A p in a te r n f E d m I c e p a c m ta a r im c f u m p a s d o m r p u s p o M L v r s s [ in s d w a H ABSTRACT Lithium Ni photonic resonato ncluding high e and nonlinear echnology to esonators on a niobate disk reso actor (Q) of 4 Exploiting the hi disks, we were mechanical vibra INTRODUCT The lack o crystal exhibits effect, linear photoelastic effe applications in community, wh manufacturing ph aking advantage Thin film L and chip-scale ph esonators have mpedance, high coupling factor, t ilters. [1,2]. C utilizing thin-film modulators, isol photonics have achieving high smoothing at cl deposited high i optical loss mic micro-machining esonators on a process, original used to define l strong cross-dom potentially be optomechanics. MEMS FABR There are tw LN micro-photo vertical side-wa esidue, 2. Achie substrate to enab MEMS nio silicon dioxide 2,5]. However, nteract with cir scattering, which device. Acousti wavelength of fe are reflected by HIGH OPT iobate (LN or ors have promis fficiency electro optics. This p achieve thin- silicon platform onator that exhi 44,000, with 50 gh optical Q in t e able to opto ation modes of a TION of inversion sy itself via its c electro-optic e ct. The piezoele surface acous hile the fiber hotonic modulat e of its electro-op LN is a promisin hotonics applica recently been h mechanical towards the goa Chip-scale photo m SOI for imple lators and optic been attempted quality aniso lose to melting ndex guiding m ro-photonic stru g technology to silicon platform lly developed f low optical loss main-coupling e used to realiz RICATION TE wo distinct fabr onic resonator o all and smooth eving clearance b le efficient mod obate resonators as a hard-mask any residue of rculating photon h will significa ic waves in R ew microns to te the anisotropic TICAL Q, P C just “niobate”) ing prospects in o-optic modulato paper presents film lithium m. We fabricated ibits high intrin 0 GHz free-spe the released free omechanically 150um radius d mmetry in the characteristic st effect, pyroele ectric effect of b stic wave dev optics industr tors and optical f ptic effect. ng platform for M ations. LN thin-f demonstrated w Q and high e al of achieving la onics has prim ementing monoli cal delay eleme d [3,4]. Due to tropic etching g point or slab material were us uctures. In cont o realize thin f m. An ion mill a for RF MEMS s photonic disks effects in LN, ze novel devic ECHNOLOGY rication challeng on silicon substr h surface profil between the LN e confinement. to date have us k to pattern the f metal or oxid ns causing optic antly reduce the RF MEMS re ns of microns. T etching defined GHZ FSR PHOTONI R. Wang Cornell Unive ) thin-film mic many applicatio ors, optomechan micro-fabricati niobate photon d a 400 m rad nsic optical qual ctral-range (FSR e-standing photon detect the rad disk resonator. Lithium Niob trong piezoelect ectric effect a bulk LN has fou vices in the ry uses LN frequency doubl MEMS applicatio film contour mo with low motion electro-mechani arge bandwidth marily focused ithic yet ineffici ents. LN thin-fi o the difficulty of LN, surfa b waveguide w sed to achieve l trast, we presen film LN photon anisotropic etchi applications, w s. Leveraging this platform c ces in chip-sc Y ges to fabricate rate: 1. Achievi les without ma device and silic sed either metal e thin-film niob de left behind c cal absorption a e optical Q of esonators have The acoustic wav device boundar R LITHIUM C RESONA g * and S. A. Bh ersity, Ithaca, cro- ons nics ion nic dius lity R). nic dial bate tric and und RF for lers ons ode nal ical RF on ent ilm of ace with ow nt a nic ing was the can cale the ing ask con or bate can and the a ves ries forming of the si devices, contrary several propaga the surf The ang mode pr the scat previous 4 m th resist ca necessar left beh self-bala adjustin act as an process, surface vertical coupling Figure (a) Pre activatio wafer; ( ion mill between mask to M-NIOBAT ATORS have NY, USA g high Q acousti idewall profile h , while the sidew y, optical wavel hundred nano ates along the etc face roughness s gled sidewall is s rofile to lie deep ttering loss from sly demonstrated hick photo-resis an then be easil ry, an additional hind. The Argon ancing between ng the ion beam an extra sidewall , we achieved s roughness, thu sidewall that is g of photons. 1: Fabrication epare the devic on; (b) Direct b (c) Grounding th l to reduce the L n LN and Silica define device ge TE-ON-SIL ic cavity. There has less impact o wall angle has a length in LN o ometers to 2um ching defined de strongly affects sometimes bene p within the guid m the surface d LN contour-m st as the mask ly rinsed off by l O 2 plasma clea n ion mill etchi n etching and incident angle, l “protection” du sidewall angle o us meeting the s necessary for f process of the ce wafer for bo onding of the LN he device wafer LN film to 400nm optical fiber; (e eometry; (f) XeF LICON efore, the surfac on the mechanica more important optical devices r m, and the op evice boundary. the optical sca ficial as it force ding material, th roughness. Our mode RF resonato with ion mill e acetone with so an ensures that n ng can be contr re-sputtering b where the re-sp uring the etchin of 87 degrees w requirement o future integrated LN disk optica onding by plas N device wafer t to 1um thicknes m for better inde e) Ion mill with F 2 timed-etch rel e roughness al Q of these role. On the ranges from ptical wave As a result, attering loss. s the optical hus reducing r group has ors [1] using etching. The onication. If no residue is rolled to be by carefully puttering can ng. With this with <10nm f a smooth d waveguide l resonator: sma surface to Si carrier ss; (d) Blank ex matching h photoresist lease. 9781940470016/HH2014/$25©2014TRF 411 Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 8-12, 2014

HIGH OPTICAL Q, GHZ FSR LITHIUM-NIOBATE-ON ......n LN (2.3). So a k into the silic the niobate d ance between t bling outstandi high optical Q. re will enab nical and photon radius

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Page 1: HIGH OPTICAL Q, GHZ FSR LITHIUM-NIOBATE-ON ......n LN (2.3). So a k into the silic the niobate d ance between t bling outstandi high optical Q. re will enab nical and photon radius











photonic resonatoncluding high e

and nonlinear echnology to esonators on a

niobate disk resofactor (Q) of 4Exploiting the hidisks, we weremechanical vibra


The lack ocrystal exhibits effect, linear photoelastic effeapplications in community, whmanufacturing phaking advantage

Thin film Land chip-scale phesonators have mpedance, high

coupling factor, tfilters. [1,2]. Cutilizing thin-filmmodulators, isolphotonics have achieving high smoothing at cldeposited high ioptical loss micmicro-machiningesonators on a

process, originalused to define lstrong cross-dompotentially be optomechanics.


There are twLN micro-photovertical side-waesidue, 2. Achie

substrate to enab MEMS nio

silicon dioxide 2,5]. However, nteract with cir

scattering, whichdevice. Acoustiwavelength of feare reflected by


iobate (LN or ors have promisfficiency electrooptics. This pachieve thin-

silicon platformonator that exhi

44,000, with 50gh optical Q in te able to optoation modes of a

TION of inversion sy

itself via its celectro-optic ect. The piezoele

surface acoushile the fiber hotonic modulate of its electro-opLN is a promisinhotonics applicarecently been

h mechanical towards the goa

Chip-scale photom SOI for implelators and opticbeen attemptedquality aniso

lose to meltingndex guiding mro-photonic stru

g technology tosilicon platformlly developed flow optical lossmain-coupling eused to realiz

RICATION TEwo distinct fabr

onic resonator oall and smootheving clearance ble efficient mod

obate resonators as a hard-maskany residue of

rculating photonh will significaic waves in Rew microns to tethe anisotropic



just “niobate”)ing prospects in

o-optic modulatopaper presents film lithium

m. We fabricatedibits high intrin

0 GHz free-spethe released freeomechanically 150um radius d

mmetry in the characteristic steffect, pyroeleectric effect of bstic wave dev

optics industrtors and optical fptic effect.

ng platform for Mations. LN thin-fdemonstrated wQ and high e

al of achieving laonics has primementing monolical delay elemed [3,4]. Due totropic etching

g point or slabmaterial were usuctures. In conto realize thin f

m. An ion mill afor RF MEMS s photonic diskseffects in LN, ze novel devic

ECHNOLOGYrication challengon silicon substrh surface profilbetween the LNe confinement. to date have us

k to pattern thef metal or oxidns causing opticantly reduce theRF MEMS rens of microns. Tetching defined


R. WangCornell Unive

) thin-film micmany applicatio

ors, optomechanmicro-fabricati

niobate photond a 400 m radnsic optical qualctral-range (FSR

e-standing photondetect the rad

disk resonator.

Lithium Niobtrong piezoelectectric effect abulk LN has fouvices in the ry uses LN frequency doubl

MEMS applicatiofilm contour mo

with low motionelectro-mechaniarge bandwidth

marily focused ithic yet inefficients. LN thin-fio the difficulty

of LN, surfab waveguide wsed to achieve ltrast, we presenfilm LN photonanisotropic etchi

applications, ws. Leveraging this platform c

ces in chip-sc

Y ges to fabricate rate: 1. Achieviles without madevice and silic

sed either metale thin-film niobde left behind ccal absorption ae optical Q of esonators haveThe acoustic wav

device boundar


g* and S. A. Bhersity, Ithaca,

cro-ons nics ion nic

dius lity R). nic


bate tric and und RF for


ons ode nal ical RF on ent ilm of

ace with

ow nt a nic ing

was the can cale

the ing ask con

or bate can and the

a ves ries

formingof the sidevices,contraryseveral propagathe surfThe angmode prthe scatprevious4 m thresist canecessarleft behself-balaadjustinact as anprocess,surface vertical coupling

Figure (a) Prepactivatiowafer; (ion millbetweenmask to


g high Q acoustiidewall profile h, while the sidewy, optical wavel

hundred nanoates along the etcface roughness sgled sidewall is srofile to lie deepttering loss fromsly demonstratedhick photo-resisan then be easilry, an additional

hind. The Argonancing between

ng the ion beam an extra sidewall, we achieved sroughness, thusidewall that is

g of photons.

1: Fabricationepare the devicon; (b) Direct b(c) Grounding thl to reduce the Ln LN and Silica

define device ge


ic cavity. Therehas less impact owall angle has a length in LN o

ometers to 2umching defined destrongly affects sometimes benep within the guidm the surface d LN contour-mst as the mask ly rinsed off by l O2 plasma clean ion mill etchin etching and incident angle,

l “protection” dusidewall angle ous meeting the s necessary for f

process of the ce wafer for boonding of the LNhe device wafer LN film to 400nm

optical fiber; (eeometry; (f) XeF


efore, the surfacon the mechanicamore important

optical devices rm, and the opevice boundary. the optical sca

ficial as it forceding material, throughness. Our

mode RF resonatowith ion mill eacetone with so

an ensures that nng can be contrre-sputtering bwhere the re-spuring the etchinof 87 degrees w

requirement ofuture integrated

LN disk opticaonding by plasN device wafer tto 1um thicknesm for better inde(e) Ion mill withF2 timed-etch rel

e roughness al Q of these role. On the

ranges from ptical wave As a result,

attering loss. s the optical

hus reducing r group has ors [1] using etching. The onication. If no residue is rolled to be

by carefully puttering can ng. With this with <10nm f a smooth

d waveguide

l resonator: sma surface to Si carrier ss; (d) Blank ex matching

h photoresist lease.

9781940470016/HH2014/$25©2014TRF 411 Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems WorkshopHilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 8-12, 2014

Page 2: HIGH OPTICAL Q, GHZ FSR LITHIUM-NIOBATE-ON ......n LN (2.3). So a k into the silic the niobate d ance between t bling outstandi high optical Q. re will enab nical and photon radius




Silicon has hight that couple

substrate. Usingesonator enable

niobate disk andoptical mode conaddition, the optomechanical imodes.

Figure 2: SEM resonator; Inset:wall, which is cresonator.

Fig. 1 showhese key MEMS

The bonding surThen, the devicedevice wafer isdiscussed later, wapered fiber, an

disk resonators iLN disk and the nfrared light is ihe core for the

blanket ion mill 400nm to reduceesonator. Ideally

LN device thickdisk geometry is and the devices he SEMs of LN

higher refractivees into the niobag XeF2 dry-etces us to achieved silicon substrnfinement in ni

free-standing interactions betw



of the LN reson: Zoom-in view

crucial for high

ws the completS processes. We rface is activate

e wafer is flip-bos ground downwe perform opti

nd one of the chs the large refrasilica fiber, wh

in the range of 2SMF-28 singleetching is used

e the effective iny a photonics d

kness to avoid thdefined by Arg

are released by disks with diffe

e index (3.4) thaate disk will leah to undercut e >10 m clearate, thereby enaobate and thus

disk structuween the mecha



nators. (a) 40umof the rim shooptical Q; (b)

te fabrication pstart with a Z-cu

ed by plasma (onded to the Si

n to 1um thickical tests on thehallenges for coactive index mismhere the refractiv. 2~2.3, and the

e mode fiber is to further thin t

dex of the opticadesigner could shis ion mill etchgon ion mill with

timed XeF2 etcherent radii. As th

an LN (2.3). So aak into the silicthe niobate d

rance between tabling outstandihigh optical Q.

ure will enabanical and photon

m radius LN optiowing smooth s500um radius L

process leveragiut white LN wafsimilar as in [6handle wafer. T

kness. As will e LN disks usingoupling light to Lmatch between ve index of LN refractive index1.45. Thereforethe device layeral mode in the dtart with a thinnh step. Finally, h photoresist mahing. Fig. 2 shohe bonding proc

any con disk the ing In

ble nic

cal ide LN

ing fer. 6]). The

be g a LN the for

x of e, a r to disk ner the

ask, ows ess

was perobservedion millhigh opt OPTIC

Figure coupling

Figure 150um r

Wenear-IR 3 showsbetweenindex ofcontact A polaripolarizaresonatophotodio

rformed at roomd in the releasedl produced a smtical quality fact


3: Optical chag to the LN disks

4: Microscope radius LN disk.

e use a tapered olaser (Santec T

s the experimenn the resonatorf light in the tapwith the LN disization controlle

ation in fiber sucor. The transmitode (Newport

m temperature, d disks. The insemooth clean sidtor.


aracterization ses.

image of the ta

optical fiber [7] tTSL-510) to the ntal setup. Due t

optical mode apered fiber, the sk rim to achieveer is introduced ch that it couplestted optical sign1544A) and m

no buckling oret of Fig. 2(a) shdewall, which is


etup using a ta

apered fiber co

to couple light fniobate disk res

to the large indeand the effectivtaper is broughte efficient couplto carefully adjs strongly with tnal is sent to amonitored on

r bending is hows that the s crucial for

apered fiber

oupling to a

from tunable sonator. Fig. ex mismatch ve refractive t to physical ling (Fig. 4). ust the light the photonic

a high-speed an Agilent


Page 3: HIGH OPTICAL Q, GHZ FSR LITHIUM-NIOBATE-ON ......n LN (2.3). So a k into the silic the niobate d ance between t bling outstandi high optical Q. re will enab nical and photon radius





DSO9404A) osnput light, we

extract the opticapropagation loss7].

Figure 5: Broadboptical resonator

Fig. 5 showm radius LN dess than 150uWesponse from th

making it an frequency spacedFrom the FSR, wextinction for themode is critical44,000 corresponThis is the higheesonators to date

Figure 6: Zoomcritically coupledLorentzian yields

scilloscope. By measure the op

al parameters (qs) by fitting the

band transmissior, showing 50GH

ws the broad-bandisk resonator. I of input opticalhe device. The exciting candi

d optical frequewe estimate the e optical resonanly coupled. Thending to an opticest optical Q dee (Figure 6).

m-in view of thd dip (at 1536.19s an extracted in

sweeping the wptical transmiss

quality factor, grtransmission d

on spectrum of aHz FSR.

nd transmission In the transmissl power was usedresonator has andate for gener

ency combs in agroup index to b

nce at 1536.19nme extracted intrcal propagation lemonstrated in c

he transmission93nm). Curve fit

ntrinsic optical Q

wavelength of sion spectrum aroup index, optiip to a Lorentz

a 400um radius L

spectrum of a 4sion measuremed to ensure a linn FSR of 50 Grating microwaa sub-1 mm2 arbe 2.09. The hi

m indicates that rinsic optical Qloss of 1.94dB/cchip-scale LN d

n spectrum of tting of the dip to

Q of 44,000.

the and ical ian


400 ent, ear

GHz ave rea. igh the

Q is cm. disk

the o a


Figure 7sensing

Figure transmisto the LN

Figoptomecradius) ian AC analyzerof the noscilloscwavelenresonanport 1 oof the L


7: Schematic of of disk vibration

8: Backgrounssion measuremN disk resonator

g. 7 shows the chanical transdis mounted on avoltage from p

r. The RF outpunetwork analyzecope to track thngth is blue-dence. When the aof the network aLN resonator, th


f the experimentan.

nd noise floorment, where the t


schematic of tduction. The LNa PZT shaker, whport 1 of an A

ut of the photodeer, and the DC he transmitted Detuned to a higactuation frequenanalyzer corresphe acoustic energ


al setup for opto

r of the opto-tapered fiber is

the experimentaN disk resonathich is excited bAgilent (N5230Aetector is connectoutput is monit

DC optical powegh optical Q, 1ncy of the PZTonds to a mechagy couples from


-mechanical not coupled

al setup for tor (150um

by supplying A) network ted to port 2 tored on the er. The laser 1500.597nm

T excited by anical mode

m the PZT to


Page 4: HIGH OPTICAL Q, GHZ FSR LITHIUM-NIOBATE-ON ......n LN (2.3). So a k into the silic the niobate d ance between t bling outstandi high optical Q. re will enab nical and photon radius



la8mffrvcoamm C


he LN disk. Themodulation of propagating in mechanical vibraoptical signal. characterize the esonator.

Figure 9: Opto-apered fiber is c

showing a 13MHhe radial breath

peaks (below 5Mwhich are also ob

To improve

aunched into the8dBm. The detumaximize the oufloor when the tfrequency peaksvibration modes.coupled to the doptimized for maat 13MHz, whichmode of the diskmodes of the lase


work opens upmodulators, frequhe multi-domain

monolithic LN-oniobate enables smaller than silioptomechanical he LN disk.

e resulting mechthe effective othe optical res

ation of the disBy measuringmechanical res

-mechanical trancoupled to the L

Hz peak corresphing mode of th

MHz) correspondbserved in Fig. 8

the output signae taper, and the nuning of the lautput signal. Figtaper is far away

(below 5MHz). Fig. 9 shows thdisk and the detaximum transduh corresponds tok. The peaks neer cavity.

N S-based fabricatp new avenuesuency doublers an {RF, photonicon-Silicon platfous to achieve 5ica resonators [guided-light det

hanical vibrationoptical path lensonator cavity. k is imprinted g the S21 parsonance of the

nsmission measLN disk resonatoonding to mechahe micro-disk. Td to tapered fibe8.

al strength, 10mWnetwork analyzeaser wavelengthg. 8 shows the y from the LN ) corresponds tohe S21 parametertuning of the la

uction. The specto the fundamentear 18MHz are

tion technology s to realize oand frequency cc, optomechanicorm. The high r50 GHz FSR, w[8]. In addition,tection of mech

n of the disk caungth of the ligAs a result, t

on the transmittrameter, we cLN photonic d

surement when or (150um radiuanical vibrationThe low frequener vibration mod

W optical powerer stimulus is seth is fine tuned

background noresonator, the l

o the tapered fibr when the taperaser wavelengthtrum shows a petal radial breathifrom the vibrati

presented in toptical resonatoombs that leveracal} coupling inrefractive index

with a footprint , we demonstratanical vibration

ses ght the ted can


the us), n of ncy des,

r is t to

to oise ow ber r is

h is eak ing ion

this ors, age n a

of 4 ted of


SridaranResearcThe desLaboratfacility, Network(Grant E



201[2] S.


[3] P. “Hsub

[4] C. Easniores

[5] R. coemirSen201

[6] D. bonvol201

[7] M. cougal

[8] J. Llowrep(20


NOWLEDGEMe authors wish ton for proof-readch Foundation foscribed work watory, and was pe

a member of thk, which is suppECCS-0335765)

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