Hannah Pulliam Annotated Bibliography Husain, Gabriela, William F. Thompson, and E. G. Schellenberg. "JSTOR: Effects of Musical Tempo and Mode on Arousal, Mood, and Spatial Abilities. Accessed February 20, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/mp.2002.20.2.151 . In this article, a piano player is asked to make four different recordings of a Mozart piece. Each one would be played in a different mode (meaning a major or minor key) or tempo. Researchers would examine students’ spatial abilities, mood, and arousal while listening to each recording. To start off, they played the original Mozart piece to one group of students and compared their results to another group of students who were asked to sit in silence or listen to “relaxation instructions.” The results showed that the students who were listening to the Mozart piece did better when tested on their spatial abilities, than the group of students who were left in silence. Students were then split into four groups, each group listening to a different recording of the Mozart. When tested on their spatial abilities, students listening to a faster tempo of Mozart that was played in a major key performed better than students who were listening to a slower tempo in minor. When examining students’ arousal, results were much higher when the speed of the music changed. However, when tested on their mood, the mode of the piece (whether minor or major) greatly affected it. In this research paper, I have decided to go a bit of a different route and talk more about the different ways that music can affect a person while listening to it. This really interests me, and I thought it would be interesting to the others that read my paper. I think this article can add to the conversation in my research

Homework Response 6

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Page 1: Homework Response 6

Hannah Pulliam

Annotated Bibliography

Husain, Gabriela, William F. Thompson, and E. G. Schellenberg. "JSTOR: Effects of Musical Tempo and Mode on Arousal, Mood, and Spatial Abilities. Accessed February 20, 2014. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/mp.2002.20.2.151.

In this article, a piano player is asked to make four different recordings of a Mozart piece. Each one would be played in a different mode (meaning a major or minor key) or tempo. Researchers would examine students’ spatial abilities, mood, and arousal while listening to each recording. To start off, they played the original Mozart piece to one group of students and compared their results to another group of students who were asked to sit in silence or listen to “relaxation instructions.” The results showed that the students who were listening to the Mozart piece did better when tested on their spatial abilities, than the group of students who were left in silence. Students were then split into four groups, each group listening to a different recording of the Mozart. When tested on their spatial abilities, students listening to a faster tempo of Mozart that was played in a major key performed better than students who were listening to a slower tempo in minor. When examining students’ arousal, results were much higher when the speed of the music changed. However, when tested on their mood, the mode of the piece (whether minor or major) greatly affected it.

In this research paper, I have decided to go a bit of a different route and talk more about the different ways that music can affect a person while listening to it. This really interests me, and I thought it would be interesting to the others that read my paper. I think this article can add to the conversation in my research paper because it talks about one way music can affect students and their mood and arousal.

Caldwell, Clare, and Sally A. Hibbert. "The influence of music tempo and musical preference on restaurant patrons' behavior - Caldwell - 2002 - Psychology & Marketing." Wiley Online Library. Accessed February 20, 2014. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mar.10043/abstract.

This article researches how music can influence a person’s behavior. It more specifically examines how music can influence a customer’s behavior at a restaurant. More and more businesses, today, that provide services to people are trying to find ways that they can improve their setting so that they may appeal more to the public eye, whether it be lighting, colors, or just using manners. Music has become especially popular in restaurants. Researchers examined one sit down restaurant to see how music preferences (song types) and tempo affects a customer’s mood and behavior. More specifically, they wanted to test how different types of music affected how long a customer stayed in the restaurant, how much money or tip was paid after eating, and finally, the overall outcome of what the customer thought of the

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restaurant. In the end, it was not tempo that affected how long the customer stayed, but more the preference of the music. How much the customer would tip after eating was actually determined by the length of time that was spent in the restaurant, so the preference of music was more significant in this situation. Finally, the overall outcome of the restaurant for the customer was higher when it came to musical preference, rather than the tempo of the music.

This article adds to the conversation of my research paper because, again, it examines how music can affect a person, just in a different environment or setting. In this article, researchers examined the role of music in a restaurant and how it can affect a customer’s behavior and the entire outcome of the restaurant itself.

Labbe, Elise, Nicholas Schmidt, Jonathan Babin, and Martha Pharr. "Coping with Stress: The Effectiveness of Different Types of Music - Springer." Home - Springer. Accessed February 20, 2014. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10484-007-9043-9#page-1.

In this article, researchers want to find out how music affects college students after dealing with stress. Just like music therapy, which is used to cure many disorders and illnesses in people, they want to find out if music plays a part in reducing stress. Fifty-six students were asked to participate in a test that is supposed to build up stress on a person. Before and after taking the test, one group of students were asked to pick from a wide range of classical pieces that they would listen to, while another group of students would sit in silence, and another would listen to heavy metal. It is probably obvious that the students who were listening to heavy metal maintained their level of stress and negative emotions. Heavy metal seemed to also heighten their arousal. Although silence helped better than listening to heavy metal, it still managed to keep negative thoughts and stress at a high level for students. Overall, classical music turned out to be the best way of reducing stress and getting rid of all the negative emotions. It also caused students’ arousal to go down before taking the test.

Once again, this article really adds to my research paper. Not only does it talk about how music can affect students, but it also fits into the music therapy category, which I am going to include in this research paper, since music therapy also talks about how music can affect a person, whether it be with illnesses or disorders.

Hays, Terrence, and Victor Minichiello. "The meaning of music in the lives of older people: a qualitative study." Psychology of Music. Accessed February 20, 2014. http://pom.sagepub.com/content/33/4/437.short.

I found this article by looking up why people love and appreciate music so much. I feel like it adds to my topic of research because it still talks about how music can influence behavior and affect people. By listening to music, it can make one appreciate the arts even more.

In this article, groups of older people are interviewed. Researchers want to see how music affects their lives as they age. A group of 52 Australian elders, who range

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from the ages of sixty and older are tested to see how music affects their “emotional, social, intellectual, and spirited well-being.” As a result of the interviews, researchers find that listening to music helps the elders find and comprehend their true identities. It also plays a huge role when interacting with others. When listening to music, they better their social well-being, and it is easier for them to “connect with others.” On another positive note, music can also maintain high spirits in older people. Sometimes elders can be stubborn just because they are getting older, but music can really help to keep a smile on their face and maintain happiness. As you can see, music plays a positive role on elders by improving their well being. While being interviewed, many elders said that music doesn’t make them feel lonely anymore, and it has helped them to improve their “self-esteem and independence.” Music doesn’t just affect one age range of people. It can influence any person, whether old or young, black or white, etc.

Allgood, Nicole. "Parents' Perceptions of Family-based Group Music Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders." Oxford Journals | Humanities & Medicine | Music Therapy Perspectives. Accessed February 20, 2014. http://mtp.oxfordjournals.org/content/23/2/92.short.

What is music therapy? Music therapy is one of many types of therapy that has shown to give positive results on illnesses and disorders. One disorder that can be treated with music therapy is Autism. Of course, it can’t get rid of the disorder completely, but there are ways of improving it. In this article, parents of autistic kids are looked at over a seven-week period to see just how music affects their children. Autism is a very common disorder than affect the person’s social skills. There can be mild cases of this disorder, but there can also be very serious cases where the person does not talk or connect with anyone. In this study, although the disorder cannot be cured, parents could see a noticeable difference in their child after experiencing music therapy. When interviewed, many parents said that their child did gain more social experience. Even though conversation would still be awkward with other kids their age, they were able to interact better than before they started the music therapy process. They were also able to “gain positive insight on their child.”

This article definitely adds to the topic I want to research. This talks about how music affects people, but ones with disorders. Once again, music can bring on a positive change even for people with serious disorders.

Maratos, Anna. "Music therapy for depression - The Cochrane Library - Maratos." Wiley Online Library. Last modified November 6, 2007. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD004517.pub2/abstract.

Music Therapy is not only used to treat disorders, but it can also used to cure illnesses, such as depression. Depression is an illness that can be caused by a tragic event in one’s life, and it can be difficult to cure. In this study, researchers compare the outcome of depression through standard care and music therapy. For this, they examined five groups of people going through depression. Out of the five groups, four who participated in music therapy came out with positive results. Their

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symptoms of depression were reduced compared to the standard therapy that the groups also participated in. For this experiment, the music therapy helped the depressed groups of people with their moods. It did not exactly cure the depression, but it still reduced the symptoms of the depression.

I think this article fits in with the topic of my research paper. It talks, once again, about how music affects people and what it can do for people. This time it talks about how music therapy may be a good way to reduce depression. It may take some time, but it would make a difference in the person.