HISTORY If only the walls could talk! Introduction If you go up into the eaves of Grafton Manor, it is still possible to see where someone has carved the date 1742 into one of the wooden beams. The scribe is not known. Maybe it was a workman, or possibly one of the servants. Whoever it was, Grafton Manor, then, was prestigious and newly built on the site of a much older residence, tragically destroyed by fire in 1710. The history of the previous residence dates back to William the Conqueror, and before. Over the centuries, Grafton has seen many changes in the monarchy; from the Normans to the Tudors and eventually our very own House of Windsor. The realm has had great influence over the residents of Grafton. Manipulated occupancy aside, it remained a famous house and home to many families - all fabulously wealthy and favourites with the monarchy. Sir Humphrey Stafford (1402 – 1460) was a trusted friend of Henry VI. Sir Gilbert of Talbot enjoyed the favour of Henry VII. And Charles Talbot (1660 – 1718) enjoyed the good opinion of no less than five monarchs, Charles II, James II, William III and his wife Mary, Queen Ann, and lastly, George I. It is a house that has always been a residence to celebrities. One, more infamous gentleman, was the son-in-law of John Talbot - Robert Wintour (1568 – 1606). He was involved in the failed Gunpowder plot – we will shed a spark of light on that tale later. Grafton Manor has also been the place of intrigue and scandal. The most notable of these involved the second Duke of Buckingham – George Villiers. He took a fancy to the lady of Grafton Manor, Countess Anna Maria (who already had quite a reputation!!) and offended her husband, Francis Talbot, the then Earl of Shrewsbury. In defence of his wife’s honour, the Earl challenged the Duke to a dual. Unfortunately, Francis was no match for George, neither with his wife nor as a swordsman. He was not victorious - eventually dying of his wounds in1668. On the cold winter’s morning that Francis was run through, his son Charles (noted above) was probably playing happily under the supervision of his tutor, or tucked up safely in bed, blissfully unaware of his future place in British history or the scandal going on around him.

HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

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Page 1: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

HISTORYIf only the walls could talk!


If you go up into the eaves of Grafton Manor, it is still possible to see where someone has carved the date 1742 into one of the wooden beams. The scribe is not known. Maybe it was a workman, or possibly one of the servants. Whoever it was, Grafton Manor, then, was prestigious and newly built on the site of a much older residence, tragically destroyed by fire in 1710. The history of the previous residence dates back to William the Conqueror, and before.

Over the centuries, Grafton has seen many changes in the monarchy; from the Normans to the Tudors and eventually our very own House of Windsor. The realm has had great influence over the residents of Grafton. Manipulated occupancy aside, it remained a famous house and home to many families - all fabulously wealthy and favourites with the monarchy. Sir Humphrey Stafford (1402 – 1460) was a trusted friend of Henry VI. Sir Gilbert of Talbot enjoyed the favour of Henry VII. And Charles Talbot (1660 – 1718) enjoyed the good opinion of no less than five monarchs, Charles II, James II, William III and his wife Mary, Queen Ann, and lastly, George I.

It is a house that has always been a residence to celebrities. One, more infamous gentleman, was the son-in-law of John Talbot - Robert Wintour (1568 – 1606). He was involved in the failed Gunpowder plot – we will shed a spark of light on that tale later. Grafton Manor has also been the place of intrigue and scandal. The most notable of these involved the second Duke of Buckingham – George Villiers. He took a fancy to the lady of Grafton Manor, Countess Anna Maria (who already had quite a reputation!!) and offended her husband, Francis Talbot, the then Earl of Shrewsbury. In defence of his wife’s honour, the Earl challenged the Duke to a dual. Unfortunately, Francis was no match for George, neither with his wife nor as a swordsman. He was not victorious - eventually dying of his wounds in1668. On the cold winter’s morning that Francis was run through, his son Charles (noted above) was probably playing happily under the supervision of his tutor, or tucked up safely in bed, blissfully unaware of his future place in British history or the scandal going on around him.

Page 2: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

The family today

Today, there are no (real) swordfights or jousts for the favour of a lady. Steeped in history, Grafton Manor is now a thriving Country House Hotel, formerly the home of John Morris, his wife June and their three children, Nicola and Simon (who are twins) and their elder brother Stephen. John came with his parents to Grafton just after the war, where his mother used the Manor as a rest home. When John took the reins, he changed its use to a restaurant and country hotel and in recent years it has become a leading wedding venue able to supply a range of services from the essential wedding dress, the ceremony and associated catering, to the bridal suite. Since 1979, the hotel added its fourth generation of family to management/ownership, with Nicola’s son John coming on board. Together, they have further renovated the property to cater for businesses, tourists, and a range of events from private parties and proms to, of course, weddings. The John Morris Hall, formerly the chapel, is perfect for that special day.

History, though, is never far away as some Manor decor, and occasionally its guests celebrate what was once E-Old England. The Royal Standard of Queen Mary hangs in the bar to be enjoyed by all, and a letter from 1749 hangs in reception.

Page 3: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

Not so humble beginnings

The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It is a long way from its beginning as a Norman estate given to the Sheriff of Worcester, Urso d’Abitot, by William the Conqueror in the 11th Century. It was reputedly a reward for Urso being an active force in crushing the rebellion against William I. Back then, the estate spanned over 400 acres, today it is just over thirty. Urso was of Norman heritage. It is also said that he wasn’t of (using words of the time) ‘particularly good breeding’. However, he was ambitious, which is just the type of person William needed to raise funds to crush his enemies. Urso was not kind to his English tenants and exploited them dreadfully. In history books, the word extortion is frequently used when reading about him. There was also a prophecy that Urso’s son would not inherit his father’s land - a prophecy which came true.

Battle with kings

In the 13th century, Grafton became the home of the Stafford’s. The family became the wealthiest and most influential family in the Midlands. Sir Humphrey Stafford (a blood Royal) was knighted by King Henry V, from the House of Lancaster. Following the King’s death, he was loyal to his successor, Henry VI, becoming part of the Privy Council. He had his run-ins with the Royal household but continued to have his uses. Sir Humphrey is best known for supporting Henry VI in a clash with a rebellious mob led by Jack Cade. While on business for the crown, a traitor allowed Yorkists into the camp. In the ensuing fight, Sir Humphrey was bludgeoned to death and the estate passed to his nephew also called Humphrey.

The Wars of the Roses was essentially a family quarrel between the Plantagenet’s, Lancaster’s and the York’s. Between 1455 and 1485 England’s rule changed several times. Eventually, Henry VI was captured and murdered in the Tower of London. For twelve years Edward IV reigned and upon his death rule passed to his son Edward V. There lies another story as Edward V was one of the two princes taken to the Tower of London and never seen again. With the princes out of the way, Richard III took office.

So, where did it all start?Long before a stone in the current building was laid.

Page 4: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

Many a trader wasn’t affected by the squabbles of blue-blooded society, but Grafton was.

Like his uncle, Humphrey the younger, was a strong supporter of the crown and in 1485, fought with the York King, Richard III against Henry Tudor (a Lancastrian), at the Battle of Bosworth. Unfortunately, Humphrey was on the losing side. As such the next change in ownership of Grafton Manor was on the cards.

Henry Tudor, aided by Sir Gilbert Talbot, was victorious. Henry united the houses of Lancaster and York into the house of Tudor, by marrying Elizabeth of York, thereby, bringing stability to England.

What did this mean for Grafton?

Richard III was killed in battle, but Sir Humphrey managed to escape and was pardoned by the new king, Henry VII. However, Sir Humphrey was not content with the change in rule. He, with his younger brother Thomas, continued to oppose the new king. When they tried to reinstate a York monarchy via the armed Stafford and Lovell Rebellion - they were defeated. The Stafford Brothers fled to sanctuary at Culham Abbey but were forcibly removed under the law of treason and arrested. Following intervention by the Pope, Thomas was pardoned, but, Sir Humphrey was executed, via hanging, at Tyburn. There, the local villagers erected elaborate gallows so that as many people as possible could see the ‘drop and short stop’.

Sir Gilbert Talbot commanded Henry’s right wing in the battle against Richard III and thus played a huge part in the victory. As a reward, Henry VII gave Sir Gilbert Talbot the estate of Grafton. The estate came with other land in Upton Warren, Kings Norton, Kidderminster, Kenneswick and Westbury.

Sir Gilbert unlucky in love

Sir Gilbert Talbot (1452 – 1517) was a favourite of the King Henry VII. As a Knight of the Order of the Garter, he was appointed to the post of Lord Deputy of Calais. He was enamoured with Elizabeth, the daughter of Lord Greystoke (not of Tarzan fame), and widow of Lord Scrope. Elizabeth was approx 15 years older than Gilbert, and rumour has it that, initially, she would not accept him; only capitulating at the insistence of the King. Elizabeth had significant childbearing ability – having many children in her previous marriage. No doubt the advantages and security of providing an heir to a gentleman in favour with the crown, was used in the persuasion process.

Page 5: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

Despite the age difference and already having many children from her previous marriage, Elizabeth bore three more live children to Gilbert – a son and two daughters. The son was named after his father. Elizabeth died five years after coming to Grafton and is buried in a beautiful tomb on the north side of Bromsgrove church – a testament to how much Sir Gilbert loved his lady.

Looking for a wife again, Gilbert proposed to Lady Gardiner, who was a widow and former wife of Sir Richard Gardiner, Lord Mayor of London. She was delighted with Grafton and bore Gilbert another son, Sir John Talbot.

Sir Gilbert died in 1517, bequeathing a ‘gown of cloth of gold, one robe of blue velvet and a book lined with gold,’ to be used in the chapel. His list of properties and possessions was extensive (his will can be found online). The Grafton estates passed to his son Gilbert, but he died circa 1543 without a male heir. Thus, the estate passed to his half-brother John, who died in 1555.

Grafton under John Talbot (1545 – 1611)

In 1555, upon the death of John Talbot, his young son inherited. He too was called John and was only a boy. The young man had a inspired eye and many ideas. He was responsible for re- modelling the grounds and creating the feature of the lake, fish stew ponds and terraced walks. Much of his work in the gardens can still be seen at Grafton today. A stroll around the Grafton Estate is highly recommended. Maybe one can imagine the views of Grafton’s ancestors. The interior of the Manor was also lavishly decorated as suited one of the richest men in the country.

In 1567, when it was finished, Queen Elizabeth I was on the throne. Her arms and date can be seen above the porch. These words are engraved around the porch window:

Plenti and grase

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whyle evry man is pleased

in his degree

There is both peace and uniti.

Salaman Saith there’s none


When everi man would be a lorde

Page 6: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

John Talbot was a prominent Catholic under a Protestant monarch and a recusant. As such he was kept under watchful government eyes for many years. Further complications arose for him when he found himself connected, via his daughter’s marriage, to Robert Wintour – one of the leading voices behind the Gunpowder Plot. Upon accusations, Robert defended John, vowing that any advances to him were refused.

Given the complications of later life, one wonders if John ever wished to return to the carefree days of money, imagination and design.

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605

The Gunpowder plot has a huge stage in British history. Just about every school child and the majority of adults name Guy Fawkes as the main man, and celebrate the defeat on bonfire night. People used to dance around the fire chanting rhymes such as:-

Remember, remember the fifth of November Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason, why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot.

Guy Fawkes was primarily recruited as the explosives expert. Thirteen conspirators hatched the plot to blow up Parliament and overthrow the Protestant monarchy.

In September 1605, The Gunpowder Plot was planned at Robert Wintour’s Worcester family home, Huddington Hall. The gathering was attended by the leader, Robert Catesby, Robert Wintour and his brother Thomas, as well as several other members of leading Midland families. Catesby was a cousin to the Wintours and, as already mentioned, Robert Wintour was the son-in-law of John Talbot, married to John’s daughter, Gertrude. There is no evidence that John knew of the plot, but it is a fact that on Sunday 3rd November, Robert Wintour and a group of conspirators spent the day at Grafton.

The following morning John Talbot accompanied them as they set on horseback for Dunchurch. John Talbot was on his way to his other estate at Pepperhill near Albrighton. On the Wednesday evening, a horseman brought news to him there that the plot had failed, that his son-in-law had been denounced as a traitor and that Robert was a fugitive from the law. A posse composed of Sheriffs of Worcestershire and Warwickshire were in pursuit of the conspirators.

Robert was captured along with the others and executed. John went back to Grafton with a heavy heart. His daughter was now a widow and the plot would taint the family name.

Page 7: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

The plot did indeed bring suspicion to the family and Sir Richard Walsh, High Sheriff of Worcestershire was ordered to complete a thorough search of Grafton to see if any incriminating documents could be found. Grafton was stripped of its furniture and the family arm. Everything John had worked hard to get, was sold. Eventually, John was proved innocent, and was given the money from the sale of his possessions, so to some extent, his honour was restored.

John died five years after the Gunpowder Plot and Grafton passed to his son George (1566 – 1630), the 9th Earl of Shrewsbury.

George was educated abroad, took his vows and was ordained as a priest in the Catholic Church. Through political intervention, George was allowed to return to England and claim his estates, which were extensive throughout England. It is said that he was a generous man. However, being a man of the cloth, he never married and died, aged 63, childless. His ending was sad, but it was not the end of Talbot ownership of Grafton.

Father Oldcorne and Father Wall deceased

Following with the religious them of George Talbot; back then, Grafton had strong ties with the Catholic faith.

In recent years, the chapel has been used for blessings after civil ceremonies in the house. It has been host to Anglicans, Catholics and Hindus as a place to give thanks and is truly non- denominational. In 2016 it was re-named the John Morris Hall, and may now be used for civil ceremonies. Although the religious artefacts have been removed, the building and stained glass windows are a lovely reminder of its heritage that gives a classic feeling to a modern ceremony.

Taking a step back in the timeline; during the reign of Elizabeth I, Grafton was one of the places that Catholics could celebrate mass. Priests would travel to Grafton disguised as ordinary folk, and they would carry a small consecrated altar stone with them that would sanctify any table that it was placed upon. Father Oldcorne was at Grafton during the period of the Plot. He also organised mass at Badgecourt, Cooksey and Purshall Hall. He was killed for his faith, executed at Red Hill just outside Worcester in 1606.

Father Wall, another of Grafton’s priests, was the last man in Worcestershire to be executed for his faith. He had been a domestic chaplain for Lady Yale of Harvington Hall and was executed on 22nd August 1679 after twenty years of work based at Grafton.

Page 8: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

Love affair at Grafton

During the latter half of the 17th Century, fortune smiled on the Talbots who, in terms of monetary wealth and land ownership, went from strength to strength. Through judicious marriage arrangements, Grafton became one of the richest and largest of the estates in the Midlands. The advantageous matches benefited both the Talbots and the Wintours.

We bring to your attention, Francis Talbot (1623-1668), he of direct bloodline to John Talbot (of gunpowder plot fame). The Earl of Shrewsbury was the second sword at the coronation of Charles II. Unfortunately, the man was far less lucky in his personal life than he was in politics. Having already lost his two sons, his first marriage to Ann ended upon her death. Though, the timing is unknown.

Then, Francis married a vivacious young girl called Anna Maria, daughter of Lord Brudenell. He was passionate about her. But, she was less taken with him and could be a minx. Samuel Pepys is reputed to have called her a whore. Indeed, a portrait held in the London Portrait Gallery shows her to be a beauty, but, her plunging neckline is rather... provocative.

Francis was involved in the court life of Charles II which had a reputation for licentiousness and excess. One of the leading characters of the court was the second Duke of Buckingham, known for taking a shine to the ladies. He became involved with the lady of Grafton Manor and it was well known that Lady Talbot was his mistress. Francis was unable to adopt the moirés of the lax court over such matters and was deeply jealous; he was in love with Anna Maria and could not tolerate her liaison with the Duke of Buckingham. The Earl of Shrewsbury challenged him to a dual. A three- a-side fight between the Earl and the Duke and their seconds.

Anna Maria disguised

At a destination close to Barne-Elmes, an unsanctioned person attended the duel. While the contestants were checking their weapons at dawn on 16th January 1668, a figure in a page’s clothes stood under a tree holding the horses. It was the lady of Grafton herself, come to see the fight between her husband and her lover.

The Duke of Buckingham and his seconds were clearly the superior swordsmen and the clash was short. The Earl of Shrewsbury was mortally wounded – run through from the right breast through the shoulder. Anna Maria ran forward and embraced the Duke, his shirt still dripping with the blood of her husband. It took Francis two months to die of his injuries.

Page 9: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

Charles, their son, was only eight when his father died.

Charles Talbot favourite of kings (1660-1718)

The young boy who inherited the estates of Grafton at eight years old was destined, like his forebears, to be the favourite of the king. In fact, the king was his godfather. Still in his early years, Charles II appointed him Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire. James II, William of Orange and Mary, Queen Anne and King George were also generous with their approbation. James made him Colonel of the Horse and Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Charles, however, did not stay loyal to James II - he disliked his religious discrimination and was appalled by the oppressive Catholicism of the king.

In 1679 Charles Talbot astonished the Catholic hierarchy by attending a Church of England service, conducted by Dean Tillotson of Canterbury at Lincolns Inn Chapel. Charles, with other nobles, approached William of Orange for support, and there is no doubt that they planned to oust the king. In 1688 they sent a letter to William of Orange to encourage his to claim the throne. William had no money for such venture so Charles mortgaged all the Shrewsbury estates and sailed to Holland to meet William and Mary.

A month later saw Charles accompanying James II to the docks and seeing him off to exile in France.

Political Career for Charles

When William and Mary began their reign, Charles received the seals of office as Secretary of State and was appointed to the Privy Council.

Charles helped to place the Bill of Rights on the Statue Book in 1689. This Act effectively ended the Divine Right of Kings. He went to the Toleration Act, which guaranteed religious freedom of worship and put an end to religious persecution that was such an anathema to him. He then went on to oppose censorship of publications with the Licensing Act. This effectively led to the freedom of the press and the freedom of speech which is at the core of British society.

In 1694 the earl was made a Knight of the Garter, and the king made him the Marquis of Alton in Staffordshire and first Duke of Shrewsbury.

William thought very highly of Charles, and his political life flourished until ill health caused him to step down in 1699. In 1700 he left England and went to the Continent for seven years.

Page 10: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

Charles marries

Charles astounded everyone by marrying at the age of 45. His betrothed was a lady of Italian descent called Adelhida - daughter of the Marquis Palleotti of Bologna. She was the same age as Charles, and it is unclear as to whether she was previously a widow or merely a mistress of Count Brachiano. The speculation was the subject of much gossip at court. Regardless, she was reputedly a lady of many qualities. They returned to England, much to the astonishment of Queen Anne and the court, who considered her to be not very intelligent or loyal to her husband. This particular label may have had something to do with Lady Adelhida being somewhat eccentric. Nevertheless, she was considered intelligent enough to become Lady To The Bedchamber of the Princess Of Wales. A position she held until her death in 1726.

In 1710 Grafton Manor was burnt down, all that remained was the chapel, the entrance hall and the gable which give an idea of what the building must have been like. Today, if you look at the brickwork, you can see the differences in styles and materials of the old and relatively new. The fire was a terrible blow to Charles Talbot, not just financially, personally, too. However, the queen continued to favour Charles and made him Lord Treasurer just two days before she died.

Maybe Queen Anne and her court were correct about Lady Talbot’s loyalty, as Adelhida became a favourite of George I, and there were rumours of a relationship between them. Suspect affairs aside, George favoured Charles and appointed him Groom of the Stole and keeper of the Privy Purse.

Charles acquired another mansion at Isleworth in Middlesex and died there on 1st February 1718, as one of the greatest statesmen of the time with a brilliant political career behind him. Given that the Talbots had been Catholics for decades, Charles received the last rites of the Church of England. He had no children and when he died the Earldom passed to his cousin Gilbert Talbot, who was born at Badgecourt.

Page 11: HISTORY · The house today is graced with individual rooms, one of which has a four-poster bed. There is also, William Morris wallpaper and en-suite bathrooms in all the rooms. It

The 20th Century

Grafton remained the seat of the Earls of Shrewsbury until the death of Bertram Arthur, who died with no male heir. The Earl of Shrewsbury title then passed back to Talbots. Grafton remained within the Talbot family until 1934 when it was sold to Alfred Murray-Willis.

The Morris family, Marion, Reg and their son John moved to Grafton just after the war. John has lived at the Manor ever since. He has made it his much-loved home, but also his place of business. There is hardly an inch of the buildings or garden that John and his wife June have not worked on over the years – and continue to do so. Their three children Stephen, Simon, and Nicola, have all enjoyed the gardens and contributed to the Grafton business. Simon’s culinary skills and curry evenings are legendary. When they were small, the grandchildren, John, Lydia, Henry and India all played in the Monks meadow the way their parents and grandfather did before them. And as noted at the start of this history John Harper makes it the 4th generation of the Morris line to join the management team, all of whom have a love for Grafton Manor and take their place in its history.