Hinckley Parks Primary School Opportunies Wisdom Legacy Dear Parents, The bright sunshine and warm temperatures have been very welcome this week and have reflected another happy and cheerful week in school. It was nice to see parents of our new foundaon stage children join us on our huge field at the end of last week for our tradional (socially distanced) teddy bears picnic—without teddy bears! This event always creates a lovely atmosphere and even with the restricons in place this year was no different. You will have received a leer this week requesng that all parents/carers wear a face covering during drop-off and pick-up mes at the beginning and end of the school day. Thank you to everyone who is already adhering to this request. We are all aware of the worrying increase in cases recently and some local areas are being idenfied as hotspotlocaons. We all need to be doing all that we possibly can in order to minimise risk and to reduce the rate of infecon locally and naonally in the hope that we can return to normality as soon as we possibly can. Aſter the half term break in October, the Smiles before and aſter school provision will be relocang to the pre- school building on our site. I am sure that Smiles will communicate to parents the implicaons of this for those that this affects, but it may lead to a reducon in the number of children that they are able to offer this service to. If any parents find themselves affected by this and are in need of wrap-aroundcare please contact the office to discuss further with myself. We will always do all that we can to support and accommodate your needs. It is our absolute pleasure to announce the Head Boy and Head Girl for this new school year. We are keen to pro- mote and develop pupil leadership opportunies in many areas of the school and these, along with the Deputy Head Boy and Girl roles are an integral feature of this. Aſter much deliberaon and many discussions amongst staff we have decided that the Head Girl for this year will be Isabelle Leeson and the Head Boy will be Harry Grocock. Taking the Deputy roles will be Sanija Jansone and Oliver G. Huge congratulaons to all, this is thoroughly deserved and we know that you will do a wonderful job. Finally, it has been very rewarding this week to see our aſter-school acvies and clubs re-introduced aſter the lock- down period. Lots of children are taking the opportunity to parcipate in a range of acvies and are thoroughly enjoying them. Due to the current restricons in place all of our clubs are year group focused. If you would like any further informaon regarding this or if you would like to enquire about a place for your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. Enjoy the weekend. Thank you for your connued support D Harding Head Teacher Star Learner Our star learners for this week : Ben & Oliver Lambert (Y4) Ben and Oliver were both very keen to share with me the home learning that they completed dur- ing the lockdown period—and I am so glad they did! Their work, in a range of subject areas is simply amazing and all wonderfully presented in nice folders. A real keepsake from this difficult me—well done boys we are very proud of you both. Diary Dates -Week commencing Monday 21.09.20 Monday YR6 Maths Booster (AM), YR1 Didi Sports, YR3 & YR5 Boosters (aſter school) Tuesday EYFS Phonics Workshop (three sessions—9.15am, 10am & 10.45am), YR6 Maths Booster (AM), YR2 Cheerleading, YR2 FDS Football (aſter school) Wednesday YR 6 Reading Booster (AM), YR3 Cheerleading, YR5 & YR1 Craſt Clubs (aſter school) Thursday YR3 Stone Age Day. YR4 Cheerleading, YR6 FDS Football, YR5 Mulsports, YR5 Choir Club (aſter school) Friday YR6 Reading Booster (AM), YR5 Cheerleading, YR3 Mul- sports (aſter school) Newsleer 418th Sept

Hinckley Parks Primary School Opportunities Wisdom...Y4—Andrew Roberts, ettina Grocock, Millie arrigan-Ryan Y5—Tabitha Hill, Gracie Lewis, Kiyro eltre Y6—Alexandra Puiu, Mya

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Page 1: Hinckley Parks Primary School Opportunities Wisdom...Y4—Andrew Roberts, ettina Grocock, Millie arrigan-Ryan Y5—Tabitha Hill, Gracie Lewis, Kiyro eltre Y6—Alexandra Puiu, Mya

H i n c k l e y P a r k s P r i m a r y S c h o o l

O p p o r t u n i ti e s W i s d o m L e g a c y

Dear Parents,

The bright sunshine and warm temperatures have been very welcome this week and have reflected another happy

and cheerful week in school. It was nice to see parents of our new foundation stage children join us on our huge

field at the end of last week for our traditional (socially distanced) teddy bears picnic—without teddy bears! This

event always creates a lovely atmosphere and even with the restrictions in place this year was no different.

You will have received a letter this week requesting that all parents/carers wear a face covering during drop-off and

pick-up times at the beginning and end of the school day. Thank you to everyone who is already adhering to this

request. We are all aware of the worrying increase in cases recently and some local areas are being identified as

‘hotspot’ locations. We all need to be doing all that we possibly can in order to minimise risk and to reduce the rate

of infection locally and nationally in the hope that we can return to normality as soon as we possibly can.

After the half term break in October, the Smiles before and after school provision will be relocating to the pre-

school building on our site. I am sure that Smiles will communicate to parents the implications of this for those that

this affects, but it may lead to a reduction in the number of children that they are able to offer this service to. If any

parents find themselves affected by this and are in need of ‘wrap-around’ care please contact the office to discuss

further with myself. We will always do all that we can to support and accommodate your needs.

It is our absolute pleasure to announce the Head Boy and Head Girl for this new school year. We are keen to pro-

mote and develop pupil leadership opportunities in many areas of the school and these, along with the Deputy Head

Boy and Girl roles are an integral feature of this. After much deliberation and many discussions amongst staff we

have decided that the Head Girl for this year will be Isabelle Leeson and the Head Boy will be Harry Grocock. Taking

the Deputy roles will be Sanija Jansone and Oliver G. Huge congratulations to all, this is thoroughly deserved and we

know that you will do a wonderful job.

Finally, it has been very rewarding this week to see our after-school activities and clubs re-introduced after the lock-

down period. Lots of children are taking the opportunity to participate in a range of activities and are thoroughly

enjoying them. Due to the current restrictions in place all of our clubs are year group focused. If you would like any

further information regarding this or if you would like to enquire about a place for your child, please do not hesitate

to contact the school office. Enjoy the weekend.

Thank you for your continued support D Harding Head Teacher

Star Learner

Our star learners for this week :

Ben & Oliver Lambert (Y4)

Ben and Oliver were both very keen to share with

me the home learning that they completed dur-

ing the lockdown period—and I am so glad they

did! Their work, in a range of subject areas is

simply amazing and all wonderfully presented in

nice folders. A real keepsake from this difficult

time—well done boys we are very proud of you


Diary Dates -Week commencing Monday 21.09.20

Monday YR6 Maths Booster (AM), YR1 Didi Sports, YR3 & YR5 Boosters (after school) Tuesday EYFS Phonics Workshop (three sessions—9.15am, 10am & 10.45am), YR6 Maths Booster (AM), YR2 Cheerleading, YR2 FDS Football (after school) Wednesday YR 6 Reading Booster (AM), YR3 Cheerleading, YR5 & YR1

Craft Clubs (after school) Thursday YR3 Stone Age Day. YR4 Cheerleading, YR6 FDS Football,

YR5 Multisports, YR5 Choir Club (after school) Friday YR6 Reading Booster (AM), YR5 Cheerleading, YR3 Multi-

sports (after school)

Newsletter 4– 18th Sept

Page 2: Hinckley Parks Primary School Opportunities Wisdom...Y4—Andrew Roberts, ettina Grocock, Millie arrigan-Ryan Y5—Tabitha Hill, Gracie Lewis, Kiyro eltre Y6—Alexandra Puiu, Mya

Opportunities at Hinckley Parks

Y2 trip to Burbage Common

Weekly Award Winners—04.09.20

Parents familiar with the school will know that

each Friday we celebrate a whole host of achieve-

ments in our weekly Friday morning assembly.

This is not possible at the current time, however

the staff have continued with the tradition of se-

lecting a child from each class to receive the

weekly award. Congratulations to the award win-

ners for this week.

EYFS— Sam C-W, Roman Rose, Neeko Judd

Y1—Isabella Hall, Finn K, Troy Davis-Haines

Y2—Orla Hill , Martyna Bucior

Y3—Noel Staines, Kian Brown, Alec Doherty

Y4—Andrew Roberts, Bettina Grocock, Millie


Y5—Tabitha Hill, Gracie Lewis, Kiyro Beltre

Y6—Alexandra Puiu, Mya Morris

Attendance and Punctuality

The national primary school attendance target figure is 96%. I hope you will support us in achieving this figure. Regular attendance is very important and helps pupils reach their full potential.

Hinckley Parks Primary School attendance figure for this week is: 96.5%

Aldi Sports Stickers

Thank you to everyone who donated stickers to

help us claim sport and PE resources from Aldi’s

recent promotion. We were delighted with the re-

sponse and we are sure that the children will make

good use of the equipment that we have received.

Thank you also to everyone at Aldi for making this

possible—we look forward to working with them

again in the future.

Values Champions 2019-2020

At the end of each school year we proudly present an

award to our Values Champions for each year group. For

obvious reasons we were not able to present these in July

and so we have great pleasure in announcing the winners

for last year as:

FS—Betsy Gomm, Y1—Joseph Clay, Y2—Nova Frith, Y3—

Robin Varden, Y4—Bradley Waring, Y5—Maja Bogasz,

Y6—Grace Varden.

Congratulations to all—we are very proud of you!

Wisdom at Hinckley Parks

Y1 Shadows/Y3 Stone Age artefacts

Legacy at Hinckley Parks

Head Girl & Boy

Deputy Head Girl & Boy