Holy Lands RPG: One Page Adventure Collection 6-10

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This is a collection of my one page adventures all in one file. This has adventures 6-10.

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Page 1: Holy Lands RPG: One Page Adventure Collection 6-10
Page 2: Holy Lands RPG: One Page Adventure Collection 6-10

Holy Lands The Christian Role-playing Game

Holy Lands RPG is copyright Faith Quest Games 2012

Setting: Deep in the Bone Hills, is an ancient pagan shrine. Dedicated in centuries past to the worship of deceptive gods it is also the resting place of the Moonstone, a Moon Opal of great beauty. The Dwarfolk merchant Delbar Munsten, has hired you to recover the Moonstone, which was stolen from his clan 50 years ago.

The Truth: Delbar is telling the truth, but what he does not know is that the former priestess of the shrine put a curse on the stone to punish those who came to steal it back. Moonstone: Moon Opal worth 200gp

The Adventure: 1. The entrance is covered with thick growing vines and draped lush ferns, and there is a very cool humid breeze that comes from within. A roaring sound can be heard. The stone is carved with intricate symbols of the moon and dancing robed females. 2. An underground river emerges from a large carved female face; it sprays across the only path before dropping down a large manmade pit. Characters must make an Agility check to make it past the rushing waters to the path beyond. 3. A large rusty iron bound door blocks the passage, there is an iron ring and a lock. (Lock: +1 difficulty to picking due to rust) 4. This dry room is dusty, there are bookshelves lining the walls, and it is packed with jars, vials, bottles, scrolls, books, and other assorted things. On the south wall there are 13 hooks, and on four hooks hang black silk robes of fine quality. Most of the items in this room are worthless and will fall apart quickly if removed from the room, but there are two Drafts of Healing and a Cure of Fumes. If a Search roll is made the character may find a simple plain dagger in a wooden box (Holy Dagger: +1 ADV, +1 DAM). Surrounding the exit to 5, are Runes with a Curse of Weakness (ADV Pack 3, Pg 4) 5. After descending the steps there is a bridge that is The constant water fall from the hole in 2, makes this floor very slick and the constant noise

conceals the demonic presence of a clutch of 4 Gremlins (DHM, Pg 15) armed with stone clubs. They will attack anyone trying to cross “their” bridge without paying a toll of 1 gp each. They will not pursue anyone off the bridge. After two or more are killed they will flee up to 2 and out of the shrine. 6. The river continues to flow here but eventually exits again underground across a larger sandy floored room. Hiding in the sands of this room are 4 Skeletons (DHM, Pg 21). They will rise from the sand and attack anyone attempting to cross the river (10’ wide) that is not wearing a black robe from room 4. 7. In this small chamber, lit by what appears to be moonlight, there is a larger central dais that upon which rest the Moonstone. Carved onto the dais “A second chance is seldom found, to revenge those beneath the ground. On ye this fate I do intone, that ye may feel the strength of bone.” If the Moonstone is touched, a 4 armed skeleton materializes and attacks. (Uses the same stats as a normal skeleton but with 4 AtR, using 4 scimitars).

The Finish: Delbar is quite happy to have the Moonstone returned and is willing to pay a reward of 20gp, but would much rather have the characters escort him back to his clan hold in the mountains, where they will be treated as heroes and offered greater adventures.

One Page Adventure – HL6 Shrine of the Moon

Page 3: Holy Lands RPG: One Page Adventure Collection 6-10

Holy Lands The Christian Role-playing Game

Holy Lands RPG is copyright Faith Quest Games 2013

Setting: Long ago, before civilized man came to this land, the worshipers of the demon spider Ungol ruled the land with fear and terror. After a long and bloody reign, the followers of this vile demon were thrown down by the Knights of the Holy Sword, and the Demon Ungol was destroyed…or was it? One late afternoon, a bloody man crawls from the underbrush, and into the firelight, before he collapses at your feet.

The Truth: Ungol (translated to mean Twilight), is trying to make a comeback, it has summoned and or possessed new worshipers. Lead by a Druid, the worshipers plan on bringing Ungol back to life in a terrible ceremony of sacrifice. The man has escaped from the cultists and is desperate to get help in recovering his family. He can lead the characters to the entrance of the dark vale where his family and friends were taken. He can only tell you that he escaped when attacked by a tree after entering the vale while searching for his wife and children.

The Adventure: 1. You stand on a hill overlooking a shadowy and misty valley, surrounded by sheer cliffs of stone, the sounds of screams echo from the fog.

You can tell by the angle of the sun that you only have an hour until twilight. 2. The trail is clearly marked and well used, after entering the mist, the trees take on a menacing appearance, there is a rocky stretch of path

where it appears a fight took place, blood on the ground and the body of a man that looks like he was strangled. Standing in the mist is a Tree Bilk (LP:59), it has a sturdy woodsmans dagger is imbedded in it’s trunk (Dagger (exceptional +3 to hit)).

3. Further down the path you can hear the screeches and screams of many creatures who with demonic glee are torturing a pair of young children, who are backed into a rocky outcrop. The Imps (2 per character) are teasing and poking the children, and even in the short time the characters watch they get more and more hurtful and at the first sign of blood (a thrown rock cuts one of the children) they go crazy and all rush with claws and teeth bared. After saving the children will tell you that their mother is still with the other demons. They are too afraid to try to go back up the path by themselves. Children (LP: 4,7).

4. The path winds down between two cliffs that arch and come together overhead, the path is dark and gets very silent, you find it hard to even hear each other speak. Hovering over the path in the darkness is a Shadow Devil (LP: 36). If it finds itself loosing the fight, it will teleport back to it’s underground cave where it can magically heal to full in 5 min (unlimited times).

5. When you come out of the cliffside, the first thing you notice is the chanting that comes from the people gathered around a stone alter. Standing at the head of the alter, holding a large wickedly curved sword, is a Druid. He is preparing to sacrifice a woman (the children’s mother) tied down to the alter while each of the 13 worshipers has a villager held down as well with a knife to their throat. The players must proceed cautiously, as the cultists are waiting only for the word of the Druid to complete the act. Druid (LP:33, Staff of Lighting (10 charges), Ring of Calling (summons a large (15’ tall) cave bear to his aid). The Druid will be happy to explain the reason for the sacrifice if approached in a reasonable manner, he believes that the Creature they summon is the re-birth of a great nature god and that it will bring enlightenment to all. He is pretty much a basket case and will not be open to any negotiation. As the sun sets and the twilight begins, he gets very nervous and starts chanting between words. He will then order the cultist to kill the sacrifices. If not stopped by the characters the cultists (actually 13 Kryn LP:17 ea, armed with Daggers and Hand Axes). If the cultists are able to kill at least 6 of their sacrifices (to include the Druids), the stone alter will begin to smoke and hiss and a large (20’ long, white spider) will appear Giant Demon Spider (Ungol) (LP:150, cannot be hit by non-holy wpns)

The Finish: The woodsman is grateful for his family’s safety, and will offer to reward the party with 6 furs (20gp ea). The Druid/cultists had 2000 s, 800 g (mostly from former victims). Under the alter, in a secret compartment is a holding area for captured Holy Items, in it can be found a Holy Long Sword (+2 ATT/DAM), a Holy Spear (+1 ATT/DAM, +4 ATT/DAM vs flying demons only), a pair of Holy Boots of Silence, and Pendant of the Dove. These Holy Items will be consumed if the demon Ungol is summoned. But really after that the players will have other things to worry about other than treasure.

One Page Adventure – Level 5-6 The Coming of Twilight

Page 4: Holy Lands RPG: One Page Adventure Collection 6-10

Holy Lands The Christian Role-playing Game

Holy Lands RPG is copyright Faith Quest Games 2013

Setting: The Heroes are in a village when they hear a disturbance near an outlying well. The villagers are yelling that little Timmy was playing near the well when several small people came out and grabbed him. His pet collie attempted to fight them off and they shot it with a little arrow. They are afraid to go into the well after Timmy. Timmy’s poor mother begs and beseeches the Heroes to go after him and rescue him.

The Truth: This well is fed by a hidden underground spring in a cavern that is occupied by Fairies. The cavern system is small, but that is only to the perspective of the larger humans, to the fey it is grand and well fitted. The Fairies have captured the boy after a few of the more adventuresome broke through the well wall and crawled to the surface (strictly forbidden). After being attacked by the dog, they grabbed the boy and now hold him below. They have fitted him with an old gold crown they found and are declaring him the new king. He is crying, scared and bruised but not seriously injured.

The Adventure: 1. The village well shaft. Stone lined and rough enough to climb down to the water which is 10’ below. There is a 3’ wide crack in the wall, &

water trickles from beyond. The water at the bottom is 5’ deep and is replenished quickly. There are several silver coins at the bottom (5s). 2. The cold water flows down this slope, creating several small pools. The main pool is only 2’ deep, and lit by hundreds of small glowing

mushrooms, giving the chamber an ethereal look. If the Heroes make a lot of noise two Faerie warriors will come to investigate. 3. This side chamber is used by the Fairies for storing weapons and armor and even doubles as a small blacksmith shop. A small (2’) Silver

bowl, filled with a silvery rock serves as the forge and will magically burn hot with no trace of smoke. There are 5 wee daggers, 20 wee arrow heads, 2 wee longswords, a suit of wee chainmail, and wee smithy tools. All the items are enhanced to +2 ATT/DAM. The armor is +2 DEF. The forge is cold and has not been used for at least a month. The forge would be worth hundreds of gold to the right collector.

4. This chamber is lit with the same glowing fungus. It is used to store dry goods. There are 10 small boxes and intricately made chests (each worth 5s). The goods consist of wheels of a translucent dry cheese, sweet milk in 5 cold metal cans (1gal, magical). The food is safe to eat and but will not sustain a grown human who will be hungry shortly after eating it.

5. A great noise comes from this chamber; it is well lit with a glittering and magical light that flit around the ceiling. In the center of the chamber, on a stone, sits Timmy. He is crying and wearing a gold and gem encrusted crown (20g) that has slipped over his eyes. All around him dance/fly 10 Fairies teasing him by pulling his hair and poking him. Depending on the number of Heroes, as soon as the Heroes are spotted the music (no source) will instantly stop and the Fairies will scatter. Most will flee down the passage (7) and deeper into the underdeep. If attacked the Fairies will fight back, using magic and weapons, but will flee at the first opportunity.

6. This chamber is the home to the Fairies. There are several small furs and silk type blankets set around the room, as well as various collected personal belongings. There are 3 rubies (10g), 2 sapphires (20g), and a topaz worth 50g.

Fairies: Demi-Race, Life: 4 +1d4 [Really Lesser Demon], Attributes: INT: 8, WIS: 4, WILL: 4, AGI: 13, STR: 4, SPD: 12, END: 4, Skills: Charm +8,

Elude Pursuit +6, HP Hearing +8, Sneak +10, Combat Skills: ADV: +8, DAM: -3, DOD: +8, DEF: +5, Weapon Skills: WS Missiles: ATT: +4, SPC: +0, CRI: +0, AtR: 2, Weapons [DAM]: Claw/Bite [1] Fairy Knife [1d4] Fairy Short Bow [1d4 + Poison: save or sleep for 5rds], Armor: None , tDEF: 4 [ nDEF: 4 (from size and speed)], Magic: 50% chance of See the Unseen, Teleport, Shape Change, Saving Throws: vs. Holy Items: +1, Ht: 1” tall , Wt: .5 lbs, Spoken Language: Local, Gothic, Weakness: Holy Weapons and Cold Iron touch causes double damage, Avoids Holy Water, Immunity: Disease, Value: 260 EXP (Note: Minimum Damage done with a weapons is always at least 1)

The Finish: The Fairies, if fought and any harmed will not likely forgive the Heroes. They will track them and harass them at every opportunity. The Rac may use them to cause problems for the Heroes at future times when things get slow or at any other very inopportune moment. Timmy’s mother will be ecstatic at having him back, she will offer to cook the Heroes a meal (all she has to offer), and the village will reward the Heroes with gratitude and free drinks, they will expect the full story over ale in the tavern of course. They will insist the Heroes keep any treasure found. The crown can be used as a lead to further adventure as well as the dark passage to the underdeep (7) leads into more danger.

One Page Adventure HL8 – Level 2-3 The Well of the King

Page 5: Holy Lands RPG: One Page Adventure Collection 6-10

Holy Lands The Christian Role-playing Game

Holy Lands RPG is copyright Faith Quest Games 2013

Setting: Villagers are running for their lives! A recent series of raids by a Cyclops is terrorizing the area. It comes from the “One-Eye Pass in the Cairn Hills. Old One-Eye was a black wizard who has a tower in the area, but he has not been heard from in a decade. Several locals have been taken by the demons and a local hero “Praga” followed their trail into the hills, but has not been heard from in over 2 weeks. Will the Heroes help rid the area of this evil and rescue those lost?

The Truth: One-Eye kept many summoned demon slaves in his castle and after his death over 10 years ago, the stronger ones escaped and now haunt the nearby hills. Recently a band of Cyclops took up residence in the nearby abandoned Dwarfolk mine at the other end of the valley, and they are in the process of capturing slaves to work them for the platinum they have discovered. The ruins of One-Eyes castle are left unlisted so that the Rac can fill them with whatever evil nastiness that he chooses to fit his campaign world.

The Adventure: 1. Pine Woods: These woods lay at the foot of the Cairn Hills. They are normal woods and hold no special encounters except at night when

the minions of the Cyclops patrol the trail looking for fun in the form of slaves and mischief. 1-2: 8 imps, 3-4: 5 wolves, 5-6: 1 gargoyle.

2. Waterfall: This fall is 300 ft tall and is the abode of a flight of 8 Cave Imps. These pose little threat to a well armed party, but will harass anyone they find in the area at night. The villagers can tell of manlike bat things that terrorize anyone who camps in the area without a strong fire at night. The cave imps are hiding from the Cyclops, as they do not wish to serve them; they only want to be left alone to hunt.

3. The Trail: This wooded trail is fairly obvious as the Cyclops has little to fear from the locals. At night it is patrolled by demons who will

attempt to capture and enslave anyone they find, taking them back to the mine for a reward. 1-2: 10 Imps, 3-4: 1 Gargoyle, 5-6: 2 Cyclops. Near the center island, there are the remains of a warrior, this is “Praga”, who died while fighting the gargoyle. His blade is napped and his armor is bent and useless, but he does have an undamaged “Blessed Shield of Light”, and a backpack with 3 Cures of Life, and a Holy Water.

4. Mine: The Dwarfolk mine was abandoned when they were raided by One-Eyes minions 5 yrs ago. The mine was moderately successful and

will produce nearly 50g worth of Platinum per day if brought back into operation by a competent Dwarfolk team. The Cyclops clan consists of an Alpha male, and Alpha female and two lesser Cyclops. They have 5 captured villages that are kept in the dark and mistreated, forced to mine the metal in unsafe conditions. There were 10 slaves before a roof collapse killed 5 last week.

5. The Ruins: The only thing that I will tell about the Ruins at this point is that they are infested with many undead, both lesser and greater

varieties. Leading the undead is a Vampire, who sustains itself with blood taken from his minions. There are 30 Kryn followers, a small army of skeletons (45) and wolves (20) and he is almost done reading old One-Eye’s encrypted journals that detail how to use a magical mirror that allows the user to summon demons and even devils who must serve the user for 1 year and a day. When the vampire accomplishes this task, he will start to increase his power and expand his undead kingdom out of the pass and into the surrounding human areas. The ruins are way too big to be a one page adventure and will be dealt with in a full adventure at a later time.

The Finish: When the Cyclops clan and the other evil minions are dealt with (the imps will run away after the Cyclops is defeated, but the gargoyle will fight to the death) the slaves can be freed and returned to their homes. There is a cache of 20 platinum nuggets to be found in the Cyclops treasure (1 platinum nugget = 50g, but exchange will only happen in one of the larger cities such as Riventown or Galgalee). An Angel can be used to guide the Heroes away from the ruins or they can just meet a few of the vampire’s minions and break off after they realize it is way above their heads. The locals will be extremely happy to have their relatives back and a Dwarfolk mining company will contact the Heroes within a week to ask about perhaps a contract to guide and guard a return expedition to the mines.

One Page Adventure HL9 – Level 3-4 One-Eye Pass

Page 6: Holy Lands RPG: One Page Adventure Collection 6-10

Holy Lands The Christian Role-playing Game

Holy Lands RPG is copyright Faith Quest Games 2013

Setting: The Cairn Hills; a vast series of hills filled with the remains of the Old Empires buried dead. Raiding undead from this area has been on the rise lately. An isolated raid by a horde of Orcs has raised the ire of the local Lord and a reward is issued for them to be destroyed. Can the Heroes track the Orcs to their lair? What dangers await the Heroes as they enter the Orc home?

The Truth: The Bloody Claw Orc tribe has recently evicted several undead from their old tomb. The tribe is led by an Orc Witch who is following a vision that foretold the tribe’s eventual rule over the weak humans. The tomb is carved into the rock face of a series of cliffs that are riddled with tombs. The tribe has sent word to the main tribe, and when they arrive they will clear the rest of the undead out and claim them all for themselves, setting up an Orchish Kingdom from which to enslave the nearby human settlements.

The Adventure: 1. The Portico: This open area is watched constantly by guards in area 3. Any trespassers will signal the alarm and receive crossbow attacks.

2. Communal Living Area: This large common room was the tombs prep area. Now the orcs eat and play games (torturing small animals) here. 3. Guard Room: This room is guarded by 3 orcs, (crossbow, battleaxe) who watch the Portico (1). There is a 75% chance of a guard on duty

and watching , otherwise they will have become distracted or wandered off elsewhere in the lair. All 3 sleep in this room. The alarm consists of a grimy breast plate hanging from a chain which is used as a gong.

4. Sleeping Room: This room is the sleeping area for 6 orcs (battleaxe, medium shield). During the evening they are in the common room, at

night they are normally on patrol or hunting. One has a pouch with 30g, 20s, and an exceptional dagger +2, that he took from a merchant they recently killed. The loot is hidden under a flea and lice infested fur bed .

5. Kitchen: This room is where the orc cook kills and cooks (sort of) the tribes food. He easily the largest orc (fat) that you have ever seen, he wields a large cleaver (scimitar) with great skill (ADV+6, ATT+6, DAM+6) .

6. Latrine: The smell alone would be enough to help you identify this room. The small off room has a filthy, disgusting hole that drops down into the darkness. Anything more than just a passing glance at this room will expose the Hero to a debilitating disease (treat as save vs poison) that will reduce the Hero’s STR & END by 1d4 for 1d6 days starting in 24 hrs.

7. / 8. Guard Room / Witches Chamber: The guard is the witch’s favorite, zombie orc, (Magical Great axe +4 ATT/DAM, plus it drains 1d4 FP each hit that, in turn, heals the wielder). The Witch (Advanced Orc Mage) is a disgusting fat orc, she wears metal claws that she dips in poison every morning (save or take 2d6 DAM per rd for 1d12 rds), Potion of invisibility (10 rds), Wand of Raise Undead. She will gladly sacrifice her followers if it means she can escape and live. She expects the rest of the tribe (40 Orcs) to arrive before the next new moon (2 weeks).

The Finish: The undead that have been chased out of the tomb are all roaming the hills. They are ghouls, skeletons, zombies and at least one phantom. The witch used a summoned demon (a Death Knight) to run them out. The witch used up a magical gem to summon the Death Knight and cannot do it again. The gem is in her chamber and is worth 300g. The gem is in a chest with 100s, and 50g, a Cure of Life, a Holy Pendent of Levitation, and a Holy Flask of Never-ending Water. She plans on using these Holy items in a ritual that will give her control over all undead within a 5 mile radius, not far, but in the Cairn Hills that will still amount o a huge undead army that she will then control and order to attack all nearby human settlements. The ensuing war will possibly attract the attention of the vampire from One-Eye Pass in OPA-HL9.

One Page Adventure HL10 – Level 4-5 Home Sweet Home