f HOME NEWS. / FBOa-REMT AERTVALS AT THB HOTEIA HBUHBWICK-Heetor Caate^ron. of £."K*2?£ RHOHAht-aenttcr Algemon B. Ptddoek, ol **.,£*'. KrTHAVEiXTJE-Admlral Davld D. Porter. U. 8 Navy. KS*^aataa Samnel P. Snlder. of Mlnnraota; Judge Ed- B_T3 Bllllnga. of New-Orleana: Benator J- Bloat Fta. SicJoBlA-Bevellon A. Brown. of Withlagtoa* WHAT IS GOThG ON TO-DAY. Caney Ialand Joekey Club reoea. Bheepahetd Bay. t:BO *" Board ot Aldarmen. Clty HaU. won K^-iai maetiiia- of Board of Educatlon. 4 p. a SB-BJloSadttaa^Academy of Medlclna, new bulld- kfR*ivfewmot 7th Beglment by Govemor HIU. Btete Camp. Jof. Tnaxu-a^ AasocltUon dlnner. ManOattan Beacb fc°C^trtlP'lalior Pederauon Conf.renea, No. 146 ElghtA- __MrtaaB IntUtute of Elecirlcal Engtneert. No. 17 Lea- ^ISef! College commetiocmatA Academy of Mualc, »BO/(l»7,»>»-_,. ind >,.., . Oentannlal aarade arganttatlonA No. IB Eaat BUieenih-at.. 8 p. m. ~Xaatha4B_ Commerdal Academy eommcncament, Stana- brd Theatre, 8 a. m. Ewierald Gua Club excuralon to Bty Cllff. Grunmar 4*chool No. 87 oornmetacement. Partpa hbu, Gr*i_ar Behool No. 84 oon_e>nea~ant. No. 710 Eaat BJlnlh-.t., 0:80 a. tn. Follce tnd Pllot Commlaotonera' meetlnaa. .. .^ Grammar Behool No. 87 eomn>ene«ment. remale depert- Btent. lo a. m. m 8U Francla Xevler CJollege Alumnl. college bulldlng. 8 *" Lectore by J. C. Stephenton before Antatl* AtaoclaUon, Ho. 102 Eaat Eiity-BfUitt., 8 P- m- ...__ r., . Mualc la Tompklna bquare by Eben'a Mlutory Btvoo. a KEW-YOKK CITY. . At the commencement exereltee ot the Fort Wayne CoUege ot Indlana, Chauncey ShalTer. of thla clty. raoetved the degree of Doctor of Lawt. Mr. bbaffer ta a graduate ot Wealeyaa Unlveralty. ot the elata oi 1838. A dhtpateh hat been recelved from Commander C-amlnahleid. of the scbool-ahlp tt Mary't. from Cadlt, dated June 24. aaylng that all were weU. Actlng Crand Maeter Juliua Uarbutger. of the In- Rependent Order Free Sont of IsraeL aceompanled Bf rWlUlam A. Gaua. Benjamln Blunienthal. BWBBHn Baker, Herman 8tlefel and I. H. Oolda.nlth. tnatltuted Pelaware Lodge In tbe clty of Pbtladelphla on bunday. Prlnclpal John O. McXary't achool. Xo. 83. in Eaat PiMr-hundred-and-tenth-Bt., near Thlid-ave.. bad ita aloalng exerctees yeaterday. Jacob A. Cantor aa Rretted tbe graduatos. aeveral caaet of dlphtherla bave appeared ln the branch Asylum for the Insane on Hart't Island. and at the requett of Dr. Maedonald. IYrstdent Potter o* the Department ol Charltle.. haa *m-* that aeveral pavtlione be aeat there to teolate theae caaet. There bave been no new caees for three daya, and the dlt- Oaae ta thought to be entlrely undetr control. The Brat offlclal recognltlon of the errtvel ot the Auttrlan frlgate Sald* here wat the ***** .*¦¦ ©ourtosles of the port by the Commandant ..1 ****** Yard. through Lloutenant Paul, yekterdav. .Although there 15 no arranged prograuime of ««*_WT^" 1. probable that after the exchaiiae of uftclal *talte between otBcers there wlll be a recepUon u. the foretiai trlBltprt. Beventb-ave. cars, wlth a eonductor for earh car. grere run yeaterday on the Bi-oadwv RaUmatVa tracke. under the new arrangeinent, to eouth rero- -Legttlmate and lllegitlmete Pulplt AttrBCtlont" .aaa the tubject ol a paper read bv the Rev. 1. E. .Drtorne before the Bapttst paatort yeaterday mornlng. Tbe meeting edjourned untll the tecoud Monday ln tjepteniber. On June 18 the tteamer Edam paated an keberg ln latitude 44.48 north at.d longttude 40 weat, The feerg waa 00 feet hlgb and M*> leet long. - Rlch men ahould teud thelr tcnt to 'rough lf out JTeat for a whlle.' tayt Manhall F. Wllder. " lt I. only after one of these painpered boya hat been de- prived of blt breahfast tn bed, or hla hot waier for bla mornlng bath, that ha begtct to iinderatand what luxury ta" The Ber. W. W. Knox. ot Bayunne. N. J.. read a *»p«,r on "Wisdom In Soul-Wlnnlng" belore the Be- toraied paators. at thelr weekly meeting yeBterday. ln eonaequenoe of the dlmlnutlon ot travel <m :»ie elevated raUroadt, whleh alwaya ocourt during hot weather, the tralnt on the feUth-ave. Une make two leas trlp4 daily than uauai Several tratna wlll bo taken oft thlt llne and tho Thlid-ave. road wlthln a aVw daya. The Bteam brake on a Thtrd Avenue Elevated Eatl niA train broke ahtiut 12:30 p. m. I}*»**** T^enty-teoond-tt., blocklng travel for about Bfteen BUnutes. Tbo Rov. J. C. Stephenson. asslstant rector of tho Church of tbe Eplphany. wlll dollver an lllustrated tocturo. "Aroond tbe World ln Elghty Mlnulea." thl. ovenlng. at tbe Uptown Asaembly Booms, East Flfty- 9fth-sl-. under tbe ausplces ol tbe Agaasls Aaaoclatlon, Pr4)_dont J. Edward Slmmons, of tbe Board of Ed- fjeotlon, yostorday called a speclal meetlng of tbe Board for tbls afternoon. The object of tbe meetlng to to taJxe some actlon to regard to the achool sltass ond tbo oxcessive awards which aro belng matto for them by tbo Commlssloners of Appralsal. Corporatlon Counsel Clark yeatorday refelved the mlpiation of Frank A. lrllh. hls M*_lanLwhich he aaked for on Saturday. The soiaiy. ts>,.>00. wiu probably be used to provlde for two aaslsunU ln Ur. Irish'a place. Tbe bulldlng of tbe Mothodtst Publlcatlon House and Mlaslon Kooms. an Immense elght-story atructare on the Boutbwest eorr.er of Flfth ave. and Twenty- jOrst-st, 1b rapldly approachlug compleUon. A greenhora from "tbe old sod." who only ouw 0_tl* Oarden a week ago. stands as good a fbJJ.o* of obtalnlng a posltlon ln some of the elty's Istwd l_atttutions as the average Amerlcan cltlwn and voter. The steamer Aguan aalled for Greytowo. Nle__aarua. yoateir-ay, earrylng tbe second constructlon party sent out by the Marltlme Canal Company of Nlcaraajtia. Tbe ftrst Imprwslon one ha* of Park Row slnce the removal of the telegraph poles U that tbe atreet seems lo took aboul 50 per cent wlder. Tbe foundatlon walls of the new Church of Our Iaady of tbe Bcapular, No. 999 Eaat Twenty-olghth-st.. have been completed. The church will coat 030.000. Tbe Rov. W. J. Daly. of M. Patrtclfs (Ta-edrsJ. Ha* g.D- to Europe on a three-months' leave of ab- 0*4X4). The Rev. HuRh O. Pentecost wUl speak ln rblla, OelphlA, and Saruuel Gompers ln Chk'-ago. at U.e ruurth oi July e4ght-hour labor demonstratlous ln thos* cltlea. Th* handaome new hall of the Irtsh-Amerlean Ko- publlc.in Clab. at Fourteenib st. aud Irvmg 1'iacc. which haa been rented for one year. ls attractlng many now Bio-nberi. There are now _40 names on tbe rolL Tho membera of tbe Irteh Home-Role Club are ar- rantdng for a dlnner tr. bo glven to John J. Rogcrs at tbo Unltod State* Hotel. Far Rockaway. which Mr. asogers to now managlng- Rlchard J. Torrenthal. a llneman, pleaded gullty .yostenlay before Judge Cowlng to strlnelng «.«.._« \ZSmi. without a permlt Judge Cowlng asked hlm: «Wbo amployed you to do tho work?" The VMtBTB Unlon Telegraph Company." the defendant said "Then I suppose," said Judge Cowlng. that tho company wlll pay the ftne." and ho Impoaed a _ae of 9100. Th* funeral of Georg* H. Puraer, the weU-known Jaaryer waa held yratorday aftomoon at hls home. ln »e«t l-»<ea__-*t. The Rev. Dr. WUson. of Bt. Oeonr's 'Oturch. a-Utod by the Rev. Dr. Clayton. of Ruther- Jtord, N. J.. tM)iiductod tho sorvlcoa. Tho burlal waa te Gnenwood. WILUam B. WlUlams. tb* elocatloolst. who stabbed __t wlto Bessle, nesvly kllllng her, on June 1, waa *0_t to th* t5ommlssloners of ( harttiet and CorreeUon from th* Harlem PoUee Court yesterday for examlna- .Jud as to hls sauity. Mrs. WlUlams made a complalnt 4_a*__*t hlm, whleh ho will have to answer lf bo bt 0j*__ to ba aan*. John Rolnhard, a dlaslpahsd Gormaa wtdower of BaHrrTP- ago, shot hlmself faully yesterday tn hls room at Ko. 101 _s*_.-*t. He bad been out of work sev- ogal daya. Itour ItaUaoa were burt, one of them fatallv. by ' iho eartBg-ta al aa ambankment whlle they were work- :*. tag aa tbe aew raotvtrack ai Vaa Xeaa. tn Weateheater baaatjr. yeaterday. Praneeaeo Dagarlo. of Eaat One- Mattitiil tnal flftfinnth it waa aeet ln aa ambvlaooe to v he aVOftom UoaptfaL where be died from hU tn]uilee. 'irao Waablngtoo Memortal Arch Fund now amount* $Jb»B*MOAll- A tttopateh waa roeelved yeaterday at the Marltime aaaounelng that the aehooaer Maud C, John, R. B. bad put Into Botton wlth ef Ume oa flre. atfainaijp Otttte, .which errived from Leltb yeaterday, reported that ln latitade 48.50. longltude 48.30. the bad paaaed aeven large robergt aod aeveral tmaUer one*. A body, auppoand to be that of Robert Brolley. a pretaman on ¦ The Mornlng Journal," who waa drowned by the eapalalng of tbe eatboat Oraele. ln HeU »«ete. at the aame Ome that Ben]amln Fotter,. nlgh» eaahler of the tame paper. waa drowned. waa fotind on the thore of North Brother Itland on Bunday nlght. Dr. Duncan, the fever patlent who lt eonfined at Swlnburne Itland, wat reported yeaterday to be eon- valeaccnt a . AFFAIRS IX BROOKLTX. THE SECRETARY AT THE XAVY TARD' Becretary Traey made a vltlt to tbe Navy_ Yaro yetterday. He arrlved thortly after 3 o'cteek. but aa bo had not Informed the offlcert of hlt _¦>¦¦ vltlt he waa not oflJclally reoeived bv them. end u* ealuto of gun. w_ not gtveu. Tbe Scxretary weat d.rectly to the ofllce of C0.»ojor. Ramaay Jaj-JJ mai.da.it of tbe yard. He ~£\£ lnU, * Ramaay about an hour. and then they weiu .. yard. Secretary Tracy pala ».**«»" *«^^ the Malno. which I. bu.ld.Bg. and WBBt«B«4_ar. obaerved the rlveter. at _¦*_.*J^JjJE ber of platea *U*&jF&£BTtfib Washlngton BB* al»t h ^entiy re- The a>aeR^warJlt«Mwewg_^ hJw ^ tunied from the FM opear e iu . _- |n. lylng off Quaiantlno awataikhm ^ N,vy spected on Saturday. and;res»f. J n commlsa|on g_S_r^%«r__?J. the doublc turretr-d monltor 1 urltan, aua mck- be trantlerreU to the AmphUrltc. A. B. CTIITTEXDEN'S WILL. The wlll of 8. R. Chlttenden, *ho dled on Aprll 14, waa wbb admltted to pn>b*tt> vosterrtar. M t**. date Marcu 16, In80, and the wltnevtes are IIBBIh Morgan.lr.. Horace B. Ball OBd Joto lK«*m. «J executor. are Slraeon Baldwln Chlttenden. Jr.. WOb- |M Allrn ButW. Cornellu. Itelano Wood. Orahan, Lu,k and Wllllam Chlttenden Luah. vhenih"l^°m^ of age. Itequeats are made to the Long Ialand Hlatorl- eal Boclery of UO.OOO; to the BtBeWfB U*J»T Oi.OOO; to the Eye and Ear BoafROl fo.000. and to tbe Chlldren't Ald Soclety 5.0O0. The eatate lt valued at 05.000.000, and the bulk of thla 14 to be held In two truata. one know aa WaaB. tanden Fund, for 8. B. .***.¦.-.Jr.. «« hla Earh trukt la to produco WMOO a year. ..». Sr-sss K&rs.:w»n y flkTSs toft ton. # GATHERED ADOIT TIIE TOWN. The Board of Estlmate held Its flreti meeting to art upon the bndget yestorday. and Informally BfBOOOaR the Itema which cannot be cut down. and afiaie of the other leea Important onea bome euttlng down wa* dtme In 'he Iloard of EdueaUon eatlmatek. Mayor Chapln. «ho refuaea to perform fRrOflMB*. rtagea hlm^elf. recently had hlt attcntion ealled ta the wav ln which rertaln Itallans reitard th<- marrta. aoaRaaai are marrird tlie ae« ond Ume wlthout divorcea aecordltig to law. and he aent lettei-s to all FWlre Justlce<N Juatlces of the I'eare and Ald.nnen yeater¬ day. calllng thelr attcntion to the matfrr. Pr. J. H. Bogert. who b charg.^1 with vlnlatlon of the health ordlnanres ln falimg to rep*irt the supjx.»ed faUow-lever ritar »>f Dr. Duncan. al Ra 17.1 Man corkst wat arralgneai In the Adam* street PoUea Cmirt yc«.t*».day. and admltted to *VH>0 bail to appcar on July ter a hearlng. Judr> Cullen. tn the Bupreme Court, yeaterrtay granted a motlon allowing a M-ttlement In tho ault* in behalf of Mra. Annle E. Jamtt. and b'r aoa.Ilerry E Keal. to nvover the Increaaed value of wrtain atnek ln the Royal Baklng l*wder C oinpany. trana frned by Mr. taeal. Mra. Jarretft flnt huaband, to Wllllam Zleglcr. hlt par'ner. Trtnlty BapKat simdav-aehool wlll make an r* euralon to iJiun-lton Patk t.rove tn mnno-v, leavlni; the Brldge P1er< at Fultonat. on the tteamer blrtua at 0 .ao a m._^__ TBAXSA TLASTIC TMATRLLEBS. The Cunard attamer Auranla arrlved y.atarday beklnd Ume, her tlowuea* beiuR rtu«ed by the fact thtt h. r ..« *b" Breimai could nol man hir furnacea proiwrly. Ammig h r paaaenBer* were W. W. AnavU, Mr. and Mra. hrdm-y Aahdown. Ira L. Buralcy, W. B de la* C****. 8. Auguate Chouteau. Dr. W. T. Utrlata, D. w. Coaarrove, W. W. Cox. Newton Darilng. Arehltaald Doufla*. l>r. Oeorgo E. FrancJa, Bamuel Frt.nch. r. Penn Gaakell. K. L. GoodaeU, II. V?. Oraalley. J. O. Hown D- R. U%1n«. J. W. Llpplncott, 8. P- Llpplneott, Colonel C. Payne. Clcrroont U de I'.yaur, XV. B. Shatluck. F 8- BUnaood. Profe-aor John _ Kareet, Mra. bweet, Mr and Mra OnieUua Vanderbllt. Mlaa Gertrode Vand.r- bllt Mt*t.r Alfred 6. Vtnderbllt, Wt*ur Itctrlnald C. Vtndc.-bllt. Mlaa OUdya M- Vanderbllt. C. » Vtnst-an, S. K. Walker, Fdward Walah. Jr etS»cret*ry of Oia Xavy W. C. Whltney. Xrr- Whltn.T. Mr. and Mr*. Charl*** Wleitand. ]r., Lleuienaut Irank IL Wltwall, and E. ll- Ua~ell. _^_ XHB POLTCE-f-N LliTED LI<?rOB TOO WELL, Pollceman George II. AValab, of the Elghteanth Preclnct, wss off duty on eiunday and he went up to lllgh llrtrlge u> have a good tltne. He drank u*> bsjscb llquor and ln. the aventng made a f.eble sttcmpt to "vjuare l.lmaeir bjr ar- reaUng John H. OKuni, r llquor-de_Ur In Ixpol Plare. on a eharge of vlolatii.g the K*cl*e law. He took hl* prlaoner to the Hlgh Bridge Pollre ritaulon and had hlm bvrked up, but Hergesnt Gannon notteel tbat Wal»h wa* drunk aod deUlned hlm st the atatlin unlll mldnlght. pollce Huryeon Demalnville had been acnt t«T to examlne \Val»h. but he waa away from home. At mld.-ght tho drunken pollre.nan had aoberwl up, and ha waa aent b*rk to hl* own »(*.l..n. Inrpector titeera was InveaUgatlng Uie ra»e ye.terday and said he would make rharg.» pgtlnat Walab. N»t long ago an anonymou* letter, BajrtBg lhat Walah wa* dnink In a atreet ear. waa recelved al 1'ollco ll.-alquartira. but no altcntlon waa __M to lt. A WOXAX'8 CJjOTIIISO O.V Y1BE I.V THK KTBPJTT. Mra. Ji_ph H. Tooker. of No. 133 Eaat Orie-hundrvd- and-alxteenth-at., and Mra. Il.nry .S-gg.rmann were ln ci.uveraatlon yeatrrday a/ternoon al Nlneu-enth-at. and Broadway, when to their aatonUhtnetit a man ran up U, Mr*. Tooker, aayiug *artt*dlj: " MaBaat*. you are ..n flre:" He aet to work, and af.er an cffort *urcoedod ln *ubdulr,g the flamea. Mra. Tooker** »klrt wa* com- pletely destroyed. The man, who refuaed to glve hl* name, and OIBctr Leddy. of tho b.venieenlh Proalncl, racorted tbe woman f. Ix.rd 4; Tavlor'a »tor.\ wh«-is- Mra. Tooker wa* cared for, and afterward w*» *-iit home In a coatB. lt wa* *ut,*e<jn»nily di»rovered tha. ihe flame whleh lgnlte.1 the dr.** rame from s lamp tomporarlly placed upon the alrtewalk by employea of the Bru»h FJectilc Llght Company eugaged in puttlng wlroe Into tha *ubway. A COOV VAT f.V THE IBrs'H CAUP. Tae thlrd rtay of the annual curamunjent of tha Mrfi- Amerlcan MlllUry Unlon 'n Brommrr'* Kni.,n Park. at One- hundred-and thlrtythlrd-t. anl th* SouUi-rn Boul.-vard. broke favorauly yeaiertay for the boy* In green. ln the aftert.oon a allver at_tu<; of LIberly wa* pr(*.'iit«1 to the unlon ln bebalf of tl.e Davld Barry A**oolatlon of llartosn. ex-benator T. C E. lorlaalBS making tho p>ra*eBtall*B apeecb, which waa rerelved wlth round* of chectlng- Pollc* CommUaloiK r 9*0, of Brooklyn, alao »noke, and among She other* preaonl were General Jamo* Mcl^er. of Brooklyn; Colonel Jan,e» Cavanagh. IJeutenantrColonel Jame* Moran, Capt-ln Th»ma* MarUasar, Mlchael (.iblln. Peter O'Toole, I_cuten»nt 1 'aui LaSBBI. and Caulaln D. C. McCarthy, all of Ue oitth 9a*_tas«S- . ? . JY'WI.VG IV TKB VEBEUCT OTTAWA. Th* captaln of the tus Argu* wa* a happy man when hls boat arrlved ln Bo*U>n yesterday. He had a raluable prlrc ln tow, the der.lltt lumber -la-1*ti achotmer Ouawa, for which ihe Argua had be«.n eruUIng In the Gulf fstream for some days. Petcr Wrlght A bon* ordeyed the Ar_u* out to flnd th* Ottawa. It ls eatlmaU-d that »b»> wi.l brlng ten Umea the amount that the e.pedllon co*l to fluJ her Tha ateam»hip I.ydlan Montu-cli reported ye»frday ibat on May 21 ahe paaaed the derellct erhooner Palaua ln UUtude 40:25 snd longilude 00 03. Her sur-sran.o Indlcaied that ah» had bean ln tolllalon. aa bar *_rboard bow waa smeabel. TMB VBVAL OOXPUCTIXG XEW8 PBOU BATTI. Letters from Port-aii-PiInc* were recelred yester¬ day at th* Haytlan toturulate here. sUUng that there waa no materlal change ln the condltlon of affalrs In tbat clty. Legltlroe wa* ln s.ipremo eontrol. and would probably reialn th* reina of govornment ln- deflnltely. Captaln Shaw, of tbo Brltlsh steamer Delta. which arrlved from Port-au-PaU yestetdar lells a sonie- what dlfferent story. Acrordlng to hlm. GeneiaJ Hyppollte. the doughty commander of tbe North. had been at Cape Haytl wlth hls siaJT a few days bet.re tbo Delt* left the port, and. after altonUIng to varlous matters, had ie)olned bla army ln tbe nelgb- borhood of Port au FrliK*. Captaln bhaw said furthcr tbat prlvatj letters rereked ln Cap* HavtJ from port-au-Prlnro gave a gloomy areount of the state of a/Ialrs ln that capltal. Tbe people. tbe letters stated. wero exeited aud uneertaln aa to wbat mlgtn bai.p-n. Wealthy olUren* and forelgnera ron- tlnuod to fcavo the clty. anxious to get away Irom a placa wblch rolgbt be coptured at any tlme. rroml- latut aod Influenilal men. who e_de*»vored to persuart" Logltlm* to take hls departure or surrender to hls rlvai, wara treated without oerornony. II* po»i- tivel/ r«*_a*d to do elrher. and wa* determlned to retnaln at hia post. He was growlug more and mom uripopular, however, and It was probablo tbat bo would soon b* d*saerted by hls last fii*nd, wh«n the mojutlou woukl b* at au *__ NEWS FROMTHE SUBURBS. SEWABXf PABTISAN roSTMAfflXK. a p__.TION aXNT TO WA0HINGTOK ABKINO FOR Ht_ P.EMOVAL. Boouollcan roaVlent. of Newark aro looklng for an _t7____ ln the postmastershlp of that clty, and ? nodlor. the present Democratic ^umbrnt. *«; navlts^lgned by well-known clUiem cbargiag arta of overtTaSsaiLhlp ln the management of the offlee _L among the documenta that have been sent to 7LSSL Prlnted c.rcu.ar* p.aeed ln unsea.rs. mSS wlth l-eent stamps affl*ed. nia.led ln the VewaXpostofflce by the HarrlM.n and Morton Club. .'ntended to glve. notlce of prlmary electlon*. and rall- in_ upon the members to reglster as requlred by law, Mr riedler. It ls aasertod. rotalned ln hls offlee untll th* tlme for the meotlng had passed, **?J»J+ turned them to the club's secpe-tary marke-1 Vsrltlni,, due 1 cent," al'-hough there was nothlng In wrltliig ex- cept the address. Even the Democratic I'oslniaster- General. to whom complaint was made ln Orinber last, declded that Mr. Kleller was ¦ wrong.* aad a^ sured the eomplalnants that " steps had been taken to prevent simllar errors ln future." Charge* of c.n- _____ ln the servlce letter-carrlets, who profcrred lo ?___T»n-0#S 'LXV^ttSR waT-ldr^ed, tWaSa. BgS the preseut ln- cunibenL A SON TRIES TO HTaW DP HIS MOTllEa Thotnaa Gavan. a dls*u,lute youn* man. whoso wsdowod mother llves In Huydam-st.. New-Brunswlclu H J entered tbo houso as hls mother wss preparlng surper lsst nlght and demande.l money. bhc re- fuied to glve lt to hlm, and he selred a harnmcr and Btxuck her a blow wlth It over the cye snd then others ln th* head and face. Tho old woman fril to th* floor unconsclous. tiavan then aelr.ed a *-**"«* _,,,._. ,,« /snntent* on de floor around nls SSn._5d.hJ6«r*us_ ,. m I."- "I' »«.""' oou.tlou Is crltlcai JEBSEY CITY. James Stansberry was convhted In the Court of General Seaslons yesterday of lnvoluntary manslaugh- tot for the kllllng of Patrtck Mrtiovern. Stanafc-rry. who was bartendor ln McGonnell's nim-shop at hti-uben and Warreu St*., on the mornlnK of Kebniary 10 took a ruaty revolver from behlnd the bar and poluted lt at McGovern ln fun. The weapon was ar.ldentaUy dlscharged and the bullet penetrated MeGoveni's tem- ple, kllllng hlm almost Instantly. The prUoner wa* remanded for sentence. The Property-Owners' Assoclatlon of the Fourth nistrlct ls maklng an urgent demand for tha erectlon of a new schoolhouse ln the dlstrlct. A blockado of tralns on Ihe NewJersey Central RaJlroad. between Commttnlpaw aml the ferry h.mse. waa causod yesterday by t.ew swltrhes falllng b> work proneHy- Hundreds of people walke<l over a mlle aml a-half to get to the ferrybo»f*. The statlon was full of tralns thst could not get ont and O.e maln trachs leadUig to It wore full of tralns ttnablo lo get ln. It la thought that lt wlll be aevrral day* before tho new swltches can be put ln propcr order. ? . NLWAllK. John H. ITensie, fhe Oerman who atteiipled to klll Vr*. bablne N-hurrer 1n her hou.se, No. 14 Aly.-ast., on May 15. and then cnt hl* own thmat. «» sea- U-neM ln the rourf* yeoterdsy to a term «,f 0V* years ln Statl I'rlM.n. Tbe w.mian had deserted IlrtiKl-. aml the crlme was ptonipted by ln«ane le.il.u~y. Wllllam IteiiMin. a well ktinwn defective, emplowi by the New Jcr*ey Ilottleis' A*aMlBt_9B, dled aud- dotily from Hrltflif* diiwaae at hls home. No. 7_ l'n.s pert-st.. on hunday n.ghf. B0B B-tJJ- tbrre. lf* lea.r. two Mitis atul a daiighl'-r. Aaron P. Vt'*rd. el-lesl son of Atrrni Wanl. a well known Newark merrhar.t. dled laat nlght fr-tn tOfl mmplloo. He wa, forty years old aml le.i\.s« a wlfr and flve rhlldrei,. Bome boys dUcovered ft.e b,*1v of a woman loatlng ln tl,e Morrl* lanal «tf Klver-st. ou h-undav monilng Tbe body wa* talien ,,'it ai th* «at*r and IdeoUfled as tbat af Mr*. Emily MboIbk, spe aoventy. who o-d be.-n mUsIng from bor hoiue ln BprtogOoU ave.. for *evrrjl daja. _ VAHMOUS SKW-JEIISKT ToWNS. EI.IZAHETH.-A paeaRar dl-eaae am<ms hnraea, which broke out ln llilon County and other parta ..f Xe.Jeraey a ahr.rt tlme ago. la tpretmUng. The anlmala are aelt'-d wlth dl/tlneas. and (taaer, '.ftrn falllng to tbe nn.ur.d. Tbe dteeaae ls not Ktentteel trltb what la knoun aa " bl.nd klagk-era," tt;d la a puztle to Uie veterliiary aiirg'-.m-. . A large atvce. Illle.1 wlth nicti WBO w.-re retumlng fnun a pteole aml liatnbaTl Btoteh, waa otertatraod by carcie-.. drlvtng, on r-unday, near Unseile. *i,d all of iba paaaengen erert more. or les, liijured. Of the flft.er ,.r.i,.*i.U tei, tcaauj.I aurgteal altrndanre. ...» ha.lea II .l.len.k. age tbreaj yrara, wh*.s*< poreotfl llve at Xo. 34 I burcb- kt., waa playlng aruuud a boalto yeaterday whea he leil into the flamev Tlie rhlld wta rrsrued aml la lu a rrtu< al condltlon. RORTH ORAXtiE.-The Rorth OranfB laptiat Chi.rrl waa cmwded al the funeral ..I Oaitfaer II. Colbf rraU r- day tnd many weU-toowa koalaeti man froei Sew- Vork were preaent. Tbo aervh-e* Wrte OuBdwV d by tbe paator of U.e. churrh. tbe Bew. J. T. lU.kln on, aeaiatd by the Rev. Dr. Mearaa, of Hewtoa Ceotre, Maaa., who bapllied and tnarrld Mr. O.lt.y. The pallbearert were hatnnel CUlgatO, Heune Mtrtln. K. I. UnKket. (ieorge |f. R'tllh, J">>n <.. R'ateoa. Dr. Wllllam Piereoo, hamuel Mnan and John T. IIHL Tae burlal wi. ln U.e famlly b-t ln Boaedate CeoMtetT. OllTI'BNBt'BO.- Coaaplalal haa t*-en aaaata t.. ihe town aiithc.riilea aeainat Ibe anirkmen wbo are bla tlng rocki for the new raetag-trark. (»ne blaal hurled a*>nn-> rock* a dhlatwe "' ahoal BOO fe. and U.ey rrakh'-d tlimugb Ibe r-x.f <>f a nelghborlag h'.u-.^-. Another bla-t ient mme more atones Into a garden arbere a wonian WB8 WBaklOg aud v.me of Uiein f.ll at her alde. . ? . LONG LSLAND. , F<)RT HAMIfaTMR..The body nf a man ahont tta f*»«>t ln belKlit «hi found In th*< bay yeaterday morulug. on oue ai ni were tbe wonu " beamana lU-ima .r»." WEST011ESTER CX>( NTv. MAMARORECK. Fln* »,r.,i.e nul nn Sundty afte nnon In tha authlat <.( 4, W I'arker, al.t <*.> mlle* from Maman aack l u*> i.ui'.l i g- »rr. bun.ed in tha ground before tt.*- fln- aaa e»llBgulahe«l, l Ive tiurh i.> the valu« >>f 4>»ai wa<> burned; Iblil) Bve hnrMaa werw kave>l. Tbe vulunteer flr-. denartmenl of Mamart.nah reapmided 10 ttt*- call fnr licln aod dM gouil ai-mre. Ixisk, BJBjOOU; partly loaured. POKT CHEBTEB. Adol'ib Rouleau, a 1'ieneh b..v. ab.nit twetve year* «>Id, »u found drowned lu Byram Biver, *.tf Lyoa'a liiint, on Burula) trvenlng. Corunnr Matbewa will hnld un InoueaL W1UTF PLA1M*..Heuia-n lawle, William II. Avery tnd a*VaWafd Bawyer, three bo)a wbo were drt-iin'd in ruatody a* wltneaaea agalnst the- « a*>aii!\-. father aml ton, for aetilng tlie* Ui the tthollc IToiectory !..;¦; Inga, were dLrhaigel yeeteiday, BABTOB'.- Mrt, Anii IUre and Franli Itevlne w-r- airetted retterdav aml i.eid for rxamiMU'in un ibe rharge «.f J.ir-n O'Bbea, of New Bochelle. Tlie .land liia.' graa-a on tl"' old laoaveraear .Mi.rris eatalr. which Mra. Kte* livea, wa*. k..i*. i.u Prtday bi uialer uf th*> huperlntendetit ol llibllr Parkt. O'Bbea aa* the purehaki-r. aiul trtefl he aenl t.. ui the *ra-». yettrr day Mr«. H\<-" tnd Devlne rclatd hlm. declarlng tl.n »ra«a wae ib*-iia. Devlae i,anl a ravotver. and Mra, Illce aald alie would dlo bef.iro kbo WOUkt lot O'Bhea on the premlaea. XFW-noCHKI.I.K- Jamrt Shcehan. arm ef Ji.l n Hheehan, waa nne ef tlie 138 Naial cadr-ta nn hmwd tbe t'nlf'ed statr.a ahln UOBatellattOD Which wav, dlivefl aahore off Capo Hetiry kaat woek. ALONG THE SOL'im IIRIDGEPOBT. -The Falrfleld O.unly Ilar haa adopte-1 reaolntlona airthorl/lng Ha nmiinltteia |. r>- (iiieat tbe treaaurer of the countv lo turn over to U.e. IJbrary Aaaoclatlon the remalt'ltig #¦'..«> "f the be- eiuett of the Uie Aaron Whlte for the puichHae of hla toriral and otner wat. for the nbrary. RIVBRBIDE.-The houae of Jol.n II. Oekerahau*en, a Xew York augar merrbant, wat bunit-d te ikc groiuul on btioday nlgbt. TBE XEW RVRRJol TBVST POBUJMO. Tho movement t'» comblne rl^ht of RM larueat rubber r*.ncerna ln tbe cuuntry Into a '-trnat," Wbteh haa been under conklderaUon for two yeara, haa made ateady ytoajraaa wlthln the latl few daya. 'Ihe c.iin- panlet ln qoaatiBB inrlude Ibe Ooodyear Metalllc Itnl. ber Shoe Company of Rattgettttk, Conn.. the M.-yer and the New-Jei-sey rubb.-r roaipantet of Xew Iimiiawlck. X. J., the Woonaoek't. I'ara. and |i..,t«.ii rubber roai panlea and L. Candi-e A (o., of Xew-llaveti. Tbe Meyer Ilubber Company 1> the only one w.th heavl- f|uartert ln New-York. tlie other. beln« rrprckented here by a«enta. II. B. Randall, aiciit fur tlie Roetofl Rubber Bhoe Company, at Ro. 70 Beedt st., aald yevtrr-. day that an Important meeting bad been hel.l ln BoatOO a few daya ago regarding the iruat, and alihnugh lm bad not beard a d<;taJ!e«l arrgiint of the pru.-ec<llrisa, he under»tood thtt the arranceni'-nta were neailns a conkummatlon. Ile aakl tl.ai t.ern «.-n- * numtier of detailt yet to be itrtlghteuetl eot, and that aimthrr meeting would be held eoon. Througli.eit the rubber thoe trade aenerally ln New York, a* well at ln Boatoii, the trutt It looked upon favuraWy. £4**« ED, fafi *BP4B_BB**_a Jjf^J The hn.band wsnta s summer sult and the sdver-se- ment before them atrlkca the keynote. and they dcclde to gn to KINti'S. We have, togiraing to-<lny, placed on sale our entire Btock of summer- weight Clothlng at figiirei that aro below ooflt in every instancc. We Avant big crmvds and Mg sales to prevent carryiiiff over Summer goods. This is thc chance for all to secure dothing v«'t scasonalile. You go thtongh mirstocksandsclcct your choice, antl in no CfafM will tho price touch thc real vnluc. Handsome, stylish pinnents in Cassimeres, Ch©- viots and Worstcds, sellintf for $'».t)H, $9.0.s, $14.98 and $10.08; worth twico thc money. . JOack, bltte and gray Scrgo Suits at .8.98. (Joinrr to tho country? Tonnis Illazers, $.1.50. Blue Flannel Suits, $H.O0 and $ 10.00. Whito Flannel Suits at 19.98. Silk Mohair Coat and Vest, Foi a "flver" >vo sell 2,000 Boys' Suits at $2.5*0 and l.'i.OO. Good oncs at $4.50. CTEN UNTIL . O'CrXJCK. A. H. Eng & Co., T11F. LKADINO AMEMCAN CT.OTIIIKIA3. 627 AND 629 BROADWAY, Nrnr Bleerker-at. HONORS FOR FINE MARC11ISG. rnE scHooLmnY.-" who took r.\irr W the CEXTEXXIAL PARADE Itr.AVAKIiKI). c.i.NF.it.Aia nrrminr.LD puksents a c.o_m __.___ TO TH« OOIr0, AM) A DIPLOXA TO l'.A< II llOV-NAMI'.S OK TIIK C'AITUNM. A ctipnny of elKhty thr»e boy* marrhM Into thi m-eii;.. r.,.,m <>f Ut* lioari of BduiBtloo re-.t>rd_j afternoon. Th*. awra tha eajiiains ,.f :!,- srhiiolboy rompanlM that took part la t»>' CeBtraalal para-io. an.l tl.ey rarrlr.l the. bannoi-s tui'lT Whleh iJsoa* com- paul.'s -Bd l.ianlied. (..'iieral Danlrl ll.it.ertl-M had calle.1 a ronferrne* of tho I'arade fommlttee tn rre,/nt the a,h,«,ls wlth a gold tnedaJ. Ih* flrst prtu whicli the rtt.nlttM a«airl,s f.,r tl.< I,e-t i.*tvh!i,_ on that lieneral liuttrrflcl I and Prealrlent Blmmoat ol th" liuarl ol Edueatlon were alreatly pm ent when th- boyi rame m. Tbe oiher nembera of the eommlttee arre .i.it.it J. Toeaer, Ita rhalrtnaa; steph.-n M. Wrlght torretary; ' bari-a s. Smlth, prealdent o< the Chambei *,f Commerre; Itobert Itutler, Charlea llaiiarlt and J. Trumbull smitli. Among otheta pmsont *.-» Behool rommlaakmert tleary L. 8P«»4lwe, Cbartet I- tlolt. newiti J. Bellgnaa. Raadolph i.ugg>M.h<'lmer. Dr. J. l. \. Ilnat, Robert M. i.allaway. Mite-. M. O'Brlen. an.l IredTi.-k Kubae; Nup*-r«titen.icnt Ja-ia-r. Pre*ldeni ll.ii.:. r. Ol Ukfl Ni.rrnal i uUega, Artl.nr M.'Mull.n. (icrk Ol tha board, Mii.*-!t!it*an.iriit* lioolwln. Joues Btvl Moffman and Ihe trhool prlortpeta wao 1<-1 ttw bat- j.i,n D Robtotna, Jarob T. Hoyte, R. II. pettigr-w, Lafayetta Olaof. w ut.ur !'. Iludaon, UavM F Gaddlt, KBJah A. Ilowlaotl an.l J.-H.p. Moaher. " in * -:,.nt eddreaa Geaeral Huttertteld rompUmentrd the I.... «.!, ihe manner n uhteh thry had marehett im, be tald. had e_ie.i f.rth Uie admlraUoa "f toen. womea and etalldroa, tu»l had beeo Btore ap* bn ol than aoy oth r teaiure .-f tha i eradi. ln a.uiri..u ,. ibe g«M ii.ealal. «.et..ral r...tt.-rl!-ld added, u.e eommlttee had drr.d.*| '- pre*-nl to every U.y who ba.1 been lu U.e linn a dlplnma heertog the name ,,f t'.e b*iy aud that ol iho eaptala »t hat rompany. l'r.s!d,..t Blmmuna replled to Uooeral BuiterfleU. -teoet-ttng the mertal on Ihe part ol th.- teboote. He al,,. ctinipllroeoted tbe marehlng aod hearlng «.f tbe L..ya llugh I'. o'Neii, ooe «t the ---I.l prlnelpaU ab marrbod »!.!. Ibe boy., ibanbed i.encral Uuttor- nrbt and tha eomBtHtee, ter Ihe boy*. ii,.. goid Btnlal w Ibe tbe ..f a doubln eagle »,ui beari on Ht faea the pmflle ol » aahlniruin, tbirteeii atart and the Inarrlption .>'. Y. lentennlal ,,f WaVdUllgtfia'a Ina n;tir»!i»ii »a ll.-t Piealdent, 17-ti i-i».- 'ti.- r-veiwi bcaara the itw-rtpttan: -Awarded t.v the Indtutrlal. fuounerclal Bad Kdu- eaUirfial Iharltea nf New Viark By. Maj I. I"--U. to ihe I'uilic Fchoob, aar linn beartng ln u.e civlf I'a «1ib Uie elata- arm*. Ibe .Uphmia B lubntfiaiihril ,, haa an w-.-.::.i...n ol the medal. and bear. word* ,,i rommondaiK.il .n-m Uenrral UuUertlrkl upon u,e marehliig <>( Ihe Iwyt. ibe iiicialuiu remalnlntbe arrhlvea of the Board ,,f Eduratlon. Afler eaeh cairtaln had been preaented with dlplomaa fnr hiu.--lf aml hh commaud, ihe boya ?wig ~ Anvrlre." Ibero were 4.13l»of tl,- i">- ln Ihe on, an .f wbotn wlll revelve diploma*. Ti. - usmet ul Ibe rapial ia of the rotnpajitea are aa followa in-.t llaitallon .oehiail Ra I. .1")"' B. HeivUhto; X... i», iharlet JacoU; So. 3, John K. Iteld, Jr.. Wtil.atn ll Koae; So. B. Itobart Wllllanikon; Xo, u. otio killpfel; No- -'¦'. r'',''r '.»"". N" "' "u'y llu-er; No, J. Moa-a l.. BUT; N.>. ld. Wllllam Koelach. m-,,!i,.| iiaitali'.n. srliiwl No. 7... llerman'Frooieii . ,., .,.,:,, |:ayer; Xa 7. Ha.ej Vamlnaky; Xo. '.... ln.lr.,1. Maug-r, l.ourga P. Keyw; So. 4, WUIlam l.ai.Mnaji, llk;n.nymut Brnravk-h; So. 34. Eugene j Ward, Uenjamla E. Mammel; So, 21. Uula Vau»e. .ii.iPl Batiallon behool So. 'JO, Alfred .. Purdy. Charlea V. ITueller: Na l», bamuol J- Lonif. fherle* Braon; So. IB., Otte Brhaefer; No. 7'... eainu-l 1' ivttcr-ai.il, Alexandor Lachuer; Xo. lu, Ulchard Bcll. li-aii.l. L. Bbea. Futirth llaitallon. Behool So, 14, l^Uin Johnaon, tiacar Kobliiaon; So, 40, iTarrj R. "abay. Mortlmer j Dongltua; So. '-',1. WtBlam Uonroy, Wllllam .'.. i,,,\,i-; No. ;;j. lieorga Ulcka, J.'im B. Becker; S«.. ll, t'raak T. Briiu-k; No. 65, 11. MeAdam. li.tii i.atiaJi>.ii hch4iol Ko. la. Iilrd Mitb-r. WataOfl Vredetiberg; No, '.'. r'red Bchrelber; So. 7t). Alfred W Mattt.rua, iseorge WairtiT. Ro. 74, Blrbard Prk-e. will'laui < ahn; Su. 77, Mepheu W. Kian, l.t-uri.'.- Mi hlim. No. ta. Bdwtn liu>i. sltth liaitall.n. Behool So. 60, OeOffB c. Me Klbbln. Wllllaui J. Eaklna, Eliner D. Love; No. :>». \rr..l*< Iienn.-it. Jami-a CoX, 1'i-e.li-rlck W'endel; No. il7 llarrv llHinllt.ni. t harl.-a Sprlug ; Xo. il. < harlr-i i W'endel, Edward B. K.-attnk'; Ro. 9, Arthur i. n >\er. Beventh liaiiall.iu-*M-b..«l X>>. &4. John F.vereti; Ni. 'iu < b-veland 1. Klrkham, John Zetter, Ce.)r|rr, I). i'l-rrv X... 1>7, Ulb't Whlting. MorMtner ll. lln-audoln ; Sn a*i charlea Deeker. fhaiiea R. Caha, Joteph 11. .Mnlciii; Ro. 4:1. John iiij/iint higiith RattaltoB Behool Xo. ni, The..d..m E. Tomllnann, Waller M. l'.'giam, F.ugene II. bmltb So. 4ii lieorgn Wlllla, Eraworth M. Taylnr; So. 01, Kali.h flau-raUi; Xo. «!!, Wllllam Farrcll. ]r. No. BO, Joaeph lluntly; Ro, lt», w. v.irphy; Ro. 3j, Wllllam p, Rlteboll, Wllllam II. Duhe. MARINE INTELLIGENC& MIMATCRF. AI..A1ANAC, tO-PAT. "ud n*e*. 4 ?fl 8»l*. 7 31 Maaa nn. 3 30 Moan'aata 27 ni,nt araraa .4..V.sanrtr H*a_ 1541 Oa*. Ial.n*. rt *.ft 11*11 n*ta> H:0H J\Jf-haa<iy llooa 8 01 Ua». IVlaad. «.a lt.il u.i*. B.'.l IXCQMIxS . STEAKERS. T'rli.r i ¦!.¦ rr**a sn,: >,i/.in# ArUiina. .1.1, irnool.June %.rinina An, lii.ii*.«.la»g.»w .Junr, IS. An. i..r .i i,. .ji.r.-n .I4r*rp*ai.Jaus* u_ ..KaSMPaal llamui.inla.Uainuurg_June 15 Hanirj AiuaT WklisHtiAT. ftnri .IL state of r.anrgia.<>ln*gow.Jnne 14."tate Noornlau.l . An.werp ,...._f_aall Rni sut Aili.is . I'.irt Aiitnul,, .Jiin.'Uil.Atla* city of Atianta..Raaaaa.Juuo 22.NY A <:ub_ Tlll uslur. Jl.Sk 21 Krin .LaaAaa...June la.....Naunnal Uallia.I,i,..|,««.|.Junr ln. uuard OtwhUfl.Kotterdam.Juim ll.Nelh AJBflf \_1e_1ia._*g_jra.Juua'JO.9*0 OOTQOINO BTEAMERS. TtVDAK. Ve Wg|)!4BSDAT. JO14B20 rst-nf Naw-York Inman. Uterpool..lfclOpsB a p_ aas___gyi__lY-B^ _ .S Khyn_w_. Ka<l H.ar. Autwerp._. 3 Pf* » ._* aSJs.vv**'>.£__?__*..i SS * pS hagiuaw, Clyda. Turka Ialaud. _c. 1 »B ¦ »" THUKSDAV. JLI4B 27. State of Pannaylranta, SUta. GlAjaww 4 «« Aagftata VlcWia. U i b Amar. Hamburg. 1-8* a m * B m E__, N*_ _mer. AJnaterdam. J.swbbb i.suam STlIPPiXG NKWX. POBT OF *E*.YOKK¦- ..*J>XDAT' ,C" **. 1M* J_W_«tt *.s Co. Arriresl at *0* J!ar_alJ__a9_>a». fl Dunile_ 9,*S««0_?t^i^ iK_ir^?s5_S^^ wtta at tl.e iw. at l_M ¦*___,, .,._.. Amsterdam Jnn* H. wlth ___S_T__0l_4B__^ AmTealattb. '"..V-nVrCuutratUerV June la. wlth oofT.o an,l BB*BBBg*r»_»BBBW . "_T« run.h. E.lye*<fO_ *"S____^a_ nwa.PJuna 16. wlth Hteararr Clty <>f Fsra. ______f_J* .__¦___¦ __{.£*_ at th* U*r m,l«e aud pa»*_ger* lo 1'aciUo >!-.. as Co. ArriTeu ¦ :JB^t^s^£Tst&iiaR Dull.tt'o. Air;ve.lalt!.el;«r.s. ...SOani sjii-amerKI Monle. llawtboni. >«w.uriean» o u_j-. ¦4__-k4 T-S_-_girf.WDBB.^ WluungtoB. NC wttb mdao ^____S«5C^^ v- -ltnm,,- *nd ^TaiurrlCfe rh.__e.phl_, wlth mdse ^'^Vr'llainp'ton (Br». F»ge. Pblladalplua. laballaatto ".?Ky-Wrb* 5-S? row,y 48 daya, wlth chiaa e.ay torkrAn^rn^^^^.N.^01111 Hrown * K«.ne. veaael to hnow Burgeaa. SINSET-Atsanrly Hook. win* ligat, 8; dear. AS ciiy lalanu, wiud ligbt. bSW; paxtly clou.ly. Anivesl ye»lerUar- ,, __.. _______ nrlrailtrl Rhaw. Port de Palx JttBS 18, wlth log w" "io H.r_ol Kaine'r i Co.'s.aael u> 9 C __9Bf- Arrlvtsl.. ^'^rfN^rn^Catherlue, harannah 3 daya. wlth tndsa aud u-a-enger* to lt L Walker. iLEARED ..,..,, i __r_i mr) Tren-man. I^inrtoB.Busk 4 JaTons H_-rn" A__a_ (Br,. AOair. ur.> town. Bellse. _c -WU.lama V.~n,.'r H.roM ,Br>. l>wla. Bt A^'r^^^Tc'o* °° _____ siofna iNori. ijorunath. U_r_eoa.Monea* co. »___*_ 3____ Juhui.U tSori. -BBIIII-,B-_IB|-4t*3BBJi **1t__ai*wV_4* iDteh,, HoogerotT Bar»~r.-H ^m;}»__J _, _t*_ru.r Meudei .Suurt w-pau). Carmona, _av»na.* aa rLng7loi«(Br). f-nnlng. Colsstlna, Arg Bep-Paul 9 Oer k_g*Iu_TBBB (Br). Oardner. Urorpool. .NB-H B Batlar BAII.F.P. Meavmer Mender. Vuner. f,.r H»T*na IBlp Jolin MeLapB*. tor Yokubaioa. .lllk. XUV'K-IEM'S nf BTEAMEB0 POREXGX POIlTa losnos jnneil Salled. Bt*_*B*f Egyptlan Monareh (Br), ,r"\%^'V'0iru,,e'J3-Arrtr*s1, .teamar War. ,(W,. Itu.aluafn.ui.New-Yoikonherw.yb. Bremen (aad procaed- "Vi!ie.t. .romarElb* (Qeri. Bandera, from Bremen benca %?_I.J»B*3a 8_led. ateamer Ilindoo (Br). Douglaaa. for NjuuMk Arrls-B*. .teamer santiago (Br). Pottarr. from Now. ^ir|/.ABn June VI Paaaed. ateamer ('allfornIA (Oeri. Paur. f,.,.n'.,,» Y.rs i. tier war t<> Haiouurg. MBrris.J le.'u __4Bat.C-bumt PoIjb«_ib fCHir). rraneh. '"Il.'iin. V.'.'J>ine34-Arnv._ .leamtr Wieland (Oar). Bar- ''1AsiV>'r.'.r>,'jnnr0'M-Arrla'ed. .teamer Da Bnyter (Pu:b,. Afa_*___?_T ?-_. Y.rV**~1. .teamer W.kefleld rBr. Sh.l. dra.... from hina an.l Janan p..rt» on ner way to New-York. M's-rn-ir.ro. Jun* 19- Kalled, *t*amer Hogarth (Br),-, foi N>» lork. ______________________ AB0.>ani*'n«n_- Anr. TOO Awark that * Cabt?: t»f. TP~~ ar J in true r.n b- aiirca.fully roplral to a llfe-alaed portralt 1 "nd ... tC kw.«d, IT Lataa LtqaBW, ht circuiar ooooaratog our new iinaraa._ COBBBLL'B BBJCaOIB CaBMBTIg $JQ*9_ tathalveat tkta aml cnnipletlon a*vin offered tothetred*.- r'mn. '....r:,'_ Il.arrua.lai. May. lnlB. ? Dr S.tvronD'H I.ivr.it Invioobator laevecetabl* Heuiedy f..r chmntc I.lver Cornpbtlata, Torpid Uvcr. Billouaaeaa s_ow0ea*. B.ieeha, Malaria - a> - l**-lr_t from a learUflf London oaner, Jnn« 1. KUrtCl ^.!.^aK,un tr-I\.u uken a great hold ln ao. n-iv iuLBBIiTB aml I'aria thlt aeaaon la th* RtMBBB CB«tMt ¦aa.*" . -a- M.»»y aehea and paina yieM pronipfly to Par- ^aVkc'^'a-'l-aau.Vl'll aave yaur balr. .. Miimmer \eefnr " is ti«>t B bad name. Yoo will ihmknT."v'rbtiA »fcf» re- u" Ku",p'. Bao1 BwU li. l allmnif 2»C an.l iOC. --a>- URRRT A. Daxieia. M. D. S1S> WBBT IgOraatT. ___ rtaeaaea ef th. Ncrr.ua Hyatriu. i»a*it*vCrlaary Orgaaa tmtSSSnaatJ Kttli.tr. Bteara »wn.*to4._ YAt IITSMEN'a* RF.EPF.K4. After .illimr an order lor tho V. S. Xavy we liave left about 75 1). 1$. Sack Coata <>.' heavy whlte cotton Duck, micIi aa Naval officew wear, It occura toiuttlial tlu-y aiv.just what Yachtanien would likc; *:> eaeh; ."><> centa fora sct nf n'jnilation bratM buttona (<>no aet'a oiiohifIi). Vesta and Trouaera ofaame gtroda if desired. TheaeCoata are all* at our .'Utl-atreet atore. We u*e thla Savy Duck altogether for militaiy trouaerB ; it gives auch excellent hervice; $1.30. Whlte l'liiiincl Stiits, White Flannel ur Sciirc Trouaera; plain and fancy Klaiinel Shirta, Vachting Jiuts, Ruaaet Sliocs, &c All theae and many more nice thinga f<»r Sumnier wear at moder- ato nricea tbr the dependablc sort only. Rogers, Peet & Co. TIinF.1t iPrlne*. BltoADWAY; Warrea, BTOBBS, JXJdaU RADWAYSREADYREUEF TIIK BtOfVT C EllTAIN AM> HAFE l'AIN KEMEDY tbat inkUnlly atopa tbe moat excruclallna paina. For bnralna Unii-ca. UatkuUi.-, l'ain ia th" Chcat or bldea, ll, il> he Tu.iihach", Khi'umaiiain, Nouralgia, Lumbaato. bclktlca <>r any "0>vr l'ain. a fova applhalion* atl lfk* inatic rattaiaa tho patn h.auuitiy at.,p. aii Inuraal Kni! Dl tifltllil t. COI.IC. NAI>KA, KAIVTlNt. BPKLLla, NKIOtil *»N'¦.¦»*». HLRRPLkRrtRRatN ara -. 1,-mM Inttaully, aml iitil klv .-.ji-a by laklnt' nn'ar-lly .') ui 00 drop* ln half ;i ininl.li'r »f waler. No ireveller aii.iull Man I urup.' and rapaclalll l'aria, Ixm Ini anl thi nrliirlpal ¦Illi- nn th". i'..nt ¦ntuil, wllh.iul taliiiw RADWAV'H KEAI1Y ItM.ll.F lleag. A few dropa ln »ai>-r Wlll pr-n.-ut aiikn.'aa nr palna from thaiik.. »f aitrr. It la U¦(,..>. tlian Frciir.h Brandy or Bitiura aa a alinmiant. It aUipa all acute p:itna ln fmm ONK TO TWF.NTY MINI'TF.8. and eatea IU4RRHOCA. ( IIOI.FK*. MOKBlrfl, CKAMI'aa, k,r.\a»llaa. imI .ill |,.i,i :n. ,ii».hari{.e» ln fruui Tl N TO I HIIITY Ml.M'TKS. liAUWAl'a KKADV RRtalRI la » eertala PREVERT1VR Oh' AND OURai HU! SKA BTCKREBS. ¦10 ceui* pi-r biitii,'. tsold br llruaiaUta. MATTINGS. OVBOWR BIKKCT IMPORTATIOtt. White, H*i t'heck, and faniy natternt, warehouae aara- pl.-a, not r,'^inarly nnuilier*-,!. AT .>¦'. PKIt ItUI.L ni 40 YAKDa. SHEPPARD KNAPP & CO., aiXTlI.AVR., 13TU AND 1 ITli BT*. ' SPECIAL BIBNTXOlf. Ivai iteaaaamat aaiMittaaj ia** aaaaa aajBBa_a erataaa.M-aale.4 lat itt* reatara af THI TRIB4. ¦a ia«ra>at«alr rrllabla. aaaat fcvtotaj«2C Aatvartt* . r». rer. 1.1*1. .>*._--»- -.¦ -...--- *.¦« hf tBMtJI wltB tbe aatvertlaar* witA RaaMR OLD GOLD, wiu get out thelr old goiaV or ttlver, old Jewelrr, aad aead lt by m*U or tz. preaa to oa, wUl a*a4 them by irturn man a car- tin, d cbeck for full valat thereof. JEWF.LLETtB' BAWDUtl for cleanatng tewalrr aai keepinc gem* aJwaya brlgbA Send 12c. for box. Hewara ef Worthleaa llllll.llinna, lbal wlll bo! YVaah. of IlK t IM.I'.ll 4 t K»>r IK.M.'S Rope. Fllo, Ontlinlng.TwIatad Knlttinu, Crorhi'tlnir, Ciuler wtatr, NaXufHIeaodCouculBg Silka. Be* that evnj akeln, hank, ball, or apnol bnara nur name. A'o ofAcr U gtnultu. THE BRAINF.Itn A Aii)i-ri(i)\i;co. I-eailln^ Mannfa* tnr. ra ln tha World of bttlirttla i»r l.lwh- claaa Veeetewarb BBd Decorav tlvo Knibmldnry. 4 li<l II*., I.,-. \ ¦.....'. arU Pure lVater l.'aamnieed For Clty. Mlil. Hotel or ll«aald»n,-» RATIO>'AI. VVATEB prillPYINIa I O. 14.1 Brvadaaay and SO I.lberfy-*t., New-1 ark. PlaT-HMSftCP. UNEXCELLEO. 10HNST0N 4 CO., 160 Bowary. New-York. MUSIC. Evorything in tha Muaic line. SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, INSTRUMENTS. Bend fnr Llat* aad Catalogaaa traa, O. DITKON _ C4X, Boataa. C. II. DITttOX «V fO, 867 tllu.VjWAV, Jf. X. »o.l Ritoina'Ari F xec u ir. «Ter<- atrte «r *.rw tlatlo FenmanaMa. Btaeta- t'aaaj, Memnrinla. ete^ a*. BBIBBBOBk rieralaraa4*aaa. ia»»B. mailed aa reeaeat. AOOraa*, D. T. AMES & SON, Uriiiiiirrl.ii HFi Kroadway Seod 10 oenta for t oopr *t Uva Fcaoaa'a Art Joiraai. CO LUMBIA t'YCLEH FOR 'Ja». The Ftneat I.laa r.trr PraaaauttV Flntiy IUtutrated Catalogat Frea. POPE M'F'G CO., 12 Warren Ht.. X.T. IN«a|'KEM A*TAINST U»SB OR DAM A'iK. ABIKIXO PBOM Hlenm Hiiiler Kxplcalona. Tn PBOPEBTY AM. IIKK 1 v<0 llroa.lwnT. »w 1 ark K.iabllalied 1S11 J. LEACH, Stationer, Printer. aa NAH-iAC.sr., >. y. H.'a.1i|.iart.-ra lor Wrltln* Paper. Fntelnpea. an.l iero.int liooka, fatandarri Aincrl. nn and aapriiigBii.-U Illaric*. Alao >larc..a Wiird'a. VV. II \\ aril'* and < ra... r*a l.lneu Paperaand K..» . lope* Bpe.'lai K: l »r,irJ«i n.ade lu order at aaort aotiaa '.¦ R£PfECT STEAM ../.¦ CAKPtfCLEANSlHG UP KtM \tJl, Mt* V T &>' kffe *$V* fiHUUlttlUtrtytftU.f.- i catv ana re** .:...- '' .J&Sl' r»or\h.r\V4pX-" rl.f<"»**r-«*(£43* »}.. nat Hlack. -.1. Flalah, 'l^at wcarlng. Th* Ocanfaat HoeJerv Co., 'J'fi H'v>ay and \v. I4th-at., N. Y.; 40 la/41 44., IVi»t«>n 107 ><*'J> -'.,t hlr. 2J1 R*ce*U.Cln.| it Kuclld-ave.. ClevelaoA, AMATEURf Aak voar dealer lor Aadtauir'a Optra aat) Maria* Glateea. Inported by Spencer Optical lo., makert ot SrtcTAcua aaa Ert-d>aata. 15 ataroca uaaa. CORRECT STVLES 5UPERI_RFiNISH tq^p'ROAOWAV N.Y _T_ F AS |__ O AND ilXE BANK AND Ut'FICI FURNITURE, JOHN M. TI FTS, Ul Kll.Tt)>-ST. 60I.E AOBXT PultTUl DERBYROLLTOPS. J. H Johnston- Co.,' p__*SURE BOATS DIAAWMJs. r.AINTIM-J*, Itnre Brtc.a-Ilrac. 17 Csiosi bsil'AHB iWestl. Cur. Broadway 0 |_BSBBlh St. In our Art Department sre UM rar.st ,'_.ne»e l_f*»_B_* |* !>,. f,.uti.t :n the C.ly and raiailaajt Bf »!' tne gr*B»**l Ma.st.rs. Kagg.SBlBIlT* BS> ar.ir.'"« bfC-rat Vih-rt. Du . re, Tioiou Old _**0B«f others Tarriages. I..»r_> si t«arl,ii> ul. »:. .! M*j0t_ and l.ownl Fricasa SAFETIE8, Amerloan Rambler* VICTOR, Photographlc Outfltf KOOAK. Merwin, Uolbert & Ce, 26 Weit 23d Rl.. BaaasBj I g_ ________ CANOES. (*F.\I» K41K. s,..|MOE Il.l.l-.rU ATKO I'ATA. I'lHll I. J. II.RlisllTHM | ANTON.N. Y. JOII"* HOOKB. 99, 37 tV AVarreii-*: ii»., llarnea* 0 11 n \|4_i_* RECLINING CHA1R. -1,1.. I) .,Mi ,. »pFlea"»" l*re»*n» UlarkN < hair Co., VM BKOADW.W". n y. MDSTEVENS l^'v__T__fc:JMPEROW ___r_3_q P V"^__rS' /A.EREA13 nOliSEHOLOlNECESITV. Cri-YaStMINUTEIN PREFARAT10N iNI'D.STEVENS »rsUE stCU MAN'F-R EycHArsGE.NEWYORK CREAT OFFER ror Ubrsrte* and l'-roa.a of _**__. MII.I.ION HOuKSln 8TO.'K Ilare, rurtoii*. and CurrenL Llbrarlea Mi|.nlir I C_**BJ*_ tluuanv haak st-.ro iu tha WorlO. Mammalh Cnialogue Free LLGGAT BROS., 91 l hninbera.au -J dooi _**i«iCiiyUaUi'_r_. N. lf. Croucn & Fitzgeral- Reliable Trunks and Bags. 1 t < ortU.,.1-*.. »*»._._«*> AAIS Mramal**!'.*'*^ BASEBALLS, KKACH. fish- ING TACKLE, GUNS. He-*aerUa_, Pal r * t*_J**- 9*9 nitsin«*. **. SUNDAY TRIBUHE 20 P AGES. r ne.|ualle<1 for re*_y brt__B9 rariety an.t viva.ity of S4» tfiii*. wb.k'iU-_A'iiaiwaBiBBB mwk\ 5 Cents a Copy ClrculaUon greatly] and a better sdv ______ eveil

HOME NEWS. 7LSSL fafi GlAjaww - Chronicling America...Ewierald GuaClub excuralon to Bty Cllff. Grunmar 4*chool No. 87 oornmetacement. Partpa hbu, Gr*i_ar Behool No. 84 oon_e>nea~ant

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  • f HOME NEWS./ FBOa-REMT AERTVALS AT THB HOTEIAHBUHBWICK-Heetor Caate^ron. of£."K*2?£RHOHAht-aenttcr Algemon B. Ptddoek, ol **.,£*'.KrTHAVEiXTJE-Admlral Davld D. Porter. U. 8 Navy.KS*^aataa Samnel P. Snlder. of Mlnnraota; Judge Ed-B_T3 Bllllnga. of New-Orleana: Benator J- Bloat Fta.

    SicJoBlA-Bevellon A. Brown. of Withlagtoa*WHAT IS GOThG ON TO-DAY.

    Caney Ialand Joekey Club reoea. Bheepahetd Bay. t:BO

    *" Board ot Aldarmen. Clty HaU. wonK^-iai maetiiia- of Board of Educatlon. 4 p. aSB-BJloSadttaa^Academy of Medlclna, new bulld-kfR*ivfewmot 7th Beglment by Govemor HIU. Btete Camp.Jof. Tnaxu-a^ AasocltUon dlnner. ManOattan Beacbfc°C^trtlP'lalior Pederauon Conf.renea, No. 146 ElghtA-__MrtaaB IntUtute of Elecirlcal Engtneert. No.

    17 Lea-

    ^ISef! College commetiocmatA Academy of Mualc,»BO/(l»7,»>»-_,. ind >,.., . Oentannlalaarade arganttatlonA No. IB Eaat BUieenih-at.. 8 p. m.~Xaatha4B_ Commerdal Academy eommcncament, Stana-brd Theatre, 8 a. m.

    Ewierald Gua Club excuralon to Bty Cllff.Grunmar 4*chool No. 87 oornmetacement. Partpa hbu,

    Gr*i_ar Behool No. 84 oon_e>nea~ant. No. 710 EaatBJlnlh-.t., 0:80 a. tn.

    Follce tnd Pllot Commlaotonera' meetlnaa. .. .^Grammar Behool No. 87 eomn>ene«ment. remale depert-

    Btent. lo a. m. m8U Francla Xevler CJollege Alumnl. college bulldlng. 8

    *"Lectore by J. C. Stephenton before Antatl* AtaoclaUon,

    Ho. 102 Eaat Eiity-BfUitt., 8 P- m- ...__ r., .Mualc la Tompklna bquare by Eben'a Mlutory Btvoo. a

    KEW-YOKK CITY.. At the commencement exereltee ot the Fort WayneCoUege ot Indlana, Chauncey ShalTer. of thla clty.raoetved the degree of Doctor of Lawt. Mr. bbafferta a graduate ot Wealeyaa Unlveralty. ot the elata


    1838.A dhtpateh hat been recelved from Commander

    C-amlnahleid. of the scbool-ahlp tt Mary't. fromCadlt, dated June 24. aaylng that all were weU.

    Actlng Crand Maeter Juliua Uarbutger. of theIn-

    Rependent Order Free Sont of IsraeL aceompanled BfrWlUlam A. Gaua. Benjamln Blunienthal. BWBBHnBaker, Herman 8tlefel and I. H. Oolda.nlth. tnatltuted

    Pelaware Lodge In tbe clty of Pbtladelphla on bunday.

    Prlnclpal John O. McXary't achool. Xo. 83. inEaat

    PiMr-hundred-and-tenth-Bt., near Thlid-ave.. bad itaaloalng exerctees yeaterday. Jacob A. Cantor aaRretted tbe graduatos.

    aeveral caaet of dlphtherla bave appeared ln thebranch Asylum for the Insane on Hart't Island. and

    at the requett of Dr. Maedonald. IYrstdent Pottero*

    the Department ol Charltle.. haa *m-* that aeveralpavtlione be aeat there to teolate theae caaet.


    bave been no new caees for three daya, andthe dlt-

    Oaae ta thought to be entlrely undetr control.

    The Brat offlclal recognltlon of the errtvel ot the

    Auttrlan frlgate Sald* here wat the ***** .*¦¦©ourtosles of the port by the Commandant ..1 ******Yard. through Lloutenant Paul, yekterdav. .Althoughthere 15 no arranged prograuime of ««*_WT^"1. probable that after the exchaiiae of uftclal


    between otBcers there wlll be a recepUon u. the foretiai

    trlBltprt.Beventb-ave. cars, wlth a eonductor for earh


    grere run yeaterday on the Bi-oadwv RaUmatVa tracke.under the new arrangeinent, to eouth rero-

    -Legttlmate and lllegitlmete Pulplt AttrBCtlont".aaa the tubject ol a paper read bv the Rev. 1. E.

    .Drtorne before the Bapttst paatort yeaterday mornlng.Tbe meeting edjourned untll the tecoud Monday lntjepteniber.On June 18 the tteamer Edam paated an keberg ln

    latitude 44.48 north at.d longttude 40 weat, Thefeerg waa 00 feet hlgb and M*> leet long.

    - Rlch men ahould teud thelr tcnt to 'rough lf out

    JTeat for a whlle.' tayt Manhall F. Wllder." lt I.

    only after one of these painpered boya hat been de-prived of blt breahfast tn bed, or hla hot waier


    bla mornlng bath, that ha begtct to iinderatandwhat

    luxury ta"The Ber. W. W. Knox. ot Bayunne. N. J.. read a

    *»p«,r on "Wisdom In Soul-Wlnnlng" belore the Be-

    toraied paators. at thelr weekly meeting yeBterday.ln eonaequenoe of the dlmlnutlon ot travel ,.>00.


    probably be used to provlde for two aaslsunUln

    Ur. Irish'a place.Tbe bulldlng of tbe Mothodtst Publlcatlon House

    and Mlaslon Kooms. an Immense elght-story atructare

    on the Boutbwest eorr.er of Flfth ave. and Twenty-

    jOrst-st, 1b rapldly approachlug compleUon.A greenhora from "tbe old sod." who only ouw

    0_tl* Oarden a week ago. stands as good a fbJJ.o*of obtalnlng a posltlon ln some of the elty's Istwdl_atttutions as the average Amerlcan cltlwn and voter.

    The steamer Aguan aalled for Greytowo. Nle__aarua.

    yoateir-ay, earrylng tbe second constructlon partysent

    out by the Marltlme Canal Company of Nlcaraajtia.

    Tbe ftrst Imprwslon one ha* of Park Row slnce the

    removal of the telegraph poles U that tbe atreet seemslo took aboul 50 per cent wlder.

    Tbe foundatlon walls of the new Church of Our

    Iaady of tbe Bcapular, No. 999 Eaat Twenty-olghth-st..have been completed. The church will coat 030.000.

    Tbe Rov. W. J. Daly. of M. Patrtclfs (Ta-edrsJ.Ha* g.D- to Europe on a three-months' leave of


    0*4X4).The Rev. HuRh O. Pentecost wUl speak ln rblla,

    OelphlA, and Saruuel Gompers ln Chk'-ago. at U.eruurth

    oi July e4ght-hour labor demonstratlous ln thos* cltlea.

    Th* handaome new hall of the Irtsh-Amerlean Ko-

    publlc.in Clab. at Fourteenib st. aud Irvmg 1'iacc.which haa been rented for one year. ls attractlng manynow Bio-nberi. There are now _40 names on tbe


    Tho membera of tbe Irteh Home-Role Club are ar-

    rantdng for a dlnner tr. bo glven to John J. Rogcrsat

    tbo Unltod State* Hotel. Far Rockaway. whichMr.

    asogers to now managlng-Rlchard J. Torrenthal. a llneman, pleaded gullty

    .yostenlay before Judge Cowlng to strlnelng «.«.._«\ZSmi. without a permlt Judge Cowlng askedhlm: «Wbo amployed you to do tho work?" TheVMtBTB Unlon Telegraph Company." the defendantsaid "Then I suppose," said Judge Cowlng. thattho company wlll pay the ftne." and ho Impoaed a_ae of 9100.Th* funeral of Georg* H. Puraer, the weU-known

    Jaaryer waa held yratorday aftomoon at hls home. ln»e«t l-»aeR^warJlt«Mwewg_^ hJw ^tunied from the FM opear e iu . _- |n.lylng off Quaiantlno awataikhm ^ N,vyspected on Saturday. and;res»f.J


    g_S_r^%«r__?J.the doublc turretr-d monltor 1 urltan, aua mck-be trantlerreU to the AmphUrltc.

    A. B. CTIITTEXDEN'S WILL.The wlll of 8. R. Chlttenden, *ho dled on Aprll 14,

    waa wbb admltted to pn>b*tt> vosterrtar. M t**.date Marcu 16, In80, and the wltnevtes are IIBBIh

    Morgan.lr.. Horace B. Ball OBd Joto lK«*m. «Jexecutor. are Slraeon Baldwln Chlttenden. Jr.. WOb-

    |M Allrn ButW. Cornellu. Itelano Wood.Orahan,

    Lu,k and Wllllam Chlttenden Luah. vhenih"l^°m^of age. Itequeats are made to the Long Ialand Hlatorl-

    eal Boclery of UO.OOO; to the BtBeWfB U*J»TOi.OOO; to the Eye and Ear BoafROl fo.000. and totbe Chlldren't Ald Soclety 5.0O0.

    The eatate lt valued at 05.000.000, and the bulk ofthla 14 to be held In two truata. one know

    aa WaaB.

    tanden Fund, for 8. B. .***.¦.-.Jr.. «« hla

    Earh trukt la to produco WMOO a year. ..».

    Sr-sss K&rs.:w»nyflkTSstoft ton. #

    GATHERED ADOIT TIIE TOWN.The Board of Estlmate held Its flreti meeting to


    upon the bndget yestorday. and Informally BfBOOOaRthe Itema which cannot be cut down. and afiaie of


    other leea Important onea bome euttlng down wa*dtme In 'he Iloard of EdueaUon eatlmatek.

    Mayor Chapln. «ho refuaea to perform fRrOflMB*.rtagea hlm^elf. recently had hlt attcntion ealled ta


    wav ln which rertaln Itallans reitard th