House Point Cup Weekly Winners The House Points earned this week were… Avebury 621pts Ridgeway 613pts Kennet 594pts Silbury 573pts Well done everyone! Isle of Wight Year 6 have been having a fabulous time on the Isle of Wight this week, as you may have seen if you have been following their adventures on the website https://head6812.wixsite.com/amcps- residentials . They have explored historical sites, such as Carisbrooke Castle and Osborne House, enjoyed collecting seaweed and fossils on the beaches, as well as showing their skills at bowling and crazy golf. The children have been fantastic ambassadors for Abbey Meads and the staff are very proud of their behaviour and attitude on the trip. Many thanks to the staff who have accompanied the children this week, Miss Hewitt, Mrs Wickens, Mrs Rowe, Mrs Newdick, Mrs Birkett, Mr Badger, Mr Dickens and Mr Buckley. Golden Book Well done to the children named below, for being mentioned in the Golden Book as a result of their excellent attitude and approach in school. Kaitlyn and Spencer (2Ash), Jenny and Jamie (4Hazel), Jessie, Freya and Aiden (4Beech), Charlie and Casey (2Maple), Chelsey and Ryan (3Holly), Oliver and Jaisal (2Oak), Ava H and Auburn (1Oak), Jacob, Karla and Max P (3Elm), Jaydon and Sammi (5Alder), James and Jared (1Juniper), Alberto and Miley (5Birch) Well done to you all – Keep it up! Acorn News We’ve had another amazing week settling into nursery. We have been busy learning rules and making friends. We look forward to sharing some of our activities with you through ‘Tapestry’ in the coming weeks. Parent Consultation Evening (PCE) To book your Parent Consultation Evening appointment, with your child’s class teacher, please login to scopay.com and select the Parent Evening tab. These take place on Tuesday 9 th October and Thursday 11 th October 2018 (See School Diary Dates). If you have not yet set up your online access to SCOpay.com, further information can be found on our website in the Parents/Payments section or go straight to TUCASI using the link: https://www.scopay.com/login.html (These details were emailed to parents who had not previously registered via your child last week) If you have already registered, just click on the link on our website for Parents/Payments, and select the SCOpay link. Type in your email address and you can request a new password if you have forgotten yours. The PCE bookings will go live on Friday 28 th September at 9am and remain live until it closes at 1pm on Friday 5 th October 2018 Please ensure you access the correct Parent Evening, as follows: Reception, Yr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Click on Oct 2018 PCE Nursery Click on Nursery Oct 2018 PCE Year 6 Click on Y6 PCE October 2018 Details will be sent out to you on Monday to confirm your booking process. If you have any issues or worries regarding this system, please contact the office where the Office Staff will be delighted to help you. Swindon Advertiser – Reception Class Photos We have the photographer from Swindon Advertiser with us on Tuesday morning to take the First Day at School photographs for our Reception classes, Sycamore and Rowan. We will let you know once we are told which day the photographs will appear in the newspaper. A number of parents have been emailed with regard to not giving their consent for their child to be photographed, so please check your email or with the School Office before Monday if you do not want your child to miss this.

House Point Cup Weekly Winners Golden Book · Parent Consultation Evening (PCE) appointment, with your child’s class teacher, please login to scopay.com and select the Parent Evening

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House Point Cup Weekly Winners The House Points earned this week were…

Avebury 621pts

Ridgeway 613pts

Kennet 594pts

Silbury 573pts

Well done everyone!

Isle of Wight Year 6 have been having a fabulous time on

the Isle of Wight this week, as you may have seen

if you have been following their adventures on the

website https://head6812.wixsite.com/amcps-

residentials . They have explored historical sites,

such as Carisbrooke Castle and Osborne House,

enjoyed collecting seaweed and fossils on the

beaches, as well as showing their skills at bowling

and crazy golf. The children have been fantastic

ambassadors for Abbey Meads and the staff are

very proud of their behaviour and attitude on the

trip. Many thanks to the staff who have

accompanied the children this week, Miss Hewitt,

Mrs Wickens, Mrs Rowe, Mrs Newdick,

Mrs Birkett, Mr Badger, Mr Dickens and

Mr Buckley.

Golden Book Well done to the children named below, for

being mentioned in the Golden Book as a result

of their excellent attitude and approach in school.

Kaitlyn and Spencer (2Ash), Jenny and Jamie

(4Hazel), Jessie, Freya and Aiden (4Beech),

Charlie and Casey (2Maple), Chelsey and Ryan

(3Holly), Oliver and Jaisal (2Oak), Ava H and

Auburn (1Oak), Jacob, Karla and Max P (3Elm),

Jaydon and Sammi (5Alder), James and Jared

(1Juniper), Alberto and Miley (5Birch)

Well done to you all – Keep it up!

Acorn News

We’ve had another amazing week

settling into nursery. We have been busy learning

rules and making friends. We look forward to

sharing some of our activities with you through

‘Tapestry’ in the coming weeks.

Parent Consultation Evening (PCE) To book your Parent Consultation Evening

appointment, with your child’s class teacher, please

login to scopay.com and select the Parent Evening

tab. These take place on Tuesday 9th October

and Thursday 11th October 2018 (See School

Diary Dates).

If you have not yet set up your online access to

SCOpay.com, further information can be found on

our website in the Parents/Payments section or go

straight to TUCASI using the link:


(These details were emailed to parents who had not

previously registered via your child last week)

If you have already registered, just click on the

link on our website for Parents/Payments, and

select the SCOpay link. Type in your email address

and you can request a new password if you have

forgotten yours.

The PCE bookings will go live on Friday 28th

September at 9am and remain live until it

closes at 1pm on Friday 5th October 2018

Please ensure you access the correct Parent

Evening, as follows:

Reception, Yr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Click on Oct 2018 PCE


Click on Nursery Oct 2018 PCE

Year 6

Click on Y6 PCE October 2018

Details will be sent out to you on Monday to

confirm your booking process.

If you have any issues or worries regarding this

system, please contact the office where the

Office Staff will be delighted to help you.

Swindon Advertiser – Reception Class Photos

We have the photographer from

Swindon Advertiser with us on Tuesday

morning to take the First Day at School

photographs for our Reception classes, Sycamore and

Rowan. We will let you know once we are told which day

the photographs will appear in the newspaper.

A number of parents have been emailed with regard

to not giving their consent for their child to be

photographed, so please check your email or with the

School Office before Monday if you do not want your

child to miss this.


Mini Medics and First Aid Training

Mini Medic training has begun under

the guidance of Mrs Hobbis. The first

group of 5Alder have successfully completed

the course, with the second finishing next week.

5Birch will have their training later in the year.

Mrs Hobbis has been very impressed with the

groups. We feel that these are important skills

for our children to have.

It’s not just the children who have been

learning these essential skills. Twelve of our

staff have spent the last 3 Fridays completing

their Paediatric and First Aid at Work training


Congratulations to them all.

Trim Trail Equipment

Exciting things have been happening

on the field this week as the first of the Trim

Trail equipment is being installed. The process

will carry on into next week so watch this

space. Many thanks to FOAMS for their

contribution to this. We can’t wait for it all to

be ready to use!


We are saying farewell and thank

you to Mrs Kewell at the end of next

week as she is moving on to new adventures, her

last day being Friday September 28th.

Mrs Kewell has been at the helm of our office for

18 years, starting with us in the second year of

the school being open. We are sure you will want

to join us in wishing Mrs Kewell well, so do pop in

to say farewell over the next week.

We are not saying ‘goodbye forever’ as we hope

Mrs Kewell will pop in to see us and bring her

legendary Banoffee Pie!

She will leave the School Office in the safe hands

of Mrs Badger and Mrs Wells.


FOAMS have their first

meeting of the year next

Monday 24th September at 7pm. Please come

along to support them. They do a sterling job

raising money for our children through fund

raising events such as discos and the Summer

Fete. Come along and find out how you can be

a part of this amazing team.


Our children in Rowan and Sycamore

classes have made a fantastic start to

their time in school. This week they have

stayed for lunch and we are looking forward

to having them in school full time all week

from next Monday.

School Clubs

Teacher led school clubs start on

Monday September 24th.

Your child should already have had

confirmation of the club they are in.

If your child no longer wants to attend their

club, please let us know as there are waiting

lists for many of the clubs.

Football starts on Friday October 5th!

Individual and Sibling Photographs – Nursery, Reception, Yr1 to 6 Next week your child will have their individual photograph taken in school on Tuesday 25th September 2018.

Any children absent on the 25th will be photographed in school time during the afternoon of Tuesday 2nd October.

We would like to inform you that there will not be a ‘proof’ order option, meaning that you will not get a paper form

to fill out. Your child’s photos can be viewed and ordered online. There will be a deadline date, if you miss this

you may incur additional charges.

Your child will come home on Tuesday with a card with your unique online login credentials to your personal gallery.

Once you have them, use the search bar to write the given URL www.snappersphotography.co.uk

(type it in the search bar - not google) and enter your access code on the login page.

Once logged in, select and order your favourite photos.

The photos can take up to 5 working days before they are available to view online.

If you register your details they will email you when the photos are ready to purchase.

School will receive the ordered photographs and these will be handed out to your child.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints in school, we are unable to have sibling photographs taken and therefore we

offer parents the opportunity to book a free appointment after school on Tuesday 2nd October between 3pm-6pm.

This photo session is allocated for 5 minutes and you can decide if you wish to have a family photograph and/or

siblings, in school uniform or other clothes for a more contemporary photograph suitable for Christmas presents

maybe! These pictures will be with a white background.

If you want to book a family appointment for Tuesday 2nd October please see the instructions below.

Parents are under no obligation to purchase, exactly the same as with the school photographs.

If you wish to book, the process is exactly the same as with booking a Parents Evening appointment. Log on to

www.SCOpay.com and click on the parents evening tab, search for the meeting: 2/10/18 Family/Sibling

Appointments then select a time convenient to you and book just one child for a family session (5 mins).

You do have to book an appointment and cannot just turn up on the evening without an appointment. The photo

session will take place in the school community room, off the main reception area by the School Office, just sit

outside and wait to be asked to come in.

The Photo Session appointment bookings will go live on Monday 24th September at 9am and will

close on Friday 28th September at 2.15pm.

Please do contact the school office if you have any questions. School Office: Tel 01793 723239

Beat the Street

It has been lovely to hear the children chatting

about their travels, on foot, scooter and bike,

to travel between the boxes around Swindon.

Some of you seem to have had very busy


Sadly it seems some people across the town

haven’t entered into the true spirit of the game

and we have received the communication below

from the organisers- I’m sure it doesn’t apply to

Abbey Meads.

“Beat the Street has got off to an amazing start with more than 24,000 people across Swindon playing! Keep the game fair and safe for others and make sure you don’t drive between Beat Boxes and don’t use multiple cards. Anyone found cheating risks having their and their team’s points wiped. If you witness any cheating then please contact Beat the Street on [email protected]

Diary Dates

Please remember that most dates for the year were set in July

and can be found on our School Website: www.abbeymeads.swindon.sch.uk

The School Calendar or events can be found here:


Whenever there are new dates/events, or changes to the published dates, we will let you