n t 1 t 1 I f I iLlJlhtnBIIUIe t1ttutatItUI 3 i AVtgdablePreparaiLonlbrAs ¬ I I llvcFoodandRegula liiig the S totnaths or ChecrruJI i iumHorplUno nor 1cral Nor NAn C Olxo j JlfttptofOUJlrSAMVELPlTCJlSR ftmplan Seal RrdUs JJtwi rN4 iWmf1 mtI 1ertJvkll Jr7mtr plJi ness and Loss OF SLEEP r Pac Sundo Signature of NEW YORK r EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER- I Ji f i < AStA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears theI I Signature of j 1I p1 II t 0 it < U1s e I For OYer Thirty Year- sCASIO RIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW PORN CITY 10 m = = n = c R S POOLI E V POOL CERULEAN SPRINGS CERULEAN ICY I E Y POOL CO Proprietors jt Now Open for sines I Rates 2 per day 8 per week or 30 per month Children under twelve years and servants v 1 t i halfprice EVERTHING NEW AND STRICTLY UPTODATE ANALYSIS OF SULPHUR WATER r silfbate 1 Jii UL 9820 Alumina w Carbonate Iron 832 Chloride of Sodium v V Chlorak of Calcium tracqi11egueulumulphato l a J gig Alkaliem j e = a wj = 5620 Sulphur ulphuretted 1 860 Hydrogen u u u iju h j 7 = I 20520 f t LOCATION I These celebrated springs are located 6nJhe I C Railroad half way be ¬ tween Hopkinsville and Princeton Six trains twp mails telegraph and telephone A Louisville String Band will furnish music during the season For further information addrebs the proprietors fI I NO 210 SOUTH MAIN ST PHONE NO 1012 HOT HQT HOT Why not buy fresh bread at MAIN ST BAKERY Instead of standing over the hot stove at home baking jour bead Yuu can get anything in the baking line such as bread J 1r cakes and pies baked fresh every day We also bake ham on orders Full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Country Pro ¬ duceI JOE K TWYMAN 4PtEE DELIVERY TO ANX AND ALL TAUTS OF TUB CITY Ia THEGEAT SUMMER RESORT 1900 I Jlrt D WSONS RINGS < L ARCADIA HOUSE Daw ton rIopl xs 1 ntyt Ey rAbose celebrated chalybeate and salt spriugd are situated n LouIsville and M 1isbn othe Illinois Centralrailroad Cheeppvttbo Ohio and Southwtstorn Railroad 165 miles meet ol tn end 68 past of Paducah Ky u The Arcadia House is qew nnd neatly furnished with ca acty of enter taming 800 persona Thq owners the hotel are also owners of the Yand the guests Arcadia House have free access to the Springs without charge Invalids should remember that the months of June and July offer many advantages to persona visUfng the Springs The dry and liquid IIalts aro D1 ufactuted pt these JS c A GRAVE DOUBT Presented Itself to tho Mind of a lii6n i> elof Maidto f Theres a colony of bachelor Jflaif i tltoyduring enco 06 such been onthu iaftfl thofr condition of thorn has paused as it werotoilli bti6lttis and the othor day one of ha tt patriot discovered leer in n lft3 study Hollo Isll1 exclaimed offUKJP manner of bachelor maids you od to rI Anytlungserious y tf It i tome iwriffi ii it ii T iHjiii1 suppose you me cant you t Certainly I was thinks K ° 1 long it would take for ft Ile indict to become an oldmaidf nave you any idea j j rjwell f thought of it in that way befbrQht At prosent that particular Ooljbi1g of bins is more or less prturbc1 i- tmindN Y Sun t Awarded a Victoria Crops l I The man who looks after tpe coat at the British cross His name is Hook and ho won the decoration in the Zulu campaigiu For the space cf four hours Hook and ten companions held tho hospital wards at Rorkes drift against there peatedassaults of numberless Zulus When ammunition ran out they de ¬ fended the doorway with the bayonet 1 piling the deafoup a a barricade in every lull in the fighting Although the savages sttcetJeded in setting the place on fire Hook and his compan- ions ¬ rescued tho wounded but it was only after 12 hours incessant fight ing that the Zulus finally drew off No less than eight Victoria crosses were given on account of the affair at Rorkes drift HAS NATURE WARNED YOU 7 t Nature herself clad in the early garbs o- Prlnl blossoms forth trees and flowers causing the despondent chord to vibrato to the most ofaUspringtimc and how do you feel Have that feeling the forerunner of Chills Malaria and Typhoid Fever t It so you must not pass this warning as It Is an of sickness avoid this consult us as our advice costs you nothing Call on your druggist and proture a bottle ot Dr Carlstedts German Liver Powder Take one dose a day at bed time for six days then follow by procuring a bottle of Yucatan Chit TonIc following the dIrections and after two springPrepare when the atmosphere germs necessary your warns you repeat the above These Remedies in stock rid sold by A tongue may inflict a deeper r wound than a sword 0An Epidemic of Dlnrrhen A Sanders writing from Co coaunt Grove Florida says there has been quite au epidemic of diarrhoea there He had a sevefe attack and was cured by four doses of Chamber Jains Colic Colera and Diarrhoea Remedy He says he also recoui rnpnded it to others mid they say it is the best medicine they ever used Sold by R C Harciwick An ounce of love is better than a pound of law purifiedby while the kMnavs are wrong FOL EYS KIDNEY CURE is just what will make healthy kidneys and pur goodSold An injury forgiven is better than an injury revenged How In The Ticket Does it suit you T Well we are not all alike you know in this world and it is bard to please any one but the fnvor is unanimously for DC Clld wells syr- up Pepsin aa it is guaruteed to cure Constipation Indigestion and Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble Sold by C Ie Wyly Children are ain cares but very uncertain comforts IMIBB mum BW pticiany hcnlrcplidl LENT is applied Price 2 S ilia tj < ctft Sold by R C Hardwick- i 1 wijfnans curiosity will gcTtvjiae aifii a her pin money > Hirbini clear the complexion gives buoyancy to tun mind cures regulates tLe stomach and stimulates the liver and is in facfc a to health 1rico QO touts Sold by R C Hardwiok There are more or less missgiv egs about a girls affections If tho etomaoh liver and bowels hunt pedorm their unity functions reg larly aim uaturalyi the blood comes contaminated with impurities and is in debilitated HEROINE is remarkable for its effi uacp iu curmgeha aUmeotQ of summer and disorders prevalent during hot eather Price 60 cents Sold by n Hardwick POPULAR ANBfWisiSl > < Congressman HItt as Statesman and Friend of Statesmen m 1 11iCrr n v r lmRtlotq rIL JitlO RobertaLitt miniscentt tba Mult Would be a Notwetly national nod irate ttettlonal affairs tor- t nearly n generation but lite has en Joyed crKcinnl relntlona of a peculiar iy close rlmricter with more men of Splnptifi piTlmpa than arty other man Of tin diy tljef Was nttiHicrl to Llnaoln a WRY that tfiivg din enviable fn jgnities for studying Hie prrt Mam of wind He rosy ft alatiog ffcplier und a rnetvapape r rrporter for Cliiraco Tribune ft ntl throHjrftoilf JInlp tpr eWtion to the 0nlted Staten 4hate veiling Mitt followed Lincoln wordr coins national reputation and which more than anything else contributed to his election as president owe their permanent and enduring form to the originala among his literary treasures Lincoln called him Itchturd vns fond of tho boy war Mr Mitt came to 1S1Vnshingtnn nil a clerk of n congren Bionnl committee and had an opportu pity to become acquainted with the rent statesmen of the reconstruction- ora Ills good wile sent him to Tarip in y87a ust rafter the Ilranc Prussian war as secretary of legationand charge daffaires pd interim History was being made rapidly in the French capital in those drays and Mr HUt spent seven years in Paris a period which was closely packed with Im- portant events lie returned to Wash ¬ ington in 1881 to become assistant sec retary of state and the next year was elected a member of the house of representatives AU thrqugh his career in congress he has been con spicuous in the discussion of interna ¬ tional questions and now as chair man of the house committee on for eign affairs he is regarded as a diplo matlc authority without u peer Mr Hitt has had the good fortune to cement friendship more firmly than almost any other man now in public life Ho was Blames closest friend in Washington In the conclud ¬ ing years of jBlaines life Hitt was the man in whom he confided most and was often to be found in the his ¬ toric old mansion on Lafayette square At the same time that he enjoyed these affectionate relations with the great secretary of state he was the best friend of Speaker Reed Dlaines Ande no tribute could be paid to the delicate tact of the Illinois represent- ative ¬ than that he should have con ¬ tinued for years such a relationship with two such men without losing the confidence ofeither In lint Hitts house in K street is a room which is devoted to the mem ¬ ory of Blaine The walls are covered with pictures of the Maine leader with autograph letters and all sorts of relics which bring Elaine to mind Elsewhere in the house are Lincoln relies and stored away somewhere in places where they will be found some time and brought to light are scores and hundreds of confidential letters from men whose names will figure in history Mr Hitt is of medium height of modest bearing and one Of those in public life not too numerous who is gentleman always ills voice is soft and modulated his manner is frank and friendly although ho never for gats the diplomatic proprieties his conversation is stored with Informa- tion ¬ and anecdote and yet ho lias never toon known to reveal a thing which was to be kept in confidence lift makes no pretensions to oratory anti is not much of a politician AVlitfre Lafayette In llurlvil SperoCcour IIn otto is buried writes Edith from Paris to the Ladies Home Jqinrnnl Yore birds of passage like ourselves ejjldom conic At tho end of a rose grown pardon Is a little cemetery where bearers of some of tho oldest onlydesccndnnta guillotine are eligible to a grave there Cgreat and his wife Beyond the first ceme- tery is a second where the bodies of 1300 BJrfstocr tlo Tiotlma et the revolu 1 to i I t i I- An 2 Expensive Tip 2 is the one which you cut off and r J throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar There is W nearlyas much in making this PI end as all the rest of the cigar and yet everyman who buys a cigar cuts g it and throws it aWay You getA M all you pay for when you smoke Old Virginia Cheroots M Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked tins gj year Ask your own dealer Price 3 for 5 centsT l a J4 Commissioners Sale KentuokyLute EquityCharles BY VIRTORE of a Judgement and order of Sale of the Christian Cir ¬ cuit Court rendered at the Juno term thereof JUDO in the above cause I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Courthouse door in Hopkfnsville Ky to the highest bidder at PUBLIC AUCTION on Monday the 0th day of August 1000 at 11 oclock R m1or thereabout being Cpunty Court day upon a credit of Twelve Months the fallowing described property towit Certain tracts or parcels of land situated in Christian County Kyuenr Casky station First Tract contains 850 acres on which all the improvemintu on the Cask yl Win free place are located consisting of a twostory dwelling house 2 barnsstable and other outbuildings Second Tract contains M8J acres olf the East endof the Casky Winfree farm adjoining the above and all on the North side of the Nash- ville Roadi Third Tract contains 21 acres of land with good dwelling six rooms cabin blacksmith shop stable and other outbuildings north of L A N R R andEast of Casky rpad at Casky Station Fourth Tract contains about 7 acres on South side ofL A N R R- and lying on both sides of Casky road with 8 cabins on saute Fifth Tract contains about 8 acres South side of L N RRand West of New Road from Casky to Bradshaw road no Said laud is being sold CIr the payment of debts of Casky A Winfreet For the purchase price the purchaser must execute bond with approved surety or securities bearing legal interest from the day of stele until paid and having the force and effect of a Replevin Bond Bidders will be pre pared to comply promptly with these terms N FRANK RIVES Master Commissioner n WFor sale by R C Hardwick aa Jae 0 C ioi W = im FINE FARM FOR SALE Well Adapted to Agriculture or Stock Raising Being desirous o f dunging my bus ¬ iness I offer for sale mT farm 4 miles East of Cruftoulcontahiing 300 acres known as the Rice Dulin Homestead In in the highest state ofcultivation improvementsThere 25 head of stock cowsheds tool shed32granarie8corucrib2 teunment houses good ice bouse etc 200 acres in cultivation and 100 in timber TLe I farm is within 6 miles of coal fields convenient to schools and churchcb Finely situated for stock raising Stock flies are n ver troublesome inI this neighborhood Will sell at bargain i crash balance to suit the lUfC11N9eC M V DULIN Crofton Ky I I i mre the most fatal of all diseases FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE a GUARANTEED remedy or money refunded Con ¬ tains remedies recognized by all eminent physicians IidneyandBladder Price soc and 100 For said by Anaerson Fowler The L N will sell round trip tickets to Louisville at a fare and a third July 31st and for trains ar ¬ riving at Louisville morning of Aug1st limited to Aug 2nd ac ¬ count Populist Rally and State onventionhears v o act x A lha Kind You Haw Alwys BwgW tare ProaldontChicago vl 017 LaSallo Avenue Chicago III yearsRegularly Legislature Capital fully paid 8100000 The oldest largest most reliable and sue ¬ cessful Medical Institute in the U S Private rooms for Patients with facilities for any emergency XIlay Microscopical and Urlscoplcal Examinations are made h- all cases whenever diagnosis Is doubtful Write or free Hook on Deformities and Braces Club Feet Curvature of the Spine lironchltUi Catarrh Cancer Tumors Piles Paralysis Epilepsy Klduey liladder Eye Ear Skin and lllood Discuses and sill Sir apparatusI Wo absolutely guarantee to ours story caso of Nervous Debility and dlHenscs re suiting from abuses and IntilMtretions of Youth and Slnnhoodi Mpvriiialorrlicoa Sem Innl AVonkness night lonsw unrt vital rula In urine Impotenoy Vurlooo If ro erie Stricture rhlmoHU etc etc ci U8 ICensonablu No InonmbU eaves n < xd e oC0llordepasitaeh uea JHilure Is unknown to U8i 10000 testlmunlal I ttcr on the from oiire l patients Manl nt homo CotiHultiitlon trIo and cyndiliihil personally or by Iqttor Write ua mduy 100page itook on all Chrome and inKu tt Dlacrood and list of 130 questions nt frery 14t Haste makes waste and waste makes strife twixt buwband and wife A TIMELY HINT larich perfectly healthy condition by thN use of Pt German Liver Powder Then yoqt will be free from malaria fever Liverkowdee For your Cold try Dr Ottos Spruce Gum latlum Prlec 2ff tans 90o r- fui

Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, KY) 1900-07-27 [p 3]. · Hollo Isll1 exclaimed offUKJP manner of bachelor maids you od to rI Anytlungserious y tf It i tome iwriffi ii it ii

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Page 1: Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, KY) 1900-07-27 [p 3]. · Hollo Isll1 exclaimed offUKJP manner of bachelor maids you od to rI Anytlungserious y tf It i tome iwriffi ii it ii


1I f

I iLlJlhtnBIIUIe t1ttutatItUI 3 i

AVtgdablePreparaiLonlbrAs ¬

I I llvcFoodandRegulaliiig the S totnaths or

ChecrruJIi iumHorplUno nor 1cral

Nor NAn C Olxo

j JlfttptofOUJlrSAMVELPlTCJlSRftmplan SealRrdUs JJtwi

rN4iWmf1 mtI1ertJvkllJr7mtrplJiness and Loss OF SLEEP

rPac Sundo Signature of





Ji f


AStAFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Have

Always Bought

Bears theII



j 1Ip1 IIt 0



U1s eI For OYer

Thirty Year-



m = = n =cR SPOOLI E V POOL



E Y POOL CO Proprietors jt

Now Open for sinesI

Rates 2 per day 8 per week or 30 per month

Children under twelve years and servants v

1 t

i halfprice



silfbate 1 Jii UL 9820Alumina w

Carbonate Iron 832Chloride of Sodium v VChlorak of Calcium tracqi11egueulumulphato la J gig

Alkaliem j e = a wj = 5620Sulphur ulphuretted 1 860Hydrogen u u u iju h j

7 =I 20520f



These celebrated springs are located 6nJhe I C Railroad half way be ¬

tween Hopkinsville and Princeton Six trains twp mails telegraphand telephone A Louisville String Band will furnish music during theseason For further information addrebs the proprietors

fI I


HOT HQT HOTWhy not buy fresh bread at

MAIN ST BAKERYInstead of standing over the hot stove at home baking jourbead Yuu can get anything in the baking line such as bread

J 1r cakes and pies baked fresh every day We also bake ham onorders Full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries Country Pro ¬duceIJOE K TWYMAN4PtEE DELIVERY TO ANX AND ALL TAUTS OF TUB CITY






Daw ton rIopl xs 1 ntyt EyrAbose

celebrated chalybeate and salt spriugd are situatedn LouIsville and M 1isbn othe Illinois Centralrailroad

Cheeppvttbo Ohio and Southwtstorn Railroad 165 miles meet ol tnend 68 past of Paducah Ky u

The Arcadia House is qew nnd neatly furnished with ca acty of entertaming 800 persona Thq owners the hotel are also owners of the

Yand the guests Arcadia House have free access to the Springs withoutcharge Invalids should remember that the months of June and July

offer many advantages to persona visUfng the Springs The dry and liquid

IIalts aro D1 ufactuted pt theseJS



Presented Itself to tho Mind of a lii6n i>

elof Maidto fTheres a colony of bachelor Jflaif i

tltoyduringenco 06 such been onthu iaftflthofr condition ofthorn has paused as it werotoilli

bti6lttisand the othor day one of hattpatriot discovered leer in n lft3study

Hollo Isll1 exclaimed offUKJPmanner of bachelor maids you odtorIAnytlungserious y tf

It i tomeiwriffi ii it ii T iHjiii1suppose you

me cant you tCertainly I was thinks K


long it would take for ft Ileindict to become an oldmaidfnave you any idea j

jrjwell f

thought of it in that way befbrQhtAt prosent that particular Ooljbi1g

of bins is more or less prturbc1 i-tmindN Y Sun t

Awarded a Victoria Crops lI

The man who looks after tpe coatat the Britishcross His name is Hook and ho wonthe decoration in the Zulu campaigiuFor the space cf four hours Hook andten companions held tho hospitalwards at Rorkes drift against therepeatedassaults of numberless ZulusWhen ammunition ran out they de¬

fended the doorway with the bayonet 1

piling the deafoup a a barricade inevery lull in the fighting Althoughthe savages sttcetJeded in setting theplace on fire Hook and his compan-


rescued tho wounded but it wasonly after 12 hours incessant fighting that the Zulus finally drew offNo less than eight Victoria crosseswere given on account of the affairat Rorkes drift

HAS NATURE WARNED YOU 7 tNature herself clad in the early garbs o-

Prlnl blossoms forth trees and flowers causingthe despondent chord to vibrato to themost ofaUspringtimc and how doyou feel Have that feelingthe forerunner of Chills Malaria and TyphoidFever t It so you must not pass this warningas It Is an of sickness avoid thisconsult us as our advice costs you nothingCall on your druggist and proture a bottle otDr Carlstedts German Liver Powder Takeone dose a day at bed time for six days thenfollow by procuring a bottle of Yucatan ChitTonIc following the dIrections and after two

springPreparewhen the atmosphere germsnecessary your warns yourepeat the above These Remedies in stockrid sold by

A tongue may inflict a deeper rwound than a sword

0An Epidemic of DlnrrhenA Sanders writing from Co

coaunt Grove Florida says there hasbeen quite au epidemic of diarrhoeathere He had a sevefe attack andwas cured by four doses of ChamberJains Colic Colera and DiarrhoeaRemedy He says he also recouirnpnded it to others mid they say itis the best medicine they ever used

Sold by R C Harciwick

An ounce of love is better than apound of law

purifiedbywhile the kMnavs are wrong FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE is just whatwill make healthy kidneys and purgoodSold

An injury forgiven is better thanan injury revenged

How In The TicketDoes it suit you T Well we are not all

alike you know in this world and it isbard to please any one but the fnvoris unanimously for DC Clld wells syr-up Pepsin aa it is guaruteed to cureConstipation Indigestion and SickHeadache and Stomach TroubleSold by C Ie Wyly

Children are ain cares butvery uncertain comforts

IMIBB mum BWpticianyhcnlrcplidlLENT is applied Price 2 S ilia tj<

ctft Sold by R C Hardwick-

i 1 wijfnans curiosity will gcTtvjiae

aifii a her pin money>

Hirbini clear the complexiongives buoyancy to tun mind cures

regulates tLe stomach andstimulates the liver and is in facfc a

to health 1rico QO

touts Sold by R C Hardwiok

There are more or less missgivegs about a girls affections

If tho etomaoh liver and bowels hunt

pedorm their unity functions reglarly aim uaturalyi the blood

comes contaminated with impuritiesand is in debilitatedHEROINE is remarkable for its effiuacp iu curmgeha aUmeotQ of summerand disorders prevalent during hot

eather Price 60 cents Sold by nHardwick


Congressman HItt as Statesmanand Friend of Statesmen



11iCrrn vr lmRtlotq rIL


RobertaLittminiscentt tba Mult Would be aNotwetly

national nod irate ttettlonal affairs tor-

t nearly n generation but lite has enJoyed crKcinnl relntlona of a peculiariy close rlmricter with more men ofSplnptifi piTlmpa than arty other manOf tin diytljefWas nttiHicrl to Llnaoln

a WRY that tfiivg din enviable fnjgnities for studying Hie prrt Mam of

wind He rosy ft alatiogffcplier und a rnetvapaper rrporter for

Cliiraco Tribune ftntl throHjrftoilfJInlptpr eWtion to the 0nlted Staten4hate veiling Mitt followed Lincolnwordrcoins national reputation and whichmore than anything else contributedto his election as president owe theirpermanent and enduring form to theoriginalaamong his literary treasures Lincolncalled him Itchturd vns fond of thoboy

war Mr Mitt came to1S1Vnshingtnn nil a clerk of n congren

Bionnl committee and had an opportupity to become acquainted with therent statesmen of the reconstruction-

oraIlls good wile sent him to Tarip in

y87a ust rafter the Ilranc Prussianwar as secretary of legationandcharge daffaires pd interim History

was being made rapidly in the Frenchcapital in those drays and Mr HUtspent seven years in Paris a periodwhich was closely packed with Im-

portant events lie returned to Wash ¬

ington in 1881 to become assistant secretary of state and the next yearwas elected a member of the house ofrepresentatives AU thrqugh hiscareer in congress he has been conspicuous in the discussion of interna ¬

tional questions and now as chairman of the house committee on foreign affairs he is regarded as a diplomatlc authority without u peer

Mr Hitt has had the good fortuneto cement friendship more firmlythan almost any other man now inpublic life Ho was Blames closestfriend in Washington In the conclud ¬

ing years of jBlaines life Hitt wasthe man in whom he confided mostand was often to be found in the his ¬

toric old mansion on Lafayette squareAt the same time that he enjoyedthese affectionate relations with thegreat secretary of state he was thebest friend of Speaker Reed DlainesAndeno tribute could be paid to thedelicate tact of the Illinois represent-ative


than that he should have con ¬

tinued for years such a relationshipwith two such men without losingthe confidence ofeither

In lint Hitts house in K street isa room which is devoted to the mem ¬

ory of Blaine The walls are coveredwith pictures of the Maine leaderwith autograph letters and all sortsof relics which bring Elaine to mindElsewhere in the house are Lincolnrelies and stored away somewhere inplaces where they will be found sometime and brought to light are scoresand hundreds of confidential lettersfrom men whose names will figure inhistory

Mr Hitt is of medium height ofmodest bearing and one Of those inpublic life not too numerous who is

gentleman always ills voice is softand modulated his manner is frankand friendly although ho never forgats the diplomatic proprieties hisconversation is stored with Informa-tion


and anecdote and yet ho liasnever toon known to reveal a thingwhich was to be kept in confidencelift makes no pretensions to oratoryanti is not much of a politician

AVlitfre Lafayette In llurlvil

SperoCcourIIn otto is buried writes Edith fromParis to the Ladies Home JqinrnnlYore birds of passage like ourselvesejjldom conic At tho end of a rosegrown pardon Is a little cemeterywhere bearers of some of tho oldest

onlydesccndnntaguillotine are eligible to a grave thereCgreatand his wife Beyond the first ceme-tery is a second where the bodies of1300 BJrfstocr tlo Tiotlma et the revolu

1 to iI t i


An2 Expensive Tip 2is the one which you cut off and r

J throw away every time that yousmoke a Five Cent cigar There is

W nearlyas much in making thisPI end as all the rest of the cigar and

yet everyman who buys a cigar cutsg it and throws it aWay You getAM all you pay for when you smoke

Old Virginia CherootsM

Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked tins

gj year Ask your own dealer Price 3 for 5 centsT

l a J4

Commissioners SaleKentuokyLuteEquityCharles

BY VIRTORE of a Judgement and order of Sale of the Christian Cir ¬

cuit Court rendered at the Juno term thereof JUDO in the above cause Ishall proceed to offer for sale at the Courthouse door in Hopkfnsville Kyto the highest bidder at PUBLIC AUCTION on Monday the 0th day ofAugust 1000 at 11 oclock R m1or thereabout being Cpunty Court dayupon a credit of Twelve Months the fallowing described property towit

Certain tracts or parcels of land situated in Christian County KyuenrCasky station

First Tract contains 850 acres on which all the improvemintu on theCaskyl Win free place are located consisting of a twostory dwellinghouse 2 barnsstable and other outbuildings

Second Tract contains M8J acres olf the East endof the CaskyWinfree farm adjoining the above and all on the North side of the Nash-villeRoadiThird Tract contains 21 acres of land with good dwelling six roomscabin blacksmith shop stable and other outbuildings north of L A N RR andEast of Casky rpad at Casky Station

Fourth Tract contains about 7 acres on South side ofL A N R R-

and lying on both sides of Casky road with 8 cabins on sauteFifth Tract contains about 8 acres South side of L N RRand

West of New Road from Casky to Bradshaw road noSaid laud is being sold CIr the payment of debts of Casky A WinfreetFor the purchase price the purchaser must execute bond with approved

surety or securities bearing legal interest from the day of stele until paidand having the force and effect of a Replevin Bond Bidders will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms N

FRANK RIVES Master Commissionern

WFor sale by R C Hardwick aa Jae 0 C ioiW= im


Well Adapted to Agriculture orStock Raising

Being desirous o f dunging my bus ¬

iness I offer for sale mT farm 4 milesEast of Cruftoulcontahiing 300 acresknown as the

Rice Dulin HomesteadIn in the highest state ofcultivation

improvementsThere25 head of stock cowsheds toolshed32granarie8corucrib2 teunmenthouses good ice bouse etc 200 acresin cultivation and 100 in timber TLe


farm is within 6 miles of coal fieldsconvenient to schools and churchcbFinely situated for stock raisingStock flies are n ver troublesome inIthis neighborhood Will sell atbargain i crash balance to suitthe lUfC11N9eC

M V DULIN Crofton Ky




mre the most fatal of alldiseasesFOLEYS KIDNEY CUREa GUARANTEED remedyor money refunded Con ¬

tains remedies recognizedby all eminent physiciansIidneyandBladder

Price soc and 100For said by Anaerson Fowler

The L N will sell round triptickets to Louisville at a fare and athird July 31st and for trains ar¬

riving at Louisville morning ofAug1st limited to Aug 2nd ac¬

count Populist Rally and State

onventionhears vo act x Alha Kind You Haw Alwys BwgW


ProaldontChicagovl 017 LaSallo Avenue Chicago III

yearsRegularlyLegislature Capital fully paid 8100000

The oldest largest most reliable and sue ¬

cessful Medical Institute in the U SPrivate rooms for Patients with facilities

for any emergency XIlay Microscopicaland Urlscoplcal Examinations are made h-

all cases whenever diagnosis Is doubtfulWrite or free Hook on Deformities and

Braces Club Feet Curvature of the SpinelironchltUi Catarrh Cancer Tumors PilesParalysis Epilepsy Klduey liladder EyeEar Skin and lllood Discuses and sill SirapparatusI

Wo absolutely guarantee to ours storycaso of Nervous Debility and dlHenscs resuiting from abuses and IntilMtretions ofYouth and Slnnhoodi Mpvriiialorrlicoa SemInnl AVonkness night lonsw unrt vital rulaIn urine Impotenoy Vurlooo If roerie Stricture rhlmoHU etc etc ci U8ICensonablu No InonmbU eaves n <xde oC0llordepasitaeh uea JHilureIs unknown to U8i 10000 testlmunlal I ttcron the from oiire l patients Manl nthomo CotiHultiitlon trIo and cyndiliihilpersonally or by Iqttor Write ua mduy100page itook on all Chrome and inKu ttDlacrood and list of 130 questions nt frery

14tHaste makes waste and wastemakes strife twixt buwband andwife

A TIMELY HINTlarichperfectly healthy condition by thN use of PtGerman Liver Powder Then yoqtwill be free from malaria feverLiverkowdeeFor your Cold try Dr Ottos Spruce

Gum latlum Prlec 2ff tans 90o r-fui