KU School of Social Welfare Ph.D. Students Publications Accepted and Conference Presentations Made January through December 2014 socwel.ku.edu HIGHLIGHTS PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS • Journal Articles Accepted (a few also accepted and published in the year) • Total: 12 students, 22 articles • First authored: 11 • Sole authored: 5 • Number faculty involved as co-authors: 11 • Number KU School of Social Welfare research staff involved as co-authors: MANY

HIGHLIGHTS - KU School of Social Welfare | School of ......employees' abilities to respond to children's mental health needs: Implications for school social work. School Social Work

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Page 1: HIGHLIGHTS - KU School of Social Welfare | School of ......employees' abilities to respond to children's mental health needs: Implications for school social work. School Social Work

KU School of Social Welfare Ph.D. StudentsPublications Accepted and Conference Presentations MadeJanuary through December 2014



PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS• Journal Articles Accepted (a few also accepted and published in the year)

• Total: 12 students, 22 articles• First authored: 11• Sole authored: 5• Number faculty involved as co-authors: 11• Number KU School of Social Welfare research staff involved as co-authors: MANY

Page 2: HIGHLIGHTS - KU School of Social Welfare | School of ......employees' abilities to respond to children's mental health needs: Implications for school social work. School Social Work

Akin, BA, Brook, J & Lloyd, MH (in press) Examining the role of methamphetamine in permanency: A competing risks analysis of reunification, guardianship and adoption American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Byers, K., Johnson, T., Byrnes, K., Davis-Groves, S., McDonald, T. (in press). Elevating stakeholder voice: Considering parent priorities in model development for community mental health center services. Children and Youth Services Review

Chapin, R. K., Sellon, A., & Wendel-Hummell, C. (in press). Integrating education, research, and practice in gerontological social work: lessons learned from the reclaiming joy peer support program. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education,

Conrad-Hiebner, A., & Scanlon, E. (Accepted). The economic conditions of child physical abuse: A call for a national research, policy, and practice agenda. Families in Society.

DePaolis, K. (in press). Cyberbullying: Implications for social work assessment. School Social Work Journal.

DePaolis, K., & Williford, A. (2014). The nature and prevalence of cyber victimization

among elementary school children. Child & Youth Care Forum. (Online First). doi: 10.1007/s10566-014-9292-8.

Frauenholtz, S., Conrad-Hiebner, A., & Mendenhall, A.N. (Accepted). Children's mental health providers' perceptions of mental health literacy among parents and caregivers. Journal of Family Social Work.

Frauenholtz, S., Williford, A., & Mendenhall, A.N. (Accepted). Assessing school employees' abilities to respond to children's mental health needs: Implications for school social work. School Social Work Journal.

Gomi, S. & Canda, E. R. (2014). Teaching resource on spirituality and mental health recovery: Insights from the art and words of consumers of mental health services. Council on Social Work Education’s Religion and Spirituality Clearinghouse.

Kapp, S.A., Rand, A. & Damman J.L. (in press). Clinical gains for youth in psychiatric residential treatment facilities: Results from a state-wide performance information system. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth.    

Lloyd, M.H. & Akin, B.A. (2014). The Disparate Impact of Alcohol, Methamphetamine and Other Drugs on Reunification. Children & Youth Services Review, 44(2014), 72-81.

Lloyd, M.H. & Brook, J. (accepted) Strengths-based Approaches to Practice and Family Drug Courts: Is There a Fit? Journal of Family Strengths

Lloyd, M.H. (accepted) Family Drug Courts: Conceptual Frameworks, Empirical Evidence and Implications for Social Work, Families in Society

Lloyd, M.H. (accepted) Relationship-based Justice for Gender Responsive Specialty Courts, Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare

Page 3: HIGHLIGHTS - KU School of Social Welfare | School of ......employees' abilities to respond to children's mental health needs: Implications for school social work. School Social Work

Lloyd, M.H., Johnson, T., & Brook, J. (accepted) Illuminating the Black Box from Within: Stakeholder Perspectives on Family Drug Court Best Practices, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions

Maguire-Jack, K., Byers, K. (2014). The impact of prevention programs on decisions in child protective services. Child Welfare, 92(5), 59-86.

McCave, E.L., Shepard, B., & Ramseyer Winter, V. (in press). Human sexuality as a critical subfield within social work. Journal of Progressive Human Services: Radical Thought & Practice.

Mendenhall, A.N., Fontanella, C.A., Hiance, D.L., & Frauenholtz, S. (2014). Factors associated with treatment attrition for Medicaid - enrolled youth disturbances. Children and Youth Services Review, 40, 20-28.

Mitchell, F. M. (in press). Racial and ethnic health disparities during an era of health care reform. Health & Social Work

Sellon, A. M. (2014). Recruiting and Retaining Older Adults in Volunteer Programs: Best Practices and Next Steps. Ageing International, 1-17.

West, S., & Adams, D. (in press) Emergency savings for low income families: Policy options and rationale. Journal of Policy Practice.

Wittman, L., & Scanlon, E. (in press). From Helena to Harlem: Barriers to Saving at Two SEED Sites. Journal of Community Practice.

Book Chapters (peer reviewed): 2

Neugut, T., Ocasio, K., McCourt, S., Byers, K., Rostad, W. (In press). Promoting protective

factors and strengthening resilience. In D. Daro, A.C. Donnelly, L.A. Huang, & B. Powell (Eds.), Advances in Child Abuse Prevention Knowledge: The Perspective of New Leadership. New York: Springer.

Seay, K., Byers, K., Feely, M., Lanier, P., Maguire-Jack, K., & McGill, T. (In press). Scaling up:

Replicating promising intervention with fidelity. In D. Daro, A.C. Donnelly, L.A. Huang, & B. Powell (Eds.), Advances in Child Abuse Prevention Knowledge: The Perspective of New Leadership. New York: Springer.



SSWR 2014: (2)

Brook, J., Yan, Y., and Lloyd, M. “Evaluating the efficacy of a family drug court”(Poster), Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research, 2014.

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Mariscal, S. "Personal and Environmental Protective Factors Contributing to the Resilience of Latino Adolescents Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW II)"

CSWE/APM 2014: (4)

Adams, D. & West, S. (2014, October). Building emergency savings: The experiences of people with very low-incomes. Poster presentation at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL.

Jones-Peterman, M. (2014, October). Assessing the Heart of Helping People: Measuring helping relationship with involuntary clients. Paper presented at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, Florida.

Kapp, S., & Ramseyer Winter, V. (2014, October). Teaching students to be consumer-centered administrators: What we do and don’t know. Poster presentation. Presented at the Council on Social Work Education 60th Annual Program Meeting, Tampa, Florida.

West, S. & Scanlon, E. (2014, October). Collaborating to develop outcome measures: A case study in generative research. Oral paper presentation at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Tampa, FL.


Carrie Wendel, Rosemary Chapin, and Alicia Sellon.Medicaid Cost Comparisons Across the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly, Home and Community Based Services/Frail Elderly, and Nursing Facilities. Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference.

Damman, Jeri L. (November 12-14, 2014) Birth parent involvement: Developing indicators to establish meaningful involvement. 9th Annual Conference on Differential Response in Child Welfare, Seattle, WA.

De Luca, S., Franklin, C., Yan, Y., & Shannon, J. (April, 2014). Mental Health Outcomes Predicting Cumulative GPA: A study of upper and underclassmen with recent suicidal ideation. The 47th American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

De Luca, S., Yan, Y., Lytle, M., & Brownson, C. (April, 2014). The associations of race/ethnicity and suicidal ideation among college students: A latent class analysis examining precipitating events and disclosure patterns. The 47th American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Firman, C., Counts, J., Conrad-Hiebner, A., & Garza, C. H. (April, 2014). Developing a Spanish-Language Tool for Measuring Protective Factors: A Collaborative Project [Workshop]. 19th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, New Orleans, LA.

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Frauenholtz, S.I., & Mendenhall, A.N. (2014, March). Stakeholder views regarding the evolving challenges of developing a system of care in children's mental health . Paper presented at the Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL

Jones-Peterman, M. (2014, July). Drug-testing People in Need: Too high a cost. Paper presented at the NASW National Conference for Social Work, Washington, D.C.

Kapp, S.A., Damman, J.L., & Ryan, J.L. (March 2014). Promoting a multilevel approach to interagency partnerships: Implementing a psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF) outcome-based information system in Kansas. 27th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL.

Mendenhall, A.N., & Frauenholtz, S. I. (2014, March). Incorporating child and family voice into systems of care: The experience of one change effort. Poster presented at the Children’s Mental Health Research and Policy Conference, Tampa, FL

Michelle Johnson-Motoyama, Ph.D., M.S.W., Mindi Moses, M.S.W., Tiffany Koloroutis, B.A., E. Susana Mariscal, Ph.D., and Carolina Navarro, M.S.W., University of Kansas School of Social Welfare Paula J. Fite, Ph.D., University of Kansas Clinical Child Psychology Program Parent Perspectives on the Prevention of Unintended Pregnancy and HIV/STDs Among Latino Adolescents . Thursday, May 29, 2014 at the Society for Prevention Research 22nd Annual Meeting in DC.

Skye Leedahl and Alicia Sellon. Factors Predicting Civic Engagement Among Older Adult Nursing Home Residents. Poster at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference


Koenig, T. L., Thompson, J. B., Goscha, R., Statz-Hill, M., & Coffman, M. (2014). Adults with Schizophrenia and their Active Participation in Mental Health Treatment, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL.

Lloyd, M., Johnson, T. and Brook, J. (April 10, 2014). Stakeholder Perspectives on an Innovative Approach to Drug-Involved Families in the Child Welfare System. Paper presentation at the Global Social Sciences Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Warren, S. (2014). A Qualitative Pilot Study of Personal and Professional Uses of Mindfulness Practices by Social Workers. Paper presented at Ninth International Conference on Spirituality and Social Work, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.