Page1 From the Pastors Dear Parish Family, In the Holy Scriptures, the heart is symbolic of our will to do good or evil. The Bible refers frequently to the evil of the human heart. The author of Genesis tells of God’s assessment of the hearts of human beings, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5 NKJV) Christ speaks of the evil of the human heart. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.” (Matthew 15: 18-19 NKJV) From the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, human beings have had evil in their hearts, that is, at the very center of their being. Pharaoh’s evil is described as the hardening of his heart. In Isaiah, the king of Babylon is called Lucifer, later a name for Satan. He is described in this way: “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;” (Isaiah 14: 12-13a NKJV) The proud king also says, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14: 13 NKJV) Like Pharaoh, the king of Babylon has an arrogant and prideful heart. It is no surprise considering the magnitude of human evil that those who govern are inclined to arrogant and prideful hearts. “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22: 37 NKJV) How can we obey the Law as summarized by Christ from the heart? We cannot on our own. Continued on page 2 June 2014 In This Issue: From the Pastors – pg. 1 Prayer List – pg. 3 Letters – pg. 11 Worship Assts Schedule – pg. 16 Calendar – pg. 17 HOLY TRINITY Evangelical Lutheran Church ECHOES NEWSLETTER Pastors The Rev. Dr. Michael G. Tavella The Rev. N. Amanda Grimmer Staff The Rev. John Bradosky, Bishop of the North American Lutheran Church Mrs. Jacqueline Smith, B. Mus. M. Mus., Director of Music Mrs. Deborah Mumford, Parish Secretary Worship Services Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 9 am (Sunday Church School at 10:30 am) Holy Communion Saturday evening, Sunday morning & Festival Days Deadline for submission of material for the Echoes Newsletter is 9 am the 15th of each month Parkview & Lycoming Avenue | Abington, Pennsylvania 19001 | Tel: 215.659.2642

HOLY TRINITY€¦ ·  · 2014-05-29The heart of the believer is cleansed by Christ and yet we still sin. Here is a paradox. How is it resolved? ... Barbara, Betty, Bill, Bob, Brandy,

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From the Pastors

Dear Parish Family,

In the Holy Scriptures, the heart is symbolic of our will to do good or evil. The Bible refers frequently to the evil of the human heart. The author of Genesis tells of God’s assessment of the hearts of human beings, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5 NKJV) Christ speaks of the evil of the human heart. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.” (Matthew 15: 18-19 NKJV) From the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, human beings have had evil in their hearts, that is, at the very center of their being.

Pharaoh’s evil is described as the hardening of his heart. In Isaiah, the king of Babylon is called Lucifer, later a name for Satan. He is described in this way: “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;” (Isaiah 14: 12-13a NKJV) The proud king also says, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14: 13 NKJV) Like Pharaoh, the king of Babylon has an arrogant and prideful heart. It is no surprise considering the magnitude of human evil that those who govern are inclined to arrogant and prideful hearts.

“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22: 37 NKJV) How can we obey the Law as summarized by Christ from the heart? We cannot on our own.

Continued on page 2

June 2014

In This Issue:

From the Pastors – pg. 1 Prayer List – pg. 3 Letters – pg. 11 Worship Assts Schedule – pg. 16 Calendar – pg. 17

HOLY TRINITY Evangelical Lutheran Church



The Rev. Dr. Michael G. Tavella

The Rev. N. Amanda Grimmer


The Rev. John Bradosky, Bishop of the

North American Lutheran Church

Mrs. Jacqueline Smith, B. Mus. M.

Mus., Director of Music

Mrs. Deborah Mumford,

Parish Secretary

Worship Services

Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 9 am

(Sunday Church School at 10:30 am)

Holy Communion

Saturday evening, Sunday morning &

Festival Days

Deadline for submission of material

for the Echoes Newsletter is 9 am the

15th of each month

Parkview & Lycoming Avenue | Abington, Pennsylvania 19001 | Tel: 215.659.2642



From the Pastors Continued from pg. 1

After his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and his arrangement of the murder of Uriah, her husband, King David cries to God for cleansing from his terrible sin. He prays words of his own composition, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.“ (Psalm 51: 10 NKJV) In the story of the prophet Nathan’s confrontation of David about this sin, David responds not with excuses or a lie but with a confession of sin. “I have sinned against the Lord,” he says. (See the whole story in II Samuel).

David turns to the Lord in repentance for His sin. He knows that only God can cleanse it. The dynamic is that of repentance and forgiveness. I John recounts the centrality of this dynamic. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1: 8-9 NKJV) John writes that it is the blood of Christ who cleanses us from our sins. (I John 1: 7) In the Book of Revelation we hear the message of redemption by the blood of Christ from a heavenly choir consisting of the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders, “For You (Christ) were slain, And have redeemed us to God by your blood.” (Revelation 5: 9 NJKV)

The heart of the believer is cleansed by Christ and yet we still sin. Here is a paradox. How is it resolved? We shall continue this series on the heart next month and consider this and other questions.

In Christ, The Rev. Dr. Michael G. Tavella The Rev. N. Amanda Grimmer

Coram Deo

Living in the presence of God

Meets: Mondays at 7:30 in the


Coram Deo is a new literary

group at Holy Trinity led by

Pastor Mike and Nancy King-

Berkovitz. If you love literature,

wish you knew more about

literature, or want to discuss

books and poetry within a

Christian context, this is your

kind of book club.

See you there!

Altar Flowers

The Altar Flowers have been

presented to the Glory of God by

the people of Holy Trinity.

Altar Flowers must be ordered

no later than the Tuesday

afternoon preceding the Sunday

they are presented. They may be

ordered through the Church

Office (215-659-2642). You may

pay by placing $20.00 in a

brown/white pew envelope

checked “Altar Flowers.” If you

know it, indicate your envelope


Beginning Monday, June 2nd I will be taking over

as secretary in the office. Should you need to

reach me here is my email:

[email protected]

Sincerely, Deb Mumford.



Holy Trinity


Lutheran Church

Mission Statement

Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

Church is a congregation of people

of God, bound together in love for

the purpose of glorifying God in

worship and in fulfilling His will

through spreading the Gospel of

salvation in Jesus Christ to all


Prayer List

One of the beautiful aspects of Christian Fellowship

is that we can share one another’s concerns through prayer.

Please pray for the following:

Please pray for the following individuals & their families : (we

cannot add last names or initials) The families of the members of

Holy Trinity together with those they love, including:

Albert, Alex, Alicia, Allyson, Althea, Amber, Amy, Aniah, Anna, Antoinette, Augusto, Barbara, Betty, Bill, Bob, Brandy, Brian, Brianna, Carol, Cassidy, Cheri, Chris, Clyde, David, Derek, Don, Drew, Elaine, Ellsworth, Eric, Erin, F. Joseph, Frank, George, Gene, Gerald, Gloria, Hannah, Harry, Hazel, Heidi, Helen, Herb, Ingrid, Jackie, Jason, Jeanne, Jennifer, Joanne, John, Joshua, Judy, Julianne, Julius, Kevan, Linda, Lee, Lori, Lucia, Maralyn, Maryanne, Mary Ann, Maureen, Matt, Max, Megan, Nate, Nancy, Nedra, Pat, Peck, Rebecca, Renee, Rick, Rudi, Ruth, Samantha, Scarlet, Scott, Stephanie, Tara, T.J., Tony, Tyler, Wanda, and Xavier.

Please pray for the following families:

All of the families of Holy Trinity, together with those they love and pray for; especially we pray for the:

Arrue, Bell, Bell-Powell, Benincasa, Berkovitz, Biehl, Dewald, Drobash, Eisenmann, Frame, Hanzlick, Kennedy, Koehler, Langan, Lee, MacErlean, McKelvey, Powell, Praschil, Ryan, Sayles, Seas, Selman, Schmidt, Shippon, Singrella, Timson, Walker and Young families.

Please pray for the following petitions:

That God would bless and protect all members of Holy Trinity, together with those they love and pray for. That God would guide each of us to grow in grace and the He would please send workers into the Harvest. For all who are chronically ill or shut-in. For all congregations of the NALC. For all travelers and for the dying. For the military and their families. The unemployed and underemployed & the uninsured, especially those in our own families. All caregivers, rescue workers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, EMTs. For the members of the Mekane Yesus Lutheran Church in Ethiopia, and for the Nifas Silk Congregation. For our sister congregations: Nifas Silk in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and First Lutheran in Kirkland Illinois. For all Christians who are being persecuted for their faith throughout the world. For victims of rains, wildfires, earthquakes and hurricanes and for favorable weather and an abundance of crops.

For all in financial difficulty that they may be totally restored.

Healing Prayer

Ministry After the 5:00 P.M. Saturday Service,

and after the 9:00 A.M. Service,

members of the Healing Prayer

Team are available in the Chapel of

the Good Shepherd to meet with you

for healing prayer. Prayers are

offered for your physical, emotional,

and spiritual health.


Prayer Group.

June 2nd — 7:30 P.M.

The Women’s Prayer Group

will meet Monday, June 2 and

then break until September. If

anyone has prayer needs over

the summer, please contact

Rosemary Hinkle and she will

gladly convene the prayer

group whose members will

gladly come together to pray

whenever someone is in need.



Support Us

Please consider a gift

of appreciated

securities to Holy

Trinity as you do your

tax planning for this

year. You may direct

questions about how

to do this to Alan

Hinkle at [email protected].

Keep in your prayers

the following

individuals serving

in the armed forces:

Michael Boerner

Christopher DiToro

Matthew Gottschling

Shaun Hall

Eric Henderson

Robert McKay

Nathan Quinlan

Timothy Quinlan

Jeremy Zar


While shopping, pick up

items for interfaith food


- cereal, peanut

butter, jelly

- juice, ice tea mix,

powdered milk

- pasta, sauce, noodles,

macaroni & cheese

- tuna, canned meats

Join the Conversation!

We want to hear from you! Pastor Mandy has a blog

on which she posts regularly. This blog is embedded

right in our website at www.holytrinity.net. Your

feedback is wanted! Please come on in and check us

out. At the bottom of each blog there is space for

your comments. Let us hear from you.

Treasurer’s Report

April 30, 2014 Holy Trinity Ministries Wider Church

Year to date received for

current income

$132,975.71 $12,714.05

Carry over Benevolence

from 2013

$ 398.26

Expenses paid to date $154,074.01 $11,500.00

Surplus/(Deficit) 2014 $(21,098.30) $ 1,612.31



Our Christian Sympathy to:

Gil and Betsy Zimmermann on the death of Gil’s mother, Stella M. “Marilyn” Zimmermann.


Memorials have been received in the names of Alma Gottlieb and Marilyn Zimmermann.

Men’s Devotional Group

June 12, 2014

The Men’s Devotional Group meets the

second Thursday of every month at 7:00 P.M.

in the Youth Room. If you’ve never joined us

before, now is the time to start and see what

we are all about! Hope to see you all there on

June 12th.


June 4, 2014 — Noon

Brownbag your own lunch.

Murder Mystery Game

“The Nifty Fifties”

Discipleship in a

Post-Modern Society

October 2 through November 13

Theology with Bagels 9:30 A.M.

Theology with Cake 7:30 P.M.

Each session will include a careful

study of a biblical text and practical

training for cross bearing.

We meet in the chapel for Evening

Prayer and then in the Parlor for class


The January Theology with Bagels will

study The Cruelty of Heresy by C.

FitSimons Allison.



Coram Deo

Holy Trinity Shirts

The Evangelism Committee is making

shirts available to our members with

the Holy Trinity logo in embroidery. All

shirts are royal blue with a white logo.

Both golf shirts and dress shirts may be

ordered. Cost is less than $30.

depending on type of shirt.

Contact Judi Reeder at

[email protected] for further


Living in the presence of God

Meets: Mondays at 7:30 in

the Parlor

June 2nd — French poetry via

Paul Verlaine and Arthur

Rimbaud (will be distributed at

the meeting)

June 9th — Richard Wright’s

Native Son

June 16th — Albert Camus’s

The Stranger



William Ryan Breslin

Alyssa Nicole Goodson

Jared Michael Ickler

Michael David LaRocca

We welcome into the Lord’s family

Ryan Patrick Sweeney, Jr., son of Ryan

Patrick Sweeney, Sr. and Maryanne

(DiPietro) Sweeney who was baptized

on May 18, 2014.


Melody Riann Pierce, daughter of

Josh and Michelle (Muller) Pierce who

was baptized on June 1, 2014.




(sponsored by the Men’s Devotional Group)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

1:35 P.M.


Sec. 419 – (behind home plate) — Rows 11 THRU 16

We have 40 tickets available on a first come, first served basis.

The price per ticket is $28.00

Call Tom or Sue Schied to reserve your tickets. (215-517-5505)




Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Women now have Giant Food

Stores Gift Cards for purchase. The

cards are available in

denominations of $5.00, $10.00,

$20.00, $25.00, $50.00 and

$100.00. If you are interested in

obtaining Giant Gift Cards, there is

an order form in the Narthex that

can be completed and left in the

box or turned into the Church

office. (No money with order form

please). Joy Alderfer is

coordinating this project for

HTLCW. She will complete your

orders. Cash purchases are

welcome, all checks for gift cards

should be made payable to

HTLCW. Joy will be available in

Fellowship Hall after Church to

take orders, payment and deliver


HTLCW receives a 5% cash back

award for each card sold which

will go into our scholarship fund.

Our scholarship fund is utilized to

offset the cost of any LCW related

function for any Church women

who may want to attend but needs

financial assistance.

Thank you for your support.

Holy Trinity Women’s Prayer


June 2nd

7:30 P.M.

The Women’s Prayer Group will meet

Monday, June 2 and then break until

September. If anyone has prayer

needs over the summer, please

contact Rosemary Hinkle and she will

gladly convene the prayer group

whose members will gladly come

together to pray.

whenever someone is in need.



7:00 PM — June 1, 2014

Come see what this new group is

all about.

Bring your friends.

Last meeting until September



One Day Retreat Saturday, October 25

8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.


“Reflections on Luther’s Fourteen Consolations”

Holy Eucharist

The Daily Office — Morning Prayer, Sext, and None

Summer Adult Sunday School

In June and July

in the Parlor

following worship 10:30 A.M.

Reading the Psalms with Luther

May 25, 2014

Dear Holy Trinity family,

Thank you so much for the care package.

It helped me get through my finals — when I managed

to keep Martina away from it!

The semester is now over and I am officially a

sophomore! Wishing everyone a pleasant summer.




New Directions for the

“Diane’s Throws” Rectangles

Rectangles will measure 8 inches by 55 inches

Each row uses a knit stitch

Please make sure that the length is measured on a flat surface to ensure its size

Use size 8 knitting needles

Use 2 ply yarn

Cast on 40 stitches (adjust # of stitches so the 40 stitches = 8 inches)

Holy Trinity Blood Drive

Friday, June 6, 2014

To donate blood or if you have any questions,

contact Marilynn Murphy or the Church office.

Our local hospitals order an average of 2,000 blood products each and every

day. Meeting the daily demand for blood while maintaining our ability to

respond to an unexpected emergency is a constant challenge. A three day

supply of all blood types is the optimal safe level.

Please do not wait for an emergency to give blood. Everyday, patients suffering

from cancer, sickle cell disease, and life-threatening injuries are in need of

blood. Giving blood is one of the easiest and most important ways you can help

patients in your community.



I don’t quite know how to put into words all the emotions I’m feeling during my last couple of days as Holy Trinity’s

secretary. During my eighteen years, I have come to know and love you as my extended family. You made me feel

welcome from the very beginning. When I attend a service here, I’m always surprised at how few of you I don’t

recognize. Although I haven’t met every one of you, I’ve probably talked to you all on the phone at one time or

another. Thank you everyone for your friendship and kindnesses.

The words “Thank you” don’t seem enough to cover the gratitude I feel toward you all. First on the list is Pastor Mike

and Pastor Mandy who have been here for me during all my ups and downs. They were the first ones at the hospital

to pray with me when I was going through my medical problems. During that time Sue Tolton stepped right in and

kept the office running until I could return to work. Working with Jackie Smith and getting to know Kile and watching

their daughters grow has been a pleasure. Thank you to all the office volunteers over the years who came in and gave

Holy Trinity their time to help me with so many projects.

The brunch was absolutely wonderful. It was so heart-warming to see all of you there in the sanctuary and in

Fellowship Hall to say goodbye. I know Tina Bednarczyk and Janice Donnelly played a big part in the preparations for

the party. Thank you to them and to everyone else who had a hand in the celebration whatever it may have been from

planning to cooking to cleaning up. The hall looked just beautiful.

Your very generous cash gift was overwhelming. I plan on using the gift for something special but I haven’t decided

what yet. The Willow Tree Angel figurine and the beautiful prayer shawl will be treasured forever.

I am grateful that Bill and our family was invited to share in all the festivities. I’ve talked about them constantly and

now you got to meet them. I’m looking forward to a whole bunch of lunch dates and phone calls now that I have spare


God bless you all.

With love to you all.


From the



Calling all…

Women of Holy Trinity

We would love to have you attend one of the circles listed below. If you are already in a circle, then

we look forward to seeing you at our June gatherings. If you are new to Holy Trinity or have not yet

visited a circle, then we hope you will select a circle to visit this month. You will enjoy lively

discussions of Bible-based topics, refreshments and social time. For more information, contact any

of the circle leaders listed below.

In June, our topic is:

Fun and Fellowship

We wrapped up our Bible study in May and now it is time to celebrate the end of another terrific

year of fellowship.

We give thanks for each member of the Women’s Bible Study Groups (called Circles). The women in

these groups study, pray, and laugh together and support one another. Be a part of one of the groups.

You’ll be thankful you did!

Please join us in this study in a Circle that is convenient for you.

June Circles:

EVE: Thursday, June 12, 7:30 P.M., the Parlor.

Circle leader, Sue Tolton

HANNAH: Wednesday, June 25, 6:30 P.M.,

Graeme Park Restaurant, 6110 County Line Rd., Horsham

Circle leader, Cindy Biehl

MIRIAM: Monday, June 9, 12:30 P.M., in Fellowship Hall,

Circle leader, Ruth McCandless

RUTH: Wednesday, June 11, 6:30PM at the home of Nancy Matteo,

(Pot Luck)

Circle leader, Nancy Necker

SARAH: Thursday, June 12, 11:00 noon, the Parlor

Circle leader, Judi Reeder:



Earl & Judi Reeder’s Road to Estonia – Part 2

We are thankful that so many of you have read our Part 1 story – we know because several of you have asked when our mission trip is. The dates of the trip are August 13 – 25. We will leave the US on July 24 for a trip in Germany and Poland, flying to Talinn, Estonia on the 13th ready to meet the rest of the group when they land on the 14th – all jet-lagged while we will be bright eyed and bushy-tailed.

This month we want to highlight the training we are doing in preparation for the mission. In the past, all of our mission trips have been through the local congregation, so any training was accomplished in person, meeting at the church at a regular time to cover all that the leader thought was necessary.

EEMN runs mission trips every year and has developed distance training regimens for new enrollees, for second timers and for those who have been on more than two mission trips with them. We have at least two members of our ‘team’ who are going for their third year.

The training is in two sections – seven lessons that focus on thriving in a different culture, and five on teaching preparation. Training must start by May 11 in order to complete one lesson a week before leaving for Estonia. We have been working ahead so that we complete the training before July 24.

The first lesson is on the website, which one downloads, answers the questions, watches the highlighted video and e-mails into the EEMN office. Within a day or two, the next lesson is emailed back and you start the process all over.

The first section uses a book titled ‘Short-Term Missions Workbook – from mission tourists to global citizens’ by Tim Dearborn. The content is aimed at people who have little or no international experience or involvement with cultures not their own. This enables anyone to become comfortable with and allay fears they may have about the upcoming trip.

In the meantime, our Pastor Leader has started several emails to the entire group for us to add or comment on – always using reply all. In this way we have shared our bios and are beginning to get to know each other.

We encourage you all to check out EEMN.ORG for information on the other things that EEMN is involved in. And also, keep us in prayer as we do the training and get ready to be part of the Estonian English Bible Camp this August.



2014 Vacation Bible School

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Spring has sprung and summer is not far off. With that in mind, we are beginning to plan

this years VBS.

Our theme for VBS 2014 is “Gangway to Galilee, Amazing Grade Adventures!

We need your prayers, and we also need your participation to provide the best Vacation Bible School possible. We need all

kinds of people, with all kinds of gifts and abilities. Please consider volunteering your time and talent to make this years

VBS one of the best weeks of the summer for the children in our community.

Thank you for your willingness to help! Please place the volunteer form in the offering plate or return it to the office. The

earlier I have the classes and centers staffed, the sooner I can distribute all of the necessary materials. If you have any

questions please contact Susan Schied at 215-517-5505 or [email protected] .

VBS Dates: July 28th to August 1st 9:00AM to 12:15 PM

Be a Vacation Bible School Volunteer! Don’t miss the fun!!

Name: Phone:________________

Full Address:________________________________________ _

Yes! I would like to help with VBS in the area’s I have marked below.

____ Pre-School teacher/helper

____ Kindergarten teacher/helper

____ Music Center leader/helper

____ Art Center teacher/helper

____ Snack Center coordinator/helper

____ Bible Story Center leader/helper.

____ Game center leader/helper

____ Bible Challenge Center leader/helper

____ Group Guide

____ Service Project Coordinator





STUDENT’S ANME: ____________________________________________________________

BIRTH DATE: _________ AGE_______ SCHOOL GRADE IN FALL: __________


PARENT’S NAME: ______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________

TOWN_____________________________________________ ZIP CODE__________________

HOME PHONE: ______________________ WORK PHONE: ____________________

EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________

EMERGENCY CONTACT (name and number): _______________________________________

PARENT’S CHURCH: ___________________________________________________________

BROTHER’S & SISTER’S: _______________________________________________________



STUDENT’S ANME: ____________________________________________________________

BIRTH DATE: _________ AGE_______ SCHOOL GRADE IN FALL: __________


PARENT’S NAME: ______________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________

TOWN_____________________________________________ ZIP CODE__________________

HOME PHONE: ______________________ WORK PHONE: ____________________

EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________

EMERGENCY CONTACT (name and number): _______________________________________

PARENT’S CHURCH: ___________________________________________________________

BROTHER’S & SISTER’S: _______________________________________________________



June Worship Assistants Schedule

June 1

Usher 5 Greeter Pam and Allan Eisenmann Presenters of Gifts

Don and Ruth Lewis and Jeanne Blacoe

Count 1 Acolyte Sophia LaRocca Gate Gil Zimmermann

Christophers 5 Crucifer Charlie Tolton Cushion Tom Schied

Prayer Ministry Team

1 Lay Reader-Sat Linda Cassady (May 31) Communion Assistants

Heidi Simmons and Deb Mumford

Lay Reader-Sun Linda Bell-Powell Setup Bob Berger

June 8

Usher 1 Greeter 6th & 7th Grade Confirmation Classes

Presenters of Gifts

Pam and Al Eisenmann and Ruth McCandless

Count 2 Acolyte Nicole Miller Gate

Christophers 1 Crucifer Rob Ischinger Cushion

Prayer Ministry Team

2 Lay Reader-Sat

Clem McLaughlin Communion Assistants

Deanna Dudenbostel and Charles Tolton

Lay Reader-Sun Dottie Erb Setup Tina Bednarczyk

June 15

Usher 2 Greeter Sandra and Karen Powell Presenters of Gifts

Martina Smith, Samantha Mumford, & Brendan Rowley

Count 3 Acolyte Lauren Caputo Gate

Christophers 2 Crucifer Brian McDaniel Cushion

Prayer Ministry Team

3 Lay Reader-Sat Bill Riehm Communion Assistants

Sue Tolton and Dean Lawrence

Lay Reader-Sun Nancy Berkovitz Setup Sue Tolton

June 22

Usher 3 Greeter Rowley Family Presenters of Gifts

Maryann Leventhal and Martin and Eleanor Murphy

Count 4 Acolyte Hannah Mumford Gate

Christophers 3 Crucifer Jim Necker Cushion

Prayer Ministry Team

4 Lay Reader-Sat John Maieron Communion Assistants

Terry and Danielle Rowley

Lay Reader-Sun Barbara Harris Setup Michelle Muller

June 29

Usher 4 Greeter Schied Family Presenters of Gifts

Kevan Berkovitz, Barbara Harvey and Janice Donnelly

Count 1 Acolyte Michael LaRocca Gate

Christophers 4 Crucifer Heather Lee Whipple Cushion

Prayer Ministry Team

5 Lay Reader-Sat Communion Assistants

Linda Frezza and Linda Bell-Powell

Lay Reader-Sun Charles Tolton Setup Maryann Leventhal



Special dates • Pentecost, June 8, 2014 • Flag Day, June 14, 2014 • Trinity Sunday, June 15, 2014 • Father’s Day, June 15, 2014 • First day of summer, June 21, 2014

June 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00 Holy Communion

10:30 PreK and Adult SS

7:00 Young Adults Group


10:00 Sewing Group

6:00 Daisy Troop

7:30 Coram Deo

7:30 Women’s Prayer


3 4

Noon 39RS

7:30 Council Meeting


6:30 Handbell Choir


7:30 AA


5:00 Holy Communion

7:00 AA


9:00 Holy Communion

10:30 PreK and Adult SS



12:30 Miriam Circle

7:30 Coram Deo



6:30 Ruth Circle at

Nancy Matteo’s home


11:00 Sarah Circle

7:00 Men’s Devotional

7:30 Eve Circle

6:30 Handbell Choir


7:30 AA


5:00 Holy Communion

7:00 AA


9:00 Holy Communion



7:30 Coram Deo





7:30 Hannah Circle



7:30 AA


5:00 Holy Communion

7:00 AA


9:00 Holy Communion




6:30 Hannah Circle at

Graeme Park Restaurant



7:30 AA


5:00 Holy Communion

7:00 AA


9:00 Holy Communion