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HIITBURN FAT BURNING SYSTEM: The Superhero Surge Edition

Copyright 2014HIITBURN.com DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this guide is based upon my own experiences as well as my own interpretations of the current research that is available. The advice and tips given in this guide are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure advice and tips given in this guide are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult your physician before implementing any of the information provided below. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, without the written permission and signature of the author.

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HIITBURN FAT BURNING SYSTEM: The Superhero Surge Edition

Introduction From Dennis...

“What you need is a plan... A plan and some serious dedication.”

Those were my exact words when a client of mine asked me how to drop 5% body fat in the next 6-weeks...

Yes, it is possible. Especially if you are currently higher in body fat right now, it is VERY possible.

Being that you are reading this right now, my guess is that you are interested in burning some body fat and getting fit in the next 6-weeks. And I couldn't be more excited to help.

Within the Superhero Surge program, you are going to discover an incredibly easy nutrition plan and six full weeks of workouts to help you reach your goals.

All I ask is this:

1. Stick to the plan.2. Dedicate yourself to the plan for the 6-weeks.

If you can do those two things, you will see amazing success on this program.

So if you are ready, let's start the Surge!

Dennis Heenan, MCTT Master Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. Don't forget my other sites...

www.FatBurningNation.com- Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more.

www.GetSuperheroAbs.com - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment!

www.SuperheroSprints.com/Superhero-Body/ - The best progressive system on the market taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks.

www.SuperheroSprints.com – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints!

www.DailyShredDiet.com – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

Join us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/BodyFitFormula

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HIITBURN FAT BURNING SYSTEM: The Superhero Surge Edition

Table of Contents

Tips Before Starting................................................................................................5

9 Reasons Your Are Struggling To Lose Fat (Part One).…...........................................6

9 Reasons Your Are Struggling To Lose Fat (Part Two).…...........................................10

Simplified Nutrition.................................................................................................14

What To Eat...........................................................................................................17

Simplified Nutrition Rules........................................................................................18

Meal Examples.......................................................................................................19

Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 1-4)...................................................................21

Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 5-6)...................................................................24

Exercise Descriptions..............................................................................................27

What's Next...........................................................................................................42

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Tips Before Starting

1. If you are unsure of how to do an exercise, be sure to get instruction from a certified trainer.

2. If something hurts or feels off, don’t do that exercise. There are plenty of alternates that you can add in. Please feel free to email dennis (at) fatburningnation (dot) com for ideas or see the Exercise Library manual for alternative exercises.

3. Because this is a new program, be sure to start slow to avoid injury. Pushing too hard after not working out for a while will only lead to injury or being overly sore.

4. If you find you need more rest in between exercises, take it. Over the course of the program, you should work on shortening your rest periods.

5. This program is demanding so if going three days per week is too much, start by going 2 days a week with your others days being “active rest” days (walking, hiking, etc.).

6. Always warm up properly. Be sure you are fully warmed up before starting your workouts.

7. Use a foam roll and stretch consistently. This will greatly help with eliminating soreness throughout the program.

8. Get good rest. You must allow your body to recover from your workouts so be sure you are getting good sleep.

9. Drink lots of water. This will keep you hydrated and allow you to lose fat more easily.

10.Have a cool down period at the end of each workout that includes stretching and foam rolling.

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part One

When it comes to losing fat, I often hear the question: “Why? Why am I not losing fat?” The truth is there are many different factors that can contribute to fat storage instead fat burning.

In part one, we will cover the common nutrition mistakes that you may be making right now that are halting your fat burning and may actually be leading to fat storage. We will then transition into part two which we will look into your workouts and what may need to change there.

Is Your Nutrition Keeping You Fat?

Here's the top 5 reasons that may be why you are struggling to lose fat right now...

Reason #1. You are eating too many carbohydrates

If not eaten properly, carbohydrates and sugars are the lifeblood of fat storage. When our bodies digest carbohydrates, they send our insulin and blood sugar levels on a roller-coast ride.

Having too many of these insulin and bloods sugar spikes is a case for disaster when it comes to storing fat. One of the first things I tell people when it comes to getting lean is they need to cut down on the carbohydrates.

This does not mean to cut them out completely but you definitely need to understand when the best times to eat carbohydrates are, so they can work for your body and not against it.

Best times to eat your carbohydrates:

After a tough workout: The best time to indulge in carbohydrates is after a tough workout. Because our bodies use up the glycogen in our muscles when going through an intense workout, carbohydrates will help refill the glycogen stores in our muscles and aid in recovery.

Eating carbs after an intense workout will have very little effect on fat storage. In fact, it will help burn fat, aid in lean muscle growth, and help with recovery.

Enjoy them on your Cheat Day: If you focus on eating real natural foods throughout the week, the next best time to eat your carbohydrates is on a cheat day. Each week, if you stay strong to eating healthy foods, you should take one cheat day to boost your fat burning back up.

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part One

When you restrict certain foods, a scheduled day of overeating will help tell our bodies that it is ok to continue burning fat. When restricting calories for long periods of time, our bodies metabolism starts to slow down and will start to store fat instead of burn it.

It usually takes the body 5-7 days to start slowing down fat burning so that is why it is important to have a cheat day once per week to help boost your metabolism and fat burning into more optimal zones.

The real issue with carbohydrates is that many times it is the people who are the least active that eat the most of them. Inactivity and carbohydrates is a recipe for disaster.

The more active you are the more carbohydrates you can and need to eat to help replenish your body, aid in recovery, and help with lean muscle growth.

Along those same lines, the less active you are the less carbohydrates you should be eating.

In our next sections, I will show you exactly how to eat over the next 6-weeks in order to maximize fat loss while still enjoy all the foods you love... Including your carbohydrates!

Reason #2. You are eating too much fat

Lowering your carbohydrate intake allows you to eat a higher fat diet to meet your caloric needs but this does not mean you can just go crazy and eat all the fat you want. Fat contains nine calories per gram compared to carbohydrates and protein, which contain four calories per gram.

Although healthy fats should be a main focus in your diet (along with protein and vegetables), you cannot go overboard or go crazy and expect to lose fat.

Now please note, I am NOT saying you should follow a low fat diet. A low fat diet is far worse than having a diet too high in fats. Good fats should be at least 25% of your daily caloric intake.

If you are focused on incorporating good fats into each meal, along with your protein, vegetables and the right carbohydrates (at needed times) you will see incredible fat burn and results.

Good fats will burn fat so they are a must when trying to get lean.

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part One

Fats are great to incorporate to help meet your caloric needs but eating a whole pound bag of almonds or two sticks of butter everyday may not be the best choice...

Remember, a diet high in healthy fats will NOT make you fat. In fact it will help burn fat and make you feel better than ever. You just need to monitor how much fat you eat so you are not going overboard and effecting your results.

Reason #3. You are not eating enough

Don’t think that just because you cut your calories down that you will start losing good weight. Sure cutting calories will help you lose weight but if it’s not the right calories or if you are cutting too many calories, you will start losing muscle and storing fat.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to losing fat is not eating enough. Cutting down too much on calories is not only dangerous but it will cause your body to store fat and lose muscle (a deadly combination).

According to one study, the first few weeks of a low calorie or crash diet leads to 70% loss in muscle and water weight. So yes, this can help you lose weight but 70% of that weight is water and muscle... Not good...

When trying to lose fat your focus should be on eating whole natural foods, and to eat them when you are hungry and until you are satisfied. You should not be starving yourself in order to lose fat or lose weight.

If you are eating the right foods, the fat will melt off.

Many times you will hear people complain that they have stopped burning fat or are at a “stand still” when trying to lose weight. The reason is their bodies are being forced to store fat as back up energy because they are not getting enough calories. This is something you do no want and must avoid.

Reason #4. You are not eating enough protein

You will find that when you eat a diet high in protein, it will be easier for you to lose fat and get results.

Protein should be incorporated into every single meal, and should be the bulk of the food that you eat. A good rule to go by is to try and eat at least your bodyweight in protein each day.This means if you weight 150 pounds, you should eat at least 150 grams of protein a

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part One

day, if not more.

Protein is the key component when trying to add or maintain lean muscle, and is also a huge contributor to burning fat. So stop shying away from the protein and start upping the intake.

Reason #5. You are drinking too many calories

The morning lattes, the afternoon sodas, and the nightly beers are absolutely killing the results you are getting when it comes to losing fat. Drinking calories or “diet” calorie drinks will contribute straight to fat storage.

This includes fruit juices, sports drinks, milk, lattes, mochas, etc. Focus on drinking water!

Black coffee and unsweetened teas are also ok in moderation but water should be your main focus when it comes to beverages. (try drinking at least 8-12+ glasses of water a day)

Even the “diet” and “zero” calorie drinks are killing your gut. If you want to lose fat, stop drinking calories and put down the soft drinks. Focus on drinking water, simple as that.

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part Two

So we have covered the basics for nutrition, now let's get to our workouts and see why you may be struggling to see results there...

After this section, we will be diving into our plan on exactly how you are going to get your best results over the next 6 weeks, so stay tuned.

Are Your Workouts Keeping You Fat?

If you are doing the wrong kind of workouts, the answer is YES they are... Below we will cover some common mistakes that people make in their workouts, then I'll show you exactly how to change that for better AND faster results...

You have heard it all before… Think about it… How many times on a daily basis do you get told how to get in shape and lose fat?

From McDonalds telling you to eat their “healthy” egg-white egg McMuffin to Yahoo! trying to convince you that soy is the best thing on earth (which it’s not by the way)… To personal trainers at the gym telling you that you are “doing that wrong” and should “do this instead.”

Plus, not to mention all the blogs, articles, emails, Facebook posts, tweets, Google plus one’s, Pinterest pictures…. Whoa Whoa Whoa! Talk about overwhelming…

It is no wonder you find it difficult to figure out what to do when it comes to burning fat and getting fit.

Lucky for you… This is my field. My arena. My court.

I live for this stuff. And what I do is take researcher, test it, tweak it, simplify it, and then hand it off to you. Sound good? Let’s dive in:

Top 4 Reasons Why You May Be Struggling To Lose Fat With Your Workouts

Reason #1: Your workouts are lasting too long.

Back in college, my mindset was “the longer I workout, the better.”

Although my 90-120 minute workouts worked for a short period of time, my body very quickly started breaking down.

Since that time I have come quite a long way… In fact, 95% of my workouts never go past

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part Two

the 30-minute mark! Sound crazy? It’s not.

In recent research, Italian scientists studied what they call “High Intensity Interval Resistance Training” (HIRT) and compared it to traditional weight training.

In the study, researchers had the HIRT group train for 30-minutes each session while the traditional group got to train for 60-minutes.

What they found was that although the HIRT participants worked out for half the time as the traditional group, they were able to increase the afterburn effect by 450% compared to the traditional lifting group.

This translated into 22 hours of afterburn or an extra 452 calories burned… From a 30-minute workout.

Imagine going to the gym, lifting hard for 30 minutes with the HIRT style of training… Then enjoying extended fat burning for a minimum of 22 hours and a 450% increase in metabolism…

That sounds pretty good right?

It is all about doing the right workouts, not about how long you workout.

When you train smart, better results follow.

Reason #2: You are not sprinting 2-4 times per week.

If you have ever read any of my material or gone through any of my programs, you know my love for sprinting. And the reasoning is pretty simple: results.

Sprints target belly fat, increase GH and testosterone, promote lean muscle growth, and make you look like a superhero.

It is the best fat burning exercise in the world (I am serious).

Look at any sprinter and what is the first thing you notice? Defined arms and legs… And ripped abs!

Sprints allow your body to work at your anaerobic threshold which in turn means you will maximize fat as your bodies preferred source of energy used.

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part Two

I’ll sum up number two with one of my favorite quotes about sprinting:

“Sprinting is the purest, most powerful physique shaper in an athletes arsenal.”

In short, start sprinting on a weekly basis. Below, I will show you exactly how to do that even if you don't have a track or field to do it on.

Reason #3. You are using outdated methods of training (manipulate rest periods)

Long, slow cardio… a thing of the past. It doesn’t work, we know that.

But what about intervals? Are intervals really outdated?

I have been in a constant battle with this one in my testing lately. See my problem with intervals is that many times they don’t allow you to push as hard as they should. Let me explain:

Let’s say your trainer tells you to take a 30-second rest in between exercises. For some the 30-seconds may be too short, not allowing them to recover well enough for their next set of exercises. For others the 30-seconds is too long which doesn’t allow them to push as hard as they should during the workout.

See the problem here?

Everyone is different and calls for different rest periods.

That is why I like to manipulate rest periods for my workouts, my clients, and why I recommend you do the same.

What this means is that during each rest period, you take as long as rest as needed so that your body is almost fully recovered for your next exercise.

Now this does not mean you can slack off and take 5-minutes between exercises but what this forces you to do is take an optimal amount of rest for your body.

Rest periods are never the same throughout most of my workouts. They vary depending on how I am feeling from the previous exercise. For example, going from squats to push-ups may yield no rest in between while going from burpees to squat jumps may yield a 15-20 second rest.

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9 Reasons You Are Struggling To Lose Fat RIGHT NOW: Part Two

What you must make sure of is that you are always pushing yourself to get better each time you workout. This means cutting down rest periods, pushing for more reps, getting stronger, etc. This is what will allow you to get super lean and lose the most fat fast.

Reason #4: Strength training and getting stronger is not a priority

Imagine you are a law student for a second…

Each day when you go to class, study, do homework, etc. what is your goal?

To become a better and smarter law student, right? To progress. Improve. Get smarter.

The same should be true in your workouts. Each time you hit the gym or go into a workout, if you are not trying to get better and stronger… Something is wrong.

Progression is such a key factor in the results you see. You know those people at the gym that lift the same weights day after day, never increasing them or changing their routine?

There is a reason they look the exact same now as they did a year ago.

However, the people that are constantly getting stronger, doing new workouts, pushing harder… Those are the ones who have the incredibly defined physiques and see the most results.

Why? Because they are focused on getting better, stronger, faster, more lean…

If you aren’t focused on progression, something is drastically wrong and must change.

And below, I will show you exactly how to do that.

Now that we have covered some common mistakes, let's get into exactly what you will be doing in both your nutrition and workouts over the next 6-weeks.

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Simplified Nutrition

Nutrition is far and above one of the most complicated topics for those trying to lose weight. As we just covered, it's easy to fall for the misconceptions about nutrition. That's why I am providing you with a Simplified Nutrition approach to help you burn fat and get lean over the next 6-weeks.

No matter what your goal is, nutrition must be your number one focus. As I always say...

“Nutrition brings the results, your workouts SPEED UP those results.”

You can be doing all the right things in your workouts, sleeping, and lifestyle but if you are eating junk food all day you will never get the results you are looking for.

Mark Sisson, the creator of ‘The Primal Blueprint‘, knows everything there is to know about healthy eating. I love Mark because of his simplified approach and the fact that he knows humans are not perfect.

In his book and on his website, he always refers to his ’80/20 rule’, stating:

“If you’re eating fully Primal 80% of the time, the other 20% offers room for well-intentioned but practical choices when we can’t be Primal or choose not to be for a variety of personal reasons.”

Essentially what Mark is saying, is that if we eat real food 80% of the time you will be healthy and see results. He gives you a full 20% to eat as you please.

Now the 80/20 rule does not give you free reign to go on a junk food rampage because it is during a “20% meal.”

The rule is there to give you an outline and a stress free way of eating healthy.

Everyone has cravings, and that is OK! Mess ups happen, so don’t stress about it.

Tim Ferriss, author of the 4-Hour Body, has a slightly different approach to nutrition and one I have talked about extensively on my blog.

Tim’s nutrition approach is one that is strict for 6 days (eating all real foods), then allows for a full day of cheat meals. And yes, cheat days can and should include anything and everything from donuts to pizza to ice cream…

There has been tons of research behind this way of eating in that it will help you burn fat

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Simplified Nutrition

(and lots of it) even though you have a full cheat day each week.

When you look at what Tim is doing, he basically took the 80/20 rule and put the “20%” into one day with no restriction. The main difference between the two, are on the ‘Cheat Day’ plan you can go crazy for one day each week. On the 80/20 rule, you instead have cheat meals throughout the week.

Another great nutrition author, Robb Wolf, describes his nutrition approach as the “ONLY nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic!”

Paleo (as with Primal), is eating how our ancestors ate while avoiding the processed, man made foods of today’s world (90% of the grocery store!).

There are many different nutrition approaches out there, but the ones that work come back to the same basic rule:


That is what it all comes down too. Sure, the nutrition plans vary some by adding in a few different foods but for the most part you are eating food that has been around for thousands of years.

Foods that are designed to keep you lean, strong, healthy, and energized. Foods that will burn fat and aid in lean muscle growth. Foods that will energize you and not suck the life out of you. Foods that our bodies are supposed to consume and not foods that are made by man with preservatives and artificial ingredients.

If you want to change your health, it all starts with the foods that you put into your body. As I have said before, you can workout for two hours a day but if the other 22 hours are spent eating junk food, you will not see the results you are hoping for.

There is a reason that 80-90% of the results you see come from nutrition. The majority of your day is spent eating while only a fraction of your day (if any) is spent working out.

When you hear people complain, “I go to the gym everyday for an hour and I can’t lose weight.” The root of the problem is ALWAYS nutrition.

Getting serious about changing your health does not start with going to the gym more or working out longer or working out harder. Sure, those things will help but if you don’t change what you are putting into your body then you will stay right where you currently are.

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Simplified Nutrition

Now please do not think this means you must drastically cut calories in order to lose weight or get fit. Not at all. When you eat the right foods, and eat when you are hungry and until you are satisfied, incredible results will follow.

One of the biggest nutrition mistakes is one of counting and restricting calories. Not only is it a hassle, but it will hurt your results as we discussed earlier.

Food is fuel for your body, energy to get you through the day. If you are restricting calories and not eating enough, your body is going to start storing the calories you eat as fat so it has backup energy.

Feeding your body the right foods, and doing it when you are hungry and until you are satisfied is like giving your car the best fuel to run on. You will have long lasting energy, will feel better, and will naturally burn fat and build lean muscle.

Nutrition does not need to be complicated. It should be a simple and stress free part of your day that helps you feel great doing the things you do.

Below, we will go over the foods you should be focused on eating over the next six-weeks.

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What To Eat

Below are the foods you should focus on eating over the next 6-weeks, the majority of the time.

Things to eat

Vegetables: Any and all. Broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms, ...Meat and Poultry: Beef, chicken, lamb, pork, wild game, …Fish: Salmon, tuna, walleye, halibut, …EggsNuts and Seeds: Almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, walnuts, …Healthy Fats: Avocado, grass fed butter, coconut oil, coconut milk, …Fruit: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, …Spices and Herbs: Black pepper, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger, …Carbs: Sweet potatoes, beans, potatoes. (Depending on activity level)

Things to Avoid (the majority of the time)

Grains: cereals, breads, pastas, …Processed foods and sugar: sodas, bakes goods, candy, chips, crackers, …Alcohol

In Moderation (depending on activity level)

Beans and LegumesPotatoes and Sweet PotatoesRice and Oats(Note: The more active you are the more of the above foods you need.)

When it comes down to it, eating the foods above are going to bring you the results you are looking for. It doesn’t matter if you choose to do the 80/20 rule or the cheat day, as long as you choose one or the other.

Before moving on, I would like to offer you three simple rules to follow when it comes to your nutrition that will help speed up results and make it stress free:

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Simplified Nutrition Rules

1. Eat when you are hungry and until you are satisfied. There is no need to restrict or count calories when you eating the right foods.

2. Remember that health and fitness should not run your life, it should simply be part of it. Mistakes happen and you will fall off track at time. Don’t let one mistake ruin your day or week. Forget about it and move on. If you have a piece of cake at the office, you shouldn’t feel the need to workout for an extra hour that day. It is all about balance and enjoying life. That is why the 80/20 rule works so well. If you were having a piece of cake at the office everyday, that is when you may need to reevaluate your nutrition plan.

3. Enjoy the foods you eat and the energy they bring. Get creative with the kinds of food you cook and eat. Eating healthy is far from boring and bland. Some of the most flavorful foods are the foods that are the best for you.

As you can see, this is a very laid back and relaxed way of eating and the reason for that is simple...

It makes getting healthy more fun.

So here are your next steps:

Step One: Choose if you are going to do the 80/20 Rule or Cheat Day rule.

80/20: Have 3-4 cheat MEALS a week then focus the rest of your meals on eating the foods we covered above.

Cheat Day: Eat all REAL food for 6 days, the enjoy one cheat DAY each week. I prefer having my cheat day on Saturdays!

Step Two: Prepare your food in advance for the week.

Cook in bulk. The more healthy foods you have on hand, the easier healthy eating becomes.

Step Three: Properly time your carbohydrates.

Best times to have your carbs: Immediately post workout, during your cheat meals, OR first thing in the morning.

Step 4: Remember to eat protein with every single meal (20-30 grams works best)

Step 5: HAVE FUN!

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Meal Examples

Below are different meal options you can choose from. These are just a few of the many examples of meals you can eat while on this plan. None of the meals below include carbohydrate sources, so you should add those in when needed.

Note: These are example meals that I personally would eat. Feel free to adjust how much food each meal has to fit YOUR needs!


Option 1: 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 2 cups of spinach, ½ cup asparagus, ½ tbsp grass fed butter, 4oz grass fed ground beefCalories: 565Protein: 53gCarbs: 7gFat: 39g

Option 2: 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 1 tbsp grass fed butter, 1-cup asparagus Calories: 413Protein: 27Carbs: 9Fat: 30

Option 3: 4 pieces of organic bacon, 4 whole vegetarian fed eggs, 2 cups of spinachCalories: 452Protein: 38gCarbs: 4gFat: 35g

Option 4: Protein Shake (2 scoops) Calories: 315Protein: 50gCarbs: 10gFat: 6g

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HIITBURN FAT BURNING SYSTEM: The Superhero Surge Edition

Meal Examples


Option 1: 8oz Chicken Breast, 2 cups of broccoli, 1 TBSP of coconut oil Calories: 440Protein: 59gCarbs: 12gFat: 16g

Option 2: 8oz Chicken Breast, 10 spears of asparagus in ½ tbsp of butter, 2 cups of spinach, homemade salad dressing (1 tbsp of olive oil, spicy mustard, spices)Calories: 460Protein: 57gCarbs: 6gFat: 22g

Option 3: 8oz grass fed ground beef patty, 1 cup of mushrooms, 1½ cup of brussle sprouts, ½ tbsp of butterCalories: 500Protein: 53gCarbs: 19gFat: 24g

Option 4: 8oz grass fed beef steak, 10 asparagus spears and 1-cup broccoli (steamed)Calories: 490Protein: 45gCarbs: 10gFat: 32

Option 5: 6oz Salmon, 1 cup of green beans, 1 tbsp of coconut oilCalories: 404Protein: 36gCarbs: 11gFat: 25g

The meal examples above are simply there as a guide. You should determine the amount of food you need in order to best attain your goals. Each person is different so find what works and stick with it. Remember to add your carbs in when needed.

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HIITBURN FAT BURNING SYSTEM: The Superhero Surge Edition

Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 1-4)

Below are the three workouts that you will do for the first 4-weeks on this program. You will perform these workouts 3 times per week with at least one days rest in between for the full four weeks. Once finished with the four weeks, you will move to the next set of workouts for the final 2-weeks. Be sure to time your workouts!

Day 1 – Workout A

Warm-Up• Perform 20 seconds of each exercise with no rest in between.• After each full circuit, rest 20 seconds and repeat 2 TOTAL rounds.

Bodyweight Squats: 20 secondsPushups: 20 secondsAlternating Lunges: 20 secondsSpiderman Climbs: 20 secondsRest 20 seconds and repeat one more time.

After your warm-up, take 1-2 minutes to recover fully then start circuit #1:

Circuit #1Complete 3 rounds of the exercises below as fast as possible resting only when needed. Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next. If you cannot complete all the reps in a row, just rest and then finish the remaining reps before moving to the next exercise.

1A) Pushups: 20 reps1B) Squat to Squat Jump: 20 reps1C) Jump Rope: 100 reps OR 1-minute in length1D) Outside Mountain Climbers: 20 reps each side1E) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings: 25 reps

Once you have completed 3 full rounds, rest 1-2 minutes and complete circuit #2.

Circuit #2Complete 3 rounds of the exercises below as fast as possible resting only when needed. Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next.

2A) Alternating Reverse Lunges: 10 reps each side2B) Spiderman Climbs: 10 reps each side 2C) Superman Jumps: 10 reps2D) Cross Body Mountain Climbers: 10 reps each side2E) Burpees: 10 reps

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Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 1-4)

Day 2 – Active Rest Day• Go for a walk, hike, play outside, do yoga. Stay active!

Day 3 – Workout BBe sure to time your workout!

Warm-UpPerform the same warm-up as you did on day one.

After your warm-up, take 1-2 minutes to recover fully then start circuit #1:

Circuit #1Complete 3 rounds of the exercises below as fast as possible resting only when needed. Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next. If you cannot complete all the reps in a row, just rest and then finish the remaining reps before moving to the next exercise.

1A) Pull-Ups or Bodyweight Rows: 15 reps1B) Sprints in Place: 30 reps (one rep is both feet hitting the ground once)1C) Side Plank Reach Throughs: 10 reps each side1D) Rocking Planks: 30 reps

Once you have completed 3 full rounds, rest 1-2 minutes and complete circuit #2.

Circuit #2Complete 2 rounds of the exercises below as fast as possible resting only when needed. Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next.

2A) Squat Jumps: 25 reps2B) Pushups: 25 reps2C) Swing Through Lunges: 10 reps each side

Once you have completed 2 full rounds, rest 1-2 minutes and complete the finisher.

FinisherPerform as many burpees as possible in 3-minutes. Be sure to mark down how many you were able to do!

Day 4 – Active Rest Day• Go for a walk, hike, play outside, do yoga. Stay active!

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Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 1-4)

Day 5 – Workouts CBe sure to track your number of rounds completed for each circuit!

Warm-UpPerform the same warm-up as you did on day one.

After your warm-up, take 1-2 minutes to recover fully then start circuit #1:

Circuit #1Complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 5-minutes resting only when needed.

1A) Pull-Ups: 5 reps1B) Pushups: 10 reps

Once you have completed the 5-minutes, rest 1-2 minutes and complete circuit #2.

Circuit #2Complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 5-minutes resting only when needed.

2A) Squat to Toes: 15 reps2B) Outside Mountain Climbers: 10 reps each side

Once you have completed the 5-minutes, rest 1-2 minutes and complete circuit #3.

Circuit #3Complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 5-minutes resting only when needed.

3A) Close Grip Pushups: 5 reps3B) Burpees: 5 reps3C) Kettlebell Swings 10 reps

Day 6 and 7 – Active Rest Day• Go for a walk, hike, play outside, do yoga. Stay active!

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Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 5-6)

For the final two weeks on this program, you will be working out 5 days per week. Three days will be focused on strength and the other two days will be focused on sprints. Let's finish strong!

Day 1 – Workout ABe sure to time your workout or number of rounds completed.

Warm-Up• Perform 20 seconds of each exercise with no rest in between.• After each full circuit, rest 20 seconds and repeat 2 TOTAL rounds.

Bodyweight Squats: 20 secondsPushups: 20 secondsAlternating Lunges: 20 secondsSpiderman Climbs: 20 secondsRest 20 seconds and repeat one more time.

After your warm-up, take 1-2 minutes to recover fully then start circuit #1:

Circuit #1Complete 3 rounds of the exercises below as fast as possible resting only when needed. Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next. If you cannot complete all the reps in a row, just rest and then finish the remaining reps before moving to the next exercise.

1A) Pushups: 30 reps1B) Bulgarian Split Squats: 10 reps each leg1C) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings: 25 reps

Once you have completed 3 full rounds, rest 1-2 minutes and complete circuit #2.

Circuit #2Complete as many rounds as possible in 12-minutes of the exercises below. Rest only when needed. Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next.

2A) Alternating Reverse Lunges: 5 reps each side 2B) Decline Pushups or Regular Pushups: 15 reps2C) Punisher Squats*: X2 (1-minute)2D) Jump Rope: 30 seconds

*Perform 20-seconds of bodyweight squats followed by a 10-second hold. Repeat 2 times for a total of 1-minute, then move to the next exercise.

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Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 5-6)

Day 2 – Sprints

Perform 7 full speed sprints at 50-80 yards each. Rest as long as needed between sprints.

If you do not have access to a track or field, perform 7 sprints-in-place at 30-seconds each. Other sprinting options are jumping jacks, jump rope, or burpees.

Day 3 – Workout B

Warm-UpPerform the same warm-up as you did on day one.

After your warm-up, take 1-2 minutes to recover fully then start circuit #1:

Circuit #1Complete as many rounds as possible in 15-minutes of the exercises below. Rest only when needed. Complete all reps on one exercise before moving to the next. Be sure to track your number of rounds!

1A) Pull-Ups or Bodyweight Rows: 10 reps1B) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings: 15 reps 1C) Bulgarian Split Squat or Split Squats: 10 reps each leg1D) Off Set Pushups: 5 reps each side 1E) Swing Through Lunges: 5 reps each side

Once you have completed the 15-minutes, rest 1-2 minutes and complete the finisher below.


Perform as many burpees as possible in 3-minutes. Be sure to mark down how many you were able to do.

Day 4 – Sprints

Perform 7 full speed sprints at 50-80 yards each. Rest as long as needed between sprints.

If you do not have access to a track or field, perform 7 sprints-in-place at 30-seconds each. Other options are jumping jacks, jump rope, or burpees.

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Superhero Surge Workouts (Weeks 5-6)

Day 5 – Workouts C

Warm-UpPerform the same warm-up as you did on day one.

After your warm-up, take 1-2 minutes to recover fully then start circuit #1:

Circuit #1Complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 10-minutes resting only when needed. Be sure to track your number of rounds!

1A) Spiderman Pushups: 10 reps 1B) Superman Jumps: 10 reps1C) Plank Spiderman Climbs: 10 reps each side 1D) Jump Lunges or Alternating Lunges: 10 reps total

Once you have completed the 10-minutes, rest 1-2 minutes and complete circuit #2.

Circuit #2Complete as many rounds as possible of the exercises below in 10-minutes resting only when needed. Be sure to track your number of rounds!

2A) Chin-Ups: 10 reps2B) Sit Throughs: 10 reps2C) Kettlebell Swings: 10 reps2D) Burpees: 10 reps

Day 6 and 7 – Active Rest Day• Go for a walk, hike, play outside, do yoga. Stay active!

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Alternating Lunges 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart2. Step backward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step.3. Plant your back toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance.4. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. 5. Keep your upper body upright with chest proud.6. Push back to the start position and switch legs.

Alternating Reverse Lunges1. Starting Position: Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, and your hands placed on your hips or by your side. You will first lift one leg upwards then step straight back and place that foot behind you.2. Movement: When your foot hits the ground, you will drop your back knee so it is about an inch off the ground. You will need to be sure you core is tight throughout the movement. Once you have lunged your back leg to the floor, you will explode up by pushing off your back leg and returning to the starting position. You will then repeat the same movement with the same leg for the allotted amount of time, then switch to the other leg.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Bodyweight Squats

1. Start with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and arms placed straight out in front of you. Place your feet in a comfortable position facing straight forward or a little outwards2. Slowly lower yourself down, as if you were going to sit down in a chair. Your weight should be on your heels with your core tight. Once you have reached the bottom of your squat, pause then return to the starting position. This is considered one repetition.

Bulgarian Split Squat1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Place one foot on a bench. Step forward with the other foot, taking a slightly larger than normal step.3. Keeping your core tight, lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.4. Push up to the starting position. 5. Stay in a split-squat stance and perform all reps for one leg and then switch.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions


1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Drop down onto your hands and feet, then thrust your feet back so you are in a push-up position. 3. Perform a pushup (optional)4. Thrust your feet back up and then stand back up. 5. Add a vertical jump at the end (optional)

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Close Grip Pushups

1. Get in a push-up position with your hands forming a diamond below your chest. Keep your core tight and your back straight.2. Slowly lower yourself down to the floor keeping your core tight and back straight. Once you have reached 2-4 inches off the floor, pause for a second then push yourself back up into the starting position.

Cross Body Mountain Climbers1. Start in the push-up position with your core tight and back straight. 2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to your opposite elbow. Do not let your hips sag or rotate. 3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Decline Pushups

1. Keep the abs tight and back straight.2. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Elevate your feet onto stairs or a bench or a chair.3. Lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. Keep your body in a straight line at all times.

Jump Lunges1. Starting Position:Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with your left leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step. Keep your right toe on the ground and use it to help keep your balance. The right knee should also be bent. Lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the ground. 2. Movement: Keep your upper body upright and your lower back flat, explode upwards (jump by driving through both legs simultaneously) while switching your legs in the air (your feet will switch places on each rep.) Continue in this alternating fashion.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Jump Rope

1. Swing the rope under your feet and jump quickly off the floor. Repeat as necessary.

Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings1. Starting Movement: Start with your stance a little wider than shoulder width apart with your toes pointed slightly outwards. 2. Movement: Squat down with your back completely straight, dropping the dumbbell between your legs. When you have reached the bottom on your squat, you will slightly push your forearms against your groin area to get momentum to swing the dumbbell back up. You will then squat back up while the dumbbell swings up in a fluid motion with the squat. This is a continual movement so once you have stood back up and the dumbbell has reached about chest height, you will repeat the movement again.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Off Set Pushups

1. Keep your abs braced and body in a straight line from toes to shoulders. 2. Place the hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, BUT place one hand in front of shoulder level and the other hand behind shoulder level. 3. Slowly lower yourself down until you are 1 inch off the ground. 4. Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position. 5. Keep your body in a straight line at all times. 6. Do all reps for one side and then change hand positions and complete all other reps

Outside Mountain Climbers

1. Start in the push-up position with your core tight and back straight. 2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to the outside of the elbow on the same side. Do not let your hips sag or rotate. 3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Plank Spiderman Climbs

1. Start in the plank position with your core tight and back straight. 2. Keep your abs braced, pick one foot up off the floor, and slowly bring your knee up to the outside of the elbow on the same side. Do not let your hips sag or rotate. 3. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.


1. Take an overhand grip on the bar with the palms facing forward.2. Pull your body up until the chest reaches bar level. 3. Slowly lower yourself keeping control of your body the entire time.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Punisher Squats

1. Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart. 2. Start the movement at the hip. Push your hips backward and act like you are sitting back into a chair. Make your hips go back as far as possible.3. Squat as deep as possible, but keep your low back tensed in a neutral position. 4. Do not round your lower back.5. Repeat this movement for 20 seconds.6. Once the 20-seconds is finished, you will then HOLD in the bottom of the squat position for 10 seconds.7. This is one cycle. Repeat for the allotted amount of time.


1. Place your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart. 2. Slowly lower your chest and body down to the floor, keeping your core tight and back straight.3. After you hit the bottom of the movement, push with your arms & chest to get your body back up to the start position. 4. If it is too hard, drop to the knees or perform pushups with your hands on a bench.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Rocking Planks

1. Get in the plank position with your forearms on the floor facing forward, core tight, and back straight. 2. Using your core, push yourself forward bending at the elbows while keeping your body in a straight line. Once you reach out as far as you can go, return to the starting position and repeat.

Side Plank Reach Through

1. Start in the side plank position with your core tight and back straight.2. Using your core to twist, reach your hand through the plank gap until you cannot go any further. Return to the starting position and repeat. Be sure to keep your core tight throughout.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Sit Throughs

1. Start in the pushup position with core tight and back straight. 2. Twisting in your core, drive one leg through to the opposite side until you are seating on the floor with one arm on the ground and the opposite arm in the air. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Spiderman Climbs

1. Start in a pushup position with your core tight and back straight. 2. With your core braced, fire up one foot to the hand on the same side of your body. 3. Once completed, fire back into the pushup position and repeat on the opposite side.

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HIITBURN FAT BURNING SYSTEM: The Superhero Surge Edition

The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Spiderman Push-Ups

1. Starting Position: Start in a push-up position with your core tight and back straight. 2. As you lower yourself down to perform a push-up, you will bring one leg up (keeping it close to the ground) to the elbow on that same side. One the way back up, your leg will return to the starting position. On the next repetition you will use the opposite leg (the leg you didn't use on the first rep). You will continue in this alternating fashion for the duration of the time.

Sprints in Place

1. Run in place, bringing your knees high, alternating steps, and pumping your arms and legs as fast and as comfortably as possible.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Squat Jumps

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat.2. When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding into a vertical jump. When coming down, be sure and land softly the repeat.

Squat to Squat Jump

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down and perform a bodyweight squat.2. Immediately drop back down and this time perform a squat jump by driving your feet through the floor and jumping as high as you can. 3. Land softly and move back into the bodyweight squat. Repeat in this fashion.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Squat to Toes

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat.2. When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding onto your toes as though you were going to do a vertical jump.3. Quickly return to the starting position and repeat.

Superman Jump (or Rocket Jump)

1. Start by standing with your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, in the position you would be in if you were getting ready to jump. Squat down as though you were performing a bodyweight squat.2. When you reach the bottom of your squat, drive your feet into the ground exploding into a vertical jump reaching your hands as high as you can to the sky. When coming down, be sure and land softly the repeat.

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The Superhero Surge Exercise Descriptions

Swing Through Lunges

1. Do a reverse lunge for your left leg by stepping back with your right leg.2. Then step forward with your right leg so that you do a forward lunge working the right leg.3. Continue for all reps moving one leg then switch.4. This can be done with dumbbells or just bodyweight.

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Moving Forward...

What a great last 6-weeks! You should be super pumped at what you have just completed and accomplished.

Now that you have gone through this program, it's time to let that momentum continue to build and progress...

The recommended next step is to take on my 12-Week Superhero Body Program that will progress you from bodyweight workouts all the way up to some tough weighted workouts.

It's the perfect next step and next progression that you need.

Click Here For More Information!

I would love to hear your feedback on how this program went for you. Be sure to email dennis (at) fatburningnation (dot) com and let me know.

In the meantime, keep up the great work and keep on pushing.

To your fitness and fat burning success,

Dennis Heenan, MCTT Master Certified Turbulence Trainer

P.S. Don't forget my other sites...

www.FatBurningNation.com- Blog posts, videos, motivation, free gifts, free content, and more.

www.GetSuperheroAbs.com - #1 Ab training System designed for immense fat burning in as little as 4-minutes. Oh, and you don't need equipment!

www.SuperheroSprints.com/Superhero-Body/ - The best progressive system on the market taking you from bodyweight to weighted exercises in under 12-weeks.

www.SuperheroSprints.com – 6-week sprint and bodyweight combo plan designed to blast fat utilizing the most underrated and under used exercise on the planet: Sprints!

www.DailyShredDiet.com – Discover how to lose 22 pounds of fat in the next 30 days without counting calories while still enjoying the foods you love.

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