35. God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? The Course Key Verse: Acts 10:34 – How do I know that God treats all people the same? Acts 10-11; John 3:16; Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9 The Goals As a result of this lesson the children will: 1. Know that God loves all people. 2. Feel the need to show love to others. 3. Show love so that they might be a better witness for Jesus. The Equipment Room For the following lesson you will need: 1. Several lunch trays 2. Cups 3. Utensils 4. Seven actors [Two coaches and the rest Champions or see 2a Small Group Adaptation] 5. Two tables with chairs [Enough for the actors] 6. A Bible 7. A hat [For Hank to wear] 8. Visuals #1-3 [As PowerPoint] 9. Scripts [Given at least two weeks in advance] The Warm-up Scripture Memory Review Game: For Scripture Memory Review you will need: 1. Paper plates 2. Memory verse written on poster board Challengers Only : Write the words to the memory verse on paper plates. Write one or two words on each plate. Write the verse on a poster board. Above each word on the poster board, make a God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? New Testament Survey – 419

Holy Spirit Fire Extinguishers - Word of Life TeacherSource Web viewAbove each word on the poster board, ... should quietly leave the skit area until the end of the lesson, ... Did

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Page 1: Holy Spirit Fire Extinguishers - Word of Life TeacherSource Web viewAbove each word on the poster board, ... should quietly leave the skit area until the end of the lesson, ... Did

35. God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You?The Course

Key Verse: Acts 10:34 – How do I know that God treats all people the same?Acts 10-11; John 3:16; Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9

The Goals

As a result of this lesson the children will:1. Know that God loves all people.2. Feel the need to show love to others.3. Show love so that they might be a better witness for Jesus.

The Equipment Room

For the following lesson you will need:1. Several lunch trays2. Cups 3. Utensils 4. Seven actors [Two coaches and the rest Champions or see 2a Small Group Adaptation] 5. Two tables with chairs [Enough for the actors]6. A Bible 7. A hat [For Hank to wear]8. Visuals #1-3 [As PowerPoint]9. Scripts [Given at least two weeks in advance]

The Warm-up

Scripture Memory Review Game: For Scripture Memory Review you will need:1. Paper plates2. Memory verse written on poster board

Challengers Only: Write the words to the memory verse on paper plates. Write one or two words on each plate. Write the verse on a poster board. Above each word on the poster board, make a different color line. Make a line of the same color on the coinciding paper plate so they won’t have to be able to read to play the game. Scatter the paper plates on the other side of the room. As a noncompetitive game, have the Challengers take turns running to retrieve the paper plates and place them in the correct order on the floor. Have coaches nearby to help. When all the plates are in order, read the verse aloud together. Conquerors and Champions Only: Write the words to the memory verse on paper plates. Write one or two words per plate. Each team must have a set of plates with the words from the verse written on them. Scatter the plates on separate sides of a nearby room. Clearly label the sides for Team 1 and Team 2. Divide the group into teams and line them up in relay lines. Give each team a copy of the verse they are looking for. On your signal, the first person from each team must run into the other room, find the next word in their verse, bring it back, and place it in the correct order. When he finishes, he will tag the next person in line, who will repeat the process for the next word. When the verse is complete, the entire group will review it together.

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Opening Ceremonies

Songs: Make Me; We are Saved; We will Praise You; Be a Missionary [See Olympian CD Tracks 4-6 and 10.] Jesus Loves the Little Children; For God So Loved the World

Bible Lesson Review: Divide the children into two teams. Have ten wrapped boxes, each containing a question and a slip with point values. Alternating teams, the first person in line picks a box and reads the question to their team. If they answer correctly, they get the points indicated inside the box. [Instead of points you could place candy or other small items.] Then allow the first person on the second team to choose a box. Repeat this until all the boxes have been opened.

The Coach’s Corner


[Hank should be dressed like a “nerd.” Greg and his friends are sitting at one table. Abe is sitting by himself at the other table.]

Greg: Hey, guys, have you see little Hanky boy today? I’m surprised he’s not sucking his thumb and crying for his Momma. [Greg’s friends laugh.]

[Hank enters, walks across the lunch room and trips, almost spilling his lunch. Everyone at Greg’s table bursts into laughter, pointing at him. Greg gets up and walks over to Hank.]

Greg: Hank, I got a joke for you. Knock, knock.

Hank: Who’s there?

Greg: Ken.

Hank: Ken who?

Greg: [Pull Greg’s hat down over his eyes.] Ken you see?

[Greg and his friends laugh at Hank. Hank grabs his hat, dropping his tray. They laugh even harder.]

Hank: [Pulling the hat back up from over his eyes] Very funny, Greg.

Greg: You gonna run home cryin’ to your Momma? [Greg’s friends snicker.] [Abe gets up from his table and helps Hank pick up the stuff from his tray.]

Abe: Hank, why don’t you come sit with me?

Hank: [Sadly] Sure. Thanks, Abe.


[They sit down and scene ends. Actors should all bow their heads. When the Bible Coach begins talking, actors should quietly leave the skit area until the end of the lesson, when skit resumes.] [Allow time for the children to respond to the questions in this section.]

If this happened at your school, would you be more like the people laughing at Hank or more like Abe, the guy who is helping him?

If you act like Greg, do you think God is pleased with that kind of behavior? Do you think God likes it when we make fun of other people? How could you share with those involved who may not know Jesus as their Savior?

God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? New Testament Survey – 420

Small Group


Challengers Only


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(2b) Now, let’s think about how Abe acted, the boy who helped Hank pick up his tray. Do you think that his actions were pleasing to Jesus? Abe has a better opportunity to tell Hank about Jesus because of his kindness.

In the Book of Acts we see the same type of treatment of others. In that day, there were two groups of people that lived in Israel, the Jews and the Gentiles. The Jews were descendants of Abraham and were very religious. A Gentile is someone who is not a Jew. The Jewish people did not like to talk to anyone who was not a Jew. Most of the Jewish leaders looked at Gentiles like they were scum, not even worthy of their notice.

The Jews were God’s chosen people. Because of this, many Jews thought that Gentiles were not even worthy of God’s attention or “unclean.” After Jesus died, was resurrected, and ascended to heaven, some of these Jews who became Christians still did not understand that their Messiah had come to save Gentiles, as well. They still treated the Gentiles poorly. I hope that is not how you feel when you see someone who is different than you are. Remember, God loves all people.

God did some things to show the Jewish Christians that they were to accept the Gentiles and tell them about Jesus. Turn in your Bible to Acts, chapter 10. God had appeared in a vision to a man named Cornelius. A vision is like a special dream. Before the Bible was finished, God used visions to tell certain people things He wanted them to know. Today we have these answers in the Bible and God doesn’t need to use visions.

God appeared to Cornelius in a vision, and told him to send some men to the city of Joppa to fetch a man named Peter. Who was Peter? [Display Visual #1.] Peter was one of Christ’s disciples. He was the one that preached on the day of Pentecost. Was he a Jew or a Gentile? Peter was a Jew.

While Cornelius’ men were going to get Peter, Peter was having a vision of his own. [Read Acts 10:9-16.] That’s a pretty weird vision! [Display Visual #2.] You see, all of the animals Peter saw in this big sheet were animals that God told the Jewish people since Old Testament times not to eat because they were unclean. Jewish people were very careful never to eat anything that was unclean. Here God was telling Peter, “Eat up!” Peter was shocked! “Not so, Lord! I have never eaten anything that is unclean!” But God told him that the animals were now okay to eat. This happened three times. (1)

Let’s see what happens next. [Read Acts 10:17-21.] God told Peter he was to go with the men that came to the door, but Peter was still confused as to what these men had to do with the vision of the animals. [Read Acts 10:22.] Peter knew that Cornelius, the Centurion was a Gentile and suddenly everything made sense. God was sending him to a Gentile! When God told Peter to eat the animals that were considered unclean, God was not just talking about food. He was really talking about the Gentiles! Cornelius had gathered many of his friends and family together to hear Peter’s message. [Display Visual #3.] Peter shared the gospel with many Gentiles at the house of Cornelius that day.

Let’s see what Peter said to them in Acts 10:34-35. [Read Acts 10:34-35.] This was such good news to those people, that God had provided salvation to both Jew and Gentile. As a result, many of the Gentiles received Jesus as their personal Savior that day!

Now let’s go back to the lunchroom and find out what happened with Hank.

[Actors come back to the scene. Focus on Hank and Abe.]Abe: I’m sorry those guys are so mean to you.

Hank: It’s okay. I’m used to it. Greg is not the only one. Most people at this school are really mean to me. So, why are you being so nice to me?

Abe: Well, because I’m different. Jesus changed me.

Hank: What do you mean, Jesus changed you? (8)

Abe: Let me ask you, what do you know about Jesus?

God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? New Testament Survey – 421

Small Group


Extra Action


Champions Only


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Hank: Well, He was a good person who lived a long time ago.

Abe: Jesus was not just a good person. He was God’s only Son. God sent Him to earth to die for us. [Quote or read John 3:16.]

Hank: Why did He have to die for us? I’m confused.

Abe: Well, because we sin. Do you ever do, think, or say bad things, or not do something you are supposed to?

Hank: Well, yeah, I guess so. Like right now, I’d love to just punch Greg’s lights out.

Abe: Well, that is sin.

Hank: I guess, but what does that have to do with Jesus?

Abe: I’m getting there. [Smiling.] Everybody sins, right?

Hank: Yeah…

Abe: Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death.” See, God said we have to die because of our sin. And there is a punishment for sin. That is to go to a real place called hell.

Hank: You mean hell is a real place?

Abe: Very real. But Jesus made a way for us to be able to escape hell. [Read Romans 6:23.]

Hank: That says God gave us a gift.

Abe: That’s right. God’s gift is eternal life, instead of eternal death in hell. [Read Romans 5:8.] Jesus died for us. See, our sin earned us a one-way ticket to hell. But Jesus paid the penalty for our sin. He never sinned and that’s why He could pay that penalty.

Hank: So Jesus died, so I wouldn’t have to die.

Abe: Exactly! But Jesus did not stay dead. He rose from the dead. He could do that because He is God. It proves that Jesus really paid the price for sin. That is why Jesus is called our Savior. He saves us from sin and death and hell.

Hank: So, everyone can just go to heaven now?

Abe: No, only those who accept this gift.

Hank: Well, how I am supposed to do that?

Abe: [Read Romans 10:9.] All you have to do is tell God you believe you are a sinner, that you believe Jesus died for you, and ask Jesus to be your Savior.

Hank: That seems pretty easy. So, when you say, tell God, you mean praying?

Abe: Yes, that’s right, by praying. Praying is just talking to God.

Hank: Okay, but what do I say?

Abe: Just tell God what I said earlier. That you know you are a sinner, that you believe Jesus died as payment for your sin, and rose again. Ask Jesus to be your Savior.

Hank: Can I do that now? Don’t I have to go to church or something?

Abe: No, you can talk to God anywhere, any time. We can pray right now, if you want.God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? New Testament Survey – 422

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Hank: Okay! [Hank and Abe bow their heads in prayer.]

Hank: God, I sin…a lot. I believe that your Son Jesus died and rose again as payment for my sin. And I want Him to be my Savior. Please save me today, Jesus! Uh…Amen.

Abe: That is awesome.

Hank: I know! I’m so excited.

Abe: Hank, would you like to go to Olympians with me? We can learn more about Jesus and other people in the Bible. They play games and do other fun stuff, too.

Hank: Okay. Sounds fun!


[Abe and Hank leave the stage. The Bible Coach continues the lesson.]

Hank just received Jesus as his personal Savior! If Abe had never been nice to Hank, do you think Hank would have accepted Jesus? [Allow children to respond: probably not.] Both Abe and Peter knew they needed to be nice to all kinds of people to please God. Because they were nice, it was easier to tell the people they knew about Jesus.

Running the Race

Mostly Unchurched Children Mostly Churched ChildrenJust like Hank, maybe you need to ask Jesus to come into your life to save you from your sins. If you would like to do this please talk to me or to your Personal Training Coach.

[The children should think quietly about the questions in this section, rather than responding out loud.]

If you do know Jesus as your Savior are you telling others about Jesus? Just like God used Peter to share the gospel with Cornelius and his friends, He wants to use us to share the gospel with the people in our schools, our neighborhoods, our cities, and all over the world. But we can’t do that if we don’t accept those people, or if we’re unkind to them.

Think about the kids in your neighborhood, school or even your family. How do you treat them? What if they don’t have as much money as you, or as nice a home? What if they aren’t good at sports, aren’t good in school, or just look different from you? There are lots of reasons people choose not to like someone. But is this pleasing to God? Shouldn’t you be nice to everyone? What are some ways you can treat others differently this week?

Do you tell others about Jesus? What some things you can do to help others learn about Jesus? [Allow children to respond and write these ideas down on a board.] Let’s pray that God will give us opportunities

Just like He used Peter to share the gospel with Cornelius and his friends, God wants to use us to share the gospel with the people in our schools, our neighborhoods, our cities, and all over the world. We can’t do that if we don’t accept those people, or if we’re unkind to them. Think about the kids in your neighborhood, school, or even here in church. How do you treat them? Do you reach out to visitors that come to Olympians and make them feel welcome? Do you invite a visitor to sit beside you and get to know them? God is not pleased when we treat others unkindly or reject them. He wants us to reach out to others and show them His love.

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Challengers Only


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to share about Jesus this week.

[Close in prayer.]

Personal Training Time

1. Why is it wrong to treat other people badly because they are different than you are?2. What are some ways we can treat people better who others treated badly?3. Who could you treat better and tell about Jesus?

The Big O’vent

Siamese Twin Relay [See Big O’vent Mega CD, page 324.] You had to work together to play the game. Did you cheer the others who were playing? We need to be an encouragement and treat others kindly no matter what we are doing.

Closing Ceremonies

Treat others the way Jesus would want you to treat them. Also, be sure to invite others to Olympians. During the next few weeks, we will be learning about Paul’s missionary journeys. Here is the key. It all started with his willingness to serve and give his all to God.

Lesson Adaptation Explanations

1 Extra Action: Put together a blanket full of stuffed animals that would have been considered unclean in Jewish law [snakes, eagles, falcons, owls, camels, rabbits, pigs, etc.] and lower it onto the floor for all the kids to see at the appropriate time in the lesson. Take the time to talk about why they are unclean and how that relates to Gentiles.

2a Small Group: If you do not have enough personnel to do the skit, have pictures representing Hank, Abe, and Greg. [Or you can position Olympians in the seats, give then a sign stating who they are, then stand behind them when you read their part.] Have the rest of the Olympians pretend they are in the lunch room with them. You may want to pack paper bags with some treats in them.

2b Small Group: Have them list a few people they know [first name only] who others treat badly. Then brainstorm how they could treat them better.

8 Champions Only: Stop the skit. Ask the children what they would tell Hank about Jesus. Have them tell you what they would say as they go through the salvation process. Use the conversation between Hank and Abe as a guide to the direction the process should go. Then ask for a few volunteers to take Abe’s place and tell Hank how to receive Jesus as his personal Savior. Resume the teaching where the skit ends in the lesson.

9a Challengers Only: [This can be either real actors or puppets.]

Bible Coach: We’re going to check in with two more kids at their school, Susie and Arnold.

Arnold: Wow. Did you see Greg pull Hank’s hat over his eyes? That was so funny! Hank is such a nerd.

Susie: I don’t think it was funny at all. Greg is really mean, but Abe was so nice.

Arnold: Yeah, I guess it wasn’t very nice, and Abe is a nice guy.

Susie: I wonder why he is so different. Everybody is mean to Hank; except for Abe.

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Arnold: Abe is a nice guy. I remember when people used to pick on me and he was my friend. He is different. I wonder why he is so different.

Susie: I don’t know. Let’s listen in and find out.

[Actors or Puppets exit. Bible Coach continues lesson at: In the Book of Acts, we see the same type of treatment of others.]

9b Challengers Only:

Susie: Wow, so Jesus is why Abe is so different! [Speaking to Abe] Hey, Abe, can I go to Olympians with you? I want to learn more about Jesus.

Abe: Sure, Susie! I’d love for you to come to Olympians with us.

Arnold: Me, too! Hey, Abe, can you tell us more about Jesus now?

Abe: Sure, I have to go to the library. You wanna go? We can talk about Him there.

Susie and Arnold: Yeah!

[Susie and Arnold exit.]

Did you see what just happened? Abe was able to tell Hank about Jesus because he was nice to him. And Hank received Jesus as His personal Savior! But did you see what else happened? Arnold and Susie saw how nice Abe was, and now Abe is going to be able to tell them about Jesus, too! Because Abe is always kind, God is able to use Abe to tell others about Jesus.

[Bible Coach continues lesson at: Running the Race.]

God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? New Testament Survey – 425

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God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? – Visual #1 New Testament Survey – 426

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God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? – Visual #2 New Testament Survey – 427

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God Doesn’t Play Favorites. Do You? – Visual #3 New Testament Survey – 428