Holy Roman Emperor Charles V -Ruled areas in -New World -Spain -Netherlands -Holy Roman Empire of -Hapsburgs -Austria -Parts of Italy Map the Spanish

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Page 1: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V -Ruled areas in -New World -Spain -Netherlands -Holy Roman Empire of -Hapsburgs -Austria -Parts of Italy Map the Spanish
Page 2: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V -Ruled areas in -New World -Spain -Netherlands -Holy Roman Empire of -Hapsburgs -Austria -Parts of Italy Map the Spanish

Holy Roman Emperor Charles V-Ruled areas in

-New World -Spain-Netherlands-Holy Roman Empire of

-Hapsburgs -Austria-Parts of Italy

Map the Spanish discoveriesMap the Spanish discoveries

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Wars of Charles-Constant warfare-French-Protestants – in HRE-Muslims (Ottoman Empire)

-Occupy Hungary and threaten the Mediterranean

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Why did the Pope Why did the Pope Split the New World Split the New World between Spain and between Spain and Portugal?? Portugal??

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Expand Spanish Expand Spanish Influence Across the Influence Across the GlobeGlobe

Strengthen the Strengthen the Catholic ChurchCatholic Church

Strengthen Strengthen InquisitionInquisition

Supported Catholic Supported Catholic ReformationReformation

Wanted his power Wanted his power to be ABSOLUTEto be ABSOLUTE

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Philip’s Divine RightPhilip’s Divine Right-All government responsible to All government responsible to himhim- Guardian of the Catholic Guardian of the Catholic FaithFaith-Catholic reformationCatholic reformation-InquisitionInquisition

Philip’s WarsPhilip’s Wars-Battle of LepantoBattle of Lepanto

-Ended Ottoman influenceEnded Ottoman influence-Revolt of the NetherlandsRevolt of the Netherlands

-Inquisition causes riots Inquisition causes riots -Spanish ArmadaSpanish Armada

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Religious Intolerance

Protestants who didn’t convert were expelled

Revolt in the Netherlands - Philip battled Protestant Rebels in the Netherlands

Strengthened the Inquisition

Protestant Queen Elizabeth became Philip’s #1 Enemy

Francis Drake and the Sea dogs attack Spanish ships

Elizabeth Knights him

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Page 11: Holy Roman Emperor Charles V -Ruled areas in -New World -Spain -Netherlands -Holy Roman Empire of -Hapsburgs -Austria -Parts of Italy Map the Spanish

Spanish fleet

1588 - 130 Ships

Big, slow, very strong

20,000 men and 2,400 pieces of artillery were sent across the English Channel

English fleet

150 Ships

Smaller, faster, more manuverable

More daring leadership

Fire ships

Rough seas spoil food and water

Ammunition improperly stored --wet

Spanish use classic V formation for attack

English respond with fire boats

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“It is well known that we fight in God’s cause. So, when we meet the English, God will surely arrange matters so threat we can grapple and board them, either by sending some strange freak of weather or, more likely, just be depriving the English of their wits. If we can come to close quarters Spanish valor and Spanish steel… will make our victory certain.”

Do not write thisDo not write this

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“Strange Freak of Weather” - storm - destroyed the Spanish Armada, before there was ever a fight.

Less than 1/3 of Spanish ships returns to Spain

Economic Decline - Philip II resigned his throne

Costly wars overseas drained Spain of its wealth

By expelling Muslims and Jews the country lost its work base

Became a country of Beggars

France Replaced Spain as the Most Powerful Country in Europe

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The Valois Family:The Beginning of the End

The Valois Family:The Beginning of the End

Henri II was the last powerful Valois

Three weak sons followed: Francis II Charles IX Henri III

Catherine de Medici controlled the sons:

Was mother to the boys Played both sides in the civil war Developed a reputation for cruelty

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Catherine de MediciCatherine de Medici

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Francis II & His Wife, Mary Stuart

Francis II & His Wife, Mary Stuart

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The French Civil WarsThe French Civil Wars There were two sides:

Guise family led Catholics in North Bourbon family led Huguenots in South Fighting for the royal inheritance

Catherine supported the Guises in the first phase of Civil wars (7 total)

Treaty of St. Germain en Laye (1570) Peace Religious freedom for Huguenots

St. Bartholomew’s Day MassacreSt. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre August 24, 1572 20,000 Huguenots were killed Henri of Navarre, a Bourbon, survived

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St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

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The French Civil WarThe French Civil War Catherine started supporting the Bourbons.

Henri of Navarre defeated Catholic League & becomes Henry IV of France.

Effects of Civil War: France was left divided by religion Royal power had weakened Valois family now replaced by Bourbons





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Triumphal Entry of Henry IV Into Paris – Peter Paul


Triumphal Entry of Henry IV Into Paris – Peter Paul


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Ended Spanish interference in France

Converted to Catholicism : Did this to compromise and make

peace Paris is worth a mass. This was an example of politique

[the interest of the state comes first before any religious considerations]

Fighting for the royal inheritance Passed Edict of Nantes in 1598:

Granted religious rights to Huguenots

Did not grant religious freedom for all

Henry IV of FranceHenry IV of France

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• KING AT 9 (1610) Henry IV assassinated

• Marie de’ Medici Regent

• Appointed Richelieu as Chief Minister in1624– Expand power of King by destroying

• Huguenots

• Nobles

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Holy Roman Empire had collapsed into several small separate states - they didn’t listen to the Emperor (Ferdinand II)

Religion - North was Protestant and South was Catholic


Defenestration of Prague - Protestant noblemen threw 2 Royal Officials out of a Castle Window in Prague.

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Religious War - Spain and Poland (Catholic States) lead by Ferdinand II vs. (Protestant Powers) Netherlands and Sweden.

Four phases of warFour phases of war-BohemianBohemian-DanishDanish-SwedishSwedish-FrenchFrench

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Shifted from Religion to Politics

Allied with each other for there own political motives

For example - Catholic France joined Lutheran Sweden against the Hapsburgs of Austria

Brutal War - Soldiers destroyed crops and homes and killed without mercy.

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General Peace in Europe

France gained territory

Netherlands won Independence

Swiss Federation won Independence

Germany divided into 360+ Separate States - fragmented - each one had its own coinage, government, state church and foreign policy

Prussia emerged as a New Protestant Power

Austria and Hapsburgs emerged as a strong Catholic Power

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Kept a group of Professional diplomats as his advisors. - Cardinal Richelieu

Denied rights to Huguenots (French Protestants) - revoked Edict of Nantes

- result: 200,000 fled France - destroying the French Economy and earning him Protestant Enemies

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Invaded Spanish NetherlandsGained 12 fortresses in Holland and isolated the Dutch

ATTACKED NETHERLANDSGained more fortresses

Sent Army to Rhineland (9 Years War)

Loss - unprepared and showed some serious problems with the French defenses - Kept Alsace.

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1701 - 1714

The War of Spanish Succession

fought over who should be rightful King of Spain

grandson got throne, but could never also get French throne

Lost Colonies in new World except Quebec.

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Created a Political Alliance with Spain.


Forced the Nobility to live there

They had all the privileges they wanted and non of the power.


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“I depart, France Remains.”- Louis XIV

•He wanted his legacy to carry on with his son instead after Louis XIV, France began its decline.

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Parliament wanted the King to consult them when making decisions

James I & his son Charles I, believed in the “Divine Right of Kings” - “I will not be content that my power be disputed upon.”- James I

Both took action to dissolve Parliament when it disagreed with them

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Puritans wanted to clean out all the unnecessary pageantry in the church that was left over from Catholicism

King wanted to keep the church as is with all the Glory and Power that came with being the head of it

(Divine Right of Kings)

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Had support of Had support of northern Nob le northern Nob le FamiliesFamilies

Ardent AnglicansArdent Anglicans


Allies with scotlandAllies with scotland

Created and effective Created and effective army (New Model army (New Model army)army)

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Scotland captures Charles

Cromwell develops Rump Parliament

PARLIAMENT - executed Charles I Jan 1649

Abolished the Monarchy

Abolishes the anglican Church

Abolishes the house of Lords

Declared Themselves a Republic

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No music in church

Everything is shut on Sunday

no lewd dancing (modest dancing ok)

no taverns or gambling


welcomed Jews (Hypocritical not to)


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Conflict with Radicals Called

Levellers – desired that all people have a say in government

1653 Cromwell took title of Lord Protector and ruled using his Army (Dissolved the Parliament)

When Cromwell died (1658)- Charles II was welcomed back to his throne. He was Popular, and restored the Taverns and the Original Church of England

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•James II - a Catholic took the throne after Charles II died - for fear of a new Catholic Royal Line - The English had a Bloodless Revolution

•THE GLORIOUS REVOLUTION - The closest Protestant relative was Mary who had married William of Orange - they were given the throne if they signed the “English Bill of Rights”

•Created a Limited Monarchy - government in which a constitution or legislative body limits the monarch’s powers

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•Established habeous corpus - no person could be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime.

•Toleration Act - limited toleration to Puritans & Quakers, but not yet Catholics


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