High School & Beyond Junior Year Research, Budgets and Plans, Oh My!

High School & Beyond Junior Year Research, Budgets and Plans, Oh My!

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High School & BeyondJunior Year

Research, Budgets and Plans,

Oh My!

Basic Definition: reaching your


What is “Success”?

“Success” & Our 3 Guiding ?’s

Who Am I?

Skills, Interests, Values & Lifestyle Preference

What, then, can I become?Career that are a good fit for you based on “Who Am I?”….

How do I become that?Education/Training needed for your career(s) of interest.

Today, “success” is often equated to the ability to have: Economic prosperity Job Availability/Sustainability Social Mobility

What can, at times, be left out: Job Satisfaction (“Happiness!?!”)

Success in Today’s Economy

What, then, does “success” look like in today’s economy?

What message(s) is the video trying to illustrate?

What is YOUR opinion about the video?

Think about whether or not the explanation of how to “succeed” in today’s economy has any bearing on the post-high school options YOU are currently exploring….

Take a Minute….


Technical School

Employment or

Gap YearMilitary

What option can best prepare

you for your 1st career?

2 or 4-year College

Do YOU know for sure what

type of education

or training is needed

after OHS to

prepare you for

“success” in your


IF you are thinking 4-year college…

PSAT – October 18th

7:00-11:00am at OHS Bring with you: ID, 2-3 pencils, calculator

Tickets on sale Monday, Oct. 6th Buy in ASB office ($20) before/after school & at lunch Juniors only for first 2 days Buy early to guarantee a spot and get your practice


This is your chance to qualify for the Nat’l Merit Scholarship!!! We have 13 Commended and 7 Semi-Finalists in this year’s

senior class…. next year it could be you!

Senior Parent Nite

Oct. 1st @ 6:30pm -


Preview of Senior


Oct 8 6-8pm @ Evergreen (Lecture Hall 1) How to Choose a College That’s a Good Fit for YOU

Oct 15 6-8pm @ SPSCC (Bldg. 26, Room 101) College Essays and Applications

Oct 22 6-8pm @ St. Martin’s (Cebula Hall, 3rd floor) Financing College at 2 & 4-year colleges (public & private)

Anyone is welcome to attend, even if NOT interested in these schools!

Choosing the 4-year college route takes the most preparation:

What does “success” look like to you?

How will you know you met your goal(s)?

What are your Goals?

Specific – clearly defined or identified

Measurable – able to be measured (noticeable)

Achievable – capable of being done

Rewarding – satisfying, fulfilling, worthwhile

Timely – done in a favorable/useful amount of time

Are your Goals SMART?

Short-term – by end of 1st Semester At least one academic goal 2 or more other goals related to your

activities either within or outside of OHS

Long-term – by end of 2nd Semester At least one academic goal 2 or more other goals related to your

activities either within or outside of OHS

Setting your own SMART Goals



Long & Short-term Goal Setting Final Career Matchmaker & My Skills (Finish on your own by Nov. 3rd if you run out of


Log in to www.careercruising.com

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Student ID # - 7 digits total (0 at FRONT if only 6 digits)

Today’s Tasks