HIS FIRST FLIGHT 1. “His First Flight” has been written by a. Floyed Dell b. James Thurber c. Liam O’ Flaherty d. Katherine Mansfield 2. The young seagull was a. Sick b. Happy c. Alone d. Sad 3. The young seagull had. a. Two brothers and one sister b. two sister and one brother c. two brothers and two sisters d. three sisters 4. The young seagull was certain that his wings would never him a. support b. import c. convey d. carry 5. The young seagull failed to ---------------- courage to take that plunge. a. inspire b. muster c. create d. bring 6. But for the life of him he could not. a. run b. move c. search d. hesitate 7. His parents were --------------- his sister and brothers in the art of flight. a. teaching b. guiding c. perfecting d. revealing 8. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous. a. nightfall b. day c. noon d. week 9. He even----------------- at the dried pieces of mackerel’s tail. a. chew b. gnawed c. cut d. bite 10. now there was not a single -------------- of food left. a. scrap b. scrape c. piece d. loaf 11. But on each side of him the edge ended in a sheer fall of. a. rock b. sea c. peak d. precipice 12. And between him and his parents there was a deep, wide. a. valley b. sea c. chasm d. lake

HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

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Page 1: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. “His First Flight” has been written bya. Floyed Dell b. James Thurberc. Liam O’ Flaherty d. Katherine Mansfield

2. The young seagull wasa. Sick b. Happyc. Alone d. Sad

3. The young seagull had.a. Two brothers and one sister b. two sister and one brotherc. two brothers and two sisters d. three sisters

4. The young seagull was certain that his wings would never hima. support b. importc. convey d. carry

5. The young seagull failed to ---------------- courage to take that plunge.a. inspire b. musterc. create d. bring

6. But for the life of him he could not.a. run b. movec. search d. hesitate

7. His parents were --------------- his sister and brothers in the art of flight.a. teaching b. guidingc. perfecting d. revealing

8. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous.a. nightfall b. dayc. noon d. week

9. He even----------------- at the dried pieces of mackerel’s tail.a. chew b. gnawedc. cut d. bite

10. now there was not a single -------------- of food left.a. scrap b. scrapec. piece d. loaf

11. But on each side of him the edge ended in a sheer fall of.a. rock b. seac. peak d. precipice

12. And between him and his parents there was a deep, wide.a. valley b. seac. chasm d. lake

Page 2: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. His parents took no------------- of him.a. look b. noticec. attention d. care

14. His father was--------------- his feathers on his back.a. preening b. scratchingc. rubbing d. turning

15. The mother of the young seagull was standing on a little hump on the.a. ledge b. rockc. plateau d. mountain

16. The sight of the food------------- him.a. flared b. pleasedc. frightened d. maddened

17. He leaned out eagerly,-------------- the rock with his feet.a. tapping b. bumpingc. striking d. hitting

18. And then maddened by hunger, he --------- at the fish.a. jumped b. pouncedc. leapt d. dived

19. Then a --------------- terror seized him.a. frightening b. monstrousc. big d. stately

20. He could feel the ------------ of his wings cutting through the air.a. ends b. tipsc. peak d. sound

21. The young seagull felt a bit.a. dizzy b. dozingc. headache d. angry

22. He raised his breast and -------------- against the wind.a. flew b. struggledc. flapped d. banked

23. He saw a vast green sea beneath, with little--------------- moving cover it.a. ridges b. seriesc. torrents d. fish

24. The young seagull turned his beak sideways and ------------ amusedly .a. tittered b. cacklec. roared d. crowed

Page 3: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. “Overcoat” has been written by….a. Tu Ng-Ceng b. Ghulam Abbasc. James Thurber d. Col. Muhammad Khan

2. His hair was---------------------and shining.a. grey b. sleekc. black d. bright

3. His thin moustache seemed to have been drawn with a --------a. pencil b. brushc. pen d. marker

4. The young man was wearing a ----------- overcoat.a. green b. pinkc. white d. brown

5. The young an twirled his polished cane-------------a. carefully b. jauntilyc. slowly d. briskly

6. The sharp ice gusts of wind struck like-------------a. iron b. stonec. steel d. fire

7. He was ambling along obviously enjoying his------------ in the bitter cold.a. walk b. marchc. promenade d. visit

8. When he reached the status of the peen, he --------- down.a. site b. fellc. slow d. sobered

9. As the evening advanced, the cold became more-----------a. intense b. bitterc. harsh d. severe

10. It was a cold that --------------- people to seek comfort in pleasurea. made b. inducedc. shrink d. deprived

11. It was their clothes, rather than their ------------ that attracted his attention.a. overcoats b. trousersc. talk d. faces

12. The overcoat the young man himself was wearing was-----a. new b. brownc. old d. shiny

Page 4: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. The lapels were stiff and the sleeves well------a. ironed b. cutc. touched d. creased

14. As he smoked, he seemed to ------------ every puff.a. relish b. enjoyc. entertain d. relieve

15. The three Anglo-Indian girls were ----------- over a set of pictures.a. smiling b. gigglingc. looking d. staring

16. The young man seemed --------- at their departure. a. unaffected b. impartialc. concerned d. unconcerned

17. The young man seemed unconcerned at their departure and after loitering for a littlewhile also left the -----------.a. lawn b. roadc. mall d. cinema

18. An orchestra could be heard ----------- in one of the restaurants.a. echoing b. playingc. ringing d. singing

19. Their cover designs were------------- but gay.a. rude b. roughc. vulgar d. ugly

20. The young man------------ his promenade.a. resumed b. restartedc. consumed d. avoided

21. At this part of the Mall the crowed of -------------- had thinned down.a. wanderers b. spectatorsc. cyclists d. pedestrians

22. The girl wore a --------------shalwar of white satin.a. loose b. floppyc. tight d. leather

23. A truck full of bricks came from behind like a ---------- of wind.a. gust b. wavec. fall d. blow

24. The young man was -------- hurt.a. deadly b. nominallyc. badly d. dangerously

Page 5: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

25. The assistant surgeon and the two nurses had ------------- their faces behind masks.a. concealed b. conceivedc. covered d. muffed

26. Layers of dirt ----------- his body.a. concealed b. coveredc. gathered on d. spread over

Page 6: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. The narrator of Lingkuan Gorge had to cover a distance of ----------- kilometers.a. twenty b. thirtyc. forty d. fifty

2. Entering Lingkuan Gorge, my -------------------- increased.a. blood pressure b. irritationc. palpitation d. nervousness

3. Hungry, cold I --------------------- and fell, scraping my hands.a. tripped b. slippedc. clambered d. overturned

4. In this gorge, the sun--------------- shone.a. always b. usuallyc. never d. seldom

5. The Materials Department chief feared to fall into a deep.a. ravine b. riverc. valley d. chasm

6. A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave was occupied by.a. officers b. minersc. idlers d. workers

7. The small boy was seated on a small-------- in the doorway.a. table b. sofac. stool d. chair

8. Cheng yu was --------------- years old.a. five or six b. seven or eightc. nine or ten d. ten or eleven

9. Cheng yu had been -------------- at the opposite Cliffside through a rent in curtain.a. examining b. peeringc. seeing d. visiting

10. The cave was large, but quite…..a. cold d. warmc. uninhabited d. haunted

11. Cheng yu’s job was to look after his……….a. baby sister b. motherc. father d. cattle

12. The workers liked to name their children after the----------- where they were born.a. caves b. rapture of workc. parents d. projects

Page 7: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. I pressed his ----------------- red little nose.a. half b. darkc. icy d. fully

14. I certainly was sorry I had------------------ my small host.a. offended b. humiliatedc. insulted d. tortured

15. Cheng-yu’s father was----------.a. directing traffic b. oldc. materials department chief d. digging mountains

16. My------------------ legs, thawing out, ached painfully.a. small b. muddyc. thin d. numbed

17. Cheng-yu’s mother stood beside a------------ pole.a. telephone b. electricityc. tall d. bright

18. Apparently, Cheng-yu’s mother was directing-----------.a. people b. strangersc. traffic d. cars

19. The road had been------------- through the road.a. made b. excavatedc. explored d. blasted

20. Papa and mama say a man should never leave his----------a. seat b. postc. duty d. job

21. The writer wanted to reach his ------------ without any further delay.a. home b. destinationc. town d. office

Page 8: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. A thin white moon rose over the -----------------------a. ravine b. horizonc. rook d. valley

2. Peter was -------------- years old.a. nine b. tenc. eleven d. twelve

3. Peter, eleven years old, did not see the-------a. sun b. moonc. girl d. blanket

4. Peter did not feel the cool------------ breeze blow into the kitchen.a. September b. Octoberc. November d. December

5. Peter’s thoughts were fixed on a red and ------------- blanket on the kitchen table.a. white b. bluec. black d. green

6. “Going away Gift” means.a. a memorable gift b. an expensive giftc. a gift for a going away person d. a beautiful gift

7. Together the old man and the young boy washed the---------a. the supper dishes b. clothesc. floor d. house

8. The old man and the boy went outside and sat under the -----------a. sun b. treec. moon d. shade

9. “It is a poor tune, except to be dancing to”. These words are said by:a. dad b. the pretty girlc. granddad d. peter

10. The blanket was a ----------------- one.A single b. redc. costly d. double

11. A fine blanket indeed, must have cost a pretty------A penny b. amountc. money d. price

12. Granddad put out his head and laid it on Dad’s--------------a. head b. shoulderc. back d. neck

Page 9: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. I should advise you to drop into one of the little village.a. hujra b. innc. parlour d. drawing room

2. The old rod-men will tell you enough ----------- stories in half an hour.a. fishy b. realc. imaginary d. creative

3. Haris had fully spent forty minutes in ----------------- his shoes.a. polishing b. varnishingc. whitening d. pipe-claying

4. George said the crops seem to be coming up ----------------a. nicely b. slowlyc. fast d. fully

5. Our eyes finally rested upon a ---------------- old glass-case.a. rusty b. muddyc. dusty d. strange looking

6. The old glass-case contained a --------------a. cod b. troutc. minnow d. dragon

7. You will forgive the ------------ that we perfect strangers are taking.a. rudeness b. freedomc. frankness d. liberty

8. We told him to various ------- we had heard about his trout.a. histories b. detailc. analysis d. anecdotes

9. And then the landlord told us the real ------------- of the fish.a. importance b. ownerc. history d. value

10. The landlord said that bringing home that trout had saved him from a ---------.a. punishment b. whackingc. fighting d. probing

11. It was worth the rule of three and --------- put together.a. practice b. threec. four d. mathematics

12. The more we looked at the trout, the more we ------------- at it.a. laughed b. amusedc. marveled d. liked

Page 10: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. IT really was a most ------------- trout.a. astonishing b. wonderfulc. beautiful d. interesting

14. George clutched wildly at the trout case to save------------.a. Haris b. himselfc. the trout d. Mr. Jones

15. The trout lay ------------- into a thousand fragments.a. divided b. multipliedc. fractured d. shattered

16. We thought it strange and ----------- that a stuffed trout should break up into littlepieces.a. unreal b. unaccountablec. uncountable d. unreliable

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1. I ran across a --------- photograph of him the other day.a. black and white b. colouredc. old d. dim

2. Rex had one -------- eye.a. blind b. brindlec. blinking d. closed

3. One brindle eye made Rex look like a --------a. clown b. jokerc. bull terrier d. doll

4. Rex was big and ---------- and beautifully made.a. healthy b. muscularc. powerful d. stout

5. Once Rex brought a ten at wooden ----------- into the yard.a. rail b. dollc. cupboard d. door

6. Rex was as powerful as a ---------------a. tiger b. lionc. wrestler d. giant

7. Rex could hold ------- with ease in his mouth.a. football b. cricket ballc. hockey ball d. baseball

8. Rex was a ------- fighter.a. quick b. strongc. tremendous d. clever

9. Rex never went for another dog’s-----------a. leg b. throatc. tail d. ear

10. The story of that Homeric ------ got all around town.a. battle b. fightc. struggle d. war

11. Rex bad a ------- disposition.a. gentle b. mildc. struggle d. quick

12. Rex never growled at anyone except---------a. beggars b. poorc. prowlers d. thieves

Page 12: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. Rex killed ------ quickly and without special malice.a. birds b. catsc. everything d. pigeons

14. Rex never killed, or even chased a------------.a. squirrel b. mousec. pigeon d. cat

15. Rex never ran barking after ---- or automobiles.a. trucks b. lorriesc. wagons d. tractors

16. Wagons were not a --------- of his world.a. job b. mapc. field d. part

17. Swimming was his favourite-----------a. recreation b. professionc. adventure d. hobby

18. I shall always remember that shining ---------- dive.a. strange b. virginc. wonderful d. stupendous

19. There was no ---------- in the chest when Rex got it home.a. hole b. woodc. drawers d. dirt

20. Rex brought a small chest of drawers from a ------------a. house b. shopc. street d. fresh heap

21. I am glad Rex never saw ----------- police dog jump.a. hungry b. runningc. trained d. foreign

22. Rex was just ------- jumper himself.a. an amateur b. a trainedc. loyal d. an immature

23. There was in his world no such thing as the ----------a. barking b. impossiblec. surrendering d. rooting

24. Rex touched one of his masters’ hand with his ---------a. mouth b. nostrilsc. lips d. muzzle

Page 13: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. Mrs. Hay went back to town and sent the children…..a. clothes b. giftsc. jewels d. a doll’s house

2. Pat and the carrier had to carry the doll’s house into the ………..a. drawing room b. courtyardc. kitchen d. guest room

3. No harm could come to the doll’s house; it was………….a. summer b. winterc. spring d. autumn

4. The smell o paint was quite enough to make anyone----------a. fresh b. happyc. seriously ill d. cough

5. The door was like a little----------- of toffee.a. slab b. piecec. tube d. part

6. The doll’s house was part of the ------------ part of the newness.a. enthusiasm b. zealc. joy d. freshness

7. Pat prized “The Doll’s house open with a ---------------a. hook b. needlec. iron rod d. penknife

8. Red carpet covered all the floors except the ------------a. drawing room b. kitchenc. bathroom d. bedroom

9. What kezia liked frightfully was the………….a. big jug b. carpetc. paint d. lamp

10. It was an exquisite little lamp with a white-----------a. chimney b. globec. top d. base

11. It was filled all ready for lighting through you could not ----- it.a. touch b. seec. light d. burn

12. The lamp seemed to --------- at kezia.a. laugh b. wonderc. smile d. frown

Page 14: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. Isabel was bossy but she was always---------------a. right b. kindc. furious d. wrong

14. It had been arranged that they might ask------------- girls at a time to come and look.a. two b. threec. four d. five

15. Playtime came and Isabel was-------a. relieved b. summonedc. punished d. surrounded

16. Isabel held quite a --------under the huge pine frees.a. court b. meetingc. discussion d. bar-room

17. The Kelveys were the daughters of a ----------- hardworking little washerwoman.a. spy b. stoutc. spry d. muscular

18. Lil was a stout, plain child, with big---------a. spots b. wrinklesc. scars d. freckles

19. Suddenly, Lena gave a little squeal and ------------- in front of other girls.a. ran b. dancedc. frowned d. motioned

20. But instead of answering Lil only gave her---------- shamefaced smile.a. ordinary b. commonplacec. silly d. arrogant

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1. The beggar said that he had not tasted food for -------------- days.a. two b. threec. four d. a few

2. The beggar said that he had been a village schoolmaster for -------- years.a. three b. fourc. five d. six

3. According to the beggar, he lost his post through the ------- of the Zemstvo.a. intricacy b. conspiraciesc. delicacy d. intrigues

4. Skvortsov was a Petersburg -----------a. lawyer b. conspiraciesc. delicacy d. intrigues

5. The beggar had worn--------a. boots b. shoesc. galoshes d. slippers

6. Skvortsov looked at this galoshes, of which one was shallow like a ----a. sandal b. bootc. shoe d. brogan

7. Dkvortsov flew into rage and gave the beggar a merciless-------a. beating b. draggingc. whipping d. scolding

8. Skvortsov gave the -------- a merciless scolding.a. servant b. beggarc. maid-servant d. thief

9. The ragged fellow’s insolent lying --------------- his disgust and aversion.a. arise b. bornc. rose d. aroused

10. The name of the beggar was --------------- .a. Skvortsov b. LushkovC. Olga d. Zemstvo

11. The beggar said that he was turned out of the Russian choir for------a. telling a lie b. drunkennessc. scolding d. negligence of duty

12. Skvortsov told Lushkov, “ You are lazy, --------------, drunken!”a. liar b. smokerc. pampered d. gambler

Page 16: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. You have become false and corrupt to the --------- you bones.a. marrow b. corec. centre d. flesh

14. The beggar shrugged his shoulders as though puzzled, and irresolutely followed------a. Skvortsov b. the cookc. the teacher d. the student

15. The beggar consented to ---------- wood.a. sell b. carryc. chop d. deal in

16. Skvortsov engaged Lushkov to assist in packing and moving the ---------a. furniture b. rugsc. mattresses d. wood

17. The name of the Skvortsov’s cook was--------a. Eliza b. Olgac. Elia d. Victoria

Page 17: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. “The Foolish Quack” is a ----------------a. Pakistan fold tale b. Hindustani fold talec. Russian folk tale d. Arabian fold tale

2. One evening some travelers stayed to rest---------a. in an inn b. in a hotelc. in a cave d. under a clump of trees

3. It happened that one of the camels entered a --------a. garden b. melon-filedc. house d. meadow

4. The foolish quack pretended to cure-------a. ulcer b. goiterc. gout d. leprosy

5. The owner of the camel tied a ------------ round his camel’s throat.a. blanket b. piece of clothc. rope d. bandage

6. The quack struck the swollen part with so much force that the old woman instantly----a. got up b. recoveredc. expired d. paralyzed

7. Uninfluenced by the ----------- of his punishment, the man mounted his camel and wentto the next village.a. severity b. harshnessc. cruelty d. ruthlessness

8. The camel fell ill because --------------a. he ate too many melons b. a melon stuck in his throatc. it was cold d. the melons were poisonous

9. When the quack dug the grave and buried the old women, the villagers----a. honoured him b. killed himc. beat him d. gave him money

10. These animals are camels of prodigious --- and strength.a. shape b. sizec. power d. courage

11. The quack became ------ when the camel man struck him with a heavy stick.a. unconscious b. diedc. disabled d. angry

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1. Elia Carai was a -------------a. doctor b. lawyerc. beggar d. teacher

2. Elia dedicated his poems to his-------------a. wife b. motherc. father d. brother

3. Life is a -----------, one day up and the other day down.a. game b. businessc. fight d. brother

4. Agostino was Elia’s-------------a. father b. unclec. brother d. brother in law

5. Elia’s wife behaved like her ---- in the law courts.a. teacher b. relativesc. husband d. father

6. In this world everything is bound to go all right----------a. in the middle b. in the beginningc. with the passage of time d. in the end

7. Elia had only------------ lire in the world.a. two b. threec. four d. five

8. For the sake of further, Elia must get hold of -------------- at the costs.a. clothes b. his maid-servantc. his uncle d. a pair of shoes

9. Elia was given a bed in a dirty-looking room where two other ---- were asleep.a. stragglers b. workersc. wayfarers d. drunkards

10. One of them was ----like Pluto.a. coughing. b. snoringc. belching d. crying

11. Elia stayed for a night’s lodging in -----------a. a hotel b. his uncle’s housec. an inn d. an empty room

12. Elia took the shoes and hid them under his-------a. cloak b. sheetc. blanket d. overcoat

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13. Elia hid the stolen –----------- under his cloak.a. hat b. moneyc. coat d. shoes

14. Elia sat on a ----------- and put on the shoes.a. floor b. milestonec. pavement d. stone

15. Elia was delighted with the stolen shoes because they were soft and ----a. new b. elasticc. stylish d. roomy

16. Dwn rose from the pale sea behind a ----- of mist.a. cover b. curtainc. veil d. shade

17. At last he put on his old shoes again and left the others by the ----a. wall b. roadsidec. river d. sleeping men

18. Elia felt so weak that the wind make him sway like a ----- of grass.a. leaf b. rodc. blade d. stem

19. When Elia did not arrive, Agostino gave everything to -------a. his neighbors b. his relativesc. the sailor’s orphans d. his servants

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1. Moxon was apparently intent upon the ------ in the grate.a. fire b. sparksc. wood d. coals

2. Moxon was touching the coals with the ---------------a. fire-poker b. fingerc. stick d. rod

3. A machine means “Any instrument by which power is applied and made-----------a. fruitful b. usefulc. effective d. under control

4. The writer knew that Moxon suffered from --------------a. malaria b. cholerac. insomnia d. brain tumor

5. Among blessings that are not denied to youth is-------------a. knowledge b. ignorancec. wealth d. disease

6. “Ah, plants also belong to the----------------a. philosopher b. thinkingc. animate d. upper

7. In an open spot in my ---------------. I planted a climbing vine.a. garden b. housec. meadow d. enclosure

8. Roots of eucalyptus will prolong themselves incredibly in search of ------------a. light b. foodc. heat d. moisture

9. Is thought an attribute also of the ----------------- kingdom?a. animal b. plantc. mineral d. machine

10. When soldiers form lines, you call it--------------a. parade b. reasonc. discipline d. instinct

11. When wild gees in flight take the form of a letter V, you say---------------a. instinct b. reasonc. dance d. flight

12. Moxon was speaking with unusual animation and---------------a. Seriousness b. selfishnessc. earnestness d. excitement

Page 21: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. I have a machine in there that lost its------------ and cut up roughly.a. temper b. speedc. tempo d. precision

14. Life is a definite combinations of heterogeneous-------------a. gases b. statementsc. theories d. changes

15. Moxon was silent for a long time gazinga. fully b. absentlyc. attentively d. indifferently

16. Do you happen to know that “Consciousness is the creature of -----------------?a. music b. dancec. rhythm d. entertainment

17. Rain was falling and the darkness was----------------a. tense b. intensec. imminent d. severe

18. Unable in my excitement to find the doorbell I instinctively tried the --------------a. knob b. boltc. handle d. window

19. Moxon was playing ------------ it his antagonist.a. table tennis b. carom boardc. cards d. chess

20 Three days later I recover consciousness in------------------a. a hospital b. the machine shopc. a shop d. home

21. Moxon was killed bya. his friend b. his enemyc. electricity d. automation chess player

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1. Mathilde slipped into marriage with a minor civil servant at the ---------------------a. Ministry of education b. Ministry of Healthc. Ministry of defense d. Ministry of foreign affairs

2. Mathilde was as wretched as a -----------------a. prisoner b. patientc. beggar d. declassee

3. Mathilde was unable to afforda. gold b. wardrobec. jewellery d. hangings

4. Mathilde had no proper ------------- no jewels nothing.a. ornaments b. clothesc. shoes d. wardrobe

5. Her husband arrived home looking -------------- and waving a large envelope.a. triumphant b. jubilantc. sad d. dejected

6. Two big tears ------------- from the corners of her eyes.a. went b. issuedc. escaped d. erupted

7. As the day of the ball drew closer, Mathilde seemed---------------a. ill b. depressedc. overjoyed d. impatient

8. Mathilde lent -------------- from Madame Frostiera. bracelsts b. a golden necklacec. a silver necklace d. a diamond necklace

9. In the party Madame Loisel was a great-------------a. bore b. successc. fun d. victory

10. All the minister’s aides wanted to ---------------- with her.a. waltz b. meetc. dance d. sit

11. When she left the party, it was almost ------------ in the morning.a. two b. fourc. seven d. ten

12. Outside the street there was no--------------- to be seen.a. man b. hotelc. driver d cab

Page 23: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. She took off her ------------ before the mirror.a. wraps b. clothesc. necklace d. dress

14. Loisel possessed 18,000 francs left him by his------------a. mother b. grandfatherc. father d. uncle

15. The -------------- debt had to be paid.a. pressing b. heavyc. crushing d. big

16. How strange and ---------------- life is!a. ancient b. temporaryc. durable d. fickle

Page 24: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. I will always nurse this complaint against-------------a. Napoleon b. Hitlerc. Lenin d. Chengaiz Khan

2. But by recruited I neither meant to hurt Hitler’s feelings nor please the ---------------.a. Americans b. Germansc. Indians d. British

3. In those days there used to be ---------------- interviews.a. two b. threec. four d. four

4. And clearly on had to bring out some family ------------- out of their cupboard.a. files b. historiesc. skeletons d. knowledge

5. My two interviews were held in Jhelum and ------------------a. Pinidi b. Lahorec. Multan d. Karachi

6. One would have to learn how to throw me’s ---------------- around as a lieutenant.a. importance b. weightc. order d. authority

8. It was generally expected that the army ------------------ would be there to welcome us.a. guard b. bandc. personnel d. officers

9. Moreover the word cadet was mot----------------a. tiresome b. pleasingc. humiliating d. worrisome

10. The Englishman came again and told us all ----------------- to get down.a. rudely b. politelyc. peremptorily d. at once

11. The cadets were divided in --------------teams.a. two b. threec. four d. five

12. The cadets had to get into-------------a. cars b. coachesc. tractors d. trucks

13. So we called the coolies o put our -------------- in the trucks.a. packages b. bundlesc. luggage d. boxes

Page 25: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

14. Upon becoming a lieutenant, we would ------------------ this impertinent sergeant.a. arrest b. court-martialc. warn d. punish

15. I had heard from former soldiers that lieutenants kept -------------- all the time.a. sleeping b. writingc. gossiping d. eating

16. These ignorant sergeants don’t seem to realize what is lieutenant could do if he soa. decides b. wishesc. longs for d. desires

17. A certain feeling of pride --------------- us up.a. buoyed b. encouragedc. exalted d. soared

18. The meal came to an end and we came back to the -----------------.a. parade ground b. drawing roomc. bedroom d. ante-room

19. We stood quietly in -------------- and the P.T began.a. order b. linesc. rows d. uniform

20. The every first does of the army’s discipline had proved --------------.a. dangerous b. effectivec. alarming d. tiresome

21. The sergeant major appeared at the precise minute and smiled at his--------------.a. victory b. punctualityc. cadets d. triumph

22. On hearing this the whole range of the Karakoram Mountains ------------- on my head.a. collided b. collapsedc. hit d. fall

Page 26: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave


1. I started for school very late that morning and wise in great dread of a -------------a. taunting b. reprovingc. reproaching d. scolding

2. in the open field, the Prussian soldiers were ---------------a. drilling b. climbingc. working d. driving

3. when I passed the town hall there was a crowd in front of the ----------------a. school b. bulletin-boardc. hospital d. recruitment

4. Mr. Hamel was --------------his great rules of the table.a. flicking b. strikingc. hitting d. rapping

5. But nothing happened. Mr. Hamel saw me and said very -----------------a. coldly b. harshlyc. kindly d. calmly

6. That day everything had to be as quiet as -------------- morning.a. Friday b. Sundayc. holiday d. Christmas

7. I jumped over the -------------- and sat down at my desk.a. wall b. stoolc. boys d. bench

8. Besides, the wholes school seemed so strange and ------------------a. solemn b. noisyc. crowded d. forlorn

9. Mr. Hamel put it all into our heard at one ---------------a. turn b. by onec. stroke d. start

10. After the grammar, we had a lesion ina. listening b. writingc. scanning d. reading

11. They looked like little ---------------- floating every where in the school room.a. fish b. boatsc. birds d. flags

12. Mr. Hamel had been in the school for --------------- years.a. twenty b. twenty fivec. thirty d. forty

Page 27: HIS FIRST FLIGHT - WordPress.com · “His First Flight” has been written by a. ... 18. And then maddened by ... A door curtain hanging in the entrance way showed that the cave

13. After the writing we had a lesion in -------------------.a. Philosophy b. Mathematicsc. history c. religion

14. The Prussians, returning from ---------- sounded under windows.a. drill b. warc. work d. country