Homonym List for ESL Learners

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  • 8/13/2019 Homonym List for ESL Learners


    Homonym List for ESL Learners - A - E

    affect- effect

    affect - verb -> to change or influence something or someoneaffect - She wanted to affectthe students in a way they'd never forget.

    effect - noun -> the result of a change or influenceThe effectof the performance was stunning.

    aisle- isle

    aisle - noun -> the walkway, as in a theaterI quickly walked down the aisleand took my seat.

    isle - noun -> islandHe grew up on the isleof Ela.

    allowed- aloud

    allowed - past tense of the verb 'to allow' -> to permitHis mother allowedhim to stay up late on Saturday.

    aloud - adverb -> using the voice, not silentlyShe read the story aloud.

    ate- eight

    ate - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to eat'She atea quick lunch and returned to work.

    eight - number -> the number 8I ought eighttickets to the concert.

    ball- bawl

    ball - noun -> a round object used in games and sportsHe took a ballto the each to play with the children.

    bawl - verb -> to cry (usually very hard)!lease don't bawl" It's not that ad.

    bear- bare

    bear - verb -> to stand somethingHe can't beare#ams.

  • 8/13/2019 Homonym List for ESL Learners


    bare - adjective -> naked, without clothingHe stood outside in the rain completely bare.

    base- bass

    base - noun -> the bottom support of somethingI think we need a new basefor that lamp.

    bass - noun -> the lowest pitches in music, singer of the lowest pitchesI sang bassin the church choir.

    billed- build

    billed - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to bill'She billedthe clients for $%&.

    build - verb -> to construct

    They buildhouses in !ortland& (regon.

    blew- blue

    blew - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to blow'She blewa lot of ules at her irthday party.

    blue - adjective -> a colourHer house is painted blue.

    board- bored

    board - noun -> a plan of woodI used a boardto cover the window.

    bored - adjective -> not interestedHe was boredy the meeting.

    break- brake

    break - verb -> to damage something)nfortunately& I often breakmy toys"

    brake - noun -> stopping device on a vehicleHe used the braketo stop quickly.

    buy- by- bye

    buy - verb -> to purchase*o they often buyclothes in that shop+

  • 8/13/2019 Homonym List for ESL Learners


    by - preposition -> often used to epress the agent in a passive sentenceThe song was written byHammersmith.

    bye - noun -> farewellBye" I'll see you tomorrow.

    capital- capitol

    capital - noun -> ! town or city that is head of government(lympia is the capitalof ,ashington state.

    capitol - noun -> ! building where the government meetsThe capitolis a eautiful uilding.

    cell- sell

    cell - noun -> a small room, usually in a prison

    There are two prisoners per cellin that prison.

    sell - verb -> to provide for saleTheysellooks and magaines.

    cent- scent- sent

    cent - noun -> "#"$$ of a dollar(ne centisn't worth very much.

    scent - noun -> an aroma

    Thescentin the air is faulous"

    sent - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to send'Isentyou some pictures last week.

    chance- chants

    chance - noun -> not on purposeI saw ary y chancein /alifornia.

    chants - noun (plural) -> simple song or melody,e did some grammar chantsin class last week.

    chews- choose

    chews - verb -> third person present singular of the verb 'to chew'y daughter chewsher food well.

    choose - verb -> to make a decision from amongst more than one(0& I choosethe red one.

  • 8/13/2019 Homonym List for ESL Learners


    close- clothes

    close - verb -> to shut!lease closethe door when you come in.

    clothes - noun -> articles of clothingHe put on his clothesand left for work.

    coarse- course

    coarse - adjective -> rough, not smoothThe faric is rather coarse.

    course - noun -> a class in which a subject is studiedThe English coursewill egin ne#t week.

    creak- creek

    creak - verb -> to s%ueak (make a high pitch sound)The doors in the house all creak.

    creek - noun -> small streamThe creekwinds through the eautiful valley.

    days- daze

    days - noun -> plural of 'day'I work five daysa week.

    da&e - noun -> confused stateHe walks around in a daze.

    dear- deer

    dear - adjective -> beloved, often used to begin a lettery dear1ichard& you 2ust don't understand"

    deer - noun -> an animal (ambi - irregular plural deer),e saw three deeron our hike in the mountains.

    dew- do- due

    dew - noun -> light water condensation usually found in the morningThe grass was covered with dew.

    do - verb -> to performThey usually dotheir homework immediately after school.

  • 8/13/2019 Homonym List for ESL Learners


    due - adjective -> payableThe full payment is duey the end of the month.

    facts- fax

    facts - noun -> things objectively considered 'true'The factspointed to r Smith as the criminal.

    fa - noun -> a document transmitted via telephoneI sent a faxto the office in /hicago.

    fair- fare

    fair - adjective -> light skinned, of light compleionShe is fairwith long lond hair.

    fare - noun -> cost of ticket (generally travel)

    I paid fifteen dollars for the fare.

    fairy- ferry

    fairy - noun -> a magic person or beingThe tooth fairyrings $3 for each tooth.

    ferry - noun -> a boat that transports cars and other vehicles,e took the ferryto Sardinia last summer.

    find- fined

    find - verb -> to discoverI often findcoins at the each.

    fined - adjective -> charged a penaltyHe was fined$4 for illegal parking.

    flour- flower

    flour - noun -> powdered grain used for cookingI want to make some cookies. /ould you pick up a ag of flourat the supermarket+

    flower - noun -> beautiful blooming part of a plantThat floweris eautiful"

    for- four

    for - prepositionI ought these foryou.

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    four - number -> She wants to ring fourfriends with her to the party.

    foreword- forward

    foreword - noun -> introduction to a bookTimothy 5eary wrote the forewordto 0en's ook.

    forward - adjective -> advancing,e moved forwardin the line.

    gene- jean

    gene - noun -> a chromosomeThe 6geneis responsile for eye colour.

    jean - noun -> fabric

    7eans are made ofjean.

    grease- Greece

    grease - noun -> lubricant, fatHe put somegreaseon the wheel.

    *reece - proper noun -> the countryGreeceis considered the irthplace of western philosophy.

    groan- grown

    groan - noun -> low sound epressing displeasureStudents oftengroanwhen I announce a test.

    grown - verb -> past participle of the verb 'to grow'y daughter hasgrownquite a it this year.

    hair- hare

    hair - noun -> the collective strands on your headShe's got long rown hair.

    hare - noun -> similar to a rabbitHe shot a harewhile in the field.

    hay- hey

    hay - noun -> dried grass often used as food for cattle, horses, etc+,e spent last week collecting hayfrom the fields.

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    hey - epression -> shoutHey" ,atch out"

    heal- heel

    heal - verb -> to cure a disease*octors healthousands of patients a year.

    heel - noun -> the back part of the foot or shoeI hurt my heelplaying tennis.

    hear- here

    hear - verb -> to listen*id you hearwhat he said+

    here - adverb -> at this place

    Is this your ook here+

    hi- high

    hi - salutation -> elloHi" How are you today+

    high - adjective -> tall, way upount 1ainier is e#tremely high.

    hoarse- horse

    hoarse - adjective -> rough voice8our voice is hoarse. *o you have a cold+

    horse - noun -> animal/owoy Tom had a horsenamed 7oe.

    hole- whole

    hole - noun -> round openingThere is a holein the wall we need to repair.

    whole - adjective -> entireHe ate the wholepie"

    hour- our

    hour - noun -> sity minutesIt took one hourto finish the e#ercise.

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    our - possessive adjective -> belonging to usThat's ourhouse on the corner.

    knight- night

    knight - noun -> warrior from the middle ages9rthur was a knightof the round tale.

    night - noun -> evening to early morningI went to ed late last night.

    knot- naught- not

    knot - noun -> fastening in a cordHe tied a knotto secure the rope.

    naught - noun -> nothing

    His efforts came to naught.

    not - adverb -> in no wayIt's nother fault.

    know- no

    know - verb -> to have knowledgeThey didn't knowwhere she had studied.

    no - adverb -> epresses refusal

    No" I don't want to come"

    leased- least

    leased - verb -> past form of 'lease' to rentThey leasedthey office for three months.

    least - superlative adjective -> the minimumShe was the leastsuccessful of the candidates.

    loan- lone

    loan - verb -> to allow someone to borrow/an you loanme some money until tomorrow+

    lone - adjective -> the only oneShe is the loneperson who speaks :rench.

    made- maid

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    made - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to make'She mademe a cup of tea.

    maid - noun -> domestic helpThe maidcleaned the room.

    mail- male

    mail - noun -> postI got a lot of mailtoday.

    male - adjective -> relative to menHis malefriends are cray"

    marry- merry

    marry - verb -> to join in matrimony

    Is a pastor going to marrythem+

    merry - adjective -> happy,e had a merrytime at the pu.

    meat- meet

    meat - noun -> animal fleshI really don't like horse meat.

    meet - verb -> to see someone, to be introduced

    5et's meetne#t week.

    mince- mints

    mince - verb -> to chop finely/an you mincethat parsley+

    mints - noun plural -> type of sweetI en2oy 9fter Eight mints.

    missed- mist

    missed - verb -> past tense of verb 'to miss'I missedthe airplane and had to ook another flight.

    mist - noun -> light fogIreland is famous for mist.

    morning- mourning

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    morning - noun -> am5et's meet tomorrow morningat nine.

    mourning - noun -> remember the deadShe was in mourningfor three years.

    none- nun

    none - pronoun -> not one

    Noneof the students came to the party.

    nun - noun -> woman of *od (atholic)The nunhelped the children understand the song.

    one- won

    one - number -> "

    (nly oneman came to the presentation.

    won - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to win'I wona prie at the competition.

    pail- pale

    pail - noun -> bucket)se thatpailto hold the water.

    pale - adjective -> light colored

    She looks ratherpale.

    pear- pair

    pear - noun -> a type of fruitShe ate apearfor lunch.

    pair - noun -> two (usually matching)I ought a newpairof shoes last weekend.

    patience- patients

    patience - noun -> %uality of being willing to waitSuccess requires a lot ofpatience.

    patients - noun plural -> person treated in a hospital or by a doctorThere are too manypatientswaiting in the emergency room.

    piece- peace

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    piece - noun -> part of somethingI had apieceof pie for dessert.

    peace - noun -> the state of no war,e all hope to live inpeace.

    plain- plane

    plain - adjective -> not fancyThe food was ratherplainin England.

    plane - noun -> short for 'airplane'Theplanetook off at si# in the morning.

    practice- practise

    practice - noun -> a period of training generally for sport or music

    I went topracticeafter school was finished.

    practise - verb -> to train for musicIpractisethe piano for two hours every day.

    rain- reign

    rain - noun -> precipitationI can't stand rain" I prefer sunny weather.

    reign - noun -> period of rule

    ;ueen Eliaeth the Second's reigncontinues to this day.

    read- red

    read - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to read'I read1ait 9t 1est last week.

    red - colory favorite color is red.

    right- write

    right - adjective -> correctThat answer is right"

    write - verb -> to put something down on paperI prefer to writemy letters in pen.

    road- rode

  • 8/13/2019 Homonym List for ESL Learners


    road - noun -> streetI took the country roadinstead of taking the freeway.

    rode - verb -> past tense of the verb 'ride'He rodea horse last weekend.

    rose- rows

    rose - noun -> flowerI gave my girlfriend a red rosefor her irthday.

    rows - noun plural -> hori&ontal line of somethingThere are fifteen rowsin the theater.

    sail- sale

    sail - verb -> to go by sailboat

    They oftensailat weekends.

    sale - noun -> selling at reduced prices5et's go to thesaleat the supermarket this afternoon.

    scene- seen

    scene - noun -> visual locationThescenewas set in the south of :rance.

    seen - verb -> past participle of the verb 'to see'

    I haven'tseenhim in years"

    sea- see

    sea - noun -> large body of water,e took a ferry across thesea.

    see - verb -> to visuali&e/an youseehim over there+

    sew- so

    sew - verb -> to use needle and threadost people don'tsewtheir own clothes.

    so - adverb -> to a great etent, veryThe test wassodifficult I almost failed.

    sole- soul

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    sole - adjective -> the only oneShe was thesoleperson to understand him.

    soul - noun -> immortal part of a personany people elieve that thesoulgoes to heaven when we die.

    son- sun

    son - noun -> male child(ursongoes to Harvard"

    sun - noun -> the star that lights our solar systemThesunshone right yesterday.

    stair- stare

    stair - noun -> step

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    threw - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to throw'He threwthe all to his father.

    through - preposition -> passing from one place to anotherHe went throughthe tunnel.

    to- too- two

    to - preposition -> towards (among many uses)I went to him and offered my congratulations.

    too - adverb -> alsoTom visited =ew 8ork& too.

    two - number -> .She ought twomagaines and some candy.

    vary- very

    vary - verb -> to change1esults may varywith daily or weekly use.

    very - adverb -> to a high degreeShe was veryhappy to see 7im.

    waist- waste

    waist - noun -> area between ribs and hips

    I need to reduce the fat around my waist.

    waste - verb -> to not use well*on't wastetime" Start studying"

    wait- weight

    wait - verb -> to remain ready for someone or something/an you wait2ust a moment+

    weight - noun -> an amount of heavinessI wish my weightwere lower.

    war- wore

    war - noun -> armed conflictThe warin Iraq is damaging relations with the rest of the world.

    wore - verb -> past tense of the verb 'to wear'He worea eautiful suit to the interview.

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    wear- where

    wear - verb -> to attireodels generally wear2eans and not the e#pensive clothes they show on the walkway.

    where - %uestion word

    Wheredoes he come from+

    weak- week

    weak - adjective -> opposite of strongy left arm is very weak. I need to do some e#ercises.

    week - noun -> seven daysy work weekis very long and hard.

    weather- whether

    weather - noun -> the meteorological conditionsThe weather has een quite eautiful this week.

    whether - conjunction -> whether +++ or - indicates an alternativeI don't whetherhe will come or not.

    which- witch

    which - %uestion word -> indicating choice among manyWhichvacation should we choose+

    witch - noun -> magic womanSarah was urned as a witchduring the Salem ,itch Trials.

    wood- would

    wood - noun -> material coming from treesThe desk is made out of wood.

    would - verb -> conditional auiliaryI wouldlike to visit you soon.