=雪富強・申t'- --ll NEW YORE. sAでmDA 一刷the News That's rit to Pr航.〟 Cl柑雷DIT10日 m山L nod●fttJ t●nl後れtln● lcder. 諾語謹;''r.I.i..dlt.㌔.I.. i-iOヽln輸▼青Mbi-n軍備i ti.賀 書「-.   .                   一一一 DEC劇皿ER 18, 1937.  P     Ⅳo cBNt8 ° '&.請 I mJ Itie●しな1▲O tm ●tlOP o m ●○● lll rM 8t vet,. (.XX重VIl....No. 29,183.   1B級.-...転学溶接'T・ HOUSE● BLOCKS WAGES BILL, 朋TuRNING IT TO COMMITT朋; souTH D醐RTS ROOS瑚掘 southerners and RepW・Tnt,cAd。o Sqb_・d'f_ql・_ f・_.t'e_早,叫..I_fie_,t'章.'c`8 iicans Doom BiiI for prese[t, at LeaSt LmOtns・博9調Ls的TILE Raytu" and OIC"" Make llnal FignLA・ r・ L a Fao・ Ior ih me的hl● Oeleat ●re●ent bu●ln.●● CohdItlon● 0.a ln- nuenc●ll m●(.y A.mb●r● -o tI. c●u・ liou● 〇年・reIorm・・ propo●●In BII"(."I Cl lh. W.IC. Illd ttJ Beafm by Only Si* YcfJI-McNa,Y Am●ndme証RJIcl'nJd `4' ー▲m●n qe t℡▼●l lcn lof tt● nul き.odtrbC'...I,'i a I..T.I,嵩.I.t誰嵩 lht一or re00巾tIen.録●・ otm●r ●u un℡bl● te ●●● u●観. 富お調〃● et u● blu bmu●一l t○ 〟 ClcJC mCP On qlrCJ YCJb cl dL llLtt, Ourbl ttletL Ol ptllICIplc cI IcJIIIIqOl Icr OI IIIltp cI Im- I.I. -q ,0日. tJl........t I..i 00附KE印刷蹄 FO補O TO g川棚 l咽TO脚§刑鵬 MapIaIrate AIlo lmpolll柳 tIalI Cr S50 Flnl bcn cn lhlrleen Womlh ( scOREs cOURTs'し馴IENCYi Some of Prlsoherl fouれ 議over to Have eeeh Employl by the company qeかttntC A.i. Bu一重●. tcld・ lJlt ''巾btJ el u● pu調e byt bm tmpled doth." 〃enteae●l dJttr ▲utcn心JIckeb to h~n● Cl A tmr tc dACtr dp dl I●m tp●●e l・l mJay ●tme dl thr持寄cd・ "m ●tcrell bl章● ▼u 〃ettIeei a●● tp●教● ●Cd● b h m・ lr●裏6 9.I 軸●録neeunq el t軸d drly●確 ●uthonzd e義eeutIv● comlo● 01叫rhuon Wo一kem m・ lon め cal一 ●lhk● el ●mploy調et l●東Ic●b ne●山●l lu utcf●tlon. tP●重e e.I mm● men. hcludnt two depu・ ty comt●ble●. we章● ●hot me oa● Yq f●qed h a●曾●lrme d●・ order● ne●f th● rofd 糠●nt●o City plmt. tPm O・I 謙:.善意Pbtu:I.・"t藷u:*:'; I '善悪霊言霊三 Sn..諾葦・.:.:A.:.:::薫C謀.:r・,en.'d: I ●amltIIJtr●tIoh・● deleat ln i"ih Hou.. tonIltt m〟y h.,. 〟 m●Jor beohh● oh th● cour●● 01 10●I●1●llon ●=h. r。まuhふte輸Ioe be巾hlhき れetI mohlh. mJ CO"ttc.I cc".10.nC.. Cl lh. noooe・J BCtlon mly tC tllCIJ ltlt・ porl●h` 0●h `h-conomle -●eullt lh●l mlgb` h●ve I-owedれom the me●●um. IIきuece.eIui・ ob.●rver● 調Id. ah●rp●h00tIhなき日he blll h〟d eIlcclIv●1y reduced ll● ●cope u nenbe○ ○ller member ●uce..led lA qClnP.llll ,rcm I(. ,.cyl.IcnJ ltpJC "riler..nf.8eJ ln lllJu,trleJ lh lh●Ir o刷れeon●liluencI●●・ mny A一隊ntIon● in lbe mu ▲● 〟 maIltr ol lact・ lhe neMuf● h〟d been `○ ●I`ered lmm the orIt・ Ihd馴tck・connery blli・ ▼hich lbe een〃t● pすきeed ●=h● 1●.t ee9●Ien ol con叩○○. -he″ 〟 ∞舶ide-●bI. rlumber cl ltI lcrm.I I"CPINnb loin。● ih -he move lo lend it btek lo th● conlmI(le●・ To get the meeaure lo (he noor Ill th● IIt・きI pl〟ce II vaa IICCe的●Oy for zle m鋤nber● to 〃I叩きdI〃charge I.tltl" rele"Ill. tl.. IIc0.. mleJ commltlee from it● futue〃 cOn- tidet●tloh. thI● number eon●lIlute● ● clear mきjomy ot 《he lol●i mem・ tICrhlp cl thc llotI.e・...d A.lmIlly lh● eomplellon of 〟 dl●charte p●・ 肌Ion ineure● pe裏的ge O=he lel向l●・ lloh lo queellon・ でh● con`ihued bu8lne●e rece●章Ion eurln● the three week●物置l h〟ve ●IBPJ●d ●InCe lil● lIelltlon刷u CCdt・ pleted uhdoubtedly innuehced 〃ome ○く`he ale membert to reveHe lheIr ●●mer po〃ltioh. u dld the d●ter・ mlncd drlv● ol the A.京. ol L (o d●te〃=he propomi. ob8erVe調でeOe ●青reed・京epre●enle帥● hleReyn・ olde olでenne℡●ee. cloeInBきpo農et・ coM剛Tl膝TO M騰丁博椎 sehalors WliI OIscusl p画面 間的OocumehI Tuesday- Mayor Is `Sa剛諦 man for the conきerV●=Ⅴe southern Democmle. tI置きcd hI● Dle● lor re・ commIttal oI the b= oh the need lor tiv1時bueIhe的〃 reaL ・・l一thI〃 bM l● recommltlel. you ▼ln I●● a ctl●nge Icr the beller ln l▼o e●y●.'` he tole the Hou●〇・ 〇tl● ●●me ●rgumen` wa● 〃tt・e●se● by Repret.n-●Ove Pet-e叱llI ol In・ dian〟. one 01 -he prlncip●I oppo coNS帥丁唯c陣容AT iSS唯 Oovemmeht …oped to Have Proposed OeaI WIlh ceherai Molor章, rord, chrysier U. S. NIVIL , DtSPJA u耽ESS JAP州GUARANT騰S 農軸舶舷榔馳豊壌雌,餌雌脇ING 肌他門珊S SuI㍍ 半里撃墜-B-・A'・DiD i ・capilai`l raiI L州te poor Tactic8 0I Chlanl KaL8nek and LIaderl'馴ohI e夕重富nn~▲粛oURopl rickeb J●請d Hell ▲の●r伽t lh〃l ""調● fltbu eI一h● pu聞e b〃▼● be●o tt●観pled do帥"● by m● Ilck●qdJ ltl lb● 〃dlk● 01 心● Hom裏強●rd●r一Au`°n●l ●観・ elcrcJ IIta lhLt thl ccmIIJCt CI lhc pIc農el●.●● ``● dietnCJ lo Ne▼ Tort cily.●'Ⅲ●tI〃t●●te ▲nthony種. Eu〃農● lmpe●ea pn〃on 〃●nt●hc●● 01 tnlrtr. JItIy 〟nd dn●tr d●y書.青Ith・ out dIermu▼● ol lln●. on ●nIy ▲qtcの●t nek●tJ ▼bo ●pp●arcd b●・ loo° him le W●●t side cou〃t y●〇・ ten●y. nlrte●n ▼otn●n 賀tO ●き章● ●ト r●〃(●● ●ltb I賀● ●h'.J・ neL :れなni e●nonthuon〃 oul●ld● (青o TIne〃 equ℡r● nn仙ol tb● c●(●hrh cbuo on nee. ● 〟nd nee. ll 〃●e●I▼ed 〃en・ (●nc●● ol t青enly d●y● Ih I●Il or lの IIbCJ. BJYCn Ct lhc ptlJIInCrJ, lb・ ciueIの● on● ol m● ▼onep 葛●●● Ioun● by lh● m●かIlr●le le b●V● )種dd c〃tl● b t○○調,冒)℡教m ABO▲Roの重なり.〟.〟. oAtfU 〃l ehn重さ●I. o●6. 11・-rhrou章h ●hole●●l● ●toocllI●● ●ta ▼●Ol●鵬n I- Nqkltl章th● J●榊鴫●.● ▲fnr teJ lhrom ●hy 〟 m oppcolullllr b Caln lh●章●〟かe` thd ∞a関●ne● 01 1h● chine●● lnb●blhnl● ●hd el loh eln eplnlen ther●・ 請● ccl一〇pI● eI Ctllnet● 〃qtbodty ●na -b●血●●賢一up ol tb● cbIou● Arny l●lt nqy ChlneII in N細山le● ●調dy to r●apond to e●d●r dd eト かnlfJIlon..blch tNnd Ill Dm〃 nest ▼Ilh ltle ●8-tr eI ttl● J●調n●●● ゆIntd Ib● bee. 18 plcII●t lin● 〟 le● houn Jlα be b〟d p●toled then A the ctJItCdr cI thelr lltcfner Lt lh● do〃● ○章〃 bepIIlt o℡ tn● D●o. l ane●l●. AttACn the ndn● 櫨細れ●tl 帆. OIIct●-el°. cotltlllel一of tm 802 01 一ee C●(●terdL BfbPloy●● tJblcd. q A. I. cI I tlIlllltl. tCI0 調●eIJ-nt● BvJk● llt●l h● te事●idcd hI● deeiaIon t〃 ●`●hoctlng'● ud u tplc.I ol `'Itt●調ne OI lhlht一● re肌oI Mdc競れe cmnれg Jcp伽ese Pi帥°s md AI'rcraII AllocAed Boa!load oI MI'lJJ md AI'J Ior InJ'qr●d m lob'心持′ dt.C.Ioh Oo● Wrillh by 。 r'p'●●ehIdlu● ol 前田o Tctt tlNBll WM w調oboare lb Cl.hb00l Pomy小- lh● lBJJ.I ●′ Non調きeeNO IOmU● 0 tn鯖●一to●重ttm. ●ne. te b●okehかtthh. ●諒ed LI●UL co種山.す. I.櫨tIBh●● cI Ne青でork c1-7 for lnlonn〃tlon. conn〃nd●r ltuttl●● fIClltely teltl●ed. by nylIll ual th● UnII●d elAte●青山● l●iena o! bolb J●p●寄●od cmo● ●al oould 賀et tIV● ●ny lalornntIon. tb● poop ●bo●n ●q ●rBtIInr ov●t lh● m●〃nln● of u● J●p●he●● ell1億〇●● aollohI叱冒Ilh bt●ききea lron the ●bip -o th● ●bore. te ●bteh c〇億・ m●nder nughe● ●book hit b●●d・ AJlOAJtD m tr. I. I. CAP. ●t etl●n事bd, o●〇・ 17i-▲t I:80 P・嬉・ eutle●yl Dee・ V. tb● tJ・ ●・さ・ P●tI●y・ .I...Ttrt.読.'B.I.I. ='..I..A.8.LS 〃iotl●d ln l128 for lh● T●n重く●●龍一 lrcl. " rlJlll8 Jl mchcI PtN~ fuIIy. l冒eo`7-I●a一 nll●〃 叫 請● rIV●r l調かN●otInt. ▲tl●r lb〃●● d●yJ el d048lBt ●h●lI●・ th● 1●t●●一 m●dio●u▼Te青●● ●t℡ned ●一l:郷Ih〃t momll18 lron 〟 poIかl▼elV● nIle● tlP th● rIV●r lron櫨●ntIltI・ IelloI・ ln裏山● etplo●Ion ol tbell●関ece● 〃IVetr clcJCr ●〃t●m・ でき● eocon▼ l●nt●購 uelplnt. ⅢeIntJ IBI 櫨el〃寄. ▼tlletl the pect ▼Ith tt,● ●8-tr OI ttl● J●調n●●● lr筒が. ▲一tenend的. ●●9●● ○白● llcl cycr ltIJ CuOcct lcr I CCllP' ucl) CI ttlc lcqful tcnbItddIBt Jnt the clllnIBItlcB Cf tt. thrul cI JtrlouJ Jmrdlb ty ltI CblpIIJ tt009● l購mded lh● Ctlnel● poPu' l●e●賀b●種物● J●p●n●〃e t∞t OV●r contro一 ▼luln u● ▼dIJ. tl ▼u lelt J●puue事ul● nl小高● 〃●Vere. at l●〃●t uo`n ●〃r COneiuoBJ mr● ovet. 9▼o d●y〃 ol J●p●n●●●・ o∞ufI.qOD_ Cb●叫d tB● -hol● ou一■ l'Cct. Wholeul● l00tlnき. th● YloIJ・ uoo eI冒on●ol u● nud●r o一 elvIIIam, lh● ●Vicuoe ot chh●●● no私 lheir hon●●.ロー● ●霊能uuoa● ol ●●t prI○onem 〟nd lh● Inがα●Iet oI ●ble.00dl●d ne℡ turRed N〃nkmt Into t elty ol temr・ p●ny ●℡∞b●a up ttlJ ℡IY●r● ▼●r● tI●●t by. dtb ●●▼●n ol th● Pd●y'○ ○〃●青d●Iun● en tb● Helpln(・ oII・ dl吋cr●青n●mber●. eem●n ud a●▼〃re●I c●n●章● neh ▼em dI●cu〇・ lu -he lneldenl o日置●t mornlnt・ ▲l lid uc nll'bo℡t b●e ●tolIfIId yhJtl nPJd br JIDIAIP PtJlcp b●yenel●. c●n● 櫨置きr ehll●nt emn Th● kullnt eI elylll". ▼lI細de・ mr調l・ Forenen -ho m'eIel Uldely "rou裏b tJl● cItr南edtle`d●y leutld cI小11●a deJ on ●Vep tt重機t・ 田one el lt'● detlm 一er● ●軍ed men. ●omeII ●nll cbIIを●Il・ pctJcemctt lnt nrCmCn "rJ m. dd oblecu o重●thet. nmy ▼tctln● ●ere tI●yCfleted ●od ●〇m● ol tlle "und章一ere b●fll●rcv●ly cnI●i・ Any陣.動機青ho nn beou.● el lett・ cT CtClttment " tJbclr lo tc Ilo ●ufIIIort tIJ Ill●● nt. cobn- C●Ilea ▲fIhur a.動ey●T, 〟 nenbc暮1 ol lh● Bl●tc BcLJ●d oI櫨dhtloll. le● court簾鴫か.櫨r. Heyer let u● court rt鴫か. Hr. igeyer te lid th℡l ●l lb● in●l●l●acc ol 櫨●沖r the union bod been ●●kd omtnnd c9 PtIe eb n00馳ⅧL7 1071 Co剛itS Admira一 oh Co[ditio[ 0 a山MeetS Ca剛e SilUITI的IS `V帥Y 8ut myaI Operatl s∞l Ho 航ed (or S More Wa鴫hips N At I'SB P・ tI・ the ndlo cpcr&tcrl o!櫨.調. a Bee.れ●gshlp oくIh●- Brltl●h 嘗●ntt調llotnia. bnrl ● mcJltlC Ircm lnc Porttr. Then lt ▼u lhl●rrupく●d by ●11●nc● 一hlcb bet〃n ● ●loずl●∩(ealie beyone i m〃nn●tleh. I 9●● oe Ib● 一op deck青も●n lh● rcJI Ot pctCrJIylnI BIJtleJ ItLl t cn●b ●hook lh● ●unbo●一. tbro〃In● ¶ood 〃Dllntet〃. ●la的 ●Od 青書ter 〟round m●. Kno南lnt 〃Om●lblnt h〟d h●ppened 青Ortb pholol富農Pb・ Io事.一書〃n !or mr c〃tner● ud ●●▼ KYO D肌AY洲胴 Hushed Siiencl preYahs as wounded Ire lr帥ltemd from Oahu to cruiser 型盤上I曲さ鴫Q劇醐馳 Iapahese Soldlers Vlslled S時 and Learhed Its idehtlty ee・ lcrc Attack, Olllcer SayI Dy HAtte柵t ABBND 京inl●9一〇で〃● NI● tOtt mtJ・ 8議▲Nemu. Dec. Il.-WIlb bet ∩."● 〃l e重い_〃h〟 benoれn● the dLP It tdl-ItIII tLCnCrlDI tbC Ane〝!∞t'de●きいIo- d・ck・ ll'Cmd。 慕:BS'.I.器1.'=諾.(,.::.譜: tc。d lut調。- ShBtt..I`● Buod lt I:80 1tllJ tltemccn lbt l"tItr nlnute● l●ler `Ied up Jo叫.lde u● AImlp Au8tIJtJ・ A tyc.tLeu重 りIJI Lma th● unltce et●tcJ C調(..r AqPnu ●nd一 ed ●beh th● 1-mt ●bip of th●00〇一 ▼07 tlrh81回章一ll● P.p, mnlv00● lheIr 一oot. mF語〝誤認'.÷嵩.鱗(..I 耕.,',I, LdEt:.I,.:I.._`器.TE un● ○重fef叩q tr m調en ▼be ccndtICteO m Jelmtel A tBI AssaI'Is SlrI'Aeirealers ahJ False Leaders to ●n dnoll pbuo調pble ●博b ●ppe●重●● y調-erd●y ●●ahqでP b cnhl ntO tB● Pm.i 巾・・d●dl'JtL u. p'●nnの一 blcciA u● 9両●火種血は●l th● ▲lbnV eの●nl.● dm ℡MYqb lかon.mtqdPT l'e-Id o餌'cfl u● fmか輸l dt能Il mn● hem otl Ju録● o●qPt -I u血Iu07 0 th● ldu 〃n nn種霊能●n▲n dlb機能n th●京的lm o調性〃 笠置町議_ Pl qb tnm・ om lー田山か重〇着 FO剛酬脚卿 - -i▼_i〃 charoe o川acl面0,6uhhlnp oI panay by lapaneee VesSell lermed `Most Serlous' ISSUE IS SEchET冊iAPAM 航-y combats the American§' Reporl 0日ive「 cralはaid by Surpeon'a Slo町 punted lh. 6.°.I mb.- 0. 8rluh pt,bo●` I-dyblllI・ d∞ C●ト 難詰.".B.:": I qIIcu bmq1.,.0efI..PeJ ●u lel一 th● ▼hole th● 10.000loa cml●e葛● 一°〃● er〇一dd一ltb oか engul ol th● 10・mloa lao調tecb ▼●〃● crO冒dd 創cem ●alIot〃l n●dne● md cldlutlJ. ll青書● net 〟 nI∞ue●tJP Mon 〇日ellel of ennuiun ●ben prtlldent m●Vll- cc AJmlrd IALhy. ChJcl opJrltlcu. nd tltc Ca terd●y on luJtJter moで● puLy tDmblJlI 山国 yere lBdJeotlcnJ m detnoMtrlqotl nlgbt tJe P●clIie tDle●● J●pan teed ▲ne両軸Hgh`.言pag ▲ repreJetttau.・● ol To賀意 Tll隔.青bo g・BJ at ue pan●y de麟rlbed th tle●● aluck md told o 9nnhC el nJVl00rl md 〟 iauneh lPeg● 1. 9r●Very ol ▲meh∽n o 止d cJCl夢tl・CJ de●Ctl BrtOBh ttTtter u・ho abo〟rd. H● Utd of me of tnt 〃urMyod Omtl tlrtttery. lPas● yo lt wu ●ald 〟 r● Bltcd Star.eS ne on● tJl〇一 ofnc畠3両gh' not lo能Ild oa°. re __(●" 〃h〃 ○○tur℡重ce〃 J・ ●7 m● ▲〃〃od●t●● ●n〃細 でo雛Yo. 8〃tu章d●y. Dec ll-A Fofelp otlIce ●pa●8mm鴫1d lo d〟y ~h●- J●peni● ret,)y to the tJOlted sI●te● 00-e demahH叱IulI ℡edre調 tor lt6 81mklnB CI the etlltbcII PI・ n●r曹oUld b● m〃lerI●時deI●yed by ▲me〃Ican eh○○ge● lhal J叩きhele ●url継e eralt lDacblnc・80med the pmly dtct・ bc yu bcmtleJ・ "`Tbn i● lh● nest 〃γIou〃 type oi ch●rg● -e mde・・・ -tL. ●.poke●mm d∝larea. I.Juetlc● -o bolh lid.〟 de- nmd〃 〟 luII Inve合一Ign-一oo agd 〟 81●nd〃 ● lull lnVeengntiOo a〇〇 〇i lhomugh一叫ully cmnot be n●de ln 〟 mInute.`I tmell th● apokesnon筆場合Pked ●hell th● n●yy'B repolt Olt the bontlln事ef tJIe Urllled Slate● nlo・ boat Panay cou一d be et軍費cted. h● 細的; ●Iml lo lndeIinlle..I md ::Led;..I:霊.望'・ ●'叩be h huO' AtBeれc〃n●" Chlll重e Att●ctd N●V●I oJneer● pr蘭uced lt●ll・ ln● o●lm m● n"d● ,lJ` donblde ue Auppl● hJtC,d・ moll 〃trBqd lh● mqnp.`億e l9 09PM.d Illene● ●lltn ue′種- th● ●urd▼en on lあ● o止u d峨n. ●bo.● l∝筒ih no●t cu強"b dTt-n ●回へInd・ Bnr Pl,.dBf .Mc"(, Ir.I .b●n ●h∝t; oued bn thclt ●調● I℡ dIeか.一皿● euer●冒or● ∞n mlouou● htId●●●●・ 重●● mn轟種uoe● nnn続き A lco tIJod● -er● rd職d IA 輸ltlt輸qaか●un●〃・ ●nd 〟 le● ●inoh butted plotLqon● ●er●軸. ctptれ ●cm●● Q● o"tndaき 一重●r● u山● dnp d.一tC露同町 ●山● 07uttlt lned nem′・ A bu調書lnPmd鴬d n種r"〟,・ ol lln・ pine..nd tmpnId lt-l費r・冒種 (,oれd lmn lh● Aqm●● d農農 oA IPOioele〃 ●hd 〃榔ut●重C 競●dy tlでen・ lp●き● 1・1 人∞rre●phd●nt ol t鯖t 90裏X.調整櫨trbo dtJlt∞e ful oi Nannnt to一d ●町by the J●pme●● "a dD to the CtlLBes● AImy. R。oleYelt Co調血 患′ BEftTn▲持D・ m'Le 8がdd一〇でIIl ・YI● 109番TP tyASm'CTC}'. Dec. dent R00雛'elt ●udlmOne wlu,an D. LJ●by. Ctlle! °fI.ndotlJ・一〇.-● Wtll・一越 day lo, 〟 conferene● 〇両 ●Ittl J●F●〇 〇、・er tJ.C ●ln nJ)tI∞` (,-〟,I Tb. `e taや● ●n ●ppe山aOGe ef ●erloullleu Io tJlc lflCId t・pcn -ea面lle tll● LL' Admlr●l LAdy調Id t、●・ かeB d● Poe●lden'・ 〟 luII ol bn 〟.pert, otl the b fhti・ Iltl her e".・ eulta●重d oll.・eS能lo. m.e b● ●ddtd. tu t・CrI・ (. 章dd tbert置場的〃pP.es i '器..'':..in.i,.I. th●rc青ere 8TOur.ee ! mll PreeIdeot Rco事e.・ qked tJIe cbIel ol tlo調lor llI ●CCoun一〇l uon o=he nlet ●nd th dIep∞Itlon o川, uelL tJle haVyi● I.port. or・ ol the P●〇●y b〟d bcen -nr prcI叩tly I. de Pr..Id. coayaesed tbc tI一一htloa 吊eut C●bln●t nee-Io章● I Au thlJ PYC Ipltt 動●=b●叩Ib周y ●重はj Ol ∞ no▼elBent e! t・lntd S nonr lron 〟 Jepan●oe amy ●lIト nOYOue] ●eon ▼bo -re●t.d hn〃y ▼0-.a blp● Io iD. ・0=・.ic.・.tLd誌,I.I:・・.I,h・詰,I,:I.・ e〃Jt. mI● lcc一〇,..●.erlb.d調i Xo trot one 。I ●●,.ttI賀bo but.ned -o th● ~ WttlI● 護荒業諸芸・'-:・蓋l蕊霊誌謹呈p: l。tJ._ All hJd録I●録一一.,e重ron t I.〟,め.回. 誓b hd'nt'○'~CCd'n D"nt~性 調書-岩.i -3 ●rt. AJl ●能くlonJ O( tt●でo賀yo co▼ettl・ n種t nJntJned 〃lIenc● cooceの- ltlt o`,lchl to,0-●tlot, IroBl Wuh・ lu一〇回on n鵬un種nmIn. ol tb● lI_..-_ hlll●1℡⊥〃ききeIIAd lo dbcll〃● CJP tep○●職nt●uOtI..Il lhlJ plnt・ ne publle -u tept ln lponme● ol QIe tPchlo一重uodot ●epcd・ N〃"mpM Od tlot p轟ot It・血・ Uoltd et●l●●・ LlI qltc of u● tl●● lI8I'I oo ttc bcBblnt. u8(, emehl. lnnhd tto 請 clIendellI uc lJnr一edd tc ●etqd tnPOtLI′・ He●e▼曾・ Il一種 ootd山●t. p山場IcteJ競Prte - elnunt o録cl ▲nenaa pobue 〟 eiPuat OfJ ol Anencu tmplJ。 調lldttmt. rOかomd山一tP le聾 記録mfI●● een℡nd Ieで●aend● ●関心tl重O dI ●au●tJ・ ttlJ rCNlくす etacJ ●pten●o n置t●鴨場〃′一〇細れきき一議9 mI nt d∝一調"I 1請出すl●種一一〇鵬 hPtr山国ntd b tJ● m l山一 で三三三二三●〇 mp e●il cl競le● U● eooylocd l ltdy llCr G◆rnqr t mltea LB tJOutlle ●lt suleI. 櫨or∞▼0. ctr覆審n Eetl● dtE葛ert tmnbd oB 〟 B ●l N●dnot.一山l● u l山〇 n●ue ●lnebl ●u一〇uade l山●e nuu〃山t nud P●かす. ぬ〃∞nd qplonu ccn u oMou● hfl● el ●c 巾tam to lb● prete I:tlJ一書d sl●tt● d競細r ○○おJ●甲山● ●tutud● b ue b7. -01. I. . n●tm dIp.動d u ∞ごc nfml叫℡.農llel di● d●(. lB th fh一山〃o ml ftqtt章n 〃さ一●O P cm d J〇一t・tl a tldtd etJt● Anhは章●e emなnoe ●〃細重● 請 PCJ".d・_._Q竺-_Tmr_生i i


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  • =雪富強・申t'- --ll

    NEW YORE. sAでmDA

    一刷the News That's

    rit to Pr航.〟

    Cl柑雷DIT10日m山L nod●fttJ t●nl後れtln● lcder.

    諾語謹;''r.I.i..dlt.㌔.I..i-iOヽln輸▼青Mbi-n軍備i ti.賀

    書「-.   .                   一一一

    DEC劇皿ER 18, 1937.  P     Ⅳo cBNt8 ° '&.請 I mJTETNCmm IItie●しな1▲O tm ●tlOPlo m ●○● lll rM 8tm

    vet,. (.XX重VIl....No. 29,183.   1B級.-...転学溶接'T・



    souTH D醐RTS ROOS瑚掘

    southerners and RepW・Tnt,cAd。o Sqb_・d'f_ql・_ f・_.t'e_早,叫..I_fie_,t'章.'c`8

    iicans Doom BiiI for

    prese[t, at LeaSt


    Raytu" and OIC"" Make

    llnal FignLA・ r・ L a Fao・Ior ih me的hl● Oeleat

    ●re●ent bu●ln.●● CohdItlon● 0.a ln-

    nuenc●ll m●(.y A.mb●r● -o tI. c●u・

    liou● 〇年・reIorm・・ propo●●In

    BII"(."I Cl lh. W.IC. Illd

    ttJ Beafm by Only Si* YcfJI-McNa,Y


    ー▲m●n qe t℡▼●l lcn lof tt● nul

    き.odtrbC'...I,'i a I..T.I,嵩.I.t誰嵩lht一or re00巾tIen.録●・ otm●r

    ●u un℡bl● te ●●● u●観.

    富お調〃● et u● blu bmu●一l t○ 〟

    ClcJC mCP On qlrCJ YCJb cl dLllLtt, Ourbl ttletL Ol ptllICIplc cI

    IcJIIIIqOl Icr OI IIIltp cI Im-

    I.I. -q ,0日. tJl........t I..i


    FO補O TO g川棚


    MapIaIrate AIlo lmpolll柳

    tIalI Cr S50 Flnl bcn cn

    lhlrleen Womlh


    scOREs cOURTs'し馴IENCYi

    Some of Prlsoherl fouれ

    議over to Have eeeh Employl

    by the company

    qeかttntC A.i. Bu一重●. tcld・

    lJlt ''巾btJ el u● pu調e byt

    bm tmpled doth." 〃enteae●l

    dJttr ▲utcn心JIckeb to h~n●

    Cl A tmr tc dACtr dp dlI●m tp●●e l・l

    mJay ●tme dl thr持寄cd・

    "m ●tcrell bl章● ▼u 〃ettIeei

    a●● tp●教● ●Cd● b h m・

    lr●裏6 9.I

    軸●録neeunq el t軸d drly●確

    ●uthonzd e義eeutIv● comlo●

    01叫rhuon Wo一kem m・

    lon め cal一 ●lhk● el ●mploy調et

    l●東Ic●b ne●山●l lu utcf●tlon.

    tP●重e e.I

    mm● men. hcludnt two depu・

    ty comt●ble●. we章● ●hot me oa●

    Yq f●qed h a●曾●lrme d●・

    order● ne●f th● rofd 糠●nt●o

    City plmt. tPm O・I

    謙:.善意Pbtu:I.・"t藷u:*:'; I '善悪霊言霊三

    Sn..諾葦・.:.:A.:.:::薫C謀.:r・,en.'d: I●amltIIJtr●tIoh・● deleat ln i"ih

    Hou.. tonIltt m〟y h.,. 〟 m●Jor

    beohh● oh th● cour●● 01 10●I●1●llon

    ●=h. r。まuhふte輸Ioe be巾hlhき

    れetI mohlh.

    mJ CO"ttc.I cc".10.nC.. Cl lh.noooe・J BCtlon mly tC tllCIJ ltlt・

    porl●h` 0●h `h-conomle -●eullt

    lh●l mlgb` h●ve I-owedれom the

    me●●um. IIきuece.eIui・ ob.●rver●

    調Id. ah●rp●h00tIhなき日he blll h〟d

    eIlcclIv●1y reduced ll● ●cope u

    nenbe○ ○ller member ●uce..led

    lA qClnP.llll ,rcm I(. ,.cyl.IcnJ

    ltpJC "riler..nf.8eJ ln lllJu,trleJlh lh●Ir o刷れeon●liluencI●●・

    mny A一隊ntIon● in lbe mu

    ▲● 〟 maIltr ol lact・ lhe neMuf●

    h〟d been `○ ●I`ered lmm the orIt・

    Ihd馴tck・connery blli・ ▼hich lbe

    een〃t● pすきeed ●=h● 1●.t ee9●Ien

    ol con叩○○. -he″ 〟 ∞舶ide-●bI.

    rlumber cl ltI lcrm.I I"CPINnb

    loin。● ih -he move lo lend it btek

    lo th● conlmI(le●・

    To get the meeaure lo (he noor

    Ill th● IIt・きI pl〟ce II vaa IICCe的●Oy

    for zle m鋤nber● to 〃I叩きdI〃charge

    I.tltl" rele"Ill. tl.. IIc0.. mleJcommltlee from it● futue〃 cOn-

    tidet●tloh. thI● number eon●lIlute●

    ● clear mきjomy ot 《he lol●i mem・

    tICrhlp cl thc llotI.e・...d A.lmIlly

    lh● eomplellon of 〟 dl●charte p●・

    肌Ion ineure● pe裏的ge O=he lel向l●・

    lloh lo queellon・

    でh● con`ihued bu8lne●e rece●章Ion

    eurln● the three week●物置l h〟ve

    ●IBPJ●d ●InCe lil● lIelltlon刷u CCdt・

    pleted uhdoubtedly innuehced 〃ome

    ○く`he ale membert to reveHe lheIr

    ●●mer po〃ltioh. u dld the d●ter・

    mlncd drlv● ol the A.京. ol L (o

    d●te〃=he propomi. ob8erVe調でeOe

    ●青reed・京epre●enle帥● hleReyn・

    olde olでenne℡●ee. cloeInBきpo農et・

    coM剛Tl膝TO M騰丁博椎

    sehalors WliI OIscusl p画面

    間的OocumehI Tuesday-

    Mayor Is `Sa剛諦

    man for the conきerV●=Ⅴe southern

    Democmle. tI置きcd hI● Dle● lor re・

    commIttal oI the b= oh the need

    lor tiv1時bueIhe的〃 reaL・・l一thI〃 bM l● recommltlel. you

    ▼ln I●● a ctl●nge Icr the beller ln

    l▼o e●y●.'` he tole the Hou●〇・

    〇tl● ●●me ●rgumen` wa● 〃tt・e●se●

    by Repret.n-●Ove Pet-e叱llI ol In・

    dian〟. one 01 -he prlncip●I oppo

    coNS帥丁唯c陣容AT iSS唯

    Oovemmeht …oped to Have

    Proposed OeaI WIlh ceherai

    Molor章, rord, chrysier




    肌他門珊S SuI㍍



    ・capilai`l raiI L州te poor

    Tactic8 0I Chlanl KaL8nek

    and LIaderl'馴ohI


    rickeb J●請d Hell

    ▲の●r伽t lh〃l ""調● fltbu eI一h●

    pu聞e b〃▼● be●o tt●観pled do帥"●

    by m● Ilck●qdJ ltl lb● 〃dlk● 01

    心● Hom裏強●rd●r一Au`°n●l ●観・

    elcrcJ IIta lhLt thl ccmIIJCt CI lhc

    pIc農el●.●● ``● dietnCJ lo Ne▼

    Tort cily.●'Ⅲ●tI〃t●●te ▲nthony種.

    Eu〃農● lmpe●ea pn〃on 〃●nt●hc●● 01

    tnlrtr. JItIy 〟nd dn●tr d●y書.青Ith・

    out dIermu▼● ol lln●. on ●nIy

    ▲qtcの●t nek●tJ ▼bo ●pp●arcd b●・

    loo° him le W●●t side cou〃t y●〇・


    nlrte●n ▼otn●n 賀tO ●き章● ●ト

    r●〃(●● ●ltb I賀● ●h'.J・ neL :れなni

    e●nonthuon〃 oul●ld● (青o TIne〃

    equ℡r● nn仙ol tb● c●(●hrh cbuo

    on nee. ● 〟nd nee. ll 〃●e●I▼ed 〃en・

    (●nc●● ol t青enly d●y● Ih I●Il or lの

    IIbCJ. BJYCn Ct lhc ptlJIInCrJ, lb・

    ciueIの● on● ol m● ▼onep 葛●●●

    Ioun● by lh● m●かIlr●le le b●V●

    )種dd c〃tl● b t○○調,冒)℡教m

    ABO▲Roの重なり.〟.〟. oAtfU

    〃l ehn重さ●I. o●6. 11・-rhrou章h

    ●hole●●l● ●toocllI●● ●ta ▼●Ol●鵬n

    I- Nqkltl章th● J●榊鴫●.● ▲fnr teJ

    lhrom ●hy 〟 m oppcolullllr b

    Caln lh●章●〟かe` thd ∞a関●ne● 01

    1h● chine●● lnb●blhnl● ●hd el loh

    eln eplnlen ther●・

    請● ccl一〇pI● eI Ctllnet● 〃qtbodty

    ●na -b●血●●賢一up ol tb● cbIou●

    Arny l●lt nqy ChlneII in N細山le●

    ●調dy to r●apond to e●d●r dd eト

    かnlfJIlon..blch tNnd Ill Dm〃

    nest ▼Ilh ltle ●8-tr eI ttl● J●調n●●●

    ゆIntd Ib● bee. 18 plcII●t lin● 〟 le●

    houn Jlα be b〟d p●toled then

    A the ctJItCdr cI thelr lltcfner Lt

    lh● do〃● ○章〃 bepIIlt o℡ tn● D●o.

    l ane●l●.

    AttACn the ndn●

    櫨細れ●tl 帆. OIIct●-el°. cotltlllel一of

    tm 802 01 一ee C●(●terdL BfbPloy●●

    tJblcd. q A. I. cI I tlIlllltl. tCI0調●eIJ-nt● BvJk● llt●l h● te事●idcd

    hI● deeiaIon t〃 ●`●hoctlng'● ud u

    tplc.I ol `'Itt●調ne OI lhlht一●

    re肌oI Mdc競れe cmnれg

    Jcp伽ese Pi帥°s md

    AI'rcraII AllocAed Boa!load oI

    MI'lJJ md AI'J Ior InJ'qr●d

    m lob'心持′ dt.C.Ioh Oo● Wrillh by 。 r'p'●●ehIdlu● ol mt

    前田o Tctt tlNBll WM w調oboare lb Cl.hb00l Pomy小- lh● Un●

    lBJJ.I●′ Non調きeeNO

    IOmU● 0 tn鯖●一to●重ttm.

    ●ne. te b●okehかtthh. ●諒ed LI●UL

    co種山.す. I.櫨tIBh●● cI Ne青でork

    c1-7 for lnlonn〃tlon. conn〃nd●r

    ltuttl●● fIClltely teltl●ed. by nylIll

    ual th● UnII●d elAte●青山● l●iena

    o! bolb J●p●寄●od cmo● ●al oould

    賀et tIV● ●ny lalornntIon. tb●

    poop ●bo●n ●q ●rBtIInr ov●t lh●

    m●〃nln● of u● J●p●he●● ell1億〇●●

    aollohI叱冒Ilh bt●ききea lron the

    ●bip -o th● ●bore. te ●bteh c〇億・

    m●nder nughe● ●book hit b●●d・

    AJlOAJtD m tr. I. I. CAP.●t etl●n事bd, o●〇・ 17i-▲t I:80 P・嬉・

    eutle●yl Dee・ V. tb● tJ・ ●・さ・ P●tI●y・

    .I...Ttrt.読.'B.I.I. ='..I..A.8.LS〃iotl●d ln l128 for lh● T●n重く●●龍一

    lrcl. " rlJlll8 Jl mchcI PtN~

    fuIIy. l冒eo`7-I●a一 nll●〃 叫 請●

    rIV●r l調かN●otInt. ▲tl●r lb〃●●

    d●yJ el d048lBt ●h●lI●・ th● 1●t●●一

    m●dio●u▼Te青●● ●t℡ned ●一l:郷Ih〃t

    momll18 lron 〟 poIかl▼elV● nIle●

    tlP th● rIV●r lron櫨●ntIltI・ IelloI・

    ln裏山● etplo●Ion ol tbell●関ece●

    〃IVetr clcJCr ●〃t●m・

    でき● eocon▼ l●nt●購 uelplnt.

    ⅢeIntJ IBI 櫨el〃寄. ▼tlletl the

    pect ▼Ith tt,● ●8-tr OI ttl● J●調n●●●

    lr筒が. ▲一tenend的. ●●9●● ○白●

    llcl cycr ltIJ CuOcct lcr I CCllP'

    ucl) CI ttlc lcqful tcnbItddIBt

    Jnt the clllnIBItlcB Cf tt. thrul

    cI JtrlouJ Jmrdlb ty ltI CblpIIJtt009● l購mded lh● Ctlnel● poPu'

    l●e●賀b●種物● J●p●n●〃e t∞t OV●r

    contro一 ▼luln u● ▼dIJ.

    tl ▼u lelt J●puue事ul● nl小高●

    〃●Vere. at l●〃●t uo`n ●〃r COneiuoBJ

    mr● ovet. 9▼o d●y〃 ol J●p●n●●●・

    o∞ufI.qOD_ Cb●叫d tB● -hol● ou一■

    l'Cct. Wholeul● l00tlnき. th● YloIJ・

    uoo eI冒on●ol u● nud●r o一

    elvIIIam, lh● ●Vicuoe ot chh●●●

    no私 lheir hon●●.ロー● ●霊能uuoa●

    ol ●●t prI○onem 〟nd lh● Inがα●Iet

    oI ●ble.00dl●d ne℡ turRed N〃nkmt

    Into t elty ol temr・

    p●ny ●℡∞b●a up ttlJ ℡IY●r● ▼●r●

    tI●●t by. dtb ●●▼●n ol th● Pd●y'○

    ○〃●青d●Iun● en tb● Helpln(・ oII・

    dl吋cr●青n●mber●. eem●n ud

    a●▼〃re●I c●n●章● neh ▼em dI●cu〇・

    lu -he lneldenl o日置●t mornlnt・

    ▲l lid uc nll'bo℡t b●e ●tolIfIId

    yhJtl nPJd br JIDIAIP PtJlcp

    b●yenel●. c●n●

    櫨置きr ehll●nt emn

    Th● kullnt eI elylll". ▼lI細de・

    mr調l・ Forenen -ho m'eIel

    Uldely "rou裏b tJl● cItr南edtle`d●y

    leutld cI小11●a deJ on ●Vep tt重機t・

    田one el lt'● detlm 一er● ●軍ed

    men. ●omeII ●nll cbIIを●Il・

    pctJcemctt lnt nrCmCn "rJ m.

    dd oblecu o重●thet. nmy ▼tctln●

    ●ere tI●yCfleted ●od ●〇m● ol tlle

    "und章一ere b●fll●rcv●ly cnI●i・

    Any陣.動機青ho nn beou.● el

    lett・ cT CtClttment " tJbclr lo tc

    Ilo ●ufIIIort tIJ Ill●● nt. cobn-

    C●Ilea ▲fIhur a.動ey●T, 〟 nenbc暮1

    ol lh● Bl●tc BcLJ●d oI櫨dhtloll.

    le● court簾鴫か.櫨r. Heyer letu● court rt鴫か. Hr. igeyer te

    lid th℡l ●l lb● in●l●l●acc ol

    櫨●沖r the union bod been ●●kd

    omtnnd c9 PtIe eb

    n00馳ⅧL7 1071†E

    Co剛itS Admira一 Leahy

    oh Co[ditio[ 0日ieet

    a山MeetS Ca剛et

    SilUITI的IS `V帥Y l馴SP

    8ut myaI Operatlohl00lei

    s∞l Ho 航ed (or Sehd巾

    More Wa鴫hips Now

    At I'SB P・ tI・ the ndlo cpcr&tcrl

    o!櫨.調. a Bee.れ●gshlp oくIh●-

    Brltl●h 嘗●ntt調llotnia. bnrl ●

    mcJltlC Ircm lnc Porttr. Then lt

    ▼u lhl●rrupく●d by ●11●nc● 一hlcb

    bet〃n ● ●loずl●∩(ealie beyone

    i m〃nn●tleh.

    I 9●● oe Ib● 一op deck青も●n lh●

    rcJI Ot pctCrJIylnI BIJtleJ ItLl t

    cn●b ●hook lh● ●unbo●一. tbro〃In●

    ¶ood 〃Dllntet〃. ●la的 ●Od 青書ter

    〟round m●. Kno南lnt 〃Om●lblnt

    h〟d h●ppened 青Ortb pholol富農Pb・

    Io事.一書〃n !or mr c〃tner● ud ●●▼

    KYO D肌AY洲胴

    Hushed Siiencl preYahs as

    wounded Ire lr帥ltemd

    from Oahu to cruiser


    Iapahese Soldlers Vlslled S時

    and Learhed Its idehtlty ee・

    lcrc Attack, Olllcer SayI

    Dy HAtte柵t ABBND

    京inl●9一〇で〃● NI● tOtt mtJ・

    8議▲Nemu. Dec. Il.-WIlb bet

    ∩."● 〃l e重い_〃h〟 benoれn● thedLP It tdl-ItIII tLCnCrlDI tbCAne〝!∞t'de●きいIo- d・ck・ ll'Cmd。

    慕:BS'.I.器1.'=諾.(,.::.譜:tc。d lut調。- ShBtt..I`● Buod

    lt I:80 1tllJ tltemccn lbt l"tItr

    nlnute● l●ler `Ied up Jo叫.lde u●

    AImlp Au8tIJtJ・A tyc.tLeu重 りIJI Lma th●

    unltce et●tcJ C調(..r AqPnu ●nd一

    ed ●beh th● 1-mt ●bip of th●00〇一

    ▼07 tlrh81回章一ll● P.p, mnlv00●

    lheIr 一oot.


    耕.,',I, LdEt:.I,.:I.._`器.TEun● ○重fef叩q tr m調en ▼be

    ccndtICteO m Jelmtel A tBI

    AssaI'Is SlrI'Aeirealers ahJ False Leaders

    to ●n dnoll pbuo調pble

    ●博b ●ppe●重●● y調-erd●y

    ●●ahqでP b cnhl ntO tB● Pm.i

    巾・・d●dl'JtL u. p'●nnの一blcciA u● 9両●火種血は●l th●

    ▲lbnV eの●nl.● dm ℡MYqb

    lかon.mtqdPT l'e-Id o餌'cfl

    u● fmか輸l dt能Il mn● hem

    otl Ju録● o●qPt -I u血Iu07

    0 th● ldu 〃n nn種霊能●n▲n

    dlb機能n th●京的lm o調性〃

    笠置町議_ Pl qb tnm・

    om lー田山か重〇着

    FO剛酬脚卿- -i▼_i〃

    charoe o川acl面0,6uhhlnp oI

    panay by lapaneee VesSell

    lermed `Most Serlous'


    航-y combats the American§'

    Reporl 0日ive「 cralはaid

    by Surpeon'a Slo町

    punted lh. 6.°.I mb.- 0.

    8rluh pt,bo●` I-dyblllI・ d∞ C●ト

    難詰.".B.:":I qIIcu bmq1.,.0efI..PeJ

    ●u lel一 th● ▼hole

    th● 10.000loa cml●e葛●

    一°〃● er〇一dd一ltb oかengul ol th● 10・mloa

    lao調tecb ▼●〃● crO冒dd

    創cem ●alIot〃l n●dne● md

    cldlutlJ. ll青書● net 〟 nI∞ue●tJP

    Mon 〇日ellel of ennuiun ●ben

    prtlldent m●Vll- ccTmlt●d

    AJmlrd IALhy. ChJcl ct }'LVd

    opJrltlcu. nd tltc CabLBet rep

    terd●y on luJtJter moで●● A the

    puLy tDmblJlI 山国r mJO

    yere lBdJeotlcnJ met t p,d

    detnoMtrlqotl nlgbt tt made ln

    tJe P●clIie tDle●● J●pan gtlaran・

    teed ▲ne両軸Hgh`.言page I i

    ▲ repreJetttau.・● ol T鵬NI寄

    To賀意 Tll隔.青bo g・BJ atX:●rd

    ue pan●y de麟rlbed the Jep●・

    tle●● aluck md told of ErLPme・

    9nnhC el nJVl00rl by plme●

    md 〟 iauneh lPeg● 1.I

    9r●Very ol ▲meh∽n omeer●

    止d cJCl夢tl・CJ de●Ctlhd br a

    BrtOBh ttTtter u・ho 場u dao

    abo〟rd. H● Utd of me lou粛ey

    of tnt 〃urMyod Omtlgh mnP〃

    tlrtttery. lPas● e I

    yo lt wu ●ald 〟 r●l:r

    Bltcd Star.eS netC VaJ

    on● tJl〇一 ofnc畠3両gh'・

    not lo能Ild oa°. rei_tlng

    __(●" 〃h〃 ○○tur℡重ce〃 J・

    ●7 m● ▲〃〃od●t●● ●n〃細

    でo雛Yo. 8〃tu章d●y. Dec ll-A

    Fofelp otlIce ●pa●8mm鴫1d lo

    d〟y ~h●- J●peni● ret,)y to the tJOlted

    sI●te● 00-e demahH叱IulI ℡edre調

    tor lt6 81mklnB CI the etlltbcII PI・

    n●r曹oUld b● m〃lerI●時deI●yed by

    ▲me〃Ican eh○○ge● lhal J叩きhele

    ●url継e eralt lDacblnc・80med the

    pmly dtct・ bc yu bcmtleJ・"`Tbn i● lh● nest 〃γIou〃 type oi

    ch●rg● -e mde・・・ -tL. ●.poke●mm

    d∝larea. I.Juetlc● -o bolh lid.〟 de-

    nmd〃 〟 luII Inve合一Ign-一oo agd 〟81●nd〃 ● lull lnVeengntiOo a〇〇 〇i

    lhomugh一叫ully cmnot be n●de

    ln 〟 mInute.`I

    tmell th● apokesnon筆場合Pked

    ●hell th● n●yy'B repolt Olt the

    bontlln事ef tJIe Urllled Slate● nlo・

    boat Panay cou一d be et軍費cted. h●

    細的; ●Iml lo lndeIinlle..I md

    ::Led;..I:霊.望'・ ●'叩be h huO'

    AtBeれc〃n●" Chlll重e Att●ctd

    N●V●I oJneer● pr蘭uced lt●ll・

    ln● o●lm m● n"d● ,lJ` donblde

    ue Auppl● hJtC,d・ moll 〃trBqd

    lh● mqnp.`億e l9 09PM.d

    Illene● ●lltn ue′種- th● ●urd▼en

    on lあ● o止u d峨n. ●bo.● l∝筒ih

    no●t cu強"b dTt-n ●回へInd・

    Bnr Pl,.dBf .Mc"(, Ir.I.b●n ●h∝t; oued bn thclt ●調●

    I℡ dIeか.一皿● euer●冒or● ∞n

    mlouou● htId●●●●・

    重●● mn轟種uoe● nnn続き

    A lco tIJod● -er● rd職d IA

    輸ltlt輸qaか●un●〃・ ●nd 〟 le●

    ●inoh butted plotLqon● ●er●軸.

    ctptれ ●cm●● Q● o"tndaき

    一重●r● u山● dnp d.一tC露同町

    ●山● 07uttlt lned nem′・ A

    bu調書lnPmd鴬d n種r"〟,・ ol lln・

    pine..nd tmpnId lt-l費r・冒種(,oれd lmn lh● Aqm●● d農農

    oA IPOioele〃 ●hd 〃榔ut●重Ce● LI・

    競●dy tlでen・ lp●き● 1・1

    人∞rre●phd●nt ol t鯖t yB青

    90裏X.調整櫨trbo dtJlt∞ed ul●

    ful oi Nannnt to一d ol bulch・

    ●町by the J●pme●● "a dDaき/let

    to the CtlLBes● AImy. 1PBI● 1・J

    R。oleYelt Co調血haer

    患′ BEftTn▲持D・ m'Le.1-

    8がdd一〇でIIl ・YI● 109番TPl・

    tyASm'CTC}'. Dec. 17・-fTeBl・dent R00雛'elt ●udlmOned A小nlr●l

    wlu,an D. LJ●by. Ctlle! el h'●'・●1

    °fI.ndotlJ・一〇.-● Wtll・一越ov.● lcl

    day lo, 〟 conferene● 〇両b● 〇九I●

    ●Ittl J●F●〇 〇、・er tJ.C ●lnklnt eI u●

    nJ)tI∞` (,-〟,I Tb. `er-(.tet:c●

    taや● ●n ●ppe山aOGe ef ●d細csJ

    ●erloullleu Io tJlc lflCId・,nt・

    t・pcn -ea面lle tll● LL'hl(● Holp●

    Admlr●l LAdy調Id t、●・・ b● r・le

    かeB d● Poe●lden'・ 〟 luII 〇cco'tr・t

    ol bn 〟.pert, otl the bcp・tIn, 0日b●

    fhti・ Iltl her e".・0}・ Cl thtCCeulta●重d oll.・eS能lo. m.e J'・t!●llon・

    b● ●ddtd. tu t・CrI・ (.me・ト・Jlと●

    章dd tbert置場的〃pP.esl need

    i '器..'':..in.i,.I.蕊.i:謀霊誓a

    th●rc青ere 8TOur.ee !or beue…暮

    mll PreeIdeot Rco事e.・el・・ bd ●・Ec

    qked tJIe cbIel ol h'BlBl ope?&・

    tlo調lor llI ●CCoun一〇l tJe tor・dl.

    uon o=he nlet ●nd th● pit-teBt-

    dIep∞Itlon o川, uelL, P"、lcuely

    tJle haVyi● I.port. or・ lh● ●-r・*lllt

    ol the P●〇●y b〟d bcen -nr・・・ttttt'・ed

    prcI叩tly I. de Pr..Id.Bt・ I-I.I ill

    coayaesed tbc tI一一htloa ●'・ I t置●

    吊eut C●bln●t nee-Io章●

    I Au thlJ PYC IplttVl tC lCPCttJ動●=b●叩Ib周y ●重はj Ol ∞な●

    no▼elBent e! t・lntd St●'・., Ill.JInonr lron 〟 Jepan●oe amy ●lIト nOYOue]" }` …""ー~ ~"~"~~ -~ ~~

    ●eon ▼bo -re●t.d hn〃y ▼0-.a blp● Io d. P℡cIlle l出pu eoee

    iD. ・0=・.ic.・.tLd誌,I.I:・・.I,h・詰,I,:I.・.. #増悪:ci'rrgVhmur'. e'〇日"

    e〃Jt. mI● lcc一〇,..●.erlb.d調i Xo trote Ol BmLP llot●n●lltJ

    one 。I ●●,.ttI賀bo but.ned -o th● ~ WttlI● tLe'● b・,● t・・B tmOll'C叫

    護荒業諸芸・'-:・蓋l蕊霊誌謹呈p:io.=al。tJ._ All hJd録I●録一一.,e重ron t I.〟,め.回..C.(.ed ln olllt'd d棚・

    誓b hd'nt'○'~CCd'n D"nt~性悪蕊…,-。刺。 。.,

    調書-岩.i -3


    AJl ●能くlonJ O( tt●でo賀yo co▼ettl・

    n種t nJntJned 〃lIenc● cooceの-

    ltlt o`,lchl to,0-●tlot, IroBl Wuh・

    lu一〇回on n鵬un種nmIn. ol tb●lI_..-_ hlll●1℡⊥〃ききeIIAd lo dbcll〃●

    CJP tep○●職nt●uOtI..Il lhlJ plnt・

    ne publle -u tept ln lponme●

    ol QIe tPchlo一重uodot ●epcd・

    N〃"mpM Od tlot p轟ot It・血・

    Uoltd et●l●●・

    LlI qltc of u● tl●● lI8I'I oo ttc

    bcBblnt. u8(, emehl. lnnhd tto請 clIendellI uc lJnr一edd tc

    ●etqd tnPOtLI′・ He●e▼曾・ Il一種

    ootd山●t. p山場IcteJ競Prte- elnunt o録cl ▲nenaa pobue〟 eiPuat OfJ ol Anencu tmplJ。

    調lldttmt. rOかomd山一tP le聾

    記録mfI●● een℡nd Ieで●aend●

    ●関心tl重O dI ●au●tJ・

    ttlJ rCNlくす etacJ ●pten●o

    n置t●鴨場〃′一〇細れきき一議9 mI

    nt d∝一調"I 1請出すl●種一一〇鵬

    hPtr山国ntd b tJ● m l山一

    で三三三二三●〇 mp e●il

    cl競le● U● eooylocd lbJl a●焼er

    ltdy llCr G◆rnqr tPtJ tC tJ IB・

    mltea LB tJOutlle ●ltt tJl● I:8.1d


    櫨or∞▼0. ctr覆審n Eetl●魯7 efn・

    dtE葛ert tmnbd oB 〟 Br池●b ●blp

    ●l N●dnot.一山l● u l山〇回血書を

    n●ue ●lnebl ●u一〇uaded ●こきma

    l山●e nuu〃山t nud e裏'J●


    ぬ〃∞nd qplonu ccnlJer ttJl

    u oMou● hfl● el ●cdeS tCか●

    巾tam to lb● pretem Ol t.-I

    I:tlJ一書d sl●tt● d競細r m・tIed La

    ○○おJ●甲山● ●tutud● b uen咄輸ト

    b7. -01. I. . 0...8.8. CIn●tm dIp.動d u ∞ごcmtJT0--管

    nfml叫℡.農llel di● ●atllJ

    d●(. lB th fh一山〃o VtL rt'J

    ml ftqtt章n 〃さ一●O Pd O持績ト

    cm d J〇一t・tl a o機〃・吐●

    tldtd etJt● Anhは章●eCざtC J●・

    emなnoe ●〃細重● 請

    PCJ".d・_._Q竺-_Tmr_生i i


    印on Am●読oh M調餌in

    Ooerloo肌g DolpOru

    青i賀1動I le tn m● to置t tpn●・

    IBTJmtn,. hrtcr. Det・ II・-

    noberl colleg●. lroか▼blch m〟ny

    nnMIJh ●ludenl● h●ye te11● on tO

    ▲netIcm unlv●r●mC●・

    〇億IeI●1● el lb● coliet● ●re能書o

    u●ll叫for `be purchue o( 〟 1●r`●

    plct cI I.nC ln lh. pmlmlty cluc colt.(. CD -hlch ".1BtIOrBbhou"●一〇muIy Oceu直e by u●

    noted tum●h轟Iel re.Ilk Flkrcl

    〇一end●. me nOu.e eonulp rBr●

    。.1.れtd ●rl担C。章.(.義C.pllon●I


    blym●h 〟nd A-a.-●o・ He, I一l ●ナ

    繊b・.rn.C:.",普,.ttc蕊ぷ一帯3EtllC Thiod強調h●一t●p elIlrlet・

    皿Y鮒S'Wlll RUY


    註笠.・r:・u?.蕊tc:A.誓.='.i.I: I T,U.(.。 ,. N・.。d・ting Sa・・

    議競ct.o;r葦・1.1m?.矧?.I..I:C:n t': ::Ji,嵩`


    Ablc tc CitJ ClBUIC ln Contr8Ct

    Whereby帥e cou一d Force

    間m to pay Pier peれt

    J青Illll〃〃 le 〃P N置一章oIt -lIt●・

    HAがpm6. 0●m〃ny. Dec. ll -

    m● pyemnen一 一m●(.e no● Ih

    etI●rJ.0. oerm●ny・〃 Jevl●h一〇m.a

    ●hipplnきいnee-the ▲rnold Bern-

    `1.1回〃hd n●d sL●r Llhe●-i● netolI-JtCll Lnd RJJ Sur LID●臨t theI富〃℡le lo ●'▲i

    il lheI〃 pre●ehl me


    ●義chahge had come

    unlltd Slale● and

    no country h〟d lh

    out cerm〃h toode

    lhe Uhiled Slatee.iba JerYiceJ q thc Ulllted ShtcJ.Herr Hem●teIh`e Ihipき▼ere V●Iued

    ●1 13.調).000動きrk● In le2l ●nd he

    b〟d received ●n operaIInt pmm o1

    2.m.000. Tncl・e Were JetltB tC Ccr・mLn VtllPCl. hcttet・er. tmountlnfdln VtllPel. hcttet'er. tmountln810 10.000I00o ma○kl

    ▲ccorelh●ly. Ih le種) Herr Bern・

    Jlelll borrowed a.000.0eo from theErie n●IIroedI ヽ'blch ●I〃o bum Ior

    him 〟 12.000,000pler lh●l he peed


    the c●〃e hlh青くe ho岬oh the l∽h-

    nlc●I que8-10n ol Yhelh●r Herr

    Bernlleln b●d ● conlracl 曹Illl the

    E〃Ie ▼he一eby ll cou一d iore● him lo

    ply rent ′o基 lhe nler II he c●●●ed

    lc mr lntereJt Cll tnc IcIll, t'lllcnh● did ih i033. The defenee ●`loi・

    whlie ●h● clmin●- ▲il●n 8qu●●


    ih_I I:(.・R..I.mvC藍co,muT.V.?・l・'tJ.'':

    諾he謎.芯..'b3..ic.精uE':i範.::floynu・h●d ●●Y.red her eonneellotI

    Eith淵.I..p盤. lvn,'語.・IP.I.''.V.T'JJ::

    r〃●きpOh VI●u checked

    嵩諾諜羅悪罵● ○○lutlon ol the RoblheOn e●●●・



    praoue She一ves lmendmeht lo

    txlend party B帥and Punish

    lndivldualS Alter lalkl

    oT物議cONcESSiONS SE的

    French, ciecha Voice ldeh時

    g "ie譜.Faii.tan.I.A.I.e.a.g.U,-

    97 rRmEnIcR 〇・ nmcnAL重

    tvllellll tO TIIt ll一一tott tplIl

    pR▲oU重. CICebo●Ie,●kLI・ D●〇・

    請._Th● no●l lmport●hl cOnV●r●●"

    一l叩ln ▼hlcb rvOh De板場・

    rruce・〃 rOr由れbMoi●ler・ h●● ●h"

    れtd d…in● hl. pr...nt tCur一ere

    beId ln PrIきu● `od〃y・ ▼lttl.●rt,lll

    〃●●ulu lh●`. -hlIe not yet o〃Icl●lly

    ●hnOuOc●d● I-● Ilke-y le be both

    deilnI-● ●nd f●〇・reachihき・

    ▲ minor dlr映画●y h●● been章●


    Vent●8.容`hah Under `h. enetlll裏

    France m〟y b● Indtlc.a to ●r●ttt

    them llle 容ame eenC..Blo… "he hu

    ltJ(t nad● to Ywoei●vi●

    蒜1.I.窯,・嵩.nh.C:en-.eC.・!・.rtAoIn'.yt'?.qe:諒.:nio=he ce-eh min〇両y lh thI〃

    co¶ Mly.

    DeIb∞ llで●m Doth std録

    WIthout attempting lo lnlerlere lhlhe dllierenceき-h●l hav. arIeen be〟


    thetem IulIy lnlormed hImeIl lrombol賀 eIdel A delegきtloh Ol cermah

    認諾嵩器諒紫p〟emle. MIlm HodI. llllly al'pdled

    hlm oi Cェcch d一個cume● lh e日.cl-

    'nSn'...ei:I.C.I:it.'h.聞. ,. u"..

    護議懸擬態撥鷲藍雷C・喜一:..雷.I.enri:0.0㌔."Rt●tJnd●. but th't ILO altempt dll t'●

    mld● lo e重l●ndすt● ●cope・でh● more

    ど,I.謹.・SL ,(.・.10.i.thh.1昔.A.a tic.普,.㍗.aiGermaO Il●dert.



    sle景Labor C続I Lm●d

    ●かくid cotl● b tP N●一mIt m●・

    櫨▲N▲OU▲. Nlc●r●gu●. 0cc・ 17・

    _NIe〃ttn)〃h eell・e frOuttr tC・

    き●y requ●●ted the r●de

    ernm●nt to a〃●1●t them ~

    Ln富.霊b:..盤嵩:n::''ieFr.C.I;(Ir●=1me ln bIe一〇ry lher● I● 〟

    ●horta教● o` l●bor lo t高教-b●

    crop. de.9-`. b一重b -●`●〃 p●Id by

    the pl〃hlc調・

    It h〟d beln be一ieved th〇日be ●●・

    p●lMt-on oI .ever"I lboumnd

    NIc●○○叫"I lrom Hondur●● tle・

    cJu●● ol th● tptlnd●ry dI●ptlt●

    "ulO IllcyILtJ the I.bcr prcllicm・

    lt hu nOl don● 〃e・ ho一eVe〃.

    btctvn the llbolerB I.eler tc llyt

    lh lb。 cllP'. where mNIe.i d●nc●

    hlllJ. tI.A.I Ic. C...m ,.rlorJ●lld calltln〃● b●V● a tre〃ter ●tI-

    pe"I `h●h e-〃b pIきれutlon lll●,

    〃hd youn● eIrI〃 no lon裏er c○○●

    lo pl`k co"ee b●reI00Ied ●hd In

    lIllきh- ,rockl・ but ▼●nt nyOh

    ncctlnB..tLd ere.i.〟 ○he hln・

    bteied ●boe●.

    the pI。ht●調,〃y -I.=h● p〃●〃

    .nl l。● p轟c. ol co∬強調nhel

    ●uol●Ih葛ueh luturI●●・

    二 一  一      一 一∴=

    Ilr●糾● 〇md Berlln ●lmIIar -e th●

    籠誠欝灘轄●ny p0-Icy lh●` ml`hい● que川oned

    lh Fr●hce.

    Never(heIe調● -h●` ctech ret●tiom

    i.C.tB Rl',I. gis.R.I,nmy,.I.A.a.荘tp.?:



    oi●appearenc● oI M●● poyhくま

    Mad● KhoWh a● Robineoh

    clue I● Sought Her〟

    AcTIVt IN PMTY 17 YtMs

    Former Te〟cher L●h clothee

    lh Apartment-6OVIet SiI●ht

    eh …ye-eriou● coupI●

    The dInppe●r●nc● ol強I●〃 JulIel

    stu〟rt Peynlさ. ′op ●eyeht●etl yt●rJ

    hlきh in th● counell● oI N●一70rk

    commuoi●直.青●● mde hho岬n ye〟

    lerd●y ●〃すくder●1 ●ulhorme● coh・

    llhued to ●let ●n ●叫I〃mtloh OI

    Doll℡u I.. lnd RulII N. RotllllJOh'

    ●ho dlt●pp●●●●● Ih Ho●〇〇一●`l●′

    重●…nきtber● 91-b Ir●udulenl An●ト

    IeiAobP.S.I.I.cEti..I kl.. P.河.・,

    QlpppqrlneC It. tlml thcD ttC

    謹一盤:..''.:'rit..Bbl.lab....'!?,I.I.I;beueI lb●l lb● ●h●¶er they ●oughl

    91lVtll. Iomeho1′・ b● lcuhe ●moB裏

    thoe● Ih the Commuhi●l lrI叫●.


    ′IhllIIhll● 19081のさOnO hmd been ●章一

    itcn.I,I.語.:藍嵩eJtl,I.:.`藷T,..I::●裏ood uhdcre-and一時WIlh・.II lheI"

    n ele hborき・

    Il. thi● Ia●(. a● I●○ ○t CCecbo●lo・

    ▼"kl● I〃 cotICerlltd.録ubJ●ry md

    poiahd ●t YelI ●● cermtny ●r● ln-


    ThuI録. DelboJtJ tour l● cloai動き

    ¶ilh ● me●aur● ol euccee〃 ●carcely


    蕊'謀.. B謹il.ty L.Y.I.I.江.ll."I.A.'.重re●ter re〃uM m〟y h●Ve been

    puerto mc●h e川 No- planhed

    wASHINoTON. pee. ll lJpI一

    genalor 強用〃rd ら. Tydin裏● el

    hN戒.un.:豊一統..A.1.."41.0.1葦dlh Puerto nIc●n n●lterJ durlnB


    櫨oScoW, D●c工1 i方I-で九e my●・

    鴇,nc,I.言笠Sin.a. W.I...・i D.C.nn謹,nr:I.?.・"I.m.p:.A.・霊,?I".."'cy c""



    pA鵬MY NM教訓VOY

    couh一dl s●Ihl・ouehtlh eeeh 〃●

    NW ▲mba●●ador lo U. S・

    wI,●I●●〝 Io tIIJ N●● ToI教TIPt〃・

    .鷲.(.Si ,Dnec,..I,7.I -請.器盤.A.霊turn.l roreitn hllhl●1.〟 Yvon Det・

    bcJ 'joulll Ren● 7-yl.く● A flAI I-I

    Quenqlt YIII be n●m●e t・-reheh ▲m・

    *・.I.・.I."8:."R."il,PDFbC.A. r離.C.I.A,?count 8〃inl・Quehtlh意,軸℡ppOMed

    ▲mb●きぬdor lo Rome over -〟 ye〟r

    謀議器競終盤紺青罵器.'.iIn'.he..I.'!?'nyei';I ,.m・

    I●1Ion the J叫ah●●e hove d一Iveh

    盤.ei lR.t謹,.?hinm'器.r'.I.I.C.'uS錬

    響葦畿譜軒to eradleale lrom chln●・でhe cep`ure ol Nat.kill. -, lh●

    molt ovetwh●Imlnf del.●● ●u買ered

    by the cmne●● me ene ol th. mo,l

    llaglc m順●ry deb●clee ln the hIt・

    tory o. mode" -rJ". I-tt.InPt・

    iR.8.莱..de.ge.bm.〟.Yv'.A,k'.".Cbt.A:蕊諾●d and lheh a)・etematlcailyきlmth・

    tered.The defe〟t cau寄ed -he io的Of tene

    oJ lllC的8mJo cl trllm.).oldlerI 8bd

    she came -o Ne場でork orI●Ih●1Iy

    from Om〟ha. N{b・ She 〃ttended

    Harn●rd Celleなe ●hd I●ler l●unt

    `llere. 〟nd then. under 〟 JellowBtllp

    trom the cener●I Fcder●tlon o! Wo

    m●h"I CIub●. 〃tueled for l▼o l●●r〃

    ln EngI〃nd. ●1 0tIorJ UIll▼eIllity

    end lhe London sehool oI Eco・homlcき.

    餌Ie I●le● tleetme held o! lh● IJ・

    bor 京●96●rch Deparlmenl ol tbl

    Rand Bchool or S∝I●I science. 〇一

    ÷i-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~

    I)I SP鞘・ '誌1,cc.A,i:hn.・'.A'}:nn1品:・cS・'nn'co.'・m・'雷摘記Sのl加orgoのizing

    OI Army h CompIelei

    でet llO一▼o椅重で1ヽnl i

    Dec. ll -▲ccordlhJ

    to ● ●urVey i●●ued by C●pl●Ih

    voh ztek●. -Ill w〟r nIlll●loy●●

    the Getm●n Army

    no▼ con●Iet● ol ullr

    eolp● dlvldcd into

    lmlry JlvI●ion●

    諾…譜熱磐霊●um℡bIl・ nototlt.d llrIB●de md

    lhr●● 〃rnのltd dlvI●Iom.

    c●ptJIh Volt ze●k●職)〟 lll●l

    鴨ltb thI● lhe reortanl霊Btlon et

    the Germ●h Army. decreed by the

    l〃● 〇一 ㍍uch le. le的. Ihlro・

    ducI噂tener●I tohecrlpllob ha″

    been comp一eted. ●hd the ▼orld ll

    ueured. In conlornlly l硝h ch●れ・

    cellor HItIer●● ●hhouhelmeht I●●-

    J●n.50. thol there 青Ⅲ be no

    more 〃urprI〃ee.

    間 oR LET-FOiE-ES E韓.ih.三・.讐覇i血"

    6..m_q_1.よ輸寄寸話on・ I

    er●・●● ("・li・ ・ Th・ Ct・ltヽ Tl"一・

    tI●n・ le●vlh● the embee.) ll-herge SPA:〈rJIt\i Sa●urd●!・ nl. 1章一

    01 〟 ch●rBl d●●′1●lree・     A romple-。 moくIoh Pl.'・・.1● r.で- 4

    whelhtr ellher ol the〃l mO、●● Or Ol the sirtlくIl・c ol ltl・ rllted S')"'J

    mmethlllg ●OUi.・aI.n` °ey b● m〟de g-boe` fle-)I h)I I.FI…eee Plar.I

    pr.●um●blJ・." depend lh lhe -( l調- SundO.・・ lr・.lu掴[.ceh…hへで・

    ・Nn:tv・.TC:.V.;:ho濫:,.n.I.9 901霊.蕊器嵩黙諾蕊

    hIl lIIlo the Pmli・ lncIJcn. md lh. lo tlr.,ld.n・ Ft.0,..ell "a Cla・・11.

    r・epon℡・ ・・… -nきk・・ -o S・e一・・・r・言.i.Ya.nhg::楽器.I..'idt.A:詰il.i

    cl St.(. Cordeu Hqll'I not. Cl I"I IaiJ tQ dllr.rC'e ・lAI'aneee tlalmIleBI the- 1ト・ allll-in° h白he eonboe'∞●●

    ●. I〟 .I.,. II.I Il.. 〟..i.Ihh eh ar. aCCldcnく and lha' the Japa一・Jelt ll cIter lhel lhe d●Cislon oh ar・ aCぐIql'nく 種Iltl lllう" tlt'Jl.T'-~'すご

    plele iene● h〃さきleumeO persellal .". alreadl I● `'1 `l'e h●hdきt': lr'● i

    dIIeclieh Ol lhe京〇・er'tment.l POlle! Al."lcきれ}'き、) ll ●M p'''e…d I

    tn.,(.嵩.rt・霊.I... I :.a.蕊.:.C器瑞.A.?・告ぎ憲:書誌蒜矧b・ 0--eh ….. "Wen'y md捕h" vh・.'''。両種'0 -h` P…'` 〟-一口

    繚蕊1.0諒.:C:t霊.;繕嘉諾藷RSvlou● nolic●.

    蕊'.I..::ct浩.A.C昔I'.h.I.盤.'n鵠」 .... ,.. 〟.,_ .」,""m.…""葛●U.UV" I"o'." '甲'TIJ・e eICill'! 76 BrI'dgll Cloldm載.0.0.7,I.a:..。t. 。, a,。1..,..,

    細,.I.白。 Amb的,.d。, 0.時-賀. io T'o備l-Port oI Copilnl

    覇an'.蕊..a'.盤T9.I.I.n',':A.0..I..bhi. l・ UnJ・・肌l・・her conヽOy hat・e tome l〇 時h-

    throu●h lhe IIr●1・hand AtCOunle ol RO〉lB o.r l7.7、 -lh. mr額l・I

    tti..n'浩.I,請.。t.A.,昔,I.品'.".:.I:.'‡十・.・re o=he R・・ ・r t,b・-04・y・・8-∩ ace-dent lO h・id I- -o be.;.e:; :霊.i,嵩.I,'忠霊'...C,.ri':no loncer tchabit

    i H○○,e・●r. It le beiIいed theI tto母corlllrlued ・0 ,・A.ii I,.・ tteod lrt・・Ch

    HIrol〃. (tle J●peIleee Fo一〇はn )Iin・ hl, takell事i暮ilヽ●l

    llt●r. may tl0- eeI●、・ hi● repty一〇 llhole eeCtlom oI Tra夢teY●r●.

    the ▲mellcah pro-●at ulltll the c°m・ Rc実Ie l erlte -oJBh lend●liolll dlシ

    tll●t● yerlloh lren the ▲Iuericm lrle-. 、、●r● l'hdll o●Ier The nco4

    -11he88○○ l● ln hlll pO●seききIon  .場ae ヽ●短deeo i-. m●hI・ hem○○ .∩

    IrleI. ヽヽ●r● IIndll o●Ier The !lcod

    場ae ヽ●短deep i-. m●hy hem○○ .∩

    ilhat qumr:er e国e enl、 l●J(、・・

    mr.dba部●.I tI811ic8d●" he一d tI●ck

    : ttor.JC ln.Jlld8ltoll Trccpl tr'C

    i i.'il c8.."告.0..I.告〇一'A I "'1.面ie-

    離籍灘諒離籍燕hきa b●eh 〃●c●再●d

    ..I:..1!.盤嵩M・端.0....n・?,雷管::.A.e :::: I.C:.I,I.I::::..',.:',I::●●小y lo Secretary Hu=・

    Th. ….、…。.。.OU巾-‥'小.I 0,I(,h.'r嵩.I.'S.謹告'.C.T.'d.:霊id.I.igA:嵩.,'.I.I:.I. `0..A..帯.I..'dn霊.Yt,:嵩'蔦:..:,I:i I.',ノ諦● I.・嵩

    l●r。nl e叩ect Oh the clr・u.mt"Ce- t-・きs ee lcM I itCh。9. the hleJl.1・ ''.

    lheL Y●re kIloWn -hlrt lh.I I_AlI●・.elttヽ.事rl.・h 303・s

    粛●polIeで○●Mh,Itted to roltlO

    Th● 航●t reports from lhoさe

    〃ourcea場ele prOm9-1y lr●mmil`●d

    by the Sl●t. Dep●rtmeol to AlT'bos・

    ●●dor ort9 10日he面orm〇一1°h ol


    plel・ l・ehtl t'er● ieeally qhOCcelさきry

    aha ●er● ll W〟y Ol buylllf bleektd

    llIartl ulth dollArき きt ltle thuelt-

    dIscouh-ed Ne● York r〟te.

    The delense looit Ihe olcUII●〃

    ITlCr&l lmlltlon ttllt lt I.IB Ill rlBnt

    lo eonceaI aase!● Irom ▲筋erlcm

    credIIor〃 ih deIendlng Herr Berh・

    eleln`e much・dieeuuee aecrel ●c・

    coullt with nl9 Net・ Tor* asellti

    cmptalhでhor Eckelt・

    The d●lenl● ●叫I●Ined lo the

    court -ht ll V●●一ec〃et noいo hide

    II from th● Germ●h ooYernment

    but nom Erie repre●ahullve●. The

    llLLt.I. lt青●ll ●ale. V●re ●tvay● lll

    =・.蕊.I.A..':C.I.yT,'=t cth'.'〝.6.I,rk..ま.

    cordIn夢-o the a.len●● ●い○○ney●●

    ど,'.rE'.A i1.-.0.0.I.a"th.V.I" JHC.r,C.I-ち霊:

    ●leln by的0.000 bul neverlheIt●●

    keep ltJ eOY●rnmerlt ●Ub●ley・

    The pICSecullol. ●r_Butd lh〇日he

    1●tter. lt青●ll ●aie. 1I●rll ●iYBy● llll

    lt●rch ol a●さele YIlh l′hlsh the lh

    Ier●●一on (h● 12.000.0∞ 1900loきh



    the deieM● ●調●r-ed. ho〃′eve〇・

    時tt the BeCltt ●Ccouht became ptI・

    elve thlOヽigh CepteIh Eck。rl'●

    ClaIm● 〃まきlnat lt md coheequenlly

    -.preee証ed hO ●蜘et・

    ▲ltehtIon ヽ'動きI●o c.1ied lo the

    I●ct th●l bolh -he ErIe R●Ilro●d

    too the Chelnlcll I.nt y.le.ttn

    kept lbe IIne● Irem golng b●hkrupt・

    蕊龍・読cc,red.I.nS.‰ tP・0.,.I.t:●id・・ irom the Unlled St●le● Gov・

    erhmeht on00ndltloll th●l I- Vould

    Iehd no more money to Oermmconcerhe. ▲ccotdlllRly. It ヽ●3 cc・

    cltIed, lt Could I.0t help dlreetly

    but om叶ed lo eollecl th〇両o rehu

    lJl1..6 ltl contract lrom IJclr BcrIl・●t●in ●nd京Ive -hem to -be Chem¢ei

    a-eih I〃 hot tullty ol 〟ny ●Inble

    ble〃ch ol lhe ●具ch●れなe rcguI●llon●

    tnt ln6 1.m.000・mlrlt IlllC rC・

    queeled by the proさecution Yould

    loさe Ill i●g℡l Jqetlllcetloh The

    Rflch llould lIe un●tlle lo collllectte

    Htrr Berheteln●● ●lock冒Ith which

    lo conlrol the IInea でhI● que〃tlon

    -he court mual ho▼ decide.

    The lmportmce ol lho que●Iion

    ol pler rent lI lh●l ll y●● Ihe metnJ

    ●mpioycd by Herr E.rnaIeln and

    i.A.I,軍治in.iiro.蕊.繕,Y.(.I.'"C,+.e犠〟.50OIO00bloeked m●rke in le榊Ihat

    mllllotlJ CI doIIul tPCrth CI cqtJltrmenl 〟nd the demora博allon o=he

    chI.I.ge lorce8 Ih the _Y●呼Ize l!et-

    (.B.y..語群.C..C..,ur:i'.I.:a Sp.'豊.I.A I.bne・

    abled the chlnele l〃oop8 lo hold up

    the Japane90きい●nce 〟round Sh●いき・

    ha一 nearly two mOh-he o的●r●11㌦

    almo Chlahg Kal・elIell ▼●e reePCn"

    elbie le 〃 ere℡- degree bec●uee

    きれ103日h. unahlmou● c創れ一〇1 0-

    hI3 ctm●n m川山oy ●dvlき●ra ●億d

    Sh.en.C.?.I."蕊.CLnnl.I..C,i.101..I,..#藍一ed the一u用● d●f●調e el the clty・

    。."n0...'謹.Tne."sic.'ny.'j..tSn.'蕪.I."-.I.'・eI91ed dlvl●lon commandert ▼ho de・

    .'諒n'0..i.hi'講.coB'n忠恕'..・寄蕊cI I JeJPeIIlc lltul的, lollcPlbe

    the entry ol the llr●t J●p●nete

    ⅢÅRKED ITS mLL一一/メ"

    一群珊請綴「惰。mpi・-.T。 oh。

    rtluteC ecntcr. lnd loct mcneyl

    end v●tu〃bIe●. olteh Ihe ehllre po8-i

    ●…lom el lhe unlorlun●teき・ i

    Tb● I-III ol lhc ▲ITlerlceh tIIJ●Ioll

    unlv●。きIty櫨ospll●I wa● ,lrlpped el

    c●●h and 1,●tchee・ LcⅢer poes●8・

    ●Iehe ●ere taken from lhe …rae●●

    dormllory The facu-ly hou.C, ○!

    い  Amerlcen clT1-10c colIe京e -ere lrl・

    _《ノ::a.・:.10qyh?.Oil"I. "0 -0両oodThe ho叩Mai and -he clm噂col-

    i●章e bulidlngt Were nylnき▲merlcm

    llaee aれe bore on lhe doore o聞elきI

    lrOCl.-tlo1.. 1m Chln- Jrcm lnJu捕ed SIきlu 震mblききy denotlnき

    ▲meliCan oWner●hip.

    tl. B.要れヽoy`● Jtom● RJided

    Even lhe home ol the United

    St●te● Amba●eador w●● IhVaded・

    when l証ormed by ●賀clled emba●●y

    ●ervanle ol lhI● lneuIeIon. Aolhur

    Menkeh. Paramounl new●reei cam.

    eramah. ●hd the YrIter conlrohtcd

    live ○○聞er● in the Amb〃emdor●●

    kitchen aha dem●nded lh〃l llley

    艦霊蕊.;喜露::ii,;I,-I.i.I.1蒋● na暮hiight.

    櫨〃ny Chlhe一c men repUrled l〇・・ lorelBnerl tnt.bductlcn lnd rtpc

    eol wll・eI alld dauBhter● でheBe'd Cblne●e appe●Ied lor ald・ ●hlch the

    tt t'露r.'p u...q:.I:y"::I:言.o::I,'i:

    薄暮R.,I.M,:諾,蕊.蕊.8:.^''th.'.:bI川__ lh● 置hlh●置き ●oldien tIhoこkllIInJ the Clllnee● ●oldierJ tmoi

    i藍..?.詔薫。豊r"::I:oap...言.uhr:.elly lor 請.∩ In eI刷●h e●rb ▼ho

    tr.e諾..`u〝pec`ed ef b``n` rorm`‥0'"i- Ih One bulldlnt In lhe reiu裏●●

    r暮one (00nl●n青erC ●elzed・ they

    tvere lTlalChcd olI. bed ln llI-che●


    離籍謹畿畿itbe mIIlhge took len nInute●・ The

    離認諾器競htly.ro"a the c"ppleJ bcJle.I

    怒薄霧嘉等繕競繕露欝ne〃e tr∞p● muched ′mm the south

    8.I.t・."U,?.詳擦,I.r ricBud忠C.V.'戎


    譜:認諾蕊嵩鰐口Ilh ● 10● ●lr●leelc●lly pi●eed

    uhlte 青hlt● the olher● ▼Iqtdrety.uhlte 青hlt● the olher● ▼Iqtdrety.

    m●ny ●my ltadert de●erled・ c●u●・



    deelIIy lnvolyCd ln Me Ber的Iellt

    Mnet. Menlle Hoege〇・ me eoVern・



    tcTmllleJ tc bIYC the ltllB lr1 .8''

    eIum 171-h headquき,(.r● ●t Anlwerp

    :蕊...V,I.n'描.tl.).?.I.cnp.;''..ed. :m.鴛.lt鱒d Herr Bern●(C-∩ tYho I"ieted

    on mokIIIe tn. Illle Ocmtll・The defeme ●I●o decl●,ed th〟t he

    〟lone h〟d ら,ou●h` 〟 Germ●h ilne

    lhrough -he econOmlc crI.1● wltheut

    〟 ptennIe OI ●ub一Idy・

    p〟. Harotd Stumの●・ chiel eef。nee

    lltorney. teld lhc court:・・Hcrr BerIlelelh he8 I-e.I 8trehglh・

    ehld aha eheOur請ed両ou貫h hlo

    it.R.e盈r1.8.0.n藍BY" ~.h"I.Y',..I."I,?:lhoWh h● mu〃白urr●hder them・●●

    I.hse.I.pq辞TX・.、.賀。同. …h。。m'.ei.

    lt lB 〝き刈med lt・AI Pr・Sldent Reo・le'

    t・ell tmuld then BIve lhlpllelle cohl●Ider種tloh tO other mMter●・" COn`

    cerltlng -tllch 〃umor- are rII● btltli

    on l高1ch he ll k・〇両● 賀ie eq'当

    couhlel.              l

    pendlnB ll...eport.t ll.. }'"I.I IBo〟rd oI Inqutrl and the e責PC.-ed l

    hot● Irom JBPan・ ho he曹 moヽet i

    wer●観ade al lh● Sta-e Depさnment i

    tcdoi M, Hull re"I.I.a klrc.ll


    Ln L0日OMey t・ F・ eNSON

    千-●●・ i u~ ~●、 " ~

    芸子'霊.嵩.I:'帯;I.'・'ir".I --,.I..I.I I-・1・・・3 1日● ・ ヽこ-"~'lt

    ●・{ F・"-・1,- 1ヽ"lt

    d..、,●・ -I,いす..・●〃

    81-I TCtr " 't

    tlot●4     l● Aヽ

    1〃 〃9;.・・'で・i'了.き.`●

    A 711P 7Zl c紡織m SmOmFjIRS./

    cIVⅢきれ合Of -helrさきrmenしき.

    蕊;離農語畿chu回教eh●n Ro〟d ▼●● 〟 ienき●▼e

    nu● eI一皿h ●hd仙∞●ded unt・

    bllch t●n職o to oeor一O tO CIt●r "uO


    me chtne〃● bum●d 叫〃rly dl

    粗悪'.Pet.un.lip.蕊0㌢激櫨●ln曾●Tl l● 〟 n〃一〇l ctlqred


    申terned fh・m ln buIIdlnのi重one.

    m〟d oI Army Tm9両

    IllthtJdlB. I

    縄ot.'..伽藍0,8...溝誅.1綿鶉eIinln℡led ue●●.



    ● -


    me J●p置き●●e e▼en ●▼eloen poe

    lIlB CbllleP.rtNDP e.".Ilq.tlcD

    bulldInm.me J●mne●e e▼en ●▼oldd bo種b

    謹・豊能盤___ ●〃_ _..I. hi. 〃tmet・nIIlenl ●truc

    i●try or CmmunlcOllou pu"i

    a. B.'.落部..Hr.'r諜!',l

    蕊諾紫蕊粗霜這iL-ltrlji. u▼● lJl leq ol

    lohur● 〟nd mbb●鴨. me

    諾意嵩詫謹書蒜●tJtlnt eonque●t by J〃pm・

    器e:.'08"nb.9.tlh';C,TB:r群i.).AS..!..: ~bmke lhro、Iln ahd c叫tured Wuhui

    from lher● ○○rod tb● Yllnene ▼●I'●

    cau●ht 〟nd e義eeuledi

    me重JI ol Nきnmn9 ▼u predicted

    lh mo〟t detollo t鱒〇 ・9eek〃 belor●

    繕離籍謹諾ぎIltd lltller PClntc tbcyc Nptllne Cdthe fan81さe ●ome d●ye beIore ●n・

    Ierln青 tht caplhl. Tbey lbu●

    bloektd the chlneee Afny'● eh●nce

    to retire uprlvtr.

    DeIen齢8額面mt置I ml

    The ●uperfIcl●IのIne●e deIente●

    ●ome nilet ●〃ouhd NanⅢht ▼em

    撥鶉謀議蜜離.A.3..(...蕊,I.qt.繍読.I.普.'=賀.〃w u cbhe∽ unlu on u●一山


    ーT上所出高弓--I ・間賄・旭川8-者活恥噌臥楯的‖』--.目刺Il・ IJi知人山川--n車1円1