Hillsong: Hillsong Church Australia, pastored by Brian and Bobbie Houston, is affiliated with the Assemblies of God World Fellowship. "Hillsong United," the church's music group, dominates the meetings, with a psychedelic, Christianized Rock 'n' Roll show. Using this method of "praise and worship," Hillsong Church Australia has become a mega-church with many campuses throughout Australia. Their approach to “praise and worship” has proved highly effective in drawing crowds, church growth, and music sales. In Australia, over 30,000 people attend Hillsong services each week. Internationally, Hillsong offshoots are located in eleven countries. Hillsong music consistently tops Australian charts; its album sales have achieved gold and platinum sales status. Hillsong's ambitious goal is to plant their brand of "praise and worship" in every local church in the world. They are well on their way to accomplishing this goal as their methods, music, and psychedelic dancing light shows have spilled over into other denominations. _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ The global ambition of Hillsong From Hillsong’s website: "Hillsong Worship: Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe . Looking to the future, we hope to do our part in resourcing local church worship teams across the many denominational faces of The Church, as we all learn from each other. Therefore what we’ve known as Hillsong LIVE from now on will be called Hillsong Worship.” _______________________________________________________________________ _____________ About the author: The author of this website is the son of a Methodist mother and a Baptist father, who turned Assembly of

Hillsong - Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I

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Page 1: Hillsong -   Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I


Where’s the Cross

Hillsong:Hillsong Church Australia, pastored by Brian and Bobbie Houston, is affiliated with the Assemblies of God World Fellowship. "Hillsong United," the church's music group, dominates the meetings, with a psychedelic, Christianized Rock 'n' Roll show.  Using this method of "praise and worship," Hillsong Church Australia has become a mega-church with many campuses throughout Australia. Their approach to “praise and worship” has proved highly effective in drawing crowds, church growth, and music sales.   In Australia, over 30,000 people attend Hillsong services each week.   Internationally, Hillsong offshoots are located in eleven countries.  Hillsong music consistently tops Australian charts; its album sales have achieved gold and platinum sales status.     Hillsong's ambitious goal is to plant their brand of "praise and worship" in every local church in the world.  They are well on their way to accomplishing this goal as their methods, music, and psychedelic dancing light shows have spilled over into other denominations.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The global ambition of Hillsong

From Hillsong’s website: "Hillsong Worship: Having always been committed to building the local church, we are convinced that part of our purpose is to champion passionate and genuine worship of our Lord Jesus Christ in local churches right across the globe. Looking to the future, we hope to do our part in resourcing local church worship teams across the many denominational faces of The Church, as we all learn from each other. Therefore what we’ve known as Hillsong LIVE from now on will be called Hillsong Worship.”____________________________________________________________________________________

About the author:  The author of this website is the son of a Methodist mother and a Baptist father, who turned Assembly of God in 1918, only three years after the Assemblies of God was established as a Pentecostal denomination. Born again myself in 1943 at the King's Corner Assembly of God in north Louisiana, USA, I am a 72-year member of that denomination.  I have been privileged to know the Assemblies of God from its youth, its "full gospel" doctrinal correctness, its zeal and significant contribution to the Kingdom of God – all under its banner,

           “Not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit saith the Lord.”  Zechariah 4:6 And yes, this along with the human weakness and failures of us, its members.  I have recently become more aware of its present condition.     It is not my intention to discourage any ministry in the presentation of the glorious gospel of Salvation by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ, or the exercise of the gifts, ministries, and operations of the Holy Spirit in church meetings, when done "decently and in order."  On the

Page 2: Hillsong -   Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I

contrary, my most earnest desire is to be redemptive, encouraging, and yes corrective when the scripture will make such correction, considering myself “lest I also be tempted.”      I write this discourse with the utmost humility that I can muster, fully conscious that it is the pew speaking up to the pulpit. Therefore my solemn prayer over this page more than any other:  Guide my thoughts dear Jesus, who loved The Church and gave yourself for it, so that this may be your word to your Church and not my own.  So help me God, in Jesus name.   Amen.                 Acknowledgment: All materials referenced in this discourse is readily available on the internet. ___________________________________________________________________________

So the goal of Hillsong, is to install their concept of passionate and genuine worship throughout The Church, the Body of Christ, without national or denominational boundaries.  This they propose to do by training "worship leaders" in local churches to use their psychedelic props, selling them their contemporary music, and in effect dominating the music, lyrics, and dramatic style (i.e., the "praise and worship service") in every church in the world.  In a word, showing the world how its done. Actually they are swiftly succeeding in doing this very thing.  The question is, What are they doing and how are they doing it?  Is it something we should all emulate, or is it not? It has long been my understanding that praise and worship in the local assembly is to be directed locally by the Holy Spirit, meeting the many different spiritual needs of individuals assembled in Jesus name – this as the Holy Spirit simultaneously directs the assembled body as a whole in fulfilling our Heavenly Father’s desire for our corporate praise and worship.     What is praise and worship anyway?  Or better asked, what is praise and what is worship? 

Fully aware of my inadequacy in answering such a profound question, I launched into a scripture search thinking the task easier that it really is.     First of all we need to discern between our spirit, our soul, and our body, and the Holy Spirit who dwells within the spirit of born-again believers. This in itself is another deep subject for study.     Praise is relatively easy to define, detailed plainly in scripture and being primarily of body and soul, those parts of our being that we understand more clearly. But when questions about praise arise: Why, what, when, where, who, how to praise, and then the same questions about worship, the answers soon become more difficult to put into words. This is Praise. Psalm 34:1-3 “I will bless (who) the Lord (when) at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth. (body)O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” (a call to corporate praise.)

Page 3: Hillsong -   Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I

 This is Praise.  Psalm 150 Praise ye the Lord. I had first written:(The Lord Jesus Christ)(Why praise the Lord Jesus Christ?) I owed a debt I could not pay;He paid a debt he did not owe;I needed someone to wash my sins away.And now, I sing a brand new song, “Amazing Grace.”Christ Jesus paid a debt that I could never pay. I was soon proven to be wrong:

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;   Ephesians 5:20Perhaps when we direct our songs of praise to Jesus, he as our High Priest understands and passes it through to the Father. Or is the Doxology the proper way to praise God?Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Great is the mystery of godliness.

Psalm 150 continued: Praise God in his sanctuary: (in church)praise him in the firmament of his power. (everywhere else)Praise him for his mighty acts: (what he has done and is still doing)praise him according to his excellent greatness. (who he is)Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: (musical instruments)praise him with the psaltery and harp. (more musical instruments)praise him with the timbrel and dance: (spontaneous, overwhelming, exuberant joy that moves  the feet – never choreographed – not habitual dancing just because one loves to jig and jive to the beat of  music.)praise him with stringed instruments and organs. (more musical instruments)Praise him upon the loud cymbals:     [Hello musicians: Turning up the volume a little is OK – loud for loud sake is not. (The Lord is not deaf, neither is the congregation.)  And remember: the Psalmist’s band did not have electric amplification.      Don’t allow the drums and electric bass guitar (if you must have them) to drown out everything else.  No Rock ‘n’ Roll bands please.     And please keep a volume balance between instruments and choir.  We’d really like to hear

Page 4: Hillsong -   Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I

the lyrics and be able to hear our own voice so that we can sing along.  Thank you, musicians.]praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. (high pitched)Let every thing that has breath praise the Lord.     (You can breathe, can you not?  Then praise the Lord!  This will not save you if you are not born again; but who knows, the Holy Spirit might just lead you from praise to Salvation.  To learn the way to Salvation, go back to the “Free Indeed” page, last part, to learn how to be born again.) Praise ye the Lord!  end of Psalm 150 A New Testament Praise Service – corporate praise by assembled believers: …be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; (free of all mind-altering stimulants)but be filled with the Spirit; (involves the Holy Spirit residing in the spirit of born- again  believers.  Expect the Holy Spirit to join in and lift our praises to a higher level than our own.)Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; (musical instruments allowed, but not required.)Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;  Ephesians 5:18-20     (Praising “to yourself” any time, any place appropriate: If you can whistle, sing, or hum a gospel tune, do it.  It will make melody in your heart to the Lord.  And remember: An old preacher once said, “The Lord loves to hear the crow sing as well as the mockingbird.”)  Praise is do-it-yourself, whether we feel like it or not; although much better and more acceptable to God with the help of the Holy Spirit. Praise involves primarily the body and the soul (or some would say the mind), both of which God has placed under control of our will.Praising God is do-it-yourself, which everyone can and should do. Worship is quite another matter. Worship is built into the nature of man.  Or to quote our four year old great granddaughter on another subject, “God made me that way.”  Atheists and Humanists notwithstanding, every human being worships – something or someone, even Self.     But most certainly not everyone does, nor indeed can, worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You must be born again! In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus essentially defines the principles of prayer in a few words: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Essentially in like manner Jesus defines worship:

Page 5: Hillsong -   Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I

The woman (of Samaria) said unto him (Jesus), Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.  Our fathers worshiped in this mountain; and you say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.Jesus said to her, Woman, believe me, the hour is coming, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. John 4:19-26

 1. We worship God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ his Son.  Jesus never told anyone to worship him; although, Heaven knows, he is most worthy of our worship.  Apparently if we name Jesus as our object of worship, he as our High Priest understands and passes our worship through to the Father.  But then Jesus said to Phillip, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.  Here we get into doctrines as unfathomable to our earthy minds as the Holy Trinity itself.  As the Word instructs us, we’d best worship God the Father, in the name of God the Son, and allow God the Holy Spirit, these three in one, to sort it out from there. 2. Worship is not confined to a place.  If we decide to name our church something else, perhaps it would be best to name it “Whatever Praise Center,” rather than “Worship Center.”  Oh yes, the apostles went to the Temple –  to pray.  But, on the other hand, worship is not only what we speak, but also what we do with our life, our total surrender to “Thy will be done.”  Some of this, of course, is done down at the church house.  Name your church whatever you will, but please don’t go there for a musical, praise, and dance session and call it a “praise and worship service.”  This kind of session?  Praise perhaps – worship not likely, at least not yet. You worship you know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.1. Granted, it is a deep subject for the mind; yet we are justified in knowing all we can about praise and worship.2. Anyway we “slice it” salvation is indeed of the Jews for which we gratefully bless God’s chosen people and Israel, their rightful homeland.But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him.God the Father seeks his fallen children as he sought Adam and Eve in the Garden after they sinned and hid themselves from his presence.  All God needs from us is our worship; but he longingly needs that from his prodigal sons.  To deny our Creator this one request is unthinkable.  This is too humbling for further comment here.God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.There is no such thing as do-it-yourself worship in spirit and in truth.  You must be born again!True worship involves our whole being – spirit, soul, and body – primarily our spirit.  The best bodily illustration of true worship is this:The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:10-11The first essential step to true worship is emptying of Self.  The “flesh” may allow praise; but it will resist worship.  The Sin Nature that became Adam and Eve's when they disobeyed God

Page 6: Hillsong -   Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I

caused them to hide from the presence of the holy God.  That same Sin Nature which they passed down to all of us will cause us to hide from the presence of God.  And God is present in worship of the Father in spirit and in truth. 

This emptying of Self is at the Cross, where Jesus shed his precious blood to wash away our sin so that we might approach our Heavenly Father in the Most Holy Place.                                 When I survey the wondrous cross                                 On which the Prince of glory died,                                 My richest gain I count but loss,                                 And pour contempt on all my pride.

                                 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,                                 Save in the death of Christ my God!                                 All the vain things that charm me most,                                 I sacrifice them to His blood.

                                 See from His head, His hands, His feet,                                 Sorrow and love flow mingled down!                                 Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,                                 Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

                                 Were the whole realm of nature mine,                                 That were a present far too small;                                 Love so amazing, so divine,                                 Demands my soul, my life, my all.

Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he has consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;Hebrews 10:19-20At this level of worship we enter the Most Holy Place through the rent veil – the four-inch thick veil in the Temple that was rent from top to bottom when Jesus’ side was pierced and his blood poured out.  Jesus on the cross has opened the veil to the Holiest of Holies, bidding the blood-washed, Come and worship the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  For through him we . . . have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Ephesians 2:18

                                 I can come in to the Holy Place.                                 I can behold the glory of his face,                                 Through the Blood and through the rent veil, his flesh,                                 On glowing coals the incense sweet                                 To swing before the Mercy Seat,                                 And offer unto the Lord a living sacrifice.

True worship is likely to be attended by weeping more than any other emotion.  That is until

Page 7: Hillsong -   Web viewDuring his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano ... the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I

the Holy Spirit within lifts our spirit into the highest realm of praise and worship in the holy presence of God.  Glory to God in the highest!  Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

                                 To Thee we ascribe glory.                                 To Thee we ascribe honor.                                 To Thee we ascribe power and majesty.                                 Holy is the Lord.

And the Holy Spirit needs no man-made props whatsoever to help us in worship.

With all due respect, Christian showmen who conduct a Hillsong type Rock ‘n’ Roll Vegas show and call it “praise and worship” know neither the scriptures nor the power of God. But tragically worse, they have no Self-emptying sense of the awesome price their Savior paid so that they can come in to the Holy Place and worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The flesh does indeed resist true worship.

The woman said to him, I know that Messias is coming, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.  Jesus said to her, I that speak to you am he.  end of John 4:19-26___________________________________________________________________________

1937:  In the segregated South of the United States, in an humble Assemblies of God church, a two-year-old boy slid off his mother’s lap, toddled up onto the platform, and sang along with the choir.  During his formative years the boy would listen intently and absorb the lively accordion and piano music of itinerant evangelists, who periodically sang gospel songs and preached at this Assembly of God church.     Near this young white boy’s home was the “colored” part of town called Shake Rag.  From front porches, restaurants, jukeboxes, and a long list of black performers, apparently Shake Rag was continuously filled with the sound of African-style music – jazz, blues, Negro spirituals, and a beat called Rhythm and Blues (R&B).  Whites didn’t venture into “colored quarters” much; but residents there later testified that they often saw a white boy milling around and listening to their music.  The boy would later testify that he had learned his music style from Assemblies of God evangelists and from the “honkytonks” in Shake Rag. (Disclaimer: Nothing in this writing is intended to disparage the African people or African culture.  All of us Gentiles spring from ancient heathen cultures, with heathen music and practices; and the roots of that heathenism is capable of springing up at any time, except we be in Christ.) 1940: In far off New Zealand, at age 18, a young man who would soon change his affiliation to Baptist was already serving with the Salvation Army.1946: When the boy was 11 years old, his mother bought him a used guitar, which became his

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constant companion practically everywhere he went.  Meanwhile, just across the Mississippi River in another humble Assembly of God church, another 11year old white boy was learning to play the piano.  These two born musicians were to have profound, but profoundly different effects upon the Assemblies of God.  One would die tragically at age 42.  The other at age 80 heads the best large remnant of the Assemblies of God of our youth. 1948: Now 13 years old, the boy’s parents moved the budding guitarist to Nashville, Tennessee, broadcasting and recording center for country and gospel music, possibly foreseeing a musical career in the lad’s future.  Etched in the boy’s soul, he carried to Nashville the sounds of lively gospel music and the African beat of Shake Rag.  Upon this foundation he would create his musical and performance style.

1954:  At age 19, the young man from Nashville broke into the music world with this style of musical performance which would be called Rock ‘n’ Roll; and in record time would create what has been called the greatest musical and cultural phenomena of the twentieth century. 1955: Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana, USA, was broadcasting this Assemblies of God Rock ‘n’ Roller – his music, his singing, and his performance style. Hearing this sound on the car radio, this Assemblies of God writer fully understood that this music and lyrics did not belong in church, particularly not in an Assembly of God church, which was still in the Holiness Movement at that time. The term, “rock ‘n’ roll” had been known and spoken in the black culture long before it was applied to the musical performance that has dominated the musical world since the last half of the twentieth century.   It meant either dancing or the sex act.      According to some musicians who performed with him, our Assembly of God Rock ‘n’ Roller was bothered by stage fright.  To hide his nervousness he would take certain postures and shake his body to conceal his nervousness.  It was these hyperactive, suggestive bodily movements to the slap back rhythm of Rock ‘n’ Roll music that caused women to scream.  Catching on to women’s reactions, he deliberately adopted this as his style of performance. One is tempted to wonder: Is sexual arousal part of the hyperactive response of the huge crowds at Rock musical performances even in church, even with a little gospel thrown in?  Let those who attend these gatherings ponder this seriously and decide. Whatever the case, the rest of his story is tragic – that two year old boy who slid from his mother’s lap, toddled up onto the platform and sang along with the Assemblies of God choir.  Abandoning his Assemblies of God roots, he sold out to the Devil, who crowned him King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, and demonized this musical phenomenon all the way down to acid rock, with the most vile lyrics performed by the most vile performers imaginable.  1950s: Meanwhile back in far off New Zealand. During this period the young Salvation Army officer turned Baptist became interested in the Pentecostal movement.  He served under the tutelage of Ray Bloomfield, a “barnstorming Pentecostal preacher” at a church near Auckland.  Bloomfield turned his church over to his follower when he left New Zealand for

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Canada.     It is said that this Baptist preacher turned Pentecostal, who we will hereafter call “Frank,” became “an entertaining preacher,” “a consummate showman and gifted preacher;” and according to one former pastor would “do crazy things like throw a glass of water over the congregation and make funny jokes – he endeared himself to a lot of people.” 1977: The two year old boy who slid from his mother’s lap, toddled up onto the platform and sang with the Assemblies of God choir is no more.  Elvis Presley, King of Rock ‘n’ Roll is dead.     Tragically at age 42 Elvis died too young from years of abusing prescription drugs, ostensibly to assuage the guilt of abandoning his Faith for fame, fortune, and the world’s riotous living.  Yet his legacy lives on, as does his effect upon the Assemblies of God.        Elvis Presley, King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, is still practically worshiped by the millions who have visited his shrine, Graceland, in Nashville, Tennessee.  So what does all this have to do with Hillsong and the Assemblies of God?  Patience, my friends, we’re getting there. That same year Frank moved from New Zealand to Sydney, Australia and founded Sydney Christian Life Centre, for the next decade an independent church.1978: One year later Brian Houston and Brian’s wife, Bobbie were called from New Zealand to help with this fast-growing church.1983: Brian and Bobbie Houston ventured out to set up a new Christian Life Centre, an offshoot of Frank’s church in downtown Sydney.  Located in the Balkan Hills area of the city, they named their new church Hills Christian Life Centre.1987: Christian Life Centres affiliated with the Assemblies of God in Australia. Frank served in high official positions in the denomination for several years following. 19 8?: Brian Houston meets and teams up with songwriter Geoff Bullock.198? – 1994: Hillsong Music.  Geoff Bullock wrote and produced music for Hills Christian Life Center in the early 1990s.  Bullock’s songs and music, including three gold albums and one platinum, skyrocketed to international fame in those days. These “praise and worship” recordings were sold internationally under the label, Hillsong.     According to Geoff Bullock, about this time Brian Houston met with pastors within the Word of Faith Movement, and everything changed, “The focus of Hillsong went from the standard Assemblies of God doctrine, which was more working-class and left-wing, to suddenly the prosperity doctrine.” 1995: Hillsong Music: Geoff Bullock, Hillsong’s songwriter and music producer, leaves Hillsong, stating there was always tension between him and Houston.  “Brian had a fiery temper and domineering leadership style and I was under relentless pressure.” said Bullock.  It seems evident, as some have said, that Bullock “has now been effectively airbrushed from Hillsong’s history.” 1998: The Hillsong Band:Some complementary quotes from Cortney O’Brien on Facebook, “They’re just a bunch of rockers from Australia. Their lyrics are memorable and their music is infectious but you won’t

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hear their songs in bars or nightclubs – you’re more likely to hear them in church.” “Hillsong’s hip atmosphere and energizing worship time has been especially successful at drawing millennials to its services.” “The band started in 1998 as a hobby for youth in Sydney, Australia’s Hillsong Church.” How did this church youth group become “rockers?”I envision this as the likely scenario:These kids (perhaps their parents too) attended a Rock ‘n’ Roll concert, observed the huge crowds; the dancing, colorful psychedelic lights in the darkened, misty arena; noticed the screaming, dancing response; felt it themselves and probably joined in.      Down at McDonalds on the way home, one of these kids said, “That was cool.” Another said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if church were like that.” And another, “Hey guys, we can play like that.”  Yet another, “We could play to Hillsong lyrics, and that would be a cool praise and worship service.”  And so they did.  And their youth group began to attract youth of the Rock ‘n’ Roll cult, and grew and grew and grew.     This did not go unnoticed by the church elders, and soon became the subject of one of their board meetings.  They discussed how it is being said that the Church is dying.  The senior pastor determined that he would not stand by and allow the Church die, and this is the way he can keep it alive.  Speculation of course, but not at all improbable. Whatever the case, soon the millennials tail was wagging the church dog. (please forgive the lowly illustration) Thus the Assemblies of God contribution to the Church’s “praise and worship service” over a period of 100 years has come full circle:From “Not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit saith the Lord;” to the Assembly of God church that gave us Elvis Presley, who gave us Rock ‘n’ Roll; to the Devil who paid Elvis for it; to acid rock where the Devil demonized it down to, performed by the most vile characters with the most vile lyrics imaginable; to Rock concerts with their psychedelic, mood – setting, oft demonic atmosphere, to Christian millennials who picked it up from there, supposedly Christianized it, and brought it back to Hillsong, which is under the oversight of World Assemblies of God Fellowship. And Hillsong proposes (? with the blessing of Assemblies of God leadership?) to establish this as the praise and worship service in every church in the world.                                      How the mighty are fallen. Here I stop to weep.  Forgive us Lord. Hillsong UNITED: (Hillsong’s music industry)More complementary quotes from Cortney O’Brien, “Hillsong UNITED’s rise to stardom was a surprising one. The music of Hillsong Church is so popular it is estimated that on any given Sunday, more than 50 million churchgoers around the world are singing their songs.”      “Hillsong’s hip atmosphere and energizing worship time has been especially successful at drawing millennials to its services. . These include some famous faces, such as Justin Bieber, model Hailey Baldwin and “High School Musical’s” Vanessa Hudgens.”  “The soundtrack to “Hillsong: Let Hope Rise” will be available April 27 and the movie hits theaters September 30. Watch and witness how one band is singlehandedly making church cool.” 

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[Question for thought: Scripturaly speaking who is to make church what it is; and scripturaly speaking is that supposed to be “cool?”  Admittedly, “cool” is the catchword for “millennials;” but is it, or its understood meaning, present or implied in the Bible?”]     How well I remember being on the job with millennials some years ago.  The millennials watchword at that time was, “Pay no attention to anyone over 35 years old.”  The Supreme Court had expelled God from their classrooms.  School teachers and administrators were bullying our school children who dared say or show anything Christian in public schools, as they still do today, as we seem helpless, or unwilling to do anything about it.  In short they were being cut loose from their elders so that Humanists could create “the international child of the future.”  Rock ‘n’ Roll was their music and Elvis was their King, if not indeed their god.     Today many of these millennials are in charge of much, if not most Charismatic churches or their “praise and worship service,” or their youth ministry.  This includes the Assemblies of God.  Their “praise and worship services” all too often bear the marks of that Assemblies of God toddler who would abandon the faith and become King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.  Their youth ministry all too often is patterned after Hillsong.  They are virtually, sometimes literally, saying to our youth, “Pay no attention to anyone over 35 years old.”  Thus they are cutting our youth loose from their elders and creating the “international church of the future.”  This is patently unscriptural and deadly to the Body of Christ.  Hello Laodicea! From another internet source (uncomplimentary): “The Hillsong United band takes the stage, its members in skinny jeans and T-shirts, front man Joel Houston in an edgy black hat, as they pump up the volume under sweeping lights. “You take me higher than I’ve been before … You are everything I want and more.” Thousands sing along, arms upraised, eyes closed, in the grip of a kind of rapture.     Somewhere here at the conference, keeping a lowish profile, is pop star Justin Bieber, who hangs out with Joel at Hillsong in New York. Joel is married to a fashion and lifestyle-blogging Brazilian model, Esther Lima Houston, who struts her stuff on misswhoo.com, providing “an unfiltered lifestyle platform for the modern woman.” Jakubowicz says he’s “fascinated by how successfully Hillsong has integrated the various elements of contemporary culture into the whole story.”   “When does engaging popular culture become apostasy?” asks Drew McIntyre, a Methodist minister. More from complementary Cortney O’Brien about Hillsong music and upcoming movie: “Their music, along with their unique ability to personally connect with audiences, is now going to be featured on the big screen. . . . HILLSONG - LET HOPE RISE, directed by Michael John Warren (Jay-Z’s “Fade to Black”), chronicles the spectacular and unlikely rise to prominence of the Australian-based Christian band, Hillsong UNITED, which emerged out of the life of Hillsong Church. . . . The movie culminates in a transformational concert experience spotlighting the humble hearts behind this worldwide sensation. . . .Watch and witness how one band is singlehandedly making church cool.” No, thanks.  I’ve walked through Hillsong history, and read their mission statement on the internet, and have seen their brand of “praise and worship” on Joel Osteen’s telecast which is

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pretty much a clone of Hillsong in every aspect.     Incidentally Joel Osteen, although interdenominational now is a product of the Assemblies of God.  His father John Osteen was an Assembly of God pastor who gave over his church to be pastored by a rather reluctant son.   Joel Osteen is the “A Better You” Christian writer and inspirational speaker at Lakewood church in Houston, Texas, the largest church in the U.S.  Osteen is so popular that he has been dubbed “the face of Christianity.”  One would think that the Lord Jesus Christ would be the face of Christianity.  And the face of Jesus would not always be wearing a frozen smile. The face of Jesus was sometimes:sweet and gentle as with little children for of such is the kingdom of heaven,angry with religious leaders such as scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites,angry with money changers in the Temple,covered with sweat as great drops of blood in Gethsemane,covered with spit from his own people who received him not,bruised by the fists of his mockers . . . he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of       our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5streaked with blood from a crown of thorns dug into his brow,skinned, from his beard being stripped from his face,marred beyond recognition. . .  his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form          more than the sons of men: Isaiah 52:14agonizing with excruciating death on the cross,glorious in resurrection.Where are the Pauls (“I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me”) who will know nothing among us but “Christ and him crucified?”  They don’t exist among ear-tickling preachers. The face of Jesus is now:pleading as the mediator, the only mediator between God and man,painful as the intercessor, interceding for us frail believers, including ear-tickling preachers. The face of Jesus is soon to be:powerful, the face of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords coming in power and great glory.stern or pleased, the face of the Final judge of the Universe, unto whom we shall all give account –  especially on how we handle the Word of God. For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! Paul the apostle in 1 Corinthians 9:16  Does not this mean the whole gospel? No, Cortney.  I will not watch the movie HILLSONG - LET HOPE RISE.  I rather choose the Bible “transformational experience” which was working in this old disciple long before Hillsong was ill conceived. 

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But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor. 3:18   Hallelujah! But theaters will be packed with me-centered Christians, seeking a religious fix with gospel lite to the slap back rhythm of Rock ‘n’ Roll, receiving a “transformational experience” into God know what.  No doubt, with Hillsong now on the big screen and given the fact that movie – going has long since contaminated the Pentecostal and Holiness Movements, there will be a strong new surge in Hillsong’s intrusion into the Church’s praise and worship services.Clearly from the beginning the Houstons have built their Hillsong empire and continue its rapid expansion mainly on music, integrating “the various elements of contemporary culture into the whole story.” 1999: A fateful year for the Houstons:Early this year Frank withdrew from the ministry and turned the downtown Christian Life Centre over to Brian and Bobbie Houston who merged the two churches. Later this year Hills Christian Life Centre, now merged with the downtown Christian Life Centre, became Hillsong Church. This is how it happened:Since 1992 the Houstons have sold millions of copies of over fifty albums under the Hillsong label.  Realizing that that name is far more well-known worldwide than their church name – that in fact their huge success is built upon music – their business savvy would impel them to change their name - thus their new name Hillsong Church.  This year saw the darkest day in Brian Houston’s life.  Out of the closet: A young man, identified only as AHA, revealed that Frank had sexually abused him as a boy.  And there were many others.  Further investigation revealed that Frank had been a pedophile during his entire ministry as an Assembly of God pastor, including the six years he served as General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in New Zealand, and holding other high ranking offices in the denomination.  This is a sin (and a civil crime) that the Assemblies of God, even in its present revised state, will not tolerate; so Frank’s ministerial credentials must be cancelled.     Brian Houston, now General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Australia, must face and defrock his own father.  Whatever else we may say about Brian Houston it is praiseworthy of his determined character that he could survive such an ordeal and continue any kind of gospel ministry. 2013: Hillsong Christmas featuring Santa Clause. Video still viewable on the Internet. 2014: Hillsong Christmas featuring The Drummer Boy to the frenzied African beat of drums. Video still viewable on the Internet. But why is this old disciple, a 72-year member of the Assemblies of God, USA, so worked up over Church problems “Down Under?”Because of Hillsong’s ambition to install their brand of “Praise and Worship” in every local church in the world, attaching the name and reputation of the Assemblies of God to it, and their driving force making this intrusion swiftly come to pass.

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But why so suddenly out of nowhere so fired up over the issue?

2015: Because of this:

This is a still shot from Hillsong London’s 2015 Christmas Musical video. Hillsong has pulled it off the air, citing copyright claim; but some viewers copied and kept it on the internet.  Sonlife Broadcasting Network (SBN.com) broadcast part of it once on their Francis and Friends program. The pretty, thinly-clad young woman soloed Silent Night, to the accompaniment of raucous rock music and sleazy, suggestive dance by a troupe of more thinly-clad women and their male partners.  Drew McIntyre, upon viewing this video and its label “Hillsong, This is Christmas,” wrote, “No Way.Not even close.”  He goes on to define this blasphemy well, “Hillsong London actually turned Silent Night into a 1920’s Vegas showtune.”       This old disciple was first appalled and then angry upon seeing this sleezy Rock ‘n’ Roll performance in the name of that One to whom the angel sang at his birth.  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.      By angry I mean as Jesus was angry with the “scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites” – the religious leaders of that time.  Angry as when he drove the money changers out of the Temple.  But now, after some time of emptying myself of my own emotions and trying to sense how Jesus must feel when some that he died for has led his praise and worship to the brink of blasphemy and apostasy. 

I shall now submit my pen to Drew McIntyre for a better conclusion of this part of the discourse:"Baptizing popular culture and calling it church is effective.  There’s no doubt about it.  But so is McDonald’s. . . “Whatever works” is simply not a sufficient metric by which to

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determine what the church (message is). Why?Because the church has other standards of success than those that the market dictates to us. Growth that is based on kitsch and fluff is neither evangelical nor sustainable.  The church does not make saints by inviting people into a faith community that simply regurgitates culture. . . Cheap grace is easy to sell, but is it really worth any “results” that may come? (Or are the results themselves really just a farce?)"     "No reward is worth this.  The church, in 1 Peter’s formulation, is “a royal priesthood.” Treat her accordingly. . . . Resist baptizing culture and calling it discipleship.  Don’t compromise the beautiful, challenging call to counter-cultural community. . . The church is called to offer an alternative to the golden calves and banalities of the world."     "The church has her own story to tell, and her own language, culture, and practices. . . We have the incarnation, radical ministry, suffering, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  There is no better story. . . The cheap rewards of cultural prostitution are merely invitations to shipwreck. (Judges 2:17 speaks to this danger.)"     "Let us have confidence in the story to which God has entrusted us. The martyrs did not give themselves to the flames so that we could have Lightsaber Church.  Thanks be to God.” To which I append my hearty Amen!_____________________________________________________________________________________________________  . . . the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: . . 1 Peter 4:17This being the case, judgment must begin at the Assemblies of God; because it was us who laid down our banner, “Not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit saith the Lord,” introduced the perversion of praise and worship to the Church, and allowed it to remain there, to fester and infect other denominations.

To: Those tens of thousands of Assemblies of God ministers in the world and the millions of A/G members who have not been infected by the religious fads that come along from time to time:  Thank you.  God be with you.  Now will you help in cleaning house in our great denomination? To: Dr. George O. Wood, General Superintendent and to the General Council of the Assemblies of God, USA,                                       George O. Wood General Superintendent                                       Email: [email protected]                                       Web: GeneralSuperintendent.ag.org

                                       The General Council of the Assemblies of God                                       1445 N. Boonville Avenue                                       Springfield, MO 65802-1894                                       Phone: 417-862-2781andTo: Dr. George O. Wood, Chairman and to the Executive Committee of World Assemblies of God Fellowship.

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 cc: Brian and Bobbie Houston, Joel and Victoria Osteen, and to all to whom this discourse may concern. Greetings in Jesus name:With all due respect, I am fully aware that this is the Pew speaking up to the Pulpit.  So help me God. Where is our banner? Not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit saith the Lord.Are you so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh? Galatians 3:3 God did not raise up the Pentecostal movement to renew the Acts of the Apostles only to have it degenerate 100 years later down to Rock ‘n’ Roll “Vegas showtunes,” with some gospel lite thrown in.  And to call this Praise and Worship is near blasphemy, and assures apostasy if continued.

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write;These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness,the beginning of the creation of God;     I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot:     I would you were cold or hot.     So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,     I will spew you out of my mouth.      Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing;     and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:      I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich;     and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness do not appear;     and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Revelation 3:14-19 (Caution: be careful how you define “works,” “cold,” “hot.” “rich.” Anoint your eyes with eye salve that you may see as Jesus sees, not as the world sees.) The Assemblies of God is at a crossroads, an historical moment in the history of this great movement. Shall we be zealous and repent as our loving Savior pleads?  Or shall we continue our present path until the Assemblies of God becomes the Assemblies of Hillsong?      Shall the pride of life drive us to boast again of being the fastest growing denomination?  Shall obsession with headcount drive us to fill coliseums with concert goers, dancing to our psychedelic, Christianized rock performances, calling it “praise and worship?”       Had we rather boast of being the biggest with 67 million members, than to build the Lord's

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Church, having neither spot not wrinkle, washed in the blood of the Lamb?  Are we so busy presumably doing the Lord’s work for him that we have left Jesus “standing somewhere in the shadows?” A soul-chilling word from the Lord to all of us:     Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of      my Father which is in heaven.     Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out     devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?     And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.  Matthew 7:21-23

Heaven forbid!  Let us humbly accept our Lord’s rebuke and chastisement. Let us zealously repent as our Savior bids, take up our banner, and do our first works over again.                                                Not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit saith the Lord! Calling all Assemblies of God ministers and laymen of the world:Let us humble ourselves, the essential first step in receiving anything of God,and pray, and seek God’s face,     Search me, O God, and know my heart:     try me, and know my thoughts:     And see if there be any wicked way in me,     and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 and turn from our wicked ways.  Are we so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are we now made perfect by the flesh? Have we lost the Word of God right there in the Temple?  Is there need for cleaning in the House of God?  Are there psychedelic, strobing lights inviting soulish will worship and demonstrations in the flesh?   These props are of the flesh, they belong in the world’s theaters.  Cast them out of the Temple. Is the room darkened, misty?  Let there be light. Is the music such as lifts the spirit in praise and worship of the Father in spirit and in truth, or is it “after the fashion of this world” -  entertaining and showing off the performers rather  than the Lord?  If the latter and you can’t change it, then do without it. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;  Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Ephesians 5:18-20    (musical instruments allowed, but not required.  And please, no booming Rock 'n' Roll, dark room, and psychedelic, strobing lights.)

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In church services, to cover the whole scope of praise and worship in music and singing, a good mix of spiritual songs, psalms, and hymns is required.  Don't think that the few good contemporary songs will satisfy this need.  Some of the old inspired hymns about the Cross, the blood of the Lamb, and other sobering truths from the Word of God, are needed to go past praising God from the soul, and releasing the spirit where we can worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

And we need to sing more about Heaven.  Are we are hearing too much name-it-and-claim-it Prosperity Gospel, and not seeking after true riches, laying them up in Heaven? Not everyone is "rich and increased with goods," having need of nothing, and never will be.  (The poor you have always.)  We need to rejoice in that blessed hope of Heaven  "where moths do not corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal.

The Assemblies of God hymnal, Melodies of Praise, has a very good mix of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.  Has your church abandoned it?  If so, get a copy from The Gospel Publishing House.  Put a good selection of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs  on the screen and sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  And above all do not neglect those inspired psalms and hymns that raise us above praise to worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

Go through your repertoire of songs with a fine tooth comb.  That which is romanticized, me-centered, milksop stuff, Jesus not clearly named and his name lifted up for all men to see - burn it.

Are the youth being attracted by and indoctrinated in milksop music and Hillsong psychedelic  gimmickry?  Separated from their elders, are they being made into this kind of worldly church of the future?  If so, then put an end to this unscriptural folly post-haste.

Will the national and international leaders of the Assemblies of God see the warning signs, heed the word of the Lord, and repent?  Will they correct those who are conducting church “after the fashion of this world?”  Will they cut loose from the fellowship those who will not be corrected? If not, then let’s get new leadership who will take up our banner again,Not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit saith the Lord!Then under that banner let’s be done with “Hold the Fort for I am Coming,” and march against the powers of darkness.                  The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen