Hindu Omens

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  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens



    Everywhen:. in eve ry pa rt of the world, people havcbel ief '" ' ign, and portent' , Som clime' thcy a re d i,m,, ' ed J' mcre ' upcrsti lion. ,omcllmc, the falc of a na tionha, hu ng in ha lance on the deci'ion of an a'tro loge r Or l l h s a w r In COerY

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    PUU 1'110." ,11/1 PM' II" )n'! u ' l'u . U! " IUO IOU l,rJ ' )0 " "I' J l ' ' ~ ' J,>u IS ~ , ' U " I S ! ur U ~ ' ' ~ r P I pup ' U(HlIpU11 ' ~ " IUJI_"',] pu" < U ~ U 0 .I" p ~ r 4 ' u" 'I"." t u ~ ~ ' ! lU pUI ','UUl l"UmllJUJUII '" l ,w4~ U ! l " 1 ~ " " ' U U , ~ , '''_I I .10 ' U" lllp t l1 pUt 'IJ 'P'!In"4 p 1 1 " . 1 " "II Jt.l ", " ! dt il U p I ' X 1I 11 ' " ' ' ' 'JP'I .L p"'I"14nd UJJ4 J." ''I ~ I I U pu"' !il'' 'A '0 ' ' 'H'' ' 'IS "lll1t.! pu" tJl n'rUlt )! ~ ' I I ' '0 ,.1 "1x"PO\IIJ(>\ ln I ~ d l u" sl ' ''-'4 ( UP,,, I l I l U ~ ) ~ l

    ... U I'UP ' IJV u , , ! i l ! 1'' ' ' ' ll'IJ "'"' ]" I,] .I"SPP\I ' "' 1"'4"14" .1 ~ ' 1' 11J p"P 'Ai/"I" ' I ' '\' ' ' ' ' 'I' '' ! "" 'lOll'' ' ' 'u n l > ~ < ' "4 r.'ll1 b .iI ,nmJ "" ['UI' "" {lIIlll,>,'

    , ,,'11'

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    "R H ACE

    man)' p r " " n s a faith In them. lhan lS l ! e n ~ r a Iy an ' e pk d prevailed al "ne li' lle an all il",k ofI,,

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    C on tents

    Cit, PUKes.,r. II I I Iv" r;.1ity of Om,," , ". l l " " . ,,,d up"" H"d , ". Ou,,,,, ' " . , ,,d " p< >n A""" llis ". ( l ,n"n, " . ",d uI'o n T lm," " i" g or t ,no " , 5S5. Ome"s N , ,,d " P" " S " t M, Augur; rela ted 10 prom' ''e' ' l cha rad e"in the IU l1lap na n; Omen, I" ' ed " I,,, n the My' lic"Pec" alogue (Raha ,) a- J),,,haka ) '"Orne" , ha ,Hi" I,,,g,aph )

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens



    Universality of Omens

    [ veryone of u ' "n some o."Ca,jon or the olher "t some",,)nlent of njm. may hhe faeed a" L1 nc" nny sense of

    c r J l ~ ' rhe worlJ awu"J l,,,,lcJ th reate n,n/! anJc e r t n l J ~ s seemeJ to JlSsol"e II,tO I I n l ~ ' r t a i n i e It i, alSlKh lime, th " , we Il nJ tO lurn a w a ~ from the Wl,rlJ Wknow to ,h"se highe r supernatural I",wer< we hl'pemay. ,n some unl nown an d ,,,,,re I w ~ y , in tervene t come to our 'US"COIIL Befin ing thc w'"y "lIr "ns'C""'SJid , that ""'lehow those sup c' , i", I",wers may (Ullnt t',the hlows of Fate, 0 ' olhel the ,mpendi"g I '" ima/!i nMy, if yo u lil e l di",st," we a,e ag'eeahle even toperf"rm lillie S ,it"'. 0 ' carry lha rm, ' " lal ismans .fo ' wa rding orr Ihe ev, l 0 ' to h" n/!/!'' ' 'd i"" l .rh is is va lid as mm'h h>r the moJern ma n III (,>d a)",

    ,,';e nlitk a" J le"hnol/!Kal age as it w"s in Ihe and ell!pas l as we learn f,om 'e.x>rds or old dvi li/ati,>ns ofEgypt anJ InJ ,a. ' " f,om the nW lhs of ( j,eeee andR' ' '" e, T ile la lln have " " ,I , ihll ted in "",h a la'g emeasure to Ihe though ts and 1I1e,alll'e as well as hclids1" ,J oli" ns a nJ sw ,hzal, on of wha l we today knuw a, IheWes tern WMld. The 'ho,seshoc ', an em hlem I,,, )!.'l

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    a, Ihe ,ymhol of life even fanher bad in Ihe earlierprimillw communi tie' . The bd ief hold , good even nowand 10 olh el Ihe evil dkelS of an a ~ ~ i d e n t a l , pilling of, a lt, Ihrowin g of a pinch 'over Ihe left ~ r ' , righl' into the l>C vir s ( a ' a ''''mmOIl p r a d l ~ e down 10 Ouro .... n day. It i, Ihu' "Iulle apparent Iha l Jch ~ o m m oman's hehef, arc prevalenl a' much in Ihe We,1 a, '"Ihe EaSi and these go h a 10 Ihe an,:ien l paSI of manall Ihe 'H.rld over,In India, Ihe origin of such omens or hehef, goe,hack 10 the andenl limes ot the VeJie Civili/ation ....henIhe sages anJ teachers u,,'Xl 10 run Ihelr famoo,cd u

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    I ' NlVERSAU fY 0 " "" ..""

    l ~ m p ~ r a l u r e l w n ~ d ~ l gauging I n t r u m ~ m ," f ,uch aCUlc ac,:Ulac)' a nd ,uc'h large range" Slill , IIIprimilive limes. l hehavlo" r of bird, and l h ~ i r v r ) high ~ v ) 10 ,cn,e the preeu"",,, ' soIhal Ih(' w e a l h ~ r in l h ne\l 10120 mik ' wuld t>eg u ~ , , ~ d b:' walch ing l h ~ r ~ a c l ; " n or lhe featheredn ~ a l u r

    1'11 .. Indian Vi,... o r Om",, ,Signs such as call 01 bird' failing "I' mel"'''S.throbbing or limb, a r ~ g ~ n ~ r a l l y as Sh"k",,,,

    a"d Ihe bram'b of w dealing wllh lhis subj eelis "1, in sludyof lhe calls of hirds hy the " a g ~ s , who li"ed in ,",,,h l',,ma,,ln lhe dense " s l Laler on i v i t i ~ , of olher animalsand nalural ~ v e n such as fto"ds and earlh'luake , . ek,w e r ~ .ds" gradually Includ ed undcr Ibe fo ld or Omens.

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    " Il I'J Dt' " ' I ' ~ S8nm"h," " f ' he Sc i"" ...e ofOm ,'n ,We may n ow c a m m c {he varlOU, hran,hes m lowh"'h Omen, have hcen d" , .,ilicdl. RIo" "tn " : f _ ' r l h q " , , ~ e1\ , h uman -heing, live Oil eanh. the h" prellings tha t

    "Ifed the '( r " f lu 'C of ca rth Illcv ital>Jy " flCd Ihe hvmgbeing' aho ,h " r rim,mly the nal ural resources of a parl;""I"{regio" whi"h make lh Tlhahila n(S pro 'perou, or , ~ Indi an sec rs were awa rC "r thi, fao:l and hen,,,, theyJ"" kcJ up" " (he "alUral evcnl' as , o me of Ihe in itialm"l on gilla! lype, "r Omens. Fa"h4tlakes. tremors, el".,'Ome under Ih i' he ad ing . The, e event, di,l"mlcd theJ ay_lo . day life of the pcople So. wn vcnti"nally theywere rcga "k tl a, inamr 'WlUS . Ea ' lh4 uakc ' brmllab1JI serio '" tl i'o rder and illJicatc impend'ng ,J"astcr"0' onl)' r"r the people. bu l a lso \() Ihe rule" "I' the,eglOn,II . VIp.JI " CulamifinVnm ual evel\h, , ueh a,

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    V N 1 V H ' S , ! T V o r (H lE'

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    (vii) The owl wa, dread,..J by the Romans as anomen " f Ik " lh bill wa' revered by Ihe (;reels as Ihebird of Athcnc . G odde" of wi,dol11 . Sh" ke' pearemen lion, it In b,'th the CO nle\I,.("IiI ' Cals. though an obj"'-'I of wOI">;I"p ill [ gypt are

    now a ' ' ' >c iate>! " i th wil be an ellieienl"ea,he r d j, ine,I ') Of . nakes. a n aJ Je , " a, a n o me n of ill -luck but

    'f k' lIcJ when ,ee n III e",I)' ' prtllg II was cx 'n,iJe,ed tohe lu

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    2301 The ( irea l Roma ". Cae, ,,r is ' aid to have hmi aprem, ,,, i,io,, or h i, impend ing deal h an d hi, wik

    ( ""(r um ,,, was grO lly nvemhelmeJ by an om """ "fear. a, lhe hou , "r ('a le appwaeheJ(4) Q ueen l-:I iIahe lh I (allho,,h ,he p rm" lg,t led!;ow, agam \! magi,"a n> and " 'lc'hnafl\ w ll'l anlly IOdadvi,'" " f Dr. J"h" Dce, a &en,u, of "", Itifariuu, lalcnlSa nJ all thor " I' 7Y " orb (n""1 "r "'h " '1l ,em,oned" ' ''nnw" p ' ' . being dedineJ b)' puhh,her, ) hu l abelie ,-cr ,n magic (so IIlll,'I, '0 Ihal he . ni rm leJ hi,yu" "g and prelly ,'O r" Jane 10 hI< "" i,lan t Kelly. under",(J"e".,,, "I' an alleged """' ",wn l,,,l ,,,n f " >I " ' piriIS.rellJer ilig , ud ' an " J 'kel(51 The greal N"p ,,1 ,,1' S"a"l ib "as an"u c'elll nlagll'" l J iagra lH

    Il, t' ab,wc In, l"m'c, malc il am ply dear Iha l I>eli cf1I1" '" c ' ' ' an,] l J l " e I" ,nJ 'Glle the nal" re " f n1",; ng

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    O \n : \JS K\ SU ) C1'0' \ 'ru e llIR.:CflON ANDI l \n: OF T I IF cooes CALI .

    l'ar! o f { ) j rn 'Ii"" I' /ln " / OirecI lOllIh, da,l' uj 1111' ,\{lund (h,- Jay Or1heso,,"J

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    >l1'U "" f'

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    OMH ' S 8 ASU l l ' PON 1" RJJS

    CHOWS . , . . "''1:

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    Part ofIh,' M ,'Qua",,,,

    Oi ft-"Ii""ot Ii,.. .w l/nd\\,'V. y", muy have un you.cneuunlc r wilh , tv Thne ure d lunee, of

    th ief quid pro tit t' " YOII.Qllart,>r :'\orl lo QlIarl'''' :"/" , tlo.u, t

    GoJJ e" " I' wealth I. ( ,nod "'."..', awa, t.w,ll hlc" ) '0 ", yO"1' . ['eork will I" ,"c the 1'. Yo u may have io" p ,,< ,rt un, ty ,,, feel fuee ,orne Irouhle .harry_ Ill , Y,," r elr." t ' mayIII , Y"u w, 1I he in a I"" . yIeld I:!"od I'rotil,

    IV. You will gel mo nC). IV. You may have,,,


  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    " " F"S BASH ) ~ " ~ ' I R I J ~

    '"..... , ' '


    OM t:NS HASEn L' I 'O N T Il E U1Rtrno -.; A Nn~ O t' T in : I ' I( ; U IY S C \ I. L


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    .,Part "flire day J)i,..,etion"llh,'s",milS oulh

    Pari 'ifIh,' dayQuart..

    [ l i r t' Cl io n,,/ lire .", ,,,,,1SOUlh . ,... , '

    You may haveunexpeeloo gains.11 . You may 3equ ire a

    new vchid e.II I Beware of Ihe dan_ger.IV. heeJ of thealarm.

    L Y00 may have pmn.[I. Sexual eM'Ilem"",

    imminentII I Yo" will earn moneyIV. Your mer;" a regoing 10 be ,,,,o/;

    oi,cd by lheGovernment

    (Juan erI, ctlanc"s"fgood in

    ('om eII , You have ,"hanees ofacquiri ng a "chideJ1l d ) h e a JIV. c oor gaim.

    I Yo" will earn "",ney11 Bewa re Oflhieve.III Ample prnljl,IV. Ample ""allh will

    grace y"'"' hO"M:,

    Quart.... Nurlh Quan erI Beware ,,[ thieve. L l i rd . of rovrII You will hav " am ple friend s will "wliK widened .ilL y"" may aequlre " " Ik wa of Ihe out-vehide . break of tireIY. You may have '" II I. Go... e r n m ~ n maya trouble. ov hurdles m yourprolit

    IV _ Bewa re f { h k , , ~ s

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    O" H,S BASH> urns BtRDS

    ",",m ." b " . .. " ' S"" ') , ",. .. 0/I, f"'''' V,,,'''"' I,I",,,,. '" l"'1, " .110" INNJ",d ... ,. ...." bl4c ' {i .... 1.\ , "mY"""""I ,. . /)m j " '" " ' "'k, ,M " "'Jfi-d f"'''' '-, . ,,. n" "...

    O I\H :NS 11,\ S F Il U n n : I)Il lrCl IO :,\A:'\'1l TI '1F OF THF S I'AIiROW'S CAI.I.

    P'''l o fIhe ut'n i"noj {he ""und


    Pal'l -1'he dayQuarh-'

    l>"eetiun" sound

    S" 'tlh n \!

    I l l.

    L Yoo will gel honourfwn, the Govern OlenlII. Will ge t oppOrlU nil)for m r i m ~ n LYou may have am ~ e l i n g wilh ) ourfrie nd.You may ~ p e c ' l aheavy gain.

    L Beware of the oul h r e " or lire

    II. Yo u will have am pleprnl; ls.

    III. GoVefnOlenl will" P I " y

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    ParI "fI h day( ) " a l ~

    LJ irn ' Iill"of Ihe ,,,,,,,dSOUTh

    Pari "JIh" dayQua rlN

    Di""f/i,,,," f l h ~ . ' m m "Sou lh _" " , t

    I. You may have a l o ~ si( you le,,"\ 1> pm bling

    II You will have heavyga"".III , Yo" may ha,e amee ting Wi lh yo"rSon.IV. G" ' cenlllcn( willauu to yu"e ~ o m f o r l '

    Il ,,-ill a tl

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    O i\IE:-;S B-\S rI> UPON rue ' \ l : i \ : IS O F; O I . l H SI' ,\1I:1I:0W (CI/A TAAA OR SO ....A I

    1""."1II up"n a ho",e in tile J iagram.r hen rdcr to Ihe eorre' f" >Il ,h ng numher in IIl e1i,lIwjng l or ~ " , w c r s _ I I' il >I I' ,n thc rla,c.whKh h" , no numbcr. Illc rro,'c"" ,110 ,,1

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    ...... ..:' '-..

    PLEA SE SE E 1't 'I.:X T PAGE 101( A ," S H i NS

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    f . ~ S HASH > UPON BIRDS

    h i l i.. of ..\n , " ..rsSire II fl " ."I I 'lI,m I..:ala2. I'o,i va3, H!WWlII4. HlII'wl",, ;5. l.lh !l6. Rmh"m7, Sho,ikS, , t llia

    9. Po,a",10, Ishat!II. I'a"('/", ,,a,,12, Ni ,,,,,"(3 , RU"lrash;14 A,::" i

    R..sullnood Ludmil e ahead~ J a n/;er fwm enemyG , ~ > J lime 10 slar! ne ..... projectGooJ L udInam pi

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens



    Omens based upon Animals

    l" ln >

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    O >-H.NS B.SH l ' - ANI I, u I - '

    O \ f rNS BASH) U ' n n :M T I\ T IU:S (H' C \ I

    (Al a , p c i " "l. Ir d p a"on qd rtS Ihe jo" rney and the

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    II OMf::\S I:l....SEO LPn ,," Til l:MO\ iu.n.NTS l it" A 1'1 (;I , A pig (dome 'tic ) is a lway , good.2 If the pig is >o Ct or cove red wilh m ud. I t is " lOre

    "" ,'l>1cio" , . If. how,,"c r, Ihe mud is dried up. It isinauspicious.J . If a pen.on sec, a pig by hi, kfl side wllilcproceedi,,!! on a journey. he j , likely to a,'h iC" " hisobjective4. If a PC!"'Oll sec, a pig toward, hi, right , i,l e whil eentering a hou,e, a ,-illa!!c or a dly. he will havebcndit,

    III OVIf:NS RASF Il 1.JPO'" ru eF . ' \ " OF A J\.10 ,," Kf:YI. If a pc,,,m ,lart, on a JOUrllcy and sec, a m" nkey by

    hi, left sid c, It " good .2. If a pCN.l[] , Iarh on aju "",,, ]' and sec , a monkey attw,lighl he is li kely l

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    T h r o l , f , i ~ or the h"'lel Indicates lro uble, Meditali" n.h"" -ner, may brmg rchef 10 the wnccrned pcrson,7hmhhing of Ih" eighl Ihigh or a peNm md,cate, that

    ,,,meone i, ,Iandering h im 11\ absence. If lhe palpilationi ' in the 1'1' thigh he may gel weallh .ThmM inx of Ih,' " ghl restide indIca res regaln in!; " fthe I" , t th ing. _ If the palp itation is in Ihe leli te, tide . itpredicl, Ihe gaIn " I' a sOn. happine" or a plea,u,c -1inK of Ih" hig /(/( '. senmd lOe . "'iddl,' 10< '. 'ing10

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens



    Omens ba sed upon Sneezing

    Intr..d u l " AlTurding 10 ('d riO Signo",o. th e hi,turldn, theChristian c U ~ l u " , of "'ying '(,od hie" yo,, ' when

    ~ , , , , c I < . > < l ) ' ,ne"l.eS ' tarted in the 6th centu ry, whenG regry the G rea t was the I'upe a nd an eridem il' wason. In India , huwcvcr, Ihe l', ,,lum of "l1e"ng 'OM ' hvthe , necrcr and 'S hm n"", people uf almo,1 a1l1',ilh, Ihro ugho ul Iheworl d. 'I his gl loward., Ihe starting "fa part ieular aet ion. Sn eCl;ng in Ihe midd le. tha i is, arkrIbc ,tarting of an a

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    . '

    i i I I l O ~ U '~ 4 JO U " ' I . ' ~ l ' P p '''i1 J" "JO< "4 0 , IOUIIII .""Jr 101 UO!1"" "'II ,]"1< 1'1" "4 ' :>uo '''OJ'''' "u " ""u ' .11 ' f

    -1''''II'''1 "''U ''P"l'" "'II -", ,,,,,,1' r ,Vf) "41OW>"'\, 0 1" " 'I""l U,," 1''' 41 J" In" "'I ' J""1O ",,,"U h:>'p u" '1.\\ ' J,,{rJJ I ,>lIn " ,m 'H,>, { "'I.! I>llja!" 1" ",,'U "411!" _

    II! ," 1. '' 1' " 41 1"4' " ''''1'''01 "" 'II "' ''1''''''1 i!url""usJ'U" PIU" '1 11M ' '' ' 'H' ; ' ' ' 41 4" '," " ""Iwl .... '''I.L -H""" 4' un ilul lI ',J "1'4'" " """ , I') ' V "l(w q " 'uu'! "U I1""U ' 1" '11 1">. ' '!I' ' '1 '! 1) .,'m",,,;>!) " I -L-' { 0' l J," " I 1I!'I\ k ' 41 'PlfPi/"1 ",,,,,", ~ ' '

    0..'1\1 ~ ' l l . l pUE J ~ " " j l l " " . \ ' 1 ' O > ~ l ~ , . l U r " ~ ~ J " ," I .I ' IE'I1 , " ' pl"'1 ...." 'uorI"3 '9

    I ~ < RlR > ~ nO.\ J ' '1 IR"PR .I" lR., '1 lE-" no .\ IE'll ~ \ ' I " ' l W"""I""".) 'I!J0N ""no.\ lnoqr , ilu ,'l\ I'Eq " ! " R ' """""JO ' ' ' ' 'I_w

    ) [ In '',( J ' Ir 'll "'''' ),,'1 " J , ' n,m J/lm { ~ ' . 'r' u:1" prq R ' !,("uJ""f R "wp q ; > ! l , U Irql J ! " " ' , ) , ~ ' u 0 J ~ ' . f

    " 7 " ,("'11u" 'l'" ' l Ull 'l ' UJOp J

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    I I I I 'DU OMFl'S

    D ' vuw o r o:\t rNS K}:LA H :I> T OOIRH, IO ' \ A'\1l Tl :\UNG

    meeling wilb yo urfrienJ ,

    L Work w,1I be ob, tmctedII . There i, a danger.

    l I l. You will get fooJ .rv, You will hav e ameetin g wllh yourfrien d .

    Qu arter South '..."L You will Cam profitsII . Bewa re oflhieve, .

    I l l , You ma)' have 10proceed on a jou rney:V You w,ll have ,'om fOfl'

    !Qu arl..r W",l Qua rt.'r N" rlh "e , tl. There arc

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    Pari ofth,- dayQ ~ r ....

    J)i red io "f ""'e::i" /!.

    N,...lhPari "Ithe ,1m 'Q uarle r

    [), ref / io"of ""eai,,/!.

    : " . e a ~

    L You w,l! b, ," car a 10" of money.I I I. Yo u rn.ty have ""nc" Good(8 ) Snccfing al Ihe lime of entc ring 10'0a new hou,c Ba

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    ~ A r [ VI

    Augu rs rela ted to prominentcha racters in the Rnmnyana

    Valmik l " a name a, imporl.lrll as H" mer, Th emel r'" 'Inpo< ilion, in Ihe da"",al San,kri l a nd Ihe' lyle of Ind ian epic poelry owe Ihei r (llig in 10 him . 'Themalerial o f Ihe R"m l lyl1nl1, in i i' simple 'l f" 'm, Ihe,lo ry o f the ",,","ery of a r.wi ,hed hride ' , as Sisler"'i ,'edila op ines, 'i , nu l unllkc tha i of .1n1her grealepIC, Ihe f l i"d of Homer' ,O nce ona line rnllrm ng when L a Valm ikl was

    aboul I" en ter the live r f" r a b.l lh, 'I '" e'nanH...l tha tlwo f"nd herons I K,,,,,,,,.h.M il hUlI"J d i'1"orled on thebank and all o f a sudde n a pa" ing hu nle r 'h oI 'he malebird wh,d ' al " n,'e feU dead in a 1" '''') of blood, Thegr ief of Ihe female hem n wa' nal ura lly un falhomab le.Valm'k' " ncan wa, so deepl)' moved by il ' cr ie' Iha l hewas fo r..-cd 10 a rlie'urale h" e rn" li,," , in a ,I rc.lm ofme lncal compo' i li" n'. which, a t lhe command o fBrahma, re, ulk..,) in the bi rlh of Ihe line Fpic, IheRii", i imlli l .In d .l)" " f )'o re Ko, hala and Milhi la were Ihe Iwo010,1 powerfu l KIngdoms in Son n India, K,nJ:\ J)a,ha _

    ra ,na the falher of Rama ruk...l over Ihe Il)rmer andJanaka , Ihe falner of beau leo u, Sila reigned

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    lalll b'lr '" in wotlJ He 'enl 10 KingD",ha""h,, lhmrf , ' " r l ~ ~ O ycars_ Laxman" and Sila abo ",-.cumpanledRam" and ' ~ l I k f , > r _ ~ " m c lime a k l l in theLJ"nd"b f ~ , 1 . ~ " l ~ r b ~ his

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    74la't, lIha ra la rcfu seJ the Ihrone and t,ied [" pc,""uad cRama to re(um had. Rama d iu not agree amJ auvi""dIlharata In rule Ovcr Ks hala as h i, , 'iccroyA lie, p"" jng ovcr len yea rs in the Uandal a Iinc,t,Rama, under Ihe a

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    AI:O I-' RS RELA rFU ro r II f Rh . A "" A 75

    3 C h < ~ \ s o n "I' r II> n ~ m e s mmti"ned ,n t table"I' cha,,"'tc rs,

    4 If it i ' not I"" " bk ro rcmcmba the n a or h ch"'acte r. e any number b,'lween I to II> (b"thi n d u " , " ~ ) 5. c h r a ~ "r the number pid e d. 'hou ld bereferred I" its c",responding number in the chart " fh o, , " uI< umbhoko, . o "Vo r Indr .jil" " " "ury. Bh. . . ... lo rn. . '. S. ,.d.r , ro" ' ,hyee Ha"um Bh;lla Rn.".


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    H ,s I>L" O"ESS

    Cha rt "r ,.\"".. ....I. Y" " wd ll;el wealth.2, You, " orrie' " i i i e w -' Yo u ",- ill i e s u ~ ' 4 Yo " w,lI a e u ~ 5 , You a hkel y 10 g " e"lih6, You will ",nfavour ",, 'h G,wernmen(.7. Yo u, he""h " i ll k i " , a l ti , Y lOu "'ii i ha aII ,o 'h of gams,9 . You .. ,II ha ve pk" ,u ,e"10. You .. ,II quarrel .. ith ""m" h"dy,I I. You arc Ii k '0 uuda go a 1.,,, of money12. You 10',11 v all

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    Omens based upon theMystic Decalogue(Rahasya -c-Dashnka)l. , l e Chri.\lmm in (he Wesl, (he f ~ l , v a l of J)urga}"'.iais celeb rat ed with grea l ual and zest in Ind ,a. Coincid

    ing with the /la .,halla,,, whi"h , emind , us of lhe "icwryof Rama over Ra"a na or of good over Ihe evil,l l urgap"ja represenls the viclory of llurgJ , the godd es,of "alour and "i n ue ""er lhe demon s. the forces of"anity and vice,

    " ' ah ;"-h,,,,,ra, king of lhe demon" a, the Marl andeya "ur"na des,-ri hes . o n,'e defe a led Ihe god s in "'arand forced them (0 wander here a nd Ihere Oil e. . th a,beggars. Indra wilh olh er god, apprw d led LordV"hn " for hdr, The pa lhelic

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    of buffalol, (5) Jagaddhalri (the molher of lhe " orld ).(6 ) Kati (lhe Black O"dde"_, ,h o slew R"I-la" ljil l, 17)MuJ,;w"eshi (Wilh """ing bair>. IS) ItJrii (the ,aviour).(9 ) CI,hi,m"m,w"kfJ (headle,,) a nd (10) j"g"J/i,w,i(golde n coloured )People of Ben!!a l wor, hip Dur!!a !!enerally in herform of Kal L The wO"hi ppers of Durga are generallyknown a, SI"' /.;I"" in ~ m a , to Ihe devo tee., of Vi, hnu

    and Shiya, who are termed a, I ~ " i s l m " w " and Sh" ikHre, pel'livelyG.. n ~ a Obw"'3li"n 'Th" q u , " ( \ ~ e and th,' prie'l (o r a friend) 'hou ld paylhelr re ,peet to goddess Durga,S tep,L The questioner may read the tahle of ' I/ou,e,' ofProblem' in S e ~ 1 i o I co rresponding to h i' que'lion .Alle rnal ively. he may seleet al random any nu mberout of I 10 40 (blHh ind u, i,'e).2 Then he may con sul! the table of pred iclors underlhat problem io Section II. l ie may at th i,. ' lagerepea t l he following my' lic .\I" m " , ,even time,concenlratinl\ on Godde" Dmga and praymg forhe r G ra.-e:'OM KR I1iG S HRING S ATU M VAllA S VA 1104 '(L"t th e GodJe" of power pronounce a Itue COmmandmenl to " , lve my problem )The real'lcr. he may pi" k up at r" ndo m, any on e oflhe len preJ Lcto".l The posili" n "I ' lhe pred ictor may be nOled and theanswer should be fo u"d al lhe ,amc number '" lhelable of I'rooil'l i" n, m Se,:tion II I und er the Ilameoflhal pred icto r. (In Section Il l. the pred'cw" ha ,ebee n a "" nged under Roman " Iph"belical otd er. I

    ( ;" n..ra l O b s ~ n a t I. Su pp,"e lh e q oeslion relate, to 'apprehension from" 'm ebody' ta l 5 in lhe Hou,.." of the I'roblem,.o r ' ' ' ppo, e lhe quest ioner p i

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    ,, 'S t)!.; " ",ENS2, Alier repeating the my" ie Mum" , , even time ' . if the'1ucstioner toul'hes in Section I I in the table under

    Prob lem S o. 5, say the> ligure 8, it means, hi,nOm,nee in th" ,'o uncil of l' red,ew " is Atr; Kish i.3, ."-tri k ishI's anSWeTwIll be found at num ber 8 In Itiste n eommandmenls, his po,ition In tlte ProblemHouse No, 5 beln!!at So. K4, Hence the reply will read 'Th ere t, no cause foralarm. Do not worry' ,5. lIe fore venturing on 'he opera tion of the numericJcw lu!:uc. they ,hould utter- 'Na",,, D" '--gayu i '(salutations to godd e" Dur!!3 j ten time, with foldedha nd" bowin g head reveren tially and witlt complete,'onn>ntration of milid.Th" my,tie decalogue ,'om;st ' of 40 houses ofprohlem,. F-"elt house ha, its own council of 10pred ictors. F-"elt pred ictor has tlte authori ty to prono _unce 10 comman dments , The cou IIc'illo" of all 'hom,,'

    are not the , a",e ind ividua ls, hu t moq of ,he member

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    [ . ' III deh neali ng the ,'" nc'cpt and 1'''>Cc" o r piay rngd icc C < ' t t , , \1 y

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    "'}:Cl IO ' I

    , ' ....dhnJ!. I i " ,..: .n l ' l!>I an ide2 l " . e ,. H,..:. ""3 Sel'\ , ~ ' C " I'rie 'khh,p 'I.,.h ,;ne " Callies t\ r prehen" " n 2 ' . C" min!! b...d fw m, Imr , i",mmenl l" u,.,. I t"""" '" Bu.,;ne"e A n i l zv S" ,..i,,!! 'be Sent , . G"",hli"g '" I i111l1!!tu r "'pl,,}"n ,en I 31. l)u,IItd".Pl....i ng " f "t>jeCI' J2. I hd )u 1\ !fa, , , JJ r " ,ei! " r" u,u 1I,, ' ' ' '...ng " Hunlln,... Vehk k JS. ,' rn , . l ,,' ne.. l)" ' ta rriage ...cdd ed ... ife" !' . Igrim. ge " I'' '.!'' .....I f'" mar -" t :.JuclIIi' >11 nage" J" urnt ) ".o\m lTM " ; ' } ".. I ~ " } ' eN om20. I ,fe I'. nnc , " l I n a . -il ltge2' Au,ho. .. ) 0' Po;,t .,[ ,a.J, lit>n "I"22. We. lth .I,...,...:

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    h il" , ,a , m Vcn ll, Pulaqya K i, h i 7. K illg Shall.a hanax King Venu " Angi ra Ki, h iv "Hlg Shal;""h""" , King IlhagiralbaW Angira H"h, 10. Al r i Hi 'h ,2. He-id.'".'e ,. \ l ,'C1idncL Ki"g Chan drodaya L K,ng l la ri.,hchantlraa. Sahade"a a V ,,,,,!h,, K IShi3 K,n",l l ari , hchandra 3 K umar R" h, la",,, Va,i,lha R" h, , I'u la, l} " lI:" h,, Kumar fl. " h ;t" " ,," 5 KingVenn6. PUla ' I) . R" h, 6. King Shalivahana7. King Ven n 7. A "Il"a R" hi6 KIng Shal;"ahana < Klog li il'lgir,, 'ha, llnglr" R ISh i " \ l f i Ki ,hiro. K'ng a l ro S.h" Cha nJ ra

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    0 " "''' HASU> UPO'i 1 11 10 " Y H I{ ' IlI CA lo" n 83

    1 Va ,i,l lt" Kt-Itl2 Kun", r K" lt l1aw a3. l' ula ' l}a K" I"4 J I Ven"5, KlIll; Slta hvahana6, . ' \ n i r Kt-hit . Kinl1 ll hagira lha1\ . Ai" K"h i9 . Sh " K,,," C halldra10 , Sh ri Va,,,,.k v;'6. 1"'1'

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    " u t x r u "'I n;,I I . " d , , ~ "rOllj" ,-ts 1 . VehicleJi la Vanara1O. I ~ to I" ila Vanara

    12. :\li1i ta rl AlJa irs 15. Ma rr,a\:eI. Aln R;,hi I. Lasmana Jmi2. Shr; Ram Chandra 2. King Y,,

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    O \1f NS 8"S EIl UPO", l i tE ' lnn r ' ' ( ) L

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    "' H1N l>U ~ N "- Ln, t Art;d" u . CaWel. Ni la Vanara , I lanuman2 Angada 2. Kjng Vali3. IIh i,hma J . Kmg Ravana, lI aouma n , Agustya Mum5. King Val; 5 Ap sty" Mn n;, King Ra va" " 8 K iog Sagarar Cal l1r);nna r The !" pall r"e, Aga'tya Mn,,, , King ~ a h u , h a, King SaF ra , Chi, ranpoJ"10, The Pipal Tree tn. Sa ha"a,)"naZ4. l l i...." ...' 2J. "'" " il ll: ba

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    O M E ! ' ~ OA,H> LPON TH E >ln r J

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    "" HINDU () .. : s as. \ ,ri oal " fWjf" r r etod" m, S" ha" a rjuna I. Vi,hv anll lra2. h , , Ka rt ik " Ri ' h iI. Shr; Bhag" va na I.. Kumar o i , 9 King Ha r;., hd" ,nd ", 9 l'u la' (F K"h i10 Va, i" ha R i 'h i 10, K,ng Vc" "

    .17. ,\ " i " , , ~ i r.\ " .tradkaf'on o r I ) s ' I. S hri . 1 h a c , Sh ringi Ri, h '2. i h , a l l l i t r 2 Ri, t"J . i 3. King Ch an J ",J 'lya4 Sh" ngi Ri, h i , S h ri I h d J 5. M.,id " Ri ,h i 5 Kin/! J la " ' hc'hdnJ r ., King Ch an J ",J,,)'" " Va" ' lha Ris h i7. Sh ri ll haga , a na 7. Kumar R" h ,la , va" King tl,,, i 'h ,hanJ ,,, x I' u la, tya Ri,h i9 Va ,i,l ha R" h , 9 Ki nl.' Vcnu'" Kumar R" hi ld sva W. Kln!; Sh ali 'ah ana

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    "' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'S "AS ,.,U u-ov TIlE v vsnc llf CA!.OO UE 89SLCT IO '>; I I I

    'I I:::" _ror .n ( 0 :\1\1.\'>;1)\1 [ !\TS ( I f 'I li t'\ I I::\ IIlF RS OF nIl ': CO c.' ( I t OF I' RHlICTO RSIWI .OM;I"' ; I U I U l I ! l l t:SFS o r P RO IU .r::i\IS

    OF TH E\ 1\ S l IC IlH :AI.( )( ;t ' [ (RA IIA S Y,f IHS fH KA )

    l : ' Mu"iI Farm will gel sco " hed .2 Sow Ihe 'eesl s. lhi , will yielJ good COm .3. BUMne" will ",Iieve you of your worr ies.4 A Journey " bwad will pmvide )0" ,,-,lh amplebendilS .5. JlU} callie Thq willp",ve l'>eneflcial lO )'ou .6, Frlend,h'p I'>elween YOll and yo ur friend will gww'lronger day-by -day7, The pa tie nt " 'ill feUlVe r. do nol worr}.X 1.,"1 article will I'>e surely round9 You will gel "lOne)'. You will have ample 'lving

    10 The ruler will get I'>ac k I", ,,-a l of aUlhomyimmed ialel) ,n " d T l'>e d"ea,e " nm go'ng 10 be efadic"led wilhoulserious etf"rl' "nd la ' !e illve'!menl2 f be 10, 1article will be found . bur ,-ou will have 10Inake a lhorough search for Iha1.J You W,II gel weallh. You will enjoy life.4, The king wlll get bad his K ingdom w'lh Ihesuppurt of hi, foliowe" a nd friend,5, Ma rriage will prov ide sou wilh , n ual plea ,ure Inthe earl ier ' lage,. bu t lale r on Y'0 u will have h, see kdivolee,b. You will be bleS'ed wllh progen y, 1) nOI worry.

    7, You will go n a journey. bul Ihere wol l be " ,medelay in your relUen joa rn ey.8, YOUI son will ' Iud) . hut he IS hkel)' 10 becomeo l'>., lina le

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    I l lSI>U " . ' l ~

    \I . You wili g" nn a pilgrimage a nd relurn badimmed ialdy .10. Yo ur Ilu,mess will run for " ,me tim t', bu l ultima le _ly 'I ,s likely to colla p"'.

    , ... RhhiI , , e wIll p" "' ,J e you " illl si/.abk amount 01money,2. LJo no t partielpatc '" gamblmg. y o w,l! losc.3. You will gel riJ of yuur " orne,. b ut 'Ilerc is someJ day4 Th e for t wi ll bc broten and ,he o" ner of Ihe fortwill be ea p'ureJ.5. The cap live " 'illbe relea,ed . bul afler " ,me lime,6. Be ,a refu t there i, a cause for ala rm7. The drug ,n you r I"" ,e",on " no t ell""lIve Ha, 'e

    "" melhing cise.8, 'Sc" "ce' w,lI provide ~ wilh a lillie l < ~ 9, Do not li" e in this place. l.eave il ,,'ilhin twentyfour hou l'S.10. Thi, place "i ll nol proviJe you " 'Ilh a n ' l h i n g .

    Atj lll1"I A, a rc,ull of your pilgrimagc 10 rdig"' u, cenlrc,.you w,ll alIain a II sorls of a"hic" em el1t' ,2 You w,lI st udy wlIh devo';"n .3 Make a pilgrimae to relig iou, placc, Yo u , ,'ill~ o m e back soon4. Your hu,i ncss "' ill run safdy .5, You w;1I ,,>on gel ,he Jdivery o f liquor. II will be, ,,1.1 and you will gct ample proli t.

    (>, B" n ow mo"ey. l t " 'ill be relumcJ before long.7, T he nee t of hoah " "II arrive safely.8. I'Ul lhe tlull!:, in the J e,ireJ place.9, 'Scrvice '" il! not bri ng you complete slU i, faeti"" .10, Gamhlc. You w,lI ...in

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    O ~ N ~ lWON HIE "YSTlI lJ I 'A I.O(;lJ l 91

    At"'; R ~ h I , The Iket i ' nOl comi ng. It i, de l"i ned, SpcnJ,ome th ing.2, L" ying of lh e foulld" lion , lone will prove au ' p ic,,, u, .

    J. 'Ser"ice ' will pro,-iJe )OUwilh a hll ie m"ne)'.4 If y" " !,!a mhle. your gain anJ I"" w,lI he ell"A I,5, You wlil gel rid of Anxiely heiore Jong(), Fo rI wlil he ,aptllred . hUI Ihe inha hi lan l ' w,1l

    e,eape,7. The nmlinemen t willn o l end 'honl)'.8. There is no , all ,e of a larm . D" nol worry.9. Take Ih" meJ ici ne. It will , raJ'"'a le you r J "ea", .10. 'Se r" i,,e ' w-ill pro"ide )'OU wilh a Iin le mon 9 .IShri ) I l h a a l I , Se,,-i.;e is henehd a l for yo u2, Live III ,h i, pla.;e. It is !,!ood for you , Do not !,!Oanywhe re e1",.J , Li,-e in ,hi , pla.;e. You will have p ro'pe rit)',

    4 You w, ll gel rid " f lh " d itlk llity. Do nOI "orry.5 The "illage w,1I have great fenilil)'11 lIondage w, lI .;ease he!o re long7, Your 01'1'0o en" are ho uod 10 lo,e gr"uoJ8 G el YOIlr;e1fmarried. YOII will have a n,';e wife9 IIrill!,! your wife to )'o"r home, YOll w,lI h""e olC'elime

    10. Il llnling will pr"vide )'011 wllh a hig pr ey ,(Kin lo:) llIla l:i ral haI , l ay the f'H,nda lio n , lone of yoll r hou'e Th e lime i,

    a ll'plC"O"',2 Se rve. )' 011 will have proHt'3 Do no l ind llige in gam hl ing. yOIl will 1:. .110 wio4. YOII wlil ge t rid of)'our anxiety 'hon ly.5. l 'he li'Tt w,1l he captured . hill Ihe owner or Ihe lim

    will ew-pe6. ("on tinemen l w,lI end ,oon, Somehody will mediate.7. Do no t wor ry, ther e i ' no ,'au,e of alarm ,8. T h is med icine w,l1 ha ve its e lT""l.

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    O E ~ Il" SED l I ~ ) ~ l llE MYSTIC l 'tl ~ ! . O ( a ; 932, u to h e m this r 1a(e. )tlU will have rea(eofm,nd and r " " r ~ r i [

    3 nonol wurry, You will < l v ~ r o e Ihi, ('alami Iy.4 The village m pmvid e you w,th greal j"y5. B,mdage will end ,oon.6. Allill"" ily will lead 10 s r i " lr" uhle and wn'la ntquarrel.

    7. G et yo"rself marrie

    enj"y life.Ch ilrallgadaI. r.o fm h llllling. You are like ly '0 k ill a big ani mal2, Yo u r journey a b road will provide )'tl U wilh'ullkient benelil.'

    J. tlUwill gel ba, 'k a li l he q olen a n leles.4 Qua rrel ,,ill nol ga in for )'tlll anylhmg,5 , Fa rm ing, even if yielding a Iitlle , WIll pm"e able" ing II, l'Oll.

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    6. Sow the seeds. You w,ll ha"e a j;ood n or .7. Do nOI enl er InlO bu.,ines,. 11 is n01 bendic-ial 10

    you .S. Yo" will reru-n from abroad wilh adequale wealth.fluy a "Ow. It w,lI remain wilh you fora Shorl lime.10. Yo ur frie ndshir will !!row SIr"nger day_hy _day.

    IIanumanI Iluy a quadruped.2. He i, nol your Slead fa>l friend . I'rien dsh ip will, himw,lI nOlla 'l lon g.

    ). I'al ien l will rem ver before long.4 . Lo" ohject will he found . Sea r.S Whatson cr you do. you will nOI have progeny.9. Yoo w,lI go on a jou rney. You will have benefits.10 The hoy w,lI nol 'Iudy in ' :, ' Ie of your greal efforts.(Ki"!:) llarishd u",dral. lI a, 'e Ih" drug. You will he "u rc

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    2 , Confinemen l will end , hortly.J, Animo Si ty will renmm fo r a ,I ,, " t time hu t friend sh ip w,1l haw lnn g duratio n

    4 . "t arry, you r wife will he a n ,ee and eharm,nl\ laJy.5. Bring yo ur wIfe 10 y" 'ur home , " 'n wol l ha "c , es ua ip leasu re and enJoy life .6 j} , no , 1\0 on for h u n ~ , ! ' Yad Ihe slolen th ,ngs. whateveryo" may do ,

    6. Do no t q u ~ r r e l . you " i ll nOI win .7. Do not go in f", farming. It 1',,1 1he a fruille" d To llII Do "01 "'I" Ihis " ,cd It will nnl grow9 Go In ror hu,ine,-,. h ul he ,,'a re "fyo", partner.10 The per",n gone ab road " ,ill re lurn!'>ad HUI it will

    ta lc a long lime , The rumours of hlS ea rly reI ur na re fahe.

    IJlsn,au" Ja tiY" " r bm in e. . will run nn ,,,unJ lines.

    2. H e sh ip will a rrive. f irsl you will haw a I"" hUI[aler on you will hav e profit.

    3, Lend m

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    Omens based upon Shivastaka(Mystic Octave of Lord Shiva)Inlrod ",torJ .A mcl carv ing at I:lephanla nca r l:I " mbay is one ofIhe many amhenl ic evidences. ",h ",h prove that (hcHindu c"n"cpli"n of (he TRI.N/1T, ",nn['",,1 ofHrahma thc Creal o r. Vi,hnu thc Prc' crvcr anj Sh iva

    the D"" a "ycr is "I' a r e anti'lu ity. A' (he Jl indusbel ,cve I I I rcbin h Ihc God "I ' de,lIuc tion i' al'"conside red au'piclOu , (S hiva ) ,in"e endJng of one lifeInvariahly bnrl! ' aboul a nc ..... one He, ides Ih lS , LordSh,va IS. hy' virl\Jc of hi, nalurc . "C l} l ind W Ihc needypc"ple and ca 'il y amcnahle 10 hIS , in,"erc dcv" 'ec ' . Hei, ;.aiJ t" be the propo under of a number "f ""ien,cs.ar ts anJ dancc' indllJing Ihe onc that is l no",n a,l 'bnd(l>'

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    109th ree eyes. r bough marm-u, he k ad, the lire or a na, eel;" .

    1lil ll",y ()y,i" , med ila le upon Ihe e 'gh t IOlU , , hapcdganglion , 'n lll 'n ,heir 1>J ,c , a nd the , "rl o rd Sh'n " ,Ihin ,hc b(>Jy of e 'wy hum" n hCl ng.Shiva 'S , Ihu,. con ne hencli"i,t1 10"'ou., It " nO l l.'"oJ 10 live ,n lhj, , - l l g or " alC. Do nolh e in ,I

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    110 HI " DU n Mf " s3. You ,,, II gel rid "f th"di 'ea,,, Ila ppiness awail,'ill carn mo ney.2 :-10 bc nclit is p""ihk in the cull;.'at;"n or lanJ

    Do not

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    CI.." PHR IX

    Omens based upon Gnrga 'sanalysis of Playing of Dice byRadha and Krishna' "trod"... " r )'

    ' A thing or b ~ a " t y is a JOy ror n ~ rha t is why,Radha, h I e l \ ~ n d a r maiden who IS Invariahly a",, ,'iated wllh the name or Lord K rishna, has heen as " u r c or " to the saJ;e, . a matter or in' pirah" " toI d n o t ~ ~ s " r l i l l ~ arts a nd a f u n t , , , n h ~ a d orgla m" ur in h ~ r o l k l o r ~ and h t r a r " r Indi" .Rad ha and Krish na, as the sl'iritualis" b l i e v e . weret h incarna tions "r h (Sha kti ) "r the Lord andthe I.ord himselL Even so Radha has n"t r"und r ~

    e n at the hands of eJasskal San'hit writers ofInd Ia . She is d ~ r i c t e d as a prominen l h e , o r friend"r Krishna durin g his b

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    oMt:NS I I , \SU' l ' I 'ON P[ AVIISO O f [>10: 123

    ""illed in [he alljoining tran , known a, Vraja. Gululaanrll to he r the sla tu,; of a legi(lma(e w;fe ofKrishna /'hI> ",ri"", amb iguity hmh a sy"'palheli, '",1 uti"" ;n (ill ry;a."m,hi /u. (he illu, (",,,,, work I>y "c ha rya (J a ,!:,a. where in he "ale, tha i Kad ha wa, :hetcguimatc "i1"c of Lord Kri,hna !'eoplc ;n ' " "m undMa th"", have acecpred tili, verd ict and ,r ill 1>"ldA ~ h a r ) ' Garga anll hi, Su",IIitu in Ihe highesl e,teCIll.

    ' l Analy,i, of Ill

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    124y of art'. crafts. gam cs. etc. l Ie wa, famom for hi,c c r interpretations of the nanoral eve nt, . In h i>, hort ~ a ~ s e - G " ' g J

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    "" ' : - ;S R"'U> C PO", PLAnNe, 01 DICE 125

    ' ~ O" '>l'n aliunsL ~ l a , , , b ~ . r e piece or w ( ~ ) d . me lal orrl"qlC, Marl mystic ,ligi l< J. 2. J an114 On II> fo u r side'Th" '' ' lile d ice Ihrice. NOle down Ihe n,"mbe r exhl";led" 'I rhe " ppe r lil,'e ,me by one rill a ,er of rhree digi" i,t

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    "'oney. II i., la.,1 will he cumpleted, He will add 10 theeomforl' of others. l ie may 'ee e1 ephams in hi, dreams1.2.2 = K a n (PllIp;li"u, )It ind ica tes Ihat the ques tioner ;s gOl ng 10 havemoncy, properl)'. famc anJ honou r. He will ,ee hi,separated frienJ or relal ion within a momh. His day's ofd'llk "l ly arc over. The a "-,p;cio ,,., per iod has hegun, Allhis e ffo rl' will he ({owned wilh success.1.23 = ' ,Ia" " ram (Plca", ,,tj[( indical"s thaI the q"e,lioner\ wor1 will he accum _plishcd . his famil)' wdl p""per, lie will have a mee lingwith hIS w,fe, li e wd! gel money. He will a l" , meel afriend who i , scpara,ed from him fora long lim" .1.2.4 _ Bhadra I " k ~ Illsredicts lhal your brolher w,ll mee l you very ,oonIn Ihe,e a you se" ,n d ream ' yo'" brolher an d Ihepeop le hd onging to thc ruhng class,

    I .3.1 _ Shuhha (Furtunate)It indka le ' ,hal yo", fr;cod will ".on relurn fenm theI' ' 'eign CO llntry. YOII will acq llire money. properlY,grain. clC . an d also gel back your 10,1 artide. Now

    a day' you generally , ee mOil ntain' In your dr"",""1.1.2 = S hanl; f I'eaee lIt 'ndi ca t'" thaI lhe plan y'o" have dra wn ,n you rmind wd l he accomplished hefore long, Yo u genera llysec you r w,fe m dream, Discard lhe worr ie, from YOllr

    mi"d Yo ur d esires will he fulfilled13 _ = Malllhana (Agilali" n)It md ica res lha t you will have to face a 10" of wea hhand fall ill The sources of yo" r income arc likely to beblockedU .4 - \ - ' i j ' (Viet" ry)It indi"ates Iha l yOIl will win vlC lmy over >'ollr" pponenls, Yo ur mi" 'ppr ehensions ab""l the mo" es ofIhe governmen!, mlll i, te" . etc. wdl be a llayed.

    I .4.1 = A..." a"il..a f (:,n lll'l" li" " IIl ind i"at es lhal >'0 '" work w,lI he ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I11 I'I"hedlhruugh ",rio"s e1TOll. You will b

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    128 IIISDUOMH,S~ O n InC seven tn day from I,>da y yo u will see

    Ihe res ul! o f )'our aCllon"1.4.2 ,., Sn'plIlt i (Wea lth )11 ind icate , thai you r wi,he ' regard'ng wealln . c tops,

    elc. w;1I he ful fi lled. Yo u r , Iar, are brigh t. Your anxlelya imu l your re lal im, s wili lle as suaged . Yo u will gelllackIhe , to len a rticle and Ine (joVetlllnenl a l,,-, is hk ely 10give )'ou mo ney. You see fi ghting in dreams. All yourde,ire, willlle fu!tilled ,104 .3 '" "' nuk ula (Fa>'ourallle)It predic!> Ihal you will ge l the de,ired Olljttl . within

    a few days. You will ge l rid of vou r a n ~ i e i " Youvi"ual "e you r vil lage ,n Ihe d ream" All your de ,ire, aTegoing to be fu!tilled1.4.4 _ Ya

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    OMENS U ~ ~ l L'P

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    130 HJ " u l.' 0 . . ...."Your efforts will be t > n wh"has gone abmad . T he pe r" ln

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    O M E ~ > B ~ > E I I l ' r O ~ r l ,AYl o,;O OF ]}WE 131COmr" r1 ' 111 y'' '' ' lire. You will reah ' e Ihe de ,ireJ"hJcc'l ivc, . II " e l th.u in )'"" r d ream' y" u ma) ,ee" ,me r er" I11 ' beari nJ:! lib Ll "n their r"rehead.] .1. 1 _ Vj,h a ' a (h ilh)II ",d,cale, that Y" " a re w"rr ied ab"ul a piecc "rland" nd m"ney '1" " 1 will !:let rid "I" y" ur an,ie ly ~ c , ,,me lime Wor,hil' ) " "r fam il) g" dde" (Cha nd ika)

    wh,,'e grace can ,,,, I) pr, >Vide ) " " with h" pp ine" amIc"mr"'t" In )"" r d r e ~ y,' u 'e e m"umain ,.J .1.2 ~ i r a m ( l e a h hIt 'ndicale, ,b.n ) 'Ol l f wi, hc ' w,ll he r" llilled Y,," will~ , 'Imrie weulth, Y" ur n"nrty will I' ro'rer , YO II\00 ,11ge t rid 01") ," " e e > W,, ,, I,,p your ram ily deil) .Yo" " ,II ,ee c1epha nl>in your dreum'.J .J-' = , . l " , , , )It 1I1dica'e, Ihal your de,i re ror nw ney " ,II " ' have ll1cm.

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    132 HI NDU OMl NS3.2 3 : Mitra (Fr i""d)11 ind icate , tha t ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' > n w,[1be ful fIlled. You willget rid "f )'our W"rrle" YO" will feel happ) , Vourenemie, will he de'lroyed, Yo" wtll h,, , e a e e l l " ~wlln yo"r friend" ])" n't " orry """ut anylhlng3.2.-1 " , (All ",,11 ..1::"i", )II indie.lte, Ihat V"U Will ha,'e all_ro und prog re",Your fa rm will prod uce ample f,,,,d _grain,, ' vou ha"e ,k",ired Ii' ,,",",-ompli,h will he delinllel)'

    'X)1llpkleJ Y ,1Ur """e l) ,, 'ill he over.kl. 1 _ I' " ja (W"",llil'l

    It ind le'al '> rh.u )'0 " are " nxiuu, aboul m" ne) . r,Ullll)anJ wea llh Y" ur wealth will Inn ea ,e da) - hy-day,Yo" r r"'HII) g"dJess wlil help you 11 \ )""" .. rrons,\\'o" hll' y,'" r "'m il)' i It i, lIkely Ih"l 111 Ihed rea m, )OU may , ee " while mw wilh or withou l " ,-alf..13.2 _ s.."lii.pa C, ".. , a",'" ,It ind"'a l"' 11",1 your a w,11 p"we to be ,1s" urce or com lanl a l l " ~ , , , , e I" ~ u Y" m de.,ire" w,11no l he fllllilleJ Do ,omelhing ebe, ,n i ~ ) "U "" IIachieve , u(:ce" , Yo" w,1i , ..e your relal,ve, '" 'hedream, ..1 ..\3 '\ 1"" " '-alll" " """t ifoll >It ; l1dica le, Ihal yur desire, will he r" lf,lled, You, h" uIJ nO I WOrr", y" Uw, II "el rid of vour !rou ble,. . ._L l .-l _ 1\-1,,1i" " . - , , , " , II i" di

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    3 .4,2 _ S a " , ~ d a " ( J{ cc" " ci lia lirmjIt i n d l ~ a t e , that you will have rewnr1' . Yo u, dC";1fe, will he fultillcd hcf"'c

    I" ng" .l .l - A.'"", ra (OPJH"nmily)It n a t tha t you will gcl 'he de' ired o h j ~ c l . Youare w" ,ried ah"u t ","ney. You will gell!. You will al>havc a mcc ling Wilh y"ur rdatives, The,e are cham'e 'fo r you I" !\O ah road Y"u will w,n vicl

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    'J< I I ~ J O" l "S. . , I 1 , , ~ p (;""c.. jIt ind ica te, lha! }OU will aeh ,eve , ueee" ", jth thegra ce of you r famil y deities . You a re an" " ", for your

    rd al ive_He will come 10 you ",i lhin a month, You willenjoy " , und hea lth. You w,lI be free from me" lidworn e, . You will ge t 'U l....." in yo ur lield o f ac t;v, tje,.4 .2.1 _ Sa.'adh"n" (O" ' li"n)

    II In ree vea l" " ill be enmne , Vou r ctk""will he crowned wilh s"cce", . Your relatiws who have

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    llMH,S H>SED UJ'{)!< I'LA I"'G " I>ICE 13 5go ne ahroad wi II \rpri, ...)

    Il mdicak , lha t ),ou will ha _e to make con,tan l and, e"," " e ffi>rts 10 a( hieve ,, "Xe'-' in your d a r y "" should no t lhin l of gelling " 'meone' s wea loh.In, lead tr)' to ear n ", ,,n C) ,h ro ugh your own elf" ' t' .

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    U ti H1NJ.>l' O "l t:NS

    4A .4 '" i " I l u , ~ It " ...hcatcs that yo" are wurric


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    I'ART"0 \1 ENS 11,\ SEf) ueo-,Tli E 1IIRO\ \ 'I'G (H

    [)IU:: Co:'HA I '\ ING TIn: cus ' nc SH l.ABI ,. S,' a' ' t>' 'd ' an d '.\" ,

    I I I a+a + a : i ~ a Cud i, lhe "uly h,'pe I,'r mu. You have "H"l"ene mies. hill yo" will ove rp"wer lben] and acw mp l"h

    V la l""" ro 11 ,,; 'Iar;. ll..l unt rdy upon cne yo" rfrie nds are really ylI r enem,cs, But yo" are aware orlhis. lI a, 'e pali en(c . i \ " umh

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    '" H , ,,U O ,W"S(6) a +h +b : !:Iac, ba . ahan"Y" n will come aerm, Iwo j!cntlcmcn They will tellyo" ".'Ille good th i,,!!,. Yon will feci hapr )'_ Do notworry. 'lb erc is ,o rne del ay. hllt the work will he , urclymmp lclcd.(7 ) a + b+d ' , \bh ""haI. on my own pan . have a doub t aho" t your'nita!>i lity 10 perform Ihi, work. It is ditlicult for you toacc"IIlpli,h th i, ta, k, Do m'( "Ilow yourself l

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    warJ off the impeJ" ne lll' . II' yo" wi,h to "im n'lalll ,m,'rc' l(LlI a ~ ' a ( i l h h Y""r w " r ~ is '1 '''''' d olJ i,;ull You cann,,1 J(\ Jl singk _nanJ ",1, '1' n, ,,. e, er, y' >[ ' 1' ra"" ly nl,-"nhers unJ fri"nd,eXiend Illci l' c - " l " l it i, likely 10 be acwmpli

    ,h eJ M" 'le r Ih,' ir ' " pp" rtI " i r '1'"" arc " ," ,;e pn"lIl. y"" " " " Id a""""'p l"h y'" " rwork, if y" " mcnJ yu ur waY" .... iNI of al L Ihere i, Y''"T,,,, n Ii I'c. Ta ke c re of yo"r inler"," . lla"e r." Ih in y"ul

    c a p ~ c l l Y Th ere j , an iJllernal ,," nd " ithll' y"u r minJ.hee J I " ' " v"ice . '1'"" are " ,rely g"i n/( I" c"mpkle

    Ihe workI ~ a + , ' + d : ll rahmaThe "hjed ivc " " ned at i, bey,,, ,,J y"ur ca puc'ly 11 "" " I'

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    '''''(2) 1> + 8+ b: ( ;irhh a

    You " ' started a hu[!c work. Your enem'e,' will hebrought '0 h , ~ , k " lake e ffi >rt'_ bUI you will ha, e torepen' . [( j , belle, ' ha l you , hould d" something crse.I'hi, is no' .' "",nh . while work.

    (3 ) h + a +d : k apa rdiBe cMeful. Work wi th" deci, j"e mind Do IIO!

    slade n your d r" rh ,Vid0'Y w,lI he y" Uf

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    (1ll1 " hll la,aYOUf pfl'Jec l IS ,!ui,c d,tficuh , You arc a talenlcdpC"" _ ' , A' present JOu, S l ~ " arc had l'h rc i" " mol.'On ,h e hd ly " f yo or ",'ik( 11 ) 1:> + 11 + 11 : SlIalllhhuYou havc laken a ,ed ious ta.k in , our hand , bk e

    help fm m lr uSl .....on hy f" cl1

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    142 mxnu OME" S(16) b + ) + ) : I' a, bupat;Yo u a rc " ' a di lemma You arc Iindlllg II quite

    di lli"ull 10 dcriJ e a, 10 wbctbcr to go fm rn or , tay inyo ur own pla ..e. Worsh ip your fami ly dei tv, You willlake rigbl auion,

    ( I I d + a + a, I ' ii", " llYo u arc doublf,,j " bo"l tbc ' ''''Cc' ' or lhl ' work. l"owca ' l a,ide your J "ubt. Have palience. You will ' " .."ced.

    t 2) d + ,, + I> : Ap".n;;Your bad day, arc over YOlLr ' lars arc brigbt. Yo uwill have a meeling wilb your friend, Ha" e palien

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    '" HI!'il>U O" l '< '(1-1) d + + b: " ~ A number of pcplc "PP" ' c Y'Ou in your endea"" " r ,

    D" "ot m ~ ha"e, Do ,,1 Im ' l you r " pl" )Jlcnt, Youwill alla;n ' ' ' U r obj ""I iYe. bu t aftc r ,,,me dclay~ ' l \ ) " a n

    You ;mend ro go ou t You r staf' arc bright. You ureIikdl' to bave m"",,)' and a son You may bave to face">Ille lroublc. but do om """ry . You will ach icve von..o bj \>

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    O\tENS lIASED l 'PON PLA ytNGO. [)lCE 14.,(5) , -+ b+a : A,ra>-afll

    Your mInd is wavering. Ind ed sion i, lhe root of .lourtrouhle. Do no t heed 10 Ihe adv,,'c of an,one. t ea , 'eIhi, habi t I-Iavc pat icncc. You will reali"c ,our objcc' It ,-c .(6 ) I' + h+ h: Nairifa

    Yo" r J e , H eS will he fulfilled . Do nol wo rryRememher .lo ur l " a m i deily. People are a l,o in ~ o u rfa"ou r. Yo"r sra f \ are hrighI.(7 ) y+ h + d: Varu.. a

    Yo"r proJC"1 j , 100 b ig , You have a number ofenem,e, a, well a, fnends, Yuu will sueee..Cl . hUI lheprogress wd] la ke a long lime .(MI .I' + h + .f : RlI>iYour enemie, are go ing to he k,lieJ , Yo" wdl gel

    money . a gooJ wife and a nice ,, '" Ik happy. God w,lIhelp vov .(\l) Rudhll

    !'he t,, , l takcn in hand by yuu is quue dillie'u lt Vuurmind is u,,"ea dy, O nc person is 1>

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    '" H OMENS(I l ) y+ d +y : KubraVour mind is ! idle . A dou l>l create he sleady in yur mind . Worship you r lamilydeily . YOti will Jchie,'" )'our ohjeclive(16 ) y+ y+ y: IndraThe proj ect \a leo in haoJ hy you will be accom

    p l ~ b e d , You ~ h o u I J . meaowbole. w r ~ i your familydei ty_ Tbe progre" of the wor" w' ' 'lld be remarb b lc.Your opp

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    "" H IN I l ' : < J " ~ N "ndiac

    minulely. The 12 name, given by them 10 the l2 pari'of the l ~ : > d i a c are ca lled Rd.

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    ()II c. l ....dfth pan of the rod ;...e. . riJ.,/ri em 'en ..r of 2J ..... J I ' ' ' ' e L J a r oon.lell"'lio/l.,-a. , II 'eo.".llIuent componcn t>.The nam "" of the ",,/rll_ the" cqu,.-.knt> In J I lind Ihe n l .. aflll paJtu IquarIC"I " f the co n, lclld lion . . . . hKf, "" rUin 10 lhem. a rc ..,," a, under:s ..... .Wp

    ,.--,I , " . . ,1 . . . .. . . ., l

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    150 HI"" \! ' ' \ In

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    D1KSH l'U

    ("0 \ 1111';4 no xs OF 'H ' S A' I I IlIIlIC l IO 'S"o \ l 'SPIOOl S UJR ' J ( ) (R ' l \ '

    " " ,h Wr ' t North N" nh E. "TucsJay r uc"tay WN nr >dayWedn. " lay

    i\ /We'" F Su...b y. n 1/ \ " '".....y. s..'u rJ..ySoo dl We. . "'"m s..u,h u "SunJ .y. Fr>d. y Tb unda, M.-i.ay. Th u..-d. y

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    " 2 IIlNDU " "'!:NSfl U

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    '- '- - _ A..- - ...,..... -1...... I . . l . -- --,~ II. PI". . . . - ~ h . . ,--. .. in!" l ' ny ""n ) ~ " J...... ,>I~ , 'h,'d,," ,h ,ld" ,h ,M. .n........, ~ 1.. . . ,1)' linn, ,,).-....... .urr ' -' ...., - ,h . - .. ,-._- .- .i...... " , ,0

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    '". . . . . \OL

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    o , , ~ ' < S BASED 0 1'01' S T ~ O I oo C ~ 11'1>1(" U ONS I 55

    L ~ t p a " _ IJro,h ",11 ''''' f_lf" '" } ; , , , . h , . . , . j " ., , , N " rr,., WKl" " g ' 001" 1 " . ny h " .. ' ' u

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    ' 50 IlINDU ' ' "DIV'"l 'A, UU RMTERISTIO . O F T il>;l ....U.H SIG"S OF TII F 1-(m,u.:

    SI, '- 1;"Kh, 1o I " " ' ~ " ' P " ~ ) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .-.o. F1" ''''''"' :India

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    M ~ ' N ' RASH) " PO " A' TKO I OOlCAJ. IND ICAnO NS 157

    a R l i i ~ p " , 4 " ~P" . ", s'"'"C"" ~ " , M. ", h l l Apri l lOLu ,ny Venn, " ~ l Ap,il l l M.ylO

    "'" " . oo n')' . .ay 21_J"" , 20W"

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    '5 ' H,, ,m J O . ,E'

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  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    AMUL ETS TO WARD OH !lAD O . ,ENS 16 '1

    AVlIJ I.FT TO WAR!) OH ' nn: i on . S P IIU ISrRO \ 1 HUMAN IU :lN l.>S

    " " " t, , " '"n '" , ,4 s " "

    Method s ;Th ,s amulel

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    "" " " " " U ( [ ~ AI \WU:"I' ' -O WARD on EVII .. SPUl.ITS

    VRO\ l A!'IIMA l S

    4m 2 4'i'}'I'I 2 ;

    , 3 4'11J'l6 4'1'1\1549'19R 49

  • 7/29/2019 Hindu Omens


    \ l ULlU TO W AKI> ' l I ' l 8 AI> ' ' ''

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