Hickory Grove Church August 2017 Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Upcoming Events August 2nd-Golden Agers 2nd-Women’s Fellowship 20th-Nursing Home Service 20th-Ice Cream Social 21st-Deacon Meeting 28th-Youth council Dear Hickory Grove Church We wanted to thank you for your continued support to our school sponsorship program here at RHFH. The school year is finished and the kids are excited that summer va- cation is here. It is very hot here in Cazale right now. The rainy season has begun so that has helped to cool things off a bit. Many of the kids are visiting family in other vil- lages during vacation time. The local churches also offer activities during the summer and have planned a few sim- ple camps for them as well. Everyone is excited to have some fun activities this year. UPDATE ON MYKENLEY He is doing well this year. He has grown a few inches taller and is beginning to look so grown up. His favorite subject in school this year is science. He enjoys learning new things in school. He also likes health and likes to learn about the systems of the body. He says his favorite color is blue. His favorite foods are rice and beans and chicken. He also enjoys mangoes and watermelon. He helps his foster mama around the house by sweeping and helping to carry water to the house. They normally have coffee and brad for breakfast and then have a big meal for lunch in the early afternoon. They normally cook rice and beans with some kind of sauce to put over the rice. Cooking in Haiti is over an open fire and normally takes several hours. Everyone tries to pitch in and help to fix the meal. His family plants a lot of beans and this sea- son planted lima and black beans. They black beans are dried and then can be sold at a later date for a higher profit. UPDATE ON ANIKA She is doing great this year. She loves school and works every night on her homework. She makes a lot of effort to do well in school. She tells me her favorite subject this year is health and History. She has enjoyed learning about the different parts of the body and learning about the past history of Haiti. She likes to help her mom around the house. She likes to help cook food and does her best to fold clothes for her and her mama. She also helps her mom when she is selling goods by carrying items on her head out to where he mom sells. -- Licia Betor Real Hope for Haiti

Hickory Grove Church August 2017hickorygrove.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/17-8-Switch.pdf · 20th-Ice Cream Social 21st-Deacon Meeting 28th-Youth ... Federal Case Law. ... 10 11

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Hickor y Grove Church

August 2017

Upcoming EventsUpcoming EventsUpcoming EventsUpcoming Events


2nd-Golden Agers 2nd-Women’s Fellowship 20th-Nursing Home Service 20th-Ice Cream Social 21st-Deacon Meeting 28th-Youth council

Dear Hickory Grove Church

We wanted to thank you for your continued support to our school sponsorship program here at RHFH. The school year is finished and the kids are excited that summer va-cation is here. It is very hot here in Cazale right now. The rainy season has begun so that has helped to cool things off a bit. Many of the kids are visiting family in other vil-lages during vacation time. The local churches also offer activities during the summer and have planned a few sim-ple camps for them as well. Everyone is excited to have some fun activities this year. UPDATE ON MYKENLEY

He is doing well this year. He has grown a few inches taller and is beginning to look so grown up. His favorite subject in school this year is science. He enjoys learning new things in school. He also likes health and likes to learn about the systems of the body. He says his favorite color is blue. His favorite foods are rice and beans and chicken. He also enjoys mangoes and watermelon. He helps his foster mama around the house by sweeping and helping to carry water to the house. They normally have coffee and brad for breakfast and then have a big meal for lunch in the early afternoon. They normally cook rice and beans with some kind of sauce to put over the rice. Cooking in Haiti is over an open fire and normally takes several hours. Everyone tries to pitch in and help to fix the meal. His family plants a lot of beans and this sea-son planted lima and black beans. They black beans are dried and then can be sold at a later date for a higher profit.


She is doing great this year. She loves school and works every night on her homework. She makes a lot of effort to do well in school. She tells me her favorite subject this year is health and History. She has enjoyed learning about the different parts of the body and learning about the past history of Haiti. She likes to help her mom around the house. She likes to help cook food and does her best to fold clothes for her and her mama. She also helps her mom when she is selling goods by carrying items on her head out to where he mom sells. -- Licia Betor Real Hope for Haiti

Page 2


August 2017

I recently came across this article that I had printed off and stored. This was in 2000. That is 17 years ago! I hope this encourages everyone who reads it to step up to the plate when your chance arises.

~Pastor Ken

(Quote) This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, TN, by school principal, Jody McLoud, September 1, 2000. “It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games to say a prayer and play the National Anthem to honor God and Country. Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court I am told that saying a prayer is a violation of Federal Case Law. As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it ‘an alternative life style,’ and if someone is offended, that’s OK. I can use it to con-done sexual promiscuity, by dispensing condoms and calling it ‘safe sex.’ If someone is offended, that’s OK. I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a ‘viable’ means of birth control. If someone is offended, no problem. I can designate a school day as ‘Earth Day’ and in-volve students in activities to worship religiously and praise the goddess, ‘Mother Earth,’ and call it ‘ecology.’ I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classroom that depict people with strong, traditional Christian convictions as ‘simple-minded’ and ‘ignorant’ and call it ‘enlightenment.’ However, if anyone uses this facility to honor God and to ask Him to bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship, then Federal Case Law is violated. This appears to be inconsistent at best and at worst, diabolical. Apparently, we are to be tolerant of everything and anyone except God and His Com-mandments. Nevertheless, as a school principal I frequently ask staff and students to abide by rules with which they do not necessarily agree. For me to do otherwise would be inconsistent at best, and at worst hypocritical. I suffer from that affliction enough unintentionally. I certainly do not need to add an inten-tional transgression. For this reason, I shall ‘Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s’ and refrain from praying at this time. However, if you feel inspired to honor, praise and thank God and ask Him, in the name of Jesus, to bless this event, please feel free to do so. As far as I know that’s not against the law...yet.” One by one, the people in the stands bowed their heads, held hands with one another and began to pray. They prayed in the stands. They prayed in the team huddles. They prayed at the concession stand and they prayed in the announcer’s box. The only place they did not pray was in the Supreme Court of the United States of America – the Seat of Justice in the “one nation under God.” Somehow Kingston, Tennessee remembered what so many have forgotten. We are given the freedom OF religion, not the freedom from religion. Praise God that His remnant remains! Jesus said, “If you are ashamed of me be-fore men, then I will be ashamed of you before my Father.” (End Quote)

Verification: Mr. McLoud, who had been principal of the 740-student school for eleven years at the time, was protesting the prohibition against leading prayers “on school property, at school-sponsored events, over the school’s public address system, by a speaker representing the student body, under the supervision of school faculty,” which was brought about when the United States Supreme Court upheld the ruling in Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe that such activity violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Principal McLoud’s speech was also read into the Congressional Record on 20 September 2000 by Representative Zach Wamp of Tennessee.

Hickory Switch Page 3


Hickory Grove Church

9714 N 700 W

Delphi, IN




Ken Smith,


August ‘17

Check out our website at www.hickorygrove.info



1 2 Bryan Felz Golden Agers Women’s Fellowship

3 4 5 Dave & Angie Jacob

6 7 8 Anoria Webb

9 Kevin & Patti Lashbrook

10 11 12 Don Dill

13 Vicki Criswell Jean Barnes Violet Hughes

14 15 16 Walter Potts

17 Donna Mikesell Sharon Lantz

18 Danielle Wharff Skip Barnes


20 Pam Stevenson Nursing Home Service Ice Cream Social

21 Don Hughes Deacon Mtg

22 23 24 25 26 Vicki Sickler

27 28 Vernie & Vicki Criswell Paula Foster Youth Council

29 Ivan Veach Eric Stevenson

30 Travis Rubeck

31 1 2

Page 4 August 2017

Submitted by Sherry Hantschel

We were saddened to learn that this month's Golden Agers luncheon would be the last one at Cindi Anderson's house. Fifteen Golden Agers met on July 5, 2017. Don Hughes opened our meeting with prayer. After a deli-cious lunch Sherry Hantschel had devotions. She read Psalm 115. The theme of Psalm 115 is that God is alive. He is thinking about us, and we should put Him first in our lives. Ruth Crawn asked every-one what their favorite subject was in school. Surprisingly, Math was the winner. Helen Hanna closed our meeting with prayer. Our next luncheon will be on August 2, 2017, at 12:00 noon, at Ron & Lonetta Felz's house.

Golden Agers

Women’s Fellowship July 2017

Minutes submitted by Lonetta Felz. President Leisha Hill opened meeting with prayer. Violet Hughes provided refreshments and devotions, which were titled “The Problem of Busyness”. Women force themselves with busy-ness. We should stop, slow down, and listen. We should reflect and ask God to help us slow down. Roll call was taken with 11 people answering what their favorite patriot song was. Judy Crowel passed cards to be signed for sick and shut ins. Minutes provided by Brenda Johns were read and approved from the June 7, 2017 meeting. Pat Cot-ner made motion to accept the minutes and Glo-ria Wharff second motion. Motion carried. Treasurer report was given with balance of $430.05.

The material Aid committee suggested the Came-lot collection be extended through July. Pat Cotner reported that the Secret Sister Reveal Tea will be August 26th at 2 p.m. More informa-tion will be disclosed later. It was reminded that November will be Thank Offering, women’s prayer is June 17th and craft day collection will be deodorant and body wash for Woman to Woman program. Vicki Criswell will get a gift card for Tommy and Rachel (Bowlin) Thompson who recently mar-ried. It was reminded that the Brunch and Bazaar will take place October 21st. Our meeting was closed with Ruth Crawn giving prayer.

Hickory Grove Church will be hosting the annual Ice Cream Social to benefit the Idaville Fire Department on Sunday afternoon, Au-gust 20th from 4 to 6. The community has been very supportive of this event since it started in 2006. Most years, the fire department has brought out their trucks for the kids to ride on and we’ve had a lot of fun with this. Thanks goes out to the Fire Department for all they do! This event is sponsored by the Mission & Outreach committee and we want to thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you there!

Ice Cream Social

Page 5 August 2017

Submitted by Melanie Campbell Youth Group is now on summer break. Regular meetings will resume on Sep-tember 5, 2017. Questions may always be di-rected to Melanie Camp-bell [email protected] or (574) 601-8189.



Submitted by Stephanie Felz For those who may be interested in listening to Christians music or Christian talk radio, here are a few stations you might tune into! 90.7 FM (Christian Talk ra-dio) 100.1 FM (Christian music) 106.7 FM (Christian music)

For The Young At Heart

Cards and Visits In Your Moment of Need...

In your moment of need please feel free to call:

Pastor Ken Smith Phone: 574-826-4307 Pager: 574-722-0173

Or one of our Deacons: Cindi Anderson 574-686-2659 Ron Felz 574-965-4239 Rob Hill 574-686-2092 Alan Sickler 574-943-3236 Ron Simons 574-943-3382 Gloria Heber 765-564-4386

9714 N 700 W Delphi, IN 46923

Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: 574574574574----965965965965----2731273127312731

Ken Smith, PastorKen Smith, PastorKen Smith, PastorKen Smith, Pastor

The friendly church at the side of the road!


People who may appreciate your cards, prayers and visits:

Ann Conrad 111S Wayne St. Flora, In 46929-1362

Dee Davis 306 S Illinois St. Monticello, IN 47960 574-583-7234

Don Dill White Oak 814 S 6th Street, Monticello IN 47960

Wanda Gayer Parkview Haven, 101 Constitution Dr. Francesville, IN 47946 574- 583-6533 Bud & Arlene Stangle 1104 Foxwood Ct # 105 Monticello, IN 47960 Roger Stewart 322 South East Street Tipton, IN 46072

Have something you want to share... Sundays in Review...

Brenda White-Johns 9457 W 650 N, Delphi, IN

46923 574-965-2795

[email protected]

Did you miss a Sunday recently? No problem, you can now borrow a taped copy of the Sunday service! Copies are made every Sunday to be distributed to Shut-ins or those who were absent for whatever reason. Just contact anyone from the church, and they can get you a copy!

If you have any minutes to meetings, class party info or anything you think the rest of us might enjoy hearing about, please get it to Amy or Brenda. We can be reached at:

Amy White-Spitzer 605 Hanawalt St, Monticello, IN

47960 574-870-0793

[email protected]