--- --- of hi t I •• e4 again t hi 1. 1 cau t, 1 ., . i d . t llow nci acc. th, 29 t ' r on t tr t, nt to C hi %la It that I ..a4 nt t o C hina I 40 I . .. bern on t lntb ltttl .te. At t

hi .,.i t hi t,.fl did 10U reteIt ~1 0 tt Mi 7't"&J')clloot A ' 1 l'1ave MeD h.~e about fL year ft"" fa.h.",e ript a1'te-r the fir. in Sab Prano1sco

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Page 1: hi .,.i t hi t,.fl did 10U reteIt ~1 0 tt Mi 7't"&J')clloot A ' 1 l'1ave MeD h.~e about fL year ft"" fa.h.",e ript a1'te-r the fir. in Sab Prano1sco

---- - -


hit r~

I bullbull e4 again t hi 1 ~ 1 cau t 1

~ i d t llow

nciacc th 29 t d~1

r ont tr t nt to Chila It

on~ that I a 4

nt t o China

I 40 ~ampnre I

bern on t

A ~ lntb

ltttl te



of 10- whilt _ I ~ J w 1U tte(J tQ en b~ U~~ td 8ta a b lfu llU li ~ tai 1 OOUJ4 noc De adIJl1tte4aositf ct 1 neab41 in aM alrtlt4 And 41Ci1za1 O~ trial

Q Whan you or Vou~ r~ind poke 0 ~ I-tyat1ou utho~ltl w~ 0 akf1 bol lot ot q~ttona A D01 ~he1 only said

that tb6Y cou14 n~t 10 to entr the united states ~ 1hat 41d you tall th qftta r in ordr to prove to them yon bad

f1 rlwhC to enter th Un teci States A 1 6a14 that 1 was born in Sab lranetao laquo)tcl Wi8bed to cOlee back to the United Stat s to 1jyet nd ~ lAid that he Was not sv~~ whether I -a middotborn in ~aD 7tanolaeo c~ not

Q D14 yoU ot~r to pro~ to the 1~n1grat1on authorltlea tbat youbullbullr born ~n San 1ranci8a~ j Bo

Q- thy did nt you ottf1rgt to proy to th IICJI1atation authorltl s that yo1) wr 8 born in SAD 1r$nC1ampo 01 A 1 did not ~ow wba ampv1d~oe or lJoot 8t l1ecuarat bouae I waa a small bO ~ that tim

Q ~ou ere ~ot a 8~11 bO Wb~ you A~p11e4 at MalO~t were yOU A 10 I was 0 20 yea~$ ole then f

~ Wert ~ou t6t in th6 I~t~~ton 4e e~t1~n shed or in the jailbefQre ybu e~ triad

A t1aiJ ~ ben rau we~~ trtfd What proof d1~ you otfer J I did not o~fer

el1Ythlng Jutad thtIY poundQvt tact this laptl as ~v14eDCe thet t waa discharg ec1 br Irhe Judie

~ nS4 nt you hay 8Dyen w1t0$8se8 to p~ov to the Sulaquoge t~t you wero born 111 ad ra~lftco A tes tJ ~ father trlen4 was a W)tne48 at that tim 1~ ~ behalt

Q fbat Us YOur tsther8 fr1en4 s nau A Why de YOu amp$k theae quetlona wbam I hay alreaUly been triad and eliacharged

Q e are not sure that you are the _n that as tr1e4 _lid cliaohargtJI all4 1 aSk tbee tlv_tlons to tlnd out

V tble te m Japer ~ellver6 ta in ~erQP b1 t~ judge1Jl the 14110 ot th cva~o ottlcer

Q Whlit k1~d ot lookillg QMUl -as t Judge A J can DOt 4_cr1 tbe JU4 Sn tut~ Yay t 11 eDd 1 oul(l ltOt r 11 vea wh~ther he Jra8 en old au or bull 10tUpound _D but 1 o 0111 remeJDb Indlstlnctly bill __ t t1)pound Bd6-r DOt 1dSDWm hi8 lnitlala

~ Did)fr Badser eat 6 bard 011 hS tac A 1 4Q _t r~b that n ha4 bull 1tt~ 1IQuatach4

Q How _ell 111oa4 t- (114 10U hbullbulle to par fro lC)X18 to ~ Jrallcjeco1 ( 1 dq not la2oW bQw ~ob waa tbe tr (rca_lon li y to 8M lhallOlco Ou~ 1 patd 10 abl~ JDoa) to tltkt froro lone to au tt-t to t fI1 PranolcC) AtteMNrcSe tht ftr1e1ld told _ tbat he Jta4 14 $30 more aud t~lltl ute thttt it J 414 nol h~e he IISOJlW to par )JJlI at the t1ule 1 oould pay him hell I eshytu~d to C11~ I 0 llo1i Jmo1r wbether that was tao Ohlnbullbull ~ JD~ic~

l(as tide oth 100n_ Chin ~ (tId A I do not 1010 Jaw lon lone to San Franciacoele YV 011 trQa flOm

gt A 1 40 110t r4uDeJtb 4r 110Y It ~ bullbulls it oue 1 ~ 1 do not 9me~r at all Q W 8 l~ th~ bull h~u~l ~ A It VO~ dO not believe me take my papers

a~4 lnvet1iato 4 ~ 70~ -tr hat 10 ~ told t~ whole truth and nothing but

tht tru~ht 1~ ~h_ tonr gting testimony whl~h you have given

~14f caJ2 nmiddot~~ tQ to bullbulla hethe J you ter e born in lSaJl ~icol A I laquotQ not know or any at present ~ becau Be 1b on Who ttt1tled in ~ behalt at tbe t1me of my return fJb Cb1bullbull __ 4 ~14 10_ wbo know that 1 was born 4~ s 7ran t~O l8YO fba to Obi aDd otbe r8 bave gone

~ ~ thdt to 15

you 1 C)ta Itfl did 10U rete It ~1 0 tt Mi 7tampJ)clloot A 1 l1ave MeD

h~e about fL year ft fa he ript a1te-r the fir in Sab Prano1sco

q ~J 1 4 you working in San 1ft ft~l 00 at tit t 1JI ot the ti r eV A 1 wo~ked at Y1ng Kee alias Yet Wah on ol~ Stteet I ao not

kemt1l1ber thamp number ~ Wbtn II you lett SaD Franci8cO did you come by land 01 at8r~ A ~ train Q i~ did YOU get on the train A At O_kland4 Now ueDY days at r the t1re was that A Jew 4aY8 but I do

not re hoY -11) days I do not remember enythitlg now ~ How much r ll~ ad tare trom San Francisco hampre A About 0 Q ~Oy tar trom San FrsnOi8CO to Oak18nd~ A Just a little yayQ you walk from San henc1aco to Oakland A I neqr alk~d

my lr I went over on the oars Q ijd you go from San lraneiseo to Oakland on the traIn or street

Ca~8 A 1 do not re mber Dont k me ny mor~bull because 1 can not rememb er now

t raquo0 YCu know anybody that ever walked from San Pranc1~o to Oakland bull No do not esk me any more qu s tona lnvestigate my case by the

papers bull our marriae_ name Oy Wah

your aurname A Yee~ ~ t the Chinese 7th onth and 24th day th~ you were d1scharged

do you remember t t ~ate A I ~emember that because I was discharged atter having been in trouble Just the lame or in the same Way 1 can ~ ElDelOb er that I baye been ques tlon_d by you today

Q Are you sure that it was not the Amerloan ~tb month A Chinese 7th month Q Why did n t you get OD t he train right lti SaD Yrane laco _ A Because at the tte San nclsco was on tire there we8 much

debris allover San Franc1800 aDd dead bodies i n the etreete eo I went to Oakland

Q How did you go to O~laod trom San ~ra~1Ieo A I do not remember There 18 a body of water separttlag

Q You do not remember hether1oU went f in or by boat A_ No Q Is Polk Street in Chinatown A I do know whet her 1 t 11 in

Ohinatown or not but Polk Strbullbullt 1e only ~ small Itreet or 80rt ot alley

Q If you haye been living there cant you tell whether it Is in Chinatown A Yes 1 t 1s near Chl Qwn

Q How cl088 to -Dupont Street1 A Yea not e~ tar Q Does 1 t er085 Dupont Street A I do DOt ~eme er t ~ Who are the principal Cbinese merchants In ~anc1aco A Hat Hing Lung 1s the lWlQe ot the store Q What street 18 the 1 Ring tung on A 1 do no )temaberQ Were you ever iA t tore ~ NOt ~ o~l hear4 ot it Q What Chinese tOTe baye you ever b4eil l1l ill n Jra A 1 do not reme12lb~ what storel in Sail ~llClco tht t heen

in because I ba4 0 work 80 r4 in ~h~ l ~~dryt wa hingnd lron1nc all tb 1M

Q How ~t en do tbe ret e bull rv~ nPQ~~ Str 817 A Do not ask m aDJthlng ~ _re DO tun to be al do much Yb 411 tah ~ to $-Dv8tti ga te

Q What 1 f011- fr1 04-t -IM~ helped you at UIlU Malone n 18 not trt~ fl- bull tatbr- t s friend I do not know

b bull lOt 1 ~ S) Ii nqlbull bull Q When 414 I fir bullbull thtl ~el t _t hilJl tot the first

tl_ tll l ~e tthtl oq- to him to meet me tlter bull

Q Di4 this DaD t bullbullttfy t6 t J 4 tb_~ 70U bullbull~ born in San Franshy01ac6 A bullbullbull


r th

y ~ orosbullbull4 it but

to ampa il) r e ~4 () yo 1J9

e I a~ 10 n 6 60 e



ore e thf



  • Sun He 001
  • Sun He 002
  • Sun He 003
  • Sun He 004
Page 2: hi .,.i t hi t,.fl did 10U reteIt ~1 0 tt Mi 7't"&J')clloot A ' 1 l'1ave MeD h.~e about fL year ft"" fa.h.",e ript a1'te-r the fir. in Sab Prano1sco

of 10- whilt _ I ~ J w 1U tte(J tQ en b~ U~~ td 8ta a b lfu llU li ~ tai 1 OOUJ4 noc De adIJl1tte4aositf ct 1 neab41 in aM alrtlt4 And 41Ci1za1 O~ trial

Q Whan you or Vou~ r~ind poke 0 ~ I-tyat1ou utho~ltl w~ 0 akf1 bol lot ot q~ttona A D01 ~he1 only said

that tb6Y cou14 n~t 10 to entr the united states ~ 1hat 41d you tall th qftta r in ordr to prove to them yon bad

f1 rlwhC to enter th Un teci States A 1 6a14 that 1 was born in Sab lranetao laquo)tcl Wi8bed to cOlee back to the United Stat s to 1jyet nd ~ lAid that he Was not sv~~ whether I -a middotborn in ~aD 7tanolaeo c~ not

Q D14 yoU ot~r to pro~ to the 1~n1grat1on authorltlea tbat youbullbullr born ~n San 1ranci8a~ j Bo

Q- thy did nt you ottf1rgt to proy to th IICJI1atation authorltl s that yo1) wr 8 born in SAD 1r$nC1ampo 01 A 1 did not ~ow wba ampv1d~oe or lJoot 8t l1ecuarat bouae I waa a small bO ~ that tim

Q ~ou ere ~ot a 8~11 bO Wb~ you A~p11e4 at MalO~t were yOU A 10 I was 0 20 yea~$ ole then f

~ Wert ~ou t6t in th6 I~t~~ton 4e e~t1~n shed or in the jailbefQre ybu e~ triad

A t1aiJ ~ ben rau we~~ trtfd What proof d1~ you otfer J I did not o~fer

el1Ythlng Jutad thtIY poundQvt tact this laptl as ~v14eDCe thet t waa discharg ec1 br Irhe Judie

~ nS4 nt you hay 8Dyen w1t0$8se8 to p~ov to the Sulaquoge t~t you wero born 111 ad ra~lftco A tes tJ ~ father trlen4 was a W)tne48 at that tim 1~ ~ behalt

Q fbat Us YOur tsther8 fr1en4 s nau A Why de YOu amp$k theae quetlona wbam I hay alreaUly been triad and eliacharged

Q e are not sure that you are the _n that as tr1e4 _lid cliaohargtJI all4 1 aSk tbee tlv_tlons to tlnd out

V tble te m Japer ~ellver6 ta in ~erQP b1 t~ judge1Jl the 14110 ot th cva~o ottlcer

Q Whlit k1~d ot lookillg QMUl -as t Judge A J can DOt 4_cr1 tbe JU4 Sn tut~ Yay t 11 eDd 1 oul(l ltOt r 11 vea wh~ther he Jra8 en old au or bull 10tUpound _D but 1 o 0111 remeJDb Indlstlnctly bill __ t t1)pound Bd6-r DOt 1dSDWm hi8 lnitlala

~ Did)fr Badser eat 6 bard 011 hS tac A 1 4Q _t r~b that n ha4 bull 1tt~ 1IQuatach4

Q How _ell 111oa4 t- (114 10U hbullbulle to par fro lC)X18 to ~ Jrallcjeco1 ( 1 dq not la2oW bQw ~ob waa tbe tr (rca_lon li y to 8M lhallOlco Ou~ 1 patd 10 abl~ JDoa) to tltkt froro lone to au tt-t to t fI1 PranolcC) AtteMNrcSe tht ftr1e1ld told _ tbat he Jta4 14 $30 more aud t~lltl ute thttt it J 414 nol h~e he IISOJlW to par )JJlI at the t1ule 1 oould pay him hell I eshytu~d to C11~ I 0 llo1i Jmo1r wbether that was tao Ohlnbullbull ~ JD~ic~

l(as tide oth 100n_ Chin ~ (tId A I do not 1010 Jaw lon lone to San Franciacoele YV 011 trQa flOm

gt A 1 40 110t r4uDeJtb 4r 110Y It ~ bullbulls it oue 1 ~ 1 do not 9me~r at all Q W 8 l~ th~ bull h~u~l ~ A It VO~ dO not believe me take my papers

a~4 lnvet1iato 4 ~ 70~ -tr hat 10 ~ told t~ whole truth and nothing but

tht tru~ht 1~ ~h_ tonr gting testimony whl~h you have given

~14f caJ2 nmiddot~~ tQ to bullbulla hethe J you ter e born in lSaJl ~icol A I laquotQ not know or any at present ~ becau Be 1b on Who ttt1tled in ~ behalt at tbe t1me of my return fJb Cb1bullbull __ 4 ~14 10_ wbo know that 1 was born 4~ s 7ran t~O l8YO fba to Obi aDd otbe r8 bave gone

~ ~ thdt to 15

you 1 C)ta Itfl did 10U rete It ~1 0 tt Mi 7tampJ)clloot A 1 l1ave MeD

h~e about fL year ft fa he ript a1te-r the fir in Sab Prano1sco

q ~J 1 4 you working in San 1ft ft~l 00 at tit t 1JI ot the ti r eV A 1 wo~ked at Y1ng Kee alias Yet Wah on ol~ Stteet I ao not

kemt1l1ber thamp number ~ Wbtn II you lett SaD Franci8cO did you come by land 01 at8r~ A ~ train Q i~ did YOU get on the train A At O_kland4 Now ueDY days at r the t1re was that A Jew 4aY8 but I do

not re hoY -11) days I do not remember enythitlg now ~ How much r ll~ ad tare trom San Francisco hampre A About 0 Q ~Oy tar trom San FrsnOi8CO to Oak18nd~ A Just a little yayQ you walk from San henc1aco to Oakland A I neqr alk~d

my lr I went over on the oars Q ijd you go from San lraneiseo to Oakland on the traIn or street

Ca~8 A 1 do not re mber Dont k me ny mor~bull because 1 can not rememb er now

t raquo0 YCu know anybody that ever walked from San Pranc1~o to Oakland bull No do not esk me any more qu s tona lnvestigate my case by the

papers bull our marriae_ name Oy Wah

your aurname A Yee~ ~ t the Chinese 7th onth and 24th day th~ you were d1scharged

do you remember t t ~ate A I ~emember that because I was discharged atter having been in trouble Just the lame or in the same Way 1 can ~ ElDelOb er that I baye been ques tlon_d by you today

Q Are you sure that it was not the Amerloan ~tb month A Chinese 7th month Q Why did n t you get OD t he train right lti SaD Yrane laco _ A Because at the tte San nclsco was on tire there we8 much

debris allover San Franc1800 aDd dead bodies i n the etreete eo I went to Oakland

Q How did you go to O~laod trom San ~ra~1Ieo A I do not remember There 18 a body of water separttlag

Q You do not remember hether1oU went f in or by boat A_ No Q Is Polk Street in Chinatown A I do know whet her 1 t 11 in

Ohinatown or not but Polk Strbullbullt 1e only ~ small Itreet or 80rt ot alley

Q If you haye been living there cant you tell whether it Is in Chinatown A Yes 1 t 1s near Chl Qwn

Q How cl088 to -Dupont Street1 A Yea not e~ tar Q Does 1 t er085 Dupont Street A I do DOt ~eme er t ~ Who are the principal Cbinese merchants In ~anc1aco A Hat Hing Lung 1s the lWlQe ot the store Q What street 18 the 1 Ring tung on A 1 do no )temaberQ Were you ever iA t tore ~ NOt ~ o~l hear4 ot it Q What Chinese tOTe baye you ever b4eil l1l ill n Jra A 1 do not reme12lb~ what storel in Sail ~llClco tht t heen

in because I ba4 0 work 80 r4 in ~h~ l ~~dryt wa hingnd lron1nc all tb 1M

Q How ~t en do tbe ret e bull rv~ nPQ~~ Str 817 A Do not ask m aDJthlng ~ _re DO tun to be al do much Yb 411 tah ~ to $-Dv8tti ga te

Q What 1 f011- fr1 04-t -IM~ helped you at UIlU Malone n 18 not trt~ fl- bull tatbr- t s friend I do not know

b bull lOt 1 ~ S) Ii nqlbull bull Q When 414 I fir bullbull thtl ~el t _t hilJl tot the first

tl_ tll l ~e tthtl oq- to him to meet me tlter bull

Q Di4 this DaD t bullbullttfy t6 t J 4 tb_~ 70U bullbull~ born in San Franshy01ac6 A bullbullbull


r th

y ~ orosbullbull4 it but

to ampa il) r e ~4 () yo 1J9

e I a~ 10 n 6 60 e



ore e thf



  • Sun He 001
  • Sun He 002
  • Sun He 003
  • Sun He 004
Page 3: hi .,.i t hi t,.fl did 10U reteIt ~1 0 tt Mi 7't"&J')clloot A ' 1 l'1ave MeD h.~e about fL year ft"" fa.h.",e ript a1'te-r the fir. in Sab Prano1sco

~ ~ thdt to 15

you 1 C)ta Itfl did 10U rete It ~1 0 tt Mi 7tampJ)clloot A 1 l1ave MeD

h~e about fL year ft fa he ript a1te-r the fir in Sab Prano1sco

q ~J 1 4 you working in San 1ft ft~l 00 at tit t 1JI ot the ti r eV A 1 wo~ked at Y1ng Kee alias Yet Wah on ol~ Stteet I ao not

kemt1l1ber thamp number ~ Wbtn II you lett SaD Franci8cO did you come by land 01 at8r~ A ~ train Q i~ did YOU get on the train A At O_kland4 Now ueDY days at r the t1re was that A Jew 4aY8 but I do

not re hoY -11) days I do not remember enythitlg now ~ How much r ll~ ad tare trom San Francisco hampre A About 0 Q ~Oy tar trom San FrsnOi8CO to Oak18nd~ A Just a little yayQ you walk from San henc1aco to Oakland A I neqr alk~d

my lr I went over on the oars Q ijd you go from San lraneiseo to Oakland on the traIn or street

Ca~8 A 1 do not re mber Dont k me ny mor~bull because 1 can not rememb er now

t raquo0 YCu know anybody that ever walked from San Pranc1~o to Oakland bull No do not esk me any more qu s tona lnvestigate my case by the

papers bull our marriae_ name Oy Wah

your aurname A Yee~ ~ t the Chinese 7th onth and 24th day th~ you were d1scharged

do you remember t t ~ate A I ~emember that because I was discharged atter having been in trouble Just the lame or in the same Way 1 can ~ ElDelOb er that I baye been ques tlon_d by you today

Q Are you sure that it was not the Amerloan ~tb month A Chinese 7th month Q Why did n t you get OD t he train right lti SaD Yrane laco _ A Because at the tte San nclsco was on tire there we8 much

debris allover San Franc1800 aDd dead bodies i n the etreete eo I went to Oakland

Q How did you go to O~laod trom San ~ra~1Ieo A I do not remember There 18 a body of water separttlag

Q You do not remember hether1oU went f in or by boat A_ No Q Is Polk Street in Chinatown A I do know whet her 1 t 11 in

Ohinatown or not but Polk Strbullbullt 1e only ~ small Itreet or 80rt ot alley

Q If you haye been living there cant you tell whether it Is in Chinatown A Yes 1 t 1s near Chl Qwn

Q How cl088 to -Dupont Street1 A Yea not e~ tar Q Does 1 t er085 Dupont Street A I do DOt ~eme er t ~ Who are the principal Cbinese merchants In ~anc1aco A Hat Hing Lung 1s the lWlQe ot the store Q What street 18 the 1 Ring tung on A 1 do no )temaberQ Were you ever iA t tore ~ NOt ~ o~l hear4 ot it Q What Chinese tOTe baye you ever b4eil l1l ill n Jra A 1 do not reme12lb~ what storel in Sail ~llClco tht t heen

in because I ba4 0 work 80 r4 in ~h~ l ~~dryt wa hingnd lron1nc all tb 1M

Q How ~t en do tbe ret e bull rv~ nPQ~~ Str 817 A Do not ask m aDJthlng ~ _re DO tun to be al do much Yb 411 tah ~ to $-Dv8tti ga te

Q What 1 f011- fr1 04-t -IM~ helped you at UIlU Malone n 18 not trt~ fl- bull tatbr- t s friend I do not know

b bull lOt 1 ~ S) Ii nqlbull bull Q When 414 I fir bullbull thtl ~el t _t hilJl tot the first

tl_ tll l ~e tthtl oq- to him to meet me tlter bull

Q Di4 this DaD t bullbullttfy t6 t J 4 tb_~ 70U bullbull~ born in San Franshy01ac6 A bullbullbull


r th

y ~ orosbullbull4 it but

to ampa il) r e ~4 () yo 1J9

e I a~ 10 n 6 60 e



ore e thf



  • Sun He 001
  • Sun He 002
  • Sun He 003
  • Sun He 004
Page 4: hi .,.i t hi t,.fl did 10U reteIt ~1 0 tt Mi 7't"&J')clloot A ' 1 l'1ave MeD h.~e about fL year ft"" fa.h.",e ript a1'te-r the fir. in Sab Prano1sco


r th

y ~ orosbullbull4 it but

to ampa il) r e ~4 () yo 1J9

e I a~ 10 n 6 60 e



ore e thf



  • Sun He 001
  • Sun He 002
  • Sun He 003
  • Sun He 004