Householder's Insurance Policy Insurances Effected at Lloyd's BROKER

Householder's Insurance Policy Insurances Effected at Lloyd's · 2013. 3. 16. · tanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences

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Page 1: Householder's Insurance Policy Insurances Effected at Lloyd's · 2013. 3. 16. · tanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences

Householder's Insurance PolicyInsurances Effected at Lloyd's


Page 2: Householder's Insurance Policy Insurances Effected at Lloyd's · 2013. 3. 16. · tanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences
Page 3: Householder's Insurance Policy Insurances Effected at Lloyd's · 2013. 3. 16. · tanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences


page number

Introduction and Preamble 1

Section One – Buildings 2

Section Two – Contents 5

Section Three – Accidents to Domestic Staff 9

Section Four – Legal Liability to the Public 10

Section Five – Valuables and Personal Effects 12

Section Six – Pedal Cycle Extension 13

Section Seven – Money and Credit Cards 13

Section Eight – Accidental Damage Extension – Buildings 14

Section Nine – Accidental Damage Extension – Contents 14

Definitions of Geographical Limits which are Stated in this Insurance 15

General Conditions and Exclusions 16

Additional Clauses 17

Small Additional or Return Premiums 19

Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

Page 4: Householder's Insurance Policy Insurances Effected at Lloyd's · 2013. 3. 16. · tanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences
Page 5: Householder's Insurance Policy Insurances Effected at Lloyd's · 2013. 3. 16. · tanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences

Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 1

The Insured is requested to read the Policywording and Schedule and/or Certificate of Insurance and ifit is incorrect, return it immediately for alteration.

In all communications the policy number appearing in line one of the Schedule should be quoted.

In the event of the happening of any occurrence likely to result in a claim under this Insurance,immediate notice should be given to: Willis Limited


Please read the Schedule and/or Certificate of Insurance and make sure it meets your requirements.

The insured having paid or agreed to pay the premium, the underwriter will provide insurance againstloss, damage or injury which may occur during the period of insurance in accordance with the sectionsspecified in the schedule subject to the exclusions, conditions and endorsements of this Policy.

The proposal and declaration completed by the insured is the basis of and forms part of this contract.

The Policy, schedule and endorsements shall be read together as one contract.

This Policy is issued and administered by Willis Limited on behalf of the underwriters.

Douglas Elliot

Willis LimitedFriars StreetIpswichIP1 1TA


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2 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

The Marginal Notes are intendedfor guidance only. They do notform part of this Insurance, nordo they claim to be an exactdescription of its meaning.

Definition of StandardConstruction

Perils and SpecificExclusions

This Section covers the buildings of the private dwelling(s) situated within the premises named in theschedule, constructed of brick, stone or concrete and the external surface of the roof constructed ofslates, tiles, concrete, asphalt or of any entirely incombustible mineral ingredients.

Also covered are:

(a) interior decorations and landlord's fixtures and fittings within the buildings

(b) domestic outbuildings and garages of standard or non-standard construction, domestic fixed fuel oiltanks, swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates,fences and hedges

all owned by the Insured or for which the Insured is legally responsible and within the premises namedin the schedule.

The Buildings are covered against loss or damage directly caused by:

1. Fire, Lightning, Explosion or Earthquake.

2. Aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom.

3. Storm, Tempest or Flood.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 33

(a) Subsidence, Landslip or Heave, other than as covered under Peril 9

(b) loss or damage to gates, fences and hedges

(c) the first £25 of each loss or damage sustained

(d) frost.

4 Escape of Water from fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 44

(a) Subsidence, Landslip or Heave. other than as cover under Peril 9

(b) loss or damage whilst the Buildings are unfurnished for more than 30 consecutive days

(c) the first £25 of each loss or damage sustained.

5 Escape of Oil from domestic fixed fuel oil tanks, apparatus or pipes.

6. Theft or attempted Theft.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 66

loss or damage

(a) whilst the Buildings are unfurnished for more than 30 consecutive days

(b) whilst the Buildings are let or sub-let unless such loss or damage is consequent upon violent andforcible-entry or exit.

7. Impact by any vehicle or animal.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 77

the first £25 of each loss or damage caused by any vehicle or animal belonging to or under thecontrol of the Insured or any permanent member of the Insured's household.

Section OOne –– BBuildings

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 3

Accidental Breakageof Fixed GlassDouble Glazing andSanitary Fixtures

Accidental Damageto Supply PipesCables and the Like

Loss of Rent andAdditional Costs ofAlternativeAccommodation

8. Any person taking part in a riot, violent disorder, strike, labour disturbance, civil commotion or by anyperson of malicious intent.

Exclusion aapplicable tto pperil 88

loss or damage whilst the buildings are unfurnished for more than thirty consecutive days.

9. Subsidence, Landslip or Heave of the site upon which the buildings stand.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 99

(a) loss or damage to domestic fixed fuel oil tanks. swimming pools, tennis courts, paved patios andterraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences and hedges unless the main building is also affected at thesame time by the same peril

(b) any claim for which compensation has been provided for under any contract or legislation

(c) loss or damage whilst the buildings are undergoing any structural alterations, repairs or extensions

(d) loss or damage due to coastal erosion

(e) the first £1,000 of each loss or damage sustained.

10. Accidental Breakage or collapse of radio and television aerials, satellite dishes, their fittings andmasts, that are fixed to the buildings.

Exclusion aapplicable tto pperil 110

Fire or damage to radio and television aerials satellite dishes, their fittings and masts.

11. Falling Trees, Telegraph Poles and Lamp Posts.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 111

(a) loss or damage to gates, fences, (other than chain link fences pertaining to a tennis court) andhedges, by falling trees

(b) the first £25 of each loss or damage sustained.

12. Smoke Damage resulting from a defect in any fixed domestic heating installation.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 112

loss or damage caused by:

(a) wear and tear and gradual deterioration

(b) gradual emission.

This Section also includes:A. Accidental Breakage of fixed glass, double glazing (including the cost of removing or breakage of

replacing frames), solar panels, sanitary fixtures and ceramic hobs all forming part of the buildings.

Exclusion aapplicable tto AA

loss or damage whilst the buildings are unfurnished for more than 30 consecutive days.

B. The cost of repairing Accidental Damage (including necessary replacement and/or adjustment) to all and/or any part of the systems of drainage, sewage, water, telephone cables, underground televisioncables, gas and/or electric mains and pipes belonging to and in connection with the insured buildingseither in or on the premises, or outside or in the public thoroughfare so far as the Insured may be legally liable.

C. Loss of Rent which the Insured is unable to recover, and Additional Costs of AlternativeAccommodation necessarily incurred by the Insured as owner, but not as occupier, of the buildings,in consequence of the buildings becoming uninhabitable following damage caused by any of the insuredperils, provided that the Underwriters' liability does not exceed 20% (twenty per cent) of the suminsured on such buildings and is limited to the period the buildings are uninhabitable.

Section OOne –– BBuildings ((continued)

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4 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

Metered Water

Additional Expenses

Reinstatement Condition

Automatic Reinstatementof sum insured

Index-linking onBuildings

Special ConditionCondition(Average)

Contracting purchaser

D. Increased Metered Water Charges incurred by the Insured, resulting from an escape of waterwhich gives rise to an admitted claim caused by any of the perils insured. The Underwriters' liabilityshall not exceed £500 in any period of insurance or in the aggregate if both Sections One and Twoare covered by this Insurance.

E. Expenses Necessarily Incurred, following damage to the buildings by any of the insured perils,in connection with the removal of debris and/or demolition, shoring up or propping of the damagedparts of the buildings; any extra cost of reinstatement of the destroyed or damaged buildings madenecessary to comply with Government or Local Authority requirements, but not when notice hasbeen served prior to the time of loss; and Architects', Surveyors', Legal and other fees necessarilyincurred in the reinstatement of the buildings.

Exclusion aapplicable tto EE

any expenses incurred in the preparation of a claim or an estimate of loss.

F. In the event of loss or damage to the buildings stated in the schedule, the Underwriters will pay thefull cost of repair at the time of such loss or damage, provided that the buildings are maintained in agood state of repair; that they are insured for the full cost of reconstruction in their present form;and that reinstatement shall have been effected. If the buildings are not in good repair, theUnderwriters will make a deduction for wear and tear and gradual deterioration.

G. The sum insured under this Section shall not be reduced following the payment of a claim providedthat the Insured shall agree to carry out the Underwriters' recommendations to prevent further lossor damage.

H. It is understood and agreed that the sum insured by Section One – buildings will be adjusted eachmonth in accordance with the House Rebuilding Cost Index issued by the Royal Institute ofChartered Surveyors or its equivalent. Index linking of the sum insured will continue during repair orreinstatement following loss or damage, until expiry of this Insurance, provided the sum insured atthe tune of loss or damage represents the full rebuilding cost and that the Insured ensures that thework is carried out without undue delay. No additional premium will be charged for each monthlyincrease but at each renewal the premium will be calculated on the revised sum(s) insured.

Special ConditionIn respect of each premises separately, the liability of the Underwriters for any loss or damage shall notexceed the respective sum insured specified in the schedule, nor shall it exceed such proportion of thesaid loss or damage as the said sum bears to the total value thereof.

A contracting purchaser shall enjoy the benefit of this Section until completion of the sale purchaserprovided that the buildings are not otherwise insured and that the date of completion is during thecurrency of this insurance.

NoteThe cover provided by this Section is also subject to the General Conditions and Exclusions of thisInsurance.

Section OOne –– BBuildings ((continued)

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 5

Definition ofStandardConstruction

Definition ofContents

Specific Sub-Limits

Perilsand SpecificExclusions

This Section covers the contents of the buildings of the private dwelling(s) situated within the premisesnamed in the schedule which are constructed of brick, stone or concrete and the external surface of the roofconstructed of slates, tiles, concrete, asphalt or of any entirely incombustible mineral ingredients.

Also covered are the contents of domestic outbuildings and garages of standard or non-standardconstruction situated within the premises named in the schedule.

The word "Contents" means household goods and all other personal property, tenant's fixtures and fittings,including radio and television aerials, satellite dishes, their fittings and masts, that are fixed to the buildings,all of which are owned by or are the legal responsibility of the Insured or of any permanent member of theInsured's household.

Exclusions aapplicable tto ddefinition oof ccontents

(a) motor vehicles (other than domestic gardening implements), caravans, trailers or water craft, andaccessories attached thereto

(b) animals

(c) any part of the buildings

(d) any property specifically insured against such loss or damage as is covered hereby under any other insurance.

Underwriters' liability in respect of each private dwelling, and elsewhere as hereinafter defined, shall notexceed during the period of this insurance:

(a) £1,000 in respect of property in the open but within the confines of the premises. This limit shall not apply to radio and television aerials, satellite dishes, their fittings and masts, that are fixed to the buildings

(b) £250 in respect of cash, currency, bank notes, credit cards, negotiable documents, coins or stamps notforming part of a coin or stamp collection

(c) £500 in respect of deeds, registered bonds and other personal documents

(d) £2,000 in respect of stamps or coins forming part of a collection

(e) £5,000 or 15% (fifteen per cent) of the sum insured on contents whichever is the less in respect of gold, silver, gold and silver plated articles, jewellery and furs

(f) £1,000 in respect of domestic fuel oil in fixed tanks.

The contents are covered against loss or damage directly caused by:

1. Fire, Lightning, Explosion or Earthquake.

2. Aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom.

3. Storm, Tempest or Flood

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 33

loss or damage to property in the open except radio and television ,aerials. satellite dishes their fittingsand masts that are fixed to the buildings.

4. Escape of Water from fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes.

5. Escape of Oil from domestic fixed fuel oil tanks, apparatus or pipes.

6. Theft or attempted Theft.

Exclusion aapplicable tto pperil 66

loss or damage whilst the buildings are LET OR SUB-LET unless such loss or damage is consequent uponviolent and forcible entry or exit.

Section TTwo –– CContents

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6 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

ContentsAway ffromthe PPremises

Frozen Food

7. Impact by any vehicle or animal.

Exclusion aapplicable tto pperil 77

the first £25 of each loss or damage caused by any vehicle or animal belonging to or under thecontrol of the Insured or any permanent member of the Insured's household.

8. Any person taking part in a riot, violent disorder, strike, labour disturbance, civil commotion or by anyperson of malicious intent.

9. Subsidence, Landslip or Heave of the site upon which the buildings stand.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 99

(a) any claim for which compensation has been provided for under any contract or legislation

(b) loss or damage whilst the buildings are undergoing any structural alterations,repairs or extensions

(c) loss or damage due to coastal erosion.

10. Falling Trees, Telegraph Poles and Lamp Posts.

11. Smoke Damage resulting from a defect in any fixed domestic heating installation.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 111

(a) wear and tear and gradual deterioration

(b) gradual emission.

This Section also includes:A. The contents, if and so far as these are not otherwise insured whilst temporarily removed from the

premises, against loss or damage

1. caused by any of the perils insured under this section

(a) in any occupied private dwelling

(b) in any building where the Insured or any permanent member of the Insured's household isresiding or is employed

(c) in any trade building for the purpose of valuation, repair, alteration, cleaning or processing

(d) in any furniture depository, up to a limit of 20% (twenty per cent) of the sum insured on contents

(e) whilst deposited for safe custody in any hotel, inn, lodging house, club, bank or safe deposit.

2. Elsewhere caused by the perils of Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Aircraft or Earthquake only.

3. During the process of the removal and transit following permanent change of residence or whilstin transit to and from any bank, safe deposit or furniture depository, caused by the perils of Fire,Lightning, Explosion, Aircraft, Earthquake, Theft or attempted Theft only.

The cover provided under this Sub-Section 'A' shall exclude:

(a) contents outside the United Kingdom or Ireland

(b) Cash, currency, bank notes, credit cards or negotiable documents.

B. The contents of frozen food cabinet(s) or domestic refrigerator(s) up to but not exceeding £200 inall against deterioration or putrefaction due to a change in temperature following:

1. breakdown of the refrigeration machinery

2. failure of the public electricity or gas supply

3. the action of refrigerant fumes escaping from the equipment

Section TTwo –– CContents ((continued)

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 7

Accidental Damageto Certain Equipment

Breakage of Glass

Loss of Keys


Additional Costs

Liability as Tenantfor Loss or Damageto the Building

Liability as Tenantfor Cost of RepairingUnderground Pipesand Cables

Wedding Gifts

4. The blowing of domestic fuses.

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil 44

(a) the deliberate act of any electricity or gas supply authority or the exercise by any such authorityof its power to withhold or restrict supply

(b) the failure of the electricity or gas supply due to strikes or any other withdrawal of labour byemployees of any electricity or gas authority.

C. 1. Accidental Damage by external and visible means to audio and audio visual units, television sets,video recorders, telephones, microwave ovens and home computers but only whilst in the private dwelling(s) situated within the premises named in the schedule.

Exclusion aapplicable tto pperil CC.1.

damage too tapes, discs or computer software.

2. Accidental Breakage of mirrors, glass tops and fixed glass in furniture, ceramic hobs and of fixedglass and sanitary fixtures forming part of the buildings situated within the premises named in theschedule, the property of the Insured or for which the Insured is legally responsible and is nototherwise insured.

D. Costs necessarily incurred up to but not exceeding £500 in all for replacing locks to safes, externaldoors and alarms of the private dwelling(s) stated in the schedule following loss of the keys to suchsafes, locks and alarms.

E. Rent up to twelve months for which the Insured is liable as occupier if the buildings are rendereduninhabitable by any of the insured perils, not exceeding 25% (twenty five per cent) of the sum insuredon contents of the buildings damaged or destroyed.

F. Additional Costs of alternative accommodation necessarily incurred by the Insured as occupier, but not as owner, if the buildings are rendered uninhabitable by any of the insured perils, not exceeding20% (twenty per cent) of the sum insured on contents of the buildings damaged or destroyed.

G. The Insured's legal liability as tenant, up to 10% (ten per cent) of the sum insured under Section Two,for loss or damage to the buildings caused by any of the insured perils

Exclusions aapplicable tto pperil GG

(a) for loss or damage caused by Fire, Lightning or Explosion to the buildings other than the buildinglandlord's fixtures and fittings

(b) arising from Subsidence, Landslip or Heave

(c) caused by any person of malicious intent

(d) whilst the buildings are insufficiently furnished for normal habitation

(e) for the first £25 of loss or damage caused by Escape of Water from fixed water tanks, apparatus or pipes, Storm, Tempest or Flood, falling trees or parts thereof, telegraph poles and lamp posts.

H. The Insured's legal liability as tenant for The Cost of Repairing accidental damage to domestic fuel oilpipes, underground water supply pipes, underground gas pipes, sewers, drains, underground electricity ortelephone cables, underground television cables for which the insured is responsible.

I. Wedding Gifts the property of the Insured or any member of the Insured's family permanently residingwith the Insured, not exceeding 10% (ten per cent) of the sum insured on the contents of the buildingsor £2,500, whichever is the less, following loss or damage by any of the insured perils occurring duringthe period of one month before and after the wedding of the Insured or any member of the Insured'sfamily permanently residing with the Insured, and within the period of this insurance.

Section TTwo –– CContents ((continued)

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8 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

Christmas Gifts

Metered Water

Fatal Injury

Basis of SettlementCondition

Automatic Reinstatementof sum insured

Index-linking on Contents

Special Conditions(Average)

J. Christmas Gifts the property of the Insured or any member of the Insured's family permanentlyresiding with the Insured, not exceeding 10% (ten per cent) of the sum insured on the contents ofthe buildings or £2,500, whichever is the less, following loss or damage by any of the insured perilsoccurring (during the months of December and January) within the period of this Insurance.

K. Increased Metered Water Charges incurred by the Insured, resulting from air escape of waterwhich gives rise to an admitted claim caused by any of the perils insured. The Underwriters' liabilityshall not exceed £500 in any period of insurance or in the aggregate if both Sections One and Twoare covered by this Insurance.

L. Fatal Injury to the Insured, or to the Insured's resident partner, or both, occurring at the premisesnamed in the schedule, occasioned by outward and visible violence caused by Burglars or by Fire,provided that:

(a) death ensues within twelve months of such injury

(b) the liability of the Underwriters shall be £10,000 for each person insured.

M. In the event of the total loss or destruction by any of the insured perils of, any article insuredunder this section, the basis of settlement shall be the cost of replacing the article new, providedthat the article is substantially the same as but not better than the original article when new. Thisbasis of settlement shall not apply to wearing apparel more than two years old or separatelyspecified items.

N. The sum insured under this Section shall not be reduced following the payment of a claim providedthat the Insured shall agree to carry out the Underwriters' recommendations to prevent further lossor damage.

O. It is understood and agreed that the sum insured by Section Two – Contents will be adjusted eachmonth in accordance with the Consumer Durables Section of the Retail Price Index prepared by theDepartment of Employment or its equivalent. No additional premium will be charged for eachmonthly increase but at each renewal the premium will be calculated on the revised sum(s) insured.

Special ConditionIn respect of each premises separately, the liability of the Underwriters for any loss or damage (Average)shall not exceed the respective sum insured stated in the schedule, nor shall it exceed such proportion ofthe said loss or damage as the said sum bears to the total value thereof.

NoteThe cover provided by this Section is also subject to the General Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance.

Section TTwo –– CContents ((continued)

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 9

The Cover Provided

The Limit of Liability

This Section indemnifies the Insured against legal liability, including costs and expenses incurred by theInsured with the Underwriters' written consent, whether under any statute or at common law for damages in respect of:

Bodily Injury by Accident or Disease occurring during the currency of this Insurance anywhere in theWorld to any domestic staff of the Insured employed in connection with the premises named in the scheduleof which the contents are insured under Section Two; in connection with any temporary residence; or inconnection with any car (whether as chauffeur or otherwise) which is used by the Insured or by anypermanent member of the Insured's household.

The maximum Limit of Liability in respect of employers’ liability claims is £2,000,000 any one accident or series of accidents arising from any one event.

Exclusions aapplicable tto tthe llimit oof lliability

(a) any injury sustained whilst employed in connection with any car which is being used for racing,pace-making or speed-testing

(b) any injury or illness caused directly or indirectly by the transmission of venereal disease,Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS related complex (ARC)

(c) any injury in Canada or the United States of America after the total period of stay in either or bothcountries has exceeded 30 (thirty) days in any one period of Insurance.

NoteThe cover provided by this Section is also subject to the General Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance(Except Number 3).

Section TThree –– AAccidents tto DDomestic SStaff

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10 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

Terms of Cover

The Limit of Liability

Cover Provided

Owners' and Occupiers'Liability

Personal Liability

This Section shall apply in the following manner:

(a) where the buildings Only are insured herein, the Insured's legal liability as Owner Only but not as Occupier is covered under `A' below but no indemnity whatsoever is given in respect of `B' below

(b) where the contents Only are insured herein, the Insured's legal liability as Occupier Only but not as Owner is covered under `A' and `B' below

(c) where both the buildings and contents are insured herein, the Insured's legal liability as Owner or Occupier is covered under `A' and `B' below.

The Limit of Liability in respect of all claims under this Section shall not exceed £2,000,000 anyone Accident or series of accidents arising out of any one event in the United Kingdom or £1,000,000elsewhere in the world, plus the costs and expenses incurred by the Insured with the Underwriters'written consent in the defence of any such claim.

Indemnity is provided under this Section for Bodily Injury by Accident or Disease or Damage to Property happening during the period specified in the schedule for which legal liability may attachas follows:

A. To the Insured as owner or occupier of the buildings in respect of accidents occurring in or about thepremises named in the schedule


B. To the Insured and any member of the Insured's family residing within the Insured's household (who shall be regarded for the purposes of this Section as if he or she were the Insured) foraccidents occurring anywhere in the World.

No cover is afforded hereunder for accidents occurring in Canada or the United States of Americaunless the Insured (as defined in `B' above) is not entitled to indemnity in respect of such accidentunder any other insurance (including but not limited to any travel insurance).

No cover shall in any event be afforded to the Insured (as defined in `B' above) in respect ofaccidents occurring in Canada or the United States of America after the total period of stay in either or both countries has exceeded 30 (thirty) days in any one period of Insurance.

Exclusions aapplicable tto BB

This Section does not indemnify the Insured or any member of the Insured's family residing withinthe Insured's household against any liability

1. for bodily injury by accident or disease to any person who, at the time of sustaining such injury,is engaged in the Insured's service, or to any member of the Insured's family or household

2. arising directly or indirectly out of the transmission of venereal disease, Acquired ImmuneDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS related complex (ARC) by Any Person named hereunder

3. for damage to property belonging to or in the care, custody or control of the Insured or a member of the Insured's family or household or a person in their service

4. arising out of or incidental to any profession, occupation or business

5. which has been assumed under contract and would not otherwise have attached

6. arising out of the ownership, possession or operation of:

(a) any mechanically propelled or horsedrawn vehicle other than a domestic gardeningimplement operated within the Insured's premises and pedestrian-controlled gardeningimplements operated elsewhere

(b) any power operated lift

(c) any Aircraft or watercraft, other than manually operated rowing boats, punts or canoes

(d) any animal other than cats, dogs or horses

Section FFour –– LLegal LLiability tto tthe PPublic

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 11

Liability under theDefective Premises(Northern Ireland)Order 1975

Reverse PersonalLiability

7. Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 Exclusion Clause – This insurance does not cover any liability arisingdirectly or indirectly from any dog which is designated dangerous under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

8. arising out of the ownership, occupation, possession or use of any land or buildings not situatedwithin the premises named in the schedule.

This Section also includes:The Insured's legal liability incurred by virtue of Section 3 of the Defective premises Act 1972 or Article 5 of the Defective premises (Northern Ireland) Order 1975 in connection with any private dwelling which hasbeen disposed of by the Insured and which, prior to such disposal, was occupied for private residentialpurposes by the Insured

Exclusions aapplicable tto lliability uunder tthe DDefective PPremises ((Northern IIreland) OOrder 11975

(a) any liability where the Insured is entitled to indemnity under any other insurance

(b) any claim for the cost of remedying any defect or alleged defect which, if not remedied, may cause, anaccident resulting in injury or damage as aforesaid.

The Insured being awarded damages and taxed costs in any court of law in the United Kingdom in respect ofbodily injury or damage to property as described in Paragraph `B' (Personal Liability), in circumstances which,had the position of the Insured and the responsible party been reversed, would have entitled the Insured toan indemnity within the terms limits and exclusions of this Section, and the Judgement not being subject toan Appeal pending and remaining unsatisfied in whole or in part three months after the date of the saidaward, the Underwriters will pay the outstanding amount of the Judgement to the Insured subject to thelimits of liability under this Section. Having made the payment hereunder, the Underwriters shall be entitledat their own expense and for their own benefit to enforce the Insured's unsatisfied rights against theJudgement Debtor.

NoteThe cover provided by this Section is also subject to the General Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance.

Section FFour –– LLegal LLiability tto tthe PPublic ((continued)

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12 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

The Coverand LimitsProvided

Replacement Clause

Condition Relating toPairs and Sets

Condition of Average

Personal Effects notSeparately Specified

Cover Restrictions onJewellery outside the UK

This Section covers Physical Loss of or Damage to the property described in the attached schedule and/orspecification(s) from any cause, except as hereafter specified, but is limited to the sums Insured and theGeographical Limits stated therein.

Exclusions aapplicable tto tthe ccover aand llimits pprovided

This Section does not cover

(a) any loss or damage if the Insured is engaged in or in any way connected with any form of professionalentertaining

(b) breakage of articles of a brittle nature other than jewellery and spectacles, unless such breakage iscaused by burglars, thieves or Fire

(c) loss or damage caused by moth, vermin wear and tear, gradual deterioration, electrical or mechanicalbreakdown or derangement

(d) damage to or deterioration of any article directly caused by the actual process of dyeing, cleaning, repairor renovation

(e) loss of cash, currency, bank notes, credit cards, or negotiable documents

(f) damage to guns caused by rusting or bursting of barrels

(g) breakage of sports equipment whilst in use

(h) any loss of or damage to contact, corneal or micro-corneal lenses

(i) the first £25 of each loss or damage to unspecified items.

The Underwriters shall be entitled at their sole option to replace or repair any article lost or damagedwhether wholly or in part or to pay cash.

Where any insured item consists of articles in a pair or set, valued £5,000 or over, this Section shall not pay:

(a) more than the value of any particular part or parts which may be lost or damaged (without reference toany special value which such article or articles may have as a pair or set)

(b) more than a proportionate part of the insured value of the pair or set.

Any Item of the specification(s) which covers articles with no individual sum insured is subject to Average:that is to say, if the total value of all articles covered by such Item is, at the time of loss or damage, greaterthan the sum insured, the Insured shall be entitled to recover only such proportion of the loss or damage asthe sum insured bears to the total value. However, if the property described in the specification(s) shallinclude any item of Personal Effects, and such Personal Effects be lost or damaged elsewhere than at theInsured's premises, then, for the purpose of applying Average (as above), no account shall be taken of theamount of the Insured's Personal Effects at the Insured's premises at the time of the loss or damage.

It is hereby understood and agreed that at all times when the Jewellery hereby insured is taken outside theUnited Kingdom then the exclusion set forth in the undernoted Baggage Clause shall applyandwhen £3,000 or more of the said Jewellery is taken outside the United Kingdom then the exclusion set forthin the undernoted Hotel/Motel (Jewellery) Clause shall also apply.

Exclusions aapplicable tto ccover rrestrictions oon JJewellery ooutside tthe UU.K.

Baggage CClause

This Insurance EXCLUDES losses of Jewellery from Baggage unless carried by hand and under the personalsupervision of the Insured.

Hotel/Motel ((Jewellery) CClause

This insurance EXCLUDES loss of or damage to Jewellery from or in hotel or motel rooms whilst leftunattended by the Insured unless the said Jewellery is contained in a locked safe or vault.

NoteThe cover provided by this Section is also subject to the General Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance.

Section FFive –– VValuables aand PPersonal EEffects

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 13

In consideration of the additional premium paid it is agreed that Section Two extends to cover Pedal Cycle(s)anywhere in the United Kingdom or Ireland, including transit between, against:

1. Loss or Damage by Theft or any attempt thereat

Exclusion aapplicable tto 11

accessories unless the Cycle(s) is/are stolen at the same time.

2. Accidental Damage whilst the said Cycle(s) is/are used by the Insured or by any member of the Insured'sfamily, not exceeding the value of the Cycle(s) stated in the schedule.

Exclusions aapplicable tto 22

(a) wear and tear, electrical or mechanical breakdown or derangement

(b) damage to tyres or lamps, or other accessories, unless the Cycle itself is damaged at the same time

(c) loss or damage whilst the Cycle(s) is/are used for racing or pacemaking or is/are let out on hire or is/are used other than for private purposes.

Note The cover provided by this Section is also subject to the General Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance.

Section SSix –– PPedal CCycle EExtension

Section SSeven –– PPersonal MMoney aand CCredit CCards EExtension

Section Two of this certificate extends to cover loss of or damage to Personal Money comprising Cash (Notes and Coins), Cheques, Postal and Money Orders, National Savings Stamps and Certificates, UnusedPostage Stamps, Travellers Cheques, other negotiable documents, Travel Tickets and Credit Cards, held forsocial, domestic and charitable purpose.

In respect of Credit Cards the Underwriters will only indemnify the Insured against any loss for which theInsured is responsible as a result of misuse by any unauthorised person(s) following loss or Theft of anyCredit Card together with all costs and expenses incurred with their written consent, arising before theCredit Card Company has received notification of the loss provided the Insured shall comply with all termsand conditions under which the Credit Card was issued.

Exclusions aapplicable tto PPersonal MMoney aand CCredit CCards EExtension

This Section does not cover:

(a) shortages due to error or omission

(b) depreciation in value

(c) losses covered by any other insurance or insurances except in respect of any excess of the amount of which would have been payable under such other insurance or insurances if this insurance had not existed

(d) losses not reported to the police, and in the case of Credit Cards, to the issuing Company, within 24 hours of discovery

(e) the first £10 of each and every loss (except by Fire)

(f) any amount in excess of £250 in all unless of otherwise stated in the schedule and an additionalpremium paid.

The liability of the Underwriters shall not exceed the sum insured nor extend beyond the Geographical Limitsstated in the schedule.

Note The cover provided by this Section is also subject to the General Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance.

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14 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

In consideration of the additional premium paid this certificate extends to cover the buildings insured bySection One against:

Accidental Damage by external and visible means.

Exclusions aapplicable tto AAccidental DDamage EExtension –– BBuildings:

(a) any loss or damage or proportion thereof specifically excluded under Section One

(b) settlement, shrinkage, collapse or cracking

(c) loss or damage arising out of faulty workmanship, specification, design or materials, inherent vice or latent defect

(d) loss or damage whilst the buildings are undergoing alterations, repairs, extensions or any otherprocess

(e) loss or damage caused by or arising from wear and tear, gradual deterioration, infestation, rust,corrosion, wet or dry rot, climatic or atmospheric conditions, damp, inherent vice, mould, frost,moth or vermin

(f) loss or damage arising out of mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement

(g) loss or damage to outbuildings and garages of non-standard construction, swimming pools,tennis courts, paved patios and terraces, paths, drives, walls, gates, fences and hedges

(h) loss or damage whilst the buildings are let or sub-let in whole or in part

(i) the cost of maintenance

(j) the first £50 of each loss or damage sustained.

Note The cover provided by this Section is also subject to the Conditions of Section One (buildings) and to theGeneral Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance.

Section EEight –– AAccidental DDamage EExtension –– bbuildings

Section NNine –– AAccidental DDamage EExtension –– CContents

In consideration of the premium paid this certificate extends to cover the contents insured by SectionTwo contained in the buildings of the private dwelling situated within the premises named in theschedule against Physical Loss or Damage.

Exclusions aapplicable tto AAccidental DDamage EExtension –– CContents:

(a) any loss or damage or proportion thereof specifically excluded under Section Two

(b) loss or damage caused by or arising from wear and tear, gradual deterioration, infestation, rust,corrosion, wet or dry rot, climatic or atmospheric conditions, damp, inherent vice, mould, frost,moth or vermin

(c) damage to or the deterioration of any article caused by the actual process of dyeing, cleaning,repair or renovation

(d) loss or damage arising out of mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement

(e) any amount in excess of £5,000 in all in respect of porcelain, china, glass, jade and ivory

(f) loss of or damage to contact, corneal or micro-corneal lenses

(g) loss or damage whilst the private dwelling is let or sub-let in whole or in part

(h) the first £50 of each loss or damage sustained.

NoteThe cover provided by this Section is also subject to the Conditions of Section Two (contents) and to theGeneral Conditions and Exclusions of this Insurance.

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 15

1. The words "United Kingdom" shall be deemed to include the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands,including transits between.

2. The word "Europe" shall be deemed to include:

(a) all Mediterranean islands

(b) all countries with a Mediterranean shoreline

(c) the Canary Islands

(d) Madeira

(e) Ireland, including transits between, and

(f) elsewhere in the world, for up to but not exceeding 60 days in all during the period of insurancestated in the schedule.

Definitions oof GGeographical LLimits WWhich aare SStated iin TThis IInsurance

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16 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

Duty of Insured

Cancellation Clause

RadioactiveContamination andNuclear AssembliesExclusion Sonic BangExclusion

War Exclusion

Date Change

Computer Failure

Contracts (Rights of ThirdParties) Act 1999Clarification

Claims ConditionNon-Contribution Clause

Procedure Notification


Fraudulent Claims

General CConditions

(applicable to all Sections except as hereinafter expressly varied)

1. The Insured shall take all reasonable steps to prevent loss, damage or accident and maintain the buildings in asound state of repair.

2. This insurance may be cancelled by or on behalf of the Underwriters by 30 days' notice given in writing to theInsured at their last known address, and the premium shall be adjusted on the basis of the Underwritersreceiving or retaining pro-rata premium.

This insurance may also be cancelled at any time at the request of the Insured in writing to the Broker whoeffected the insurance, and the premium shall be adjusted on the basis of the Underwriters receiving orretaining the customary short term premium.

"Notice" shall be deemed to be received if sent by recorded delivery post properly addressed.

General EExclusions

3. In respect of all Sections other than Section Three this insurance does not cover:

(a) (1) loss or destruction of or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss

(2) any legal liability of whatsoever nature directly by or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from:

i) ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclearwaste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

(ii) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.

(b) loss or damage or liability directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through or in consequence of war,invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion,revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation or nationalisation or requisition ordestruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority

4. Loss or damage or liability arising from equipment, integrated circuit, computer chip, computer software and any other computer related equipment which fail to recognise the date change to the year 2000 or anyother date.

5. Any loss or damage or liability arising from equipment, integrated circuit, computer chip, computer software or any other computer related equipment caused by computer failure, computer error or any other malfunction.

6. A person who is not a party to this insurance has no right under the Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms of this insurance, but does not affect any right or remedy of a third party whichexists or is available apart from that act.

7. There shall be no liability under this insurance in respect of any claim where the Insured is entitled toindemnity under any other insurance except in respect of any excess beyond the amount which would havebeen covered under such other insurance had this insurance not been effected. This clause does not apply toFatal Injury (Section Two – L).

8 The Insured shall as soon as reasonably practicable give to the Underwriters notice in writing, with fullparticulars, of the happening of any occurrence likely to give rise to a claim under this insurance; of the receiptby the Insured of notice of any claim; and of the institution of any proceedings against the Insured.

9. The Insured shall not admit liability for nor offer to agree to settle any claim without the written consent of theUnderwriters, who shall be entitled to take over and conduct in the name of the Insured the defence of anyclaim, and to prosecute in the Insured's name, for the Underwriters' benefit, any claim for indemnity ordamages or otherwise against any third party, and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any negotiationsand proceedings and the settlement of any claims. The Insured shall give to the Underwriters such informationand assistance as the Underwriters may reasonably require.

10. If the Insured shall make any claim knowing the same to be false or fraudulent, as regards amount orotherwise, this insurance shall become void and all claims hereunder shall be forfeited.

General CConditions aand EExclusions

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 17

The following clauses should be read in conjunction with the schedule incorporated in this certificate andapply only if the number of the clause is specified in the said schedule or certificate or endorsement:

E.1 SSafe CClause

This insurance excludes Theft in respect of Jewellery at the private dwelling named in the schedule unlessthe Jewellery is kept in a locked safe whilst not being worn. However, this shall not apply to Jewellery up toa limit of £2,000 in all.

E.2 KKeys CClause

In respect of Theft from the safe(s) it is a condition precedent to the liability of the Underwriters underthis insurance that all keys and duplicate keys of the said safe(s) are removed from the private dwellingnamed in the schedule whenever the premises are left unattended.

E.3 NNotice CClause

It is understood and agreed that in the event of any of the private dwellings becoming unoccupied in wholeor in part the Insured shall give due notice to the Underwriters (via Willis Limited) and pay such appropriateadditional premium as may be required.

E.4 AAlarm WWarranty

It is a condition precedent to the liability of the Underwriters in respect of the peril of Theft under thisinsurance that:

(a) the intruder alarm system shall have been put into full effective operation whenever the premisesdescribed herein are left unattended

(b) the intruder alarm system shall have been maintained in good order throughout the period of thisinsurance under a maintenance contract with the installing company.

E.5 NNon-SStandard CConstruction CClause

In consideration of the additional premium paid hereon it is hereby agreed that the term "standardconstruction" as defined in Sections One and Two does not apply to the main building of the privatedwelling named in the schedule.

E.6 BBrittle AArticles CClause

It is understood and agreed that Exclusion (b) of Section Five is deleted in respect of items so designated inthe schedule and/or specification(s) attached hereto.

E.7 CClimatic CConditions, BBreakage oof SStrings, RReeds oor DDrumheads, EExclusion CClause

This insurance does not cover:-

(a) loss or damage caused by climatic or atmospheric conditions or extremes of temperature unless such lossor damage would be recoverable under an ordinary Fire insurance policy

(b) if musical instruments are insured hereunder, breakage of strings, reeds or drumheads from any cause.

E.8 TTheft LLimitation CClause

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, this insurance does not cover loss of or damageto the insured property by Theft or any attempt thereat, except where the Theft or attempted Theft ofsuch property from any building in which it is insured is committed by a person who:

(a) is in such a building as a trespasser


(b) has gained entry to or exit from such building by breaking-in or breaking-out, actual or constructive.

E.9 SStamp CCollection ((S.G.) CClause

It is understood and agreed that in the event of loss the basis of settlement shall be 75% (seventy five per cent) of Stanley Gibbons' latest catalogue price.

Additional CClauses

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18 Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004

E.10 FFirst LLoss AAverage CClause

If the total value of all property covered by this insurance shall at the time of any loss be greater thanthe Declared Value as stated in the schedule, the Insured shall be entitled to recover hereunder only suchproportion of the said loss as the said Declared Value bears to the said total value, up to but notexceeding the sum insured under this insurance.

E.11 AAgreed VValues CClause

It is understood and agreed that the sums set opposite those items designated* in Section Five havebeen accepted by the Underwriters and the Insured as being the true values and in the event of loss theproperty so designated will be assumed to be of such values and will be assessed accordingly.The provisions entitling the Underwriters to replace any article lost or damaged are deleted in respect ofany item(s) designated*.

E.14 BBusiness UUse EExtension CClause

In consideration of the additional premium paid hereon it is hereby agreed that, notwithstandingExclusion 4 of Section Four, Section 4A is extended to include the Insured's legal liability, as definedtherein, arising out of the use of the premises as specified in the schedule, provided always that liabilityarising out of advice given or services rendered in respect of the Insured's profession, occupation orbusiness is not covered.

E.15 TThatch CClause

It is a condition precedent to the liability of the Underwriters that:

(a) Chimney WarrantyAll chimneys to solid fuel stoves, boilers and open fires be kept in a good state of repair and beprofessionally cleaned once a year prior to winter use.

(b) Thatchburn Warranty The old thatch be burnt more than 100 yards from the premises.

(c) Naked Flame WarrantyNo naked flame or tools producing naked flames be present in the attic or loft space at any time.

E.17 JJ.M.P. FFlats CClause

The sum insured under Section One – Buildings represents the value of that portion of the buildingowned by the Insured (including external walls, roof and foundations and such common parts of thebuilding for which the Insured is legally responsible). In the event of a loss resulting from an insured Perilto any part of the premises not occupied by the Insured but for which the Insured is legally responsible,Section One of this insurance will only pay such portion of that loss as the sum insured hereunder bearsto the reinstatement value of the building.

E.18 DDeletion oof PPairs aand SSets CClause

Notwithstanding the Condition relating to Pairs and Sets in Section Five, it is understood and agreedthat, in the event of loss of a part of a pair or set of the item(s) designated in the Specification attachedhereto, the Underwriters will bear the cost of replacement, even though such cost be more than the partof that pair or set which is lost up to the amount insured in respect of such item(s).

E.19 LLimited NNew-ffor-OOld SSection TTwo IIndemnity

It is understood and agreed that the words "not more than three years old" are deemed to be insertedbetween "any article" and "insured under" in Paragraph M – Basis of Settlement of Section Two of this certificate. Furthermore, the words "more than two years old" are deemed to be deleted from saidParagraph M.

Additional CClauses ((continued)

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Householder’s Insurance Certificate – June 2004 19

E.20 CCancellation CClause ((where ppayment oof ppremium iis bby iinstalments)

This insurance is subject to the payment of premium within 30 days of each month insured. This insuranceshall, in no case, exceed 12 one-monthly periods from the inception date shown in the schedule.The Underwriters reserve the right to cancel this insurance in the event of non payment of premium bygiving not less than 30 days' notice in writing to the Insured at their last known address. "Notice" shall be deemed to be received if sent by recorded delivery post properly addressed.

E.21 PPedal CCycle CClause

It is a condition precedent to the liability of Underwriters in respect of the Pedal Cycle(s) insured hereunderthat such Pedal Cycle(s) be padlocked to an immovable object or kept in a locked building when leftunattended.

E.22 UUnattended VVehicle CClause

This insurance excludes Theft or disappearance from unattended motor vehicles of every description.

E.23 PProtection CClause

It is a condition precedent to the liability of Underwriters that all protections provided for the safety of theinsured property be maintained in good order throughout the period of this Insurance and be in use at alltimes when the premises are left unattended. Such protection shall not be withdrawn or varied withoutUnderwriters' consent.

Note All Additional Clauses, and any other Memoranda attached to and forming part of this certificate, are subjectotherwise to the terms, conditions and limitations of this certificate.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein and in consideration of the premium for whichthis insurance is written, it is hereby agreed that whenever any additional or return premium of £25 or lessbecomes due from or to the Insured on account of the adjustment of a deposit premium, or of an alterationin coverage or rate during the term or for any other reason, the collection of such premium from the Insuredmay be waived or the return of such premium to the Insured may not be made, as the case may be.

Additional CClauses ((continued)

Small AAdditional oor RReturn PPremiums

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Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and limitations of this certificate.

Memoranda aattaching tto aand fforming ppart oof tthis ccertificate

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Willis Limited

Friars StreetIpswich IP1 1TA


Registered number: 181116 England and WalesRegistered address: Ten Trinity Square London EC3P 3AX


This Policy is arranged and administered by Willis Limited and is underwritten by Brit Syndicate2987 at Lloyds trading as Wren Insurance Services (Household Division)

Willis Limited is a member of the General Insurance Standards Council