Hisar (city) This article is about the city in India. For its namesake district, see Hisar (district). Hisar pronunciation (Hindi: िहसार), previously spelled Hissar, is the administrative headquarters of Hisar district in the state of Haryana in northwestern India. It is located 164 kilometres to the west of New Delhi, India's capital, and has been identified as a counter-magnet city for the National Capital Region to attract migrants and develop as an alternative centre of growth to Delhi. As of June 2012, Hisar is India's largest galvanized iron manufactur- ing city. Due to presence of a large steel industry, it is also known as “The City of Steel”. The city was ruled by several major powers, including the Mauryans in the 3rd century BC, the Tughlaqs in the 14th century, the Mughals in the 16th century and the British in the 19th century. After India achieved independence, it was unified with the state of Punjab. When the Punjab was divided in 1966, Hisar became part of Haryana. The current name was given in 1354 AD, as Hisar-e- Firoza by Firuz Shah Tughlaq, the Sultanate of Delhi from 1351 to 1388. The Ghaggar and Drishadvati rivers once flowed through the city but they have now changed their course. Hisar has a continental climate, with very hot summers and relatively cool winters. The most com- monly spoken languages are Hindi, Haryanvi and Bagri. 1 History 1.1 Early history Archeological excavations at nearby locations of Rakhigarhi, Siswal and Lohari Ragho suggest the pres- ence of human habitation from pre-Harappan period. Later, Aryan people settled around Drsadvati River. The Jain literature Uttaradhayana Sutra mentions a town Isukara in the Kuru country which is believed to be the earlier name of Hisar. [3] The kingdom of Hisar, with its capital at Agroha, possibly assisted Chandragupta Maurya in his war against the Greeks. [4] The kingdom was then included in the Mauryan Empire, as evidenced by the discovery of Ashokan pillars in the vicinity of the city. The city later came under the Kushan Empire and the Gupta Empire. [3] In the 12th century, the Chauhan king Prithviraj Chauhan made Hansi, located in the present day Hisar district, his capital and built a fort. [5] It remained a strategic place for Chauhan Empire until Prithviraj was defeated in the Second Battle of Tarain by the invading Ghurid ruler Shahabuddin Muhammad Ghori. [3] 1.2 Tughlaq Era Fort built by Firoz Shah Tughlaq at Hisar in 1354 AD Hisar was founded in 1354 AD, as 'Hisar-e-Firoza' by Firoz Shah Tughlaq, who reigned over the Sultanate of Delhi from 1351 to 1388. [6] He built a walled fort with four gates which were subsequently named as the Delhi Gate and Mori Gate to the east, the Nagori Gate to the south and Talaqi Gate to the west. [7] The construction of the fort started in 1354 AD and was completed in 1356 AD. [7] In the middle of the fort stood the Firoz Shah Palace. Apart from its several underground apartments, the complex had different buildings like Baradari, Lat ki Masjid, Diwan-e-Aam and Shahi Darwaza. [4] Near to the palace was the Gujri Mahal built by the emperor for his wife Gujri. [7] The city was named as Hisar-e-Firoza, which means Fort of Firoz in Arabic. Timur invaded the city in 1398 AD and his soldiers set fire to the fort. [4] The city later come under the rule of Sayyid dynasty and Lodi dynasty before Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the first battle of Panipat. [4] 1.3 Mughal Era When Babur invaded India in the 1524–1526, Hisar was an important strategic center of Ibrahim Lodi’s empire. [4] Before the battle of Panipat in 1526, on reaching the Ghaggar, Babur learnt that the troops from Hisar, led by Hamid Khan, were advancing towards him. He dis- patched prince Humayun with a sufficient number of 1

Hisar (City)

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Page 1: Hisar (City)

Hisar (city)

This article is about the city in India. For its namesakedistrict, see Hisar (district).

Hisar pronunciation (Hindi: िहसार), previously spelledHissar, is the administrative headquarters of Hisar districtin the state of Haryana in northwestern India. It is located164 kilometres to the west of New Delhi, India's capital,and has been identified as a counter-magnet city for theNational Capital Region to attract migrants and developas an alternative centre of growth to Delhi. As of June2012, Hisar is India's largest galvanized iron manufactur-ing city. Due to presence of a large steel industry, it isalso known as “The City of Steel”.The city was ruled by several major powers, including theMauryans in the 3rd century BC, the Tughlaqs in the 14thcentury, the Mughals in the 16th century and the Britishin the 19th century. After India achieved independence,it was unified with the state of Punjab. When the Punjabwas divided in 1966, Hisar became part of Haryana.The current name was given in 1354 AD, as Hisar-e-Firoza by Firuz Shah Tughlaq, the Sultanate of Delhifrom 1351 to 1388. The Ghaggar and Drishadvati riversonce flowed through the city but they have now changedtheir course. Hisar has a continental climate, with veryhot summers and relatively cool winters. The most com-monly spoken languages are Hindi, Haryanvi and Bagri.

1 History

1.1 Early history

Archeological excavations at nearby locations ofRakhigarhi, Siswal and Lohari Ragho suggest the pres-ence of human habitation from pre-Harappan period.Later, Aryan people settled around Drsadvati River. TheJain literature Uttaradhayana Sutra mentions a townIsukara in the Kuru country which is believed to be theearlier name of Hisar.[3] The kingdom of Hisar, withits capital at Agroha, possibly assisted ChandraguptaMaurya in his war against the Greeks.[4] The kingdomwas then included in the Mauryan Empire, as evidencedby the discovery of Ashokan pillars in the vicinity of thecity. The city later came under the Kushan Empire andthe Gupta Empire.[3] In the 12th century, the Chauhanking Prithviraj Chauhan made Hansi, located in thepresent day Hisar district, his capital and built a fort.[5]It remained a strategic place for Chauhan Empire until

Prithviraj was defeated in the Second Battle of Tarainby the invading Ghurid ruler Shahabuddin MuhammadGhori.[3]

1.2 Tughlaq Era

Fort built by Firoz Shah Tughlaq at Hisar in 1354 AD

Hisar was founded in 1354 AD, as 'Hisar-e-Firoza' byFiroz Shah Tughlaq, who reigned over the Sultanate ofDelhi from 1351 to 1388.[6] He built a walled fort withfour gates which were subsequently named as the DelhiGate and Mori Gate to the east, the Nagori Gate to thesouth and Talaqi Gate to the west.[7] The construction ofthe fort started in 1354 AD and was completed in 1356AD.[7] In the middle of the fort stood the Firoz ShahPalace. Apart from its several underground apartments,the complex had different buildings like Baradari, Latki Masjid, Diwan-e-Aam and Shahi Darwaza.[4] Near tothe palace was the Gujri Mahal built by the emperor forhis wife Gujri.[7] The city was named as Hisar-e-Firoza,which means Fort of Firoz in Arabic. Timur invaded thecity in 1398 AD and his soldiers set fire to the fort.[4]

The city later come under the rule of Sayyid dynasty andLodi dynasty before Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi in thefirst battle of Panipat.[4]

1.3 Mughal Era

When Babur invaded India in the 1524–1526, Hisar wasan important strategic center of Ibrahim Lodi’s empire.[4]Before the battle of Panipat in 1526, on reaching theGhaggar, Babur learnt that the troops from Hisar, ledby Hamid Khan, were advancing towards him. He dis-patched prince Humayun with a sufficient number of


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Areas under the East India company’s control, 1765-1805

soldiers who succeeded in defeating the enemy. Baburhanded over the city of Hisar to Humayun as a rewardfor his success on his first military expedition.[4] Duringhis first reign a mosque known as Jama Masjid was builtthere by Amir Muhammad in 1535.In 1540, Hisar came under the control of Sher Shah Suriwhen he defeated Humayun but Humayun took it back in1555 and assigned it to Akbar.[4]

During Akbar’s reign (1556–1605) Hisar became oncemore a place of considerable importance.[4] It was madethe headquarters of the revenue Division known as Sirkar;some of Mughal Princes who were attached to Hisar sub-sequently became the Emperors.The city of Hisar became known in the history of India astheDuke ofWellington ofMughal era. The city remainedunder the rule of Mughals until 1760.[4]

1.4 British Era

The city was occupied by George Thomas in 1798. Thisarrangement continued up to 1801 when George Thomaswas driven out from here by the Sikh-Maratha-Frenchconfederacy.[3] George Thomas, an Irish adventurer whorose from an ordinary sailor to become an independentking, formed Hansi as his capital. Hansi came underBritish East India Company rule in 1802. From 1819–1832, Hansi was a District HQ which was later shifted toHisar in 1832.In 1803, Hisar came under East India Company and re-mained its part until the Indian Rebellion of 1857 whenMuhammad Azim, a descendant of the Mughal familytook it away from the Company for a short period. TheCompany sent forces under General Van Cortlandt whodefeated Muhammad Azim and Rao Tula Ram on 16November 1857.[3]

Between 1803 till 1879, British constructed a 4,000 kmlong Great Hedge of India, for levying the customs dutyon salt and sugar, that ran through Hisar and Hansi.

James Skinner CB (1778–1841), 19th century. Probably fromThomas Metcalfe’s book dated 1843.

In 1833, a cattle farm was established at Hisar which sur-vives to date and municipality was created in 1867 tomanage the city.[8]

The city remained as a major centre of the Indian inde-pendence movement from Indian Rebellion of 1857 untilthe independence as many national leaders visited the cityduring the movement such as Lala Lajpat Rai in 1886,[9]Subhas Chandra Bose in 1938,[4] and Jawaharlal Nehruin 1946.[10] After independence, the city became a partof Punjab.

1.5 Post-independence

The city became an important centre of education af-ter independence when the Veterinary College, the FatehChand College for Women and Dayanand Brahma Ma-havidyalaya were moved to the city from Lahore.[9]

It gained importance in the early 1960s when HaryanaAgriculture University was located there.The setup of Guru Jambheshwar University and Lala La-jpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences fur-ther bolstered the image of the city as an education hub.The government’s industrial policy has attracted a largenumber of entrepreneurs and has led to the emergence ofvarious corporate groups such as the Jindal Group, theDora Group the Essel Group, the Action Group[11] and

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the Quality Group.[12]

2 Geography

The present city of Hisar, one of the important cities ofNorth India, is located at 29°05′N 75°26′E / 29.09°N75.43°E in western Haryana. It has an average eleva-tion of 215 above mean sea level. The district is partof the alluvial or Ghaggar-Yamuna plain and its south-ern and western portions mark a gradual transition to thedesert.[4] Ghaggar[13] and Drishadvati[14] rivers once usedto flow through the city. Sand dune generally occurs alongthe western fringe of the city. Minerals found around thecity are Kankar and Saltpetre. According to tectonicmap,the district lies on Delhi-Lahore Ridge which is boundedby thrusts. No earthquake of any significance has origi-nated in the zone in the past.[4] There has been only onerecorded instance of a famine occurring in the city. Itoccurred in 1837–38.[15]

The city, which was once marked by the recurringdroughts and famines is now an agriculturally developedcity due to the establishment of Haryana AgriculturalUniversity.[4] It has brought spectacular transformationand the city which earlier grew only coarse grains, is nowthe cotton belt of Haryana.[4]

2.1 Climate

Hisar has a continental climate, with very hot summersand relatively cool winters.[16] Themain characteristics ofclimate in Hisar are dryness, extremes of temperature andscanty rainfall.[17] The city witnesses very hot summersand cool winters. The maximum day temperature dur-ing the summer varies between 40 to 46-degree Celsius.During winter its ranges between 1.5-degree to 4-degreeCelsius. Although temperature can get to as low as minus4 °C.[18] Maximum temperature recorded is 48.3 °C inMay 1944 whereas the minimum temperature recorded is−3.9 °C in January 1929. Annual average maximum andminimum temperature is 31.5 and 16.2 °C, respectively.Relative humidity varies from 5 to 100 per cent.[17]

Hisar is located on the outer margins of the South-westmonsoon region. The average annual rainfall is around450 mm most of which occurs during the months of Julyand August. The annual highest rainfall of 793.6 mmwasrecorded in 1976 and the lowest of 145.2 mm in 2000.Dew is observed in December and January. Hot winds,locally known as Loo, are strong and frequent from Mayto July.[17]

Occasionally dust-storms are experienced during sum-mer months and hail-storms during February to April.Fog prevails generally in December and January months.Thunder-storms also occur during post monsoon seasonand summer months.[17]

3 Civic administration

District Administrative Complex of the city.

Hisar is a separate municipality since 1867.[9] The cur-rent city of Hisar was made the headquarters of the Hisardistrict in 1832. It is now changed to Nagar Nigam Hisar.The Nagar Nigam is headed by Mayor, Elections Held inJune 2013. The functions of the Nagar Nigam includewater supply, drainage and sewerage, sanitation, solidwaste management, street lighting, and building regula-tion. Law and order in the city is maintained by HaryanaPolice, which is headed by Superintendent of Police.[20]The city also serves as headquarters of the Hisar Rangeof Haryana Police which covers Sirsa, Jind, Bhiwani andHisar and is headed by Inspector General of Police.[21]District court was set up at Hisar in 1832[22] and was up-graded as a Sessions Division in 1915. It is headed byChief Judicial Magistrate.[22] The district court has a BarAssociation which was founded in 1870.[9] Lala LajpatRai practiced as a lawyer in Hisar in 1886.[4]

Offices of the Municipal Corporation, Hisar and HaryanaPolice are located at District Administrative Complexalso known as Mini Secretariat which was completedin 1980 whereas the offices of Hisar Sessions Divisionand Hisar District Bar Association are located at Judi-ciary Complex adjoining District Administrative Com-plex. This administrative and judiciary complex is largestin Haryana and at a district headquarters may be one ofthe largest in the country.[7]

The city falls under the Hisar Lok Sabha constituency,thus contributing one Member of Parliament (MP). Itis a battalion Headquarters of 33rd Battalion of BorderSecurity Force[7] and 3rd Battalion of Haryana ArmedPolice.[20] The 33rd Armoured Division of Indian Armyis stationed at Hisar[27] and is a part of I Corps. In1996, Brigade of the Guards arrived here for conversionto mechanised profile. The unit is now a fully mechanisedbattalion.[28]

4 Economy

The city has a large steel industry due to which it is alsoknown as “The City of Steel”.[12][29][30][31] As of June2012, Hisar is India's largest galvanized iron manufactur-ing city,[32] beginning with Pipe Unit Jindal India Lim-ited in 1964 and followed by Jindal Strips Limited in1969.[33] Other prominent steel and pipe manufacturing

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Naveen Jindal, CMD of Jindal Steel and Power is from Hisar

companies are Quality Foils Private Limited,[12] HisarMetal Industries Limited,[30] Haryana Concast Limited,Haryana Tube Manufacturing Private Limited, RavindraTube Limited and Janak Steel Tubes Private Limited.[4]

Additionally, a large textile industry is based in the city.Major textile companies are Hisar Textile Mills, HansiCooperative Spinning Mills[4] and H.P. Cotton Tex-tile Mills Limited.[34] The Oxygen manufacturing unitHaryana Oxygen is also present.Hisar has Asia's largest automobile repair and spare partsmarket in terms of radius and area.[35] It also has a largenumber of livestock farms. Asia's largest and world’s sec-ond largest cattle farm, Central Livestock Farm, formedthere in 1809.[36] Another major farm is the CentralSheep Breeding Farm.[37]

Eminent business persons from Hisar are Subhash Chan-dra, Chairman of Essel Group; O. P. Jindal, founder ofJindal Steel and Power; Prithviraj Jindal, VC of JindalSaw Limited; Sajjan Jindal, CMD of JSW Steel; RatanJindal, VC and CEO of Jindal Steel and Power; NaveenJindal, CMD of Jindal Steel and Power; Mange RamAgarwal, Founder of Action Group;,[11] B K Goenka,Vice Chairman and Managing Director of WelspunGroup[38] and Kuldip Bhargava, Managing Director ofQuality Group.,[12] Savitri Jindal, non-executive chairper-son of Jindal Group and a resident of Hisar is the wealth-iest woman in India and the 10th wealthiest woman in theworld.[39]

The city has been identified as a counter-magnet city forthe National Capital Region to attract migrants and de-velop as an alternative centre of growth to Delhi.[40] Theliberalization of the economy has encouraged many inter-national brands to open retail outlets in the city.[41] Thefirst mall, Suncity Mall, was opened to the general public

in 2006.[42] Connaught Place, planned as a one stop lux-ury location with multiple 5 star facilities, is under con-struction in Sector 25.[43] Metropolis Mall is also beingmade.[44]

5 Demographics

According to the 2011 census of India, Hisar city has apopulation of 301,249 (not to be confused with the popu-lation of Hisar district[45]) and is currently the 141st mostpopulated city in India.[46] Males constitute 54% of thepopulation and females 46%. There are 844 females perthousand males. Hisar has an average literacy rate of81.04%, higher than the national average: male literacyis 86.13% and female literacy is 75.00%. In Hisar, 11%of the population is under 6 years of age and the child sexratio of girls to boys is 860 per thousand boys. AlthoughHisar city has population of 301,249; its urban popula-tion is 306,893 of which 166,623 are males and 140,270are females.[1] The decadal growth rate was 27.06%.[47]In the 1960s, the per capita income of the city was thehighest in the country.[9]

Hisar has the highest number of permanent immigrantsto the US among all districts in Haryana. Accordingto a recent report on permanent immigration from theNorthern Indian Districts of Indian subcontinent by theUS Department of Homeland Security on the state ofHaryana, Hisar ranks number 1 (with 893); Faridabad(812) and Karnal (656) are second and third.[29]

5.1 Religions and Communities

Over 97% of the city’s population are followers ofHinduism. The bulk of remaining 3% are made up ofthe followers of Sikhism and Jainism - with only a fewfollowers of Islam or Christianity.[47]. The city used tohave more Muslims than Hindus before Indian Indepen-dence (in 1947), following which most Muslims migratedto Pakistan during the Partition of India.[4]

It was also a major centre of learning for Digambara Jainsand was once the seat of Bhattaraka, head of DigambaraJain institutions.[48]

6 Culture

Most of the popular Indian festivals are celebrated in thecity, the most important being Diwali, Dussehra, RamNavami, Janamashtami, Shivratri, Gugga Navami, Holi,Basant Panchami, Teej and Makar Sankranti.The festivals of Jains, Christians, Sikhs and Muslims arealso celebrated.[4]

Agrawal community traces its root to the village ofAgroha in Hisar.[49] The Agrawals claim descent from the

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6.2 Religious places 5

legendary king Agrasena.[50] Agroha Maha Kumbh is afestival annually held on the Sharad Purnima.[51] Otherlocally famous deities are Gugga Pir and Sheela Mata.[52]

Sweets are very popular in the district and rural as wellas urban people are very fond of eating sweets.[4] Hansika Peda carry a mass popularity in and outside thedistrict.[53]

Ghoomar is the primary folk dance performed by peopleduring festivals and other occasions and Saang is the folk-theatre of the region.[4]

Classical Indian vocalist and Padma Vibhushan, PanditJasraj is from Hisar. Poets Vishnu Prabhakar (SahityaAkademi Award and Padma Bhushan awardee), UdayBhanu Hans (State poet of Haryana) and Bhai Parmanandalso belong to Hisar.[54]

6.1 Architecture

St. Thomas’ Church c1860

Signs of Pre-Harappan settlements have been foundat Siswal and Lohari Ragho.[55] One of the four pre-Harappan phases has been named Sothi-Siswal period(3200–2600 BC)[56] on this site.[57] Harappan settle-ments can be found as well in Rakhigarhi. The sitecovers 2180 hectares, making it the largest Harappansite known in India and the second biggest overall af-ter Mohenjodaro.[58] All the sites are maintained byArchaeological Survey of India (ASI).

Agroha is another place of historical importance. It is sit-uated about 24 km from the city and was once the capitalof king Agrasena, who is believed to have lived duringthe last stages of Dwapar Yuga in the Mahabharat era.Remains of his capital have been excavated, known asAgroha Mound or locally as Ther, and belong to around3000 BC.[59]

The Agroha city was also a major centre during theMauryan period as Buddhist and Jain temples have alsobeen revealed in the excavations.[60]

Firoz Shah Palace Complex is another prominent histor-ical site located inside the city. It was built by Firuz ShahTughlaq in 1354.[4] The original town was a walled set-tlement inside the fort with four gates, Delhi gate, Morigate, Nagauri gate and Talaqi gate. The palace comprisesa mosque known as Lat ki Masjid. Lat is a sandstone pillarabout 20 feet high and was earlier an Ashokan pillar.[61]Underground apartments are also located inside the com-plex. The place has also a Diwan-e-Aam. Gujri Mahal isanother palace located near the palace complex also builtby Firoz Shah for his wife Gujri. Its construction wascompleted in 1356 and stands on a massive rectangularplatform.[9]

Hansi also has a few historical places. Asigarh Fort is acentrally protected monument.[7] It has completely beenconverted into amound.[7] A long pillared structure with aflat roof is situated on the top of the mound and is knownas Baradari.[7] Barsi Gate served as entrance to the fortand is now located in the town market. It was built in1304–1305.[7]

Hansi also has Durgah Char Qutub built in the mem-ory of Jamal-ud-Din Hansi (1187–1261), Burhan-ud-Din(1261–1300), Qutab-ud-Din Manuwar (1300–1303) andNur-ud-Din (1325–1397) who were the celebrated SufiSaints of their times and were designated as Qutbs.[7]

Historical places from the British era include St. ThomasChurch, monument of the Britishers in the KrantimanPark (company Baug) who were killed in 1857 war, JahajKothi which was the residence of George Thomas. Theplace has now been converted into a museum. It wasonce a Jain temple.[9] Other historical sites are the Tombof Pranpir Badshah located inside Government CollegeComplex.[7]

6.2 Religious places

Agroha Dham is a prominent religious place located onthe outskirts of the city about 22 km away on Fatehabad-Sirsa-Bhatinda road.[62] Built in the honour of MaharajaAgrasena, it is considered as a sacred place by theAgrahari and Agrawal communities. The constructionof the temple was completed in 1984.[63] The templecomplex consists of three temples, the central one de-voted to Goddess Mahalakshmi, the west end to GoddessSaraswati and the east end to Maharaja Agrasena. It also

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Banbhori Devi is worshipped by local people

encompasses a pond Shakti Sarovar and an amusementpark. A festival known as Agroha Maha Kumbh is heldevery year on Sharad Purnima.[51] At a distance of onekm from the temple complex is the Sheela Mata Temple.The temple was opened for general public in 1988. It wasconstructed in the memory of SheelaMata who ended herlife as a Sati. The temple is devoted to Tridevi. Agrawalfamilies from allover India come here for Mundan cere-mony of their children.[59]

St. Thomas’ Church is a major religious place forChristians living in the city. The church was consecratedin 1865[9] by Lord Bishop of Calcutta. The church hasbeen declared as a historical monument by Indian Na-tional Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.[9] It is namedafter St. Thomas who visited India in 52 AD.[9]

The city also has a Gurudwara named Shri Guru SinghSabha built in 1925[9] which is a prominent religiousplace for Sikhs. A local deity Banbhori is also worshippedby local people.

6.3 Parks and recreation

The oldest park located in the city is the KrantimanPark.[9] It is a part of the St. Thomas Church Com-plex. The park was built in the 19th century and was thenknown as Company Bagh. A memorial was placed in thepark in the memory of Collector John Wedderburn and43 other people who were killed during the Indian Rebel-lion of 1857. The park was remodeled in 1983 and wasrenamed as Krantiman Park.[9]

O P Jindal Knowledge Centre & Observatory is modeled afterSeattle tower. Observatory is at the top of the tower

Another major park located in the city is Madhuban Parksituated near the Mahabir Stadium. The park was com-missioned in 1972.[9] and houses a swimming pool, chil-dren’s library and a Kala Kendra.[4]

Located at the centre of the city is Town Park. The parkwas opened for public in 2000. It was developed and ismaintained by Haryana Urban Development Authority. Itadjoins the Central Jail and has an artificial waterfall.[9]

O. P. Jindal Knowledge Centre was inaugurated in 2009in the memory of O. P. Jindal. The centre has a museum,library, herbal park, skating rink and a cafeteria. It alsohouses a 25-storied 282 feet(85 metre) high steel towerbuilt on the lines of Space Needle, Seattle. The tower isthe tallest of its kind in Asia and the second tallest steeltower in the world.[64] Another park developed by theJindal family is the O. P. Jindal Memorial Park locatednear the Firoz Shah Fort Complex. Spread across an areaof 23 acres, it consists of a Sundial[65] and a 63 metreshigh flagpole of Tiranga[66] put as a reminiscent to theinitiative taken by Naveen Jindal that led to the revisionof Flag code of India.[67] This is not to be confused withthe Jindal Park situated near Auto Market.There’s also aDeer Park located at the outskirts of the cityand maintained by the State Forest Department.[68] It wasestablished in the year 1971. Rare species of endangeredanimals such as Blackbuck, Chital, Sambar and Nilgaican be found here.[68]

The city also has an artificial lake situated in the BlueBird Lake and Tourist Resort complex maintained by the

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Haryana Tourism.[69]

7 Media

Doordarshan Kendra was set up in Hisar in 2002 whichis the only Programme Production Center in Haryana.[70]

Besides Doordarshan channels, there are also a lot ofother private channels operating in the city. A few lo-cal cable operators also broadcast their own channel suchas SITI Channel.[71] Direct To Home (DTH) services areprovided by almost all the operators.An All India Radio station is also located at Hisar.[72] Pri-vate FM stations operating in Hisar are BIG FM, RadioMantra, Radio Dhamaal and Radio Tarang.[73] In 2011,CCS HAU started the first Community Radio Station ofNorth India at 91.2 MHz for farming community.[74]

8 Facilities

8.1 Utility services

Before independence of India, monsoon or groundwaterused to be the main sources of irrigation.[75] Themain sources of water now is Balsamand branch ofBhakra canal.[76] Municipal Corporation of Hisar sup-plies potable water to the city.[77]

The city first got electricity in 1936.[9] It is nowdistributed by Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran NigamLimited.[78]

Bharat Sanchar NigamLimited (BSNL) provides landlineand broadband services.[79]

Cell phone coverage is extensive, and the main serviceproviders are Vodafone Essar, Airtel, MTNL, RelianceCommunications, Idea Cellular and Tata Indicom.The planning of the city is done by HUDA (Haryana Ur-ban Development Authority).[80]

8.2 Health facilities

People from Punjab and Rajasthan come here for medi-cal treatment.[81] Hisar has a well-developed network ofhealth facilities,[82] including the Civil Hospital.Hisar also has many other reputed private and chari-table health institutes such as Sukhda Hospital, Sarvo-daya Multispeciality & Cancer Hospital, Chawla Hospi-tal, N.C. Jindal Institute of Medical Sciences,[83] O.P.Jindal Institute of Cancer and Research,[84] MaharajaAgrasen Medical College,[85] Sewak Sabha Hospital,[9]C.M.C. Hospital[86] and Churamani Vishnudevi Mater-nity Hospital.[9]

Besides, there is also District Red Cross Society for spe-cially abled people.[87]

9 Transport

9.1 Road

The city lies on National Highway 10 and National High-way 65. National Highway 10 from Delhi to Fazilka con-nects it to Rohtak and Sirsa and National Highway 65from Ambala to Pali connects it to Kaithal and Jodhpur.The state highways of Haryana that pass through Hisarare State Highway 10, 13 and 20.[88] Besides, there aredistrict roads, village link roads and canal inspectionroads.[4] In 1947, the total metalled road length in the citywas 137 kilometres which increased to 1,888 kilometresin 1978.[4]

Bus service is the major means of transport in thedistrict.[89] Bus services are provided by Haryana Road-ways and other private operators. Hisar bus depot cameinto being on 11 August 1969 and has a sub depot atHansi.[89] As of 2012, the depot has a total of 198 buseswith daily ridership of 73.5 thousand.[89]

Bus stands are located at Hisar, Hansi, Barwala, Uklanaand Adampur.[89] All the 290 villages of Hisar district areconnected to the city through either public transport pro-vided by Haryana Roadways or through private buses.[89]Auto rickshaws are a major means of transport for travel-ling within the city.[4] In August 2012, it was announcedthat city bus service will be started in the city.[90]

The city is a part of Delhi Mumbai Industrial CorridorProject which aims at developing strong road and rail con-nectivity between the cities lying on it and develop themas an industrial area.[91]

9.2 Rail

Hisar is a railway junction station, and it falls underBikaner division of NorthWestern Railway Zone.[92] Thefirst railway line to the city was laid down in 1883 whenDelhi Rewari Railway was extended to Bhatinda.[9] Cur-rently, there are four broad gauge railway lines at thestation.[4]

The railway station is a part of Western Dedicated RailFreight Corridor according to which the city is to be de-veloped as an export-oriented industrial units.[93]

The city is well connected to Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthanand Jammu and Kashmir through rail links.[94]

TheGorakhdhamExpress originates fromHisar and trav-els 964 km to Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh via New Delhi,Kanpur and Lucknow.[95]

In 2011, the then Railway Minister Mamta Banerjeelaunched Vivek Express from Jammu Tawi to Mumbai

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thus connecting Hisar directly to Mumbai.[96]

9.3 Air

Hisar Airport (IATA: HSS, ICAO:VIHR)[97] is locatedon the outskirts of the city. In August 2012, the DGCAapproved the Haryana state government’s plan to developthe airport to operate domestic passenger services. Its4,000 foot runway will be extended to 6,000 feet to ac-commodate airline aircraft.

10 Education

See also: List of Universities and Colleges in Hisar andList of schools in HisarBefore the British Raj, indigenous schools provided el-

Maharaja Agrasen Medical College at Agroha is a premier edu-cational institute

ementary education. Till 1892, the city had only onemiddle school.[4] The first private school, CAV HighSchool was set up by Arya Samaj in 1918.[9]

The first university that came into existence in Hisarwas Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural Uni-versity in 1971. It is one of Asia's biggest agriculturaluniversity.[98]

Other universities located in the city are Guru Jambhesh-war University of Science and Technology and Lala La-jpat Rai University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences.GJUST is the first Indian government run institute provid-ing Post Graduate education in Printing Technology.[16]

Apart from universities there are some noted collegesproviding education in Hisar such as Chajju RamMemo-rial Jat College, Dayanand College, Fateh Chand Collegefor Women and Govt. Post Graduate College; all estab-lished in the 1950s and 1960s. A lot of colleges havesprung up in the 1990s and 2000s (decade). MaharajaAgrasenMedical College, Agroha situated at Agroha pro-vides medical education.[85] The city has a good numberof private and government schools providing education.A few agricultural and veterinary research centres are

also situated in the city such as National Research Cen-tre on Equines,[99] Central Sheep Breeding Farm,[37]National Institute on Pig Breeding and Research[16]Northern Region Farm Machinery Training and TestingInstitute[100] and Central Institute for Research on Buf-faloes (CIRB).[101] In 1988, the city hosted the 2ndWorldBuffalo Congress.[101]

The important libraries in the city are Nehru Li-brary,[102] District Library, Gandhi Adhyan Kendra,Chatterjee Memorial Library, Sushila Bhawan Trust Li-brary, Sanatan Dharam Library, Lala Lajpat Rai Munic-ipal Library, Singh Sabha Library, Vivekanand Library,Bar Library and the Public Relation Information Centreat Mini-Secretariat.There is one museum in the city which is maintained byCCS HAU in its Gandhi Bhawan and exhibits evolutionof agriculture and vanishing antiques.[4] Jahaaj Kothi atFiroz Shah Palace & Fort Complex also houses a mu-seum.

11 Sports

In 2003[103] and 51st National Boxing Championshipin 2004.[104] It also hosted 22nd Haryana State WomenSports Festival in 2008.[105]

It has Giri Centre for Sports Activities run by SportsAuthority of India at Chaudhary Charan Singh HaryanaAgricultural University which has a synthetic track of in-ternational standard apart from other facilities.[106] Othermajor sporting venue in Hisar is Mahabir Stadium formultiple sports which was completed in the year 1972.On completion it was named Nehru Stadium but renamedMahabir Stadium in 1987.[9] It is run by District OlympicAssociation and Sports Council. It is the biggest centrefor Judo coaching in India.[9] The seating capacity of thestadium is 25,000 and provides facilities for boxing, judo,yoga, athletics, basketball and volleyball.[9] The stadiumis lit with floodlights and more than 1000 players dailyuse it for practice.[9]

Eminent sports persons from Hisar who have representedIndia are Chandgi Ram, Geetika Jakhar in wrestling,Krishna Poonia in discus throw, Manvinder Bisla hasrepresented Kolkata Knight Riders in the Indian Pre-mier League, Nirmala Devi in wrestling, Saina Nehwalin badminton, Udey Chand and Vikas Krishan Yadav inboxing. In April 2012, 18-year-old Ajay Kumar fromHisar qualified for 2012 Summer Olympics.[107]

Sports facilities are provided in every school and col-lege. Chajju Ram Memorial Jat College is known for itssports facilities. Many students from this college haverepresented India in football, judo, wrestling, hockeyand handball .[108] The football program located on itscampus is famous throughout the city for producing in-ternational level players under the guidance of MadanSingh Rathore[109][110] such as Manandeep Singh who

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earlier represented Pailan Arrows and Kingfisher EastBengal[111] and now plays for India national football teamand Air India.

12 See also

• Hisar (Lok Sabha constituency)

• Hisar division

• Hisar Urban Agglomeration

• Hisar (district)

• Asigarh Fort at Hansi

• Kanwari Indus Valley Mound at Kanwari

• Tosham rock inscription at Tosham

13 References[1] “Census of Hisar city”. Government of India. Retrieved

23 May 2012.

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[85] “Official website”. Maharaja Agrasen Medical College.Retrieved 27 May 2012.

[86] “Official website”. CMC. Retrieved 27 May 2012.

[87] “List of NGOs” (PDF). Department of Social Justice andEmpowerment, Haryana. Retrieved 27 May 2012.

[88] “State highways of Haryana”. Public Works Department,Haryana. Retrieved 30 June 2012.

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[93] “DMIC- Haryana”. DelhiMumbaiIndustrialCorri-dor.com. Retrieved 30 June 2012.

[94] “Railway station, Hisar”. Indian Rail Info. Retrieved 30June 2012.

[95] “Gorakhdham Express train details”. IndianTrains.org.Retrieved 30 June 2012.

[96] “Vivek Express to be launched on 17 March”. DeshGu-jarat.Com. Retrieved 30 June 2012.

[97] “Hisar Airport”. Airport Guide. Retrieved 30 June 2012.

[98] “About HAU”. Haryana Agricultural University. Re-trieved 27 May 2012.

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[100] “About us”. Northern Region Farm Machinery Trainingand Testing Institute. Retrieved 27 May 2012.

[101] “About CIRB”. Central Institute for Research on Buf-faloes. Retrieved 27 May 2012.

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14 Further reading• Juneja, M.M. History of Hisar: From Inception ToIndependence, 1354–1947 1989, Haryana: ModernBook Co., 484 pp. OCLC 21197085

• Juneja, M.M. Hisar City: Places & Personalities2004, Haryana: Modern Publishers, 744 pp.

• Gazetteer Of The Hisar District 1883–84 2001,Haryana: Sang-E-Meel Publications, 72 pp. ISBN978-969-35-1114-7

• Ojha, J.S.B.S. Resource Planning Atlas Of West-ern Haryana: Sirsa And Hisar Districts 1996,Haryana: National Book Organisation, 207 pp.ISBN 8185135819

• Shokoohy, M. & Shokoohy, N.H. Hisar-i Firuza:Sultanate and Early Mughal Architecture in the Dis-trict of Hisar, India 1988: Araxus Books, 172 pp.ISBN 1870606019

15 External links• Official website of Hisar

• Official website of Municipal Corporation, Hisar

• Official website of Hisar Police

• Hisar Gazetteer

• About Hisar in Imperial Gazetteer of India, Volume13

• Uklana City Portal

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16 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

16.1 Text• Hisar (city) Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hisar_(city)?oldid=676962105 Contributors: Tobias Conradi, JidGom, CharlesMatthews, Vikkyultimate, Topbanana, Jni, Dsmdgold, Giridhar, Utcursch, Shotwell, D6, Imroy, Rich Farmbrough, LindsayH, Xez-beth, RJHall, Art LaPella, Wiki-uk, Lectonar, Redvers, Brookie, Woohookitty, Tabletop, Allen3, Mandarax, BD2412, Dwaipayanc,Rjwilmsi, Bhadani, CalJW, DVdm, Wavelength, Gaius Cornelius, Malcolma, Closedmouth, SmackBot, Saravask, Hmains, Skizzik, Christhe speller, Bluebot, Shivap, Bejnar, Ohconfucius, Beetstra, Waggers, Ryulong, Kukoo007, NotoriousTF, Ganeshbot, CmdrObot, JohnCD,ShelfSkewed, Anshulsawant, Jac16888, Cydebot, Dpall, Anupam, Nick Number, BokicaK, Widefox, QuiteUnusual, IndianGeneralist,MikeLynch, Ekabhishek, Rishirajmd, PhilKnight, Longhairandabeard, Rakeshschoudhary, Faizhaider, JaGa, Smartinfoteck1, Commons-Delinker, Terrek, Naniwako, Ajcfreak, KylieTastic, Fundamental metric tensor, Zidonuke, Sintaku, Katimawan2005, Finngall, Vdhillon,Vishurao, Moonriddengirl, Aashish.dce, Flyer22, Subita gurbani, Martin29orama, Lightmouse, Divyasom, Pinkadelica, Denisarona, Sitush,YSSYguy, GorillaWarfare, Drmies, Mild Bill Hiccup, Auntof6, DragonBot, Sun Creator, Rao Ravindra, Willyoldfox, Nocowardsoulismine,Nehabhambu, Johnuniq, Apparition11, Liberal Humanist, AlanM1, Stickee, Mohitpatter, MystBot, Sanjuonline1, Addbot, Queenmom-cat, Atethnekos, Sillyfolkboy, Ginosbot, Shekhartagra, Lightbot, Sarvjeetmoond, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Themfromspace, Devasuran, WormThat Turned, Balwinderdeep, AnomieBOT, 1exec1, Abstruce, Deepak1513, Materialscientist, Abhi.culguy, History Sleuth, ArthurBot,LilHelpa, Makks2010, Jan olieslagers, WikiEditor 09111, Harinder1979, Anna Frodesiak, Verbum Veritas, FrescoBot, Bhanuj, Inld-workers, D'ohBot, PSPatel, Redrose64, SpacemanSpiff, Jonesey95, MastiBot, Akkida, Agrasen, Bgpaulus, Crusoe8181, Aamir.yousuf,Chhora, Jethwarp, Diannaa, Onel5969, RjwilmsiBot, EmausBot, John of Reading, Ayousuf29, Nipunangrish, Johndeerbeer, Koolajay5,ZéroBot, Figureofnine, QEDK, Haria of hariana, Rcsprinter123, Dsmithsmithy, Aakashharyana, Anitacup, Himan2305aquarian, Z4ngetsu,Viki9896899778, Freknsay, ClueBot NG, Cwmhiraeth, MelbourneStar, GalhotraA, Rkumar247, Kirdolia, Михаил Марчук, Rezabot,Newyorkadam, Vibhijain, Parm r, BG19bot, PhnomPencil, Jaisatvik, Navneet nindania, BPositive, Deepsankalp, Joydeep, KUNAL-BIOTECH01, Tcc8, MathewTownsend, Vishal14k, YFdyh-bot, Ballusgym, Khazar2, Dexbot, Yash!, Sminthopsis84, Mogism, Jayalaprashanth, Jamesmcmahon0, Smanojsaini, Sandeeprahar, Mango kiwi banana, Ugog Nizdast, Ravinder Singh Chharia, Newbie2013, He-mant89, Monkbot, Filedelinkerbot, Perfect Article, JItender fff, TheRandomObserver, Mohitmgirdhar, Jalaj110882, Kamal gupta hisar,Munish Dhawan hisar, Azealia911, Knife-in-the-drawer, Dr Dalbir Bharti, Ms Monika Bharti and Anonymous: 319

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