Be There TeleCare™ David Culver With Visual / Audio Effect Cues

Home Exercise - Be There TeleCare (tm)

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  1. 1. David Culver With Visual / Audio Effect Cues
  2. 2. Blank on purpose 8/11/2012
  3. 3. Lets Do Our Home Exercises ! 8/11/2012
  4. 4. Lift each leg, hold 5 seconds 8/11/2012
  5. 5. March in place, lift knees high 8/11/2012
  6. 6. Lift Leg out to side, Return, Repeat With Other Leg 8/11/2012
  7. 7. Bring Leg Straight Out Behind. Repeat with other Leg 8/11/2012
  8. 8. Shallow Knee Bends 8/11/2012
  9. 9. End Demo 1 to 5 of 15 8/11/2012