> the Sysco Hot Beverage Product Catalog

Hot Beverage Book

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Sysco's Hot Beverage Offerings

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Page 1: Hot Beverage Book

> the Sysco Hot BeverageProduct Catalog

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what’s inside!


4 Arabica & Robusta Beans!

5 Citavo Quality Tiers & Roasts Gourmet, Premium and Traditional

6 The Iconic Cup3 Easy Steps for CreatingYour own Iconic Cup

8 Upgrading Your Coff ee is Easy4 Key Brewing Fundamentals

10 Coff ee & Dessert Pairings Almond Coff ee Cake

12 Heat Up Sales with FlavoredCoff ee, Tea and Cocoa DrinksS’mores Cocoa & Café Magic

14 Cream for your CupInternational Delight Creamers

15 Bold Flavors, Bold Coff ee International Delight Flavor Shots

16 The NesCafé PlanCreating Shared Value

18 Citavo Liquid Coff ee

19 Hot Tea BasicsTea Trends and More

20 White Lion TeaTea Variety and How Tea Helps Your Health

22 Citavo Cappuccino & Cocoa

23 Boost Sales with Merchandising


benefi t from versatility.Changing consumer preferences are a constant reality in the food service business, and the beverage category is noexception. Stay ahead of the curve with Sysco and our wide range of top-quality hot beverage off erings!

drink up the profi ts.Consumers are becoming increasingly choosy when it comes to beverages, seeking more variety and innovation. Novel fl avors and seasonal off erings are becoming expected. Use this as an opportunity for menu diff erentiation and watch yourprofi ts grow!


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Nothing quite soothes the palate or enlivens the senses like aquality hot beverage. And nowadays, more and more operatorsare turning this recession-proof (or staple) foodservice category from just another section on the menu into a powerful profi t center. Sysco’s hot beverage products and accompaniments have the distinct fl avors and unsurpassed quality needed to drive sales in this expanding, but crowded market segment. Our philosophy is simple – provide the choicest products at the best prices so that you can give customers the value they expect while still maximizing the bottom line. So whether it’s a robust gourmet coff ee, an antioxidant-rich tea or a decadent drink fl avoring, you can depend on Sysco for all of your hot beverage needs.



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Diff erent coff ee beans create diff erent fl avors in the cup. While there are several species of the shrub Coff ea, the plant that produces the berries from which coff ee is extracted, the two most cultivated plants are the Arabica and Robusta. Of the two main species grown, Arabica coff ee is more highly regarded than Robusta coff ee.

The Arabica Bean – Grown in the highlands, this bean can be found at an altitude of 2,000 to 6,000 feet. The Arabica bean grows on a very delicate plant that is slow to mature. Its fl avor is rich and aromatic, which carries over into the fi nished product. Arabica beans are sought out for their aroma and fl avor. These beans are used in darker roasted blends, premium proprietary blends, fl avored coff ees, as well as core hot and black coff ee blends.

The Robusta Bean – The lowland Robusta bean can be found at 2,000 feet. It grows at a rapid pace; has a strong, bitter taste and is not very aromatic. This bean is much higher in caff eine than the Arabica. The Robusta bean is used to provide the full-bodied taste and high caff eine concentration in European espresso blends. It is also commonly blended with Arabica in commercial coff ee blends.

All Citavo coff ee blends are made from100% Arabica beans except for Citavo Special Blend, which is a combination of Arabica and Robusta beans.

Arabica & Robusta Beans!


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GourmetThe gourmet tier off ers complex taste profi les and exceptional beans sourced from the world’s premier coff ee estates.

100% Arabica French RoastThe fi nest Arabica coff ee beans from Central and South America defi ne the character of this bold dark roast, presenting rich, deep, sweet fl avor fora distinctive coff eehouse experience.

100% Arabica Gold RoastSmooth with a bittersweet fi nish, this roast is lighter in color and delivers a balance of medium-to full-bodied fl avor with a sweet aroma that presentshints of red wine.

100% Colombian Traditional RoastColombian coff ee has a distinct, pleasing fl avor. We roast ours to a medium-to full-bodied fl avor and rich, smooth aroma. Available in bothregular and decaff einated.

PremiumThe coff ees off ered at this level provide theoperator with a wide variety of blends. Explosive growth in the premium tier has been driven by large franchises and fast food restaurantsturning quality coff ee into a preference foreveryday consumption.

100% Arabica West Coast BlendA blend of Central and South Americanhigh-grown, mild coff ee beans roasted dark to

create a distinctive taste, rich aroma and a deep,full-bodied fl avor. Available in both regular and decaff einated.

100% Arabica Royal Mountain RoastA light body and sweet, crisp aroma balanced withmedium to high acidity for a pleasantly smoothfl avor. Available in regular only.

TraditionalThis tier is designed for those customers lookingfor a traditional coff ee program with value as theprimary objective.

Special Blend Arabica and Robusta coff ee beans roasted to a light or medium color for a full-bodied, hearty profi le and a nutty, smooth fi nish. Available in both regularand decaff einated.

Citavo Quality Tiers & Roasts





Whether a customer is seeking gourmet “coff eehouse” options or traditional “value off erings,” Citavo coff ee off ers a delicious selection of quality blends fi t for any segment and every patron’s palate.


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Many diff erent factors come together to make a great cup of coff ee – bean origins, varieties, roast styles, and brewing techniques. All this complexity can be intimidating for customers who just want to serve a good cup of coff ee. That’s why Sysco likes to cut through the complexity and talk about “iconic” cups of coff ee that operators might aspire to serve.

In today’s coff ee world, there are a few dominant brands that consumers identify with. These leading national brands have chosen to serve a distinct cup of coff ee with specifi c features that coff ee drinkers are drawn to. For example, a high-end coff ee house brand tends to off er a full-bodied dark roast, while a major donut player prefers a medium roast with rich acidity and body. The leading QSR is serving a medium-bodied, medium-roasted breakfast blend, while your typical corner diner off ers a lighter coff ee that patrons can enjoy all day and with a bottomless cup quantity.

At Sysco, we match the standards of these power coff ee brands with our Citavo brand coff ee blends, which emulate these “iconic” coff ee experiences.

Choose the experience you want to off er your customers, then selecting your Citavo blend will be simple.

The Iconic Cup

See how our Citavo® brand blends match up:

Theirs Ours

Diner Style Coff ee • Value blends• A traditional, all day, everyday cup

with a lighter roast and body

Citavo® Special Blend

Fast Food Style Coff ee• Smooth coff ee with some acidity

and a lighter roast

Citavo® Royal Mountain or West Coast Blend

Donut Shop Style Coff ee• Bright acidity, medium roast,

full body to fuel hard-working folks

Citavo® Gold Roast Blend

Coff ee House Style Coff ee• Gourmet coff ee house experience• Darker roast and full body

Citavo® French Roast Blend


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> 3 Easy Steps for CreatingYour own Iconic Cup

1) Simplify – Choose one of the four “iconic” coff ee styles you’d like to create with your coff ee program.

2) Identify – Your Marketing Associate or a Beverage Specialist can recommend the matching Citavo blend.

3) Optimize – Determine the throw weight that best fi ts yourcost and operational needs.



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Sysco off ers a large selection of coff ee from light to dark roast, from traditional up to gourmet quality, regular or decaf, whole beans and gas fl ushed ground. We off er aff ordable choices that make upgrading your coff ee selection easy. Upgrading current coff ee can be done with little or no added equipment, or operational impact.

> Take your existing blend of coff ee and increase the throw weight> Add a limited-time off ering or fl avored coff ee to the menu> Replace traditional tier coff ee with a premium tier selection that

will draw new customers

Upgrading your coff ee gives you a competitive edge in an increasingly crowded arena. It helps keep current customers satisfi ed while attracting new ones.

Upgrading Your Coff ee is Easy




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4 Key Brewing Fundamentals Preparing a great cup of coff ee is easy with a few brewing suggestions. Following a consistent brewing process is key; any change will aff ect the overall taste.

1. Coff ee to Water Ratio – Typically this is referred to as the throw weight. Not enough coff ee will cause over extraction, while too much coff ee will cause under extraction.

2. Grind – Beans being too coarse will result in under extraction; too fi ne and a bitter fl avor will develop from being overly extracted.

About 70% of all positive coff ee fl avorings are extracted in the fi rst third of the brewing process.

3. Contact Time – The amount of time the water is in contact with the coff ee will aff ect the taste of the brew. Be careful with this step. If the water is in contact for too short of a time it will cause under extraction, too long and it will lead to over extraction.

4. Water Temperature – The ideal brewing temperature is between 95 and 205 degrees. Water that’s too cold will lead to under extraction, and water that’s too hot will lead to over extraction.

Brewing Tip: Don’t take a cup of coff ee from the pot until it’s done brewing. Removing the cup will interrupt the balance of the brew and will aff ect the taste of the remaining coff ee in the pot.


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The rich fl avor of coff ee pairs well with the sweet taste of dessert. Coff ee complements most desserts, and off ering the right selection will boost check averages and margins. Simply match the roast or richness of your coff ee choice with popular desserts to create a winning combination. The following list will help you create exceptional pairings:

Simple Cakes – Pound cake and angel food cake go well with lighter roasts. Pair with 100% Colombian Traditional Roast and 100% Arabica Royal Mountain Roast.

Fruit Pastry – Fruit pies, cobblers, dumplings, and cakes such as pineapple upside down cake complement a medium roast. Try matching these fruit-based desserts with 100% Arabica Gold Roast, 100% Arabica Royal Mountain Roast, or our Special Blend.

Creamy Desserts – Whipped and creamy desserts like tiramisu and cream pies pair nicely with a medium to rich roast. Couple these desserts with 100% Colombian Traditional Roast or 100% Arabica West Coast Blend.

Cakes & Pies – Whether it’s a classic sheet cake or a pumpkin pie, medium to rich roasts couple nicely with these selections. Cakes, cobblers and fruit pies pair with medium roasts such as 100% Arabica Gold Roast, 100% Arabica Royal Mountain Roast, or our Special Blend.

Tart Citrus Desserts – For tart desserts like lemon meringue or key lime pie, serve a medium roast coff ee blend like our 100% Arabica Gold Roast or our 100% Arabica West Coast Blend.

Chocolate Desserts – Rich chocolate desserts are the perfect match for our 100% Arabica French Roast.

Cheesecakes – Richer coff ees like the 100% Arabica French Roast or 100% Arabica West Coast Blend belong with your New York cheesecake off erings.

Multi-Flavored Rich Desserts – Gourmetpies fl avored cheesecakes and seven layer bars match nicely with the dark, rich 100% Arabica French Roast.

Coff ee & Dessert Pairings

French Roast.


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Almond Coff ee Cake

Yield: 3 cakes

Cakes Nonstick baking spray4½ cups all-purpose fl our4½ teaspoons baking powder¾ teaspoon ground ginger¾ teaspoon salt2¼ cups sour cream1½ teaspoons almond extract1½ cups granulated sugar6 ounces unsalted butter, cut

into small pieces and softened6 large eggs1½ cups sliced almonds, toasted

Streusel1½ cups packed light brown sugar¾ cup all-purpose fl our1 tablespoon ground cinnamon6 tablespoons cold unsalted

butter, cut into small pieces Fresh raspberries for garnish

1. Prepare Cakes: Spray three 9- to 10-inch springform pans or round ceramic baking dishes with nonstick baking spray. In large bowl, sift together fl our, baking powder, ginger and salt. In medium bowl, stir sour cream and almond extract.

2. Beat granulated sugar and butter on medium speed until light and fl uff y, scraping bowl occasionally. Add eggs, 2 at a time, beating well after each addition. Add sour cream mixture and beat until combined.

3. Reduce speed to low; gradually add fl our mixture and beat just until combined, scraping bowl occasionally. Evenly pour batter into prepared pans. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.

4. Prepare Streusel: In large bowl, sift together brown sugar, fl our and cinnamon. With fi ngertips, work in butter until pea-sized crumbs form.

5. Evenly sprinkle streusel and almonds over cakes. Bake 5 minutes longer or until toothpick inserted in center of cakes comes out clean. Cool cakes in pans on wire rack 10 minutes. To serve, top with raspberries. Serve cake warm or at room temperature.

This Almond Coff ee Cake is a perfect match for our 100% Arabica Colombian Traditional Roast or 100% Arabica Royal Mountain Roast.


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Heat Up Sales with Flavored Coff ee, Tea, and Cocoa DrinksPour on the profi ts with hot beverage salesAmerica’s obsession with gourmet coff ee and tea is recession-proof. According to the National Coff ee Association’s 2012 National Coff ee Drinking Trends study, coff ee consumption has been steadily increasing, up more than 17% over the past two years.

Moreover, tea is quickly becoming the hottest drink on the market because of its antioxidant qualities and the increasing prevalence of retail tea stores. And the popularity of chocolate festivals across the country is helping to drive demand for hot cocoa to consumers of all ages.

From a simple cup of caff é Americano to gourmet espresso drinks, hot teas and cocoas, operators can maximize profi ts by off ering a wide variety of beverage fl avoring options. And, Monin Gourmet Flavorings off ers a full range of convenient fl avors in the most popular and seasonal fl avors.

Warm things up with winter fl avorsTo encourage traffi c on slow evenings and to increase beverage and food sales, host special tasting events. Print coff ee or tea suggestions on the tasting event menu, like wine pairings.

Featuring a “Flavor of the Month” or a signature drink is another way to boost sales. Traditional fl avors like Monin Hazelnut, French Vanilla and Caramel continue to be customer favorites, but seasonal fl avors tied to the holidays are also very popular.

Suggested off erings are:

> Harvest Pumpkin Spice Latte

> Skinny Gingerbread Latte

> Chestnut Mocha

> Toff ee Nut Cocoa

> S’mores Cocoa

> Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea

> Red Rooibos Tea infusedwith Black Currant

According to the

National Coffee


2012 National

Coffee Drinking

Trends study, coffee

consumption has been

steadily increasing,

up more than 17%

over the past two years.


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Monin also off ers seasonal favorites like Pecan Pie, Cinnamon, Toasted Marshmallow, Dark Chocolate, Irish Cream and Peppermint. Hundreds of recipes and serving suggestions are also availableat monin.com to give your customers countless reasons to come back all winter long.

Monin products are available from Operating Companies,

Central Warehouse and SuppliesontheFly.com

S’mores CocoaCup size: 12 oz

Hot Cocoa 8 ozMonin Toasted Marshmallow Syrup 1 ozMini Marshmallows

1. Add Monin Syrup to the cup. 2. Stir while fi lling with hot cocoa. 3. Garnish with mini marshmallows.

Café MagicCup size: 10 oz

Monin Irish Cream Syrup ¼ oz Monin Espresso Syrup ¼ ozMonin Amaretto Syrup ¼ ozCoff ee 5 ozHalf and Half 2 oz

1. Combine ingredients in a serving cup.2. Stir and garnish.

Monin also offers seasonal favorites like Pecan Pie


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Cream for Your Cup For many coff ee lovers, cream isn’t just a garnish, it’s a necessity. Having a quality choice of cream can complete the coff ee experience. Dean Morningstar brings you sweet cream selections from International Delight.

Unfl avored International Delight Half & Half cream is the preferred choice among consumers. Made with real dairy, this cream is specifi cally packaged to off er a 60-day guaranteed shelf life; it’s also kosher-certifi ed. International Delight off ers a non-dairy unfl avored cream as well.

Flavored Allow your customers to choose from an assortment of fl avors to create a customized, gourmet cup of coff ee in seconds. International Delight has their Flavored Favorites including French vanilla, amaretto, and chocolate cream. The gourmet varieties in International Delight’s Coff eehouse Inspirations include white chocolate mocha and caramel macchiato.

Single Serving or Bulk Dispenser? Each option has its own benefi ts. Single serving is a simple way to off er customization of coff ee while saving money. Single serving also allows you to focus on creamer variety, instead of off ering a variety of coff ee roasts. There’s no need to refrigerate, making it perfect for easy, back-of-the-house storage. Bulk cream dispensers are more cost-eff ective for high-volume operations, making them an ideal choice for operators selling over 100 cups a day. The dispensers are designed to handle heavy use, but are easy to set up and operate. Bulk dispensers require minimal cleaning and off er labor savings when compared to refi lling carafes.


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Bold Flavors, Bold Coff ee

In a recent study,

nearly 72 % of

customers rated the

“ability to customize”

as the most important

coffee bar benefit.

Flavor Shots Sometimes it’s the little things that make a beverage satisfying, like a shot of fl avor in a fresh cup of coff ee. Adding fl avor options can enhance your coff ee bar and please customers without additional expense. In a recent study, nearly 72% of customers rated the “ability to customize” as the most important coff ee bar benefi t. Flavor shots give customers a variety of options to satisfy individual preferences.

Boost the fl avor of your coff ee or tea with International Delight Flavor Shots for cold beverages, coff ee and hot beverages, and hot and cold teas. With 13 appealing syrup fl avors made with intense, sugar-free syrup, these fl avors will always deliver a bold “shot” to your drink.

International Delight Flavor Shots:> Almond Toff ee> Caramel > Cherry> Chocolate Peppermint> Cinnamon> Hazelnut> Irish Crème> Lemon> Lime> Mandarin Orange> Peach > Raspberry > Vanilla Bean

Flavor Shot Dispenser > Costs 35% less than bottled syrups > No more sticky syrup bottles > Effi cient dispensing, reducing

wasted product and labor > Easy back-of-house storage> Easy to set up and refi ll



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The NESCAFÉ Plan Creating Shared ValueAt a time when everything and everyone is closer connected than ever, we cannot ignore how our actions aff ect the world around us. We have to look beyond the cup. That’s why we support Nestle’s Nescafé Plan, a global initiative that supports responsible farming, production and consumption.

Responsible Farming> Sowing the seeds for the future by ensuring long-term security

for farmers and respect for the environment

Responsible Production> Reducing our environmental footprint

by taking care every step of the way

Responsible Consumption> Protecting tomorrow’s world by helping

to make a responsible use of resources

Find out more about The Nescafé Plan byvisiting www.nescafe.com

NESCAFÉ MilanoOff er customers a way to get into the Specialty Coff ee market without any up-front capital. They too can serve a barista-quality specialty beverage with push button ease.

> Create consistent beverages no matter who on your staff is preparing it

> Unparalleled speed for your operation> Quality machine and ingredients> No up-front capital required> Peace of mind service from

staff training to water fi lters

Nestlè Professional Vitality provides 16

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NESCAFÉ ® Alegria Whether your customer is serving 100 or 10,000 cups of coff ee a day, Nescafé® Alegria has a solution to solve their coff ee needs.

NESCAFÉ® Alegria V-Café> Great for front or back of house> 8 or 12 liter tank available> Flexible settings for various

cup sizes, carafes, or urns> Virtually no cleaning required> Packaging has clear sides for easy

visibility of remaining product> Proprietary packaging that allows

full evacuation of product with no mess & no waste

NESCAFÉ® Alegria TT Barista> Off ers several quality

specialty beverages> Multiple cup size options> Great for front of house or self-serve> All products are shelf stable> Small footprint and low maintenance

NESCAFÉ® Alegria Soluble Solutions> Variety of machines to choose from

based on volume needed> Flexible settings for various

cup sizes, carafes, or urns> 100% real coff ee; no additives or preservatives;

available in a variety of mainstream taste profi les> Shelf stable soluble products that are easy to store

On demand Liquid Coff ee Solution

> Variety of fl avor profi les

> Ability to serve by the cup or pot

> No waste as coff ee is brewed at time of request

> Easy to clean machine

> Easy loading of product

> Great for back ofhouse operations

many coff ee choices. One easy decision for your customer. 17

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Citavo Italian Roast Liquid Coff eeAmerica is becoming a nation full of “I need it now” coff ee drinkers. Facilities that serve 100 cups of coff ee or more per day require an option that is instant, catering to customers who don’t have time to wait for fresh-brewed coff ee. These are often places like health center cafeterias, gaming facilities, cruise lines, universities, convenience stores and more.

Using extracting technology, Citavo has created a liquid coff ee solution that answers the call for on-demand coff ee. During the last decade liquid coff ee sales increased 8 to 12% per year, proving that this quicker coff ee option is necessary for the foodservice industry.

In addition to saving time and labor, liquid coff ee is shelf stable and requires no refrigeration allowing it to be stored on shelves for long periods of time. It is always ready, fresh, and creates no waste, like coff ee fi lters and grinds, or disposing of brewed coff ee. Its consistent reliability will help you control business costs in your hot beverage category.


During the last

decade liquid coffee

sales increased

8to 12% per year,

proving that this

quicker coffee option

is necessary for the

foodservice industry.


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Hot Tea Basics

Tea Trends

According to an ancient Chinese legend dating back to 2737 B.C., hot tea was fi rst discovered by accident. While hot tea has been a popular beverage for centuries, the tea bag wasn’t invented until 1908 when a New York importer named Thomas Sullivan thought that shipping tea in silk bags rather than large tins would be easier for his retailers. Tea bags then became a successful choice for steeping in addition to being a space-saver.

Sysco off ers House Recipe tea bags for premium black, decaff einated black, green tea, and darjeeling blend teas. Our teas require diff erent steeping times to help bring out their full fl avor.

> 3-5 minutes for black tea> 2-3 minutes for green tea

Tea consumption is infl uenced by many trends. Sysco believes consumer tea choice is most infl uenced by:

Convenience and Taste. This is the most infl uential reasoning behind consumer purchases. Off ering consistent high-quality products will keep customers happy, and fl avor options will drive the specialty tea category.

Proactive Health Management. With increasing focus on having a balanced and healthy life, consumers are interested in tea’s valuable antioxidants. Scientifi c reports claim that daily tea consumption may increase longevity.

Authenticity. Consumers continue to place more value on “real” or “pure” products and brands.

Ethnic and Exotic. These categories are of growing interest to consumers. Exotic products off er a sense of adventure and appreciation for foreign customs and cuisines.



increase longevity.

on “real”

est toand


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White Lion TeaQuality tea is handpicked and brought to you from the best gardens in the world. Sysco carries White Lion Traditional Tea, which produces high quality tea by following the “orthodox” method of manufacturing. The top two tea leaves and the undeveloped leaf bud are carefully handpicked. Tea pickers may pluck up to 60 pounds of leaves and buds in a day, requiring nearly 3,000 shoots to produce one pound of tea. The handpicked tea leaves are then brought to the factory area to begin processing.

While all true tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant, a warm weather evergreen, it’s how the tea leafs are processed that determines their type. No matter the origin of the tea leaf, there are four kinds of teas. These types are white, green, oolong, and black. White Lion Tea off ers these teas in a variety of fl avors and packages to meet your needs, resulting in a smooth and refi ned tea.

Tea Sachets White Lion Tea off ers a broad mix of loose teas, tea sachets, iced teas, and their proprietary sweetener Honey Pearls. They also off er complementing service accessories for any operational setting. No matter your preferred service style, White Lion has a presentation box to fi t your needs.

Loose Tea – Loose tea provides you with upscale presentation, maximum guest

impact and the lowest serving cost.

Bulk Sachets – These tea sachets without a string or tag are the best form for tea bars. They are the easiest serving format, causing noneed for portion control.

Overwrap Sachets – Individually wrappedtea sachets with a string and tag are the preferred option for banquetsand casual venues.

White Lion Tea also off ers a variety of service styles including butler service, barista style, individually wrapped sachets for single cup service, and a sophisticated selection of iced teas.

White Lion teas are available through Central Warehouse and are coming soon on SuppliesontheFly.com



of fl avorstea.

and their ervice ce style,



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Health and WellnessA growing trend in the market, many

consumers are drawn to the health and wellness benefi ts of drinking

tea. Research suggests that the phytonutrients found in all types of true tea may

contribute substantially to the promotion of health and the

prevention of chronic diseases.

How Tea Helps Your Health

Saves Arteries – Two major new health studies have found that drinking black tea helps prevent clogging of arteries. It can help reverse poor arterial functioning that can trigger heart attacks and strokes.

Inhibits Cancer Growth – Tea has long been tied to a lower risk of stomach, colon, and breast cancer, and new lab studies fi nd that tea chemicals may help stop cancer growth.

Tames Infl ammation – Research has found that green tea may help with infl ammation, reducing your chances of developing arthritis.

Burns Calories – Green tea’s antioxidants stimulate the body to burn calories and fat. Studies show that the increase in burning calories is not due to the caff eine but the antioxidants.

Wipes out Viruses – Previous tests have proven that tea can neutralize germs, including some that cause diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis and skin infections.

Decaff einated Tea While moderate caff eine consumption is believed to have no adverse health eff ects, caff eine-free tea is a healthy option for those looking to avoid or limit their intake of caff eine. Decaff einated tea is processed to remove most (about 97%) of the caff eine. While Lion Tea uses Rooibos in caff eine-free herbal blends. Rooibos is an herbal agent that has tea-like characteristics, and a sweet-fruity fl avor. It also has a list of health benefi ts including easing allergies, helping digestive problems like nausea and stomach cramps, calming the nerves, and soothing mild depression and headaches.


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Citavo Cappuccino & Cocoa As more consumers are seeking specialty beverages, cappuccino and hot cocoa off erings are essential. Citavo off ers a full line of fl avors to give customers more beverage options. Put some steam into your sales with our delicious selections.

Cappuccinos Rich, foamy and full of fl avor, cappuccino has become a favorite among coff ee lovers, coupled with the instant gratifi cation of push button dispensing.

Original – Our classic cappuccino presents an indulgent fl avor with a smooth, melt-in-your-mouth texture.

French Vanilla – Our signature blend of light French Vanilla fl avor and bold coff ee delivers a sweet, distinctive taste.

Swiss Mocha – Decadent mocha fl avor swirled into our creamy cappuccino will satisfy any chocolate lover.

English Toff ee – Buttery cappuccino accented with notes of chocolate, caramel and almonds for a truly unique taste experience.

Cocoa Hot cocoa has been served since the age of the Mayans. Though once a spicier treat, hot cocoa is now served sweet, often with marshmallows. Try one of Citavo’s classic fl avors or a deliciously rich, sugar-free cocoa.

Dutch Style – Real ground cocoa beans and fresh milk powder blend together in our premium quality hot cocoa. Available in individual packets or bulk for dispensing.

Creamy Style – Delicious, frothy hot cocoa made with the fi nest ingredients for pure indulgence in every cup. Available in individual packets or bulk for dispensing.

No Sugar Added – Just as rich and creamyas our other hot cocoas, without the added sugar.Available in individual packets only.


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Boost Sales with MerchandisingCitavo provides the necessary merchandise to serve coff ee with ease. Whether you are looking for a custom branded bar solution, signage, or cream and sugar, we’ll help make your coff ee station or bar complete.

Signage – Highlighting coff ee options can increase sales. We off er signage, racks, andmenu boards to fi t your café or cafeteria.

Branded Bars – Presentation matters! Having a clean and cohesive coff ee bar improves perceptions of coff ee freshness and ease of use, making consumers more likely to repeat their purchases. Our customers branded coff ee bar solutions deliver a fully-integrated premium coff ee program for your operators and their patrons.

Equipment – Citavo off ers larger size holding containers for serving hot, fresh coff ee to customers.

Creamer Singles – Order any fl avor of cream in the single serving size to place on tabletops or cafeteria serving stations.



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Copyright © 2012 Sysco Corporation and ViMax Media.

Heat it Up!

Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Our family of products and services also includes equipment and supplies for the food service and hospitality industries.

At Sysco, we understand that our valued customers have customers, too. That’s why we off er only the best family of products and brands that meet the highest standards of quality. Sysco hot beverage items like coff ee, tea, cappuccino, cocoa, brewers, dispensers and more will help you continue the tradition of quality and maximize your bottom line.

> Expand your hot beverage off erings.> Add variety and diff erentiation.> Build loyalty.> Increase profi ts!

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