Newsletter April 2010 1 Holmfirth Harriers Athletics Club Summer season training has now begun, with track and field training for juniors and cross country running for seniors. Enjoying the views we have all missed over the winter season, its nice to get off the roads. However, many of Holmfirth athletes have been enjoying the road. Of course I am talking about the London Marathon, seniors from Holmfirth took part on the 25 th April full results in the Road section of the newsletter. Debs * * * Star of the Month * * * “Apart from her great running efforts over the Bunny Runs, Ruby is nominated for the way she has conducted herself and the really good email we received which has raised the profile of the junior section and the club”. John HOLMFIRTH HARRIERS AC PRESENTATION DINNER with Presentation of Annual Awards, Dinner and Disco Neiley Pavillion New Mill Road Honley Holmfirth West Yorkshire HD9 6QT Contact Details: Registration Secretary Jacqueline France Jacqueline.France@interfacefl or.eu Newsletter Items Deborah Byram [email protected] Contents: Introduction 1 Star of the Month 1 News 2-3 Track & Field 4 Road 5-6 Fell 7 Results 8-10 Events 11 Training & Contacts 12 * * MASSAGE * * 1 st & 3 rd Tuesday Every Month £10/half hour or £20/hour Phone Steve Moslin to book your session 07980 801813 Ruby Sykes

Holmfirth Harriers Athletics Club · 2011-12-27 · Newsletter April 2010 1 Holmfirth Harriers Athletics Club Summer season training has now begun, with track and field training for

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Page 1: Holmfirth Harriers Athletics Club · 2011-12-27 · Newsletter April 2010 1 Holmfirth Harriers Athletics Club Summer season training has now begun, with track and field training for

Newsletter April 2010 1

Neiley Pavillion New Mill Road

Honley Holmfirth

West Yorkshire HD9 6QT

Contact Details:

Registration Secretary Jacqueline France

[email protected]

Newsletter Items Deborah Byram

[email protected] Contents: Introduction 1 Star of the Month 1 News 2-3Track & Field 4 Road 5-6Fell 7 Results 8-1Events 11Training & Contacts 12

* * MASSAGE * *

1st & 3rd Tuesday Every Month £10/half hour or £20/hour

Phone Steve Moslin to book your session

07980 801813

Holmfirth Harriers Athletics Club

Summer season training has now begun, with track and field training for juniors and cross country running for seniors. Enjoying the views we have all missed over the winter season, its nice to get off the roads. However, many of Holmfirth athletes have been enjoying the road. Of course I am talking about the London Marathon, seniors from Holmfirth took part on the 25th April full results in the Road section of the newsletter. Debs

* * *

Star of the Month * * *

“Apart from her great running efforts over the Bunny Runs, Ruby is

nominated for the way she has conducted herself and the really

good email we received which has raised the profile of the junior

section and the club”. John


with Presentation of Annual Awards, Dinner and Disco



Ruby Sykes

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Newsletter April 2010 2


NOTICE OF AGM Once upon a time in a pleasant but remarkably hilly corner of the North of England there was a very popular running club. Its members turned up to the clubhouse two nights a week, parked in the new car park, got changed in the warm clean changing rooms, went on one of a number of organised runs, had a hot shower, got changed and went home happy and fit. This arrangement continued for many years and the club members were content and care-free. Then, one dark rainy night, the members arrived at the clubhouse to find it closed and saw three people standing in front of the entrance door. The first, a rather stylish and debonair man said that he was from the Planning Department and that the newly formed car park needed planning permission. The second man dressed in a blazer and brandishing a whistle and clipboard said that whilst he had been officiating at a recent race one of the club’s members had had the audacity to ask him where the start was. This was in flagrant breach of the EEC Athletics Group Regulations 5. para3. section z(i) (Mondays to Thursdays) and could not be tolerated. The third person was a lady from the National Event Board who stated that the elderly lady who helped serve refreshments at club races had not passed her food hygiene licence regulations exam and therefore her butterfly buns were a potential death trap. The premises must be closed down straight away. The members were stunned. What were they to do? Where could they go for a run? “Where are the Committee to sort this out now that we need them?” said an angry lady in the front row. “Where were you when we needed you?” said a group of tired looking people at the back. OK, its not exactly Enid Blyton but with luck you get the point. We are all part of the Club and all of us have a say in what the Club does and the direction it is going. However, it takes a lot of ongoing work and behind the scenes effort to ensure that the Club runs smoothly. The Committee posts are a rewarding but involved job and volunteers are vital if the Committee is to carry on its good work so far and the Club is to keep our position at the top level in the region in terms of athletics participation and achievement. Furthermore the Committee need to know your views to inform its decisions over the next 12 months. The Club AGM is on Tuesday 8 June at 8.30pm. Please look out for the notice of the AGM in the Clubhouse and feel free to put forward any items for discussion. Do not feel afraid to be critical or to put your name down for a Committee position or assume that all the current post holders want to carry on. Importantly, please take the time to attend the meeting. John Ritchie Secretary

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Marsden 10 Colne Valley Lions have provided assistance to Richard Thompson who is a member of Holmfirth Harriers and suffered a cardiac arrest whilst out running over 4 years ago. Most of our members know Richard as "Thomo" and he still supports the harriers at relay events and cross country meetings. Jeff Pierson and Bob Harbisher are assisting the Lions to put on the event and it would be great to see as many harriers as possible taking part. It includes a race, but if families or in deed any one wants to walk then they will also be very welcome.

Details of the race can be found on the Runners World web site, use link below;

9am Sunday 6th June Conservative Club Marsden

1 Lap Multi-terrain

Enter online, download entry form or enter on the day

http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/events/viewevent.asp?sp=&v=2&EN=54198&ms The entry fee is £10.00 (£12 on the day) and all the money goes to the Lions who provide grants etc to local charities and other causes.

Vets Races Coming up…..

Sunday 9th May Beverley 10K and YVAA 10K Champs Saturday 15th May BMAF Road Relay Championships, Sutton Park – 7 teams

entered. Tuesday 1st June YVAA GP 3 at Kirkstall, Leeds. These races are about 6miles

and multi-terrain. Entry on the day. Thursday 3rd June YVAA 5m Champs at Howarth. Wednesday 16th June YVAA GP 4 at Pudsey. Tuesday 22nd June YVAA GP 5 at Meanwood Sunday 11th July YVAA GP 6 at Neiley – our race.

SSeeee HHooww TThheeyy RRuunn TThhee HHiissttoorryy ooff HHoollmmffiirrtthh HHaarrrriieerrss AAtthhlleettiicc CClluubb

By Graham Ellis, Norman Berry and John Buckingham

Just £35 Download a form via the website, collect from the club or contact

Tel: 602922 Norman or email [email protected]

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Track & Field

Get on Track!

There are many events across Yorkshire for you to enter. If you have not entered any events before and would like to have a go please see John or any of the coaches for details. There are track specific coaching sessions please see training page for full details.

The West Yorkshire Track & Field League Sat 17th April Round 1 York 1.00 pm Wed 5th May Round 2 Cleckheaton 6.45 pm Wed 26th May Round 3 Wakefield 6.45 pm Wed 16th June Round 4 Wakefield 6.45 pm Wed 7th July Round 5 Cleckheaton 6.45 pm Wed 28th July Round 6 South Leeds 6.45 pm Sun 8th August Round 7 Wakefield 1.00 pm Sun 5th September Championships Cleckheaton 12.00 pm

Young Athletics League 2nd May (To be Rearranged)

16th May – Halifax 20th June 18th July

Age Group Confusion!?!

Track & Field Age Groups

For competition year ending 30 Sept 2010

Senior Men & Women born

31.12.90 or earlier

to 31.8.93

born 1.9.93 to 31.8.95

born 1.9.95 to 31.8.97

orn 1.9.97 to 31.8.99

Junior Men &

Women born 1.1.91

U17 Men & Women

U15 Boys & Girls

U13 Boys & Girls


Senior Track & Field League

1st May Halifax (Holmfirth host) 5th June Trafford (Rossendale host)

3rd July Cleckheaton (Spenborough host) 31st July Bolton ( Bolton host)

Cup and Plate Final Sat 11th Sept at Trafford As well as the above T&F Leagues there are other events available, see notice board at Neiley for details.

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Welcome to the road running section of the newsletter. There was lots of great performances on the roads over the last month and much to look forward to in May. If you have any contributions you wish to include the forthcoming newsletters please email me with the details – [email protected] Dave Turnbull

London Marathon Success 2010 Road Champ Races (S Short L Long) Meltham 10k S Jan 31st Huddersfield 10k S Feb 28th Wakefield 10k S Mar 28th Sheffield Half L Apr 25th John Carr 5k S May Joe Percy 10k S Jun Doncaster 5k S Jul Askern 10 L Aug Netherthong 10k S Sept Holmfirth 15 L Oct Thirsk 10 L Nov Ribble Valley 10k S Dec

Congratulations to all the finishers of this years London marathon. First home for the Harriers was Matthew Pierson in 68th position overall in a time of 2.31.31. Matthew felt unwell during the race and was disappointed with his performance. Dave Shepherd and Mike Pennington both ran well to finish under 3hrs 15, Dave in 3.11.57 and Mike in 3.12.51. Alistair Langron had a disrupted preparation having to travel across Europe on a coach days before the event due to the ash cloud finishing in a time of 3:16:42. Lorraine Smith had a strong run in 3.18.47, the first Harrier lady home. Sean Doyle finished in 3.37.56, Margaret Sykes in her first attempt at the distance ran strongly in 3.41.25, Matthew Rose completed in a time of 3:49:04 and Angela Currid also ran well in 3.51.03. Jane Stirling finished in 4.21.20, Rosemary Baker in 4.25.06, Charles Crosland in 4.28.27 and Diane Kolat in 5.32.00. Well done to all of them and also those who helped support their good causes.

London Mini Marathon 25th April 2010

The London Mini Marathon sees teams from all regions of the UK battling it out over the last 3 miles of the London Marathon Course. The regional athletes are selected based on performances over the winter with only the best from each region gaining the chance to run. Two young athletes from Holmfirth Harriers were chosen to represent Yorkshire & Humberside. Max Kaye took part in the 15-17 year old boys and Lewis Byram in the 11-12 year old boys event. With rain falling keeping the air cool hundreds of young athletes lined up. The event included Regional Teams and London Borough Teams in different age groups. Max in one of the first events of the day set off in the rain. Starting from Old Billingsgate following the Thames along the Embankment, passing the London Eye, Big Ben and turning at Buckingham Palace and finishing on The Mall. In a field of 280 including 64 regional runners Max finished in an excellent time of 15min 40seconds and 42nd place in the Region Challenge.

The 11-12 year old boys started their race just as the rain stopped. Following the same 3 mile course Lewis was in the lead pack from the off and managed to move up to 3rd place by the second mile mark. In the last few hundred yards Lewis made a dash for home to gain a further place to finished 2nd overall in a time of 17min 3 seconds just 4 seconds behind the leader, in a field of 237 athletes including 55 regional athletes.

Lewis also led the Yorkshire team to overall victory. For his efforts on the day Lewis received a Watch for 2nd place and all finishes received special London Mini Marathon medals.

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National Road Relays On Saturday 17th April, eighteen Holmfirth Harriers made the trip to a sunny Sutton Park in Birmingham to compete in the English Road Running Association National Road Relays; one of only four qualifying Athletics Clubs from Yorkshire. The ladies team continues to improve, with another best-ever position of 17th place. 44 teams finished the event, with a further 14 clubs running incomplete teams. Katie Walshaw changed from her usual anchor-leg position to run the first leg, getting the team off to an excellent start in 14th place out of 58 - she ran a PB for this course of 17:36. Claire Leaver ran a steady race, handing over in 21st place in a time of 19:01 then Kath Farquhar, who is also in good form, brought the team back up to 15th place in 18:21. Lucy Griffiths lost just 3 places on leg 4, in a time of 20:01 and then Lesley Ewart did well to maintain the team's position on leg 5 in a time of 20:29. Ladies Captain, Helen Berry, ran the final leg and managed to gain one position to bring the team home in 17th place in a time of 18:41. The men’s event saw Matthew Pierson lead the team off for the first stage of 12. Matthew came back in 6th place in a time of 26:14, the twelfth fastest long leg of the day. Richard Smith then took over, running a strong second leg against some experienced competitors to come back in 25th place. Mark Buckingham, who is in good form, then took over on the third leg moving the team up to 10th place in a time of 26:10, the ninth fastest long leg of the day. Then Gary Graham took over and unfortunately half way round the course suffered an ankle injury which meant the team lost their good position. Gary bravely completed the leg so that the team could carry on, handing over to Dave Watson who finished in 34th place. Matthew Dewhirst, who had only been called into the team at the last minute due to Alistair Langron being stuck in Portugal due to the ash cloud over the UK, ran a great 6th leg and then Dave Turnbull carried on his come back from injury with a strong run on the 7th leg. By this time the field was quite spread out, so it took a storming run from James Dewhirst to move the team up one position into 39th place. Matthew Johnson ran next with captain, John Ewart, on the 10th leg. Julian Rose ran the final long leg before handing over to Phillip Martin on the final leg and brought the team home in 41st place in a finishing time of 4:48:16. Newham and Essex Beagles, with local athlete Mark Warmby in the team, where the clear winners in the men’s race.

Salford 10k On Good Friday a small but competitive group of Harriers made the trip across the Pennines to run in the well regarded Salford 10k. In a high quality field, 2 Holmfirth men battled it out for 1st place, with Mark Buckingham managing to drop clubmate Matthew Pierson on the second 5k loop to claim victory in 29:59 (before cycling back

Coming up…

Club 5 The Club 5 will be onTuesday May 25th fromNeiley. There will be a list goingup shortly for clubmembers to sign up.Please try and sign up inadvance as it makesorganising the event a loteasier. This is a great event formembers of all abilities totake part in. It is ahandicapped race so allthose involved has achance of picking up aprize.

Joe Percy 10k The Joe Percy 10k will beon Monday 14th June at7.30pm from ThurstonlandCricket Club. There will be an entry formput at the club on the roadsection notice board whichyou must sign up on byTuesday 8th June as thisis a mass entry event. Entry is £3 per personwhich must be paid on theday. No money - nonumber - no excuses!!

This race is part of the 2010 road


through the hills to clear a space for his Easter eggs). Pierson ran a pb of 30:07, the windy conditions impeding his hopes of a first sub-30 clocking. Road captain Dave Turnbull continued his rehabilitation from a long term injury with a solid 34:08. Dawn Broom (F45) battled through to finish second F45 in 40:30.
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Three Peaks 2010

Saturday 24th saw the 56th running of the Three Peaks race, which this year was a ‘long’ race counter in the Holmfirth Harriers Fell Championship. This meant that 15 Harriers, a larger contingent than might normally enter this race, including 8 novices, were vying for as many points as possible from this race. Starting and finishing in Horton-in-Ribblesdale in the Yorkshire Dales, the race covers a distance of 23.3 miles and 5279 feet of climb, taking in the summits of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. The weather was warm and sunny - fantastic for spectators, though a little warm for the competitors, with times being slower than last year for the majority and a relatively high number of retirements. Of 703 runners on the start line, 602 completed the full course. Club Captain, John Ewart, was hoping to take maximum points from this race for the Championship and a place amongst the V50 prizes, but very disappointingly for him struggled with an injury and in an effort not to do further damage, was forced to retire at Ribblehead, almost half way into the race. With John out of the running, Nigel Moran was leading the Harriers. However, a slightly ambitious start cost him, when after the last checkpoint on Ingleborough summit Ladies Captain, Helen Berry, overtook him increasing the distance between them over the last gruelling 5 miles, finishing almost 3 minutes ahead. Helen, who finished 4th lady last year, was hoping to achieve a top 6 placing in a quality ladies field and to break the 4 hour barrier again. She admitted to having paced herself better this year, leaving something left in the tank to make that final effort off Ingleborough. Helen finished in 6th place, 114 th overall. Nigel was still first man home in 124th and was 11 minutes quicker than last year, gaining maximum points for the men’s Championship, followed by new member and Novice, Nathan Martin in 173rd place. Whether it was the dry conditions under foot, or simply tiredness, there were a lot of falls suffered during the race, keeping the St John Ambulance volunteers busy at the finish! Helen enjoyed a trip down Whernside (it wouldn’t be a fell race if Helen didn’t fall!). Chris Beadle, who had his sights on overtaking Helen in the latter half of the race, fell on the Whernside descent and as a result finished lower than he expected. Karen Sinkinson, racing for the first time also had a fall on the last stretch home from Ingleborough, though her spirits weren’t dampened and a worthy second lady Harrier home meant a good number of points to count towards the Championship. The Novices showed great resolve in such warm conditions and all did well to complete the course; Phil Hobbs in 4:46, and Phil Martin, Matt Cromack and Andrei Vais all coming in just over the 5 hour mark. Sophie Barroclough, a Novice to the Three Peaks, but certainly not long races (having completed Duddon last year!!) completed the women’s team. Whilst 7 Harriers completed the race for the first time, super-vet and President of the Three Peaks Association, Bill Wade completed his 40th Three Peaks race, a staggering achievement, for which he was recognised at the prize giving. Only a handful of athletes have run the race more than 40 times in its 56 year history. Morgan Donnelly of Borrowdale won the race in a time of 3:02:34, over 4 minutes clear of Salford’s John Brown. Anna Lupton of Radcliffe AC defended her ladies title and ran an impressive 6 minutes faster this year, in 3:30:45. It was a great day out and thanks to all our supporters on the course!

Enjoying the fells above Phil Hobbs

and below Bill Wade


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Pendle Junior Fell, 3rd April

U8 U12 U14 George Hobbs 1st 2:09 Daisy May Smith 6th 16:38 Ruby Sykes 1st 17: 38 Andrew Farquhar 7th 13:05 Sophie Williams 6th 24:43 U10 Ben Dickinson 12th 13:28 Eddie Hinchliffe 6th 18:22 Harry Hobbs 17th 5:27 Joe Williams 17th 15:43

2010 Fell Championship

More details will be added tothis list when the FRA calendarcomes out in early January. Same format and scoring systemas in recent years – best 6 racesto count which must include oneof each length. As last yearthere will also be separate “All-to-Count” & “Local” champs.The “Local” races (for “Local”people?) are Ian Roberts, HolmeMoss and Dennis Stitt. March 14 – Ian Roberts BS(Marsden) April – Herod Farm AS(Glossop) April 24 - Three Peaks AL(Horton-in-Ribblesdale, N.B.ONLINE ENTRIES FROM Jan11 – KEEP A CLOSE EYE ONwww.threepeaksrace.org.uk) May - Buttermere-Sailbeck AM(north-west Lake District) June - Buckden Pike AS (upperWharfedale) July 18 - Holme Moss AL(Holme Valley, N.B. EnglishChampionship race so there maybe pre-entry requirements) August - Cracken Edge BM(Hayfield) August - Dennis Stitt AS(Holme Valley) September - Good ShepherdBL (Mytholmroyd, Calderdale) October – Langdale AL (LakeDistrict) December - CardingtonCracker AM (Shropshire)

U16 Robert Hinchliffe 3rd 18:20 Bunny Run 1 April 6th Bunny Run 2 April 13th Lewis Byram U14 18.19 Lewis Byram U14 17.39 Seth Waterman U14 19.19 Katie Walshaw F 17.53 (1st) Wayne Byram V40 19.34 Nathan Martin M 17.59 Kath Farquhar FV40 19.53 (1st) Seth Waterman U14 18.23 William England U14 20.06 Wayne Byram V40 18.27 Harmonie Waterman FU14 20.46 (1st) William England U14 18.54 Lucy Farquhar FU14 22.15 Kath Farquhar FV40 18.58 R (1st) Joe Williams U14 25.14 Harmonie Waterman FU14 19.35 Tim Cock V60 25.35 Lucy Griffiths F 19.50 Sophie Spencer FU14 26.07 Andrew Farquhar U14 21.10 Sophie Williams FU14 27.58 Ruby Sykes FU14 21.53 Lucy Farquhar FU14 21.57 Sophie Spencer FU14 23.51 Debbie Williams FV40 24.21 Tim Cock V60 25.01 Joseph Dendle U14 25.08 Joe Williams U14 26.08

Bunny Run 3 April 20th Lewis Byram U14 17.32 Katie Walshaw F 17.39 (1st) Nathan Martin M 17.44 Wayne Byram V40 18.31 Kath Farquhar FV40 19.07 (1st) William England U14 19.32 Lucy Griffiths F 19.34 Ruby Sykes FU14 20.50 Lucy Farquhar FU14 21.36 Sophie Spencer FU14 23.55 Joseph Dendle U14 25.24 Bunny Run 4 April 27th

Katie Walshaw F 17.45 (1st) Nathan Martin M 18.18 Harmonie Waterman FU14 19.20 William England U14 19.26 Lucy Griffiths F 19.56 Ruby Sykes FU14 21.14 Joseph Dendle U14 24.40 Tim Cock V60 24.57

Full reports from the Bunny Runs can be found on our web site.

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Full results for all Club Races can be found on our web site.

Club 6 11th April

Pos Name Clock Time Handicap Actual Time Pos on Time 1 Debbie Hall 58.59 14.00 44.59 15 2 Mike Pennington 60.11 20.30 39.41 7 3 Hilary Booth 60.27 5.00 55.27 23 20 Matthew Pierson 64.06 32.30 31.36 1st Fastest Time

15th April Junior Point to Point

U11G 1st Amy Kettlewell Fastest Time Erica Byram U11B 1st Daniel Howatson Fastest Time Andrew Farquhar U13G 1st Sophie Williams Fastest Time Amira Mellor U13B 1st & Fastest Time Lewis Byram O13G 1st Alex France Fastest Time Ruby Sykes O13B 1st & Fastest Time Robert Hinchliffe

Full results and photos from the Junior

Point to Point are available on our web site.

3 Peaks 24th April 114 th (6 th Lady) Helen Berry, 3:58:35 124 th Nigel Moran, 4:01:13 173 rd Nathan Martin, 4:13:11 (N) 252 nd Chris Beadle, 4:25:22 399 th Phil Hobbs, 4:46:54, (N) 487 th Phil Martin, 5:02:25, (N) 493 rd Matt Cromack, 5:03:09, (N) 497 th Andrei Vais, 5:04:01, (N) 525 th Karen Sinkinson, 5:09:26, (N) 576 th Sophie Barroclough, 5:32:06, (N) 595 th Bill Wade, 5:46:41 John Ewart and Amanda Crawshaw (N) retired at Ribblehead. Andy Keast and Dave Knight retired at Hill Inn. N = Novice

24th April Anniversary Waltz!

1st U12B Seth Waterman 8:37 22nd U12B Tiras Waterman 11:00

1st U14G Harmonie Waterman 12:55

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RESULTS – Track & Field

3rd April Wakefield Sprint Open U13 Aaron Kettlewell LJ 2nd 4.69 100m 3rd 3.42 SP 200m 2nd 27.88 PB

5th April Trafford AC Open

U13 U13 U11 Aaron Kettlewell George Orton Amy Kettlewell LJ 1st 4.52 800m 3rd 2.47 LJ 7th 3.01 100m 1st 13.6 LJ 6th 3.65 75m 10th 13.6 200m 1st 29.4 75m H 2nd 16.00 150m 3rd 27.7

17th April West Yorkshire League 1 – York

U13s Aaron Kettlewell Jessica Hirst George Orton 80m 1st 10.9 Discus 1st 14.68 75m 7th 2.46 75mH 1st 13.8 80m 12th 13.8 LJ 7th 3.60 LJ 1st 4.63 LJ 7th 3.24 U11 Aaron Gill 75m 3rd 12.3 60m 3rd 1.59 Shot 3rd 4.15 U15 Edward Saxton U15 Sophie Spencer U17 Jacob Henton 80m 1st 13.2 100m 12th 15.9 100m 3rd 12.2 HJ 1st 1.56 1500m 8th 5.31 200m 3rd 24.2 100m 4th 12.7 800m 11th 2.28 1500m 7th 4.53

Junior Men Jordan Toth (M20) Russell Bamforth Jeremy Helm 100m 1st 11.4 100m 6th 13.9 800m 4th 3.00 200m 1st 23.6 200m 6th 28.9

18th April Trafford AC Open

Jessica Hirst Discus 1st 13.41 Javelin 1st 11.05 P.B Shot Putt 2nd 5.18 PB

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Club Race Cross Country Road Fell Track & Field




Age group

Other info

May 2010 2nd Young Athletes

League U13 to U17 See John or Kath for details


Trafford AC Open


U11 up

See John or Kath for details

4th Bunny Run Relay Old Sun Hotel Haworth

10yrs and over

Team of any 3 (family or friends any agegroup)!

5th WY T&F League 2 Cleckheaton Over 9 ‐ seniors

Pre Entry Required

8th & 9th Yorkshire T&F Champs

Don Valley Stadium

U13 up Pre Entry Required


Paalauf Heats



Sign up on board




U13 to U17

Sign up on board


Paarlauf Finals



WY T&F League 3


Pre Entry Required

29th & 30th

Northern U15 & U17 Champs

Leigh U15 & U17 Pre Entry Required


Saddleworth Races


U10 up

June 2010

1st YVAA GP3 Leeds Enter on day 11th Holmfirth Harriers

Presentation Evening

Galpharm Get your tickets now, see notice at club or web site for details

3rd YVAA Haworth 5m Champs 12th & 13th

Northern Athletics Championships

Manchester Seniors U20 Pre entry only.


WY T&F League 4


Pre entry only

16th YVAA GP4 Pudsey 19th

Clough Pike Fell


U8s up

20th Young Athletics League

U13s U15s U17s

See notice board for details

22nd YVAA GP5 Meanwood 27th English Junior Hill

Champs (Fell) Patterdale Over 6 Entry on day


Where To Find Events?

If you have not comeacross these web sitesbefore, I am sure manyof you have, they aregreat to find races allaround the country. If anyone has any moresites they find usefulplease let me know so Ican pass on theinformation.

Thank you.

www.ukresults.net full of race entry details

and results

www.thepowerof10.info UKA Track & Field

results and event info

www.fellrunner.org.uk Details of Fell events and



Follow link for details of West Yorkshire Cross

Country League Details

www.yvaa.org Yorkshire Veterans’ Athletic Association


athletics.org.uk Northern Athletics

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Newsletter March 2010 12


Running & Athletics Juniors & Seniors Tuesday and Thursday 7-8pm - Summer track & field training

Contact Details:

Registration Secretary

Jacqueline France Jacqueline.France@interface


Newsletter Items Deborah Byram

[email protected]

VETS Contact: Rob Kersey

[email protected]

Road Contract: Dave Turnbull

[email protected]

Ladies Captain:

Helen Berry [email protected]


John McFadzean [email protected]

Kath Farquhar

[email protected]

Other contact details can be found on the Holmfirth

Harriers Web Site www.holmfirthharriers.com

Neiley New Mill Road Honley

Wolves can run 6, 8 or 10 miles and are the fastest group. Jackals can run 6, 8 or 10 miles. Tigers run 5/6 miles. Pumas run 3/4 miles.

Full details of each group and their runs can be found on the notice board at Neiley and on the web site.

Track Training Training at the running rack at Wakefield will start after Easter from 6.30pm and every other Thursday at Leeds Road at 5pm. Extra Junior Running Sessions at the track with Kath (These are endurance running sessions) - everyone welcome;- Please see Kath for changes in these dates and times. Thursday 6th May Track Leeds Road 5pm Monday 10th May Track Thornes Park 6.30pm Thursday 20th May Track Leeds Road 5pm Monday 14th May Track Thornes Park 6.30 Thursday 3rd June NO TRACK (I am away) Training with John and the other coaches also at Wakefield on Mondays for other track events, please ask for times and details.