Hitler lessons x 4

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  • 1. Hitler lessons x 4

2. Glossary Words Adolf Hitler: (1889-1945) Austrian born leader of the Nazi party in Germany. He promoted socialist, racist and fascist ideals. Nazi: A member of the National Socialist German Workers Party, or NSDAP. The name Nazi comes from the German pronunciation of the word national, which sounds like nazional. 2 3. Learning activities Lesson Aim: Identify Hitler's main ideas. 1. Hitlers main ideas Cut out the picture diagram of the main ideas of the Nazis and paste into your books (whole page, centre, landscape) Read the quotes and link them to relevant image / description on the diagram. **make sure your work is neat, use colour and give it a title. 2. Using page 32, read Race science based on this information create a star diagram about what race science is. 3. Write a summary about Hitlers ideas and Race Science. 3 4. Glossary Words Propaganda: Materials and methods which get people to believe what you want them to. The word propaganda comes from the Latin propagare, which means to plant a seed. Nationalism: The belief that what matters most is what country a person comes from. Often also suggests that one country is better than another. ACTIVITY: Think of a current day example of propaganda and nationalism. Lesson Aim: Identify how Hitler used propaganda to put his ideas into action. 4 5. 5 6. Advertising vs propaganda Advertisements Encourage you to BUY or DO something Propaganda Encourages you to THINK or BELIEVE something 6 Propaganda is neither good nor bad. 7. Nazi Propaganda What is propaganda? Propaganda is the use of the media to promote one point of view. Propaganda attempts to brainwash the public, and to convince them of a certain viewpoint. P.27/28 - Take notes about methods used by Hitler and the Nazi party to promote their cause. 8. Posters Can be used for many purposes Posters are cheap and easy to distribute Placed in prominent positions they act as a constant reminder of ideology 9. Examples of Nazi Posters Enough! - Elect Hitler Citizens, this is your money too. This poster tells readers of how much a mentally handicapped person cost to keep each year. Calendar for the office for race policy of the NSDAP 10. Glossary Word Symbolism: The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. Activity: Identify & explain a form of symbolism that we use at WBHS. Lesson Aim: Understand how Hitler used propaganda and symbolism to spread his ideas. 10 11. Cut the propaganda posters and out and stick them in your book with room to write notes around each of them. CONSIDER: What you can see? What is the message behind the poster? 12. Youth Serves the Fhrer ALL 10-YEAR-OLDS INTO THE HITLER YOUTH What I can see Hitler in the background Young Hitler Youth boy. Aryan in appearance, serious, looking ahead Military/ Smart Uniform Caption in CAPITALS 13. What I can see The Eagle (The State) protecting the family The father above the family The mother caring for the baby scarf on her head representing domestic work Happy, healthy children 14. What I can see Physical features Map of Germany Handful of money A knotted whip Communist Symbol Title in Bold 15. Radio Hitlers Speeches Adolf Hitler made a variety of speeches. Hitler is considered by some to have been one of the greatest public speakers of all time. His speeches were passionate, orchestrated and used to reinforce his ideas. TAKE NOTES TAKE NOTES 16. 1939, Hitler addresses the Hitler Youth in Nuremburg: "What is our Germany of today! How very beautiful and heroic! When I cast my gaze upon you, I know my life's struggle is not being fought in vain! You shall always remain faithful, as Germans always have. There will always be a new generation of youth, in this city, a city which saw the passage of centuries will see new generations. They will be even more beautiful, they will be even more powerful, and they shall inspire in the hearts of the living even greater hope for the future. I do not bewail - I sound a warning! I am not fear stricken, but I want you to be prepared! I do not tremble at the hour of decision, but I want you to see, and I want to be strong. I want my feet planted strongly in our earth, ready to withstand any onslaught! And you will stand by my side should that hour ever come. You will stand before me, behind me and beside me and at my hands, and together, we shall carry our banners to victory! 17. Hitlers Speeches 18. Newspapers Censoring newspapers ensures that the public only reads the news you want them to read Nazi party members wrote many articles for the press, ensuring that the message was always positive Publications that did not conform with Nazi requirements were banned TAKE NOTES TAKE NOTES 19. A newspaper article comparing two children one Aryan and one Jew. December 1938. An intentionally distorted account of the patients in a special needs hospital. Intended to increase public acceptance for the Sterilization Law Headline: "Storm over Juda - The world court is coming" 20. Glossary Word Holocaust: (1) Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life, especially by fire. (2) The mass murder of Jewish people in Europe between 1940 and 1945. Activity: What is another word for what occurred during the Holocaust in Europe? Genocide - The systematic and widespread extermination, or attempted extermination, of an entire national, racial, religious, or ethnic group. Lesson Aim: Identify some of the outcomes of Hitlers ideas. 20 21. Anti -Semitism This is the term given to political, social and economic agitation against Jews. In simple terms it means Hatred of Jews. Aryan Race This was the name of what Hitler believed was the perfect race. These were people with full German blood, blonde hair and blue eyes. 22. For hundreds of years Christian Europe had regarded the Jews as the Christ - killers. At one time or another Jews had been driven out of almost every European country. The way they were treated in England in the thirteenth century is a typical example. In 1275 they were made to wear a yellow badge. In 1287 269 Jews were hanged in the Tower of London. This deep prejudice against Jews was still strong in the twentieth century, especially in Germany, Poland and Eastern Europe, where the Jewish population was very large. After the First World War hundreds of Jews were blamed for the defeat in the War. Prejudice against the Jews grew during the economic depression which followed. Many Germans were poor and unemployed and wanted someone to blame. They turned on the Jews, many of whom were rich and successful in business. 23. Between 1939 and 1945 six million Jews were murdered, along with hundreds of thousands of others, such as Gypsies, Jehovahs Witnesses, disabled and the mentally ill. 24. Percentage of Jews killed in each country 25. A MAP OF THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND DEATH CAMPS USED BY THE NAZIS. 26. 16 of the 44 children taken from a French childrens home. They were sent to a concentration camp and later to Auschwitz. ONLY 1 SURVIVED A group of children at a concentration camp in Poland. 27. Part of a stockpile of Zyklon-B poison gas pellets found at Majdanek death camp. Before poison gas was used , Jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. Carbon monoxide gas from the engines exhaust was fed into the sealed rear compartment. Victims were dead by the time they reached the burial site. 28. Smoke rises as the bodies are burnt. 29. Jewish women, some holding infants, are forced to wait in a line before their execution by Germans and Ukrainian collaborators. 30. A German policeman shoots individual Jewish women who remain alive in the ravine after the mass execution. 31. Portrait of two- year-old Mania Halef, a Jewish child who was among the 33,771 persons shot by the SS during the mass executions at Babi Yar, September, 1941. 32. Nazis sift through a huge pile of clothes left by victims of the massacre. Two year old Mani Halefs clothes are somewhere amongst these. 33. After liberation, an Allied soldier displays a stash of gold wedding rings taken from victims at Buchenwald. Bales of hair shaven from women at Auschwitz, used to make felt-yarn. 34. Soviet POWs at forced labor in 1943 exhuming bodies in the ravine at Babi Yar, where the Nazis had murdered over 33,000 Jews in September of 1941. In 1943, when the number of murdered Jews exceeded 1 million. Nazis ordered the bodies of those buried to be dug up and burned to destroy all traces. 35. Until September 14, 1939 my life was typical of a young Jewish boy in that part of the world in that period of time. I lived in a Jewish community surrounded by gentiles. Aside from my immediate family, I had many relatives and knew all the town people, both Jews and gentiles. Almost two weeks after the outbreak of the war and shortly after my Bar Mitzvah, my world exploded. In the course of the next five and a half years I lost my entire family and almost everyone I ever knew. Death, violence and brutality became a daily occurrence in my life while I was still a young teenager. Leonard Lerer, 1991 WHY? 36. Nazi ideas in action Read pages 41 and 42 from the heading: Nazi Ideas in Action to Germans at War 1939 - 1945. 1. Copy image 6.7 the Fasces, and its description. 2. Take notes for each section 3. Use your notes to write a brief summary for each section. Early finishers: Look at the photo on page 42. Describe what you see; how might the people have felt (guards as well as Jews); what relationships / potential relationships can you identify in the photo? 36 37. Homework Write SEXY paragraphs about Hitler and propaganda write SEXY paragraphs that explain the following: What were Hitlers main ideas How did he communicate these ideas to the people of Germany? How effective do you think Hitler was at communicating his ideas, and why? What were some of the outcomes of these ideas? 37 38. Additional Activity 38 39. Extreme Social Control Stick the family photo into your book Examine it carefully and consider the following: When and where (date and country )do you think this photo was taken? Why? What evidence can you see? Who do you think these people are? Why? Give them names. What do you think happened to these people at the end of WW2? 40. The Goebbels family, Germany, 1942 All the children, excluding Harald, were murdered by their parents in Berlin on May 1, 1945. This same day, both parents committed suicide. 41 Hildegard HeiderunHedwig Helmut Harald Helga Magda Goebbels Joseph Goebbels Holdine Copy into your books Copy into your books 41. History Channel documentary Hitler and Mein Kampf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU8sU6l X7SI