HistorY wElcomE - starofit.com

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Page 2: HistorY wElcomE - starofit.com

‘World of Fittings’ – with this in mind, we meet the daily challenges of our customers. ‘World’ depicts our uniquely extensive product range, which is ready for our customers’ needs. STAROFIT’s development has resulted in a steady increase of the company’s stock for over 40 years. At present we have a permanent fittings stock of 6,500 t, which enables us to provide deliveries within the shortest time possible. Next to that, the focus on quality and reliability is paramount to us.

With our exceptional service we have made a name for ourselves not only in Germany. When it comes to premium products and first-class service, STAROFIT assist their customers from all over the world. Conse-quently, ‘World of Fittings’ also illustrates the inter-national activities of STAROFIT. Dependable, only the best quality, and quick - with these guiding principles, we deliver products from Ganderkesee throughout the world.

Despite our worldwide trading activities, the peo-ple behind STAROFIT are still deeply rooted in the company’s tradition and committed to the region. Our employees are highly skilled and after their initial three-years training they receive continually further training.

Long-term success is based on teamwork and coope-ration. We consider ourselves part of our clients’ team now and in future whilst being the partner to the pipe industry as a whole.

RĂźdiger Klose

RĂźdiger KloseFounder and Managing Director


Founded by RĂźdiger Klose in Ganderkesee.


Construction and opening of our head-quarters and begin of our comprehensive training of young skilled apprentices.


STAROFIT celebrates its 25-years anni-versary. 2nd warehouse expansion to 8,000 m² with automated storage.


STAROFIT celebrates its 40-years anni-versary.


Construction and opening of our first own warehouse with 600 m² storage space.


Expansion of storage space to 2,000 m² and building of a high rack warehouse.


Construction of a new warehouse with 9,000 m² floor space.


worlD of fittiNgs


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Since being founded by RĂźdiger Klose in 1975, STAROFIT Klose GmbH & Co. KG has become the pipe fitting

specialist. The primary focus is on worldwide sales and distribution of buttwelding elbows and fittings made of

carbon steel and stainless steel.

oUr comPANY

40 YEArs of stArofit – AlwAYs fUllY stockED!

Since starting out 40 years ago, STAROFIT has become the pipe fitting specialist. Its “fully stocked warehouse policy” ensures that all fittings are permanently available from our own stock. Coupling product diver-sity with its know-how, STAROFIT is able to provide rapid deliveries to its customers and give them the competitive edge they need in any fast-paced market.

Our products are in demand and used worldwide, especially in areas subject to compulsory monitoring, in plant construction, in shipbuilding and mechani-cal engineering, power plant construction, chemical plants, in steel and pipeline construction and in the petrochemical industry, etc.

As a family-owned company, sustainability is at the core of our company policy.

fittiNgs sPEciAlist

At our premises, which cover an area of around 70,000 m² in Ganderkesee near Bremen, we store a unique variety of pipe fittings in more than 50,000 sizes and more than 100 different materials – depen-ding on the requirements, especially for high or low temperatures, extremely high pressures or aggressive mediums. Of course, standard designs are also cons-

sUstAiNAbilitY for A commUNitY - fit for tHE fUtUrE AND iNvEstmENt iN tHE fUtUrE

As a family-owned enterprise STAROFIT plays a res-ponsible role in the community and supports projects at a regional and supraregional level in the field of education, social welfare and sport.

At STAROFIT, value is placed on the training, develop-ment, qualification and further training of employees. For this reason, STAROFIT has received several awards from the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce for outstanding services in vocational training.

STAROFIT thus combines social commitment and steady economic growth to form a stable basis for a future-proof community worth living in.

tantly available from stock.The unique variety of products, reliability, outstan-ding quality, excellent service, innovative thinking and actions are just as much a part of the STAROFIT mindset today as they were on the day the company was founded.

oUr qUAlitY is tHE kEY to oUr cUstomEr’s sUccEss

Based on our broad experience, the STAROFIT team has in-depth knowledge of every aspect of the fittings industry.

All our staff are given regular training and are able to keep you up to date on all the latest standards and any current developments with regard to materials, stan-dards and codes of practice.

STAROFIT is also an active member of the DIN EN standards commissions and specialist, trade and promotional associations, and is a TÜV-approved ma-nufacturer in compliance with:

• EN ISO 9001• PED 97/23/EC | PED 2014/68/EU• AD 2000-Merkblatt W 0 (working group for pres-

sure vessels in Germany)

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stArofit fUtUrE worksHoP

As an internationally active partner to the pipe trade, we demand a great deal of ourselves. This is why we also take the huge responsibility we have for our employees very seriously. We have always considered the provision of career prospects, personal development, and indivi-dual support to be our top priorities.

Since the company was founded, training of young peo-ple has been one of STAROFIT‘s most important jobs. In this way we are not only ensuring continual outstanding quality for our customers, but we are also safeguarding the future of our company. Of our team of more than 60 employees, almost all of them have learnt the fittings business with us, and many have been working with us for many years. Close ties to schools and clubs in the lo-cal region mean that we are always able to attract young people to our apprenticeships for the following recognis-ed professions:

• Wholesale and foreign trade clerk (m/f)• Office communication clerk (m/f)• Warehouse logistics clerk (m/f)• lathe operator (m/f)• IT specialist (m/f)


62 EMployEEs

84% tRainED at staRoFit

46% FoR MoRE than 15 yEaRs with staRoFit

We have over 60 employees, almost all of them have learnt the fittings business with us.

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Use our strength to your advantage!PiPE fittiNgs iN AccorDANcE witH EN, DiN, AND AsmE!

STAROFIT has more than 50,000 different sizes for buttwelding fittings in more than 100 different materials, meaning we can supply almost anything a customer needs from our own stock.

type b or Part 2 available from stock!fUll UtilisAtioN fActor? – No ProblEm!

Pipe fittings with a full utilisation factor are a speciality of STAROFIT. We also supply many type B (EN) or part 2 (DIN) elbows, tees, and eccentric reducers from stock.

first-rate assortment!iNtErmEDiAtE sizEs AND ExtrEmE wAll tHickNEssEs? – AvAilAblE from stock!

In addition to standardised sizes and wall thicknesses, our standard stock programme also includes countless intermediate sizes and fittings with extreme wall thicknes-ses. Elbows with special radii or degree values are also available at short notice.

Elbows AND fittiNgs – A UNiqUE vAriEtY

We stock elbows and buttwelding fittings in a huge range of steel grades. Unalloyed up to high alloyed steels, duplex grades and special metals - the STAROFIT warehouse is one of the best-stocked warehouses in Europe. Our products are suitable for use at extreme temperatures, high pressures, for pulsation loads in the hydraulic sector and also for aggressive mediums.

Our buttwelding fittings are primarily used in the areas of plant and mechanical engineering, power plant const-ruction, boiler construction, and in chemical / petrochemical plants. Further areas of application are shipbuilding, pipeline construction, steel construction, and environmental engineering.

oUr ProDUcts

EN 10253-2 tYPE A and tYPE bAsmE b16.9


• 2D, 3D, 5D• Short Radius,

Long Radius• 45°, 90°, 180°


• concentric• eccentric


• equal• reduced


rANgE of sizEs

• 17.2 mm – 610.0 mm• 1/2” – 24”

rANgE of wAll tHickNEssEs

in accordance with• EN 10253 part 2 (Series 1 – 8)• ASME B36.10 (SCH 20 – XXS)

material grades EN and DiN

• P235GH-TC1+TC2• P265GH• 16Mo3• 13CrMo4-5• 10CrMo9-10• X10CrMoVNb9-1• P215NL• P265NL• L360NB+NE• P355N• P355NL1+NH• St 52.4


• WPB• WPL6• WPHY 52• WP11• WP22• WP5• WP9• WP91

cArboN stEEl

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material gradesEN and DiN

• 1.4306• 1.4307• 1.4541• 1.4550• 1.4539• 1.4571• 1.4404• 1.4439• 1.4462• 1.4828• 1.4841• 1.4878


• WP304/304L• WP316/316L• WP316Ti• WP321/321H• WP347/347H• WP304H• UNS S31803• UNS S32750• WP310S

EN 10253-4 tYPE A and tYPE bAsmE b16.9


• 2D, 3D, 5D• Short Radius,

Long Radius• 45°, 90°, 180°


• concentric• eccentric


• equal• reduced


rANgE of sizEs

• 10.0 mm – 323.9 mm• 1/2” – 12”

rANgE of wAll tHickNEssEs

in accordance with• EN 10253 part 4 (Series 1 – 6)• ASME B36.19 (SCH 10S – XXS)

Elbows AND fittiNgs AccorDiNg to cUsto-mEr rEqUirEmENts

We can machine elbows and fittings at short notice in our machining centre directly in accordance with customer requirements:

• Pre-processing and taper boring of elbows and fittings with an outer diameter of up to 610.0 mm

• Cutting of elbows in any required degree value• End machining in accordance with standard• Machining according to drawing or customer


As STAROFIT is a TÜV-approved manufacturer accor-ding to EN ISO 9001, PED 97/23/EC | PED 2014/68/EU (Pressure Equipment Directive), and the AD 2000 Merkblatt W 0 (working group for pressure vessels in Germany) our products can be installed in systems subject to compulsory monitoring.

sPEciAl fittiNgs mADE of soliD mAtEriAls

The required product is not available from stock? Products can be quickly fabricated - even for unusual requests - thanks to our extensive buffer stock of steel bars, blanks, and seamless pipes.

Our fabrication and pre-processing activities currently encompass the following areas:

• Reducers (concentric and eccentric)• Tees• Caps• Crosses• Lateral tees• Customised turned parts made as per customer

drawings up to 480 mm diameter• Threaded fittings

STAROFIT machines buttwelding fittings and produces custom fittings (made of round bar) according to the applicable standards (EN, DIN, ASME), and of course also according to any special requirements – quickly and to an exceptionally high standard of quality.

stAiNlEss stEEl

For further information visit our website at www.starofit.com

oUr mAcHiNiNg cENtrE

oUr ProDUcts

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Not jUst kNowlEDgE iN isolAtioN iNtErNAtioNAllY rEcogNisED ExPErtisE coNNEcts


sourced in Europe Carbon steel fittings: asME, En, and Dinstainless steel fittings: En and Din

sourced worldwidestainless steel fittings: asME

comPrEHENsivE iNcomiNg gooDs coNtrol

Thorough goods inspection according to stringent criteria STAROFIT guarantees that every product is checked in accordance with a comprehensive inspec-tion schedule and every work step is precisely docu-mented. Only parts that are 100% technically perfect are recorded, correctly placed in storage and shipped.To ensure the high STAROFIT quality standard, our goods inspection department uses calibrated measu-ring instruments, which are regularly inspected such as spectrometers and devices for testing hardness and measuring wall thicknesses via ultrasonic testing.

sElEctioN of oUr sUPPliErs

We only stock products by manufacturers who can verify they are TÜV-approved and are certified in ac-cordance with EN ISO 9001and PED 97/23/EC | PED 2014/68/EU (Pressure Equipment Directive). Fur-thermore, every supplier must comply with the strict requirements of our internal quality standards.

The distribution of „specialities“ demands outstanding technical expertise. Our customers expect comprehen-sive advice when purchasing our products – we don‘t disappoint them either!

Rest assured: Your contact partners in our company know the standards inside out due to regular training, and are always in touch with current developments in relation to standards and guidelines. STAROFIT has always been an active member of DIN EN standards committees and various specialist, trade and sponsorship associations.STAROFIT is a certified company in accordance with

• EN ISO 9001• PED 97/23/EC | PED 2014/68/EU (Pressure Equipment Directive)• AD 2000 Merkblatt W 0 (working group for pressure vessels in Germany)

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11:47 ENqUirY

12:10PUrcHAsE orDEr

13:50rEADY for DisPAtcH


ArrivAl of tHE gooDs

orDEr UNtil 2:00 Pm -DisPAtcH oN sAmE DAY.

HigH AvAilAbilitY AND ExcEPtioNAllY fAst DElivErY

oUr sErvicE

• More than 50,000 sizes in more than 100 different materials are available for delivery from our stock at any time!

• All orders placed before 2:00 pm are dispatched on the same day!

• All deliveries are possible within 24 or 48 hrs. or as express delivery via direct transport!

• Fast worldwide dispatch by air or sea freight due to direct connection with Hamburg and Bremen.

ADDitioNAl sErvicE bENEfits

• Own machining centre• Inspections by TÜV, DNV GL, LR, BV, etc.• Pressure calculations (using TÜV calculation soft-

ware DIMy)• Material tests, Positive Material Identification (PMI) • Individual parts labelling and colour codings• Surface treatment and corrosion protection• Seaworthy export packaging• Special packaging according to customer require-


Make use of our speed and flexibility, avoid high storage costs and give yourself a significant edge over competitors with our first class service and sophisti-cated logistics.


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stArofit klose gmbH & co. kgGüterstraße 327777 GanderkeseeGermany

tel. +49 4222 9440 0Fax +49 4222 9440 44Mail [email protected] www.starofit.com