Hidden hom e @ b Issue #18 June 2010 Church has changed - Check it out! “seek and you will find”

Home@b #18

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Magazine elim@bristol city church

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home@bIssue #18 June 2010 Church has changed - Check i t ou t !

“seek and you will find”

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We are a community of followers of Jesus Christ, committed to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a voice of hope. The name of our community comes from the Bible. Elim was a place of refreshing - an oasis in the desert (Exodus 15v27) . Its our conviction that broken and fragmented humanity can become a work of beauty under the artful hands of God. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey, and are convinced that when we are together we truly reflect the picture that God wants painted to the world. So Come and join us and discover how your life can display His beauty.

e@b elim@bristol city church


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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to centre stage, the wait is over! e@b knowle

has arrived! Sunday 25th April saw the launch of e@b’s first church plant in the heart of Knowle with Pete and Rebekah Millward and team helping e@b take the love of God to the people of Knowle in Filwood Community Centre. With a chance to celebrate, hear from God and of course eat some cake it was a great time. This wasn’t all; there was something for everyone, with both craft and football going on for the children. Whilst this was the first Sunday service (meeting @ 4.00pm each week), plenty had been happening around Knowle in the days and weeks before. Whether it was free Easter eggs, free chips or clearing people’s front gardens there had been plenty of surprises over the last few weeks. ‘e@b knowle’ firmly believes that we are here to make a difference and to share the love and life of Jesus to people who need Him. And this isn’t just making a difference in Knowle. Nick Broad from e@b said “I’d never before been comfortable knocking on someone’s front door and having a conversation with a total stranger about Jesus. But when I stepped out of my comfort zone and served them by weeding their garden, God really met with me and it was a great time.” After spending a couple of hours in the pouring rain giving out free Easter eggs, one

volunteer commented: “This is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in my life.” The journey isn’t over now, we have only just begun. God has great plans for the people of Knowle and He wants us to continue to show His love in practical and meaningful ways. Get involved and be part of this fantastic adventure – this is what you were made for!

‘All you need is love’

News & Events

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News & Events

If you have recently completed ‘Discover’ and looking for more - or are hungry for more and keen to grow in your walk with God, then DT1 will be just what you’re looking for. Commencing on Friday evenings at e@b, time

7.30pm and initially lasting until September, DT1 is discipleship training aimed at helping people grow in God.These are informal, interactive occasions to discuss and learn. For further information see David Jutsum.

Lifegroup - DT1Friday 4 June

Marriage Prep classes Marriage is a fantastic, fun, secure and romantic institution – especially when God is in the middle of it! In this series of four classes we will be looking at the Biblical foundations for great and enduring marriages and also discussing some of the practical ways of achieving them. So whether you are contemplating it, have a good marriage or struggling, these will provide you with the means to start right, or build some marriage-saving principles into your walk together. The classes will be held at 2.30pm on Sundays for four weeks, commencing Sunday 6th June. For details please speak to David Jutsum.

It is important to register your interest as soon as possible.

Sundays 6 - 27 June

2 become 1

He said… “Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature of the whole human race.” The emerging media department is looking for people who are skilled in journalism, copy editing, film editing, graphic design and web development. This could provide you with a great opportunity to be involved in developing the e@b magazine, website and preparing materials for Sundays See Pastor Steve for more information. [email protected]

What are you looking at?


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‘You Are Special’ is a play based on a book by Max Lucado. The book tells the story of the Wemmicks who are all wooden people. Every day the people of Wemmick give out stickers. Gold stars are given out by the Wemmicks for things like good looks, nice paint, height, and special talents. Grey dots are given for things like chipped paint, saying silly things

or being clumsy. The main character, Punchinello, has been given a lot of grey dots. But one day he meets a Wemmick with no dots or stars. She tells him about Eli, the woodcarver, her daily visits with Him keep the stickers off. Performed by the Freedom Theatre Company. Venue: e@b. There will be only one service this morning at a 11.00am.

News & Events

e@b is glad to welcome back Trevor Sampson. Trevor is one of South Africa’s top Gospel artists he has been in full time music ministry for 27 years after he

joined Youth for Christ’s international music team in 1980. He is an ordained minister, enjoys teaching and preaching and has a strong prophetic

ministry, operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. He loves to encourage people to move into a deeper personal relationship with God. Venue: e@b.

Sunday 18 July

South African Vibe

Play for TodaySunday 25 July

It’s time again for your buckets and spades, because we are taking a day trip to Paignton in Devon. This is going to be a great day of fun, fellowship, sand and sea. The cost per person is

£9.00 (a non-returnable deposit of £4.00 per person is required to book your place) F.f.i: contact Paula Thomas 07745 136973, Joy Southwood 07815 605852 or e@b reception

Saturday 17 July

Day Tripper

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“Doing it for the

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News & Events

We are starting a night for young people aged 10-15, held at e@b every friday night. This night will be a more social event, where we will be kicking off with something truly special... you won’t want to miss. Led by Youth Pastor Luke and a unique team, this is one for all 10-15’s to come to.

FridayNight Live

Friday 18 June

A conference of training for folks who work with children; hosted by David Ritchie who leads Elim’s national children’s work, Serious4Kids. He has led a dynamic children & youth ministry and now leads one of the largest children’s ministries in the UK. If you work with children, come along. Venue: e@b, 10am, registration at 9am. F.f.i. See Lucie Broad.

Saturday 26 June


Infuse is a fantastic ‘all age’ summer experience. A terrific ministry programme awaits with inspiring communicators, dynamic worship and relevant themes, complimented with an array of fun activities ranging from themed community cafes, skate park, concerts, quiz nights, sporting competitions and much more. Infuse will be held for the first time in Malvern. F.f.i. See Pastor Steve or Luke.

Infuse26 - 31 July

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My Story Sharon

July 30th 2009; 8.15am - On this day Jas, my daughter-in-law, was running late

and did not have time for Holy Communion, which was a daily activity for us. After I took the communion on my own, I immediately began to feel an immense pain in my head. I ran upstairs whilst calling the blood of Jesus and began calling out Jesus’ name loudly. The pain was so bad! I went into my bedroom and called out for my grand-daughter and her husband Rupi. Rupi knew straight away that there was something terribly wrong with me and went to call my son Bip and Jas and also the doctor. The doctor came and assumed I had picked up a tummy bug as I was continuously being violently sick. All day I was in such pain, my head hurt, my neck felt stiff, I was vomiting, unable to eat or drink, and I don’t really recall where I was, or what was happening to me. Friday afternoon Jas came home at lunch time and saw that there was no improvement and I was deteriorating even more, so she called the doctor again.

The doctor took one look at me and immediately called an ambulance to take me to hospital for tests where they carried out a CT scan which showed I had suffered a brain haemorrhage. Jas was at home and called my good friend Madge to tell her what had happened. Madge informed my pastor and asked the church to pray for me. Various other friends from other churches also prayed. My pastor came to visit me on the Saturday. I began to cry and his words were like rain over me. Pastor Dave Ross, from River of Life also visited me. He saw death over my face. Asking the Lord to do something, the Lord said “Cry, cry to me”, which he did. The operation on Monday was a success as they managed to stop the bleeding and cap it. At lunchtime on Thursday my condition started to deteriorate and my blood pressure was dangerously low, so I was moved into intensive care. Nobody thought I was going to survive. My daughter Joit was not aware that I was not aware I had been moved to intensive

care, but sensed on Friday that something was seriously wrong. She prayed and cried out to God that she had already lost her dad when she was 11 and no way was she going to lose her mother now. God directed her to Job and she read the whole book where she found confirmation that God will heal me. This is very significant as Job is my favourite book, which I turn to when I am in need of comfort. After church on Sunday, Joit came straight to the hospital to see me. She held my hand and said: “Mum, mum, I saw the answer. The Lord has spoken to me and through Job 42 you will get double portions of healing and blessings”. The Lord changed my condition and I was moved from intensive care to the ward the following day. After 25 days I was sent home. I can’t describe the Lord’s mercy and grace over my life and how many people prayed for me. One day I was reading my daily devotional book and the Lord spoke to me and reminded me what he promised Joit. Straight away I felt better and felt like my strength was coming

back. When I went for my check-up the surgeon, who operated on me, didn’t recognise me as I was like a completely different person who had fully recovered. I went to the ward to see the nurses who were so kind to me. One of the nurses was speechless when she realised I had been a patient there less than 2 months before. Even the other nurses didn’t recognise me. The nurses realised how much richness and glory the Lord shined over my face. I left the hospital happy and praising the Lord. Earlier this year I asked Pastor Simon to visit me at my house and I shared my testimony with him and now I am sharing it with you through this magazine. My prayer is that the Lord will bless this church with double portions through the ministry of pastor Simon, pastor Steve and their families. Believe that the Lord Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and His mighty miracles are still on this earth. Thank you very much in Jesus, name.

My Miracle

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Feature Simon Foster

Hidden“seek and you will find”

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One of my favourite childhood memories are of long days playing

hide and seek. I often spent hours crouched down in secret hiding places only to discover that those who were seeking me had quickly given up. Its been a while since those days of giddy childhood games but I have gotten to relive them (well partially!) through playing with my own children. Its amazing how excited and surprised Emily, now eleven, would get as she waited for dad to find her. She often squealed with anticipation when I got closer to her. It was easy to find her. She is too sophisticated now to play with Dad and has found a new playmate, Emma. Emma has come to live with us and we are delighted to have her. She is four and Emily has a new sister to play with. When they play hide and seek and its Emma’s turn to hide she just finds a place in the same room and puts her hands over her eyes to cover her face. She presumes that if she can’t see us then we can’t see her! It’s great fun to watch Emily and Emma play and I find myself reliving childhood memories frequently. I realized quite recently that my Christian life has often felt like a game of hide and seek. Sometimes I have struggled with the concept that God is hiding from me. (fullstop) It seemed a little unfair - after all, He has the whole universe to play with whilst I have only limited places to hide. Why would God desire

to play such a game. Life can be hard enough without a God who seems at any given point to appear to have found a new hiding place. I have often thought if He were more visible or tangible things would be easier. If He spoke to me in a more open, obvious way - maybe even audibly with visible signs - that would make our relationship easier. The question ‘Why?’ or ‘Where are You God?’ has been a frequent prayer over the years. I have discovered the answer in the answer in the Bible. It indicates that God receives more glory when He conceals, rather than making things obvious. It is more glorious for Him to hide, and have us seek. In the introduction to the parable of the seed and the sower we find that Jesus did not merely use parables as illustrations, but also at times to conceal truth so that only the hungry would understand (see Matt. 13:11,18-23). It is the mercy of God to withhold revelation from those who have no hunger for truth, because the chances are they won’t obey it when they hear it. Revelation always brings responsibility. By keeping revelation from those without hunger, God protects them from certain failure to carry the responsibility it would lay on them. Yet, He doesn’t conceal from us; He conceals for us! But there’s another part to this equation—“it’s the glory of kings to search out a matter”(Proverbs 25:2).

We are kings and priests to our God (see Rev. 1:6). Our royal identity never shines brighter than when we pursue hidden things with the confidence that we have legal access to such things. Mysteries are our inheritance. Our role in ruling and reigning with Christ comes to the forefront when we seek Him for answers to the dilemmas of the world. It is important to note, ruling from God’s perspective means “to be the servant of all.” Too many have embraced wrong theology and have used it as an excuse to pursue ruling over others in the way Jesus warned against. Our strong suit has been, and always will be, serving. Jesus answered them, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not be granted” (Matt. 13:11 NASB). We, as believers, have legal access to the realm of God’s mysteries. The hidden things are placed in waiting for the believer to discover. They are ours by inheritance. So God is inviting us into pursuit to search Him out, to seek so He can be found. He is waiting to be discovered and like Emily, when we get nearer to Him He can’t contain His excitement. He makes it obvious where he is but we must come looking. He hasn’t hidden Himself to tease us - just to bring us unto deeper revelation and intimacy, and He hasn’t hidden things from us - He has just hidden them for us.

Feature Simon Foster

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“To you it

has been

granted to

know the


of the


of heaven”

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He couldn’t remember when the lights first went out. In

fact he wasn’t sure how it happened, all Scott could remember was the stories that the lights definitely used to shine brightly in the town of Shadow Ash. Now, as he walked home up the hill, Scott just wished he could see the colour of the leaves and feel the excitement of a new day dawning. The town of Shadow Ash had been in darkness for years. Everything was dark, the streets, the houses and even it seemed the faces of its tired residents. The darkness had descended, not in some horrendous event, but slowly, gradually over many years. Truthfully, it wasn’t the darkness that came - it was

the many lights that went out slowly, gradually over many years. As Scott had almost arrived home to his old grey house, in his old grey street, he saw something flash out of the corner of his eye. It startled both him and his horse as they turned to see this now unfamiliar sight. But whatever it was that caught his attention had now gone. Scott looked into the gloom across the town, but couldn’t see past the grey, twilight outlines he had seen for years. It had been a very long time since anything had caught his eye in this colourless, dark town and it troubled him. Whilst Scott couldn’t claim to have seen anything he could describe, he was sure there was something there. Perhaps a mist …

… a cloud …

… a shimmer …

… a glint …

… a light!!

Yes, it was a light, a small tiny light, shimmering in the distance. But it was definitely a light. Scott burst into the house to tell Ruth his wife, only to find her standing there with their two children, Naume and Victor, with their coats on ready to leave. “You’ll never believe what I’ve seen.” Said Scott, still slightly perturbed by their demeanour. Before he could go on, Ruth said: “Yes we will Scott. We’ve seen it too. “But, what does it mean?” asked Scott “I don’t know but, we’ve got something we need to tell you. Earlier this week, Charissa stopped me and told me to watch, because something was coming.” Ruth composed herself before continuing “I didn’t

Town of Shadow Ash

Write to Be Heard

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Town of Shadow Ash

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understand what she meant, so I kept it to myself, until today. Until Victor told me he’d seen light in the town earlier.” “But son, you’ve never seen a light, how can you be sure?” “Dad, it must be a light, it was exactly how the old men described it. I was almost home when I turned and looked down into the valley. There it was, it must be Old Mac’s place, it stood out, like this shaft of colour in the middle of grey.” Said Victor. “Scott, we want to go and see if it’s true. We need to go and see if it’s true.” Without another word, Scott led his family back down the hill towards Old Mac’s place. As soon as they turned the last corner

they were blinded by something purer than they had ever seen before. It was a while before their jaws had lifted off the floor; this was more than they could ever dream of. All over the house were flashes of light penetrating the sky. It was as if there were beautiful rainbows dancing to the tune of a silent harmony, with each note a new light being born right before their eyes. Eventually they went inside, welcomed and embraced by Mac. Not much was said but every moment was a strange mix of contentment and excitement. Scott knew he had to go home at some point but to return to the same old grey house in the same old grey street filled him with dread. As Scott looked at Ruth he felt a warm tear drip onto his hand, all of his family were sobbing looking at each other thinking the same thing. How can people live their grey mundane lives when this beautiful colour is possible? How can they survive the daily gloom with the absence of the illumination of this glorious light? Each question, leading to a painful understanding that without experiencing this light, then how will people even know of its beauty.

Mac stood and started to speak. It was then that Scott looked and saw that there were 30-40 people crammed into what was Mac’s living space. “I too, used to meander through life moving from one twilight hour, to the next. Until someone showed me what life could be like. I had never seen light before; whether daylight or candlelight, but I knew that it was what I needed to help make sense of my life. I’ve not always shown it, but here it is. This is life folks, pure, simple life. Like you knew it should be. “Now, you can’t stay here, as fantastic as it is. You need to go and light up your own homes and streets. Take these and you’ll be fine.” Mac started to hand out little globes bathed in light. They were stunning. It was as if the whole house, more than that, the whole essence had been placed inside and was bursting to get out. Everyone was handed one and Scott’s family all compared theirs. Each globe seemed to be the same and they were definitely the same size and shape. But when you look deeper inside, you could see the light reacting differently to its new owner and seeming to shine brighter in some.

Mac explained: “The light is 100% pure; there is no lessening or diluting of its magnitude. However it will find your own heartbeat and dance in time with you. The more you allow it to lead you, you will find yourself on a journey of discovery that will grow and grow and take you places you’ve always wanted to go. Further than you can ever even ask or imagine.” Scott and Ruth got up to lead their family out of the house, and they couldn’t help noticing that some globes had been left on the seats. Holding even tighter to theirs they began the journey home. Excitedly talking about who they would show their lights to. As they came to their home they saw for the first time, the colours of the leaves and felt the warmth of each other’s lights. They stood on the hill and looked down the valley to the old town. Old Mac’s place was now unmissable, shining like a beacon. But while they watched, more homes lit up like little explosions in the night sky. Some were bright, others less so, but after a life full of grey gloom, all were a welcome sight to the residents of Shadow Ash.

Town of Shadow Ash

Write to Be Heard

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Sundays Simon Foster e@b’s Senior Minister Time: 9.00 & 11.00am.During services Crèche and Champions (children’s church) are available. Time: 9.00am & 11.00am

Tuesdays Elim TotsIt’s a great place for coffee and chat for adults – plus play, reading, crafts and a singsong for toddlers and babies too! (Ages 0 - Reception. Term time only) Time: 10.00am – 11.30am

MoreSunday expanded, so that you can get More Worship, More Prayer, More CommunityTime: 7.45pm – 9.30pm e@b Youth ProjectsInspiring the next generation to live life, have fun, love God and impact their worlds with the revelation of Jesus Christ. F.f.i. see Pastor Steve ElleringtonTime: 7.45pm – 9.30pm

WednesdaysAwakeEarly Morning prayer at e@bTime: 7.00am to 8.00am

Coffee HouseThe Coffee House is a great way for e@b to touch its community, offering Toast, Toasted Sandwiches & Homemade Cakes, served with a warm welcome and it’s all FREE. F.f.i see: Jacquie BathTime: 10.30am - 12.20pm.

Soaking SessionA great time for being still and waiting on God.Time: 11.30am – 2.30pm

Prayer ClinicThis is open to anyone who wants prayer on a specific issue - just come along. Time: 11.30am - 2.30pm.

Creative Arts rehearsalSingers, Musicians, Dancers, Drama, Audio Visual & MediaTime: 7.30pm – 9.30pm

ThursdaysElim Tots(Term time only)Time: 10.00am – 11.30am

Young Adults Whether a student, single or married, if you are between the ages of 18 - 30 you will find this is right down your street. Time: 8.00pm F.f.i contact: [email protected]

e@b Asian Fellowship3rd Saturday of the MonthExpect the unusual! Expect great things from God! Expect healing and deliverance! Expect a move of God in your life! The e@b Asian Fellowship meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month. F.f.i. contact Fredy Tel: 01179232912 orMobile 07969499373

Other EventsBelow the Waterline Gordon MacDonald is an author, speaker, and teacher. A great day for leaders and for teams to gain insights into below the waterline for the relational issues that every church faces. F.f.i: [email protected]. Date: Thursday 10 June. Venue: e@b.

Sacred AssemblyThree days of prayer and fasting;

Sacred Assemblies take place the first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each month (days may vary because of Bank Holidays). We meet at the following times for corporate prayer: 7am - 8am, 12 noon - 1pm and 7 to 8pm. Wednesday; corporate worship and prayer - 7.30pm.

Dates for June are: Monday 7, Tuesday 8 (‘More’ is replaced with Sacred Assembly prayer), Wednesday 9 (Sacred Assembly corporate worship; 7.30pm)

Dates for July are: Monday 5, Tuesday 6 (‘More’ is replaced with Sacred Assembly prayer), Wednesday 7 (Sacred Assembly corporate worship; 7.30pm

2 become 1Marriage

preparation classes begin

Sunday 6 June - see page 4

for more details.

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DATES What’s happening this month?



e@b elim@bristol city church

3/15 Jamaica Street, Stokes Croft, Bristol BS2 8JP. T: 0117 923 2847 E: [email protected] W: www.elimbristol.org

JULY DEADLINE14th JUNEFor enquiries/submissionsPlease contact:[email protected].

Ken Planter:[email protected]