al. 1993).

Insects in winter therefore face several differ-ent challenges, and they respond in the manyways summarized in Table 3. Although condi-tions vary widely among the various aquatichabitats, the majority of insect species fromcold climates are dormant during the coldestparts of the year, and many of them have towithstand very low or freezing temperatures.Their key requirement for cold hardiness is nowconsidered in particular detail.

The elements of insect cold hardiness havebeen well established for terrestrial insects (forsample reviews and many additional referencessee Danks 1996, 2005, 2006a, 2007; Bale2002). Insects can be injured by cold tempera-tures both above and below the freezing point.Injury occurs above freezing (“chilling injury”)when enzyme systems or membrane lipids aredisrupted, for example. Many species also with-stand temperatures below freezing. Typical in-sect species survive by supercooling (“freezingresistance”), when the body fluids remain un-frozen even at very low temperatures. Super-cooling occurs because ice formation requireswater molecules to adopt the hexagonal config-uration of the ice crystal, and normally this isassisted by their aggregation around a nucleusthat initiates freezing. In water bodies thiswould be a dust particle, for example. However,in very small volumes of clean water substantialsupercooling is possible because in the absenceof nucleators an appropriate aggregation of watermolecules stable enough to initiate freezing willoccur only if it is so cold that the molecules aremoving very slowly. Droplets of pure water thensupercool to the spontaneous or homogeneousfreezing point, which is about –40 °C (Vali1995). Insects can achieve similar or even lowersupercooling points by avoiding, eliminating, or

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masking nucleators. Ice itself is a very efficientnucleator, however, so contact with external icewould be expected to initiate inoculative freez-ing through the cuticle, especially in aquaticlarvae that are not heavily sclerotized, and oncea single internal ice crystal forms it initiatesvery rapid freezing in the remaining super-cooled liquid.

Supercooling depends on the volume of liquidand so can also be enhanced by reducing theavailability of water (e.g., Zachariassen et al.2004); most overwintering insects reduce theamount of freezable water by associating the wa-ter molecules with particular molecules or bio-logical surfaces. Insects manufacture two mainkinds of antifreeze molecules. First, small sol-utes such as glycerol (and other polyhydric alco-hols, sugars, and some other substances: seetables in Lee 1991 and Ramløv 2000), separatelyor in combination, lower the true freezing pointor melting point by colligative action, enhancingsupercooling especially at the high concentra-tions often encountered. The solutes also specifi-cally protect proteins and membranes (Storeyand Storey 1992). Second, large antifreeze pro-teins inhibit freezing by preventing ice growth atthe ice–water interface and by masking potentialsites of nucleation (review by Duman 2001), andthus are most effective at temperatures relatively

close to freezing. Their effectiveness is greatlyenhanced by interactions with each other andwith small molecules such as glycerol (Wangand Duman 2005). Although not yet reportedfrom Diptera (the dominant northern group), an-tifreeze proteins are widely distributed in Alas-kan insects, including the gerrid Limnoporusdissortis (Drake and Harris) (Duman et al.2004), and are presumed to occur in eggs of anorthern stonefly (Gehrken and Sømme 1987).

Other insect species can survive actual freez-ing within the body (“freezing tolerance”). Thevarious cryoprotectants, including “antifreeze”proteins, serve to protect membranes and otherstructures while they are frozen (e.g., Duman2001). This freezing is extracellular, not intra-cellular (with limited exceptions), because wa-ter is drawn out of the cells to freeze on icebetween them. If the freezing takes place toorapidly, water cannot leave the cells in this way,and the resulting intracellular freezing is nor-mally fatal. Processes that draw water out ofcells onto intercellular ice have parallels withdehydration, and indeed water and temperaturerelationships are closely linked (Ring andDanks 1994). Extensive supercooling in someArctic terrestrial insects appears to depend onmarked dehydration, which increases cryo-protectant concentrations (Bennett et al. 2005).

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Constraint or threat Sample response

Low temperaturesCold water Chilling toleranceMild freezing, frazil or anchor ice Freezing resistance (supercooling) at relatively high

subfreezing temperatures above the body meltingpoint

Presumed manufacture of cryoprotectantsProlonged severe freezing Freezing tolerance

Presumed manufacture of cryoprotectantsMechanical damage from ice formation Habitat and microhabitat choice

Penetration into substrateConstruction of cocoons

Progression of freezing in the microhabitat Movement away from the ice front during winterSevere cold in terrestrial overwintering habitats Supercooling, resistance to inoculative freezing

Low activity thresholds for winter activityManufacture of cryoprotectants

Chemical conditionsConcentration of solutes Osmotic control and other adaptationsOxygen low or absent Dormancy

Resistance to anoxia

Table 3. Sample responses of aquatic insects to winter conditions in cold climates (for examples andreferences see text).

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Some small soil organisms with permeable cuti-cles avoid freezing by extensive dehydration aswater is lost to external ice, thereby progres-sively lowering the temperature at which thebody contents would freeze (review byHolmstrup et al. 2002). Some frozen chirono-mid larvae show marked wrinkling and dehy-dration that presumably precedes freezing(Danks 1971b for an Arctic pond; Lencioni2004 for an alpine stream), in addition to anyphysiological dehydration in preparation forwinter.

Unfortunately, few detailed physiological orbiochemical experiments have been done withaquatic species, so we do not know what com-binations of cryoprotectants might be used. Pre-sumably they would be similar to profiles interrestrial species.

Many terrestrial insects also manufacture pro-teinaceous ice-nucleating agents for the winter(reviews by Duman 2001 and Lundheim 2002),which are supposed to limit supercooling infreezing-tolerant insects. The very rapid anddamaging formation of ice that takes place oncefreezing is initiated in supercooled insects isthereby avoided, including the intracellularfreezing that is more likely under such condi-tions. Some freezing-tolerant terrestrial specieslack ice-nucleating agents, however, and inmost of these species inoculative freezing fromthe environment at relatively high subfreezingtemperatures is required to permit survival (re-view by Duman et al. 1991, pp. 397–398). Sim-ilar inoculation of freezing by ice could occureasily in species overwintering in aquatic habi-tats, and so ice-nucleating agents would not beexpected.

How aquatic insects cope with ice in the im-mediate environment is of particular interest(Moore and Lee 1991; Oswood et al. 1991;Irons et al. 1993; Frisbie and Lee 1997) be-cause, unlike most terrestrial insects, they livein water or wet substrates. When surroundingice is only at about 0 °C, as in the case of fraziland anchor ice, its temperature is above the truefreezing point (or melting point) of all organ-isms because ordinary cell constituents providesome freezing-point depression, and super-cooling is not required. Some alpine chirono-mids, stoneflies, mayflies, caddisflies, and otherspecies survive in anchor ice but not in moresevere conditions (Brown et al. 1953; Benson1955).

Many aquatic insects are known to survivewinter in habitats in which all of the water is

frozen. For example, aquatic insects from sev-eral different orders live in Arctic ponds thatfreeze completely (Danks 1981). However,when minimum habitat temperatures are rela-tively close to the freezing point, it may not bepossible to distinguish species that survive bysupercooling even when encased in ice fromthose that are freezing tolerant. Nevertheless,freezing tolerance has been demonstrated un-equivocally in the larvae of many species ofchironomids (Danks 1971b lists more than 25species of many genera in different subfamiliesthat are certainly freezing tolerant, and manymore that survive in freezing habitats and maybe freezing tolerant) as well as in someempidids, mosquitoes, and other flies andcaddisflies, and it may occur in some other taxaincluding dragonflies. For example, chirono-mids survive the winter frozen solid in Arcticsediments. Larvae of pond species studied byScholander et al. (1953) and Danks (1971b)survive –20 °C in nature, and species collectedfrozen from high-Arctic ponds survived shortexperimental treatments of –32 °C (Scholanderet al. 1953) and several weeks at –18 °C(Danks 1971b). In high-Arctic Char Lake, sev-eral species of chironomids showed substantialsurvival following overwintering at tempera-tures down to –18 °C (Andrews and Rigler1985). Freezing tolerance of cold-temperatespecies is less extreme, but some species sur-vived experimental freezing at –4 °C, withmuch better survival in winter cocoons (Danks1971b). Some lotic species likewise are freez-ing tolerant. Oswood et al. (1991) and Olsson(1981, 1982) found diverse chironomid speciesalive after a winter frozen in the bed of north-ern streams. Larvae of Diamesa mendotae fromnorthern streams are freezing tolerant(Bouchard et al. 2006b), and so are otherDiamesa species from alpine habitats (e.g.,Lencioni 2004).

Several species of caddisflies appear to befreezing tolerant, notably species that over-winter as larvae in frozen tundra pools. Thelimnephilid caddisfly Sphagnophylax meiopsWiggins and Winchester, for example, spendsmore than 8 months as a larva frozen in the wetsubstrate, where the mean temperature in April(late winter) is –12.3 °C (Wiggins and Win-chester 1984; Winchester et al. 1993). Loticspecies are less cold hardy than lentic ones inthe north (Wiggins and Parker 1997), although

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Olsson (1981, 1982) reported survival of sev-eral species from frozen river sediments.

Another set of species that may be freezingtolerant comes from small container habitatsthat hold so little water that they are not buf-fered from winter temperatures. Larvae of mos-quitoes survive in tree holes that may freeze to–15.5 °C (Copeland and Craig 1990). Larvae ofOrthopodomyia alba Baker, for example, frozenexperimentally, survived 24 h at –25 °C and16 days at –15 °C, at least in some instars.Pitcher-plant inhabitants that overwinter as lar-vae include the mosquito Wyeomia smithii(Coquillett) and the chironomid midgeMetriocnemus knabi (Coquillett) (Giberson andHardwick 1999). Both species can overwinterencased in ice, and many larvae of M. knabiwithstood exposure to –16.5 °C for 116 days(Paterson 1971). In contrast, larvae ofW. smithii are not freezing tolerant and super-cool only to about –5 °C (Evans and Brust1972). They rely on insulation of the pitcher byoverlying snow, so survival varies according tosnowfall patterns as well as winter temperatures(Farkas and Brust 1986).

Other species survive temperatures below0 °C as overwintering eggs, as in some Aedesmosquitoes (Copeland and Craig 1990), streamblack flies (Kurtak 1974 for eggs laid in terres-trial habitats), and mayflies (Clifford 1969;Giberson and Galloway 1985), including theArctic species Baetis bundyae Lehmkuhl(Giberson et al. 2007). Some aquatic insecteggs, such as those of Lestes dragonflies, sur-vive temperatures below –20 °C, and as low as–28 °C in L. congener (Sawchyn and Gillott1974a, 1974b), although snow cover too is nec-essary for winter survival. In some caddisfliesfrom temporary pools, the gelatinous egg ma-trix resists freezing and drying and perhaps evengives freezing tolerance to the eggs (Wiggins1973). However, in frozen streams eggs of thestonefly Arcynopteryx compacta, although en-cased in ice, overwinter down to –29 °C not byfreezing but by supercooling through loss of upto two-thirds of the normal water content(Gehrken and Sømme 1987). There may be par-allels here with the resistance against freezingof soil forms that depend on extensive dehydra-tion by loss of water to external ice (see above).Resistance to inoculative freezing might also bepossible because of antifreeze proteins, asshown experimentally for terrestrial species(Olsen et al. 1998; Zettel 2000). These proteinsare most effective when the potential seed ice

crystals are very small (Zachariassen andHusby 1982) and so might be able to preventinoculation through cuticular pores that are verysmall (Duman 2001).

Aquatic species that survive in frozen habi-tats that do not get very cold probably super-cool rather than freeze. For example, dragonflylarvae survive exposure to –1 °C (Duffy andListon 1985). Species from prairie pond sedi-ments have been reported to survive naturalwinter temperatures as low as –6 or –8 °C(Daborn 1971; Sawchyn and Gillott 1975), butsurvival is not very high as temperaturesapproach the supercooling point of about –4 to–8 °C (Moore and Lee 1991). Empidid larvae,which like chironomid larvae do not appear tomove away before winter from sites likely to befrozen, also showed good survival after freezingin a sub-Arctic stream in Alaska (Irons et al.1993). Nevertheless, experiments by Oswood etal. (1991) found that even wet empidid larvaehave supercooling points between –5 and –10 °C.

In all of these species a period of preparationfor overwintering in frozen habitats seems to berequired. For example, dehydration of freezing-resistant stonefly eggs takes time: eggs cooledrapidly are killed (Gehrken and Sømme 1987).

In addition to cryoprotection, supercooling,and other physiological elements of cold hardi-ness, some aquatic insects withstand the me-chanical effects of ice or move to avoid it. Insome habitats, too, insects cope with high sol-ute concentrations or anoxia beneath the ice.

The expansion of water as it freezes to formice can damage aquatic insects. Unprotected in-dividuals are usually injured by the mechanicalforces resulting from this marked expansion(about 8%). As a result, most organisms thatare simply frozen in containers in the laboratorydo not survive (e.g., Scholander et al. 1953;Danks 1971b; Olsson 1981). Freezing in sedi-ments and plant material, which modify the me-chanical forces, is likely to be less disruptivethan freezing in water alone. In addition, manyaquatic species overwinter in substrates withinburrows or cocoons, which are presumed toprovide protection against mechanical forces.For example, some species of chironomidsbuild special winter cocoons that differ fromthe summer feeding cases. In temperate andArctic shallow pond species these winter co-coons appear to be built in response to tempera-tures close to 0 °C (Danks 1971b). Moreover,the larvae may leave them again after the cold-est period of winter (compare Danks and Jones

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1978, Table 2). Such cocoons were also com-monly encountered in a lake by Danell (1981)and in a river by Olsson (1981, 1982), althoughAndrews and Rigler (1985) found that only oneof the chironomid species overwintering in ahigh-Arctic lake, Chaetocladius sp., made win-ter cocoons. Winter cocoons are tightly appliedto the bodies of the larvae, which are folded upwithin the cocoons in ways characteristic ofeach species (review by Danks 1971b; Madderet al. 1977; Danks and Jones 1978). Such aposture would limit mechanical damage to thebody and anal processes. Other insects, includ-ing some chironomids and caddisflies, simplyseal their relatively robust summer cases foroverwintering on or in the substrate (Olsson1981).

As already noted, many aquatic species movein autumn to avoid areas where ice will form.Other species move in winter itself only as tem-peratures fall or in response to the ice front, asobserved for the mayfly Leptophlebia vesper-tina (Linn.) by Olsson (1983) and experimen-tally for a range of groups by Oswood et al.(1991). Such “last-minute” responses are possi-ble because temperature changes in most aquatichabitats are very slow.

Even in unfrozen areas, conditions beneathsurface ice include concentration of solutes byfreezing out. Concentrations can be high insmall lentic habitats (Daborn and Clifford1974). The distinct wrinkling and dehydrationof chironomid larvae from frozen high-Arcticponds and alpine streams may therefore resultfrom the osmotic effects of solute concentration(Danks 1971b), but in any event would serve toenhance cold hardiness. Moreover, dehydrationby passive processes, such as loss of water toexternal ice or to hyperosmotic solutions, is notenergetically costly, as pointed out by Gehrkenand Sømme (1987).

Resistance to anoxia varies widely among in-sect species (Hoback and Stanley 2001 andHodkinson and Bird 2004 provide recent re-views emphasizing terrestrial species). In aquatichabitats, the amount of oxygen depletion be-neath surface ice and thus its effect on insectsvaries from year to year, but some species sur-vive many months in anoxia (e.g., Nagell 1977,1980; Nagell and Brittain 1977). Other speciessurvive by moving to microhabitats such aspond edges which have more oxygen than else-where (Brittain and Nagell 1981). Some aquatichabitats experience anoxia in summer too, espe-cially in the sediments. Some insects are well

adapted to such conditions, including chirono-mid larvae that contain haemoglobin.

In less severe habitats, even in cold regions,some species are active rather than dormantduring winter (review by Danks 1991a). Thechief adaptations of the species that remain ac-tive in winter are low thresholds for develop-ment and activity (e.g., Brittain 1980, 1983;Bengtsson 1981). In the same way, adults ac-tive in late winter show low activity thresholdsand good supercooling abilities. For example,the supercooling point of adult Diamesamendotae is –21.6 °C, similar to the lethallimit (Carillo et al. 2004; Bouchard et al.2006a, 2006b).

Finally, it is worth noting that by no meansall aquatic species in cold climates remain inwater for the winter. Adults of the species thatoverwinter on land shelter chiefly in litter andsimilar habitats insulated by overlying snow, asin gerrids and some limnephilid caddisflies (seeabove). Sarcophagid larvae from pitcher plantsleave the pitchers in autumn and pupate in thesoil (Dahlem and Naczi 2006). These speciessurvive by supercooling.

Spring challenges

In spring, frozen habitats begin to thaw, chal-lenging aquatic insects in different ways thanthey experienced during winter freezing. Asfrozen insects warm up prior to thawing, internalice-crystal structure can change and potentiallyinjurious recrystallizations and reorganizationscan occur. One of the potential roles of cryo-protectants such as antifreeze proteins is towithstand or mitigate the effects of these rear-rangements (Duman 2001). However, there isno information about this process in aquatic in-sects.

The manner in which ice melts in differentaquatic habitats also influences the insectsthere. Melting of the snow accumulated duringthe long winter leads to very high flows in run-ning water and to the temporary flooding oflower-lying land. Spring flows can be 100 timesgreater than the annual minimum in Laplandstreams (Ulfstrand 1969). Increasing the impactin running waters is the breakup of ice, whichaccentuates disturbance during the thaw(Prowse 1994; Scrimgeour et al. 1994; Prowseand Culp 2003). Ice stores water but releases itrapidly on melting. Ice dams water behind iteven when partially broken up, so that high-order streams back up during the thaw and

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flood larger areas than would otherwise be thecase. Finally, all of the held-up water is re-leased, increasing flows and the potential forfloods downstream. For example, 27% of Mac-kenzie River flows have been attributed to ice-induced water storage (Prowse and Carter2002). These spring events lead to very highcurrents, scouring of the bottom by rapidlymoving water and current-borne ice, high sus-pended sediment loads and subsequent deposi-tion, loss of fine particles, and flooding.Temperatures may stay low for some time butsubsequently the water warms up relatively rap-idly (Prowse and Culp 2003, p. 133). In lenticwaters, on the other hand, ice melts graduallyand although the melted ice and snow enlargethe area or depth and influence temperatures,and broken-up, wind-driven ice on large lakescan strike the shore, the dramatic disturbancestypical of lotic systems are lacking.

Cold meltwater flowing into lakes under theice is lighter than the 4 °C bottom water in coldstratified lakes and so influences insects in thelittoral rather than the profundal zone. Thiswater may contain pollutants such as acid rain,giving an “acid pulse” in regions that receiveacid snow in winter. Acidified melting snowalso influences insects in running waters (e.g.,Lepori et al. 2003).

In large river systems the direction of flowgreatly influences the pattern of ice breakup be-cause of climatic differences between lower andhigher latitudes. Rivers flowing towards warmerregions (i.e., south in the northern hemisphere)break up much more smoothly than those flow-ing in the other direction. In the latter, the waterfrom melted tributaries adds to the build upbehind accumulations of ice that have not yetmelted (Prowse and Culp 2003). In smallerrivers and streams, however, much of the flowfrom snowmelt may be discharged before mostof the channel ice or substrate melts. Meltwaterthen flows over ice or frozen ground, whichprotects the fauna from the worst effects (Millerand Stout 1989, p. 117).

Insect reponses to these spring challenges,including ways to compensate for the shortnessof the subsequent summer, are summarized inTable 4. They vary according to habitat and lati-tude but are generally much less well knownthan are the physical challenges themselves(compare the reviews cited above).

A few species can exploit the very rapidcurrents and the food they carry during maxi-mum discharge, as in the Swedish black fly

Metacnephia lyra (Lundström), which conse-quently grows very fast at that time(Malmqvist 1999). Nevertheless, spring floodstypically displace large numbers of some spe-cies (Brittain and Eikeland 1988). Other spe-cies avoid the breakup and peak flow, such asthose that remain dormant in the hyporheosuntil after these major disturbances are over.Unlike most species (see Preparations for win-ter), a few species overwinter at the streamedge, not the centre, following autumn move-ments (Messner et al. 1983 for a hydrocorisidbug) or bankside oviposition (Kurtak 1974 fora black fly). Such placement may be related toavoidance of spring flushing rather than towinter conditions. Some species occupy otherhabitats during this spate. For example, larvaeof the mayfly Leptophlebia cupida (Say) movefrom under river ice to safer tributaries asbreakup starts (Clifford 1969; Clifford et al.1979). Other species overwinter in lakes, colo-nizing the streams below them only by driftingdown after the breakup ends and returning tothe lakes in autumn by flight (Müller et al.1976; Mendl and Müller 1978).

Timing of the life cycle allows these speciesto withstand or avoid the worst winter andspring conditions, but typically aquatic insectsfrom cold climates nevertheless have to emergein spring as early as possible to take advantageof the short summer season for adult reproduc-tive activity. Two examples from high-Arcticponds illustrate how this early emergence isachieved. Although these high-Arctic examplesare especially striking, there is a marked gen-eral tendency for Arctic and boreal species toemerge in spring rather than later in the year(Downes 1962; Danks 1981, pp. 282–284).

Many investigated species of chironomidsfrom Arctic ponds do not emerge unless theyhave completed growth the previous year(Danks and Oliver 1972a for the high Arctic;Butler 1982b). Any individuals that must feedin spring, even a little, defer emergence untilthe next spring, thereby entering the adult stageas early as possible in the short summer (“abso-lute spring species” of Danks and Oliver1972a). However, preliminary information sug-gests that stream chironomids in the same high-Arctic locality do not have this type of lifecycle (Hayes and Murray 1987), perhaps re-flecting the wide differences among differentaquatic habitats in cold climates already noted,and in particular the fact that lotic habitats are

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greatly disturbed in the spring, whereas shallowponds are not.

High-Arctic mosquitoes provide a second ex-ample of how early emergence is favoured.Like all northern species of Aedes, these mos-quitoes must ensure that the egg stage, the onlyviable overwintering stage, is reached again inthe same season. The high-Arctic species assistearly egg development in the spring throughspecific oviposition behaviour, which has beencharacterized in particular detail for Aedes nig-ripes (Zetterstedt) (Corbet 1964; Corbet andDanks 1975). The females choose warm, moistsites near the temporary ponds that are the lar-val habitat, but with very exacting require-ments. Areas with minor surface irregularitiesappear to be favoured. The sites must be pro-tected from wind by bank contour and espe-cially by stands of emergent sedges growing inshallow water near the pond edges, althoughthese cannot be too dense or grow too close orthe oviposition site might be shaded. Femalesof A. nigripes lay eggs only in direct sunshineand on banks that slope such that they are nor-mal to the sun’s rays and hence warmer thanmore gently sloping or steeper banks. More-over, this choice of the warmest sites is en-hanced because females oviposit only aroundthe middle of the day and not at other times(Corbet 1965, 1966). Such very particular re-quirements of ovipositing females produce veryhigh densities of eggs in a few favoured sites,whilst other places adjacent to the larval habi-tat, and even the whole shoreline of some ponds,carry no eggs at all. When the ponds fill in

spring, the eggs hatch quickly because they arein the warmest possible places that thaw first.

Summer activity

Although summers can be relatively hot inthe interiors of continents that experience verycold winters, summers in regions with cool cli-mates typically are short and heat-limited. Mostaquatic insects must complete development,emerge, and reproduce under these conditions.Some of them compensate by extending the lifecycle for more than one year (see Seasonalityand insect life cycles). Depending on the habi-tat, insects may offset the low temperatures andshort growing seasons by functioning evenwhen heat is limited, notably through lowthresholds or heat demands, or by gaining orseeking out heat through morphological, meta-bolic, and behavioural adaptations. Relevantchallenges and responses are summarized in Ta-ble 5.

Some species select summer habitats or partsof the habitat that allow faster development.Movements may bring them to warmer andricher tributaries or flooded areas, althoughsuch movements have been interpreted as a re-sponse to spring disturbance (see Spring chal-lenges) because growth there is no faster thanin the main channel (Clifford et al. 1979). Evensome chironomids from high-Arctic lakes showevidence of seasonal movements between loticand lentic habitats (Oliver 1976). However, sub-sequent movements of Parameletus mayfliesfrom the river edges colonized in spring to

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Constraint or threat Sample response

Ice recrystallization in freezing-tolerant species Presumed cryoprotectantsScour of the stream or river bottom by ice or

spring flowsWintering in other habitatsChoice of smaller habitats or tributaries, or those with

lower flowMovement to edges before spring, or overwintering at

edgesPenetration into substrateStart of activity only after peak flow

Rapid currents Adaptations to maintain position and feed in fast flowsShortness of summer season Emerge as early as possible in the spring through life-

cycle controlsDiapause to prevent emergence later than springOverwinter in the warmest spring sites through

oviposition-site selection the previous year

Table 4. Sample responses of aquatic insects to spring challenges in cold climates (for examples andreferences see text).

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adjacent temporary ponds serve to reduce pre-dation (Söderström and Nilsson 1987).

Although in most habitats options for heatgain by aquatic immature stages are limited,site selection plays a key role in ponds. Theimportance of oviposition-site selection has al-ready been exemplified by high-Arctic mosqui-toes, which lay eggs on the warmest andearliest-thawing sites. Furthermore, as demon-strated for some sub-Arctic species, mosquitolarvae aggregate in the warmest places withinthe pools in which they develop, preferringsunny to shaded locations and even adjustingtheir depth to select places closer to the pre-ferred temperature (Haufe 1957). Chosen sunnysites can be as much as 6 or 7 °C warmer at thesame time of day than other parts of the samepond that are cooled by permafrost and lack in-solation.

Many species from cool streams are coldstenotherms with low limits for activity and lowtemperature sums for development. Larvae ofDiamesa chironomids from alpine glacialstreams develop at temperatures below 2 °C(Milner and Petts 1994; Ward 1994). Eggs ofstoneflies are cold adapted (Pritchard et al.1996), and many larval stoneflies develop at verylow temperatures (e.g., Mutch and Pritchard1986). Some larval mayflies and caddisflies areactive at temperatures below 0.5 °C (Brittain andNagell 1981; Solem 1983). Arctic mosquito lar-vae develop down to about 1 °C (Haufe and Bur-gess 1956). Similar adaptations occur in adultsthat remain active when it is very cold, as inhigh-alpine Diamesa chironomids that are activeat temperatures as low as –16 °C (Kohshima1984). Many rapidly developing species are

small, a trait that reduces requirements of heatas well as food (cf. Danks 2006c).

Some cold-climate species have evolved me-tabolism that is relatively rapid at a given tem-perature, and such temperature compensation orthermal adaptation occurs most commonly innorthern compared with southern species in agroup (e.g., Van Doorslaer and Stoks 2005 forCoenagrion dragonflies). However, such adap-tation is by no means common even in Arcticinsects (Danks 1981). Also reported in Arcticchironomids is shorter-term acclimation,whereby individuals compensate after transferto a lower temperature by increasing respiratorymetabolism (Bierle 1971; Butler et al. 1981). InHexagenia mayflies, lower day-degree require-ments for development have been reported fornorthern populations, even though temperaturethresholds apparently are the same as those inmore southern populations (Giberson andRosenberg 1994).

Adaptations to cold summers are common inadult aquatic insects. Arctic dragonflies illustratethe ways in which species include or combinedifferent strategies. (In dragonflies, too, post-emergence maturation would be slower in colderplaces.) Adaptations for dragonfly activity areclosely tied not only with size, because insectscan thermoregulate more easily when body sizeis larger, but also with behaviour (Sformo andDoak 2006). Small dragonflies keep flying bymeans of low minimum flight temperatures,whereas large ones fly at elevated temperaturesby using wing muscles to produce heat; butdragonflies that spend much time perching gen-erate less metabolic heat than those species thatremain in flight for long periods.

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Constraint or threat Sample response

Low habitat temperatures Choice of habitats that are warm and have rich food suppliesChoice of warm microhabitats within a given water body

Summers cool and short Low temperature thresholds and heat requirements for development (includingthermal compensation at higher latitudes)

Small sizeCool air temperatures Thermoregulation by adults, including dark colours, microhabitat choice,

basking behaviour, and endothermyLow temperature thresholds for flight and other activitiesActivity on the ground or water surface with reduced wings and modified legsMating behaviour curtailed with modification of genitalia, antennae, etc.Diel activity geared to temperature

Table 5. Sample responses of aquatic insects to summer constraints in cold climates (for examples andreferences see text).

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One way of reducing heat requirements is totelescope or eliminate behaviours that are diffi-cult when summers are cold, such as those re-quiring aerial activity. Indeed, many Arctic andalpine species of chironomids and other flieswith southern relatives that normally mate inaerial swarms mate instead on the ground orwater surface. Associated with this habit, tovarying degrees depending on species, are mod-ifications to some or all of the wings, thorax,antennae, palps, eyes, legs, and genitalia (e.g.,Downes 1962; Oliver 1983; Sæther andWillassen 1987; Oliver and Dillon 1997; Butler2000). Several species of Arctic chironomidshave male antennae modified to a greater orlesser extent towards the female form by loss ofthe long setae that are part of the system usedby normal flying males to amplify and detectfemale wing-beat frequencies. One but not theother male morph of the Arctic chironomid Oli-veridia tricornis (Oliver) has this adaptation(Oliver 1976, as Trissocladius). Wings are rela-tively reduced in the flightless tundra caddisflySphagnophylax meiops (Winchester et al.1993). Northern Gymnopais black flies mate onthe ground and have reduced eyes and other un-usual characteristics (Currie 1997). Partheno-genesis, which is prevalent in Arctic insects(see Variability), also eliminates the need formating.

Heat is acquired in the aerial adults of manyaquatic insects, as in terrestrial species, by vari-ous forms of thermoregulation. For example,relatively large, melanic, and hairy adults baskin sunshine to raise body temperature (Danks1981). In the high Arctic, even mosquitoes baskin the parabolic corollas of certain flowers, suchas Arctic poppies, that track the sun during theday (Kevan 1989 and references cited there),thereby allowing enhanced activity and egg de-velopment.

Finally, diel patterns of adult emergence andactivity accord with habitat temperatures.Whereas these temporal patterns in warmer cli-mates are programmed by endogenous circa-dian rhythms geared to photoperiod, in cold andunpredictable habitats direct responses to tem-perature seem to be prevalent (cf. Danks andOliver 1972b for high-Arctic chironomids).

Aquatic communities in coldclimates

Aquatic habitats in cold regions are compara-tively poor in species compared with warmer

regions, as might be expected, but diversity var-ies widely with latitude and depends on thehabitat features already noted, especially pro-ductivity, habitat complexity, hydrological dis-turbance, channel stability, and freezing (e.g.,Lee and Hershey 2000; Voelz and McArthur2000; Vinson and Hawkins 2003; Huryn et al.2005; Füreder et al. 2006). The composition ofaquatic faunas in boreal and alpine regions, andespecially in Arctic regions, suggests that theyhave been selected by the constraints that resultfrom cold climates. For example, Diptera, espe-cially aquatic species, dominate the Arcticfauna as a whole and Chironomidae dominatethe high Arctic (Danks 1990). This pattern isrepeated in Arctic Alaska (Miller and Stout1989; Oswood 1989, 1997; Hershey et al.1995) and in alpine streams (Füreder et al.2005). Such phylogenetic patterns, confirmedon a wider scale for Arctic insects as a whole(e.g., Danks 1981, 1993b), suggest that certaingroups are at an advantage in cold areas, owingto traits of physiology, habitats, and habits.Thus, changes in composition would reflectpre-existing advantages of particular taxa. Forexample, Chironomidae are even supposed tohave evolved in cold mountain streams, andfreezing tolerance is very widely distributed inthe family (Danks 1971b). Stoneflies with win-ter adults (Nemouridae) are well represented inAlaskan streams (Oswood 1989). Stonefliesthat survive in the Yukon Territory belong togroups that develop in hyporheic and other un-frozen habitats or have a long life cycle withwinter diapause, live in permanent ponds wellsupplied with detritus or feed when litter is inpeak supply, and lack the less favourable habi-tats and large vulnerable gills of the taxa thatare absent (Stewart and Ricker 1997). Amongnorthern caddisflies, species from cold lotichabitats that have unstable substrates, highlyvariable flows, and limited food are reduced(Wiggins and Parker 1997), although, as indytiscid beetles (Larson 1997), many speciesfrom generally warmer, more stable, and richerlentic habitats persist.

The abundance of species in these attenuatedfaunas appears to vary more from one year tothe next than in warmer regions because ofabiotic disturbances (Miller and Stout 1989;Hershey et al. 1997). Year-to-year variation indischarge greatly influences black fly popula-tions in an Alaskan river (Hershey et al. 1997).Indeed, the emergence and abundance of insectspecies in Alaskan streams varies so much from

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year to year that a simple index based on pro-portions of taxa is useless for indicating streamcondition (Milner et al. 2006). Communitiesmight therefore be expected to result to agreater degree from abiotic factors than fromcompetition, predation, or anthropogenic influ-ences. Nevertheless, interactions with other or-ganisms are complex. Temporal and spatialseparation of related species is known even incold-climate habitats (e.g., Butler 1982a, 2000for Arctic chironomids; Solem 1983 for alpinecaddisflies; Irons 1988 for Alaskan caddisflies).Litter processing in cold streams may depend toa greater degree on shredder insects than onmicrobes (Irons et al. 1994). Predation by fishis important (Hershey 1985b; O’Brien et al.1997): in sub-Arctic lakes it can change thecomposition of chironomids (Mousavi et al.2002) or eliminate larger predatory inverte-brates such as dytiscids and modify the macro-benthos (Tate and Hershey 2003). However,predation by fish may vary because fish aremore susceptible to winter anoxia beneath icethan are invertebrates; anoxia may thus enhanceinsect populations in some habitats by remov-ing these predators (e.g., Tonn et al. 2004).

Despite relatively low diversity in northernaquatic habitats, food webs can be complex,even in high-Arctic locations (e.g., Danks 1990,Fig. 1). Terrestrial and aquatic habitats arelinked extensively. Energy is transferred fromaquatic to terrestrial habitats through emergenceof aquatic insects as terrestrial adults and be-cause birds and other terrestrial predators suchas spiders eat aquatic insect larvae or adults.Energy and nutrients are transferred in the otherdirection by terrestrial detritus that washes intoponds and rivers during snowmelt, providingfood for aquatic insects, and by vertebrates thatdefecate in or near aquatic habitats, for exam-ple.

Again, despite the many abiotic constraintson abundance and development, aquatic speciesfrom cold climates appear to disperse readilyand recolonize habitats after populations havebeen eliminated (Miller and Stout 1989), whichwould lead to interactions among the colonists.Indeed, most Arctic species appear to be dis-tributed widely in all of the regions and habitatsone might expect (Danks 1981, 1990). Exceptwhen separated by marked relief, and at leastwithin individual catchments, populations ofmany alpine taxa too do not appear to be espe-cially isolated (e.g., Hughes et al. 1999; Mona-ghan et al. 2002), suggesting dispersal and

mixing of local populations. Therefore, the ad-aptations of aquatic insects to cold climates areby no means exclusively ruled by the need tomeet abiotic challenges related to cold tempera-tures.


Aquatic habitats in cold climates are influ-enced by cold winters with ice and snow and bydisturbed springs with high flows, ice scour,and flooding. Most areas also have short, coolsummers that are unpredictable.

Many adaptations to such conditions areshown by individual species of insects (seeabove) but, even in the same habitat, differentspecies use different means to overcome thesechallenges, such as synchrony or asynchrony,winter growth or winter dormancy, diapause orquiescence, supercooling or freezing tolerance,and greater or lesser heat requirements for egghatch or emergence. Even in individual species,the adaptations are best considered not alonebut in sets, because typically they work togethereither for a given purpose (e.g., behaviour anddark colour for heat gain by basking adults; re-duced wings and antennae and modified genita-lia and behaviour for ground mating; change oflocation, penetration into the substrate, and co-coon building for larval overwintering) or to al-low the life cycle as a whole to be completed.For example, individual species combine suchtraits as food and microhabitat selection by lar-vae, pre-winter dispersal and habitat choice,cold hardiness and dormancy, optimum timingof spring emergence, curtailed mating to offsetlow air temperatures, and selection of warmoviposition sites. Most of these traits derivefrom more general ones used for various pur-poses elsewhere, such as penetration into thesubstrate for protection against various factors;others result from previous relevant evolution,as for the phylogenetically based cold hardinessof chironomid midges or the use of widely dis-tributed detrital food particles by many pondspecies. These traits combine to form more spe-cialized sets that allow species to exploit partic-ular cold-climate habitats such as tundra ponds.

Moreover, some adaptations play multipleroles. Cocoons are made by many different taxaand, like the cocoons of temperate species, pro-tect them and modify their habitats (Danks2002, 2004). In cold aquatic habitats cocoonsmay not only provide protection from predationand a way to control oxygen supply, but also

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permit anchorage to the substrate (which avoidsdisplacement and abrasion), protect against me-chanical damage from water-borne substrate orice particles as well as from surrounding ice,and act as a barrier against inoculative freezingby ice in some circumstances.

Given this diversity of simultaneous and al-ternative adaptations there are few absolute dec-larations to be made about how aquatic insectslive in cold climates. Nevertheless, several gen-eral trends can be identified. The first suchgeneralization recognizes the great diversity ofavailable habitats with different conditions,from large lakes and rivers to temporary poolsand streams. Alpine and lowland habitats aredifferent; conditions for insects in water bodiesof different sizes and hydrological signaturesvary widely even in one location. Therefore,faunal composition varies widely from place toplace.

A second generalization is that aquatic andterrestrial habitats are closely linked, not onlybecause the temperature and moisture profilesof the smallest water bodies grade into those ofadjacent terrestrial habitats, but also becauseaquatic larvae emerge as terrestrial adults, ter-restrially produced organic matter falls or iswashed into water bodies, terrestrial animalsprey on aquatic biota, and so on. Componentsof the aquatic fauna that fare best in these cir-cumstances belong to taxa that are generallycold hardy and have other adaptations to coldhabitats (e.g., Chironomidae), occupy the mostfavourable habitats among those available(those that are more stable, warmer, and moreproductive), and eat foods that are widely avail-able (e.g., FPOM rather than CPOM where au-tumn leaf fall is reduced).

Low productivity characterizes most of thesesystems and reduces diversity, and seasonalityand disturbance diminish it further. Even so, thesystems have surprising ecological complexity(e.g., Oswood 1997, Fig. 1). As this review makesclear, enough fascinating adaptations, temporalpatterns, and interrelationships have alreadybeen identified in aquatic insects from cold cli-mates to suggest that their further study willcontinue to be rewarding from physiological,ecological, and other points of view. However,our knowledge lags far behind that for terres-trial species. Among many particular needs isthe study of the physiological and biochemicalbasis of cold hardiness in selected aquatic in-sects, alongside measurements of the actual

winter conditions in the different habitats andsubstrates they occupy.

Required physiological and biochemical stu-dies include even the most basic elements, suchas whether insects supercool or freeze in frozensubstrates, how acclimatization is achieved,how well insects tolerate low temperatures, theoccurrence and roles of various cryoprotectants,and the potential involvement of dehydration.Required ecological components of these stud-ies include examination of exactly where differ-ent species spend the winter, how wintershelters contribute to survival, and the detailedpatterns of temperature change, snow cover, andother habitat characteristics from fall to springof known overwintering sites.


I thank Donna Giberson, University of PrinceEdward Island, for a variety of helpful com-ments on the manuscript.


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