Hobs Manual

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FG-602 SVGLFG-603 SVSSFG-633 SVSSFG-3773 SVGL FG-3793 SVSSFG-772 SVGLFG-773 SVGLB UI LT-I N H OBFG-602 SVSSFG-772 SVSSFG-2792 SVGLFG-3773 SVSS FG-603 SVGLFG-622 SVSSFG-2792 SVSSFG-3793 SVGL12Thecookermaybetroubledif disassembledormodified.When thecookerisintrouble,contact your dealer.Afireoracarbonmonoxide toxicationmaybecausedby the lack of air supply.In the event of abnormal condition (abnormal combustion,sellandsoud,earthquakeand fire)makesuretostoptheoperationand close the gas main valve.3!CautionI fi ti spoorl yvent i l at ed, acarbon monoxide toxication may be caused by an incomplete combustion.If they are closed, the cooker may be overheated and cause a fire or a carbon monoxide toxication.An explosion or a fire may be caused.You will get burnt.Strictly followed operating instructions for installation.Installation carried by unlicensedinstallercancause fire and appliance breakdown.!Caution!If a gas hose get old,it will become looseandbecracked.Then,gas leaks may be caused.Please regularly check the flame or complete combustion. If abnormal noiseand unstableflameisfound,pleasedo not attempt to use. Otherwise it will result in CO poisoning.There may be a case that you will get burnt or your hair will get burnt by its heat or flame.Make sure to confirm that the burner flame is extinguishedafteruse.Makesuretoclosea gasmainvalvebeforegoingoutorgoingto bed.Ifthecookerisusedforotherpurposelike dryingclothes,itmaybeoverheatedormay causeanabnormaloperation.Then,afire, burning or a gas leak may be caused.If the oversized cooking utensils are used, a carbon monoxide may be caused by the abnormal combustion of the cooker.2(The area of the air inlet is to be 10cmfor every1.2kWheatinput,Theairinlet 2required for this appliance is 60cm )Ifthereisinsufficientairsuppliedtothe appliance,itwouldcauseincomplete combustion and thus CO poisoning.A top plate,trivets and exhaust port and their vicinity become extremely hot and there may be a case that you will get burnt.The grips of pan will be overheated bytheoverflowingflame.Andyou willgetburntorafiremaybe caused.do not touch4Thedropobjectswouldcausefireandthe plasticlightingfacilitieswouldresultof serious distortion under high heat from the appliance.Humid environment would cause the faults totheappliancepartsandshortenthe product life.If the appliance is not firmly placed in level. Itmaycauseincompletecombustionand thus generate excessive CO and fire.Itwouldcausefireandunnecessaryfaults totheappliancewhileunderserious vibration.It is illegal to employ disqualified installer tocarryouttheinstallationanditmay result in gas leaks.The recommended air inlet size is about 3cm x 20cm.It is recommended to put the metal mesh on the air inlet to prevent rat from entering. Iftheairsupplytotheapplianceisnot sufficient,itwouldcauseincomplete combustionandthusexcessiveCO generated.5Utensils should always be placed centrally on the pan supports over the burners. Flames which extend beyond the bottom of utensils are wasteful and can damage or overheat handles.Large diameter utensils (greater than 200mm in diameter)must not be allowed to protrude beyond the perimeter of the hotplate,as this could cause overheating or damage to the adjacentbench.Do not place anything,e.g.flame tamer,asbestos mat,between pan and pan support as serious damage to the appliance may result.Do not remove the pan support and enclose the bumer with a wok stand as this will concentrate the flame and deflect the heat onto the gas hob.Never use oversized cooking utensils or overload the cooking appliances.Locate pan centrally over burner so that it is stable and does not overhang the appliance.Do not damage the outer surface of the glass with heavy orsharpobjects.Donotsprayaerosolsinthevicinityofthishotplatewhileinoperation,Some propellant gases can break down when heated and produce corrosive vapours whichwillattacksomematerials.Articleswhicharemadefromflammablematerialsshouldnotbestoredin drawers of cup boards immediately below this hotplate.Do not store articles within 50mm of the bottom ofthe hotplate casing.Do not touch spark ignitor while lighting the burner.6Glass Top Plate :Cut-Out Size :750 x 500 x 8(mm)(A) 540 x (B) 350 x R60(mm)Glass Top Plate :Cut-Out Size :880 x 510 x 8(mm)(A) 785 x (B) 425 x R60(mm)645 312810FG-622SVSS FG-773SVGL FG-633SVSS531210I r on Gr id(I ar ge)Ultr a-r apid bur nerContr ol knob forbur ner (R ight)Contr ol knob forbur ner (Center )Contr ol knob forbur ner (L eft)Auxiliar y bur ner7891011Semi-r apid bur nerI ron Gr id(small)I ron Gr id(medium)Top plateControl knob forbur ner (R ight back)FG-602SVGL FG-602SVSS FG-603SVGL FG-603SVSS685113102Stainless steel Top Plate: 865x505(mm)Stainless steel Top Plate: 750x450(mm)123456P ar tsi denti fc ati on531210Glass Top Plate :Cut-Out Size :880 x 520 x 8(mm)(A) 705 x (B) 405 x R60(mm)645 312810FG-3793 SVGL FG-3793 SVSS FG-3773 SVGLFG-3773 SVSSI r on Gr id(I ar ge)Ultr a-r apid bur nerContr ol knob forbur ner (R ight)Contr ol knob forbur ner (Center )Contr ol knob forbur ner (L eft)Auxiliar y bur ner7891011Semi-r apid bur nerI ron Gr id(small)I ron Gr id(medium)Top plateControl knob forbur ner (R ight back)FG-772 SVGLFG-772 SVSS FG-2792 SVSS FG-2792 SVGLStainless steel Top Plate: 865x505(mm)689712105113123456Glass Top Plate :Cut-Out Size :780 x 460 x 8(mm)(A) 650 x (B) 350 x R60(mmStainless steel Top Plate: 750x450(mm)8P ar tsi denti fc ati on5312109FG-773SVGLFG-633SVSS3. of GasOverall DimensionCut-out SizeFG-602 SVSSFG-603 SVSS FG-602 SVGLFG-603 SVGL750mm x 500mm540~720mm x 350~470mmFG-622 SVSS FG-633 SVSS 865mm x 505mm785~840mm x 425~480mmFG-773SVGLLeftR FrontR Back750mm x 450mm540~730mm x 350~430mm880mm x 510mm3. f i cat i onIgnitionType of GasOverall DimensionCut-out Size2 & 3 BurnerBuilt-inHobFG-772 SVSSFG-2792 SVSSBattery : Size D 1.5VLP Gas / Town Gas750mm x 450mm650~740mm x 350~430mmProductModelIgnitionType of GasOverall DimensionCut-out Size2 & 3 BurnerBuilt-inHobBattery : Size D 1.5VLP Gas / Town Gas865mm x 505mm705~840mm x 405~480mmDiameters of pan which may beuse on the hobsMin : 120mmMax : 260mm..Use only flat bottom pan except for wok burner.For pan diameter of 120mm use trivet provided.FG-772 SVGLFG-2792 SVSSFG-2792 SVGLL.P.Gas(30mbar)Town Gasmbar ( ) 8Gas consumption per hour respectivegas consumptionRight3.8Left3.83.8Gas consumption when allburner are on7.6kW7.6kWFG-3773 SVSSFG-3773 SVGLL.P.Gas(30 b m ar)( a Town Gasmb r)8Gas consumption per hour respectivegas consumptionRight CentreLeft3. consumption when allburner are on9.0kW9.6kW10L.P.Gas: Diameter 9.5mm gas specific rubber hoseTown Gas:1/2IN Thread(male)Gas connecting tube3.8FG-2792SVGLFG-772SVGL780mm x 460mmFG-3773 SVSSFG-3793 SVSS FG-3773 SVGLFG-3793 SVGL880mm x 520mmL.P.Gas(30 b m ar)( a Town Gasmb r)8Gas consumption per hour respectivegas consumptionLeft R.FrontR.Back3. consumption when allburner are on8.0kW8.8kWFG-3793 SVSSFG-3793 SVGL11Priortoinstallation,ensurethatthelocaldistributionconditions(natureofthegasandgas pressure) and the adjustment conditions of the appliance are compatible.These hobs are designed to be used by private individuals in their homes.Since this appliance is not connected to a combustion products evacuation device, it must be installedinaccordancewithcurrentinstallationregulationsandusedinawell-ventilated place,particular attention should be given to the relevant requirements regarding ventilation.The hob must be built into the worktop as illustrated on the corresponding figure of a support cupboard. This worktop must be at least 3 cm thick and heat - resistant or else coated with a heat resistant material.Adistanceofatleast5cmfromtheappliancebordertothewallandasideclearanceofat least15cmshouldbelefttotherightandleftofthehob.Incasethoseunitsareabovethe appliance, these must be placed at a minimum distance of 80 cm from the appliance top.It is advisable that a horizontal partition is put under the hob,it must be placed between 10 to 15cmfromthebottomoftheworktop.Inanycase,donotkeepanyspraysorpressurized containers in the compartment,which could be just under the hob.AABack wallFRONTA B50mmCut-Out Dimension - PleasereferPage 7 forselectedmodel.B B12Burner cap may discolored,chrome plated burner head and enamelled decoration cover willpearl-off/drop-offandrustyaftertheappliancesareused,Howeverthereisno trouble for operating the cooker.13Before using the Appliance for the first time-Select the required burner by referring to the symbolslocatedneartheknobs(e,g:forthe right-hand burner)-Each burner is supplied by a tap.To turn this on,press it down and turn it anti-clockwiseThe gas is turned off.when the knob points to To turn the gas down the knob should be tur-ned fromto .-Yourhobisequippedwithaburnerignition deviceintegratedintotheknobs:Toigniteaburner. Press down and turn the knob anti-clockwise untillIt is pointing to the maximum position Keeptheknobpresseddowntoactivatea series of sparks until the burner lights.-Select the required burner by referring to the symbols located near the knobs -Atapequippedwithagassafetydevice controlseachburnerandiftheflameis accidentally extinguished(spills, draughts etc...) Thisdeviceautomaticallyclosesdownthegas supply and prevents gas escaping.-Yourhobisequippedwithaburnerignition device integrated into the knobs.-Toigniteaburner.Pressdownandturnthe knob anti-clockwiseuntil it is pointing to the maximum position -Toturnthegasdowntheknobshouldbe turned from to When the flame appears keep the knob well presseddownforafewsecondstoactivate the safety device.Release.Iftheflameisextinguished,repeat the operation.Follow the same procedure described above to ignite the burners. In this case, however, once you have turnedtheknobtoopensetting,holditpressedinfor10seconds.Ifforanyreasontheburner flame goes out, the safety valve automatically shuts off the gas supply to the burner in question.In the even of the burner flames being accidentally extinguished,turn off the burner control and do not attempt to re-ignite the burner for at least 1 minute.The ignition device shall not be operated for more than 15 second.If after 15 second the burner has not lit,stopoperatingthedeviceandopenthecomartmentdoorand/orwaitatleastIminutebefore attempting a further ignition of the burner.Placed the saucepan on the selected burner and activate.If the flame is accidentally extinguished just re-light it normally following the ignition instructions.Yourhobisequippedwithanintegratedignitiondevice,Itis,therefore,normalthataseriesofsparksis produced on all the burners.If it becomes difficult to tum a knob DO NOT FORCE IT.Have the Installer see to it immodiately.In the case of a power cut,automatic lighting will not work,In these circumstances,matches may be used14Presstheignitionknoband turnitanti-clockwisetothe [ON] position as shown.Thenholdandwaitforafew seconds.Releasetheknobandcheck theflameifignited.Ifthe flamecan`tbelgnited,rum theknobto[OFF]position and repeat the above steps.Note:Itwouldtakelongertimeof ignitioniftheapplianceisnot being use for a long time or it is a new installation.Innerandouter b u r n e r s a r eathi ghf l ame positionInnerandouter b u r n e r s a r ea t l o wf l a me positionInnerburneris athi ghf l ame positionInnerburnerisat low flame positionNote:SometimespopsoundHeardwhentheburmeris switch off. This is normal.Pl easeturnthei gni ti on knobcl ockwi set ot he [ OFF]posi t i onwi t hout pressing151617Cleaning top panelA p p l y n e u t r a ldetergentonthe soft rag to clean the s ur f aceof t he panel.Donotusealkaline detergent,petrol, ot her cor r osi ve solutions or abrasive matenalstoclean thesurfaceofthe panel , i t woul d p e r m a n e n t l ydamage the surface finish to the panel.Foamorsoftrag cancleantheinner andouterburner caps.Ifthedirtis hardtoremove.itis recommendedto use soft brush.Donotcl eani t forcefullyordonot hit it while brushing. Af t er cl eani ng,makesurethecap is mounted in place.Alwayskeepthe bur ner andt he surroundingsclean topreventtrouble of ignition.Thegassealing surfacesofouter burner capand burnermustalways be cleaned.Otherwiseitwould causegasleakage or fire accident.Pleaseusesoftrag towipeoffthedirt onthermocouple surfaceandavoid c r a s h t o t h esurface.18