Page 1 No. 129 Theme: “LIVE THE ANIMO THROUGH FAITH, SERVICE AND COMMUNION” Reading: Mark 4:21-25 And he said to them, "Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not on a stand? For there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light. If any man has ears to hear, let him hear." And he said to them, "Take heed what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. For to him who has will more be given; and from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Reflection: There is great freedom and joy for those who live in God's light and who seek his truth. Those who listen to God and heed his voice will receive more from him; they will not lack what they need to live as Christ's disciples, and they will shine as lights to those who hunger for God's truth and wisdom. Do you know the joy and freedom of living in God's light? Prayer: "Lord Jesus, you guide me by the light of your saving truth. Fill my heart and mind with your light and truth and free me from the blindness of sin and deception that I may see your ways clearly and understand your will for my life. May I radiate your light and truth to others in word and deed." Bulletin Daily LA SALLE GREEN HILLS - HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - MANDALUYONG CITY THURSDAY - January 28, 2016 Lasallian Core Value: COMMUNION Graduate Attribute: Future Leaders The commitment to association is deeply ingrained in the fabric of the Lasallian heritage. From the very beginning, De La Salle, the leader, realized that the schools would become successful and stable only to the extent that the teachers were united with a common vision, a shared dedication, and a supportive community. From his first encounters with the first teachers, De La Salle worked to knit his teachers into a religiously animated group of educators who worked together and by associa- In the important aspects of their life, the Brothers worked together in a particular way. They discussed and dealt with school methodologies, community affairs and common concerns in a way that was largely unlike that of their contemporary religious orders. De La Salle provided a kind of leadership that trusted both in God’s Providence as well as in the best intentions of his Brothers. An early biographer writes that De La Salle “had resolved to introduce nothing by authority and wished to give them attraction for virtue without constraint.” Thus when we think of the Lasallian as a future leader, we think of one, who is like De La Salle, inspires a sense of unity of purpose in the group. The leadership we envision is one that is collaborative and one that empowers the members of the group to contribute and have a sense of ownership over the group’s directions and decisions. LA SALLE GREEN HILLS VISION-MISSION La Salle Green Hills is a Lasallian Catholic educational institution that is internationally recognized, learner-centered, and service-oriented in pursuit of social transformation. In pursuing the mission, La Salle Green Hills professes to: Promote the development of spiritual and moral values; Respect the individuality of each person and the totality of his human potential; Pursue a relevant and excellent academic program; Develop social responsibility for national development; and Promote the enrichment of Filipino culture and the growth of an interdependent global community.

HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - · PDF fileProgram ILFP - Day 1 *Grade 10 Outbound Orientation û7:40 - 8:40 a.m. *Grade 8 ID Pictorial *Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas Finals ü û7:40 - 8:40

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Page 1: HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - · PDF fileProgram ILFP - Day 1 *Grade 10 Outbound Orientation û7:40 - 8:40 a.m. *Grade 8 ID Pictorial *Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas Finals ü û7:40 - 8:40

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No. 129


Reading: Mark 4:21-25

And he said to them, "Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not on a stand? For

there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret, except to come to light. If any man has ears to hear, let him hear." And he said to them, "Take heed what you hear; the measure you give will be

the measure you get, and still more will be given you. For to him who has will more be given; and from him

who has not, even what he has will be taken away."

Reflection: There is great freedom and joy for those who live in God's light and who seek his truth. Those who listen to

God and heed his voice will receive more from him; they will not lack what they need to live as Christ's

disciples, and they will shine as lights to those who hunger for God's truth and wisdom. Do you know the joy and freedom of living in God's light?

Prayer: "Lord Jesus, you guide me by the light of your saving truth. Fill my heart and mind with your light and truth

and free me from the blindness of sin and deception that I may see your ways clearly and understand your will

for my life. May I radiate your light and truth to others in word and deed."


THURSDAY - January 28, 2016

Lasallian Core Value: COMMUNION

Graduate Attribute: Future Leaders The commitment to association is deeply ingrained in the fabric of the Lasallian heritage. From the very beginning, De La Salle, the leader, realized that the schools would become successful and stable only to the extent that the teachers were united with a common vision, a shared dedication, and a supportive community. From his first encounters with the first teachers, De La Salle worked to knit his teachers into a religiously animated group of educators who worked together and by associa-

In the important aspects of their life, the Brothers worked together in a particular way. They discussed and dealt with school methodologies, community affairs and common concerns in a way that was largely unlike that of their contemporary religious orders. De La Salle provided a kind of leadership that trusted both in God’s Providence as well as in the best intentions of his Brothers. An early biographer writes that De La Salle “had resolved to introduce nothing by authority and wished to give them attraction for virtue without constraint.” Thus when we think of the Lasallian as a future leader, we think of one, who is like De La Salle, inspires a sense of unity of purpose in the group. The leadership we envision is one that is collaborative and one that empowers the members of the group to contribute and have a sense of ownership over the group’s directions and decisions.


La Salle Green Hills is a Lasallian Catholic educational institution that is internationally recognized, learner-centered, and service-oriented in pursuit of social transformation. In pursuing the mission, La Salle Green Hills professes to:

Promote the development of spiritual and moral values; Respect the individuality of each person and the totality of his human potential; Pursue a relevant and excellent academic program; Develop social responsibility for national development; and Promote the enrichment of Filipino culture and the growth of an interdependent global community.

Page 2: HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - · PDF fileProgram ILFP - Day 1 *Grade 10 Outbound Orientation û7:40 - 8:40 a.m. *Grade 8 ID Pictorial *Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas Finals ü û7:40 - 8:40

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Today’s Schedule

*Class 3G Lasallian Offering and Class Mass

(11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.)

*Class 3C Recollection

*Grade 8H Reach-out

*Annual Physical Exam

7G 9:40 - 10:40 a.m.

7H 1:40 - 2:40 p.m.

*Grade 7 Students CLAYGO Campaign

during Lunch


January 29, Friday

*Class 3E Lasallian Offering and Class

Mass (8:40 - 9:40 a.m.)

*Grade 8H Recollection

*Annual Physical Exam

7A 9:40 - 10:40 a.m.

7B 1:40 - 2:40 p.m.

*Class 4F Baccalaureate Song Practice

(2:40 - 3:40 p.m.)

*Girls’ Interscholastic Math Competition

*HS 3 CET Review

*Sta. Isabel College Visit

*Grade 7 Students CLAYGO Campaign

during Lunch

February 1, Monday

*Class 3H Lasallian Offering and Class

Mass (9:40 - 10:40 a.m.)

*Class 4J Integrated Lasallian Formation

Program (ILFP) - Day 1

*Grade 10 Outbound Orientation

(7:40 - 8:40 a.m.)

*Grade 8 ID Pictorial

*Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas (Finals)

(7:40 - 8:40 a.m. at St. Benilde Gym)

*Annual Physical Exam

7I 9:40 - 10:40 a.m.

7J 1:40 - 2:40 p.m.

*Class 4G Baccalaureate Song Practice

(7:40 - 8:40 a.m.)

February 2, Tuesday

*Class 4J Integrated Lasallian Formation

Program (ILFP) - Day 2

*Grade 8 ID Pictorial

*Annual Physical Exam

7C 9:40 - 10:40 a.m.

7D 1:40 - 2:40 p.m.

*Class 4F SBMA Orientation

(2:40 - 3:40 p.m.)

*Articulation-Integration with Grade

School Academic Coordinators

(1:00 - 3:00 p.m.)

February 3, Wednesday

*Class 4C Lasallian Offering and Class

Mass (12:10 - 1:10 p.m.)

*Activity Period

February 4, Thursday

*Class 4H Lasallian Offering and Class

Mass (8:40 - 9:40 a.m.)

*Grade 8I Reach-out

*Grade 10 ID Pictorial

*University of St. La Salle - Bacolod City


*Principal’s Council Meeting

February 5, Friday

*Class 4D Lasallian Offering and Class

Mass (8:40 - 9:40 a.m.)

*Grade 8I Recollection

*Grade 10 Outbound

*Lasallian Earth Day

*Class 4H Baccalaureate Song Practice

(2:40 - 3:40 p.m.)

*HS 3 CET Review (2:40 - 3:40 p.m.)

*Department Meeting

*LSGH Airforce Concert

(7:00 - 10:00 p.m. at Br. Rafael

Donato FSC Center for the

Performing Arts)

February 6, Saturday

*Grade 10 Review Session

*Principal’s Council Meeting

Page 3: HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - · PDF fileProgram ILFP - Day 1 *Grade 10 Outbound Orientation û7:40 - 8:40 a.m. *Grade 8 ID Pictorial *Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas Finals ü û7:40 - 8:40

Page 3

In the spirit of Communion and Association,

we invite the LSGH community to support the fund-raising project of DLSU-Araneta, which is raising funds

for their scholarships through a Raffle Bonanza. The Grand Draw will be held on January 29, 2016 at

the DLSU-AU Sports Complex Oval Track.

The raffle tickets are available at the ICAO and priced

at P500 each.

TO: All the Members of the Lasallian Community Come February 10, 2016, the Catholic Church will once again celebrate the Ash Wednesday which marks the start of the season of Lent. In view of this, we would like to ask for

old, blessed palm leaves that the community can use for the Ash Imposition on February 10. Please forward your palm leaves donations to the LMO office on or before January 29, (Friday) 2015.

From the Principal

COMMENDATON to . . . . Mr. Mel Alialy (Buildings & Grounds - Janitorial) for his honesty in returning the wallet of John Mendiola of Grade 7J.

We need more Lasallians like you!!!

Math Bits

From the Math Honors Society


Academic Concerns

RE: Schedule of HS 3 CET Review

Date Cluster A (Rm. 411)

Cluster B (Rm. 410)

Cluster C (Rm.408)

Cluster D (Rm. 407)

Cluster E (Rm. 406)

Cluster F (Rm. 405)

January 29 English Filipino Science Science Math English

February 5 Filipino Math Filipino Science English Math

February 19 Filipino Math Science English English Filipino

March 4 Science Science Math Math Filipino English March10 MOCK TEST MOCK TEST MOCK TEST MOCK TEST MOCK TEST MOCK TEST


Special prayers are requested for the eternal repose of the souls of Mr. Jose Pete Silvestre (Father of Mr. Monet Silvestre, Kundirana Musical Director),

Mr. Ricardo B. Rosales (Father of Mr. Rowell Rosales, Math Teacher) and Mr. Ramon B.

Bosales (Father of Ms. Marie Fe Bosales, Social Science Teacher).

Their family request for our support

through our fervent prayers in their time of sorrow.

May God grant them peace and comfort. May they rest in peace and in the loving

embrace of the Father.

Page 4: HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - · PDF fileProgram ILFP - Day 1 *Grade 10 Outbound Orientation û7:40 - 8:40 a.m. *Grade 8 ID Pictorial *Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas Finals ü û7:40 - 8:40

Page 4

Treatment Options for Dyslexia If a child has dyslexia, you may feel uncertain about what that means for the child’s ability to learn to read and write. Dyslexia is a lifelong issue. But with proper help, kids with dyslexia can learn to read and write well. Here’s a look at what helps kids with dyslexia. As you read, keep in mind that there are many non-medical ways to help your child with dyslexia. Take a look at these success stories. Are there medications to help kids with dyslexia? No medications can treat dyslexia. The brain of a child who has dyslexia processes and interprets information differently than the brain of a child who does not have dyslexia. Medicine can’t help kids process information differently. However, almost one-third of kids who have dyslexia also have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Sometimes, treating ADHD with medication can be help-ful. In that case, the medication is for ADHD, not dyslexia. Some kids with dyslexia may also deal with anxiety or depression. If this is the case for your child, talk to her doctor about whether an anti-anxiety medication or an antidepressant medication could help.

- to be continued _________ Amanda Morin. Treatment Options for Dyslexia. Retrieved from: https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/treatments-approaches/treatment-options/treatment-options-for-dyslexia




LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY – to let others see

one’s uniqueness

Why conform when you can let your

freak flag fly? Be yourself.

Source: R e t r i e v e d f r o m h t t p : / /


-english-idioms-and-slang-words/ on 16 January 2016

From the English Department


Ang Wikang Filipino ay mabisang instrumento upang ipaabot sa atin ng mga kilalang nilalang ang kanilang tagubilin.

"Patuloy na maghahasik ng karunugan at kabutihan ang guro sapagkat ang guro niya ay si Hesus"

Nerrisa Galang

FROM THE SECURITY OFFICE RE: Lost and Found Items Below are the list of lost and found items as of January 20:

1 pair Nike Rubber shoes

4 Assorted Jacket

4 pcs. Lunch Bag with lunch box

5 pcs. Tumblers

1 pc. Shoe bag with P.E. uniform

1 pc. Callaway Bag with 3 pcs. T-shirt

4 pcs. Water Jug

Page 5: HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - · PDF fileProgram ILFP - Day 1 *Grade 10 Outbound Orientation û7:40 - 8:40 a.m. *Grade 8 ID Pictorial *Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas Finals ü û7:40 - 8:40


GRADE 7 7A POBRE, Van Rafael F. 7B AMORES, Achielles L. LIBATIQUE, Kyle Julian C. 7C HERRERA, Steven Miguel U. POCOT, Kjirstof Gabriel S. SINGSON, Richard II S. 7E SALVADOR, Armando III A. TIANGCO, Bryan Kyle E. 7F APOSTOL, Edrian Marlo C. CLEMENTE, Justin Jason C. CRUZ, Hans Franco D.J. MONTEALTO, Antonio Jose A. 7G AMPIL, Joaquin Antonio T. GRADE 8 8A MONTALAN, Cyrus II G. 8B CRUZ, Gabriel Luis A. SEVILLA, Alesandro Jose Luis R. 8C DE QUIROS, Restituto III Y. MONDEJAR, Billy Bjork Justin 8D GUEVARA, Nathaniel Benedict T. MUTIANGPILI, Reynaldo Jr. C. 8E FELICIANO, Manuel Jose C. SALAO, Carlo H. SICCION, Red Martin C. 8H LAKHYANI, Yash M. 8I CODOY, Nicomedes Chester B. 8J PARAS, Carlos David VI U. GRADE 9 9A MANALANSAN, Sean Patrick T. 9B MURILLO, Matthew Robert D.

GRADE 9 9C DE GUZMAN, David Alfre G. MADAMBA, Ruzzel Reigh U. RIVERA, Sir Brendan Hans D. 9D CALINGIN, Paolo Antonio Caesar A. LEPALAM, Ladis Jr. E. ULIGAN, John Andrew J. 9E ALOG, Lorenz Wilson R. MANUEL, Rich Adrian R. PARK, Samuel C. REGINO, Mikhail Justive 9F LAKHYANI, Amit Mahesh 9G IGNACIO, Ramon Diego P. PIECHOTTA, Ronald Carlo D. TINIO, Robbie Engelo A. 9H DIONZON, Franz Erik S. GAPIT, Miguel Menandro O. 9I ONA, Matthew Philip A. PARAS, Phoenix Ethan Cyrus B. GRADE 10 10D AMBROSIO, Carlos Enrique Q. ECHIVERRE, Shintaro N. 10E MANUEL, Ralph Aron R. 10F EJERCITO, Juancho Gabriel M. 10G ARORA, Aryan EJERCITO, Julio Geraldo M. 10H NAM, Yu-Jin D. 10I CALAYAN, Martin Enrico A. CASTRO, Ernest Monty B. 10J ALONZO, Alron Cyril S. CORONEL, Francisco Luis R. KAWACHI, Ron Kiyoshi L. LOMOTAN, Diego Jose B. MARTINEZ, Gabriel Micah J. MERCADO, Antonio Joaquin N. PICACHE, Luke Andre D.

3RD YEAR 3B DE LOS REYES, Carlos Xavier M. GONZALES, Luis Jerico C. VILLANUEVA, Jose Antonio B. ZURBANO, Ildefonso Mark III M. 3D AMBROSIO, Carlos Miguel Q. DELA CRUZ, Kurt Nicholas C. FLORO, Ethan John J. 3E CATALUÑA, Ryle M. 3F MARIANO, Eric Paul I. SELUDO, Elijah Nicolas C. 3G ARCE, Harrod Richmond D. 3H FERNANDEZ, Joaquin Luis T. MAPA, Enrique Lorenzo Maria H. PARK, Yunsoo 3I ARIAS, Iñaki Gabriel R. 3J BOHOL, Gabriel Marithe V. HERBOSA, Xavier Luis O. 4TH YEAR 4C DAZO, Enrico Antonio S. ONDA, Yoshinob A. SANTOS, Christian Dave R. 4D TAGUBA, Paulo Enrico C. 4E MACEDA, Rafael Andres Manuel A. REYES, Patrick Francis S. SANTOS, Jiaan Carlo E. 4F REYES, Antonio Lorenzo R. ROMERO, Lance Ezekiel M. 4G HILARIO, Joven Miguel V. 4H APARATO, Karmann Anthony C. JUINIO, Joshua C. 4J HILARIO, Alfred Maurice F. SULIT, Dominick S.

Page 6: HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT - · PDF fileProgram ILFP - Day 1 *Grade 10 Outbound Orientation û7:40 - 8:40 a.m. *Grade 8 ID Pictorial *Grade 8 Sabayang Pagbigkas Finals ü û7:40 - 8:40