House Hammond

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  • 8/3/2019 House Hammond


    The founders of house Hammond were made up of employees of a place they called "the Park". The Park was a combination amusement park and species restoration zoo. Building on techniques learned bringing different species back from the brinkof extinction they then began perfecting techniques for bringing back animals that had been extinct before the dawn of man.

    The park was built with four levels. The first level was the surface level, the

    public face of the park, and three subsurface levels. Sub level I consisted of networks of tunnels used in the maintenance and upkeep of the park above. Sub level II was made up of a series of vast hydroponic gardens used to grow the majority of the food consumed by the animals above.While sub level III, in an unusual case of forethought, was where the labs usedfor the re-creation of extinct species were built deep under the amusement park/zoo. This was done for a number of reasons among which included the possibilityof an unforeseen mutation in the DNA coding and or something as simple as a rampaging T Rex could still be controlled and contained without the general public being put at risk. Of course this was done more to keep corporate espionage fromdiscovering the company's secret and being able to reproduce their results.

    The house founders were made up of the genetic engineers who made the parks animals, the caregivers that raised the animals, and the park rangers responsible for the upkeep and feeding of the animals on display for the public. The park rangers were in fact actual rangers, and members of other special forces units. Dueto the dangerous nature of the animals they handled it was felt that former members of the armed forces would not only be more vigilant in their duties but in the event of a worst-case scenario their training would help ensure speedy resolution and the minimal risk to the general public.

    When the machine began its uprising senior members of the Ranger staff could seethe writing on the walls. They would be responsible for the rescue and recoveryof staff family members, and the defense of the park itself. This was made onlyslightly easier for the fact that certain personalities of the machine sought t

    o limit damage to the animal inhabitants. In addition to the SAR missions the Rangers also hit military storage depots for weapons and ammunition.

    The caregivers were responsible for both the animals, and the burgeoning new population of humans. Under their guidance the hydroponic gardens would be greatlyexpanded.

    The engineering staff made up of the geneticists and the people responsible forthe creation and upkeep of the mechanical half of the park would find themselvestasked with rebuilding and adapting weapons systems of both armies, Man and machine.

    It was during tunneling to expand the hydroponics the diggers opened up a chamber that would lead to a vast natural cave network complete with multiple windingtunnels and enormous chambers. The decision was made to move all noncombatants into this new cave network. Doing so ended up being house Hammond's salvation during the early onset of the nano bot plague.

    Before sealing off their new home in the caverns the Rangers made their way to the surface through the maintenance tunnels and into the park itself. The caregivers had convinced the Rangers to free all of the animals in the hopes that the animals would survive in the new wilds, wastelands, nature preserves, mountainoushighlands, and even the boneyards and battlefields. The Rangers agreed to do this for their own reasons. They hope the introduction of exotic and formally extinct species might throw the proverbial monkeywrench into the machine's plans.

    While the caregivers and Rangers sought to preserve life and wreak havoc on themachine, members of the genetics department sought to ensure the preservation of

  • 8/3/2019 House Hammond


    knowledge. They shut down the server farms, the brains and electronic memory, containing countless lifetimes worth of decoded DNA. Not just the pure strains but the mistakes, mutations, and alien genes in the hope that this knowledge wouldonce again serve mankind.

    Once these two tasks were completed all entrances to the former Park were collapsed by demolition charges, sealing off their former home to save themselves.

    Unfortunately the team of geneticists responsible for hiding the servers fell victims to the machine before passing on their location to the next generation.

    House Hammond would live on. Surviving by trading surplus food, and helping teach other houses animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, and most importantly, human medicine. They would also prove instrumental in giving birth to the age of splicers.

    Probably the most unique aspect of house Hammond is their acceptance and inclusion of technojackers. This was done with the cooperation of the heads of all three departments Rangers, caregivers, and engineers. The geneticists were the prima

    ry driving force behind this philosophy of acceptance because they knew one daythe servers would be found and the technojackers would be the only ones capableof accessing the information and helping to transfer it to the household librarians.

    Eventually the servers were found, extracted from the ruins and transported to anew safe place. While the servers were in route to their new home three librarians were created, one from each department to form a new R&D lab using the information stored on the servers. These new librarians were referred to as the Magiand each one accepted a new name with their new position they are Melchior, Caspar, and Balthasar. House Hammond would be reborn a third time now specializing in the creation and mass production of war mounts and more unique creatures usingdinosaur DNA as their master templates.

    House Hammond now finds itself on the cutting edge of both animal mounts and plant fortifications. They may not have created the Gardner but everyone agrees they turn out some of the best and brightest. Even if they're not personally responsible for the development and deployment of plant fortifications they would be the ones to perfect them for mass production.

    Another example of house Hammonds preference of dinosaurs is the choice of mounts used by their Outrider. Most Outrider choose to ride an altered TyrannosaurusRex or and Allosaurus.

    In addition house Hammond does not use regular gorehounds. A pack master is paired up with Tiger claw Raptors or Pachycephalosaurus.

    Due to the number of carnivorous dinosaurs used in house Hammond, not to mentionthe hungry humans, when the Lazarus gland was perfected the Rangers collected several species of sauropods for reengineering. The new Brontosaurus etc. don't regenerate instead when they are killed all of the beasts inherent bio E is focused into carcass preservation. Consumable meat does not putrefied as quickly in these beasties. A freshly killed carcass will be safe to eat from up to 2 to 3 weeks after initial death. Instead of normal decay and eventual putrefaction the consumable meat goes through a process of slowly drying out into a jerky like substance. At the end of the 2 to 3 week grace period any meat left on the carcassgoes into bio meltdown similar to war mounts.

    After perfecting these new sub species they were produced and released into thewild and it is now estimated that somewhere between 30 and 40% of all sauropods,

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    hadrosaurids, and similar large plant eating herbivores are made up of the newspecies. The only way to tell between the old and new species is to kill it andobserve the rate of decay.

    With the success with the Brontosaurus and Seismisaurus house Hammond has begunto apply these same modifications to other large size herding herbivores.

    Actually I got the idea for the three separate classes from Robotech. Unfortunately when B5 was playing in my hometown I missed it because of all of the hours Iwas working to support my deadbeat roommates (but that is a sob story for another time).

    The idea for the shark a dactyl was thought up in response to your request for across between a shark and a pterodactyl. I chose to call it project: Bruce as areference to Bruce the mechanical shark in the original movie Jaws. The choiceof names for the project has nothing to do with Monty Python or Australia.

    Here are a couple of ideas for the swarm Lords hive host armor. A flying bug tha

    t all it does is to deliver nonflying insects to marked targets then returned back to the hive host armor to pick up more bugs.

    As to the geographic location of house Hammond they are based on a series of islands. Imagine if the entire British Isles were located near the equator with less than 10 miles from the largest island to the mainland. Before the insurrectionof the machines a series of multiple bridges built on top of freight train tracks connected the islands to the mainland. The largest of the islands had almostall of the visitor hotels, housing for all of the islands. In addition to to thehotels this main island was dotted with some of the largest and newest equippedamusement parks on the entire planet. The main island also featured multiple casinos and several fairly large size historical reenactment/theme parks across several different periods in history (think of your local Renaissance Festival/civ

    il war reenactment/mountain man and trapper get-togethers. Land that was not being used for amusement purposes went into the creation of small towns and small scale cities to house Park employees and give them a place to shop to buy groceries etc. The rest of the available arable land on the largest island went into food production, some to feed Park employees and the people that serve them off the clock like a normal city or town. The largest amount of land is farmed in a way to help produce enough plants to help feed all of the herbivore and other plant eating beasties. After all the Park biological attractions had been herded onto the mainland and released the Rangers destroyed the bridges on their way backto the Park.

    The entire group of islands are surrounded by underwater mega-damage containmentfencing designed to keep all of the ocean born dinosaur and dinosaur like creations can swim about and feed themselves on normal fish that are specially farmedgrown (fish farm) fishes of different species as well as those that can make itthrough the fence. No aquatic creature of any kind is allowed in these enclosedmini-seas that may be small enough to escape out in the normal ocean. The fenceis made up of specially modified species of coral that growth in the fence likepattern. Any damage done regenerates automatically (insert regeneration times and MDC point replacement here) and have been crossbred with several different species of jellyfish whose tentacles only strike at creatures trying to get from the inside out. Other organisms/free lunches can safely pass into the fenced in area and will not be stung. The jellyfish tentacles are designed not to kill butto encourage a definite and distance from the fence.

  • 8/3/2019 House Hammond


    One of house Hammond's earliest and most successful creations the name here wascreated by adding choice elements of the Stegosaurus with the body of the ankylosaurs. Osteoderms are grown in two parallel lines going down the back.The tail spikes of the Stegosaurus grow out of the bone-club tail.

    In battle the osteoderms split in half and fold open doubling the amount of surf

    ace area for laser absorption. All energy absorbed by the name here is transferred to the tail. What appear to be tail spikes are actually individual photon infuser cannons.

    When not being ridden the name here tend to naturally join up and help protect natural herds of herbivore dinosaurs and or mammals. Against regular predators the name here scales its assault appropriate to what ever living predators are assaulting it adoptive herd. These assaults are not deadly but meant simply to drive away the predators and protect the relatively defenseless adoptive heard. Anyherd that is approached by a name here will willingly accept it as a member of the herd. The other animals have learned that having a name here in their midst means protection and safety. The fact that they are photosynthetic also means tha

    t there adoptive heard doesn't have to worry about it eating additional food resources.

    ankylosaurs main body/most of the body. With Stegosaurus osteoderms and four tail spikes each spike is a photon infusion cannon. Photosynthetic metabolism, resist heat and resist laser, horned frill that acts like a permanently deployed absorption panel. Osteoderms deploy as laser absorption panels while plates from the main body back shift to help aid in collecting inbound laser fire by reflecting straight shots to the osteoderms collection surfaces. Movement of plates on shellback achieved through the constriction of tendons and controlled inflation and deflation of bladders located underneath each individual back shell section.

    Horns along the edge of the back plates are each equipped with tendril injectors

    for "hand-to-hand" combat.

    Lungs and mouth modified for flame breath, flame, plasma, napalm.

    The front of the riders saddle is made up of the middle to plates along the spine, out of the line directly behind the head. The two corresponding plates behindthe two front ones make up the back of the saddle thus providing ample protection to the rider.

    Triceratops horns crest is a permanently played laser absorption shield while its two main horns above its eyes are transformed into photon infusion cannons.

    I guess you got a point on the digesting metal bit.

    Possible fix being after taking a chunk robot they "feel" around with their timeand if they don't "taste" a core the mouth becomes a Gore Cannon which spits the shrapnel mixed with a heapin' helpin' of stomach goo and whatnot. Impose a really poopy range, like maybe 50 feet or less before the combo of seawater densityslows the shot to zero damage and of the water itself dilutes the goo.

    If it tastes a core it's routed to the stomach to dissolve unwanted metal harmle

    ssly away, then to the core storage organ.

    The shark a dactyl's tongue has been divided into a multitude of smaller tongue

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    tentacles. Each tongue tentacle feels around any metal in the mouth.

    Once it's got a mouth full of metal it only has two to four melee rounds (the two to four melee round's all the bio force field can take given the violent method of acquisition) before the nano bot response occurs. Unless a called shot is made for the core itself there is less than a 10% chance of a power core being inside the mouth and detected by the tongue tentacles.

    Roll 1D4

    Idea for another Stegosaurus based war mount. Based on the Mira Gaia a member ofthe Stegosaurus family that had long relatively straight horns in addition to its regular osteoderms which grow out along its spine. These horns start near theshoulder and follow along the back (not the spine) with some of them having rows that merge along its tail.

    Herbivore metabolism, osteoderms still deploy as laser collection panels (laserenergy that is absorbed by the panels is routed to the lightning discharger horns growing out along its back, half of them have photon infusion cannons in the tail spikes the rest are all electrically based), increased metabolic rate, resistance to lasers, resistance to heat, resistance to electricity, horns along backmodified into lightning discharger, mouth and throat have been modified into Gore Canon's with additional stomachs added to act as a payload storage organ, organic rocket pods located on top of the hips, saddle is located on its back nearthe neck but behind the first set of horns, another variation has large hornlikespines instead of osteoderms along its spine these variations these spinal spines/quills/spikes are all launch able and regrow quickly,

    Mira Gaia come in three forms. All three forms feature lightning discharger horn

    s growing along the tops of the sides/backs.

    Base form/standard features osteoderms along the spine with the last set's of tail spines are photon infusion cannon "barrels".

    Secondary choice replaces photon infusion cannons with regular lightning discharger horns to the tips of the tail.

    Tertiary choice replaces osteoderms with spines that are launch capable and regenerate quickly.

    Another hive insect idea roly-poly that changes into a mega-damage ball bearingwhen it rolls up into its defensive position. For use against walking and possibly other ground based movement systems i.e. slip and fall

    Primary assault/secondary defense war mount

    Lt standard Stegosaurus light class war mount

    Med Mira Gaia Stegosaurus medium class war mount

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    Hvy Stegosaurus ankylosaurs cross heavy armored war mount

    Lt Mk I Stegosaurus, Gore Cannon in mouth, casting cannons tail spikes 2 to 6 spikes/cannons, laser reflective

    Lt Mk II Stegosaurus, Gore Cannon in mouth, osteoderms deploy into laser absorption panels, tail spikes are four photon infusion cannons

    Med Mk I Mira Gaia, lightning discharger horns, Gore Cannon in mouth, 2 to 6 casting cannons tail spikes, spines/spikes instead of osteoderms plates which can be fired and regrow rapidly, organic missile pods located on top of hips

    Med Mk II Mira Gaia, lightning discharger horns, Gore Cannon in mouth, osteoderms deploy for laser reflection, 2 to 6 casting cannons for tail spikes, organic missile pods located on top of hips

    Med Mk III Mira Gaia, lightning discharger horns, Gore Cannon in mouth, osteoderms deploy for laser absorption, 2 to 6 photon infusion cannons for tail spikes,organic missile pods on top of hips

    Hvy Mk I Stegosaurus/ankylosaurs cross, Gore Cannon in mouth, four photon infusion cannon tail spikes embedded in the club tail, two rows of offset osteoderms that deploy as laser absorption panels, armored frill instead of plated helmet frill does double duty as a permanently deployed laser absorption panel, the hornsaround the edge are equipped with tendril injectors for close quarter combat

    Primary defense/secondary assault war mount

    Made up of Triceratops/sub species

    First type has sonic projection cannons in its frill

    Second type has laser absorption frill and two photon infusion cannons for the main horns above the eyes

    Sonic projection cannons use extremely low frequency or ELF soundwaves to createarea denial by organics and destruction via sympathetic harmonic wave generation

    First type have lightning discharger's for the two main horns above its eyes

  • 8/3/2019 House Hammond
