Homework - Writing for Sciences

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  • 8/13/2019 Homework - Writing for Sciences


    Researches consider stem cells to be a potential therapeutic option of many non-curable diseases. This

    is due to the unique characteristics they have - differentiate to any cell line with appropriate

    influences. In the article The Application of Umbilical Cord Blood Cells in the Treatment of iabetes

    !ellitus" Tomas #oblas and his collea$ues has discussed the possibility of use of Umbilical Cord

    Blood Cells to treat iabetes !ellitus %The Review of iabetic &tudies' (ol.) - *o. + - ),,' ))-

    )/+0. The multipotent stem cells that are present in the cord blood are the 1ey players who may

    differentiate to insulin producin$ cells and help treatin$ diabetes. The review article brou$ht out the

    followin$ facts2

    Amon$ few of the available sources of stem cells" Umbilical Cord Blood Cells are preferable for many

    reasons2 3. 4ith more than 3,, million births per year" sources of Umbilical cord blood cell is

    unparallel. ). It can be preserved in one of the many ban1s providin$ facilities for not only stora$e of

    cord blood" but also 56A typin$. /. Umbilical cord blood cell do not have any ethical issue as would

    happen to use 7mbryonic stem cells +. These umbilical cord blood cells have lon$er telomere - so

    support more mitosis and lon$er duration of proliferation then stem cells of adult person.

    urin$ postnatal life" 8-cell mass that has under$one apoptosis is replaced by proliferation of stem

    cells. 5owever" precise source of such cells are still un1nown. Althou$h many or$ans li1e spleen"

    liver" and bone marrow have the capacity to transform into insulin producin$ cells" the e9act

    mechanism is still un1nown. :ne hypothesis is that the adult bone marrow multipotent pro$enitor

    cells may have converted to insulin producin$ cells. Another hypothesis considers the presence of

    multiple tissue specific stem cells in the bone marrow" which upon proper stimuli" convert to the

    desired variety of cells. Composition of human umbilical cord blood is similar to that of bone marrow.

    !oreover" the stem cells of umbilical cord blood contains most of the cell mar1ers of adult

    multipotent bone marrow stem cells. This ma1es the human umbilical cord blood a $ood source for

    pro$enitor cells that would convert to insulin producin$ cells.

    &ome of the in vivostudies on diabetic animals" transplanted with human umbilical cord blood" show

    improvement of blood $lucose level as well as duration of survival. These animals showed

    morpholo$ical evidences of reduction of complication %$lomerular hypertrophy" tubular dilatation0 as


    &ome other studies shows that human umbilical cord blood cells may differentiate towards hepatocyte

    li1e cells. This findin$ is of interest because both the pancreas and the liver are ori$inate from same

    endodermal linea$e and thus have potential to differentiate to either one. &o" if one cell linea$e can

  • 8/13/2019 Homework - Writing for Sciences


    differentiate to liver" it has potential to differentiate to pancreatic cell also.

    :ne recent study" where pluripotent stem cells from cord blood were used to treat diabetic neuropathy"

    showed improvement. That means stem cells are applicable not only to treatin$ diabetes but also

    reversin$ it;s complications.

    Before clinical application" scientists need to resolve many factors that may play vital role on the

    whole process. Amon$ these" the first challen$e would have been separatin$ the desired cells

    population from human umbilical blood. This is now possible with proper identification of cell surface

    mar1ers and use them to sort them out. As umbilical cord blood contains low number of stem cells"

    and people will need a $ood number of them for therapy" in vitroculture may be necessary. Another

    fact that draws attention is that" the transplant will be used mostly on youn$ patients. &o" the cells

    should have the capacity to proliferative both in vitro and in vivo. This can be achieved by

    differentiatin$ them to -cell phenotype which can be achieved by two methods2 first one is

    transplantation of cultivated stem cells or partially differentiated stem cells" which would then mi$rate

    to different tissues and serve the purpose and the other approach is to in vitroproliferation of mature

    or partially mature -cells and implant them. rawbac1 of the letter one is that the cells can not be

    placed in the pancreas.

    To conclude" althou$h the research on treatin$ diabetes with umbilical cord blood cells is still in their

    early days" there are reasons to be optimi