Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims’ Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)

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  • 7/27/2019 Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


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  • 7/27/2019 Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    8/26/13 Hla Oo's Blog: Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    The massive Bengali population

    starving from frequently occurring

    famines in India was one of the main

    reasons for that relentless tide of

    Bengali Muslims into the Arrakan.

    In 1939 the British colonial

    government established a

    Commission of Inquiry to investigate

    the rapid increase of Bengali-Muslims

    in the Arrakan from 30,000 in 1825

    to 217 ,800 in 1930. That Commission

    reported back that there would beracial strife between the Yakhine-

    Buddhists and Bengali-Muslims in a

    very near futur e if the relent less

    Muslim tide across the border wasnt

    stopped or restricted at least.

    And the rac ial tro uble s betwee n the

    Buddhist natives and the Muslim

    newcomers were simmering and finally blew up as the Second World War had reached

    Burma and the Arrakan became a dangerous no-man land between the Imperial Japanese

    army and massive British 14th army facing off on the I ndia-Burma borde r.

    First Bengali-Muslim Riots (1942)

    During sudden British withdrawal from Burma in 1942 there were many war weapons and

    ammunitions left by the withdrawing British forces in the A rrakan. The arms from Burmeseand Karen troops of British army were left with the Buddhist Yakhines (Arr akanese) and the

    Indian soldiers into the hands of Bengali-Muslim crowd in the Maungdaw-Butheetaung area.

    That abundance of war weapons

    eventually ignited the first Buddhist-

    Muslim race r iots in the A rrakan in mid

    1942. The disturbances started from the

    cases of violent robbery committed by

    the armed Buddhist Yakhines against

    the Indian refugees fleeing from the

    Japanese army in Burma through the

    Taunggup Pass.

    The armed Y akhine Buddhists were also

    attacking and lootings the neighboring

    Bengali-Muslim villages and thehostilities broke out into a full scale

    riots as foreseen by the British

    Commission of Inquiry as the armed

    Bengali-Muslims retaliated by attacking

    and looting the Buddhist Yakhine

    v illage s.

    Even the Yakhine District administrator

    ICS (Indian Civil Servic e) U Kyaw Khine was killed by the Bengalis and countless number o f

    Y akhine s had to flee into e ithe r the British-co ntro lled Chit ago ng ter rito ry or dee p down into

    the Southern Arrakan as the genocidal Bengali Muslims there cleansed the Yakhines and

    destroyed all the remaining Buddhist villages in their predominantly-Muslim are of

    Maungdaw and Butheetaung.

    By late 1942 the whole Maungdaw-Butheetauung territory was firmly in the hands of armed


    BIA Attempts to Reclaim Burma's Lost Territory

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    occupation of Burma Bo Yan Aung-

    led BIA (Burmese Independence

    Ar my ) units in Ar raka n tried

    unsuccessfully to recapture the lost

    territory from the Muslims.

    Two senior BIA officers Bo Yan

    Naung and Bo Myo Nyunt were

    killed in Maungdaw by the Bengali-

    Muslims and BIA attempts for

    reconciliation between Yakhine-

    Dead on the streets during 1 94 3 Bengal Famine.

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  • 7/27/2019 Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    8/26/13 Hla Oo's Blog: Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    Buddhists and Bengali-Muslims had

    failed miserably .

    From 1942 till the British recapture

    of Burma in 1945 Bengali-Muslims

    had completely controlled the

    Maungdaw-Butheetaung region and

    the illegal mass immigration

    continued unabated.

    Beginning of the

    Mujahidin Insurgency


    During the British Military

    Administ rat ion per iod after the British re-o cc upation o f Bur ma the Y akhine refugees from

    both Chitago ng a rea and other parts of Ar rakan were res ett led bac k int o the ir old v illage s

    with the he lp of Brit ish ar my .

    But the Bengali-Muslims now oc cupying the old Y akhine villages had refused to accept the

    original native Yakhins and by violent means created a hostile environment for the

    returnees as they now believed in their make-believe dream of creating a strict Muslim

    enclave r uled by the Sharia Law in the Maungdaw-Butheetaung region as a part o f the newly-

    established East-Pakistan (Now Bangladesh).

    An Islamic militant party Jami-a -tul Ulema -e Islam led by the Chairm an Omra Meah was

    formed. And with the material support of Ulnar Mohammad Muzahid Khan and Molnar

    Ibrahim from Pakistan the Mujahidin insurgency was initiated to invad e Arr akan and absorbthe land into the East-Pakistan.

    The Mujahid armed insurgents began their subversive activities in the Maungdaw-North

    area and later ex panded into the Maungdaw-South region. A long-term criminal and major

    rice-smuggler named A bdul Kasim was the leader o f Mujahid in Maungdaw-South.

    Bengali-Muslims Bloody Jihad on Burma

    (Following is excerpt from Dr. Aye Chans Paper On the Mujahid Rebellion in Arrakan

    read in the International Conference of Southeast Asian Studies at Pusan University of

    Fore ign Studie s, Repu blic of Kore a on June 2 -3 , 20 11 .)

    The Mujahids of Chittagonian Muslims

    from North Arakan declared jihad on

    Burma after the central government

    refused to grant a separate Muslim statein the two townships, Buthidaung and

    Maungdaw that lie along the East

    Pakistani (present-day Bangladeshi)

    borde r.

    The Mujahid movement launched before

    Burma gained independence and hassled

    the resettlement program for the refugees

    in the Buthidaung and Maungdaw

    Townships. During the war, the A rakanese

    inhabitants of Buthidaung and Maungdaw

    were for ce d to leav e their h ome s.

    The people of Buthidaung fled to

    Kyauktaw and Minbya where the

    Ar akane se wer e the majo rity. TheAr akane se from Maungda w were

    evacuated to Dinajpur in East Bengal by

    the British officials. Even though the

    British administration was reestablished after the war, the Arakanese were unable to return

    to their homes.

    Following exce rpt is from the Report o f the Commissioners Office of Arakan, dated the 1 8th

    April, 19 47 (The Nat ional Archiv es, Lo ndon, FO 643/ 7 4.

    For want of funds only 27 7 out of about 2400 indigenous Arakanese, who were displaced

    from Buthidaung and Maungdaw Tow nships after the British ev acuatio n in 19 42, co uld be

    resettled on the sites of their original homes. There are also two thousand Arakanese

    Buddhist refuge s brought fo r fear of Muslims thre ate ning and frighte ning the m by firing

    machine guns near the villages at night. While o ur hands are full with internally displaced

    refugees we cannot take the responsibility for repatriation of the Muslim refugees from the

    Bo Yan Aun g (front-left) and BIA officers (19 42).

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  • 7/27/2019 Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


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    Sabirnag ar camp w hic h the go ve rnment of India is pre ssing.

    The Muslim refugees from the camp at Subirnagar were also unable to resettle in the interior

    part of Akyab District at Alegyun, Apaukwa and Gobedaung. All 3,000 of them were first

    sent to A kyab Island. Two Muslim Relief Committees were formed in A kyab and Buthidaung

    in order to give assistance possible to refugees. The proposal to send about 1,500 refugees

    in small batches to the Muslim villages in Buthidaung Township for the time being was

    accepted. The District Welfare Officer was instructed to work o ut the ex pense for transport

    and supporting b uilding materials.

    In A ugust 1947 , the Sub-Divisional Officer of Maungdaw, U Tun Oo, was br utally murder ed

    by the Muslims. The Commissio ner o f Ara kan re ports:

    I have no doubt that this is a result of a long fostered communal feeling by

    the Muslims. The assassins who committed the murder were suspected to be

    employed by the Muslim Police Officers and have been organizing strong

    Muslim feel ing s an d dom inating the whole areas. This is a direc t affro nt and

    open challenge to the lawful authority of the Burma Government by the

    Muslim Com mun ity of Buth idaung and Maungdaw Townships who se

    economic invasion of this country was fostered during the British regime.

    Unless this most dastardly flouting of the government is firmly and severely

    dealt with, this alien community will try to annex this territory or instigate

    Pakistan to an nex it.

    The newly independent republic had to co pe with the insurgency of Karen ethnic group and

    the communists in the country after gaining independence in 1948. Major cities were

    captured by the Communists and Karen rebels. Two battalions of its regular army went

    underground to join the communists. The Capital City, Rangoon, was surrounded by the

    Karen rebels. The Union gover nment was scrawled in the international newspapers with theepithet of Rangoon Government. In such a situation only a few hundreds troops from the

    Battalion (5) were sent to the western front to fight the Mujahids. About the objective and

    strength of the Mujahids, the British Embassy in Rangoon reports to the Foreign Office in

    London on February 12, 1949.

    It is hard to say whether the ultimate object of the Muslims is that their separate state

    should remain within the Union or not, but it seems likely that e ven an autonomo us state

    within the Union would necessarily be drawn towards Pakistan. The Mujahids seem also

    to have taken arms in about October last, although this does not exclude the possibility

    that some have not gone underground and are still trying to obtain their objective by

    agitation only. There are perhaps 500 Muslims under arms, although the to tal number of

    supporters of the movement is greater.

    Buthidaung and Maungdaw were

    under the control of the government

    forces but the countryside around

    the town was out of control.

    One report gives a detailed account

    of the visit of Prime Minister U Nu

    and the Supreme Commander of the

    Burmese Army, Lieutenant General

    Smith Dun to Akyab in October of


    It says that the local o fficials in East

    Pakistan provided information and

    aid to the insurgents from across the

    borde r. The Sub-Div isional Officer

    and the Township Officer from Coxs

    Bazaar were reported to have

    supplied the Muslim guerrillas with

    arms and ammunition. The wounded

    rebels were apparently able to ob tain treatment from the hospital in Cox s Bazaar.

    Ac co rding to the report of the Deputy Commissioner of Chittagong Hill Trac ts, both the

    commissioner and the Burmese officials were informed that the two Mujahid leaders, Jaffar

    Meah and Omra Meah, were hiding in Balukhali village in East Pakistan, near to the Burmese

    borde r.

    The British Embassy in Rangoon sent a confidential letter to the High Commissioner for the

    United Kingdom in Pakistan on February 28, 1949; this letter dealt with the probability of

    prov ocation and interference from loc al Pakistani officials on the other side of the bor der. It


    In spite o f the correct attitude o f the Pakistan Central Government there have been fairly

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    Hla Oo


    Born in a Burmese

    jun gle n ear Py in-m a-na rwh ile m y par ent s wer e

    Communist guerrilla s. I basically gr ew

    up in the Aung-San-Thuria-Hla-Thaung

    Cadet School of Burm ese Army and I was

    once a boy soldier in the ar my for alm ost

    two years till I deserted in early 1974. I

    gradua ted from Rangoon Institute of

    Technology in 1 980 and I was a tutor for

    one year in RIT Mechanical Engineering

    Department and an engineer for 3 years

    in Burm a Irrigation. I then worked in

    Bangkok, Sydney , KL, Toky o, and New

    York . I wa s a m ech an ic, produc tion

    supervisor, and production manager t ill

    19 95 wh en I started my own business of

    importing prawn meat from Burma.

    That business failed and for last 1 5 y ears

    I had had my own little fund trading

    stocks, equity futu res, and curr encies.

    But now I am ju st a struggling semi-

    retired writer/blogger/day-trader

    wa iti ng to meet m y ma ker . Wr iti ng i s

    my hobby and Burma naturally is my

    main interest.

    Vi ew m y compl ete pr ofile

    About Me

  • 7/27/2019 Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    8/26/13 Hla Oo's Blog: Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    reliable reports that their local officials in, for instance, Coxs Bazaar have actively helped

    Muslim guerrillas. Y ou y ourselv es are we ll aw are o f the pro-guerrilla att itude in t his affair

    of the Pakistan district officers. The Pakistan Government must also be aware of it, and we

    feel that if th ey d o not curb the se officials the y may ru n the risks of p rov oking A nti-Muslim

    riots in Akyab district as bad as th ose w hich oc curred during the w ar.

    The main financial source o f the Mujahid Party was the smuggling of rice from Arakan to East

    Pakistan. Their actions were all part of an ov erall strategy to prev ent the gov ernment forces

    from enforcing the prohibition rice export. It has been reported that even the Muslim

    leaders, Sultan Ahmed and Omra Meah were involv ed in this illegal border tr ade.

    To solve the prob lem of this rice shor tage in the Chittagong District of East Pakistan, regional

    officials seem to have sought cooperation with the Mujahid leaders. For many years theMujahid Party leaders mono polized the smuggling of rice acro ss the border.

    T he main objectiv e of the Mujahid rebellion was to absorb the western frontier

    of Burma int o East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh).

  • 7/27/2019 Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    8/26/13 Hla Oo's Blog: Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    The newspaper, On May 18, 1949, The Hindustan Standard newspaper, repo rted about the

    following about the Mujahids.

    A dangerous aspect of this fighting is its international aspect: the Moslem

    insurgents have been carrying the Pakistani flag, and many of them clamor

    for th e inc orporation of th is en d of Arakan with Pakistan . It was suspec ted

    that they drew arms from across the border; the Governme nt, however, is now

    satisfied that their rifles and ammunition are old stocks, left behind by the

    Japan ese and British . The great m ajorit y of Arakan Moslem s are said to be

    really Pakistanis from Chittagong, even if they have been settled here for a

    generation. Out o f the 13 0,000 here, 80,000 are still Pakistani citizens.

    When India, Pakista n and Burma gaine d independenc e, the immig rant s from British India

    were granted the cho ice of cit izenship in e ithe r India or Pakista n. They co uld also choo se

    Burmese citizenship if they were so inclined. The Pakistani Gov ernment was very anxiousthat the Burmese Gov ernment would use brutal tactics to suppress the r ebellion.

    Pakistan feared that the atro cities in the Burmese border r egions would lead to anti-Burma

    demonstrations in Pakistan, which might in turn instigate Anti-Pakistan riots in Burma. Such

    situation would be very dangerous for the Pakistani residing in Burma. It was reported that

    6,000 to 7 ,000 refugees had arrived in East Pakistan. The authorities in Karachi were also

    concer ned about the co mmunists infiltrating into Pakistan with the refugees.

    In the Aky ab District of Arakan it was reported that only the town and island of Akyab were

    firmly in the hands of the Burmese government. Conditions had deteriorated following the

    withd rawa l o f the only Burmese Ar my battalion (Burm a Rifle 5). The CPB (Communist Party

    of Burma) went underground in March 1948, and its followers in Arakan reached an

    agreement with the Mujahid Party to fight the gov ernment forces jointly.

    The government of Pakistan was informed that the Communist Party of East Bengal had

    instructed its members to establish contacts with the Muslim communists in Arakan and

    persuade them to infiltrate the Coxs Bazaar subdivision to organize Muslim cultivator s for a

    revolt against the government of Burma had fallen to the communists, as evidenced by the

    following rec ord (of communications be tween British Embassies in Rangoon and Karachi):

    This is borne out by a conversation which the Commissioner of Chittagong

    Division recen tly with one of th e Mujah id leade rs who said th at th e early

    agreement with the communists was that when the Burmese Government was

    overthrown, the Communists will leave Mujahid territory to become an

    independent state.

    On June 17 , 1949 the British Embassy in

    Rangoon sent a telegram to the Foreign

    Office in Londo n abou t the fall of two district

    headquarters into communist hands.

    Sandoway fell on June 9, and Kyaupyu on

    June 10, as the result of a mutiny by the

    Union Military Police and levy garrisons in

    collusion with the local communists. The

    situation in Akyab was uncertain, and all air

    service s were suspended

    A clim ate of mistr ust and fear betwee n the

    Buddhist Arakanese and Muslim

    Chittagonians was growing, despite a peace

    mission sent by the Union government to

    North Arakan. Muslim leaders, carrying a

    credential from Premier Nu, were in contact

    with the insur gent Muslims and per suad ed

    them to lay down their arms and drop their

    demand for autonomy.

    Burma's Yakhine State (Arrakan).

    Northern Arra kan by the Bangladeshi border.

  • 7/27/2019 Hla Oo's Blog_ Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    8/26/13 Hla Oo's Blog: Bengali-Muslims Mujahid Insurgency (1948-1954)


    The mission was not successful because it was more of a communal violence than a

    rebellion. The prestigious newspaper of India, The Hindustan Standard, on May 18, 1 949


    These guerrilla operations are less a Muslim insurrection against the government than

    communal action against the Arakanese a prolongation of the Muslim-Buddhist riots of

    1942 .The Moslems, natives of Chittago ng in wha t is now part of Pakistan fear oppression

    by the Arakanese. The Arakanese, the intensely clannish community less than a million

    strong, hate their Buddhist Kith and kin, and are afraid of losing their identity in the

    growing Chittagongese population. Neither trusts the either.

    The cooperation between the two countries improved the situation at the border after theinstructions from Karachi were strictly enforced. In order to advance their joint operation

    and communications an agreement was reached for the establishment of a Pakistani

    Consulate in Akyab and a Burmese Consulate in Chittagong. Mohamed Ali, Pakistans High

    Commissioner de signated to Canada, after relinquishing his post as ambassador to Burma,

    sent a statement to the press. He said that the impact o f communist infiltration into Pakistan

    was be ing weakened by the joint ope rat ion o f the two co untr ies.

    At the same time the Pakista ni gov ernment w as p ers uading the refugee s fro m A rakan to lay

    down their arms and to ar range for their repatriation when the co nditions in Burma became

    more settled. Reuters reported that the governments of Burma and Pakistan were

    cooperating to restore peace in Arakan. Their cooperation was further displayed with units

    of East Pakistan Rifles being stationed along the border to cooperate with their Burmese


    However, since the middle of 1949, the Burmese Armys offensive warfare was successful. As

    a result all the towns and major cities under the control of the rebels were rec aptured. SadarAurengzeb Khan, Pakista ni amb assad or to Burma, who v isite d the East Bengal (East

    Pakistan), expressed confidence that the position of the Burmese Government was

    improving and that the power o f the insurgents was on the decline.

    The rebellion lasted one more de cade until the Mujahid Party surre ndered in 1960.

    Military Operations against Bengali-Muslims Mujahid

    Once the Mujadi rebellion started

    the armed Bengali-Muslims killed

    most of the Yakhine Buddhists and

    destroyed all the Yakhin villages in

    the Maungdaw-North region.

    Martial Law was declared in 1948

    November as the rebellion greatlyintensified and the rebels even

    surrounded the towns of

    Butheetaung and Baw-li-bazar.

    Only when the Fifth Battalion Burma

    Rifles was sent into the region and

    the Fifths devastating campaign

    against the rebels the Mujahid

    insurgency collapsed and the

    Muslim insurgents fled to the jungles of northern Y akhine.

    But the Burmese civil war had started in Proper-Burma and the Fifth Burma was brought

    bac k to fight th e Karens digging in at I nsein in Rang oo n. Once the r egular Burme se ar my was

    absent in the Ar rakan the Mujahids came back in and the insurgency flared up again as the

    irregular Sitwundan armed-police battalions were unable to fight them.

    The Second Chin Rifles was formed as an emergency measure to fight the Muslim Mujahid

    and again the Mujahid had collapsed and disappeared back into the East Pakistan and the

    northern jungles as the valiant Chins chased them all ove r Arr akan.

    End of the Mujahid Insurgency

    Burmese army had launched three major military operations against the Mujahid in

    Northern Arrakan. First operation was in March 1950 , the second was the May-y u Operation

    in October 1952, and the last one was Moat-thone Operation in October 1954.

    Afte r the tot al co llapse th e Mujahids ended up on th e borderline as rice

    smugglers and dacoits still terrorizing the Yakhine Buddhist population for

    many years to come till they reinvented themselves as the Rohingyas and

    started the internation-media and political and so-called human rights

    Fifth Burm a Rifles Battal ion in Ar rakan .

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    Posted by Hla Oo at 5:49 PM

    campaigns to re-establish their Bengali-Muslim enclave again in Bu rma.

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