History study guide #2

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  • 7/27/2019 History study guide #2


    History 110 Exam 2 Study Guide:

    Beginning of slave culture

    o By 1730 Black slave population in Virginia and Maryland became the first western

    hemisphere to achieve a self-sustaining rate of population growth.

    o By 1750, 80% of slaves in Chesapeake region had been born there.

    o During Colonial era, slavery was recognized in all the colonies but was most prevalent

    in the Southern Colonies.

    Glorious Revolution of 1688

    o England 1688

    o Occurred when King James II fled from England to France and in America, merchants,

    ministers and militia sought to remove the hated Governor Andros so that

    Massachusetts could remove the hated Dominion.

    o Had a long term effect on American history in that the Bill of rights and Act of

    Toleration in 1689 influenced attitudes and events in the colonies.

    French and Indian War

    o Britain against France in the Americas at first

    o Sparked by competing claims over ancestral Indian lands in the Ohio River Valley

    o Also called the Seven Years War because shortly after Britain and France official

    declared war and battle in Europe as well

    Fort Disputes

    o French built forts in Western PA

    Virginia governor sends George Washington to warn French to leave the area

    and the French rejected the request

    o Washington then tries to build a fort at the convergence of the Allegheny, Monongahela

    and Ohio rivers(Pittsburgh) but French already built one there so was forced to build

    Fort Necessity, 40 miles away

    French attacked Fort Necessity on July 3, 1754 and Washington was forced to


    o In June 1755, British fleet captured French forts on Nova Scotia

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    Major George Washington

    o Major in militia of the British province of Virginia

    o He served from 1755-1758 as colonel and commander of the Virginia Regiment in

    which he defended against several French and Indian raids and he developed them into

    one of the best rained provincial militias of the time

    o 1758 he led regiment that drove French out of Fort Duquesne

    o Appointed Commander in Chief for Continental Army in 1775 following the outbreak

    of the American Revolutionary war.

    o 1st president of the United States

    Ben Franklins Plan of Union

    o Proposal made at Albany congress in 1754

    o Aimed at formation of a strong union of the colonies under one single government and


    o Justified because of the necessity for defense against the threats and consequences

    posed by French and Indian War

    War goes Global

    o May 1756, England and France formally declare d war on each other and the French

    and Indian war in America bled into what would become known as the Seven Years

    War in Europe

    o Fought on4 continents and 3 oceans around the globe

    Treaty of Paris

    o Signed on February 1763

    o Brought an end to both the World war and also the French Empire in north America.

    o For losing Florida, Spain received the Louisiana territory form France and the loss of

    that territory left France with no territory on the continent

    Pontiacs Rebellion:

    o Indians captured most of the British forts around the Great Lakes and in the Ohio River


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    o Killed hundreds of British soldiers

    o Raided colonial settlements in PA, Maryland and Virginia destroying hundreds of

    homesteads and killing several thousand people.

    Proclamation of 1763

    o Drew an imaginary line along the crest of the Applachian Mountains from Canada in the

    north to Georgia in the south, beyond which white settlers were forbidden to go

    o 1st in a series of efforts by British Government to regulate the American Colonies

    Sugar Act of 1764 (American Revenue Act)

    o Raised duties on foreign refined sugar imported by colonies

    o Gave British sugar growers in West Indies a monopoly in the Colonial market

    Quartering Act of 1765

    o Required the colonies to feed and house the British troops

    Stamp Act of 1765

    o Created revenue stamps to be purchased and affixed to every form of printed matter

    used in the colonies

    o Affected all colonist not just New England merchants

    Declaratory Act of 1766

    o Accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act

    o Stated British Parliaments taxing authority was the same in America as in Britain.

    The Townshend Acts

    o First, Parliament at Townshends behalf, suspended all acts of New Yorks assembly

    until it would yield and begin to provide beds and supplies to British troops in which the

    New York protestors caved in

    o Revenue Act of 1767: levied duties on colonial imports of glass, lead, paint, paper and


    Posed a more severe threat to colonial assemblies than Grenvilles taxes had for

    Townshend proposed to use these revenues to pay colonial governors and there

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    officers and thereby released them from financial dependence upon the


    Boston Massacre

    o March 5, 1770, Crispus Attucks and others baited the British troops and finally a soldier

    was knocked down and when he rose to his feet, he fired into the crowd along with

    other soldiers

    o 5 people died and 8 were wounded

    o The cause of colonial resistance had its first martyrs

    o In late April 1770, Parliament repealed all the Townshend duties except for the tea tax.

    Gaspee Incident

    o Gaspee was British warship that ran aground while chasing smugglers

    o Its crew proceeded to commandeer local sheep, hogs, and poultry

    o An angry crowd from the town boarded the ship, shot the captain, removed the crew

    and set fire to the vessel.

    o Gaspee incident reignited tensions between the colonies and Britain.

    Committees of Correspondence

    o Sam Adams convinced Boston town to form the committee

    o It issued a statement of rights and grievances and invited other towns to do the same.

    Tea Act of 1773

    o Government would allow the grossly mismanged company to send its south Asian tea

    directly to America without paying any duties

    o British tea merchants could undercut the prices charged by their colonial competitors

    Boston Tea Party

    o December 16, 1773, Patriots disguised themselves as Mohawks and boarded 3 British

    ships and threw the 342 chests of East India Company tea overboard

    o was applauded by John Adams

    o Boston Tea Party pushed British officials to the breaking point

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    Coercive Acts of 1774

    o Series of 4 acts established by the British Government

    o aimed to restore order in Massachusetts and punish Bostonian's for their tea party

    o 1. Boston Port Act:

    closed the port of Boston until damages from the Boston tea party were paid

    o 2. Massachusetts Government Act

    restricted Massachusetts because it made all the colonies civic officers appointed

    instead of elected and declared no town meets could be held without the royal

    governors consent.

    o 3. Administration of Justice Act

    made British officials immune to criminal prosecution in Massachusetts

    o 4. Quartering Act

    required colonists to house and feed the British troops on demand, including in

    their private homes as a last resort

    Quebec Act

    o extended freedom of worship to Catholics in Canada

    o granted Canadians the continuation of their judicial system

    First Continental

    o September 5, 1774, 55 delegates made up the first Congress and assembled in


    o mission was to assert rights of the colonies and create collective measures to defend


    The Suffolk Resolves

    o declared the Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) null and void and urged Massachusetts to

    resist British tyranny with force

    Declaration of American Rights

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    o Proclaimed once again the rights of Americans as English citizens, denied Parliament

    authority to regulate internal colonial affairs and proclaimed the right of each colonial

    assembly to determine the need for British troops within its own province

    Continental Association of 1774

    o recommended that every community form committees to enforce an absolute boycott of

    all imported British goods.

    Parliament options

    o declared Massachusetts was in rebellion and prohibited the New England colonies from

    trading with any nation outside the Empire

    o Conciliatory Proposition

    offered to resolve the festering dispute by eliminating all revenue generatingtaxes on any colony that voluntarily paid both its share for military defense and

    the salaries of the royal government

    Second Continental Congress

    o convened in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775

    o On June 15, named George Washington Commander in Chief of a Continental army

    o May 1776 authorized all 13 colonies to form themselves into new state governments

    Olive Branch Petition

    o professed continued loyalty to George II and urged the king to seek reconciliation with

    his aggrieved colonies

    Declaration of Independence

    o written by Thomas Jefferson

    o introduced radical concept the all men are created equal

    o converted what had been an armed rebellion into a war between Britain and a new


    Locke's Contract Theory

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    o the governments derive their just powers from the consent of the people , who are

    entitled to alter or abolish those governments that deny people their unalienable rights

    to life, liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    Articles of Confederation

    o ratified in 1781

    o provided a semblance of national authority

    o final power to make and execute laws remained with the states

    Battle of Bunker Hill

    o June 17

    o it had 2 profound effects

    1. high number of British casualties made the English generals more cautious in

    subsequent encounters

    2. Continental Congress recommended that all able-bodied men enlist in a


    Colonial Wars

    o War of the League of Ogsbord (Williams War)

    o War of the Spanish Succession (Queen Annes War)

    o War of the Austrian Succession (King Georges War)

    o Seven Years War (French and Indian War)

    William Pitt and America First

    o Pitt thought the main theater of war should be in America

    o Called the America first policy

    o Get support from colonists by treating them as allies

    Fundamental Relationship Changes

    o Britain views the colonists militia as untrained and disorderly

    o Thought that the colonies were unwilling to obey

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    o Colonies were proud of their fighting and think they can defend themselves

    o Not impressed with the British army who dont adapt to frontier fighting

    Changes in Britains Governing Style

    o Needed to change because of all the new territory gained in the war

    o Facing a large war debt so they tighten control on the colonies

    o Raise taxes to help pay the war debt

    o Need to maintain a larger army to keep their world power status

    Beginnings of Slave Culture

    o First settlement to have slaves was Jamestown

    o US eventually depends on slave children and not the slave trade

    o Becomes integral part of life by 1660

    o Southern slaves

    Very large population and mostly did field work

    o Northern slaves

    Most are house slaves found in centers and towns

    Women in the Colonies

    o Most are married at a young age

    o Have more rights in the colonies because they are more valuable

    o Ran households and raised children

    o Occasionally worked in the towns