History of Spanish Literature From Middle Ages to the 14 th century Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

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Page 1: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El


Page 2: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

History of Spanish Literature

From Middle Ages to the 14th century Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio


XIII Century. Poetry: [El mester de Clerecia], [Gonzalo de Berceo], [Libro de Alexandre], [Libro de Apolonio], [Poema de Fernan Gonzales]

The beginnings of Prose: Alfonso X el Sabi.

XIV Century. Development of Prose: El Conde Lucanor

Poetry: El Arcipreste de Hita—El libro de Buen Amor

Page 3: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

History of Spanish Literature

XV Century- End of the Middle Ages Poetry: Cancioneros, Marques de

Santillana, Juan de Mena, Jorge Manrique Prose: El Cobarcho, Boscan Perez de


Page 4: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

History of Spanish Literature

XVI Century—Renaissance Sentimental Novel and Chivalry: El Amadis de Gaula, Romancero,

Fernando de Rojas: La Celestina The Renaissance Lyric: Boscan, Garcilaso de la Vega, Hurtado de

Mendoza Theater: Gil Vicente, Lope de Rueda, Juan de la Cueva Picaresque Novel: La Lozana Andaluza, Lazarillo de Tormes Prose: Antonio de Guevara y Literatura Moral. Hermanos Valdes.

Miguel de Cervantes [El quijote de la mancha], El guzman de Alfarache.

Mystics: Fray Luis de Granada, Santa Teresa de Jesus, San Juan de la Cruz, Fray Luis de Leon.

XVII—Barroque Picaresque Novel: El Guiton Onofre Theater: Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Alarcon, Luis de

Gongora, Francisco de Quevedo, Calderon de la Barca.

Page 5: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

History of Spanish Literature

XVIII Century—The Enlightenment Feijoo, Luzan Neoclassic School: Moratin, Cadalso,

Inarte, Samaniego, Jovellanos, Melendez Valdes, Huerta, Ramon de la Cruz.

End of the Century and Crisis Moratin, Cienfuegos

Page 6: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

History of Spanish Literature

XIX Century—Romanticism Romanticism (1808-1850) Bohl de Faber,

Martinez de la rosa, EL duque de Rivas, Larra, Espronceda, Zorrilla.

Post-romanticism and Realism (1850-1898): Poetry and Drama: Becquer, Campoamor Nunez de Arce, Echegaray.

Novel and Critic: Ferman Caballero, Alarcon, Valera, Pereda, Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Clarin, Palacio Valdes, Blasco Ibanez, Menendez Pelayo.

Page 7: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

History of Spanish Literature

98 Generation and Modernism Unamuno, Azorin, Baroja, Valle Inclan,

Antonio Machado, Juan Ramon Jimenez

Contemporary Literature-Ortega y Gasset, Perez de

Ayala, Miro, Gomez de la Serna, Eugenio d’Ors, Jorge Guillen, Pedro salinas, Garcia Lorca, Rafael Alberti.

Page 8: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

History of Spanish Literature

From 1936-1960 Lyric: Miguel Hernández, Gabriel Celaya, Rafael Morales, Jose

Hierro, Blas de Otero. Novel: Zunzunegui, Ramón Sender, Francisco de Ayala, Arturo

Barea, Max Aub, José María Gironella, Camilo José Cela, Ignacio Agusti, Carmen Laforet, Miguel Delibes, Juan Goytisolo, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Carmen Martín Gayte.

Novel from 1950: Juan García Hortelano, Luis Goytisolo-Gay, Jesús López Pacheco, Armando, López Salinas, Caballero Bonald, Ana María Matute, Elena

Quiroga, Ignacio Aldecoa, García Pavón, Vicente Soto, Luis Martín Santos, Juan Marse, Juan Benet.

Postwar Theatre: José María Pemán, Luca de Tena, Claudio de la Torre, Joaquín Calvo Sotelo, Miguel Mihura, Alfonso Paso, Buero Vallejo, Alfonso

Sastre, Fernando Arrabal, José García Lara, Manuel Andújar

Page 9: History of Spanish Literature  From Middle Ages to the 14 th century  Most famous texts: Las Jarchas, El Cantar de Mio Cid XIII Century. Poetry: [El

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