Hospital Management Information System

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'MIS' is a planned system of the collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management

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It deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine for providing an effective and efficient health care delivery system.

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Network of data processing procedures developed within an organization for the purpose of providing an effective information to support decision making and other management functions

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Management functions

MIS- Provides requisite data in the desired format for “POSDCORB”

- Planning- Organizing- Staffing- Communication- Co-ordination- Monitoring- Controlling- Reviewing- Decision Making- Budgeting

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MIS Provides

Information regarding

General Administration Personnel Management Accounts and Finance Beneficiaries

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Minimize uncertainty in management decisions

Facilitate achievement of organizational goals

Ensure quality standards in health-care

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Information– not data Relevant Sensitive Un-biased / uniform Comprehensive Timely Action-oriented Performance oriented Cost-effective

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MIS – For Decision Making

- Recognition of Problems- Collection and Analysis of data- Generation of Alternatives- Assisting in choice of best alternative- Communication and Implementation- Review

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Includes a system which acquires ,stores, processes and delivers patient related information in a hospital with required details in response to a query or routinely or periodically as per predetermined format to those who need it is called a hospital information systems (HIS)

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Clinicial functions Administrative functions Control functions Strategic planning

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Clinical information system

Administrative information system

Ancillary services information system

Disease Surveillance information system

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Patient demographics. Medical history, examination and progress

reports of health and illnesses. Medicine and allergy lists, and immunization

status. Laboratory test results. Radiology images (X-rays, CTs, MRIs, etc.) Photographs, from endoscopies or laparoscopy

or clinical photographs.

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Medication information, including side-effects and interactions.

Evidence-based recommendations for specific medical conditions

A record of appointments and other reminders.

Billing records. Eligibility Advanced directives, living wills, and health

powers of attorney

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Patient related information◦ Adequacy of services◦ Quality of care◦ Epidemiological studies

Annual return of services ,facilities utilization

Optimal use of beds, facilities ,equipment◦ Assess productivity

Inventory control

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Data from different departments

Health personnel data

Financial data

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Future plans

Advances in patient care

Advances in management tools and technology

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Reservation, Admission Discharge Outpatient Registration Billing Personnel Scheduling Patient Care

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Pharmacy Diet Planning Accounts Finance Administration Materials Equipment Feedback Analysis


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Inpatient Management

Bed Occupation Details Bed Status IP Census Transfer Out Slip (From Wards)

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• Bill Concession• Category Payments• Category Services• Consolidated Bill Concession• Counter Payment• Category Payment Cheque• IP Bill Concession• Final IP Bill Consolidate• Final IP Bill

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• Detailed Bill• OP Payments• Open Counters• OP Voucher• Expenses for Package Patients• Payment/Receipt• List of Services• Service Rate• Voucher

Billing (contd.)

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• Patient Issue and Returns• Patient Issue• External Patient Pharmacy Bill• Inpatient Pharmacy Bill• Outpatient Pharmacy Bill• Purchase• Pharmacy Sales

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• Lab Request• Statistics about number of Tests• List of Panels• Test Request• Lab Wise Report for External Patients• Lab Wise Report for Inpatients• Lab Wise Report for Outpatients• List of tests

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General Administration

• Bed Occupancy• Category Census• Employee Address• Employee Details• Employees Joined in the Current Month• Report Employee Details, Employee Number Wise• IP Census• MR Census• OP Census• Monthly Census• Employee PF

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• Service Certificate• No Due Certificate• Separation List• List of Disciplinary Cases• Loan Details• Reimbursement Details• Impending Confirmation List• Impending Retirement Details• Impending Separation List

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The Center for Information Technology Leadership described four different categories (“levels”) of data structuring at which health care data exchange can take place

The four levels are:

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Data Type Examples

1 Non-electronic data Paper, mail, and phone call

2 Machine transportable data. Fax, email, and unindexed documents

3 Machine organizable data (structured messages, unstructured content)

documents, images, and objects.

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Level Data Type Examples

4 Machine interpretable data (structured messages, standardized content)

Automated transfer from an external lab of coded results into a provider’s EHR. Data can be transmitted (or accessed by HIT systems without need for further semantic interpretation or translation.

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decision support systems in healthcare, including clinical decision support systems

architectures for electronic medical records and other health information systems used for billing, scheduling, and research

standards (e.g. DICOM, HL7) and integration profiles (e.g. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) to facilitate the exchange of information between healthcare information systems

Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine, Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT), MEDCIN, Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC), - used to allow a standard, accurate exchange of data content between systems and providers

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- Electronic Medical Records

Translate information from paper records into a computerized format.

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Contents - Patient’s historiesFamilyRisk factorsFindings from physical examinationVital signsTest ResultsKnown allergiesImmunizationsHealth ProblemsTherapeutic Procedures and MedicationsResponse to Therapy

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

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Also include -

- Provider’s assessment and plans- Advance Directives- Information, about the patient’s assent to and understanding of therapy.- Permission for Disclosure of Information for use by other care providers or bill payers.

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Requisites for good MIS

- Acquisition of appropriate hardware and software (customized)- Selection and training of qualified staff- Products and system- Proper maintenance- Control- Review

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Qualities of Good MIS

- Accurate- Reliable- Relevant- Timely- Concise- Comprehensive- Effective

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- Cost - Initial- Recurring- Up gradation

- Need for Trained staff- Need for Proper Maintenance- Possibility of loss of information

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Old record incorporation Social and organizational barriers Confidentiality Technology limitations Budgetary constraints User acceptance and competence Preservation Legal status Setting standards Customization

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