History of Western Drama

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  • 8/10/2019 History of Western Drama


  • 8/10/2019 History of Western Drama


    pentameter.In addition to Shakespeare, such authors asChristopher Marlowe,Thomas Middleton,andBenJonsonwere prominent playwrights during this period.As in themedieval period,historical plays celebrated thelives of past kings, enhancing the image of theTudormonarchy. Authors of this period drew some of theirstorylines fromGreek mythologyandRoman mythologyor from the plays of eminent Roman playwrights such asPlautusandTerence.lala

    Modern and postmodernThe pivotal and innovative contributions of the19th-centuryNorwegian dramatistHenrik Ibsenand the20th-centuryGermantheatre practitionerBertolt Brechtdominate modern drama; each inspired a tradition ofimitators, which include many of the greatest playwrightsof the modern era. The works of both playwrights are, intheir different ways, bothmodernistandrealist,incorporating formalexperimentation,meta-theatricality,andsocial critique.In terms of the traditional theoreticaldiscourse of genre, Ibsen's work has been described asthe culmination of "liberal tragedy", while Brecht's hasbeen aligned with anhistoricizedcomedy.

    Other important playwrights of the modern era includeAntonin Artaud,August Strindberg,Anton Chekhov,Frank Wedekind,Maurice Maeterlinck,Federico GarcaLorca,Eugene O'Neill,Luigi Pirandello,George BernardShaw,Ernst Toller,Vladimir Mayakovsky,Arthur Miller,Tennessee Williams,Jean Genet,Eugne Ionesco,Samuel Beckett,Harold Pinter,Friedrich Drrenmatt,Dario Fo,Heiner Mller,andCaryl Churchill.

    Asian dramaIndia

    Performer playingSugrivain theKoodiyattamform ofSanskrittheatre.

    Theatre in India

    The earliest form ofIndiandrama was theSanskritdramathat is said to have its framework directly given byLord Shiva who used these techniques to pray to LordVishnu. Between the 1st century AD and the 10th was aperiod of relative peace in thehistory of Indiaduringwhich hundreds of modern plays were written. With theIslamic conqueststhat began in the 10th and 11thcenturies, theatre was discouraged or forbidden entirely.Later, in an attempt to re-assert indigenous values andideas, village theatre was encouraged across thesubcontinent, developing in a large number of regional

    languages from the 15th to the 19th centuries. ModernIndian theatre developed during theperiod of colonialruleunder theBritish Empire,from the mid-19th centuryuntil the mid-20th.

    Sanskrit theatreMain article:Sanskrit dramaThe earliest-surviving fragments ofSanskrit dramadatefrom the 1st century AD.The wealth of archeologicalevidence from earlier periods offers no indication of theexistence of a tradition of theatre.The ancientVedas(hymnsfrom between 1500 to 1000 BC that are amongthe earliest examples ofliteraturein the world) contain

    no hint of it (although a small number are composed in aform ofdialogue)and theritualsof theVedic perioddonot appear to have developed into theatre.TheMahbhyabyPatajalicontains the earliest referenceto what may have been the seeds of Sanskrit drama.Thistreatise ongrammarfrom 140 BC provides a feasibledate for the beginnings oftheatre in India.

    The major source of evidence for Sanskrit theatre isATreatise on Theatre(Ntyastra), a compendium whose

    date of composition is uncertain (estimates range from200 BC to 200 AD) and whose authorship is attributed toBharata Muni.The Treatiseis the most complete work ofdramaturgy in the ancient world. It addressesacting,dance,music,dramatic construction,architecture,costuming,make-up,props,the organisation ofcompanies, the audience, competitions, and offers amythologicalaccount of the origin of theatre.

    Its drama is regarded as the highest achievement ofSanskrit literature.[41]It utilisedstock characters,suchas the hero (nayaka), heroine (nayika), or clown(vidusaka). Actors may have specialised in a particulartype. The kings as well as village assemblies patronized

    it. Famous early playwrights includeBhasa,Kalidasa(famous forVikrama and Urvashi,Malavika and

    Agnimitra,andThe Recognition of Shakuntala),udraka(famous forThe Little Clay Cart),Asvaghosa,Dain,andEmperor Harsha(famous forNagananda,RatnavaliandPriyadarsika).akuntal(in English translation)influencedGoethe'sFaust(18081832).

    Modern Indian dramaRabindranath Tagore, was a pioneering modernplaywright who wrote plays noted for their explorationand questioning of nationalism, identity, spiritualism andmaterial greed . His plays are written inBengaliand

    include Chitra(Chitrangada, 1892), The King of the DarkChamber(Raja, 1910),The Post Office(Dakghar, 1913),and Red Oleander(Raktakarabi, 1924). Girish Karnad isa noted playwright, who has written a number of playsthat use history and mythology, to critique andproblematize ideas and ideals that are of contemporaryrelevance. Karnad's numerous plays such as Tughlaq,Hayavadana,Taledandaand Naga-Mandala aresignificant contributions to Indian drama.Vijay TendulkarandMahesh Dattaniare amongst the major Indianplaywrights of the 20th century.

    References1. S Krishna Bhatta, Indian English Drama:A Critical Study, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1987. 2.

    G P Deshpande,ed. Modern Indian Drama: AnAnthology, Sahitya Akedemi, New Delhi, 2000. 3.Kaustav Chakraborty, ed. Indian English Drama, PHILearning, New Delhi, 2011. 4. Sudhakar Pandey andFreya Taraporewala, ed. Studies in Contemporary India,Prestige Books, New Delhi, 1990.

    Modern Urdu drama of India and PakistanUrdu Drama evolved from the prevailing dramatictraditions of North India shaping Rahas or Raas aspracticed by exponents likeNawab Wajid Ali ShahofAwadh.His dramatic experiments led to the famousInder SabhaofAmanatand later this tradition took the

  • 8/10/2019 History of Western Drama


    shape of Parsi Theatre. Agha Hashr Kashmiri is theculmination of this tradition.

    In some way or other, Urdu theatre tradition has greatlyinfluenced modernIndian theatre.Among all thelanguagesUrdu(which was calledHindiby earlywriters), along withGujrati,MarathiandBengalitheatreshave kept flourishing and demand for its writers andartists has not subsided by the drama aficionados. ForUrdu drama, no place is better than Bombay Film

    industry otherwise known asHindi film industry.All theearly gems of Urdu Theatre (performed by ParsiCompanies) were made into films. Urdu Dramatictradition has been a spectators delight since 100 yearsand counting.

    Drama as a theme is made up of several elements. Itfocuses on life and different aspects of it. The thing to benoticed here is that drama on stage imitates drama inlife. It has been said that, there has always been amutual relationship between theatre and real life. Greathistorical personalities like Shakespeare have influencedModern Urdu tradition to a large extent when Indian,Iranian, Turkish stories and folk were adapted for stage

    with heavy doses ofUrdu poetry.In modern times writerslikeImtiaz Ali Taj,Rafi Peer,Krishan Chander,Manto,Upender Nath Ashk, Ghulam Rabbani, Prof. Mujeeb andmany others shaped this tradition.

    While Prof Hasan, Ghulam Jeelani, J.N,Kaushal,Shameem Hanfi, Jameel Shaidayi, etc. belong to the oldgeneration, contemporary writers like Danish Iqbal,Sayeed Alam, Shahid Anwar, Iqbal Niyazi, and Anwarare a fewpostmodernplaywrights actively contributing inthe field of Urdu Drama.

    Sayeed Alam is known for his wit and humour and moreparticularly for Plays like 'Ghalib in New Delhi', 'Big B'

    and many other gems which are regularly staged formassive turn out of theatre lovers. Maulana Azad is hismagnum opus both for its content and style.

    Danish Iqbal's play about 'Dara Shikoh'directed byM. S.Sathyuis considered a modern classic for the use ofnewer theatre techniques and contemporary perspective.His other plays are 'Sahir'on the famous lyricist andrevolutionary poet. 'Kuchh Ishq kiya Kuchh Kaam' isanother play written by Danish, which is basically aCelebration of theFaiz's poetry, featuring events fromthe early part of his life, particularly the events andincidents of pre-partition days that shaped his l ife and

    ideals. 'Chand Roz Aur Meri Jaan' - another play inspiredfrom Faiz's letters written from various jails during theRawalpindi Conspiracydays. He has written 14 otherplays including 'Dilli Jo Ek Shehr Thaa' and 'Main GayaWaqt Nahin hoon'. Shahid's 'Three B' is also a significantplay. He has been associated with many groups like'Natwa' and others. Zaheer Anwar has kept the flag ofUrdu theatre flying inKolkata.Unlike the writers ofprevious generation Sayeed, Shahid, Danish Iqbal andZaheer do not write bookish plays but their work is aproduct of vigorous performing tradition. Iqbal Niyazi ofMumbaihas written several plays in Urdu, his play "AURKITNE JALYANWALA BAUGH?" won a National award

    other awards. Hence this is the only generation afterAmanat and Agha Hashr who actually write for stage andnot for libraries.


    A 1958U.S.S.R.postage stampcommemoratingGuan

    Hanqing,one of the great Chinese dramatists, who isrenowned for his "zaju"plays.

    Chinese theatre has a long and complex history. Today itis often calledChinese operaalthough this normallyrefers specifically to the popular form known asBeijingoperaandKunqu;there have been many other forms oftheatre in China, such aszaju.

    JapanJapaneseN dramais a serious dramatic form thatcombines drama, music, and dance into a completeaesthetic performance experience. It developed in the14th and 15th centuries and has its own musicalinstruments and performance techniques, which were

    often handed down from father to son. The performerswere generally male (for both male and female roles),although female amateurs also perform N dramas. Thegovernment, particularly the military supported Ndrama, with many military commanders having their owntroupes and sometimes performing themselves. It is stillperformed in Japan today.

    Kygenis the comic counterpart to N drama. Itconcentrates more on dialogue and less on music,although N instrumentalists sometimes appear also inKygen.Kabukidrama, developed from the 17th centuryis another comic form, which includes dance.
