Vol. 50 Issue #10 28th July 2014 Immersion 2014

High Notes #10 - 28th July 2014

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Marist College North Shore newsletter

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Page 1: High Notes #10 - 28th July 2014

Vol. 50 Issue #10 28th July 2014

Immersion 2014

Page 2: High Notes #10 - 28th July 2014



Dear Parents, Students and Friends,


This term we welcome back both Mr Tony McDonnell and Mrs Karen Cotte who have been on leave for a year. Tony returns from having spent a year working in the Marist Mission in Cambodia. Karen is returning from maternity leave.

Thank you to all of the parents who attended the Parent/Teacher Interviews last week. These are such an important event for the school in that it brings school and home together to discuss the core business of the education of the student.

Last Thursday evening we enjoyed the Year 12 HSC Trial Drama performances. Each of our students performed their parts well. The quality of these presentations is a credit to our drama teacher Mr Jorge Vafaes.


The three immersions to NT, Cambodia and India were all very successful. Twenty-six Year 12 students and nine teachers in total ventured into these three very different experiences. Marist North Shore has developed significant skill in its staff over the years. The College has a great Immersion strategy. Early in the year the Immersion Dinner raises funds for the three communities that we are to visit. This dinner raised $15,000 which will be divided between the three immersion centres.

Each Immersion had a formation retreat on a weekend about a month prior to the Immersions. This helps to form the three groups into teams that have a purpose and a clear understanding of the Immersion ahead.

On Immersion, each of the groups have a daily experience of meeting the local people, building relationships with these people and taking part in the daily routine of the mission.

I attended the Northern Territory Immersion. Each of our team were challenged and confronted by the difficulties faced by the Indigenous people. We were also delighted by the welcome and friendship of these people. There is no short term solution possible to the problems faced by these

people. It appears that we need to work with them to find the solutions in time to their problems.

Our Northern Territory boys worked to improve the local church by painting and cleaning the building and bell tower.

I am grateful to the teachers who accompanied these students for the time, energy and enthusiasm that they gave to the experience. All of which enabled these experiences to be safe and rewarding.

Tony DuncanHeadmaster

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As this edition of High Notes is being issued, the College will be entrenched in one of our busiest times of the year. Below is an outline of what each Year Group will be involved in:

Year 12 Year 12 have begun their Trial HSC exams and will complete the Trials over Weeks 3 and 4. They are only required to be at school when they have an examination. They return to normal classes on Tuesday 12th August. We wish them well in these important exams.

Year 11Year 11 will be on Ministry Week. With our theme for the year being ‘Service’, this presents a wonderful challenge for our students to develop their understanding of our Marist context of being present to others.

Year 10Year 10 will be getting a taste of a variety of experiences available in our workforce. They are to be congratulated on the many exciting opportunities they have been able to find. I am sure that the experiences will be worthwhile and provide some thoughts on career choices for the future.

Year 9Year 9 students will have a normal week of lessons.

Year 8Year 8 students will have normal lessons for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, they will be participating in a French festival to deepen their appreciation and understanding of our chosen language of study here at Marist North Shore. The boys will get to experience some French cooking, sports, a film study, role plays, games and craft.All boys will be involved in sport as per normal on Thursday afternoon and will be dismissed a little earlier after the final activity on Friday (approx 2:30pm).

Year 7Our Year 7 students will be involved in HSIE excursions on Monday and Wednesday at either the Blue Mountains or Sydney Opera House. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will be normal lessons.

I am sure all students will be wonderful ambassadors for the College as we engage with a incredibly diverse set of groups within our community. I would like to thank the many staff who have spent countless hours in preparation of these events. The dedication and professionalism of staff to providing such rich experiences is clearly displayed through the creation and organisation of these events.


Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who have been awarded Blue Ties for their contribution to the College:

Martin HuynhChanel

Mark MackayChanel

Michael ShippenChanel

Daniel StefanowskiChanel

Joel BrownKelly

Timothy MimisKelly

Luke MorganMoore

James KirkSalta

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IMMERSIONOn Wednesday 25th June, our group of eight students and three teachers took off on a journey of spiritual and mental realisation in a world new to all of us. Our destination was to initially be Darwin, landing into a community and region much like our own home. The first day and night

in this community was simply to begin our journey through transition. Spending this time meeting the head of Church communities from surrounding indigenous communities allowed us to gain an insight into the personalities of these people, as well as to see positive ‘side of the picture’ so to speak.

The next day was to be the beginning of an eight day long experience that no simple words could describe. The initial vision of rock and dirt highways, smashed up motor vehicles, immense levels

of litter, and vast expanses of flora, fauna and water gave us our first taste of this ‘new world’; a level of poverty unseen to many, and it was all in our own backyard. We were scared, hesitant and jittery to say the least. However these next eight days in this small town of Wadeye (formally known as Port Keats), being home to around 3000 people (95% indigenous population), was to be an experience we shall all cherish and never forget.

We were privileged numerous times along the way. Not spoilt with gifts, lollies and McDonalds but spoilt by being able to truly immerse ourselves in as many

aspects of the community lifestyle as physically as possible. The changes to the community we made in the week I believe were truly incredible; not just the physical upgrades of the church, but the positive impact and relationships we built with these people. We spent time every day working with Richard at his ‘sport and recreation hall’, getting the opportunity to interact with children and teenagers aged from 4 - 25, increasing each day with more and more kids. Parents entrusted us with their children to look after them and tire them out, and each of us built up our own special relationships amongst the children. Some of us were lucky to of made very personal relationships with these cherished kids.

The thing I’ll never leave behind from my time there is seeing the immense joy and happiness in their smiles amidst a world of poverty and hunger. The fact that by simply kicking a footy or walking with the kids made a total difference to their day was enough to make a difference in my life.

Additionally, we were also able to spend time with a number of highly influential people within the community, both indigenous and non-indigenous leaders. Margaret was the head of the women’s centre whom offered jobs to those who desired. Chris and Emily were our guides, carers and friends for the week showing us all the tricks of the trade, driving us to our destinations and ensuring we gain the trust of the kids and families at each community before we even arrived. Being welcomed to the land by a traditional owner nicknamed ‘Chief’ was also a very humbling experience.

Our journey came to a sad end on the following Saturday as we were to depart this ‘family’ in order to return to our own home. Many struggled to say goodbye to those children we grew so close with and held dear in our hearts. We flew back to Darwin, to continue through our transition stage back to our ‘Sydney lives’. We spent this time exploring the markets, the beautiful national park and understanding the heritage of Darwin at the museum.

Overall, the entire journey was a truly enlightening, humbling and awakening journey for us all. I know we’ve all taken back a little piece of Wadeye to keep in our hearts for life, and I truly hope everyone gets the opportunity to feel such a sensation at some stage of their lives - the sooner the better!

Jack Garay


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IMMERSIONThe 2014 Marist College North Shore Indian Immersion is now in its fourth year and we have been witness to the growth of the children and the parish

community at the Marist Tribal Boy’s Hostel. To truly immerse oneself in the situation of another person, one must abandon one self to the moment and the people you meet. To stand in solidarity with their plight and daily routine of the Santali children was one that the eight fine young men from Marist College North Shore embraced and exceeded all expectations.

The journey commenced well before Wednesday 25th June with Pre-Immersion tutorials and a retreat for cultural, historical, spiritual, lesson and activity preparation. However well prepared, the impact of Kolkata with the traffic chaos, extreme poverty where people live on the streets, the smells and the congestion of multitudes of humanity was an assault on the senses. Within the maelstrom of Kolkata there is a gentle rhythm of daily life where the students experienced with the Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity hospitals where the sisters and the children in their care touched our hearts.

From Kolkata’s Howrah Station we journeyed by train to Burdwan and reconnected with the parish community at Galsi at St. Francis De Sales. The students experienced the Santali community through village visits where we interacted with the families of the students at the school in the care of the parish. They taught lessons to the students at the school about Australia and shared cultural interests.

The main focus of the Immersion is the time spent with the children at the Marist Tribal Boy’s Hostel and the Chetana Clinic. Heart wrenching emotions were mixed with abundant joy and laughter as the students forged close friendships and life long connections.

The Marist College North Shore’s Immersion Program is embedded with St. Marcellin Champagnat’s pedagogy “to be with the young, to love them, to teach them the basics, to lead them to Jesus, to form them to be good Christians and to form them to be good citizens”. Champagnat’s enduring charism is at the foundation of the Immersion experience through the students being always present, through the simplicity of their actions, through family spirit in the global Marist community, through the love of work and always in the way of Mary.

The Immersion experience has touched the lives of many and has connected our College

community with the Marist family in India. It is hoped the students then become life long global citizens and continue to connect with their faith through their actions and prayer.Special thank you to the College Executive who fully support the Immersion Program, Br Peter Corr who initiated the Immersion experience in India, my fellow travellers Mrs Dawn Russell, Mr Anthony Munro and Ms Trish Kratochvil, the families of the students who embraced the Immersion and most of all, the Immersion students who were outstanding ambassadors for the College: Patrick Adams, Chris Brown, Alex Coyle, Will Eriksson, Ben Macintosh, Jordan Mann, Robbie Stevenson and Hudson Whealing.

Carolyn O’Brien


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Congratulations to the Year 7 - 11 Semester One Academic Excellence and Commitment Award winners. It is always very pleasing to see so many of our students being recognised for both their academic ability and commitment to learning. Keep up the effort for the remainder of the year!


Good luck to all of our Year 12 students who commence their HSC Trials at the beginning of Week 3. Remember to maintain a balanced lifestyle throughout the examination period – walk the dog or go for a jog as part of your study timetable. Ensure that you get plenty of sleep and eat well – particularly before an exam. If you have consistently revised throughout the HSC Year, then you should be very well prepared for the exams. It is pleasing to note that a number of you have been studying together in groups so try and continue to do so throughout the exam period.


Thank you to all of the parents and students who attended the subject selection evening during Week 1 of this term. A reminder that you have until Friday 1st August to get your selections in and if you are having any technical difficulties, to contact Mr Maoudis at the College. I look forward to seeing Year 10 parents on Tuesday 5th August for the follow up interviews. Remember to phone Mrs Kelly at the College to make an appointment.

Ann McGovernDirector of Teaching & Learning


Sean Auer Technology = 1st

Daniel Bowers Science = 1st

Thomas Brayshaw PDHPE = 1st

Jamie Burgess PDHPE = 1st

Jake Clementson Religious Education = 1st

Tom Goddard Technology = 1st

Maxim Gwozdecky PDHPE = 1st

Lachlan Heath Music

Jett Kalaf History

Benedict Lo Technology = 1st

Bailey McKissock Technology = 1st

Harry Mikhael Technology = 1st

Finn Nixon-Tomko English

Dylan Odenthal Visual Arts

Vincent O’Grady PDHPE = 1st

William Orellana Technology = 1st

Nicholas Pagano PDHPE = 1st

Henry Thompson Religious Education = 1st

Jacob Walker Science = 1st

Elliot WheelerMathematics

PDHPE = 1st

COMMITMENTNathan Albinagorta Religious Education

Luke AlthamTechnology

Visual Arts

James AppletonMathematics


Sean Auer



Religious Education

Paddy BamfordMathematics


William Byrne Music

Nikolas Chavez Technology

Fergus Coyle PDHPE

Connor Cunneen English

Kyle Devine Technology

Dorian Duschlbauer History

Thomas Evans Religious Education

Niall Ferguson Science

Thomas Gordon History

Maxim Gwozdecky Science

Charles Harrop Technology

Lachlan Heath Mathematics

Andrew HuEnglishHistory

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TEACHING & LEARNINGBenedict Lo Technology

Jack Magee Mathematics

Bailey McKissock Science

Sean Netting Visual Arts

William O’Shea Music

Guiliano ParisiReligious Education


Isaac SaundersEnglish


Lucas SimpsonPDHPE

Religious Education

Michal Stefanowski Science

Mitchell Van Den Berg PDHPE

Freddy Vodden History

Jacob Walker Science

Tristan Wentzel PDHPE

Jacob Walker History

Elliot Wheeler English

James Wong Mathematics

Mark ZabicaPDHPE



Charlie Bibb Religious Education = 1st

Lachlan Brink Technology = 1st

Benjamin Challenger Religious Education = 1st

Angelo Davy PDHPE = 1st

Adam Goodyer Technology = 1st

Oliver Grenot Science

Michael Gribben



Religious Education = 1st

Connor HungerfordPDHPE = 1st

Technology = 1st

Ryan Lange Religious Education = 1st

Leopold MetzkerReligious Education = 1st

Visual Arts

James Miller English = 1st

Liam O’GreadyHistory

Technology = 1st

Ruan PadukoneMusic

Religious Education = 1st

Luca PonaEnglish = 1st



Ethan BishopReligious Education (Chanel)


Benjamin Buchanan Geography

Jonathan Bustamante Technology

Claudio CanepaFrench


Adrian Cheung PDHPE

Isaac Choice English (Ludovic)

Layton Chu Technology

Angelo Davy Visual Arts

Liam DonovanReligion (Kelly)


Thomas Fay Mathematics

Thomas Fischlin Mathematics

William Geeves Science

Jesus Gonzalo OvejeroMusic

Religion (Salta)

Michael Gribben Science

WIlliam Hutchings Music

Michelangelo Iera


Religious Education (Ludovic)


Felix JenneyFrench


Patrick Kopoushian Mathematics

Frederick Krisman Geography

Davit Melkumyan Technology

Leopold Metzker PDHPE

James MillerGeography


Zachary Mitchell-Knight French

James NikolaouFrench


Thomas PittsEnglish (Moore)

Religious Education (Moore)

Joshua RobinsonMathematics

English (Kelly)

Luca Rodrigues History

Samuel Silcock Science

Josef SlaterEnglish (Chanel)

Visual Arts

Louis Sollano-Antonio PDHPE

Hugo Thompson History

Lucas Tually French

Dante Vivanco Visual Arts

Josiah ZanardoEnglish (Salta)


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EXCELLENCEJacob Abraham Drama

Simeon Arellano Religious Education = 1st

Samuel Bailes Commerce = 1st

Leon Blackford Mathematics 5.3 = 1st

Alexander ButlerIndustrial Technology Timber = 1st

Luke Carah Elective History= 1st

William DarlingCommerce = 1st

Food Technology = 1st

WIlliam De Laine Mathematics 5.1

Sebastian de Luca Graphics

Max EmanuelPhysical Activity & Sports Studies

Matthew FaillaInformation & Software Technology

Cameron Farnham Visual Arts

Lachlan Ford PDHPE

Lucas Mayer Mathematics 5.2

Jamie Mimis Food Technology = 1st

Michael Moran English = 1st

Shahill Nair Mathematics 5.3 = 1st

Peter Ng Religious Education = 1st

Tyrell Pedruco English = 1st

Felix Powling Science

Juan Rasines Mazo

Australian Geography

Industrial Technology Timber = 1st

Mathematics 5.3 = 1st

Angus Simpson Elective History = 1st

Tristen Van Rhoon Australian History

Lewis WattsEnglish = 1st

Photographic & Digital Media

COMMITMENTMatthew Anderson French

Simeon ArellanoPhysical Activity & Sports Studies

Samuel Bailes Science

Leon Blackford Science

Alexander ButlerPDHPE


Luke Carah Graphics

Reeve Cocks PDHPE

William DarlingMathematics


Sebastian de Luca Mathematics

Joshua Ferraz Mathematics

Brendan FitzgeraldInformation & Software Technology

Religious Education

Luka FlanniganMathematics

Religious Education

Rory Foyle English

William FrazerAustralian History

Visual Arts

Patrick Harvey Australian Geography

Harrison Hird PDHPE

WIlliam Massey English

Lucas Mayer English

Jake Morgan Food Technology

Declan MouatAustralian Geography


Jay Ong Science

Nathaniel PanozzoEnglish

Industrial Technology Timber

Callum Pastuszak Mathematics

Nathan O’DonoghuePhysical Activity & Sports Studies

Joshua PhillipsDrama


Felix Powling Mathematics

Roger Rogowski Commerce

Peter Saragas Food Technology

Dylan Sharp Religious Education

Brayden Shawcross Elective History

Marcus SilvioPhotographic & Digital Media

Alec ThompsonReligious Education


Flynn Tully Elective History

Lachlan VeitchAustralian Geography


Benjamin Watts Australian History

Dominic West Science

Nicholas Yasbic Religious Education


Bradley Anderson Mathematics 5.2

Alexander Bernes Drama =1st

Jos Brown-Collins Mathematics 5.1

Joshua Burn Science = 1st

Antony Catanzariti Graphics

George Condon Drama = 1st

William CoyleFrench = 1st

PDHPE = 1st


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Hunter EckfordAustralian Geography

Photographic & Digital Media

Morgan HananInformation & Software Technology = 1st

Dominic Harkin Drama = 1st

Oliver HerbertIndustrial Technology Timber = 1st

Thomas Kay Food Technology

Eric Manolev Commerce = 1st

Luke McDonald English = 1st

Thomas McGowan French = 1st

Jae MorganPDHPE

Physical Activity & Sports Studies = 1st

Alexander Paine Mathematics 5.3

Lukas Powling

English = 1st

Elective History = 1st

Religious Education

Thomas PriddleInformation & Software Technology = 1st

Maximillian Reyes Drama = 1st

Zachary Richmond Science = 1st

Jacob Rizk

Australian History

Commerce = 1st

Elective History = 1st

English = 1st

Kay Sharma Drama = 1st

James Tai Music

Riley Taylor Drama = 1st

Trenton Van LoonIndustrial Technology Timber = 1st

COMMITMENTBradley Anderson Graphics

William AtkinsonElective History


Aren Bedikian Commerce

Alexander Bernes Mathematics 5.32

Matthew ChheouMathematics Accelerated 4.1


George Condon

Australian History



Aiden CoxPhysical Activity & Sports Studies

William Coyle Australian Geography

Thomas Delahunty Mathematics 5.22

Giani Fenech Drama

Robert FitzgeraldInformation & Software Technology

TEACHING & LEARNINGOliver Herbert Food Technology

Samuel Hodson Religious Education

Jack Ireland PDHPE

Christopher James Science

Thomas Kay Science

Eric Manolev Religious Education

Thomas McGowanPDHPE


Blake MedwayMathematics 5.21

Physical Activity & Sports Studies

Justin Moon English

James Muil

Australian History



Bill NelsonEnglish

Photographic & Digital Media

Nathan NiguidulaReligious Education


Alexander Paine Science

Aaron Panozzo PDHPE

James Parker Music

Matthew Parker Religious Education

Alexander Partridge Religious Education

Thomas Priddle Mathematics 5.31

Jacob Rizk Australian History

Jack Rogers Australian Geography

Liam Sawers Industrial Technology Timber

Vincent Sicard Mathematics 5.1

Ryan Thompson PDHPE

Ethan Whitehouse Commerce

Dylan Willis Drama


Duke Adams Studies of Religion I = 1st

Sam Aloe Catholic Studies

David ArnoldEnglish Extension


Thomas Atkinson

Ancient History = 1st

Business Studies = 1st


Andrew Barker Economics

Austin Beins Geography = 1st

Jordan Binas Geography = 1st

Hamish BuchananBusiness Studies = 1st

Studies of Religion = 1st

Tiernan Byrne Physics = 1st

Tobias Davidson Ancient History = 1st


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Brad Falconer Modern History

Jack Freeman Visual Arts

Christopher FungMathematics Extension I

Physics = 1st

Luke Gallen



Advanced English

Branden GarrattGeography = 1st

SLR = 1st

Michael HudsonIndustrial Technology Timber = 1st

Harry LawsonGeography = 1st

Information Process & Technology

Kentaro Morita English Standard

Finnian Mullally-Muschinski Studies of Religion II

Christopher O’Shea Drama = 1st

Lukas Powling Mathematics

Alan Russell Drama = 1st

Dylan Seeto Industrial Technology Timber = 1st

Luke ShallveyMathematics General


Daniel Virgona Design & Technology

Alexander Walton Legal Studies

Mark Yeong SLR = 1st

COMMITMENTSebastian Aslan Physics

Thomas Atkinson English Advanced

Max BrowningInfomation Process & Technology


Hamish Buchanan Biology

Tiernan Byrne


Mathematics Extension I

Studies of Religion I

Harrison Chant PDHPE

Lachlan Fleming English Standard

Timothy Forti Hospitality

Andrew Fulwood

Industrial Technology

Modern History


Luke Gallen Business Studies

Raine Graham Drama

Joshua Hortinela Mathematics General

Benjamin Hough Business Studies

Samuel Johnson Visual Arts

Truman Kelly English Standard

TEACHING & LEARNINGStephen Keosseian English Standard

Ishkhan Kotoyan Studies of Religion I

Harry Lawson English Standard

Roupen Minassian English Extension I

Finnian Mullally-MuschinskiAncient History

Modern History

Mark Overstead Catholic Studies

Tye Riley Mathematics General

Matthew Sales Mathematics General

Luke Shallvey

Business Studies

English Advanced


Jack Stapelfeldt Mathematics

Benjamin Suthers




Daniel Virgona Design & Technology

Kaspars WalkerLegal Studies

Studies of Religion I

Isaac West Studies of Religion I

Mark YeongPDHPE

Studies of Religion I

Samuel Zanardo Ancient History

Forum delivered in Mandarin on,

- HSC study strategies

- Alternate pathways to university

- ATAR calculation

Keynote speaker Xue Feng Zhang is a highly experienced

Education Consultant from the University of Sydney.

Q&A session to follow.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Thursday 31st July

Hornsby Council Chambers

296 Pacific Highway Hornsby

Thursday 7th August

Dougherty Community Centre

7 Victor St Chatswood

Both forums scheduled 5:30 - 8:30 PM

Northern Sydney Parent Engagement Strategy

CALD community

For Registration please contact John Woodward, Willoughby Council

97777993 0402744378 [email protected]

Chinese Parents Forum: HSC study


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In 2014, a group of approximately twenty-two Marist students took part in the St. Mary’s Mentoring Program. On Thursdays or Friday morning, Marist students attended St. Mary’s Primary School to mentor students. Each Marist student was assigned a group of two St Mary’s students. We enjoyed our time at St. Mary’s because we are able to expand our leadership, learning and independence skills. Here are some reports from the mentors regarding their experiences in the 2014 program.

EnglishLate last term and for half of this term myself along with a few other students had the opportunity to take part in the St. Mary’s Mentoring Program. It was an experience that will never be forgotten, it enhanced my mentoring abilities, but also helped me to develop personally as well. Throughout the multiple mentoring lessons, the English mentors guided their mentees in entering a journalist competition and helped them to improve their vocabulary and to expand their knowledge into different text styles. It was a lot of fun and was very much enjoyable.

Brayden Shawcross9 Moore

MathematicsI had the privilege to mentor two primary school students from St. Mary’s Primary School in Mathematics. I went through the basics of Mathematics, such as multiplication and division. I taught them new things that I believed helped them expand their Mathematics knowledge for future years. The process expanded my leadership skills. It has been a very enjoyable experience to mentor the students and it has been a very rewarding experience.

Overall, St. Mary’s Mentoring was an enjoyable experience. We were able to improve our own skills as well as mentor the primary school children. Our coordinator, Mr. Welch was very helpful in guiding us through the program. I am sure that all the mentors have got something out of the program and it has been very rewarding to everyone involved.

Frederick Krisman8 Chanel

ScienceDuring the mentoring program Marist students mentored at St Mary’s Primary School in Science.

We used resources such as BBC Bitesize, ABC Splash, Crash Course videos and other reliable sites to help our mentees improve their learning skills in an engaging way suitable for their ability. We taught about the skeletal system and the different types of energy and how they are transferred from one form to another. We taught the periodic table of elements and reactivity. Overall it was a very enjoyable experience and it was a good challenge.

Samuel Silcock8 Chanel

St. Mary’s Mentoring was a very challenging and immersive experience. I tutored the multiple forms of energy, gravity, and plant pollination. I would definitely do it again. This program has been a very interactive and enjoyable experience and the whole science group have grown from it. We are able to learn information too as it is a completely different thing to teach it. As the students we are mentoring have grown, we have grown with them. It is because of this that the program so successful.

Ryan Mirabelli 8 Salta

Sian WelchGifted & Talented Coordinator

讲座主题: * HSC 学习策略

* 上大学的多种选择途径

* ATAR 计算方式


- Q&A 会话

- 将会提供点心


Hornsby Council Chambers

地址:296 Pacific Highway Horns-


Dougherty Community Centre

地址:7 Victor St Chatswood

两个座谈会均在 晚上 5:30-8:30 举办

Northern Sydney Parent Engagement Strategy

CALD community

如欲登记,请联系 John Woodward, Willoughby Council 97777993 0402744378 [email protected]

为中国家长举办的 HSC 学习国语座谈会

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University of WollongongSaturday 16th August

International College of ManagementSunday 17th August

UTS, City campusSaturday 30th August9am - 4pm

University of SydneySaturday 30th August9am - 4pm

Notre Dame UniversitySaturday 30th August9am - 3pm

ANUSaturday 30th August

ACU, Canberra campusSaturday 30th August

ACU, North Sydney campusSaturday 6th September 8:30am – 2:30pm

UNSWSaturday 6th September 9am – 4pm

UTS, Kuring-gai campusSaturday 6th September 11am - 1pm

ACU, Strathfield CampusSaturday 13th September 8:30am – 4pm

UWS, all campusesNewcastle University TBA

RSA | MONDAY 11 AUGUST, 9.00AM - 4.00PM


This week, after much preparation, the Year 10 students have ventured out to Work Experience. A reminder to parents that if your son is ill and unable to attend work, both the employer and the College need to be notified. It is also imperative that the College is aware of changes to the previously notified employer details. I wish to thank all parents for their support of this important program and look forward to positive reports from the students and their employers.

The Year 12 students are to be congratulated on their uptake of the RSA Course. In this busy exam period, it is important for them to remember the organisation details, see below: Date: Monday 11th AugustTime: 9.00 - 4.00pm, all boys are to arrive by 8.45amVenue: Marist College North Shore - meet at La Valla steps.

Students will need to bring writing materials with them on the day.As we have pre-paid for the delivery of this course, there will be no refunds for boys who do not attend the day.

Year 10 student who wish to apply for TVET and SBAT courses in 2015 are reminded that an additional application form is required. This form is available form Mrs Brown and a link has been provided online. Students should indicate their choice through the online preferences in the first instance however.

If parents require additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the College at [email protected] or on 9957 5000.



2015 Undergraduate Applications Open Wednesday 6 August 2014

Students are recommended to apply by Tuesday 30th September 2014, before the processing charge starts to increase.Students will have until Wednesday 7th January 2015 to finalise preferences for the Main Round of offers.

More Info: www.uac.edu.au/undergraduate/apply/

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APPRENCTICESHIP & TRAINEESHIP EXPOWed 13th August, 4pm – 7pmHornsby War Memorial2 High Street, HornsbyContact: Rachelle Elphick 0439 041 020

NOTRE DAME NURSING INFORMATION EVENINGTues 30th September, 6pmDarlinghurst CampusRegister: www.nd.edu.au/events/sydney/nursing-info

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL LEAVERS INFORMATION EVENINGWed 10th Decembermq.edu.au/future_students/undergraduate




CAMP COUNSELORS 2015 APPLICATION LAUNCH & INFORMATION SESSIONMon 4th August, 6.30pm – 7.30pm 99 York Street, Sydney

IEP WORKING ADVENTURES WORLDWIDE SYDNEY INFORMATION SESSIONSThurs 7th AugustSTA Travel Shop,841 George Street, SydneyWork USA Information Session: 6pm – 6.30pmWork Canada and Work Canada Job Fair Information Session: 6.30pm – 7pmWork Britain and Work Britain Visa Kick Start Info Session: 7pm – 7.30pmOnline Information SessionsWork Britain and Work Britain Online Visa Kick Start: Mon 11th Aug, 7.15pm – 7.45pm Work USA: Mon 11th Aug 6pm – 6.30pm Work Canada Job Fair and Work Canada: Mon 11th Aug, 6.30pm – 7.15pm Summer Camp USA: Wed 11th Aug, 7.45pm – 8.30pmwww.iep.com.au/Events.aspx

PROJECTS ABROAD INFORMATION EVENINGWed 20th August, 6.30 – 7.30pmSydney Central YHA11 Rawson Place, Sydney www.projects-abroad.com.au/about-us/meet-us/information-evenings/


NOTRE DAME YOUNG ACHIEVERS EARLY OFFER PROGRAM 2015Sydney Campus Information Booklet & Application: www.nd.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/123690/ND0226_Early_Offer_Program_WEB.pdf

UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY EARLY OFFERApplications open Wed 6th Augsydney.edu.au/future-students/domestic/undergraduate/e12/students/index.shtml


ACADEMY OF MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS OPEN DAYSat 9th August, 10.30am – 2pm, 114 Victoria Road, Rozelleampa.edu.au

COCO REPUBLIC DESIGN SCHOOL INFORMATION EVENINGTue 12th August, 6pm – 7.30pm, Coco Republic Design Centre24 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria

APM COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION OPEN DAYSat 16th August [email protected]/about-apm/upcoming-events

AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MUSIC OPEN DAYSat 16th August, 10am – 3pm1-55 Foveaux St, Sydneywww.aim.edu.au/events/2014/open-day

BILLY BLUE COLLEGE OF DESIGN CAREER DISCOVERY WORKSHOPSat 16th August171 Pacific Highway, North SydneyEmail: [email protected]: 02 9492 3242

CATC DESIGN SCHOOL CAREER DISCOVERY WORKSHOPSat 16th August, 11am – 2pm1-5 Hickson Road, The Rockswww.catc.edu.au/events/career-discovery-days-and-nights/sydney-events/saturday-16th-august-2014-catc-open-day

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All students between the ages of 13 and 16 years are invited to participate in a research project being undertaken by myself, Dawn Russell, as part of a Master of Psychology (Clinical) at Charles Sturt University. It will involve a survey administered during school hours.

Please take the time to read the information sent home and reply through your son’s tutor group or the front office. Please contact me at the College for any further information.

Dawn RussellCollege Counsellor

DEBATING Our team on the night was Hamish Buchanan, Josh Hortinella and Samuel How as 3rd. By all accounts these students debated exceptionally well. The 4th member of the team was Luke Gallen who has been a willing reserve for the final series. Overall the team won seven out of eight debates.

Their coach Mr Rob Taylor has supported all season with his time and advice. Last term, the College successfully hosted a portion of the CSDA quarter-finals, with our debaters being on hand to facilitate the night.

We thank our Headmaster, Mr Tony Duncan for attending our end of season dinner and for supporting debating throughout the year.

Greg QuinnDebating Coordinator

Our Year 11 Debaters (L-R): Hamish Buchanan, Luke Gallen, Joshua Hortinela & Samuel How

Faith in the Arts Series August 2014

7.30pm - 9pm, Mondays 4, 11, 18 August Ron Dyer Centre, 42 Ridge Street, North Sydney

Parking in St Mary's Church Grounds

Join us for an evening conversation series on the visual and literary arts

and how they illuminate our faith.


Our debating season has finally drawn to a close. In the CSDA semi-finals on Friday 18th July, our Year 11 team were defeated by Bethlehem College Ashfield in a split decision.


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REFEREES WANTEDAges 15 years & Older

Our Summer OZ TAG Competition will start on Tuesday 14th October 2014 at Tunks Park, Cammeray. All games will be played on a Tuesday

after school and during daylight savings.

The competition is for both Boys & Girls from ages 5 to 16.

We are looking for students who are 15 years and older who would like to become a OZ TAG Referee and be PAID. There are limited Spaces, so please advise us if you would like to be


For all enquiries please contact Annette Hema on 0404 610 048 or email:

[email protected]


Congratulations to Will Neuhaus (9 Chanel) who had a successful run on the ski fields during the term break.

His results included:

1st - Amelia McGuiness Cross Country Relay Sprint Race

2nd - U/16 NSW Cross Country Skiing Distance Championships

2nd - U/16 ACT Cross Country Skiing Distance Championships

Will has many more events to come this ski season and we wish him the very best of luck!


Marist North Shore’s U/13A Soccer team competed in the MCC Finals on Thursday 24th July. This was first chance at glory in over 30 years in this divisions and, after a stellar season, the boys looked to be formidable competition for the Lewisham side.

The team got off to a solid start being one goal up at half-time thanks to Nicholas Pagano. However, shortly after the beginning of the second half, Lewisham leveled 1-1 as their momentum build.

With ten minutes left on the clock, Lewisham scored the clinching goal leaving the final score 2-1. To the Marist North Shore team’s credit, they had numerous opportunities at goal due but just had no luck converting it into goals.

Overall, the season has been an outstanding one and the boys should hold their heads hgih and feel very proud of their efforts and accomplishment this season despite just missing out on the trophy. This team has much to build upon next year where hopefully a premiership is in their reach again.

A special thankyou to all the Year 7 supporters who turned out and gave the boost the team needed for this big game.

Well done boys!

Nicholas Pagano on his way to the goal during the first half

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28 Jul>8 Aug: HSC Trial Exams28 Jul>1 Aug: Year 10 Work Experience28>31Jul: Year 11 Ministry Week28 Jul: Year 7 Geography Excursion - Part 1 Solidarity - Night Patrol (Salta)29 Jul: ICAS English Competition30 Jul: Year 7 Geography Excursion - Part 230>31 Jul: Year 8 French Festival31 Jul: Year 11 Reflection Day Solidarity - Surry Hills (Kelly)5 Aug: Year 10 Subject Interviews, 1.00pm - 5.00pm Year 10 - Half Day, dismissed at 12.45pm Parent Consultation Meeting - MCNS Strategic Planning Mackillop Library & Resource Centre, 7pm6 Aug: Year 10 English Excursion8 Aug: Year 8 Reflection Day11 Aug: PUPIL FREE DAY (Staff Day) Solidarity - Night Patrol (Chanel)12 Aug: Year 12 return to classes ICAS Mathematics Competition15 Aug: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Moore)20 Aug: Marist Oratory Competition21 Aug: MCC Athletics Carnival22 Aug: WALKATHON 25>29 Aug: CULTURAL WEEK25 Aug: Solidarity - Night Patrol (Kelly)28 Aug: Winter Sports Photos29 Aug: Solidarity - Surry Hills (Salta)2 Sep: College Chess Championship4 Sep: MCC Volleyball5 Sep: Fathers Day Breakfast8>17 Sep: YEAR 11 ASSESSMENT WEEK

CANTEEN28 Jul: Linda Fung, Debbie Jenkins, Liz McGuire, Izabel Silva-Lindsey, Veronica Valderas29 Jul: Maria Pagano, Colin Wilson, Cathy Criniti30 Jul: Sam Adderton, Erica Keri, Robyn Mathôt-Gwozdecky31 Jul: Lizzy Chant, Leanne O’Grady, Antoniette Raynal, Jenny Winter1 Aug: Karen Ferguson, Suzanne Fraser, Zarli French-Thompson, Sandra Garratt, Lisa James, Kim Walker4 Aug: Lisa Brink, Penny Davis, Julie Moriaty, Maureen Knox, Jackie Pickton, Lee Sternberg5 Aug: Pip Byrne, Nicola Hart, Lyndal Jenney, Theodora Manos, Andrea Morgan, Chris Saunder6 Aug: Leanne Bishop, Ann Catanzariti, Margie Morgan, Katharine Watts7 Aug: Julie Gaidzkar, Maureen McKee, Sandra Robinson, Anton Singh, Kasumi Tucker8 Aug: Dominica Edwards, Melanie Lindquist, Susan Mayall, Joanna Milenkiewicz, Michele Mulligan, Jennifer Vahldieck

UNIFORM SHOP30 Jul: Gemma Metzker, Tracy Pitts, Josie Spano, Katherine Borkowski6 Aug: Ann Haron, Anna Ng, Angie Ong, Sira Tchaprazian, Elizabeth Hipwell



A reminder that School Fees for Term 2 are well past their due date. Families should have received their reminder Statements by both post and email during the school holidays. The College community would greatly appreciate your payment.

Please contact us at the College on 9957 5000 or at [email protected]


Parents are requested that if your visa/residency status has been updated or that you have gain Australian citizenship since your son’s enrolment, that you please ensure that you notify the College and provide a copy of your latest documents for our records.

Mark BrooksBusiness Manager

Parenting ProgramsChild & Adolescent Parenting

Tuning into Teens CoursesSkills to communicate with your teenagers so that you understanding each other better and are able to build positive relationships.Chatswood 5wks/2.5hrs 12/8-9/9, 7-9.30pm

Dealing with Teen’s Backchat WorkshopLearn how to restore a respectful and positive relationship, understand what its like being a teenager and learn how to talk to that they listen to you.Chatswood 5/8, 7-9.30pm

Enquiries: 9887 5830 www.nslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/services/CAP