Holladay Egyptian Artwork. Artwork for their religion! Architecture/Pyramids The Figure; 18/20 grid…

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History of Kingdoms Old - Went from mastabas to pyramids, used mudbrick, first pyramid was for King Djosers (looked like ziggurat) - Pyramids of Giza - End of “grand pyramids” Middle -split into competing states - Rich/privilaged could have elaborate tombs for themselves - Began carving tombs into cliffs - Increase in trade + increase middle class = increase demands - Hyksos conquered lower egypt. New - Egypt expanded into an empire (Nubia and Libya) - No pyramids, mostly rock tombs - Artwork moved to more naturalistic - Queen Hepshepsut = increase in peace (only had 4 queens in 3,000 year reign) Leaving the New Kingdom - Moved toward monotheistic because of Amun Hotep IV, 18 th dynasty = increase humanity - Open air temples, natural setting - “honesty” depicted pharaoh truthfully - King Tut - Book of the Dead, spells on papyrus sheets in heiroglyphics