Hollywood Movie

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  • 8/3/2019 Hollywood Movie



    A survey on choices of people about watching movies in Bangladesh.

    A report submitted to the Department of English,American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB)Summer 2010-2011

    Prepared & Submitted By

    Group: ABCD

    Section: Q

    Ahmad, Naim--------------------------------------------------------------------------08-12328-3

    Ching, Swe Thui ------------------------------------------------------------------------08-12424-3

    Islam, Md. Rezaul-----------------------------------------------------------------------08-11189-2

    Rahman, Md. Mahfizur--------------------------------------------------------------08-11689-2

    Course TeacherSabrina Rahman

    Department of English

    Date of Submission: 1st August 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 Hollywood Movie


    1st August 2011

    Sabrina RahmanCourse TeacherFaculty of English

    Subject: Submission of Report.

    Dear Madam,We have the pleasure to submit this report entitled HOLLYWOOD MOVIE. Asurvey about present aspect of people on watching Hollywood movie.Leisure time gives human being relief from their monotonous working life.Watching movie is the most Favorite thing for them. People of Bangladeshare very fond of watching movie from very beginning. Jatra, Bioscope andthen the modernize edition Movie has fulfilled their thrust for entertainment.It has always been a great source if their entertainment as well as it was and

    still their reflection of life.Finally, we are truly grateful to you for giving us this pleasant opportunity towork their report. The entire group contribution has ked to the successfulcompletion of this report. Despite our all possible attempt, certain deficitsreside and we sincerely regret this.

    Best Regards Best Regards

    Sd/------------------- Sd/---------------Ching, Swe Thui Ahmad, NaimID: 08-12424-3 ID: 08-12328-3

    Best Regards Best Regards

    Sd/-------------------- Sd/--------------------------Islam, Md. Rezaul Rahman, Md. MahfizurID: 08-11189-2 ID: 08-11689-2

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    Leisure time gives human being relief from their monotonous working life. Watching movie is

    the most Favorite thing for them. People of Bangladesh are very fond of watching movie fromvery beginning. Jatra, Bioscope and then the modernize edition Movie has fulfilled their thrust

    for entertainment. It has always been a great source if their entertainment as well as it was and

    still their reflection of life.

  • 8/3/2019 Hollywood Movie



    First of all we would like to thank our course teacher of this Business Communication CourseLecturer Sabrina Rahman for the valuable guidance and advice. She inspired us greatly to work

    in this term paper. Her willingness to motivate us contributes tremendously to our work. We also

    would like to thank her for his valuable time by helping us for this term paper.

    Besides, we would like to thanks the respondents who helped us by giving their wise answer to

    the questionnaire. We are very thankful to them as they gave their precious time for us. Their

    cooperation really helped us a lot to organize our report in many way.

    Finally, an honorable response goes to our family, friends, classmates for their understandings

    and supports on us in completing this report without helps of the particular that mention above

    we would face many difficulties while doing this project.

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    Table of Contents

    Title page

    Forwarding Letter



    Table of contents

    List of Graph

    1.0 Instruction

    1.1 Background

    1.1.1 Film

    1.1.1 Films by genre

    1.1.3 History of Hollywood Movie1.1.4 Some renounced person in Hollywood film

    1.1.5 Awards ceremony

    1.2 Purpose1.3 Scope

    1.4 Research Methodologies

    1.5 Limitations1.6 Organization of the report

    2.0 Findings and analyzing

    3.0 Conclusion

    4.0 Recommendation



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    List of Graph:

    1. Pie Chart: Which types of movie you watched most

    2. Table 1: Favorite Actor

    3. Table 2: Favorite Actress

    4. Table 3: Favorite Directors

    5. Table 4: Favorite Production House

    6. Table 5: Typeof movie prefer most

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    Leisure time gives human being relief from their monotonous working life. Watching movie isthe most Favorite thing for them. People of Bangladesh are very fond of watching movie from

    very beginning. Jatra, Bioscope, and then the modernize edition Movie, has fulfilled their thrust

    for entertainment. It has always been a great source if their entertainment as well as it was andstill their reflection of life.

    1.1.1 FILM:

    A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a story conveyed with moving images. It is

    produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using

    animation techniques or visual effects. The process of filmmaking has developed into an art formand industry.

    1.1.2 Films by genre:

    Action Thriller

    Funny War

    Animation Fiction

    Romance Horror

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    1.1.3 History of Hollywood Movie:

    1. The cinema of the United States, also known as Hollywood, has had a profound effect oncinema across the world since the early 20th century. Its history is sometimes separated

    into four main periods: the silent film era, classical Hollywood cinema, New Hollywood,

    and the contemporary period. Since the 1920s, the American film industry has grossedmore money every year than that of any other country.

    2. In 1878, Eadweard Muybridge demonstrated the power of photography to capture motion.In 1894, the world's first commercial motion picture exhibition was given in New York

    City, using Thomas Edison's Kinetoscope.

    3. Since the early 20th century, the U.S. film industry has largely been based in and aroundHollywood, Los Angeles, California.

    Some renounced person in Hollywood film:

    Although the majority of films made in USA are strictly commercial in nature a handful of

    directors from USA have attained critical acceleration for their outstanding workSome of Hollywood's blockbuster action heroes from the 1980s and 1990s: Sylvester Stallone,

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Steven Segal Dolph Lundgren, Jean-Claude Van

    Damme, Wesley Snipes, Jackie Chan.

    Awards ceremony:

    The 83rd Academy Awards ceremony, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and

    Sciences (AMPAS), honored the best films of 2010 and took place February 27, 2011, at the

    Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

    Best Picture: The King's Speech Iain Canning, Emile Sherman, and Gareth Unwin

    Best Director: Tom Hooper The King's Speech

    Best Actor: Colin Firth The King's Speech as Prince Albert, Duke of York / King George VI

    Best Actress: Natalie Portman Black Swan as Nina Sayers/The Swan Queen

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    This report has the following primary objectives

    To obtain information about public taste for movies

    To find the reasons of peoples uninterested in watching Hollywood movie

    To find the statistics of hall business

    Secondary Objectives:

    To obtain general idea regarding best Actor, Actress, Director and Negative Role

    To identify peoples choice of watching movie as their hobby

    To identify point of view of viewers about what type they prefer most


    This survey covers the expression of our young generations comment on Hollywoodmovies. On the basis of our calculation and survey we got different ideas about:

    Taste about film

    Genre they like most

    How often they visit hall to watch bangle movie

    What changes to be taken and so on

    This study covers the concepts of American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) EEEstudents.

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    1.4 Research Methodologies:

    The research collected data through survey and also from some small scale interview. The survey

    scaled 50 respondents throughout the American International University Bangladesh (AIUB)

    EEE students Dhaka city. The survey is mixture of closed-enclosed and multiple choicequestions on popular topics like favorite actor, favorite actress, favorite director and favorite

    production house of Hollywood. The survey data collection method was selected because it wasbest to gain quantities data.

    1.5 Limitation:

    This report comprises limitations such as

    The lack of time caused the research to the satisfactory level.

    The research was not representative of all socio-economic classes of Dhaka.

    The study may not be applicable in all the places of Bangladesh.

    The construction of this report lacked of theoretical support.

    Lack of experience of the researchers in study was a great limitation.

    Lack of transportation and funding made it difficult

    Difficulty in generalization

    Difficulty in analyzing.

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    1.6 Organization of the report:

    The report studies the view and aspect of young generation about Hollywood movie.

    Chapter 1 of this report provides the background of the report which states briefly about Movie,History of Hollywood Movie, and Some information which is gathered by the researchers

    through this research. The objectives of this report are also stated explicitly to facilitate the

    overall implementation of the report.Methodologies are stated in order to provide a clear to the readers how the research has been

    conducted. However several limitations are undoubtedly present in this research.

    Chapter 2 of the report highlights the major findings of the research

    Relevance is also discovered as the research progresses. Table, graph, pie charts are served to

    facilitate the presentation of the report

    Chapter 3 provides the summary of the findings

    Chapter 4 contains the recommendations

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    Chapter 2

    2.0 Finding And Analysis:

    WE took 50 people as our respondents. They were American International University

    Bangladesh (AIUB) EEE students.

    The research clearly shows that majority respondents watch Hollywood movie. Pie chart

    indicates out of 50, 35 watch Hollywood movies, 7 watch Hindi movies, 4 watch Bangla movies,2 watch Tamil movies & 2 watch kolkata Bangla movies.

    Pie Chart 1

    Which types of movie people watched most

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    Well in spite there unwillingness the have there own chose of favorite actor, actress, directors &

    production house. Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 & table 4 is there choice.

    TABLE 1

    Favorite Actor

    NO Name1 Johnny Depp

    2 Brad Pitt

    3 Lionerdo Di Caprio

    4 Will Smith

    5 Tom Crose

    6 Robert Pattinson

    7 Nicolas Cage

    TABLE 2Favorite Actress

    NO Name

    1 Angelina Jolie

    2 Jessica Alba

    3 Cameron Diaz

    4 Salma Hayek

    5 Megan Fox

    6 Jennifer Lopez

    7 Pamela Anderson

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    TABLE 3

    Favorite Directors

    NO Name

    1 James Cameron

    2 Peter Jackson

    3 Ron Howard4 Steven Spielberg

    5 William Wyler

    6 Robert Wise

    7 John Moore

    TABLE 4

    Favorite Production House

    NO Name

    1 20th Century Fox

    2 Universal Studios3 Paramount Pictures

    4 Columbia Pictures

    5 Warner Bros. Pictures

    6 Walt Disney Pictures

    7 New Line Cinema

    Through our statistics

    Favorite Actor: Johnny Depp

    Favorite Actress: Angelina Jolie

    Favorite Directors: James Cameron

    Favorite Production House: 20th Century Fox

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    Poor Environment: Lack of good technologies and poor arrangement.

    High Price of Tickets: High price range in halls is a problem for low level viewers.

    Lower level audience with lack of sense of humor: Sometimes audience make irritatingmovies.

    Blacker: Blacker often create problem of getting ticket.

    Releasing Problem: As our movie theatres are not well organized so we cant release recent


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    Statistics also know that people watch English movie most. They pass most of their pass time by

    watching movie. They would like to spend 3 Hours for this. They have some of their favorite

    genre. The table below shows their choice.

    TABLE 5










    Actions Romance Thriller Horror W ar Animation Funny Fiction

    Type of movie prefer most

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  • 8/3/2019 Hollywood Movie


    Chapter 4

    4.0 Recommendation:

    Based on the information of research, it is clear that present Hollywood movie. Viewers want

    HUGE change in the film industry. Name of the base any clear concept about how to do it. Alsoit shows that

    While everyone is talking about piracy. Government should take proper steps for thisproblem.

    Hall owners should improve their condition according to public demands. High rate of

    price is also problem. Digital Technology should be implemented.

    Workshop should be done vastly to create perfect artists.

    Crisis of new artists is also great problem .acting school play a vital role in this case.

    Corrupted people should be removed from sensor Board.

    Lack of good promotion is a major problem for a good movie.

    Also as viewers it is right to watch movie of their own right But to save hall environment and

    to encourage everyone should come forward . Young generation can play a huge role in the filmindustry by their innovative ideas.

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    EEE: Electrical & Electronics Engineering

    OSCAR: Biggest Award in Whole Film Industry

    PIE CHART: Statical Graph of Data

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  • 8/3/2019 Hollywood Movie


    Hollywood Movies: past and Present

    Name: Sex: M/F Age: Time:

    Occupation: Marital Status:

    1. How do u watch bangle Movie?

    a. often b. very often

    c. Monthly d. Weekly

    2. When did you last watch a Hollywood movie?


    3. Where did you watch this movie?

    a. Home b. Cinema hall

    4. How often you watch Hollywood movie in cinema Hall?a. Never b. Occasionally

    c. weekly d. frequently

    5. Name your Favorite cinema hall?


    6. Who is your favorite actor in Hollywood movie?

    a. Johnny Depp b. Brad Pitt

    c. Lionerdo Di Caprio d. Will Smithe. Tom Crose f. Robert Pattinson

    g. Nicolas Cage

    7. Who is your favorite actress in Hollywood movie?

    a. Angelina Jolie b. Jessica Alba

    c. Cameron Diaz d. Salma Hayeke. Megan Fox f. Jennifer Lopez

    g. Pamela Anderson

    8. Who is your favorite Director in Hollywood movie?a. James Cameron b. Peter Jackson

    c. Ron Howard d. Steven Spielberg

    e. William Wyler f. Robert Wiseg. John Moore

    9. Which production house you like most?a. 20th Century Fox b. Universal Studios

    c. Paramount Pictures d. Columbia Pictures

    e. Warner Bros. Pictures f. Walt Disney Picturesg. New Line Cinema

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    10. What three (3) major problem you faced in cinemas Halls?

    11. Which types of movie you watched most?

    a. Hollywood b. Hindi

    c. Bangla d. Tamile. kalkata

    12. What is your opinion about present Hollywood film industry?


    13. What is the strongest factor of these movies?

    a. Direction b. Dialog

    c. screenplay d. actinge. all

    14. What genre movie do you prefer? (The multiple of choice)

    a. action . b. Romantic

    c. thriller d. Horror

    e. war f. animationg. funny h. fiction

    15. Do present Hollywood movie fulfill your satisfaction?a. yes b. no

    c. not really

    16. What changes should be taken?


    17. What are the good sides of present movies?


    18. Which are the best decades in Hollywood movie history?

    a. 85-90 b. 90-95

    c. 95- 2000 d. 2000-05e. 05- present

    19. What role a movie can play in your life?a. movie does not have any role in our life.

    b. it can be a good source of education

    c. movie is nothing then a medium of simple entertainment.

    d. movie is the best alternative way of teaching & moral.

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    20. How can you compare the Hollywood movie with other movies? (Mainly Bollywood &

    Bangla movie.)

    21. What you prefer in your free time?a. watching movie b. Gossiping

    c. Playing Games d. Others

    22. If you watch movie, how much time you spend on it?

    a.3 hours b. 5 hours

    c.10 hours d. I cant even finish one single movie.

    23. There are too many movies of present days which are winning international awards and also

    renowned worldwide How you describe this?

    24.why dont you go to hall for watch movie ?a. Poor environment b. Poor facilities

    c. blacker d. Poor print e. High price of ticket

    25. Do you go to cinema hall?a. yes b. no

    c. not really d. occasionally

    26. What is the role of Young generation to improve our present situation?

    .. .