Holy Martyrs – Holy Martyrs is a Roman Catholic Church in ...B1 Allie Solecki B2 Paul Steinle C1 Jeff Twardzik C2 Barbara DeMichael (pyx) Sandra Twardzik Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist

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Page 1: Holy Martyrs – Holy Martyrs is a Roman Catholic Church in ...B1 Allie Solecki B2 Paul Steinle C1 Jeff Twardzik C2 Barbara DeMichael (pyx) Sandra Twardzik Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist


Baptism Prep�

August 13, 2017�


Page 2: Holy Martyrs – Holy Martyrs is a Roman Catholic Church in ...B1 Allie Solecki B2 Paul Steinle C1 Jeff Twardzik C2 Barbara DeMichael (pyx) Sandra Twardzik Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist

Father Stephen Dohner


Father Mark Ott

Weekend Associate

Father Robert F. Pfeiffer

Pastor Emeritus

Janet Payton

Pastoral Associate

Nancy Fiamingo

Pastoral Associate

Dino Paoletta


Diane Bruce

Director of Faith Formation

Christopher Ilg

Director of Music

Libbie Radecky

Church Office

Adam Nestor

Youth Minister

Paula Phillips


Jane Levesque


Parish Staff

Church Office hours: Monday - Friday:

9:00 am - 12:15 pm, 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Holy Martyrs Catholic Church

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - August 6, 2017

Mass Schedule & Intentions this Week

Sat 5:30 pm Daniel Santiago

(Donna Horton)

Sun 7:30 am Parishioners

9:30 am Douglas & Steve Cunningham

(Rita Cunningham)

11:30 am Joan Kohanski

(Ron Kohanski)

Mon 8:00 am Phil Helderman

(Brad & Dorothy Thomas)

Tues 6:30 pm Rosary for Peace

7:00 pm Charles J. Olivo Sr. (Family)

Wed 8:00 am Mary Lou Warren

(Edwin Warren)

Thurs 7:00 pm Catherine Angeletti

(Mary & Jim McClelland)

Fri 8:00 am Sylvia Lewis (Dorothy Brey)

Sat 5:30 pm Tom Balazy (Palya Family)

Sun 7:30 am Maryann Spinhirn

(Spinhirn Family)

9:30 am Parishioners

11:30 am John Yezerski

(Robert Fellenstein)

This week at Holy Martyrs

Sun 8/06 MOA School Supply Drive after all Masses in G.A.

Time Travelers 9:00 AM Room 203

RCIA Catechumenate 10:30 AM Lounge

Mon 8/07 Seniors Events Committee 10:00 AM Room 103

Ministry of Assistance Mtg. 1:00 PM Martyrs Hall

El Salvador Mission Group 6:00 PM Martyrs Hall

Tues 8/08 Glory Bees: 9:00 AM Worship Space

Mary Lou Melchior, Ken Frantisak (sub), JoAnn Sabol,

Praying with Scripture 6:00 PM Clarke Rm.

Catechist Meeting 6:00 PM

Rooms 200, 201, 202, 203, & 204

Wed 8/09 Intercessory Prayer Group 5:30 PM Chapel

El Salvador Trip Information Mtg.

7:00 PM G.A.

RCIA Precatechumenate 7:00 PM Lounge

Thurs 8/10 LifeTeen Core Meeting 6:30 PM Room 102

Sat 8/12 Catholic Commission WAM 9:30 AM Room 102

Reception for our Salvadoran guests

6:30 PM G.A.

Sun 8/13 Time Travelers 9:00 AM Room 203

RCIA Catechumenate 10:30 AM Lounge

Golf Outing Comm. Mtg. 10:30 AM Room 103

LifeTeen Pool Party 1:00 PM Offsite

Baptism Preparation 1:15 PM Worship Space

There is a promise of marriage between:

III Wedding Announcement:

Samuel Guinta & Kara Trocchio

Holy Martyrs Church extends a warm welcome to all new

parents and their families for the celebration of the

Sacrament of Baptism. Our next pre-Baptism session will

be held next Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 1:15 pm.

Please contact the parish office before

the birth of your child to prepare

for this Sacrament.

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Parish News

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord




“Living the truth in love, we should grow in every way into him who is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body, joined

and held together by every supporting ligament, with the proper functioning of each part, brings about the body’s growth

and builds itself up in love.” - Ephesians 4:15-16

Our goal is not to remain the same, but to change – to become our best selves and to conform our lives more

closely to that of Christ.


“I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.

This is how

all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35

This “love” is manifested in many ways in our Small Groups, from compassionate listening, to support in times of

need, to praying for each other regularly.


“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

Our format keeps us focused on Jesus Christ, who is at the center of every small group. We use the weekly Gospel

message as one means of encountering Christ. Although we enjoy a time of fellowship, our gatherings stay “on

topic”, as we discuss our faith.


“… We do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual

wisdom and understanding to live in a manner worthy of the Lord …” Colossians 1:9-10

Prayer is an amazing gift to offer to another person! We pray together at Small Groups and continue to give each

other the gift of prayer, beyond our Small Group gatherings.


“But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and to the day of

eternity.” 2Peter 3:18

We seek to continually grow in knowledge and understanding of our Catholic faith and in the person of Jesus.

The content of our Small Group sessions and the life experience of the group members have greatly enriched and

expanded our faith.


“Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.” - Romans 15:7

A key value of Holy Martyrs’ Small Groups is that every person who joins a group will feel welcomed, valued, and

cared for. We are open to others and welcome them as we would welcome Christ Himself.

Page 4: Holy Martyrs – Holy Martyrs is a Roman Catholic Church in ...B1 Allie Solecki B2 Paul Steinle C1 Jeff Twardzik C2 Barbara DeMichael (pyx) Sandra Twardzik Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist

Parish News

Holy Martyrs Church August 6, 2017

Medina, Ohio


Contact Joe Toth at

[email protected]


If you are an adult over the age of 22 who has

not been confirmed, consider attending our

five-session confirmation preparation program

beginning on Wednesday, August 30, at

7:00 p.m. Those who participate should be

able to be confirmed at Holy Martyrs on

October 1, 2017, at 2 p.m. or the Cathedral

of St. John the Evangelist on May 19, 2018, at

4:30 p.m. Advance registration is required.

Contact Janet at 330-722-6633 or

[email protected] to register.

Daily scripture readings for the week of

August 6, 2017 can be obtained on the USCCB website

or you can download one of the following

Apps on your phone:

Laudate or The New Missal

An Invitation

In about a month our choir will resume

rehearsals and singing weekly at the

9:30am Mass. Have you ever considered becoming a

member of our choir, or could you share your musical

talent as a song leader or instrumentalist at any of the

weekend Masses? We are looking for new (and returning)

singers and instrumentalists to participate in and

enhance our music ministry. Prior musical experience is a

plus but is not a requirement. All that is needed is a de-

sire to learn and an enthusiasm to elevate our

communal prayer at Mass through music. The choir will

be hosting a picnic at the pavilion on the parish

grounds on Sunday, August 27 from 1:00-400 pm.

All current and former choir members along with their

spouse, as well as those interested in joining the

choir are invited to attend. For more information feel

free to contact our Music Director, Christopher Ilg at

[email protected].

Living with Loss

Are you struggling to find peace in dealing with

the loss of a loved one? Perhaps you may find the

information in one of the CareNotes helpful.

CareNotes may be found on the counter behind

the Welcome Center in the Gathering Area.

Page 5: Holy Martyrs – Holy Martyrs is a Roman Catholic Church in ...B1 Allie Solecki B2 Paul Steinle C1 Jeff Twardzik C2 Barbara DeMichael (pyx) Sandra Twardzik Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist



Grateful Giving

Holy Martyrs Parish�

“Gratitude is the first sign of a thinking rational, creature.”

~ Ven. Solanus Casey

Grateful Giving

July 22 & 23

Weekly Offering $9,661.04

Number of Envelopes 278

Electronic Donations $ 750.00

Number of Envelopes 1

Weekly Total $10,411.04

Missionary Co-Op $4,978.00

Medical Missionaries of Mary

Thank you!

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Seniors’ Corner

Inviting all Seniors to mark your calendars and

join us for the upcoming events:

• Monday, 8/21 - See the Indians vs. Boston!

Fan Bus, Club Seats, all the food you can eat!

$68.00 per person. SOLD OUT! However, we have a

“wait list”. Park for this event in the lower front

parking lot; board the bus at 4:15 PM!

For more information contact Bill Dyer at

[email protected] or Phone: 330-722-7994.

• Tuesday, 9/19 - Hop on board The Murder Mystery

Luncheon Train. Travel to Blissfield, MI for a 2 1/2

hour dining and entertainment experience aboard a

moving train making a leisurely 12-mile roundtrip

through the countryside - while actors perform an

interactive murder mystery as you enjoy your

luncheon! $98.00 per person. Contact John Solecki

at [email protected] or

Phone: 330-722-5981.

• Monday, 10/23 - Join us for a Halloween Party,

12:00 Noon!! Lunch, games, prizes! And, even a

“Costume Contest”!


Three years ago, the people of Holy Martyrs responded

generously to the request for a deeper commitment to

our weekly offering to support the ministries and work

of our parish. That commitment made it possible to hire

a full-time Youth Minister, to expand our Life Teen and

Spirit programs for youth, and to develop Discovering

Christ and small Faith Groups for adults. The benefit of

these programs to our parish has been profound. In the

past year alone, over 500 adults and teens have taken


Your weekly support of our parish through the Sunday

Offering and electronic giving makes all this possible.

Your continued support is vital to their success. Summer

is a busy time for many families in our parish. No matter

where your plans take you, please remember your parish

during these Summer months.

“In gratitude we return to God a share of the blessings

God has given us. Giving lets us share in the

work of Jesus Christ.”

Attention all Men of the Parish

The Holy Martyrs Men’s Group would like to

invite the men of the Parish to join them on a

trip to see the Cleveland Indians play on Friday,

September 8


. This is a Dollar Dog and Fireworks Night!

Bus transportation will be provided from the church to

Progressive Field. The cost for the bus and tickets will be

$58 per person. Please contact Chuck Levesque at

(814) 860-4330, [email protected] or

Kent Von Der Vellen at (330) 421-0863,

[email protected] to reserve your spot. There is a

limited number of seats so please reserve yours now.


If you are a victim of domestic abuse,

or know someone who is, call the


Summit & Medina Counties’ confidential hotline for help

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Caring staff and trained

volunteers who understand domestic violence can answer

questions, and provide information, emergency shelter,

referrals, and support.

Medina County Hotline 330-723-3900

Toll Free 877-414-1344

Summit County Hotline 330-374-1111

Toll Free 888-395-4357

Page 6: Holy Martyrs – Holy Martyrs is a Roman Catholic Church in ...B1 Allie Solecki B2 Paul Steinle C1 Jeff Twardzik C2 Barbara DeMichael (pyx) Sandra Twardzik Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist

Parish School of Religion - 330-952-1466

Holy Martyrs Church August 6, 2017

Medina, Ohio




Bread Cup


5:30 PM

Erin Rankin Nathan Agnew (sub req.)

Alexa Matyac

Jeffrey Hood

Anthony spinhirn


7:30 AM

B1 Allie Solecki

B2 Paul Steinle

C1 Jeff Twardzik

C2 Barbara DeMichael

(pyx) Sandra Twardzik

Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist

Jonathan Friedl

Gary Kozel

Mary Kozel


9:30 AM

Linda Joseph Michael Moran

Ben Sluder

Anthony Giovinazzo

Timothy Korte

Benjamin Stobbs


11:30 AM

B1 Cindy Sauthoff

B2 Debbie Terrell (sub


B3 Mike Terrell (sub


C1 Shelley Conry


C3 John Holland

C4 Dorothy Barry

(pyx) Eileen Trabert

Kathy Madansky

Rich Madansky

Joseph Cash

Paul Zeiger

James Gaeckle

Steve Sauthoff

Michael Szabo

B1 Noreen Wendt

B2 Paul Wendt


C1 Mary Schwarz

C2 Corey Koewler

C3 Michelle Koewler

C4 Cherylann Hastings

(pyx) Stephen Brownfield

10 Things Pope Francis Wants You to Know About the Family (part IV)

Grandparents: “The richness of memory”

My family has dinner every Sunday at my home. We have made it a part of the dinner conversation to share a story about

my childhood or about my parents or about my grandchildren’s parents. Some of the stories are funny, many are

embarrassing and many of the stories we share provide opportunities for everyone to dig deeper into how we as people

learn to be responsible for helping others come to know the stories of Jesus. Diane Bruce

Pope Francis shares a story about how one family treated its elderly. The father of the family, Francis said, had their

grandfather sit at a different table during the dinner because he would get food all over his face when he ate and would

disturb everyone else. One day, the father of the family came home and found his son playing with a piece of wood.

“What are you making?“ the father asked. “A table,” the son replied. “Why” the father asked. “It’s for you, Dad, when you’re

old like Grandpa,” he said. “This story has done me such good throughout my life,” said the Pope.

“Grandparents are a treasure. Often old age isn’t pretty, right? There is sickness and all that, but the wisdom our

grandparents have is something we must welcome as an inheritance.” (continued next week)

Pope Francis 2014

Holy Martyrs will celebrate the

Sacrament of Confirmation

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Candidates and Sponsors are asked to be present for:

• Confirmation practice on Sunday, September 24 at

12:45 p.m. in Martyrs Hall.

• And Confirmation on Sunday, October 1 at 1:15 p.m. in

Martyrs Hall.

Our Presider for Confirmation is Abbot Gary Hoover of

Benedictine High School. Mass will be celebrated at

2:00 p.m. followed by a reception in the Gathering Area.


Protection of God’s Children

Will be offered to anyone who will be working in a

Holy Martyrs ministry with children

The dates of the workshop are:

Monday, August 14 from 10:00—1:00

Thursday, August 17 from 6:00—9:00

Fingerprints are offered to parishioners and may be

completed by contacting the front office at


Ask for Paula Phillips to make an appointment.

Page 7: Holy Martyrs – Holy Martyrs is a Roman Catholic Church in ...B1 Allie Solecki B2 Paul Steinle C1 Jeff Twardzik C2 Barbara DeMichael (pyx) Sandra Twardzik Corrine Skoczen Brooke Blomquist

Offered at Jesuit Retreat House in Parma. Keeping Green with Hildegard of Bingen. August 8- 9. 8:30 am -3:00 pm.

Presented by Kim Langley, M.Ed. Hildegard has been called one of the most important women of her age, and described as

the “Sibyl of the Rhine” for her wisdom, and influential writings. We will dip into her fresh and nearly modern writings,

explore her positive spirituality which focused on the “greening” of the soul, and have quiet time to rest and reflect. Imagine

the refreshment of spirit to be gained from spending a retreat with Hildegard, who said “The earth of humankind contains

all moisture, all verdancy, all germinating power. It is in so many ways fruitful.” Together we will hope to participate in the

fruitfulness of this extraordinary woman. Cost: $135 / Commuters: $90 (both days).

Around the Diocese

Join us for The FEST!

Join us today on the grounds of the Center for Pastoral Leadership (28700 Euclid Ave. in Wickliffe) from

12 noon - 10 pm for The FEST. Come to hear great music (Laura Story, Matt Maher, Crowder, and

for King & Country), enjoy activities for the entire family, join thousands for Mass at 8 pm, and experience the event of the

summer. There is plenty of close parking and something for everyone. For all the details, visit www.theFEST.us.

See you at The FEST!

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Support the Re-Entry Employment Partnership of Medina County Jail.

"If I made a mistake, I would want someone to give me a second chance."

We are in need of adult male mentors for our men who are returning to society.

Or you can help as a Small Business Employer by agreeing to receive applications from screened and mentored individuals

to be considered for this second chance at meaningful work. Also, there are incentives for you with second chance hiring!

Please pick up a brochure in the Gathering Area or call for more information: Jeff Campbell at 330-723-9615, ext. 11

at the Catholic Commission of Wayne, Ashland and Medina Counties.

"Creating a community of dignity, hope and opportunity for returning citizens!"

Retrouvaille Weekend – September 8-10, 2017 - A Lifeline for Troubled Marriages

Has your marriage become unloving or uncaring – your relationship cold, distant – thinking about a separation or

divorce? Are you already separated/divorced but both of you want to try again? Then the Retrouvaille program

may help.

RETROUVAILLE (rediscovery), which is supported by the Catholic diocese of Cleveland, but open to couples of all

faiths, consists of a weekend experience for couples and six follow up sessions. A registration fee of $150 is

required to confirm your reservation. For more information concerning the program, or to register, please call

Marce or Liz Gliha at 440.357.6580 or 1.800.470.2230, or go online to www.helpourmarriage.org.