1 Highfield SchoolsNewsletter Growing together, learning for life’ Newsletter 5 16 Nov 2018 Love School LifeD ear Parents, Carers and Friends, Thank you to all those parents and carers in EYFS who completed our settling in survey. The results will be published on our school website for you to view in due course. Overall, we were pleased with the results but always want to improve, so our teachers are currently reviewing the responses and may come back to individual families. We will shortly be following up this survey with a survey to our Year 3 parents and carers regarding the transition of children between our schools. It was lovely to see our children arriving this morning dressed in their own clothes to support our ‘Children in Need’ day. Our Year 6 children worked hard to develop fundraising stalls and activities which have been visited by junior school children this afternoon. We will look forward to sharing with you the amount of money raised for this worthwhile cause. Finally, and hot off the press, we are delighted to be able to share with you a particular sporting success from last night. The Highfield Netball High 5 team are through to the London Youth Games after being crowned Bromley Champions! After qualifying in a preliminary round, the High 5 netball team attended the finals which were played at Harris Beckenham. Having previously narrowly missed out on a number of occasions coming second, Highfield have finally earnt the right to represent the Borough of Bromley at the Youth Games in March 2019! Special thanks to our dedicated coaching team of Mrs Danaher, Mrs Jackson and Mr Coulson. Congratulations! Have a lovely weekend. Miss Philpott Mr Taylor Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Mrs Frankis Mrs Williamson Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Our value for this half term is Creativity. “To use your imagination to create mind-blowing ideas!” “Freedom!”

Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We

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Page 1: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Highfield Schools’

Newsletter ‘Growing together,

learning for life’

Newsletter 5 16 Nov 2018

‘Love School Life’

D ear Parents, Carers and Friends,

Thank you to all those parents and carers in EYFS who completed our settling in survey.

The results will be published on our school website for you to view in due course. Overall, we

were pleased with the results but always want to improve, so our teachers are currently

reviewing the responses and may come back to individual families. We will shortly be

following up this survey with a survey to our Year 3 parents and carers regarding the

transition of children between our schools.

It was lovely to see our children arriving this morning dressed in their own clothes to support

our ‘Children in Need’ day. Our Year 6 children worked hard to develop fundraising stalls

and activities which have been visited by junior school children this afternoon. We will look

forward to sharing with you the amount of money raised for this worthwhile cause.

Finally, and hot off the press, we are delighted to be able to share with you a particular

sporting success from last night. The Highfield Netball High 5 team are through to the

London Youth Games after being crowned Bromley Champions!

After qualifying in a preliminary round, the High 5 netball team attended the finals which

were played at Harris Beckenham. Having previously narrowly missed out on a number of

occasions coming second, Highfield have finally earnt the

right to represent the Borough of Bromley at the Youth Games

in March 2019! Special thanks to our dedicated coaching

team of Mrs Danaher, Mrs Jackson and Mr Coulson.


Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Philpott Mr Taylor

Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Frankis Mrs Williamson

Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher

Our value for this half term is Creativity.

“To use your imagination to create mind-blowing ideas!” “Freedom!”

Page 2: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Attendance and Punctuality for October 2018

We place great importance on attendance and punctuality as there is a clear link between

attainment, progress and punctuality. Please help us to improve on punctuality in school

-we are now looking for attendance to be over 97%.






















































Attendance %



























































Punctuality - Number of Lates

E Safety

The Information Commissioner’s Office states that photographs taken by

parents at events such as concerts and Christmas productions do not breach

the Data Protection Act so long as they are only for parental use. We ask that

you do not share digital video and images on Facebook, YouTube and other

social networking sites as you need the consent from all the parents of the children in the

photos. We also need to respect those parents who have requested that photos of their

children are not published. Finally, please remember that the use of digital devices can be

off putting for our performers and for those watching the performance. We ask that you take

a common sense approach and turn off flashes.

Christmas Card Designs

We hope you enjoyed creating your

family's Christmas cards! This is a lovely

project to take part, in as it encourages

creativity, gets our school community

together and raises funds for school.

Each year we choose winning designs

to be sent to our stakeholders, from

Highfield Infants' and Junior School.

Congratulations to Alex B (Y2) and

Samuel B (Y4) who were selected as the

winners for this year.

Page 3: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Curriculum Information

On Monday 12th November, some of our Year 5 and 6 children

were joined by children from other schools to take part in a writing

workshop, led by well-known author and poet, Neal Zetter.

Throughout the activity-filled day, our children were excellent

ambassadors and were perfect hosts for visiting staff and children.

Neal shared his tips on how to become a successful author, as well as ideas on how to

create a descriptive poem. Here are some of the poems that our children produced:

Winter is…

Winter is a heap of snow piling upon pavements, every day growing more towering.

Winter is a season of colds and fevers covered in thick, warm blankets.

An everlasting abundance of snow filling beautiful scenes.

When winter approaches, the Gods blow away the golden leaves and replace them with

layers of white. (Scarlett, Year 5)

Winter is…

A sea of bitter, chilling wind, flooding the velvet blankets of glistening, white snow that sucks

happiness out of the beautiful wild life, begging for help.

Snowflakes, gracefully dance whilst a cascade of winter clothes pile on top of gloomy

people who are stuck in this dreadful, devastating bitterness. (Daisy, Year 5)

Spring is…

When the world wakes up from a bleak prison.

The exotic flowers renewed with energy to grow higher and healthier,

Time when gleaming, grassy rivers of emerald flow along with the cool, calming breeze.

(Alex, Year 6) Miss O'Prey, English Lead

Anti Bullying / Friendship Week

This week we have celebrated Anti-Bullying / Friendship week across

our schools. The theme this year is ‘We Choose Respect’. The aims of

the week are for children to understand:

-the definition of respect.

-that bullying is a behaviour choice.

-that we can respectfully disagree with each other.

-that we all need to choose to respect each other both face to face and online.

At the start of the week we had an assembly to introduce the week and talk to the children

about what bullying is and the strategies that can be used to prevent it taking place in our

school. The Junior School had a special focus on cyber-bullying ,whilst the Infants’ School

focused on secret acts of kindness to friends in school. Additionally, each year group in the

Junior School has completed a different PSCHE activity on the theme of friendships. They

have explored what makes them different and spoken about the need to be respectful of

each other’s differences, linking to British Values. Year 1 and 2 children completed a team

activity in which each had a responsibility, meaning they could only be successful if they

worked together and showed respect for each other’s role within the task.

Miss Holloway and Miss Dowley

Page 4: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Times Tables Rockstars Launch at Highfield Junior School

We are excited to introduce Times Tables Rockstars at Highfield this

term. This online educational tool has already proved popular both

with children and staff! The aim of the game is to successfully answer

multiplication questions (set either by the teacher or against other

users, online) to earn coins to customise a rockstar avatar.

Year 5 trialled it before half term and were hooked from the offset. Now, children from all

year groups are competing to climb as high as they can on the Highfield leader board,

earning as many points for their class as they can! We have already had really positive

feedback from parents and carers and can already see the impact the game is having in

the classroom!

Here’s what some of our children have had to say:

“Although I have been playing for just two weeks, my average speed answering each

question has gone down by over 6 seconds already!”

“I love that my teacher plays it as well so I can try and beat their speed!”

“Playing against my friends is my favourite part and I also like the battles between different


Mr Verrall, Maths Lead

IPC Superstars!

Well done to those children who have had their IPC work chosen to go on our central display

in the main corridor. There are some fantastic examples of learning here and the work

showcases the interesting topics that the children study across the school!

Please do have a look at the display when you next visit. Mr Taylor

Maths with parents - Highfield Infants’ School

This is an on-line video that explains the maths learning and correct vocabulary currently

being taught in your child’s class. It provides ideas for games to reinforce the learning being

taught and will enhance understanding. On Thursday 22nd November, there will be a

workshop on how to use this online tool and how to support your child at home with their

maths learning.

Page 5: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Cross Country

On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross

Country competition at Crystal Palace. We had some fantastic individual results:

Year 5 Girls: Jess T 48th, Sofia N 118th

Year 5 Boys: Charlie H 32nd, Rafael R 39th,

Nathaneal W-D 106th, Reece T 133rd,

Tomas H 200th, Volodar 300th

Year 6 Girls: Eimear P 173rd

Year 6 Boys: Albie H 4th, Barney T 22nd,

Ted H 26th, Sam Y 48th, Toby Y 165th

Due to lack of numbers, we only finished

scoring teams in the Year 5 Boys’ race

(10th) and Year 6 Boys‘ race (6th).

Well done to all the children who


Sports News

Boys’ Football

Last Wednesday, our Year 5 and 6 boys football team attended the Bromley Borough 6-a-

side football tournament, organised by Crystal Palace FC.

The boys played superbly throughout, with Callum R in goal not having a shot to save all day.

Another particular highlight was a 4-0 win against Parish in which Henry B scored a

thunderbolt from range and Sam T an excellent solo goal. Unfortunately,

despite not conceding a goal or losing a game all day, we came 2nd in

our group and therefore do not progress to the next round.

A huge well done to all of the boys involved. Mr Ayres

School Visits

London Zoo

On Friday 9th November, Year 4 visited to London Zoo. We had a great time

learning about the variety of animals that we saw. We even missed out on

the rain! The children really enjoyed the rainforest explorer session, where

they learnt about the different animals that live in the rainforest. We then

explored the enclosure to find the different animals and learnt how to take

the temperature and humidity of the room. Mrs Capon

Page 6: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Bromley Remembers

On Tuesday 6th November the three children

who were winners of the Bromley Remembers

competition went to a special reception with

the Mayor of Bromley at the Central Library.

Dino Year 3 (3rd place Art), Zaki Year 4 (2nd

place Poetry) and Eden Year 5 (1st place Art).


Parent and Carer Lunches

We were delighted by the response to our

invitation to parents and carers to have lunch

with their children in Reception. The children

enjoyed showing everyone the lunchtime

routine and it was a great opportunity for all

who came to get to know others in the class.

Below is feedback we received from one

family member:

‘Yesterday I had the pleasure of having lunch

with my granddaughter at your school.

I felt I had to write and thank you. Firstly, what

a lovely idea. I know the children really

enjoyed it, and so did the adults.

I was so impressed with

everything - the staff were so

welcoming, and the kitchen staff

knew the names of all the children which I

found amazing. The food was really good -

and so much choice!

Altogether a very pleasurable and

memorable day.

The children are lucky to attend such a great


Theresa Fogarty

Get creative in the FHS Christmas Art Competition

To enter you need to design a dazzling Christmas decoration on flat card, A5

size or smaller. You can choose any Christmas design you want like robins,

reindeer, Santa or a snowman. Add glitter, sparkles, ribbon, felt or recycled

materials to jazz up your design. The brighter the better! All art will be on show at the

Christmas Fair.

Entrance costs 50p, which should be given to class teachers with your completed

decoration by Monday 26th November. Make sure your name and class are written on the

back. All children at HIS and HJS can enter and will receive a surprise treat. Winning entries

will be selected to receive a mystery art prize. Good luck everyone!

Music News

The dates for our choir events are in the choirs information booklet on the

website, Do get in touch if you are interested in joining any of our choirs next


Our Junior Choir “Mary Poppins” show is on Saturday 12th January 2019.

Page 7: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Key Term Dates for Autumn Term - Junior School

Tues 20 Nov Maths Workshop for Parents and Carers, HJS hall 9-10am

Thu 22 Nov Y3/4 7-a-side Mixed Football at Kent County Cricket Ground

Fri 23 Nov Year 3 Kent Life Trip

Year 6 Horton Kirby Trip

Sat 8 Dec Chamber Choirs Allegri Concert at Bromley Parish Church 6pm

Fri 14 Dec Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Mon 17 Dec Christmas Church Service (incl. Y3 Nativity) - St Mary’s Church 10am

Tues 18 Dec Year 3 Play to Parents at HJS

Choir Concert at St Mary’s Shortlands 7pm


Wed 21 Nov Open Morning for prospective parents (starts at HIS) 9.30-11am

Fri 30 Nov Own Clothes Day in exchange for £1 or a bottle for Xmas Fair All day

Sat 1 Dec Infants’ Christmas Fair - all welcome

Tue 4 Dec FHS Cinderella (Panto) Churchill Theatre 7pm

Sun 9 Dec Christmas Tree Sale at HJS 10am-1pm

Last day of term: Friday 21 December 2018

Drop Off and Collection Arrangements

Parents are respectfully reminded that if there is a change to the drop or collection

arrangement for their child/ren that the class teacher and school office are notified.

Changes or delays to collection can not always be avoided but this can be unsettling for

children, especially our youngest, who may become confused and worried.

All children benefit from frequent reminders and reinforcement to clarify the arrangements

for adult supervision. This can be reinforced regularly at home and runs throughout the

school PSCHE curriculum and assemblies. This, coupled with good adult time keeping, will

ensure there is effective home school liaison and provides a smooth transition from home to

school. Working together will keep our children safe and support them as they learn to

become independent and ready for the transition to secondary school.

Key Term Dates for Autumn Term - Infants’ School

Mon 19 Nov Reception Stay and Play (morning starters) 9-10.30am

Tues 20 Nov Reception Stay and Play (afternoon starters) 9-10.30am

Thurs 22 Nov Maths Mastery Workshop 2-3pm

Fri 14 Dec Infants’ Nativity Service at St Mary’s Church 10-11am

Messages and Reminders

School Uniform

Please be reminded that, in line with our school uniform policy at the Junior School, children

should wear white or grey socks or grey knitted tights. Black socks or tights should not be

worn. Many thanks.

Page 8: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Dear Parents and Carers,

You could be sitting on a goldmine!

Want to do more for your children’s education and wellbeing but don’t have much time as a

working parent? Then please review the list of companies below. If you work for any of these

companies you could raise money for our schools through Charitable Grants and / or Gift

Matching programs they offer. (This is not an exhaustive list so it’s worth checking with your

employer even if not listed on the next page.)

The Friends of Highfield, Shortlands (FHS) is a registered charity. Companies may match the

fundraising total of an FHS event, or of the stall that their employee volunteers on; they may

offer charitable grants or rewards for being a member of the PTA – and as parents and carers

of children in Highfield Schools, you are all members of FHS! For instance, every employee of

Lloyds Banking Group is entitled to claim up to £1,000 each calendar year for a charity for

which they have either raised money for or given time to. Some employers will also match

the amount you pay for FHS-related ticketed events. Often, all the employee is required to

do is to supply their employer with a letter from FHS detailing the date and nature of the

event, together with the total raised. It’s as simple as that!

Over the last 3 years, match funding and employer contributions (which include matching of

employee Give As You Earn donations) have raised over £3,500 for FHS and Highfield Schools,

making a real difference to our children’s daily school lives.

We believe corporate funding in this way could be a substantial source of income for our

school, and for minimal effort, so please check with your employer now!

Thank you!

Friends of Highfield, Shortlands

Registered Charity No. 1032975

Contact us: [email protected]

Registered Charity No. 1032975

Page 9: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


Companies that may offer Grants/Matched Funding via Corporate Social Responsibility schemes

3i Cap Gemini HSBC Peugeot Motor

Abbey National Capital International Research

IBM Pfizer

ABN Amro Bank Carlsberg Tetley IDEO Philip Morris Philips

Accenture Cemex UK Industrial Bank of Japan PPG Industries

Alfred Dunhill Centrica Invensys PricewaterhouseCoopers

Alliance & Leicester Chase Manhattan J Sainsbury Royal and Sun Alliance

American Express Citibank Group Johnson & Johnson RBS

Amoco Foundation Columbia Threadneedle Investments

J P Morgan Royal London Mutual

Anglian Water Cooperative Bank Kellogg’s Royal Sun Alliance

Argos Cornhill Insurance Kingfisher Schroders

Arla Foods Coutts Bank KPMG Scottish & Southern Energy

ARM Holdings Credit Suisse Legal & General Shell

Asda De La Rue Littlewoods Siemens Medical

ASSEAL Debenhams Lloyds Banking Group Sigma Securities

AstraZeneca Deloitte Consulting Lloyds TSB SIT Investment

AT Kearney Deutsche Bank Marks and Spencer Sky Broadcasting

BAA DHL Mars Southern Electric

Bank of America Diageo Marsh & McLennan Stagecoach Group

Bank of England Dixons Group McKinsey & Co Standard & Poor’s

Bank Of Tokyo Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein

Mercury Asset Management

Sun Life of Canada

Bankers Trust Eli Lily Merrill Lynch Tesco

Barclays Group EMI Group Microsoft Texaco

BG Group Energis Midland Bank Thames Water

BlackRock Ericsson Telecom Midlands Electricity The Economist

BOC Group Ernst & Young Mitsubishi T. Rowe Price

Boeing Experian Moody's Investors Services UBS

Boots Exxon Mobil Morgan Stanley Unilever

Boston Consulting Fidelity Investments National Grid United Airlines

BP First Bus National Power United Utilities

Bradford and Bingley First Group Nat West Bank Vodafone

Bristol-Myers Squibb Ford Motor Co NCR Corporation Warner Music International

British American Tobacco GlaxoSmithKline Northern Electric William M Mercer

British Gas Goldman Sachs Norwich Union Woolwich

Cable & Wireless Guardian Royal Exchange O2 Yorkshire Water

Camelot Group Halifax Pearson

Page 10: Highfield Schools Newsletter · 5 Cross Country On Saturday 10th November, children from Highfield took part in the Bromley Schools Cross Country competition at Crystal Palace. We


The Junior School cookery club Kitchen Capers runs after school for an hour on


If you would like to sign up please visit the clubs page of the school website for

further details