HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH—AZLE, TEXAS Fourth Sunday of Lent— Laetare (“Rejoice”) Sunday MARCH 26, 2017 OFFERTORY March 19, 2017 Regular Collection ...... $4,366.00 Maintenance .................. $ 289.00 Black & Indian Mission .. $ 20.00 Altar Flowers ................... $25.00 Coffee & Donuts ............. $ 69.00 TOTAL…….. ........... $ 4,769.00 Pastor’s Corner………. Praying the Psalms The Psalms are an important part of the prayer of the Church. We have a long tradition of praying the psalms. St. Paul tells the first Christian community to speak among yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs(Eph. 5:19). Later the monks prayed the psalms in their monastery, at a different hour of the day, known as Liturgy of the hour’. Today, priests and religious are obliged to pray the psalms daily. Laity are strongly encouraged to pray the psalms. In our chapel ( St. Thomas the Apostle) after the weekday mass, the entire congregation prays the psalms. The book of Psalms contains 150 poems or songs meant to be prayed as part of a religious service. Most of the time the psalm was sung. There are different types of psalms for various occasions: Psalms of praise and thanksgiving offer the believer's praise and thanksgiving for what God has done for him or her. Psalms of lament are recited during the time of crisis, grief, or despair. Penitential Psalms are the psalms that asks for the forgiveness from God for the sin people have committed. Royal Psalms express the belief that God does His will and good works through the authority of earthly a king. We must remember that the Psalms were the first and fore- most songs. These songs express the full range of joy, sorrow, fear, frustration, and every other emotion of a person. With different emo- tions, these psalms train us in bringing ourselves to a close relation- ship with God. As an individual or community, let us pray the psalms. We can pray according to the circumstances: if you feel happy and joyful pray psalm of praise, when you are sad or in crisis pray psalm of la- ment, asking for forgiveness pray the penitential psalm. These will help everyone to realize the presence of God always in their lives. Fr. Sushil Tudu, TOR Rincón del Pastor….. Los Salmos son una parte importante de la oración de la Iglesia. Tenemos una larga tradición de rezar los Salmos. San Pablo dice a la primera comunidad Cristiana Hablen entre ustedes en Sal- mos, himnos y canciones espirituales(eph. 5:19) Mas tarde los monjes orarón los Salmos en el monasterio a una hora del día conocida como la Hora de la Liturgia”. Hoy, sacer- dotes y religiosos estan obligados a rezar los Salmos diario. Los seglares son animados a rezar los Salmos. En nuestra Capilla (Santo Tomas el Apóstol) después de la Misa entre semana, la congregacion entera reza los Salmos. El Libro de Salmos contiene 150 poemas o canciones que son rezadas como parte de un servicio religioso. La mayor parte del tiempo, los Salmos son cantados. Hay diferentes tipos de Salmos para varias ocasiones: -Salmos de alabanza y de dar Gracias ofrece a los creyentes oración y acción de Gracias por lo que Dios ha hecho por el o ella. -Salmos de lamento son recitados durante tiempo de crisis, dolor, o desesperación. -Salmos Penitenciales Son los Salmos que piden perdón de Dios por pecados que la gente ha cometido. -Salmos Familiares expresan la creencia que Dios hace su voluntad y buenas obras a través de la autoridad de rey terrenal Debemos recordar que los Salmos fueron, primero y sobre todo las primeras y las más importantes canciones. Estas canciones expresan la variedad completa de alegria, dolor, miedo, frustra- ción, y cualquier otra emoción de una persona. Con diferentes emociones, estos salmos nos entrenan para llevar una relacion más cerca con Dios. Como individuos o comunidad, recemos los Salmos. Podemos rezar de acuerdo con las circumstancias: Si se sienten felices y alegres, recen Salmos de alabanza, cuando esten tristes o en crisis, Salmos de lamento, pidiendo perdón recen Salmos penitenciales. Estos ayudarán a cualquiera a reconocer la presencia de Dios siempre en sus vidas. Padre Sushil Tudu, TOR THIS WEEK’S READINGS & MASS SCHEDULE Monday, March 27, 2017 9:00am Mission Mass Lenten Weekday Fr. Tickerhoof Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54 Neal Harrington M/M Harry Young Tuesday, March 28, 2017 9:00am Mission Mass Lenten Weekday Fr. Tickerhoof Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:7-30 Bill Buntin M/M Harry Young Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:00am Mission Mass Lenten Weekday Fr. Tickerhoof Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30 Peggy McGough M/M Harry Young 6:30pm Mass Fr. Sushil Louise Lampkin M/M Lampkin Thursday, March 30, 2017 9:00am MASS Lenten Weekday Fr. Mathew Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47 Paul Vance Vance Family Friday, March 31, 2017 6:00pm Mass Lenten Weekday Stations of Cross Following Wis 2:1a,12-22; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30 Fr. Sushil Catharine Davis M/M Earls Saturday, April 1, 2017 NO MASS Lenten Weekday Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday, March 26, 2017 9:00 AM MASS FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT Fr. Mathew Ez 37:12-14 Betty Walsh Rom 8:8-11 M/M Schiefelbein Jn 11L1-45 or 11:3-7,17,20-27,33b-45 11:00 AM SPANISH MASS Maria Dominguez M/M B. Perez DONT FORGET YOUR LENTEN SACRIFICES…..RICE BOWLS ARE AT BOTH ENTRANCES OF THE CHURCH! ENCOUNTER NUTRITION We encounter Fernando in El Salvador where, despite a lack of economic opportunity, youth are pursuing their dreams of building businesses to better the lives of their families. How have you worked to better the lives of others this Lent? Visit crsricebowl.org for more infor- mation. CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION Today, we are taking up The Catholic Relief Services Collection to respond to Jesus in disguise. This collection helps six Catholic agencies to provide relief and support to struggling communities and to work toward peace and reconciliation among our marginalized brothers and sisters here and around the world. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the collection. Learn more at www.usccb.org/catholic.relief Esta semana relizaremos The Catholic Relief Services Collection para responder a Jesús con ostro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? Esta colecta ayuda a seis agencias católicas a proporcionar asistencia y apoyo a las comunidades que luchan por salir adelante y trabaja para lograr la paz y la reconciliación entres nuestras hermanas y hermanos marginados equi y alrededor del mundo. Por favor, en oración, piensa en oración, piensa en cómo vas a apoyar a esta colecta. Aprende más en www.usccb.org/catholic.relief THIS WEEK—-PARISH MISSION!!! MONDAY, March 27th , TUESDAY, March 28th, & WEDNESDAY, March 29th: THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Today, 3/26 9:00am Mass 11:00am Spanish Mass 12:15-1:45pm Confirmaon I & II 1:00pm Liturgies Ministries Meeng Mon, 3/27 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:OOam-Mass & Parish Mission Tues 3/28 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:00am-Mass & Parish Mission 1:00-2:30pm-The Eucharist-Bible Study 6:30pm English Pre-Bapsmal Class 7:00pm-8:30pm-PeterBible Study Wed, 3/29 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:00am-Mass & Parish Mission 6:30pm Mass 7:00-7:45pm—CCD Classes Thurs, 3/30 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:00am-Mass with Benedicon Coffee with Fatherfollowing 10:00-10:30am Sing to the Lord 7:00pm Lenten Penance Service Friday 3/31 Office Closed 6:00 Mass with Staons of Cross & Soup supper following Saturday, 4/1 9:00am-Noon—First Communion Retreat Sunday, 4/2 900am Mass 11:00am Spanish Mass 12:15-1:45pm Confirmaon I & II The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will again be held after the 9am Mass on Easter Sunday morning for ALL children 2-12 years old. We are in need of candy items for prizes such as Chocolate Bunnies, Chocolate Crosses, Chocolate bars, and small toy items as well as bags of small candies for filling eggs. Please leave your items at the church office as soon as possible, but no later than April 9, PALM SUNDAY. Thank you, Bob & Carolyn Ravaioli (817)236-5442 LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE THURSDAY, MARCH 30 TH , 7:OOPM Several priests including Spanish-speaking priests for confessions. 2017 NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC MENS CONFERENCE Register to attend the 2017 North Texas Catholic Mens Conference! All men 18 years or older are invited to attend the sixth annual North Texas Catholic Mens conference, Salt and Light: Embracing Christs Love.Hosted by the North Texas Catholic Brothers For Christ, the conference will take place Saturday, April 22 at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Grapevine from 8am— 5pm. This year, 1,000 men throughout Dallas and Fort Worth Diocese are expected to attend. Registration cost is $45 at www.ntxcmc.org. (See BROCHURES on the front foyer window table And back Hall info table) Catholic conference speakers include Fr. Dwight Longneck- er; Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, award-winning composer/ musician Curtis Stephan; and local speakers. Attendees will experience a day of fun, food, fellowship, uplifting music, reconciliation, praying and Divine Mercy Chaplet, Eucharistic adoration and conclude the day with a community Mass at 5pm. St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is located at 861 Wildwood Lane, just south of the Gaylord Texan Hotel.

HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH—AZLE, TEXAS Los Salmos … · tiempo, los Salmos son cantados. Hay diferentes tipos de Salmos para varias ocasiones:-Salmos de alabanza y de dar Gracias

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HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH—AZLE, TEXAS Fourth Sunday of Lent— Laetare (“Rejoice”) Sunday

MARCH 26, 2017

OFFERTORY March 19, 2017

Regular Collection ...... $4,366.00

Maintenance .................. $ 289.00 Black & Indian Mission .. $ 20.00

Altar Flowers ................... $25.00

Coffee & Donuts ............. $ 69.00

TOTAL…….. ........... $ 4,769.00

THIS WEEK’S READINGS & MASS SCHEDULE Monday, February 27, 2017 NO MASS Weekday Sir 17:20-24; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Weekday NO MASS Sir 35:1-12; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday, March 1, 2017 6:30pm MASS Ash Wednesday Fr. Sushil Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20—6:2; † Jenny Catuzzo

Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 † Michael Catuzzo † Paul Catuzzo M/M Catuzzo

Thursday, March 2, 2017 9:00am MASS Thursday after Ash Wednesday Fr. Mathew

Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 Friday, March 3, 2017 6:00pm Mass Friday after Ash Wednesday † Eugene & Edith Lampkin St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin M/M Lampkin

Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15

Saturday, March 4, 2017 NO MASS Saturday after Ash Wednesday Saint Casimir5:27-32

Is 58:96b-14; Lk Sunday, March 5, 2017 9:00 AM MASS FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT Fr. Mathew Is 49:14-15 † 1 Cor 4:1-5 M/M Lampkin

Mt 6:24-34


Pastor’s Corner………. Praying the Psalms

The Psalms are an important part of the prayer of the Church.

We have a long tradition of praying the psalms. St. Paul tells the first

Christian community to “speak among yourselves in Psalms and

hymns and spiritual songs” (Eph. 5:19).

Later the monks prayed the psalms in their monastery, at a

different hour of the day, known as ‘Liturgy of the hour’. Today,

priests and religious are obliged to pray the psalms daily. Laity are

strongly encouraged to pray the psalms. In our chapel (St. Thomas the

Apostle) after the weekday mass, the entire congregation prays the


The book of Psalms contains 150 poems or songs meant to be

prayed as part of a religious service. Most of the time the psalm was

sung. There are different types of psalms for various occasions:

Psalms of praise and thanksgiving offer the believer 's praise and

thanksgiving for what God has done for him or her.

Psalms of lament are recited dur ing the time of cr isis, gr ief, or


Penitential Psalms are the psalms that asks for the forgiveness

from God for the sin people have committed.

Royal Psalms express the belief that God does His will and good

works through the authority of earthly a king.

We must remember that the Psalms were the first and fore-

most songs. These songs express the full range of joy, sorrow, fear,

frustration, and every other emotion of a person. With different emo-

tions, these psalms train us in bringing ourselves to a close relation-

ship with God.

As an individual or community, let us pray the psalms. We

can pray according to the circumstances: if you feel happy and joyful

pray psalm of praise, when you are sad or in crisis pray psalm of la-

ment, asking for forgiveness pray the penitential psalm. These will

help everyone to realize the presence of God always in their lives.

Fr. Sushil Tudu, TOR

Rincón del Pastor….. Los Salmos son una parte importante de la oración de la Iglesia.

Tenemos una larga tradición de rezar los Salmos. San Pablo dice

a la primera comunidad Cristiana “Hablen entre ustedes en Sal-

mos, himnos y canciones espirituales” (eph. 5:19)

Mas tarde los monjes orarón los Salmos en el monasterio a una

hora del día conocida como la “Hora de la Liturgia”. Hoy, sacer-

dotes y religiosos estan obligados a rezar los Salmos diario. Los

seglares son animados a rezar los Salmos. En nuestra Capilla

(Santo Tomas el Apóstol) después de la Misa entre semana, la

congregacion entera reza los Salmos.

El Libro de Salmos contiene 150 poemas o canciones que son

rezadas como parte de un servicio religioso. La mayor parte del

tiempo, los Salmos son cantados. Hay diferentes tipos de Salmos

para varias ocasiones:

-Salmos de alabanza y de dar Gracias ofrece a los

creyentes oración y acción de Gracias por lo que Dios ha hecho

por el o ella.

-Salmos de lamento son recitados durante tiempo de cr isis,

dolor, o desesperación.

-Salmos Penitenciales Son los Salmos que piden perdón de

Dios por pecados que la gente ha cometido.

-Salmos Familiares expresan la creencia que Dios hace su

voluntad y buenas obras a través de la autoridad de rey terrenal

Debemos recordar que los Salmos fueron, primero y sobre todo

las primeras y las más importantes canciones. Estas canciones

expresan la variedad completa de alegria, dolor, miedo, frustra-

ción, y cualquier otra emoción de una persona. Con diferentes

emociones, estos salmos nos entrenan para llevar una relacion más

cerca con Dios.

Como individuos o comunidad, recemos los Salmos. Podemos

rezar de acuerdo con las circumstancias: Si se sienten felices y

alegres, recen Salmos de alabanza, cuando esten tristes o en crisis,

Salmos de lamento, pidiendo perdón recen Salmos penitenciales.

Estos ayudarán a cualquiera a reconocer la presencia de Dios

siempre en sus vidas.

Padre Sushil Tudu, TOR


Monday, March 27, 2017 9:00am Mission Mass Lenten Weekday Fr. Tickerhoof

Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54 † Neal Harrington M/M Harry Young

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 9:00am Mission Mass Lenten Weekday Fr. Tickerhoof

Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:7-30 † Bill Buntin M/M Harry Young

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 9:00am Mission Mass Lenten Weekday Fr. Tickerhoof

Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30 † Peggy McGough M/M Harry Young

6:30pm Mass Fr. Sushil † Louise Lampkin M/M Lampkin

Thursday, March 30, 2017 9:00am MASS Lenten Weekday Fr. Mathew

Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47 † Paul Vance Vance Family

Friday, March 31, 2017 6:00pm Mass Lenten Weekday Stations of Cross Following Wis 2:1a,12-22; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30 Fr. Sushil † Catharine Davis M/M Earls

Saturday, April 1, 2017 NO MASS Lenten Weekday Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53

Sunday, March 26, 2017 9:00 AM MASS FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT Fr. Mathew Ez 37:12-14 † Betty Walsh Rom 8:8-11 M/M Schiefelbein

Jn 11L1-45 or 11:3-7,17,20-27,33b-45 11:00 AM SPANISH MASS † Maria Dominguez M/M B. Perez

DON’T FORGET YOUR LENTEN SACRIFICES…..RICE BOWLS ARE AT BOTH ENTRANCES OF THE CHURCH! ENCOUNTER NUTRITION We encounter Fernando in El Salvador where, despite a lack of economic opportunity, youth are pursuing their dreams of building businesses to better the lives of their families. How have you worked to better the lives of others this Lent? Visit crsricebowl.org for more infor-mation.

CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION Today, we are taking up The Catholic Relief Services Collection to respond to Jesus in disguise. This collection helps six Catholic agencies to provide relief and support to struggling communities and to work toward peace and reconciliation among our marginalized brothers and sisters here and around the world. Please prayerfully consider how you can support the collection. Learn more at www.usccb.org/catholic.relief Esta semana relizaremos The Catholic Relief Services Collection para responder a Jesús con ostro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? Esta colecta ayuda a seis agencias católicas a proporcionar asistencia y apoyo a las comunidades que luchan por salir adelante y trabaja para lograr la paz y la reconciliación entres nuestras hermanas y hermanos marginados equi y alrededor del mundo. Por favor, en oración, piensa en oración, piensa en cómo vas a apoyar a esta colecta. Aprende más en www.usccb.org/catholic.relief

THIS WEEK—-PARISH MISSION!!! MONDAY, March 27th , TUESDAY, March 28th, & WEDNESDAY, March 29th:

THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Today, 3/26 9:00am Mass 11:00am Spanish Mass 12:15-1:45pm Confirmation I & II 1:00pm Liturgies Ministries Meeting Mon, 3/27 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:OOam-Mass & Parish Mission Tues 3/28 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:00am-Mass & Parish Mission 1:00-2:30pm-The Eucharist-Bible Study 6:30pm English Pre-Baptismal Class 7:00pm-8:30pm-”Peter” Bible Study Wed, 3/29 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:00am-Mass & Parish Mission 6:30pm Mass 7:00-7:45pm—CCD Classes Thurs, 3/30 8:30am-3:30pm Office Open 9:00am-Mass with Benediction “Coffee with Father” following 10:00-10:30am Sing to the Lord 7:00pm Lenten Penance Service Friday 3/31 Office Closed 6:00 Mass with Stations of Cross & Soup supper following Saturday, 4/1 9:00am-Noon—First Communion Retreat Sunday, 4/2 900am Mass 11:00am Spanish Mass 12:15-1:45pm Confirmation I & II

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will again be held after the 9am Mass on Easter Sunday morning for ALL children 2-12 years old. We are in need of candy items for prizes such as Chocolate Bunnies, Chocolate Crosses, Chocolate bars, and small toy items as well as bags of small candies for filling

eggs. Please leave your items at the church office as soon as possible, but no later than April 9, PALM SUNDAY. Thank you, Bob & Carolyn Ravaioli (817)236-5442


Several priests including Spanish-speaking priests for confessions.


Register to attend the 2017 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference!

All men 18 years or older are invited to attend the sixth annual North Texas Catholic Men’s conference,

“Salt and Light: Embracing Christ’s Love.” Hosted by the North Texas Catholic Brothers For Christ, the conference will take place Saturday, April 22 at St.

Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Grapevine from 8am—5pm. This year, 1,000 men throughout Dallas and Fort

Worth Diocese are expected to attend. Registration cost is $45 at www.ntxcmc.org.

(See BROCHURES on the front foyer window table And back Hall info table)

Catholic conference speakers include Fr. Dwight Longneck-er; Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, award-winning composer/

musician Curtis Stephan; and local speakers. Attendees will experience a day of fun, food, fellowship, uplifting music, reconciliation, praying and Divine Mercy

Chaplet, Eucharistic adoration and conclude the day with a community Mass at 5pm.

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is located at 861 Wildwood Lane, just south of the Gaylord Texan Hotel.