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Hitachi Compute Blade 500 SeriesGetting Started Guide


Document Organization

Product Version

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Page 2: Hitachi Compute Blade 500 Series Getting Started Guide

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Hitachi, Ltd., reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time without notice andassumes no responsibility for its use. This document contains the most current information availableat the time of publication. When new or revised information becomes available, this entiredocument will be updated and distributed to all registered users.

Some of the features described in this document might not be currently available. Refer to the mostrecent product announcement for information about feature and product availability, or contactHitachi Data Systems Corporation at https://portal.hds.com.

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iiHitachi Compute Blade 500 Series Getting Started Guide

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Preface...................................................................................................vSafety Information.................................................................................................... vi

Safety precautions.............................................................................................. viCommon precautions concerning safety............................................................... viiAbout operations and actions.............................................................................. viiThe need for each individual to pay attention and take care.................................. viiGeneral safety precautions..................................................................................vii

Intended Audience...................................................................................................xiiiProduct Version....................................................................................................... xivRelease Notes......................................................................................................... xivDocument Organization............................................................................................xivReferenced Documents............................................................................................ xivDocument conventions.............................................................................................xivConvention for storage capacity values...................................................................... xvGetting help............................................................................................................ xviComments.............................................................................................................. xviSafety guidelines..................................................................................xviiSafety and warning labels.......................................................................................xviii

Server chassis..................................................................................................xviiiServer blade....................................................................................................xviii

1 Preparing for installation....................................................................... 1-1Items to prepare ahead of installation...................................................................... 1-2

System Console................................................................................................1-2LAN cable........................................................................................................ 1-2

2 Initial setup..........................................................................................2-1Overview................................................................................................................2-2System console configuration...................................................................................2-2

Network settings.............................................................................................. 2-3Browser settings...............................................................................................2-3LAN cable connection........................................................................................2-3

Management module configuration.......................................................................... 2-4Initial setting procedure.................................................................................... 2-4Login............................................................................................................... 2-4

iiiHitachi Compute Blade 500 Series Getting Started Guide

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Changing password.......................................................................................... 2-6Chassis ID code settings................................................................................... 2-7Network information settings.............................................................................2-9Logout........................................................................................................... 2-11

Switch module configuration..................................................................................2-13Brocade 10 Gb/sec DCB switch module initial configuration................................2-31

3 Powering on/off system unit..................................................................3-1Powering on system unit......................................................................................... 3-2Powering off system unit.........................................................................................3-2

ivHitachi Compute Blade 500 Series Getting Started Guide

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This document provides site planning information for Compute Blade. Pleaseread this document carefully, and maintain a copy for reference.

Notice: The use of Compute Blade 500 series and all other Hitachi DataSystems products is governed by the terms of your agreement(s) with HitachiData Systems.

□ Safety Information

□ Intended Audience

□ Product Version

□ Release Notes

□ Document Organization

□ Referenced Documents

□ Document conventions

□ Convention for storage capacity values

□ Getting help

□ Comments

Preface vHitachi Compute Blade 500 Series Getting Started Guide

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Safety Information

Safety precautionsWhen giving safety precautions, this manual uses the headings below. Theheadings below consist of a safety alert symbol and one of the followingheading labels: WARNING, CAUTION, or NOTICE.

This is a safety warning symbol. This draws attention to risks (hiddendangers) to human safety. To avoid injury or death, follow theinstructions in the message concerning safety that appears after thissymbol.

This indicates a risk of death or severe injury.

This indicates a risk of relatively mild or moderate injury.

This indicates a risk of severe damage to the equipment or damage tosurrounding property.

Example label 1: Electric Shock Hazard

Icons represented by indicate that you need to take care. A graphicthat indicates why you need to take care, such as Electric Shock Hazard,is placed inside .

Example label 2: Disassembly Prohibited

Icons represented by indicate prohibited actions. A graphic thatindicates the prohibited action, such as Disassembly Prohibited, is placed

inside . Note that if there is no graphic inside , the icon indicates ageneral prohibition.

Example label 3: Unplug Power Cable

Icons represented by indicate required actions. A graphic that indicates

the required action, such as Unplug Power Cable, is placed inside . Note

that indicates a general, required action.

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Common precautions concerning safetyPlease carefully read through, and fully understand, the following safetyinstructions:

• When operating the equipment, follow the instructions and procedures inthe manual.

• Always follow the notes, cautionary statements, and advice indicated onthis product or in the manual.

• When installing options on this product or connecting options to thisproduct, always check the manuals for those options and follow theinstructions in those manuals.

Failing to do so might result in injury, fire, or damage to the equipment orother property.

About operations and actionsDo not perform operations or actions that are not described in the manual.

If there is a problem regarding this product, turn off the power, unplug thepower cable, and then contact your retailer or maintenance personnel.

The need for each individual to pay attention and take careThe notes, cautionary statements, and advice indicated on this product or inthe manual were considered carefully. However, unexpected accidents orincidents might occur. When performing operations, in addition to followingthe instructions, you need to personally pay attention and take care.

General safety precautionsWhen handling this product, always follow the precautions below:

Handling power cablesAlways use the power cables shipped with the equipment, and follow theinstructions below: Inappropriate handling can damage the power cablesand expose copper wires. Such damage can cause short circuiting, partialdisconnection, and overheating, which in turn can cause electric shocksand fire.

¢ Do not place any object on the power cables.

¢ Do not place power cables near devices that become hot.

¢ Do not heat the power cables.

¢ Do not collect power cables into bundles.

¢ Do not continuously subject the power cables to ultraviolet or strongvisible light.

¢ Do not use damaged power cables.

¢ Do not use the power cables in a high-temperature environment.

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¢ Do not use the power cables above their specified rating.

¢ Do not use the power cables for other devices.

¢ Do not touch a power plug with wet hands.Do not place any objects around the electrical outlets if the objects mightprevent users from quickly unplugging a power cable.

Poor contact and arc trackingComply with the following instructions when handling a power plug.Otherwise, arc tracking or poor contact might cause overheating and fire.

¢ Make sure that the power plug is fully and securely inserted into theelectrical outlet.

¢ Before inserting the power plug, make sure that there is no dust orwater on the plug.If any dust or water is found, wipe it off with a dry cloth, and theninsert the plug.

Handling for power outlets

¢ Use a grounded 2-pin plug-in power outlet. Outlets of any other typemight cause an electric shock or fire.

¢ To prevent electric shock, connect the outlet's grounding electrode toa grounding terminal installed by a qualified electrician. Without aconnection to a grounding terminal, an electric shock can occur if thepower supply fails.

Plugging in and unpluggingWhen inserting a power plug into or removing a power plug from anelectrical outlet, be sure to hold the plug part. If you pull the cable, thecable might partially break. The break might cause overheating and fire.

Power supply modulesA power supply module contains a high-voltage area. Therefore, do notopen the cover. If you do so, an electric shock or equipment failure mightoccur.

Installing a power supply slot coverWhen removing a power supply unit, do not insert your hand or toolsinside the power slot. After removing a power supply unit, install a powersupply slot cover. Inside the power supply slot, some conductors areexposed. Touching them with your hands or tools might cause electricshock or an equipment failure.

Abnormal heat, smoke, abnormal noise, or abnormal odorsIf anything abnormal occurs, turn off the power and unplug all theequipment power cables (a maximum of 4) from the electrical outlets.

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Do not repair, remodel, or disassembleDo not attempt to repair, remodel, or disassemble the equipment on yourown, except to perform expansion work in accordance with theinstructions in this manual. Attempting to do so might cause electricshock, fire, or burns. In particular, the inside of a power supply unitcontains many high-voltage areas. Touching them is dangerous.

Removal of a cover or bracketDo not remove covers or brackets. Removing them might cause electricshock, burns, or an equipment failure.

High temperature at the cover of a power supply moduleWhen a power supply module is in operation, the cover and handle gethot. Be careful when replacing a failed module. Hot parts can causeburns.

High temperature at the 10GBASE-R transceiverThe 10GBASE-R transceiver in the 10Gbps LAN switch module gets hotduring operation. To remove the transceiver, therefore, turn off the powersupply for the 10Gbps LAN switch module from the management module,and then wait for at least 5 minutes. Hot parts can cause burns.

Adding and replacing internal parts of the equipmentThe cover and internal parts are hot immediately after the power isturned off. Wait for about 30 minutes before adding or replacing internalparts unless otherwise specified in this manual. Hot parts can causeburns.

Laser beam

¢ A Class 1 laser product is installed on this product. Do not lookdirectly at the laser beam. Do not look at the laser beam by using anoptical instrument.

¢ Under the laser module cover, a laser beam is being emitted. Do notremove the cover of an unused board.

Handling the product

¢ Install the product on a fixed rack. Do not lean against the product orstand on it. Do not install the product in a place with weak floors orwalls.

¢ Do not subject the product to excessive vibration. Dropping theproduct or allowing it to fall over might cause an equipment failure.

Installing the unit in a rack

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¢ To install the system unit in, or remove it from, a rack cabinet, alwaysget help from at least one other person and use tools to avoid strain.If the system unit has to be installed in 31U or higher in the rackcabinet or the system unit has already been installed there, call formaintenance personnel instead of attempting to install or remove thesystem unit. Defective installation might cause the system unit to fall,resulting in injury or unit failure.

¢ When pulling a unit out from a rack cabinet to work on it, attach astabilizer to the rack cabinet. Excessive force might cause the rackcabinet to fall down, resulting in injury or an equipment failure. If astabilizer is not attached, call for maintenance personnel.

Using a rack cabinetWhen using a rack cabinet, do not place anything on the system unitmounted on the cabinet and do not use the top of the system unitmounted on the cabinet as a work bench. A heavy object placed on top ofthe system unit on the cabinet might fall, resulting in injury.

Contact with metal edgesWhen moving the equipment or adding parts, take care not to hurtyourself on the metal or plastic edges. Inappropriate handling can causeinjuries.

Improper battery typeThere is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect type.Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.

Handling batteriesMaintenance personnel should replace batteries. Do not replace batteriesby yourself. Follow the instructions described below. Inappropriatehandling can result in injury because a battery can overheat, burst, orcatch fire.

¢ Do not charge a battery.

¢ Do not short out a battery.

¢ Do not disassemble a battery.

Storing batteriesWhen storing batteries, apply adhesive tape to the terminals forinsulation. If the batteries are stored without insulation, the terminals cancontact each other to cause a short circuit and overheat or burst, leadingto injury or fire.

Insertion of foreign objects into the equipment

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Do not allow clips, pins, or any other metal items or flammable items toenter the equipment through a vent or by any other means. Using theequipment under such conditions can cause an equipment failure.

Impacts from drops and fallsDo not drop the equipment, let it fall, or hit it against another object. Thiscan cause internal deformation and deterioration. Using the equipmentunder such conditions can cause an equipment failure.

VentsVents are used for preventing rises in temperature inside the equipment.Do not block a vent by placing or leaning an object against it. If you doso, the inside temperature rises, which can cause an equipment failure.Periodically check and clean vents to keep dust from gathering on them.

Contact with connection terminalsDo not touch connection terminals such as a connector with your hand orany metal item. Do not insert any foreign objects such as wire intoconnection terminals. Do not place the equipment in a place with piecesof metal. If you do so, a short circuit can develop, which can cause anequipment failure.

Moving between two locations with a temperature differenceIf you move the equipment from one location to another, a significanttemperature gap between the two locations might cause condensation onthe surface or inside the equipment. Using the equipment withcondensation present can cause an equipment failure. Leave theequipment at a new location for several hours until the temperature ofthe equipment matches the temperature of the new environment, andthen start using the equipment.For example, if you move the equipment from an environment whosetemperature is 5°C to one whose temperature is 25°C, leave theequipment for about two hours.

Adding and connecting to peripheral devicesUse only peripheral devices that are explicitly listed as supported in themanual, and always follow the instructions in the manual. Using devicesother than those mentioned above can cause failures in peripheral devicesand the equipment due to the difference in connection specifications.

Radio interferenceWhen you install the equipment next to another electronic device, theradio waves might interfere with each other. In particular, noise might beobserved in nearby television sets or radios.

Strong magnetism generator

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Do not place a device that generates strong magnetism, such as amagnet or a speaker, near the equipment. If you do so, a system unitfailure might occur.

Handling of hard disksA hard disk is a precision instrument. Carefully handle hard disks whenyou use them. Inappropriate handling can result in hard disk failure.

Failed disksIf you attempt to replace failed disks by using an incorrect procedure orfaulty alternative disk, data on the disk might be corrupted. Beforereplacing faulty disks, back up the data.

Aluminum electrolytic capacitorsAn aluminum electrolytic capacitor has a limited service life. Do not usean aluminum electrolytic capacitor past its service life. If you do so,leakage or depletion of the electrolytes might cause smoke or electricshock. To avoid such hazardous situations, replace limited-life parts oncethey are past their designated service life.

Distribution boardInstall a distribution board close to an entrance to protect the devices inyour computer system and to serve as an emergency power breaker.

Signal cables

¢ Route cables so that nobody will trip over them. Tripping over cablescan cause injury or failure of devices connected to the equipment. Inaddition, valuable data might be lost.

¢ Do not place heavy items on the cables. Do not route cables close todevices that become hot. If you do so, the cable covering might bedamaged, which can cause failures in connected devices.

Before turning off the power

¢ Follow the prescribed procedure for power operation. If you turn on oroff the power without following the prescribed procedure, a systemunit failure might occur.

¢ Before turning off the power, make sure that all devices connected tothe equipment have stopped. Turning off the power during operationof the equipment might cause an equipment failure or data loss.

¢ If you are using an OS that requires a shutdown procedure, alwaysfinish the shutdown procedure, and then turn off the power. If youturn off the power before the shutdown is complete, data might belost.

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Notes on rack mount safety- Elevated ambient temperatureIf you install the system unit in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, theoperating ambient temperature of the rack environment might be greaterthan that of the ambient room temperature. Be careful not to exceed therated maximum ambient temperature of the unit.- Reduced air flowWhen installing equipment in a rack, be careful that the amount of airflowrequired for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.- Mechanical loadingWhen mounting the equipment in a rack, be careful to avoid hazardousconditions caused by uneven mechanical loading.- Circuit overloadingWhen power is being supplied to equipment, be careful of excessivecurrent causing circuit interruptions and overheating of power cables.When using the equipment, carefully note the ratings.- Reliable groundingWhen installing equipment in a rack, be careful that the amount of airflowrequired for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.- Mechanical loadingWhen mounting the equipment in a rack, be careful to avoid hazardousconditions caused by uneven mechanical loading.- Circuit overloadingWhen power is being supplied to equipment, be careful of excessivecurrent causing circuit interruptions and overheating of power cables.When using the equipment, carefully note the ratings.- Reliable groundingMaintain reliable grounding of rack-mounted equipment. Pay particularattention to non-grounded power connections to branch circuits (forexample, in power strips).

Intended AudienceThis document is intended for the personnel who are involved in planning,managing, and performing the tasks to prepare your site for Compute Bladeinstallation and to install the same.

This document assumes the following:

• The reader has a background in hardware installation of computersystems.

• The reader is familiar with the location where the Compute Blade will beinstalled, including knowledge of physical characteristics, power systemsand specifications, and environmental specifications.

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Product VersionThis document revision applies to management module firmware A0240.

Release NotesRead the release notes before installing and using this product. They maycontain requirements or restrictions that are not fully described in thisdocument or updates or corrections to this document.

Document OrganizationThe table below provides an overview of the contents and organization of thisdocument. Click the chapter title in the left column to go to that chapter. Thefirst page of each chapter provides links to the sections in that chapter.

Chapter Description

Chapter 1, Preparing for installation Describes preparing for the installation of theCompute Blade.

Chapter 2, Initial setup Describes setting up the Compute Blade before use.

Chapter 3, Powering on/off systemunit

Describes procedures to power on/off the systemunit.

Referenced Documents• BROCADE manuals

¢ Access Gateway Administrator's Guide

¢ Fabric OS Administrator's Guide

¢ Fabric OS Command Reference Fabric OS Message Reference

¢ Fabric OS Message Reference

¢ Fabric OS MIB Reference

¢ Web Tools Administrator's Guide

Document conventionsThe term "Compute Blade" refers to all the models of the Compute Blade,unless otherwise noted.

This document uses the following typographic conventions:

Convention Description

Regular text bold In text: keyboard key, parameter name, property name,hardware labels, hardware button, hardware switch.

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Convention Description

In a procedure: user interface item

Italic Variable, emphasis, reference to document title, called-out term

screen/code Command name and option, drive name, file name, folder name,directory name, code, file content, system and applicationoutput, user input

< > (angled brackets) Variable (used when italic is not enough to identify variable).

[ ] (square bracket) Optional values

{ } braces Required or expected value

| vertical bar Choice between two or more options or arguments

This document uses the following icons to draw attention to information:

Icon Meaning Description

WARNING This indicates the presence of a potential risk thatmight cause death or severe injury.

CAUTION This indicates the presence of a potential risk thatmight cause relatively mild or moderate injury.

NOTICE This indicates the presence of a potential risk thatmight cause severe damage to the equipmentand/or damage to surrounding properties.

Note This indicates notes not directly related to injuryor severe damage to equipment.

Tip This indicates advice on how to make the best useof the equipment.

Convention for storage capacity valuesPhysical storage capacity values (for example, disk drive capacity) arecalculated based on the following values:

Physical capacity unit Value

1 kilobyte (KB) 1,000 (103) bytes

1 megabyte (MB) 1,000 KB or 1,0002 bytes

1 gigabyte (GB) 1,000 MB or 1,0003 bytes

1 terabyte (TB) 1,000 GB or 1,0004 bytes

1 petabyte (PB) 1,000 TB or 1,0005 bytes

1 exabyte (EB) 1,000 PB or 1,0006 bytes

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Logical storage capacity values (for example, logical device capacity) arecalculated based on the following values:

Logical capacity unit Value

1 block 512 bytes

1 KB 1,024 (210) bytes

1 MB 1,024 KB or 1,0242 bytes

1 GB 1,024 MB or 1,0243 bytes

1 TB 1,024 GB or 1,0244 bytes

1 PB 1,024 TB or 1,0245 bytes

1 EB 1,024 PB or 1,0246 bytes

Getting helpThe Hitachi Data Systems customer support staff is available 24 hours a day,seven days a week. If you need technical support, log on to the Hitachi DataSystems Portal for contact information:https://portal.hds.com.

CommentsPlease send us your comments on this document: [email protected] the document title and number including the revision level (forexample, -07), and refer to specific sections and paragraphs wheneverpossible. All comments become the property of Hitachi Data SystemsCorporation.

Thank you!

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Safety guidelines

This section contains warnings and important safety guidelines for using aHitachi Compute Blade System. Read and understand the information in thissection before removing, replacing, and installing system components.

□ Safety and warning labels

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Safety and warning labels

Server chassisThe location and content of the safety and warning labels on the serverchassis are shown here.

Server bladeThe following figures show the location and content of the safety and warninglabel on the server blade.

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Half-wide blade / Full-wide blade

The following shows the location and content of the safety and warning labelon the storage expansion blade.

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Storage Expansion blade

The following shows the location and content of the safety and warning labelon the CB 520X server blade.

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520X model

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1Preparing for installation

This chapter describes preparing for the installation of the Compute Blade.

□ Items to prepare ahead of installation

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Items to prepare ahead of installation

System ConsoleA Personal Computer (PC) satisfying the following specifications.

Table 1-1 System Console specifications

Item Specifications

Flash player Adobe® Flash® Player version 10.2 or later

Java software Oracle® Java Version 6 Update 29 or later

OS Microsoft® Windows®

Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®

Browser Internet Explorer 7 or a later version; Firefox 3.0 or later

Terminal emulator Terminal software that supports SSH V2.

Display Minimum: 1024 x 768resolution

Recommended: 1280 x 1024 resolution or higher

LAN cableA UTP Category 5 or better Ethernet cable

1-2 Preparing for installationHitachi Compute Blade 500 Series Getting Started Guide

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2Initial setup

This chapter describes setting up the Compute Blade before use.

□ Overview

□ System console configuration

□ Management module configuration

□ Switch module configuration

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OverviewThe flowchart below shows the steps for doing the initial setup.

Figure 2-1 Setup workflow

System console configurationThe system console is used as a user interface to the system unit. Networksettings and browser settings need to be configured for communicationbetween the system console and the system unit.

This chapter describes the required settings and connections for the systemconsole.

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Network settingsSet to the value, which suit your network environment, the IP address andthe subnet mask (the prefix, in the case of IPv6) of the system console. Seethe documentation of your OS for how to setup.

Browser settingsSetup the client browser of the system console as described below.

• Disable any pop-up blockers.Enabling of pop-ups may lead to unexpected behavior.

• Enable web cookies.If web cookies are not enabled, you will not be able to login to the webconsole of the management module.

See the documentation of your browser for how to setup.

LAN cable connectionConnect with a LAN cable between the system console and the managementmodule.

• When connecting the system unit to a management network:Connect the LAN port of the system console and the management LANport #0(MGMT0) of the management module to the managementnetwork.

Note: IP address of all the management modules shipped from thefactory is set for you connect some management modules to a management network atthe same time without changing the IP address, a network failure due toa duplicated IP address may occur.When connecting to a management network, change the IP address andconnect the management modules one by one.For details, see Management module configuration on page 2-4.

• When not connecting to a management network:Connect the LAN port of the system console to the management LAN port#0(MGMT0) of the management module directly.

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Figure 2-2 Connecting the LAN cable directly to the management module

Tip: You need to connect with LAN cable when setting up the followingconfigurations and running the following operations.

Management module configurationThe management module is a hardware controller that manages the systemunit.Various settings need to be setup before the management module can beused.

The initial settings described below are required:

• System administrator passwordCreate a new system administrator password for the managementmodule.

• System identification codeSet the server chassis ID.

• Network settingsConfigure the network settings such as the IP address, subnet mask (theprefix, in the case of IPv6), and default gateway.

Initial setting procedureThe following describes the initial setup procedure of the managementmodule in detail.

Login1. Start a new web browser from the system console.

2. Enter the URL of management module web console (enter "" when factory default setting) into the address field box ofthe browser.

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Table 2-1 Factory default account settings for the systemadministrator

Item Factory default

IP address of management module

URL of Web console


• The above URL indicates the default IP address of managementmodule, and port number is not entered since using default number.If you changed the IP address of management module, and the portnumber of web console, enter the corresponding URL for yourenvironment.

• The URL is configured in the following form:http://< IP address>:< port number> orhttps://< IP address>:< port number>

• The default port number:- http: 80- https: 443

3. The login dialog box will be displayed when connected successfully.

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4. The system administrator's user ID and password have factory defaultvalues.Input the following user ID and password to login.

Table 2-2 Factory default account settings for the systemadministrator

Item Factory default

User ID administrator

Password password

5. The dashboard of the web console will be displayed if the login wassuccessful.

Table 2-3 Web console dialog box

Item Description

1 Menu Displays the Web console menu.

2 Global tabs Displays Dashboard tab, Resources tab, Alerts tab, andAdministration tab.

3 Navigation area Displays the target module or feature in the tree to set andoperate them.

4 Application area Displays details of module or tree that is selected in thenavigation area.

Changing passwordChange the system administrator's password from the factory default setting.

1. Click Administration tab > User Account > administrator (as userID) > Edit.

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2. Change the password of the system administrator, and then click OK.

Note: For security purposes, we strongly recommend that you change thepassword of the system administrator.

Chassis ID code settingsThe system chassis ID code (Chassis ID) is used to identify the systemchassis.The factory default value of the chassis ID is the system chassis serial

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number. You can use the default value, but Hitachi recommends that youchange the chassis ID to suit to your environment. Make sure that the chassisID of every system chassis is unique.

1. Click Resources tab > Chassis.

2. Click Settings tab, and then click Edit Chassis ID.

3. Input the <new Chassis ID> in the Edit Chassis Setting dialog box,and then click OK.

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Network information settingsSet up the network information of your environment.

Even if you are working in an IPv6 environment, you must set up IPv4addresses. The procedure for setting up IPv4 addresses is described below.To set up IPv6 addresses, perform the same procedure in the IPv6 Addresstab.

1. Click Resources tab > Systems > Management LAN.

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2. Click IP Address tab > Edit.

3. The Edit IP Address dialog box is displayed. Enter the IP address,subnet masks,and default gateway for the management module in theEdit IP Address dialog box. Then click Confirm.

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4. The confirmation dialog box is displayed. Click OK.

Tip: The network connection terminates immediately after you change the IPaddress of the management module. If you change the IP address of themanagement module,the system console disconnects the Web console.Connect the Web console again with the changed IP address.

Logout1. Click Logout in the upper right corner of the web console dialog box.

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2. Click OK in the logout dialog box.

3. Once the login dialog box is displayed after logout, you may close thebrowser dialog box.

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Switch module configurationSwitch modules provide smooth and efficient communication between nodes*

when using the switch module.

Tip: *:A node is a connection point, either a redistribution point or an endpoint for data transmissions.

The following switch modules are available:

• LAN switch module

• Brocade 10 Gb/sec DCB switch module

• Fibre Channel switch module

¢ Brocade 8 Gb/sec Fibre Channel switch module

¢ Brocade 16 Gb/sec Fibre Channel switch module

The above switch modules need to be setup before use.

• Management LAN port settingSet the management LAN port.

• Password changingChange the password of administrator (admin).

• New user ID creationCreate the new user ID.

This subsection describes initial setting procedures.

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Management LAN port configuration

Configure the LAN port #0 (MGMT0) of the management module to recognizethe management LAN port of the LAN switch module.

Tip: The following procedure described in this section is an example ofconfiguring the LAN port #0.Only IPv4 addresses can connect to the management LAN port of themanagement module.

1. Login to the web console of the management module.

Tip: For details of login procedure, see Login on page 2-4 of Initial settingprocedure on page 2-4 in Management module configuration on page 2-4.

2. The Web console menu is displayed after login, and then click Resourcestab.

3. Click Systems tab.

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4. Click Network tab.

5. Click Management LAN.

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6. Click IP address tab > Edit.

7. Slide the scroll bar of IP address setting dialog box for displaying theinformation of "switch module 0".

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8. Click ▼ mark in the connection type of switch module 0, and then selectManagement LAN network (using management module setting).

9. Enter IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway of switch module 0.

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Note: For management module firmware version A0125 or earlier, thedefault gateway setting here does not work on the internal LAN switchmodule. Directly log in to the console of the internal LAN switch moduleand then set the default gateway.

10. Uncheck Not apply this Default Gateway setting to the LAN switchmodule if it is checked.

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Tip: For management module firmware version A0125 or earlier, thisitem, Not apply this Default Gateway setting to the LAN switchmodule, is not displayed. Go to the next step.

11. Click Confirm.

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Note: For 16 Gb/sec Fibre Channel switch module, you may fail to set theIP address. If a message indicating the failure appears, wait for about aminute and then click Confirm again.

12. The confirmation dialog box is displayed. Confirm IP address, subnetmask, and default gateway of switch module 0, and then click OK.

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Management LAN port configuration is completed.Repeat step 7 to step 10 as necessary for switch module 1 to 3.

LAN switch module initial configuration

Create new user ID.


1. Start a terminal emulator to the switch module from the system console,and then connect IP address configured at Management LAN portconfiguration on page 2-14.

2. The system administrator's user ID and password have factory defaultvalues. Input the following user ID and password to login.

Table 2-4 Factory default setting for the system administrator

Item Factory default setting

User ID operator

Password (not set)

Input <operator> as the user ID, and then press Enter.

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User ID creation

Create a user ID.

1. Change user mode to administrator mode.Input enable, and then press Enter.

2. Add a new user ID.Input adduser <newuser ID>, and then press Enter.

3. Set a password to the new user ID.Input <new password>, and then press Enter.

4. Input <new password> again, and then press Enter.

5. Go back to normal user mode, input disable, and then press Enter.

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Tip: The account of <newuser ID> is permitted as the user privilege only,not administrator.If you input enable, the user privilege will change to the systemadministrator privilege.


1. Input logout at the prompt, and then press Enter.

User ID confirmation

Confirm whether <newuser ID> has been created correctly. <newuser ID>is created as User ID creation.

1. Start a terminal emulator to the switch module from the system console.

2. Input <newuser ID>, and then press Enter.

3. Input the defined <password>, and then press Enter.

4. Confirm the following whether the login was successful.

5. Input logout, and then press Enter.

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User ID creation for management module

Create a user ID <yyyyyyyy> for the management module to operate theLAN switch module.

1. Start a terminal emulator to the switch module from the system console.

2. Input <operator>, and then press Enter.

3. Change user mode to administrator mode.Input enable, and then press Enter.

4. Add a new user ID.Input adduser <yyyyyyyy>, and then press Enter.

5. Set a password to the user ID.Input <new password>, and then press Enter.

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6. Input <new password> again for confirmation, and then press Enter.

7. Go back to user mode, input disable, and then press Enter.

8. Input logout, and then press Enter.

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Authentication settings for management module

Setup authentication to the user ID created inUser ID creation formanagement module on page 2-24.

1. Start a web browser on the system console.

2. Enter the URL of management module's web console ("" as the factory default) in the navigation bar.

Table 2-5 Factory default settings

Item Factory default

IP address of management module

URL of Web console


• The above URL is the default. When you use the default, you can omitto enter a port number. If you change the IP address of managementmodule or the port number, enter the URL corresponding to the newsettings.

• The format of URL is as below:http://< IP address>:< port number> orhttps://< IP address>:< port number>

• The default port number:- http: 80

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- https: 443

3. The login dialog box of management module's web console will bedisplayed.

4. The user ID and the password for administrator are set for the factorydefault.Input the following user ID and password to login to the Web console.

Table 2-6 Factory default account settings for the systemadministrator

Item Factory default

User ID administrator

Password password

5. The following Web console menu will be displayed when the login issuccessful.

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6. Select Modules from the menu tree of Resource tab and click Switchmodules > Switch module x.

7. Click Action on the top right and select Authentication settings fromthe pull down menu.

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8. Enter the username and password that created in User ID creation formanagement module on page 2-24 in the Authorization settings dialogbox. And then click OK.

Default user ID deletion

Delete the default user ID <operator> after login with the username andpassword that created in User ID creation on page 2-22.

1. Start a terminal emulator to the switch module from the system console.

2. Input <newuser>, and then press Enter.

3. Input <new password>, and then press Enter.

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4. Change user mode to administrator mode. Input enable, and then pressEnter.

5. Delete the default user ID <operator>. Input rmuser operator, andthen press Enter.

6. Enter the <y> key when <Delete user'operator'? (y/n):> isdisplayed.

7. Go back to user mode, input disable, and then press Enter.

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8. Input logout, and then press Enter.

Brocade 10 Gb/sec DCB switch module initial configurationChange the system administrator password.


1. Start a terminal emulator to the switch module from the system console,and then connect IP address that is configured as Management LAN portconfiguration on page 2-14.

2. Input <user ID> and <password> in the following Table to login.

Table 2-7 Factory default setting for the system administrator

Item Factory default setting

User ID admin

Password password

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Input <admin> in the login line, and then press Enter.

Input <password>, and then press Enter.

Changing password

Change the password for the admin user ID.

1. Input configure terminal and press Enter to move to globalconfiguration mode.

2. Input username admin password <new password> role admin enabletrue, and then press Enter.


1. Input logout, and then press Enter.

Fibre Channel switch module initial configuration

This section describes how to configure Brocade 8 Gb/sec Fibre Channelswitch module and Brocade 16 Gb/sec Fibre Channel switch module.

Change the system administrator password, and create a new user ID andpassword. For the procedure in detail, see Referenced Documents on page xivmanuals in Hitachi Compute BladeFibre Channel SwitchAccessory DVD(EN).


1. Start a terminal emulator to the switch module from the system console,and then connect IP address configured at Management LAN portconfiguration on page 2-14.

2. The system administrator's user ID and password have factory defaultvalues. Input the following user ID and password to login.

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Table 2-8 Factory default setting

Item Factory default setting

User ID admin

Password password

Input admin as the user ID, and then press Enter.

Input <password>, and then press Enter.

Changing password

Change the password for the admin user ID.

1. Navigate to the system administrator mode, input passwd admin, andthen press Enter.

2. Change the system administrator password, input <old password>, andthen press Enter.

3. Input <new password>, and then press Enter.

4. Input <new password> again for confirmation, and then press Enter.

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User ID creation

Set up a new user ID.

1. Input userconfig -add <newuser ID> -r admin, and then press Enter.

2. Input <new password>, and then press Enter.

3. Input <new password> again, and then press Enter.


1. Input exit, and then press Enter.

User ID confirmation

Confirm whether <newuser ID> has been created correctly.

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1. Start the terminal emulator to the switch module from the systemconsole.

2. Input <newuser ID> in the Login prompt, and then press Enter.

Input <password>, and then press Enter.

3. Confirm whether the login was successful.

4. Input logout, and then press Enter.

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3Powering on/off system unit

This chapter describes procedures to power on/off the system unit.

□ Powering on system unit

□ Powering off system unit

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Powering on system unitThis section describes procedures to power on the system unit.

The management module starts booting automatically when the AC power issupplied to the server chassis.

Turn on devices in the following order:

1. Management module

2. Switch module

Powering off system unitThis section describes procedures to power off the system unit.

Tip: To power on/off the system unit, you can use the web console. SeeManagement module configuration on page 2-4 to login.

1. Click Resources tab > Chassis. The following dialog box will bedisplayed, and then click Action > ▼ > Shutdown.

2. The confirmation dialog box is displayed, and then click OK.

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3. The system unit will power off. Confirm whether the power LED ofmanagement module was turned off.

4. Disconnect the system unit from the power source.

Tip: Reconnect the power cable into the outlet when using the system unitagain. The Management module and switch module will be turned onautomatically.

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