Hospital to Hom e 7 111 July 2017 The Executive Officer Family and Community Development Committee Pari iament House, Spring Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 Dear Sir/Madam, Please accept the enclosed vision documents from 2007, 2009 and Trade Mark Certificate 20 I 0 in support of a submission to contribute to ' ideas' and a plan for Continuity of Maternity Care in the crucial 1 51 I Odays post partum in the Private Hospital system. In Victoria predicted future population growth and looming nursing workforce pressures, continuity of care is a paradigm shift and practical option to the manifestation of fragmented care for mothers and babies leaving hospital and accessing maternal and child health care. Continuity of Care is community focused, addresses the future in terms of population expansion and available nursing resources, strengthens and bridges the identified service gap, leads the way for change and best practice in Victoria and beyond. Yours sincerely, Robyn McLeod RN,RM,Dip.App.Sc.CHN.M&CHN.IBCLC. Encl: 2010 Trade Mark Certificate 2009 5 Point Plan for Private Maternity Care and enclosed document 2007 Part Vision document ABN 3044 1 007 160 PO Box 5028 Hawthorn 3122 Telephone: 03 9818 8807 Mobile: 0427 8 18 848 Emai l: ho spi ta ltohome@, bigpo nd .com Website: www.hospitaltohome.co m. au 1

Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i

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Page 1: Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i

~ Hospital to Home

7111 July 2017

The Executive Officer Family and Community Development Committee Pari iament House, Spring Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please accept the enclosed vision documents from 2007, 2009 and Trade Mark Certificate 20 I 0 in support of a submission to contribute to ' ideas' and a plan for Continuity of Maternity Care in the crucial 151 I Odays post partum in the Private Hospital system.

In Victoria predicted future population growth and looming nursing workforce pressures, continuity of care is a paradigm shift and practical option to the manifestation of fragmented care for mothers and babies leaving hospital and accessing maternal and child health care.

Continuity of Care is community focused , addresses the future in terms of population expansion and available nursing resources, strengthens and bridges the identified service gap, leads the way for change and best practice in Victoria and beyond.

Yours sincerely,

Robyn McLeod RN,RM,Dip.App.Sc.CHN.M&CHN.IBCLC.

Encl: 2010 Trade Mark Certificate 2009 5 Point Plan for Private Maternity Care and enclosed document 2007 Part Vision document

ABN 30441 007 160

PO Box 5028 Hawthorn 3122 Telephone: 03 9818 8807 Mobile: 0427 8 18 848

Emai l: hospitaltohome@,bigpond .com Website: www. hospitaltohome.com.au 1

Typewritten Text
Submission S018 Received 10/07/2017 Family and Community Development Committee
Page 2: Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i

Australian Government

IP Austmlia

No. 1369480


TRADEMARK I, Celia Poole, Registrar of Trade Marks hereby certify -

that the trade mark represented on this certificate was filed as Trade Mark No. 1369480 on 30 June 2010. It is due for renewal on 30 June 2020 and Robyn Mcleod of PO Box 5028 HAWTHORN VIC 3122 AUSTRALIA has been entered in the Register of Trade Marks as the owner of the trade mark.


The goods and/or services for which the trade mark is registered, plus any endorsement, additional owners or other information relating to the registration, are listed on the attached pages.

Given under my hand and the seal of the Trade Marks Office on 26 March 2012




Page 3: Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i

Australian Government

IP Australia

No. 1369480


The trade mark is registered for the following goods and/or services:

Consultancy relating to health care; health care; information services relating to health care; preparation of reports relating to health care matters; advocacy services relating to health issues; personal care services (medical nursing, health, hygiene and beauty care); hospital nursing home services; provision of nursing care; midwife services; massage; advisory services relating to health; advisory services relating to medical services being services in class 44

The trade mark is subject to the following endorsements:

Provisions of subsection 41(5) applied.

Provisions of paragraph s44(3)(a) and/or Reg 4.15A(3)(a) applied.


Page 4: Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i


Package Package nome&

Discharge *All prices are GST inclusive. Package Package Family Telephone 5 Point Plan Package No. 1 2 3 4 Support Support

All EDPs include pre & post Midwife phone call EDP EDP EDP PDP i

Point I 1 Early Discharge Package (EDP) Early Discharge Package [EDP] Midwife (MW) home visit plus 2 additional support services:

48 hrs > includes MW visit 24-36 hrs includes extra MW visit or extra optional service

2 Early Discharge Package ( no MW visit)

Point II 3 Specific Package for suitable Day 4-5 Caesarean Clients -Incentive Package

Specific Package Post LUSCS As per Pac'kages 1 or 2, plus 2 hours of Home and Family Support

Package 1• ' '

Package 2•

Point ill 4 Post Discharge Package (PDP) (NB: previously called Package 3) Post Discharge Package [PDP] MW visit between hospital discharge and M&CHN

Point IV Home & Family Support (per visit) - Currently offered through 'Hospital to Home' Home & Family

' Support i

PointY Telephone Support M-F 7 am - 5pm; Sat/Sun 8 am - 1 pm Telephone Support Triage Calls

Support Part Partum Care - Incoming Calls Follow Up Post Discharge Calls EDP inital call to mother i

Robyn Mcleod R.N, R.M, Dip.App.Sc.CHN.MCHN. 13/10/2009


Page 5: Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i

Hospital to Home

Bridging the Gap

Supports: • Continuity of Maternity Care for mothers accessing care in the private system • Continuity between hospital midwives and maternal and child health nurses (MCHN) • Choice for mothers from 6 hrs post delivery until MCH care • Management of increasing demand for beds; nursing worliforce pressures

5 Point Plan for Private Maternity Care: Optional Packages of Care

Point 1 Early Discharge Package (EDP) - Package 1 or Package 2 Provides professional midwifery care to early discharge mothers and babies until MCH care

Point 2 Suitable for Day 4-5 Post Caesarean Clients- Package 3 Provides professional midwifery care to post caesarean mothers and babies until MCH care

Point 3 Post Discharge (PDP) -Package 4 Provides professional midwifery care to post discharge mothers and babies until MCH care

Point 4 Home and Family Support Provides ongoing support to meet client needs

Point 5 Telephone Support Provides initial call to EDP mothers, and follows-up post discharge to ensure support for mother's postpartum concerns

Overall Advantages of Packages of Care, Home and Family Support and Telephone Support: • Ensures continuity of maternity care in the community and supports the MCliN • Bridges identified service gap between hospital discharge and MCH • Supports postpartum care with physical, psychological, emotional and breast feeding support • Addresses problems in the 1st 10 days post parium • Reduces need for other lactation support in the I" 10 days postpartum • May assist with aqjustment disorders and postnatal depression • May assist with issues of client saftty • Enhances patient flow .from the acute to the community setting • Assists hospitals to meet targets: Occupied bed days, Length of stay, Business Plans • May improve maternal and infant health outcomes • Addresses mother's possible loss of support networks, isolation and loss of confidence • Provides caring for mothers and families, potential role modelling.


Page 6: Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i

' Golden Wattle found io Western Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales

Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents

1. Future of Maternity Care

i. Increasing demand for Inner City Private Maternity beds • Smaller country hospitals slowly closing and feeding into bigger centres in both

Victoria and NSW due to shortages of nurses, midwives and Obstetric GP's. Public and Private Hospital larger maternity units seeing an increase in numbers, for example, St. John of God Ballarat, Bendigo, Warrnambool, Geelong and in inner city Private Hospitals

• Inner city Private Maternity Hospitals give access to specialist Obstetricians, Pediatricians, Anesthetics, have ICU units, Special Care Units and provide client choices

• Client expectations: Increasing awareness of choice of hospital, of Obstetricians, and increasing understanding of legal implications. Busy maternity units with increasing caesarean section rates due to older mothers, twins, breech, awareness of litigation, repeat caesarean section

• Government incentive with increase in maternity rebate leading to an increase in number of pregnancies

• Public awareness of the implications of declining fertility when delaying child bearing and increase in number of pregnancies.

ii. Decreasing numbers of Midwives and Maternal and Child Health Nurses (M&CHN) each year

• Generation X & Y - changing world

• World wide shortage of nurses , midwives and M&CH nurses- recruitment from interstate and overseas

• M&CH service may well be primarily for assessment in the future, commencing with ages and stages visits

iii. Widening gap between leaving Hospital and being seen by M&CHN Service.



Page 7: Hospital to Home - Parliament of Victoria - Home · Stands for Home, Country, Kindred, Suosbine and Love All tbat 'Hospital to Home' represents . 1. Future of Maternity Care . i


2. Long Term Solution

Streamline a model of care 'Hospital to Home'. Develop Operational Manuals and Policies and Procedures for the first JOdays post parium and lead the way for change for the delivery of post parium care in the private system through HBA contracted hospitals in Melbourne, then country Victoria and Interstate

i. Early Discharge Packages (EDP) • Enhancing early and post discharge strategies which facilitate patient flow from

the acute to the community setting and assist hospital to meet targets for both occupied bed days and length of stay

• Delivering excellent and safe care within the home setting with only one move for mothers from 'hospital to home'

• Reducing the growing and widening gap from hospital to Maternal and Child Health Care; acknowledges that the first I Odays postpartum are crucial to the health and well being of mother and baby in terms of attachment, bonding and safety issues

ii. Post Discharge Packages (PDP) Midwife visit between completing hospital stay and I Odays postpartum

iii. Home and Family Support Service Supporting and caring for mothers by assisting with light home duties, baby and family support

iv. Telephone Support Triage calls, support post partum care where mothers can access a midwife, lactation consultant or be appropriately referred to Obstetricians/Pediatricians

v. Support Services Meals, massage, house cleaning, infant massage, aromababy products, nappies, classic flowers, gift vouchers.